Off-topic / RuneScape Meetup Day
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 20:51:48
Alright guys, It's time to dig your accounts back up again :p We're having a Meetup on RuneScape :D Post if you'll be There. And please state what your account is called. [COLOR="red"]Could someone please decide a time perfect for everyone?[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]The group chat will be called '[COLOR="red"]Remorseless[/COLOR]'[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]Feb X. TIME ~ NOT CONFIRMED. [COLOR="red"]4pm ~ -6GMT ~ CONFIRMED[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Varrok Central.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]WORLD 81 ~ F2P[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]~[/COLOR][COLOR="lime"]People Coming[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]~[/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"] Remorse - l-ReM0RsE-l Note, the l's are L's Shoeman6 - Shoeman6 Prince - Princescott3 TheAafg - TheAafg Wonder - PSer Wonder Sangara - Sangara Tamashii - 1LastDestiny Poisoned - Some Guy748 ASIAN-Space-Mang - Girugameshxd Integrity - We2on1 Medacyber - Midacyber Tkal - foogoo Hoiboy - hoiboy909 J A Z Z - mastergee10 Knightpal - Darkdevil746 iColor - Robomario Nachoaddict - Bomberboy777 Patelpb - patelpb2/b0w_dwn_bch Gisele 8 - Gisele8 Light - LightUPSB Mintypaladin - gus530 Hippo2626 - Loppyboy Krypton - Jianhanc PrinceXD - PrinceXD[/COLOR]
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 20:53:12
I'll b thar shoeman6
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:18:06
shoeman6 wrote: I'll b thar shoeman6
:D -
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:19:18
I just got back to runescape yesterday lol xD my account is called TheAafg
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:31:55
We can do it on 1st February - to celebrate old wildy + trading! :D Princescott3
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:42:22
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:53:12
PSer Wonder
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 22:30:21
OMG A Brit PSer!!! ^.^ Can't go that day, COD Black Ops DLC for the xbox is out then.. :/
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 22:45:35
Lol i'm a sucker... just bought a month of membership... >.< byebye $8
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 22:50:18
lol its only $6 with credit card
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 23:32:35
WHOA! I'm coming, oh and it goes down to $5 if you've had it for more than a year. My name's the same, sangara.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 23:53:04
ill come, 1LastDestiny i cant wait for free trade.. im so gonna jack my friends 3m lol
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 23:54:51
lol I haven't play rs since 07, but sure I'll go. My name is Some guy748.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 00:06:41
Argh lost my account and I can't retrieve my password...
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 00:07:40
Awesome! A lot of people coming~ Hippo, keep thinkin' xD
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 00:14:07
Played castlewars a bit, realized how much I suck/how laggy everything is.. ugh >.<
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 01:04:38
Lols hells yeah!my acc name is Girugameshxd
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 01:18:18
ill trade my account with pens! We2on1 is the name.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 02:30:52
sure ill meat up with you guys my name in the game is midacyber (medacyber wasnt available lol :))
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 04:45:54
WOAAHH... wonder plays a lot i used to play too but... 3 99s?
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 06:10:17
I never got past Tutorial Island.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 06:36:18
I might be there. foogoo
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 06:57:12
mebe hoiboy909 so what are we doing? are we meeting up in a certain world?
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 07:00:32
Runescape sucks.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 07:11:22
AwonW wrote: Runescape sucks.
. -
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 08:08:52
/in user:mastergee10
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 12:48:50
*blush* I think mine is hacked by now. Its really old.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 13:36:48
I think I botted on mine. Not sure if they banned me yet.
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 17:45:59
Updated. hoiboy, yeah~
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 17:53:37
WOAH. I'm in. Darkdevil746 When I become a member again I'll change my name to Knightpal. I made it when I was in 5th grade. LOL. LESSSGOO memories :P
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 04:00:32
AwonW wrote: Runescape sucks.
This. -
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 17:49:18
Updated. To the people who are repeatedly saying "Runescape Suck" etc. - Why Post?
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 18:01:06
Hopefully we'll have a drop party if they really do fix free trade... maybe a pking party :]. Clan? idk... btw idk if it matters but my name doesn't have a capital S so if you add me it's [B]shoeman6[/B]
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 18:04:01
PK party. I'll back stab everyone.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 23:00:07
I suck. Bomberboy777 dunno if I'll be there. Is it member only? I'm f2p :/ Unless someone can buy me membership. Who wants teh give meh free stuff for free trade? I haven't played much since they took out free trade + pk and I got bored. So we'll see what happens...
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 00:12:41
which world?
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 00:16:39
We'll meet up in a free world, probably varrock central, or somewhere nice. Would be great if the uhmm... wealthier amongst us shared a bit w/ free trade :'] but yeah, we'll keep it f2p :p
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 00:21:25
Lol I was banned for swearing at a jmod... Either 'patelpb2' or 'b0w_dwn_bch'
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 00:24:54
I think I have 200k on my account.
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 00:50:55
i ll try to be there ^^ Gisele8 is my account, lvl 85 i think, f2p
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 01:00:22
Varrok is a good place to meet up
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:47:29
when would you meet?
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:57:36
Neotoma wrote: when would you meet?
February 1st read first post. -
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 22:56:53
Updated with more details. Could someone suggest a time that's suitable for everyone? I'll choose an F2P world~
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 00:26:01
gus530 (no, gus isnt my actual name)
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 03:32:29
Just got my password back so I'm in. Loppyboy's my name. Runescape's so different...
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 03:37:50
how does.... 4:00PM -6GMT sound? we'll meet up at varrock.... be all oooo and ahhhh, and then raid the wildy together :]!
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 09:42:57
Meet in pvp??? Please:) I need to KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Lol what world?
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 18:40:54
Updated. @Jazz Read First Post. We will use Shoeman's time suggestion~
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 22:06:43
I think it would be fun to death dot in deep wilderness and mob unexpecting noobs :D we have enough people I think, and if multicombat areas are the same (I'd expect wildy to be fulll right at release) but it would be fun + profit.... :]
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 23:49:19
How bout everyone post their combat levels and what they'll be going as (mage, melee or ranged) also if they are a member or not just to see the stregth of this army. I'm level 79 melee non member (loppyboy) Thanks for the good time suggestion. It'll be 6am here and I wake up at 5.30am every morning!
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 00:18:51
Level 74, Melee, Non-member (Used to be.)
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 02:09:52
Level 41 something > mixed :/
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 17:31:11
FFFUUUUUUU- Most of the stuff I'm wearing is members. Dragon platelegs, D scimmy, etc.. anyways... Lvl 80+ (forgot) melee, magic and ranged is equal so idk for now.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 18:20:14
Level 91 Melee Or Range, which is 80
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 20:53:44
level 70 TT____TT
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 21:47:24
Okay. This will be an F2P world, so I advise you guys, if we're going Wild, Get Rune, it's the most protective out there for F2P. If you have already, great. If you haven't I STRONGLY advise you do~ Unfortunately, My full dragon, as smexy as it looks, is useless in terms of defence. Therefore I must wear Rune aswell.. Unless we have a session of showing off :p, then those of us who are members can switch afterwards to a member world, deposit members armour, then switch back to go Wild.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 06:45:19
I'm level 89. 70 attack 75 strength 70 defense 67 range 63 or something magic. 74 hp. But I think I'm just going to use like rune scimitar and d'hide or something. I'm sooooo poor lol. Haven't played this in ages. Btw I hope we don't run into bigger clans. There will be a LOT of activity on the first day. Idk if you guys all wanna go and pk on the FIRST day...
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 08:54:24
I'm Jianhanc. Lv.75. I prefer to go as melee, but I don't want to risk my armour :p Unless someone is happy to donate some runes, then I can go as a Mage, but my mage is fairly mediocre, only lv52 atm :)
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 17:56:40
Updated. I agree with Nacho.. Wildy will be VERY dangerous and hectic with massive groups with high levels, So prepare yourselves ~ If you don't want to risk it, don't take anything expensive..
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 18:05:45
im pretty noob still xD i better not say mah level. If we start owning in the wilderness, ill be behind you guys xDD
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 00:35:12
I got a ton of raw swordfish in my bank so if anyone needs any food, I'll be cooking 'em
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 00:37:50
I actually do want to go risky pking but not on the first day. That's a bit "too" risky lol. And also Feb 1st is a Wednesday. I'm not completely sure if I can do RS on a weekday :/ I think rescheduling it to the weekend after the release would be good?
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 16:40:04
Can someone make it later coz in hk thats like midnight or sthing:( pleAsszee
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 22:57:01
ya do it on a weekend cuz more ppl would be able to make it put it like sat or sun and what time would it be in florida cuz i wanna make sure i have the right time
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:06:11
I will not be able to make weekends. I'm pretty sure florida is -5 gmt? if florida is EST itd be an hour ahead of central time.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 01:02:30
I won't be able to make it on the weekends as well.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 05:26:06
Okay how about the 4th then? Maybe sometime in the early afternoon pacific time which would be later at night for GMT
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 13:24:00
depends on when and time, i might be in or not.. lets see... PrinceXD
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 03:41:32
Lolololol, I'll join you guys for the lulz. If I can remember my password.
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 16:31:41
Updated. Someone decide another time -.-"
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 23:53:16
I don't think we should go to wildy during the first days it comes out ._. Shit'll be packed. I suggest we go to Clan Wars once Jagex moves, or the Duel Arena.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 00:17:29
can someone like pm or quote me when you guys are meeting up. I check upsb almost like every 5 minutes so it shouldn't be a problem >.>
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 03:42:59
So, guys, sorry to bump. Is it confirmed that our meetup shall be in Varrock, World 81, on the 1st of February and 4-6GMT?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 08:20:22
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 08:20:56
//sorry for double post
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 09:13:11
@Krypton who confirmed it? why not go dungeoneering? im sure most of us will be in low level, and partying to dungeoneer gives way more xp than solo. it is also a group thingy to do, and its safe (u dont lose items when u die, however u do lose dungeoneering XP lol) i've been powerfishing since.. i read this thread... damn UPSB for making me go back to such a grinding game T_____T LOL [B] IGN: FrogPrinceXD[/B] it would also be better for me if its not on 1st of feb, since i have some house moving stuff to take care of... and it is like.. 9am in the morning HAHA PrinceXD P.S. Frogs FTW~
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 22:08:29
Okay, seeing as though no one is coming up with a better suggestion, those times will be CONFIRMED FEB 1ST, 6GMT, Link is in first post. That is TOMORROW guys, be prepared.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 22:11:21
I thought we wanted to meet feb 2nd because wildy and free trade, and what time gmt?...
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 22:29:09
So guys if its 6 GMT for all those EST ppl thats like 1 o clock pm :D And yeah wouldnt it be really full tomorrow???
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 22:36:51
It is now. Damn I'm half an hour late. I've logged on and it's like 6.30a.m here <.<
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:22:34
Krypton wrote: It is now. Damn I'm half an hour late. I've logged on and it's like 6.30a.m here <.<
what do you mean it is now? -
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:51:36
Damn it, wrong time.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:14:50
GUYS WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE WILD ON THE FIRST DAY IT COMES OUT? 1. It'll be the most packed shit ever. More packed than a black guy's penis in an Asian woman's vagina. Lag fest just waiting to happen. 2. I REALLY doubt everyone is going to be willing to go past level 15 wild. And so far, I see that we have a large range of people (level 40s -> 80s) which means that we can't really attack each other/other people without going ALLL the way to level 921984 wilderness. 3. Being jumped by another clan would suck. 4. Most of us are pussies. Admit it. We don't want to lose our stuff lulz. I say we go to Clan Wars (after they move it) or Duel Arena, where we can just have fun amongst ourselves.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:24:23
Can't make it, too early and it's a weekday.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:36:46
or.. Dungeoneering! PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:51:09
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make this.... work kind of gets in the way of everything.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:51:38
Rofl. I logged in just for this, last time i logged in was 753 days ago XD im only like lvl 44 o-o.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 01:37:54
free trade is on tomorrow so whoever wants to donate money to me please do!!
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 08:08:26
Loanshark wrote: GUYS WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE WILD ON THE FIRST DAY IT COMES OUT? 1. It'll be the most packed shit ever. More packed than a black guy's penis in an Asian woman's vagina. Lag fest just waiting to happen. 2. I REALLY doubt everyone is going to be willing to go past level 15 wild. And so far, I see that we have a large range of people (level 40s -> 80s) which means that we can't really attack each other/other people without going ALLL the way to level 921984 wilderness. 3. Being jumped by another clan would suck. 4. Most of us are pussies. Admit it. We don't want to lose our stuff lulz. I say we go to Clan Wars (after they move it) or Duel Arena, where we can just have fun amongst ourselves.
Okay. That's a good suggestion, there will indeed be a lag fest so there'll be lots of stuff lost. So Feb 1st is NOT the gather date.. Someone please suggest a better date for everyone... -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 11:51:53
So, Free Trade and Wildy just came back like 15 mins ago. And everyone is back on scamming like "Free trimming armour service" and stuff like that. And the Wild is packed, because even in World 1 the Grand Exchange is not that crowded.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 12:18:58
lol im currently playing too... powerfishing in fishing guild... about 67% of the fishers there are gone (bots =P) PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 14:19:00
So are weekends completely out of the question still? Otherwise the next best time for me this week would be after 11pm GMT on Friday. PS. Got a free full rune set (helm, body, legs, shield) for the poorest person who shows up and will actually continue to play and not just give up after like 2 weeks. If it's difficult to tell who's poorest, death match at duel arena.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 14:58:52
How do you tell who's poor o_O
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 15:01:52
I can afford like 15 million full rune sets. Uh, have fun. I can't go because the time is during school hours. :/
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 15:59:23
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:08:51
guys is it time to meet up yet?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:17:17
Ive been pking all day under the name [B]jhonertwert6[/B] it's not to crowded. Feel free to add me if you want to meet up, level 50, we could do some serious damage as a UPSB mob.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:23:57
i like the way you think shoeman xD UPSB mob ftw
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:25:20
So is the date going to be today or later o-o
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:27:04
guys btw by saying your levels you writing your combat levels right?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:01:43
Let's give it a week maybe? Preparation time? hm..
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:04:46
so the meetup is in 1 hr ? or in a week xD
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:40:57
It is NOT today, Waiting for someone to give me a proper time that suits everyone...
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:44:57
We don't have to make just 1 meet up day. We can have a day now, and another day sometime later
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:46:13
a lot of people are online right now, why not meet up right now?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:58:58
What's the clan chat?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 19:55:32
Hello, This Forum is for a meeting (or more...) on Runescape. World:20. Where: Chaos Temple, The Wildy. What we will be doing:To be decided on the day. Who: Anyone Above Level 50 Combat. Time: 27th February 2011, 5PM (GMT) The time may change closer to the date. If you can come mark it on your calenders, and post your Username and Combat level and join my Clan Chat-'Hasbin555'(this is my username). see you there!:banana:
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:07:41
we already have a thread for this why only people above combat level 50? don't discriminate pl0x
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:11:43
sorry then ill be missing from this time's meetup.. got stuff to do T_T enjoy guys ^_^ PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:15:55
yeah i'll be there just can you put the date up asap please, Hasbin555 how about 6th Feb 5pm(GMT)
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:18:51
dude i been to the end of the wildy on pvp lost 70m which included full bados man i no noob u r!
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:29:21
Well when you're in the wilderness and if youre as far out as the Chaos temple, you'll need to be out that far if you don't wanna get killed off pretty easily.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:38:55
lol hasbin... fail! PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 21:48:31
Join this clan chat when you go online. UPSB Spinners. I woke up early today at 5am to find out the timing has changed again....
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 21:52:43
Too many characters silly
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:02:25
Oh sorry, It's UPSB Spinner no s oh by the way I added you as a friend on rs @shoeman6, 'cause I thought the meeting was yesterday and I couldn't find you guys sorry.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:17:14
Hippo2626 wrote: Oh sorry, It's UPSB Spinner no s oh by the way I added you as a friend on rs @shoeman6, 'cause I thought the meeting was yesterday and I couldn't find you guys sorry.
are you guys meeting right now? -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:23:07
TheAafg wrote: are you guys meeting right now?
No don't think so but I'm online now if you wanna' meet me -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:23:47
Hippo2626 wrote: No don't think so but I'm online now if you wanna' meet me
it will be no use to meet you right now, i just died lost all my stuff. FUCKING HELL -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:27:13
TheAafg wrote: it will be no use to meet you right now, i just died lost all my stuff. FUCKING HELL
Ouch that's why I play this game the safe way! -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:33:38
Still isnt working
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:39:39
I went PK'ing this morning with a bunch of friends. They meatshielded for me :D We got owned by a company of rangers and mages though.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:41:13
@shoeman6 try now
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:42:04
TheAafg wrote: it will be no use to meet you right now, i just died lost all my stuff. FUCKING HELL
My hat is worth more than your whole bank and everything you own. -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:44:39
It still doesn't exist
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:45:44
crap I don't know how then can you try
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 22:45:59
loanshark is a pro :D oh yah thanks for all the stuff ^^
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 00:55:48
lawl. I need moneys to buy rune. All I got are buff members items >.>
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 03:28:19
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 03:35:50
Sorry, I meant I have 1100k for people who need money
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 03:41:09
Jazz wrote: Sorry, I meant I have 1100k for people who need money
you know you can edit you post right? i died recently and lost all my money :( donates? -
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 05:32:39
yea sure username?
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 05:38:56
@Jazz can I get some of that cash? I need money to get a sara plate body to complete my suit
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 06:15:31
How much?
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 06:21:42
Jazz wrote: How much?
Username is ="TheAafg" -
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 06:33:58
add: mastergee10 for stuff =.=
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 04:23:43
Changed my name to KnightpaI yes. That's an I instead of an L.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 23:54:33
Well it turns out 000chicken is still alive so.......add me guess. I'll probably never go on though.
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 22:05:36
Seriously GUYS, all of you, CONFIRM a DATE, and TIME for this meetup..
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 00:37:25
for weekends, tomorrow would be good for weekdays.. maybe monday? PrinceXD
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 21:15:53
Anyone around level 90, give or take five levels or so wanna pk with me sometime?
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 01:57:33
anyone level 1~14 dungeoneering? I dont mind your combat level as long as its over 40 (and 40 as in either pure melee, ranged or magic.. not mixed) I need some partners for some mass dungeoneering xp. I'm quite good with it right now. Gonna do it in f2p, even when I'm a p2p.. Reason is because I dont have any p2p skills it makes no difference. My combat is 72, specialized in both melee and magic (but I'll go magic) Message me in game if interested, I'll be powerfishing for now IGN: [B]FrogPrinceXD [/B] PrinceXD
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 02:03:11
All right... About that date. I suggest a Saturday.
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 04:25:21
just asking but did we already do the meet up cuz i wasnt online that day so did i mis it
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 16:14:47
I think we were going to, but due to assumptions that things would be a lag fest and few people could actually make, it was more of an informal thing.
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 16:17:05
god this was kind of a fail
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 03:32:13
PrinceXD wrote: anyone level 1~14 dungeoneering? I dont mind your combat level as long as its over 40 (and 40 as in either pure melee, ranged or magic.. not mixed) I need some partners for some mass dungeoneering xp. I'm quite good with it right now. Gonna do it in f2p, even when I'm a p2p.. Reason is because I dont have any p2p skills it makes no difference. My combat is 72, specialized in both melee and magic (but I'll go magic) Message me in game if interested, I'll be powerfishing for now IGN: [B]FrogPrinceXD [/B] PrinceXD
My dungeoneering level is 78. Can I join? -
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 07:48:58
Whats your combat level? I'm 72. If we want a easier run we will need some pure skillers. I was hoping something like a full party.. >__>|| Oh wells, will be powerfishing for now =D PrinceXD
Loanshark wrote: My dungeoneering level is 78. Can I join?
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 13:35:25
PrinceXD wrote: Whats your combat level? I'm 72. If we want a easier run we will need some pure skillers. I was hoping something like a full party.. >__>|| Oh wells, will be powerfishing for now =D PrinceXD
Message me if you want to play, I don't know how to dungeoneer but just add me, I'm 70ish level:mastergee10 -
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 20:46:35
wow, cant beleve so many spinner played runescape, i had a runescape account, it was like lv127, ova 30mill, good skillz, but gave it away
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 08:15:49
@Jazz We need to set a time for this dungeoneering experience.. Right now I'm level 16, and I need to do some prestige runs. Jazz if u can level to 16 before we meet up it would be better, so that we can go prestige run from F1 to whatever floor idk.. Anyone whos interested can also post here or PM me in game RCing now preparing for more dungeoneering. PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 10:48:34
if you're p2p, NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE go Dungeoneering in f2p. Even if you have no p2p stats, you get tons more xp for doing it in p2p. Oh, I'll go Dungeoneering with you when your level is over 70.
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 15:20:55
Loanshark wrote: if you're p2p, NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE go Dungeoneering in f2p. Even if you have no p2p stats, you get tons more xp for doing it in p2p. Oh, I'll go Dungeoneering with you when your level is over 70.
It's actually semi-viable if you have full teams of all people sub 90 CB. If you have: 40ish def (no more than 50) 40ish attack (no more than 50) 60+ Strength (around 80 or more would be ideal) 64 Mage (For GGS teleport) 43 Pray (Protection prays) Useful Stats: 65 RC for deaths (54 is still good for laws, bare minimum of 27 for cosmics) 40 in all "resource skills" to collect wood, ores, fish, etc 49 Smithing, but you only need it once/helping others Then you would still have decent stats to perform very adequately in the dungeon and still be below the level 90 threshold. Ranged is even worse in F2P than it is in P2P so never do it. Mage is still somewhat viable because of MBB and lack of accuracy against Forgotten Warriors. On a side note, I vote we get a UPSB Dungeoneering Clan(chat) going. -
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 15:39:18
Wait...... Whats dungeoneering? Is it new?
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 16:21:18
Tkal wrote: if you have full teams of all people [B]sub 90 CB.[/B]
^ This alone is already a fail. -
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 19:51:37
Loanshark wrote: ^ This alone is already a fail.
Players on a [B]free-to-play world[/B] who have achieved [B]a combat level of 90 or above[/B] will receive [B]50% less experience[/B] than players who have not yet achieved combat level 90 or above. Players are given this handicap because they will find it easier to go through the dungeon than the majority of other free-to-play players.
._. -
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 23:13:49
@Loanshark You're partially wrong. P2P only penalize in dungeoneering XP IF you're over combat 90. The ones below combat 90, will still get full xp in F2P. The reason for this is Jagex realized that P2P were leveling in F2P because they dont have to worry about P2P skills. And Jagex countered that by penalizing players over combat 90 and plays in F2P. I'm 72, so I can play in F2P or P2P. Both I'll get same amount of XP. PrinceXD
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 15:44:06
PrinceXD wrote: @Loanshark I'm 72, so I can play in F2P or P2P. Both I'll get same amount of XP.
That's not entirely true. While low level prestige rushes will be roughly the same, you won't be able to open P2P bonus rooms on F2P worlds on full 5:5 larges for obvious reasons. On top of that, prestige caps at 35 for F2P which hinders higher level progress. More indirectly, you don't have access to class rings, better gear, SSH, ability to make altars manually, fletching for staves, etc which all speed up dungeons. The penalty is pretty dumb though, imo. There's no scaling at all and there really shouldn't be a reason to it now that members have higher prestige caps and class rings. As soon as you hit 90, BAM, 50% xp gone. Also:Wait...... Whats dungeoneering? Is it new?
New skill they released this year. Basically instanced dungeons where you can solo or work with others to solve puzzles, kill monsters, make materials, and kill a boss. Good stuff if you have a competent team. -
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 22:07:37
Tkal;61942]._.[/QUOTE] When I said fail, I meant that your combat level just fails in general. [QUOTE=PrinceXD wrote: @Loanshark You're partially wrong. P2P only penalize in dungeoneering XP IF you're over combat 90. The ones below combat 90, will still get full xp in F2P. The reason for this is Jagex realized that P2P were leveling in F2P because they dont have to worry about P2P skills. And Jagex countered that by penalizing players over combat 90 and plays in F2P. I'm 72, so I can play in F2P or P2P. Both I'll get same amount of XP. PrinceXD
I was pretty much going to say what Tkal had already said. Also, 99% of the time, P2P players are higher in level compared to F2P players (combat and skilling stats). Which means that you generally gain more XP in other skills while you're Dungeoneering in P2P with other people. For example, if there was a Grave Creeper tree in a room, who would be more likely to cut it, a F2P or P2P player? You have access to more skills in P2P too (hurpadurp) which means you can gain more XP in other skills, like looting chests, farming herbs, making pots, etc. Oh, and P2P is more fun, in my opinion. F2P is repetitive and boring. -
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 22:25:26
Logged in for the first time in a couple months to find I'm not a member anymore, oh well.
Kinda want to start playing again, too bad I have shitty stats. WTF WHY ARE SHARKS NOW 650G? THAT'S BULLSHIT
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:01:02
They've been crashing. Should be ~1000 ea
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 05:27:39
I'm actually level 113 w/ summoning, 103 w/o. When did I ever suggest that I was sub-90? My comment was that teams of sub 90 CBs are optimal for DG. In fact, the best team of F2P DGers in my mind would probably be 99 str, 40 atk, 40 def, 64 mage, 43 (maybe more for longevity) prayer. With stats around these, you'd hover around 80-85. As for the rest of your post: Grave creepers are not available in F2P so the point is moot. F2P DGers only need level 40s in most skills to do stuff. Unless you're doing a proper 5:5 large, you generally ignore the other skills for maximum clearing speed. Even though there are quick ones like chests, it doesn't actually increase your dungoneering XP. However I agree fully with your last comment. Only thing worth doing in F2P is stakingPvP with 1 def pures and FoG when you're afraid of claw specs.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 10:27:54
So are we still gonna' meet up as a group soon?
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 11:34:53
Tkal wrote: I'm actually level 113 w/ summoning, 103 w/o. When did I ever suggest that I was sub-90? My comment was that teams of sub 90 CBs are optimal for DG. In fact, the best team of F2P DGers in my mind would probably be 99 str, 40 atk, 40 def, 64 mage, 43 (maybe more for longevity) prayer. With stats around these, you'd hover around 80-85. As for the rest of your post: Grave creepers are not available in F2P so the point is moot. F2P DGers only need level 40s in most skills to do stuff. Unless you're doing a proper 5:5 large, you generally ignore the other skills for maximum clearing speed. Even though there are quick ones like chests, it doesn't actually increase your dungoneering XP. However I agree fully with your last comment. Only thing worth doing in F2P is stakingPvP with 1 def pures and FoG when you're afraid of claw specs.
So err...why are we concerned about F2P DG if we're both 110+ P2P? xD Just wondering. I mean, sure, those stats are great for F2P DG but keep in mind, you're F2P, and those stats are pretty much only good for PvP, along with DG. My point: F2P just sucks, except for FoG. I loveeeee FoG :D -
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 14:10:07
Aside from PvP and DG, there's nothing else worth doing in F2P, so those are optimal F2P stats in general, pures aside. Looking back, I misinterpreted your post as claiming that F2P dungeoneering XP in general is totally awful, but instead you just noted that given P2P, stick to P2P servers.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 21:27:38
Just bought membership. Planning on hunting some red chins (I have 74 hunter) and then training range at monkey skeletons. I hope to get 99 range in 2 weeks or so :D
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 00:20:10
Tkal wrote: Aside from PvP and DG, there's nothing else worth doing in F2P, so those are optimal F2P stats in general, pures aside. Looking back, I misinterpreted your post as claiming that F2P dungeoneering XP in general is totally awful, but instead you just noted that given P2P, stick to P2P servers.
Pures just suck in general, in my opinion. They're only useful when you have a whole clan of them that also have tanks. -
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 14:56:06
Well it depends on the definition of "pure". In most cases, especially when talking about F2P, it's refers to 1 def 1 pray pures. However, you can have rune pures, barrows pures, strength pures, ranged pures, and even magic pures are viable at very low combat (although the drops at that level are awful and you can stay low level for very long)
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 21:09:43
so what day are we going
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 21:08:23
I don't know, we still need to decide a date and time...
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 22:26:57
the date is still not comfirmed ... really
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 10:54:11
i lost my membership, and i dont have internet at home currently ;) PrinceXD
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 12:43:05
Honestly. Someone. Please. Just. Suggest. A. Time... Please? Nyuuu~ :(
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 14:53:18
Well my classes end on Wednesday and I'll be home for Saturday. I say sometime after Saturday.
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 16:48:38
lol gave up on RS for now, got MvC3 and DR2 to focus on. so yeah, dont include me if its gonna happen sometime soon. PrinceXD