Off-topic / Integra Type-R's. Its one of those tl;dr's.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:39:38
[SIZE="1"](All of this [excluding pictures] was written with the information that I know. If Im wrong, please correct me. No plagiarism was used in the making of this thread :) ) The information may be all cluttered, so please, if you have any questions, ask away.[/SIZE] When you think of "Type-R" you think of kickassbadmotherfuckingbombass cars. But theres much more than this. The term "Type-R" is TOO overly used, and thus has lost its meaning. Kinda like JDM and UPSB The Japanese created the Type-R as an expression of a better car--ones built for performance and stability. More importantly, I will be getting in-depth about the Type-R. The Americans pretty much just ripped off the Japanese. So yeah. ALL 96-01 Integra Type-R's are classified as a DC2. DC2, DC4, DC5..etcetc are shortened characteristics of the VIN Vehicle Identification Number. This is an easier and more convienent way of identifying the car.. Older or newer years of Integra Type-R's will have differnt numbers, but it is still a DCx. So, lets get started. Before we start, ALL Integra Type-R's have the most in common. Why? Like I said before, Type-R's are built for performance, stability, and hype. The Type-R has better aerodynamics, and has a more sturdy frame than the other Integras. They all have
[*]The same engine (kinda), which is the B18C
[*]The same body weight
[*]The same body stylings (sort of. Ill go in-depth in a bit)
[*]The same dimentions
[*]The seats are made by Recardo
The yellow one is the American Type-R. As you can tell, it is obviously made by Acura. Acura is the American equivilant of Honda. It pretty much IS honda because Acura is Honda's more "luxurious line of cars". Similar to how Infinity is to Nissan, Lexus is to Toyota..but im not getting to the point. Anyway, you can clearly see the amber (nor orange, its Amber.) turn signals, and the round 4 lights. The 4 lights are infamous on the Euro and American models.
This is teh interior of teh American Type-R. As you can see, the seats look bad-fucking-ass. They are made by this super-hyped company that makes quality racing seats, which is Recardo. Now, ALL [American] integras have the same style seats, except the Type-R has them specially made by Recardo, and have different material. OTHER non-Type-R Integras have CLOTH seats, while these are suade and have red-stiching.
This is the European/UK Integra Type-R. One noticable difference is that this model is made by Honda, not Acura There are no main differences, except for the rear license plate holder, the rear Reverse light, and the clear turn signals. However, those wheels that the 1997 Euro model was NOT available on the Japanese Type-R until 1998--which is also classified as 98-spec.
As you can see, the Euro/UK model has DRASTICALLY different interior. You cant see the rear seats, and this is the best picture I could find. These front seats are called bucket seats, which holds your ass in better, so you can withstand more G's and sharp turns without moving around like a dumb bitch. The rear seats are JUST the same as the American model, except it is completely red. First off, let me clarify something. the YELLOW seats are from a German Integra Type-R. This was ONLY available in GERMANY. Which I dont understand, they look like piss. The BLUE seats (In the second link) are from a SCOTTISH Integra Type-R 2002 This is STILL a Type-R, but It is a DC5, or more commonly known in the states as an RSX. While Im on the topic of Euro and Japanese, lets learn abbreviations. EDM stands for European Domestic model, while JDM stands for Japanese domestic model. UKDM and USDM stands for..well, you should know. ITR and CTR represent Integra (or civic) Type R. Easier, clean and short. This is also a better way of stating something that identifies the car. And for the cream of the crap.. Japanese Integra Type-R
This is what is MOST commonly referred to as the Type-R. If you ask ALMOST ANYONE what an Integra-Type-R is, they'll point you to this picture. Why is this? As you see in the first picture, this is the FIRST Integra Type-R that came out. This is the 1996 model. The second model is the 98 model. Plus, movies such as The Fast and The Furious, Tokyo Drift..and the media have put this Japanese vehicle (along with 'Skyliners' and 'Silvias') into the main scene. Im saying, pretty much without those 2 factors, we wouldnt know what the FUCK a Type-R is) Back to the point. The JDM model is INFAMOUS for its long one piece headlights, opposed to the UKDM,USDM, and EDM headlights. In addition, the 1996 model has 4 lugs. This means that the wheels have FOUR lug nuts holding the wheels. The 1998 model has 5 lugs. With this said, the 1998 model is capable of holding more power, because the wheels are more secure. Engine wise, it has the same engine as all the others, except this one has a little more juice in it. It also sports a "red-top" engine. This is both a literal and figurative meaning.
As you can see, the valve cover (the red part) is..well red. You may purchase it as an additional cost on other models, but the Japanese one is STOCK. It comes with it, wheather you want it to or not.
As you can see, there are a LOT of similarities in the JDM's interior to the EDM. However, the UKDM had RED seats, for all 5 years. the JDM's interior had both red AND black seats. random fact..these TWO SEATS can go up to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a pair. No joke. Go search JDM ITR seats on eBay. Im totally out of it now. I had so much in my head, and now Im all out of it. If you have any m ore questions, please post below, and Ill do my best to answer it.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 03:37:12
So if I get an American Type-R, I could always change the signal lights to clear, and get new headlights and body kit to make it look like a Japanese Type-R? I personally like the American model, something about the way it looks.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 03:48:25
Well..yes and no. If you get an American Type-R, you CAN
[*]Change to clear signal lights
However, you can be cheap and just do the black piece like in this picture. Not as much stability though.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 03:52:38
Just to let you know..the CHEAPEST ITR in OKAY condition costs around 15k..
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 15:15:47
the back looks good, the front is shit
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:34:43
So what's a GS-R?
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 03:27:03
A different model of the integra.
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 04:04:22
Zombo;56068]nice ass bro[/QUOTE] thx [QUOTE=XYZaki;56414]So what's a GS-R?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=A.Sate wrote: A different model of the integra.
Pretty much. The two door model GSR is pretty much a dumbed down version of a Type-R. The Type-R has a B18 C4 engine, while the GSR has a B16A2 (I think, I know its a B16). The numbers represent the number of litres; B18 is a 1.8 litre, while the B16 is a 1.6. The interior is also different. It as a tan OR black leather interior. which is yuck. The 2dr GSR is classified as a DC4. Keep this in mind, itll be relavant to the next explanation ALL non-TypeR integras do NOT come in Championship White, Phoenix Yellow,and somethigomsething Black (its a special black). Only Type-R comes in those colours. GSR's are infamous for their Forest Green or soemthing like that. Its sexy as fuc. However.. The 4 door version of the GSR is the SAME BODY MODEL as the 4 door version Type-R because they both have the body model of DB8. However, the USDM version has the same body and engine specifications as the 2 door GSR. The 4 door type-r is ONLY available in Japan. Like its 2 door companion, it sports the same interior, engine..etcetc. As for the front seats, I dont know if theyre bucket seats or regular seats. Like I said in SOYC thread, you can import it straight from Japan. but as you can see.. The first link is a JDM integra in the US, registerd. Its a fucking HASSLE to register the car here, because of the EPA..etcetc. You can continue reading here However, if you look at the actual cost of the car, it isnt bad at ALL. -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 04:04:55
GSR's also have special rims designated to the model. for example..
These are "blades".
GSR mesh
GSR fat fives
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 15:46:17
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 00:44:27
ok, thanks for all the info but what is the point you've successfully proven your internet cock size with your knowledge of integras
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 01:19:19
Scott Shaputis wrote: ok, thanks for all the info but what is the point you've successfully proven your internet cock size with your knowledge of integras
mike wanted to know, that's all. pretty arrogant. i dont like that. -
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 17:47:54
I was just joking, but if you look at it from anyone else's stand point no one can see why you're really giving this information. Clarification would be nice so that we don't just think you're dumping info to no one for no reason ;p
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 02:32:56
Colin wrote: mike wanted to know, that's all.