Advanced Tricks / Warped Sonic and its Variations

  1. spin300
    Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 17:34:46

    I have totaly mastered the charge in all finger slots and the twisted sonic but when i try and do a warped sonic, (and i have been trying for about a week) i do a charge and a fingerpass but it is not fleuent and the pen does not continue charging in the 2-3 slot, when i do the warped sonic the charge carrys on how come its different for the warped sonic?

  2. Oow
    Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:23:25

    There's not supposed to be any charge motion in 23 slot, except when you link it to another trick/hybrid which involves Charge. It's not the same as Twisted Sonic, and by what i've read you're doing it fine ;)

  3. MinoochX
    Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 23:14:49

    I guess im wrong?? Its not smooth at all Sent from my GT-I8160 using Tapatalk 2

  4. Materia
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 00:27:29

    Well, I'd say to get your ring finger ready as in have that a bit forward before you start the trick. Also, just work on your pass 12-23, it would help. Really no other way around it than practice. :P

  5. LighT*
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 00:30:25

    its correct, just make it smoother by doing the pass quicker and just keep repping it out and youll have it in no time ^^!

  6. flaming oracle
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 00:40:04

    there is no way this is an advanced trick -.-"""" though you are doing it correctly just more practice will make it look better

  7. Materia
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 01:10:16

    flaming oracle wrote: there is no way this is an advanced trick
    Well, anything not considered a fundamental is posted in the "advanced tricks" forum though...

  8. flaming oracle
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 02:35:29

    Markopokodude wrote: Well, anything not considered a fundamental is posted in the "advanced tricks" forum though...
    you know you right ._. why dont we have a hybrid tricks thread?

  9. MinoochX
    Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 03:27:20

    I guess admins won't want that. Forums will be harder to mod. And thanks for all that info you've given :)

  10. Klutz
    Date: Sat, May 18 2013 03:15:37

    I know how to do the warped sonic and reverse. But how the heck do you do the inverted warped sonic and reverse? I have a clue but I want to make sure so I don't do anything wrong. Can't find a video of it :S

  11. Materia
    Date: Sat, May 18 2013 13:31:01

    Klutz wrote: I know how to do the warped sonic and reverse. But how the heck do you do the inverted warped sonic and reverse? I have a clue but I want to make sure so I don't do anything wrong. Can't find a video of it :S
    I think it's a Charge > Reverse pass for an inverted warped sonic. I might be wrong though.

  12. Klutz
    Date: Sat, May 18 2013 15:44:40

    Materia wrote: I think it's a Charge > Reverse pass for an inverted warped sonic. I might be wrong though.
    Yeah that's what i think too, but I want to be sure

  13. DioBrando
    Date: Sun, May 19 2013 07:42:44

    do a charge12 then pass to 23 then charge.

  14. j3
    Date: Fri, May 24 2013 21:32:26

    start by doing sonic-inverse sonic with no charge in the middle. then remove the ring finger.