Off-topic / TI Basic Help
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 02:20:00
I'm making a program to calculate my final grade for me (on the Ti-84). Unfortunately, I'm running into some problems with the If/then statements. Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks!
Much help appreciated!:ClrHome :Disp "current grade?" :Prompt A :Disp "dream grade?" :Prompt B :Disp "final worth?" :Prompt C :(100B-100A+CA)/C > D :If :D IS>(100) :Then :Disp "sucks for you noob" :Else :Disp "u need" :Disp D :End
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 04:38:34
Why don't you spend time studying for your finals instead of trying to write programs that will have a conversation with you. about your final.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 04:57:27
Finals aren't for another 5 ish months.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:12:09
Use the STO> key
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:37:05
dude trust me don't start getting into ti-84 programming ... i know too many kids who got immersed in that but didn't learn any real languages and now they feel stupid that's like more complex to learn than c or python, code it in something real and you get the same results AND actual life skills
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:49:23
what?? its def not "more complex" to learn, its only got a few commands and its not object-oriented. in fact it is a lower level programming language that uses GOTO commands lol. High level languages nowadays don't use GOTO cuz they're terrible to break, but learning TI Basic can give you insight in compiler code and Assembly. if you want to learn hardware programming or how compilers work, TI basic is more useful than java or python. what exactly is the problem with your code??
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:53:01
Zombo wrote: what?? its def not "more complex" to learn, its only got a few commands and its not object-oriented. in fact it is a lower level programming language that uses GOTO commands lol. High level languages nowadays don't use GOTO cuz they're terrible to break, but learning TI Basic can give you insight in compiler code and Assembly. if you want to learn hardware programming or how compilers work, TI basic is more useful than java or python. what exactly is the problem with your code??
Listen to this real nigga. -
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:57:58
python is waaaaay more useful than TI coding, i dont' know wtf you're smoking lol c basic and python are both just as easy to learn as TI coding ... only they're actually used for things in real life ... i never thought i'd ever ever ever hear a computer science major defend TI coding over learning something real ... there's absolutely no point or benefit
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:00:24
strat1227 wrote: python is waaaaay more useful than TI coding, i dont' know wtf you're smoking lol c basic and python are both just as easy to learn as TI coding ... only they're actually used for things in real life ... i never thought i'd ever ever ever hear a computer science major defend TI coding over learning something real ... there's absolutely no point or benefit
huh? it depends what you're doing if you're doing hardware programming, java won't help you at all, it abstracts much of the details, in assembly you need to learn how to manually do procedure calls and looping using gotos. TI basic is a little bit higher level than assembly, but its closer than java at least. if ur doing regular programing, then you don't need to care about assembly. i never said ti basic is a good thing to learn, but its better than java or python in certain contexts. -
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:06:05
lol ok, so your only point is that there are certain (very few and very specific) instances where this might have some tangible benefits over other very specific coding languages (not C basic) my point is that learning C basic is always more beneficial than TI coding our points aren't mutually exclusive so i'm not sure what you're saying
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:13:27
well regular basic and TI basic is basically the same thing. hmm C is pretty good but its still not as low level as TI basic I think my prefered path would be Java -> C -> Assembly I think but there's no harm in learning TI basic in class... if laptops are not allowed, its not like you code anything else anyway... i coded in TI basic, it was pretty fun lol, my best program was Whack-a-Mole (its like a simple version of TonTon or whatever its called), I also made a turn-based fighter game where you had to input moves (hadoken = 236A, shoryuken = 623A)
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:16:13
C has more upperlevel stuff that you can do, but to write a basic program is just as easy with C as TI is my point meaning if you're going to spend time outside of school learning to code something, why not do it in C, that was all i was trying to say yeah if you spend time in class, whatever that doesn't matter, but people who code NOTHING but TI always regret wasting their time
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:19:27
yeah but in C you dont have to use GOTOs, if you want to learn what GOTOs are, BASIC will teach you.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:20:32
lol what a purist
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:43:25
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 23:42:09
@Zombo: Something's wrong in the syntax of the If/then/else statements.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 01:12:25
:If condition :Then :one or more statements :End
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 02:15:43
like this?:If D IS>(100) :Then :Disp "sucks for you noob" :Else :Disp "u need", D :End
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 03:25:35
just try it?
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 03:49:35
Wait, so did Zombo just get owned?
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 04:19:12
lol no we just weren't understanding what the other person was saying
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 05:38:47
I'd rather make seperate programs displaying the comments and have the main program call them.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 06:31:26
[CODE]:ClrHome :Input "Current Grade: ", A :Input "Dream Grade: ", B :Input "Final Worth: ", C :((100B-100A+CA)/C) -> D :If D > 100 :Output(7,1,"Too bad!") :Else :Output(7,1,"You will need a:") :Output(8,1,D) :Output(8,5,"Percent...") :Pause :Stop[/CODE] The number of spaces is important for AESTHETICS. Tell me how this works, btw. I haven't "coded" in Ti-Basic since 8th grade. I have an 89 now so I can't test it.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 20:42:25
Lol TI-BASIC was the first programming language that I learned (I have a TI-82 Stats and a Ti-83+). Then I learned z80-Assembler, then I learned C++ then Deplhi (in school) and now I learn php (started learning XHTML and CSS at home then HTML and PHP + MYSQL in school). C++ is my favorite languge. greets MM
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 02:50:50
Storm wrote: [CODE] :Output(7,1,"Too bad!") :Else :Output(7,1,"You will need a:") :Output(8,1,D) :Output(8,5,"Percent...") :Pause :Stop[/CODE]
I don't get this part. Explanation please. -
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 21:29:48
hoiboy wrote: I don't get this part. Explanation please.
Is this your first time programming? -
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 22:35:07
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:10:01
The output command's syntax is "output(
, ," ")." Simple enough. -
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:15:39
Nope, doesn't work.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 04:23:06
*shrugs* Dunno. ^_^ has tutorials for you, although this really is a useless language. You. Will. Never. Need. It.