Trading / Buying / PenWish Requests/Questions/Merchandise Thread
Date: Tue, Jun 8 2010 17:44:57
If there is anything that you would like added to the PenWish Store, this is the public place to do so. Alternatively, you can privately contact Eric, of PenWish: msn : [email][email protected][/email] aim: penwish123 yahoo: [email][email protected][/email] PenWish public email: [email][email protected][/email] Also, in order to reduce the number of stickies, this will serve as the product update thread. So post anything new in the store here! ---- UCPSB Request Thread UCPSB Merchandise Thread UPSBv3 Original Thread
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 02:51:25
i was wondering if youre going to restock white sunbursts theyre almost all gone
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 15:58:34
cpuld you restock metal needlepoints and white hggs too?
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 06:11:00
Please sell Waterfall mods :O i would like to buy one premodded.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:09:49
what happened to airblancs btw?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:20:50
could you add some more white sunbursts i need 14 :D
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:26:44
white sb has been restocked. white hggs needle pts are up too. waterfall will be available shortly
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:27:29
what happened to the white UPSB cases?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:29:34
they were stuck in customs and then sent back to korea. sending them over again via different method in a few weeks. so none for now =/
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:50:26
Nachoaddict wrote: what happened to airblancs btw?
~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 07:20:32
For the waterfall mod when is "soon" do you have an approximate date/time? Because I want to get one asap without modding myself.
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 07:32:09
lamluong wrote: For the waterfall mod when is "soon" do you have an approximate date/time? Because I want to get one asap without modding myself.
Dude just wait for him to make them, he isnt going to 'privately' make you waterfall mods just because YOU want them solely. -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 07:59:32
PenwisH wrote: white sb has been restocked. white hggs needle pts are up too. waterfall will be available shortly
YAY waterfalls ima buy one :D -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 08:47:12
Cooper wrote: YAY waterfalls ima buy one :D
Buy the parts, its cheaper. Unless penwish sells the waterfall mod with 3/4 dr grips on each cap either than the 1/2 dr grip on each cap. -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 09:37:02
did the same (got stuck in customs) happen to black UPSB cases? :/ I really wanted one
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 01:10:27
Yeah seriously waterfalls aren't that hard to mod imo.
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 07:10:40
LOL the only hard bit is too empty the Pirat barrel. The caps and grips are easy, cut shove done !
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 06:38:06
Green CT?
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 09:35:53
Individual STs and ST Packs?
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 14:00:32
Can you check spme of your pilot patints to see id the grip is removable on an of them?
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 23:48:53
what happened to the dr.m&ms?
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 23:50:13
Penwish stopped selling them since he ran kind of low on m&m's. I remember him saying all he had now was some for his own collection so he took them off the site.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 14:12:57
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 21:34:33
could you penwish start selling dr.grips with gold tips or just the gold tips?
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 21:53:37
again he used to havr golden dr grip tips but i guess he ran out
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 19:57:44
Penwish, please sell vicgotgame mods if you can. Thanks
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 20:46:30
i don't see why people want pre made mods from penwish, mods from him are generally overpriced and with subbed parts
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 21:04:54
They are modded pretty well, so if you fail at modding its a good modded pen. Also he generally uses authentic parts unless you mean penwish hgg subs. But I doubt he'd sub anything in vicgotgame mod.
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 03:56:57
i wonder if you can sell some bellcolors. i'm looking for colored barrels and i can't seem to find any bellcolors online
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 14:06:46
could you sell japanese dr grip grips? also more ballsign colors? thanks
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:48:59
Hes wroking on the dr. grips. But now they are discontinued so idk if it will ever happen.
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 02:06:25
Does penwish sell supertips already?
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 02:14:34
Supertips are unbelievably cheap and easy to find in the u.s. I think he sells a buster cyl mod part with an st body comssa caps and backplug but he doesnt sell em ib packs nor individually
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 17:45:17
SELL CARTOON COMSSA SEPERATE btw fix the picture of them plz kthnxbai
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 17:50:19
Just ask him, he'll sell you them individually for 2$
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 15:15:52
Are the Dr. Grip tips and the tip on the Pilot Dr Grip Shaker Pencil 0.5mm Metallic Blue the same?
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 15:22:00
yes they should be
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 18:00:02
Penwish, please restock the zebra airfits thanks
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 18:01:41
done sorry about that. send email to penwish@gmail for fastest response~ ^^
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 09:48:27
Penwish now sells individual supertips at $0.80
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 01:24:25
Uhhhh...if u don't mind me asking...possible selling of f1r3flys g3? If so thanks! I suck at modding and my parents hate me modding. Btw...pls no hating.
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 02:45:30
I think pw probably wont because a) dr grip shakerz jap are discontinued and b) g3s will take a while to shave down. f1r3fly g3s are time consuming to make so if he does end up selling em look to be paying $30+ for one I would say
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 03:17:20
supertips at $.80 is a little high. I know you need to make profit, but still. $.50 maybe?
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 16:27:47
Just had a 3 hr surgical procedure. please email [email][email protected][/email] with any questions and forgive me if i'm not on as much for next two week =p. everything went well tho just have to be a sloth for next 10 days or so
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 17:04:16
How different are the hgg tips and grips subs i ordered from the real thing.
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 21:12:29
the grips "look" more plasticky and the white one is partially transparent. like if u put it on a colored barrel it wont e whitw anymore. not sure about thw tip weight but those are pretty similar to the real ones
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 03:24:43
are you guys gonna bring back the upsb cases?
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 08:19:00
can u restock the lightgreen cts? also, can u add more emboss mod colors, like purple, or darker pink, and lite green and stuff like that? what about purple cts? thanks :D
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 03:40:58
What happened to air blancs?
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 06:14:57
Dr. Grips? Out of stock actually or just say that. Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: Double Post. When will the penwish colored comssa caps come for everyone. I saw jc has some. EDIT: Anti double post? lol EDITEDEDIT: Did you receive my order?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 16:39:42
what happened to the premade mods at penwish?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 16:43:46
PenwisH wrote: Just had a 3 hr surgical procedure. please email [email][email protected][/email] with any questions and forgive me if i'm not on as much for next two week =p. everything went well tho just have to be a sloth for next 10 days or so
There you go sir. l2 read thread. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:53:19
is it just on my computer...or everyones? there is no more "pre made mod" section on penwish anymore :o does anyone know whats up with that?
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:55:07
=.= Penwish recovering from surgery and cant mod = no premademods section... nough said
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 06:01:50
oh. sorry, didnt know that. thanks ^_^ hope he's alright :]
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 06:04:57
he is he's just in recovery from what I know. should be back soon
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 13:09:57
I put mods and stuff back up for now. should be slowly getting back to normal.
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 06:25:27
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Waterfall mods plx?
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 11:37:11
i ordered two days ago.and up until the the order is still"processing".usually when i order it only takes less than a this normal?im a little paranoid.xD
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 16:41:58
Yes all normaly. I have waiting 1 week.
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 00:34:46
It is fine cards. right now still recovering. yours is shipped will update shortly. Also, Dr. Grip grips are up now
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 01:00:28
Wait so these are longer then the normal ones off shakers? if so sweet!
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 01:05:00
Apparently so Kirby ^^
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 02:01:15
whatchu guis talkin bout?
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 02:04:01
This -> "Ever wanted a Dr.grip grip without the buying the whole pencil? Here's your chance. Used for many types of mods. Very transparent and soft. Original Manufacturer specifications direct from factory. [B]Grip is not precut so it is 1-2cm longer than shaker[/B] and 2-3 cm longer than COG grip ([B]Original length grip. Grips are then cut to fit different pencils such as COG and Shaker. More grip to mod with anyways ^^[/B]) Used for mods such as Bonkura KT, Firefly, Minwoo and many many more."
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 04:31:39
When you're much better can you add sell the reynolds pen or the caps alone?
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 04:47:53
i'm out of reynolds right now will be slighly few weeks or month or two before i get a few more
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 19:37:53
Does any one know which colortwin color is closest to an M&M skyblue? I was thinking the light blue colortwin but I'm not quite sure thanks
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 19:44:58
sky blue is definetely closer than the light blue
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 00:42:46
Dude theyre easy to make and mods are always going to cost more premade rather than buying parts no matter where you get it from. Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: and penwish, do you know where i can get lavender color twins? the kind shonen uses for his KT that everyone thinks are miffys
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 00:54:46
@CrackerJack lol dude nobody thinks they are m&m caps, there was already a thread discussing it, only hal and shonen have them, and thats because they have "connections", theres really not much of a chance you will get those unless you color the caps yourself or something :/
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 00:57:10
don't forget springfield :P
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 01:11:59
No more lime green HGGs? :(((((((
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 01:21:13
SPRiNGFiELD doesnt have Lavender Ct caps, those are purple Miffy caps. If you want to get Lavender CT caps trade with someone from Asia ( Japen-korea-china)
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 05:37:18
the hoop rings you can buy on pw, the width of those will fit on an rsvp body and inside the caps fine? (for mx2)
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 06:04:07
it's technically a slight differential mx^2 but yes it will fit
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 11:39:08
I think i'm a little bit late, but white and black upsb pen cases????
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 13:42:00
Wonder wrote: @CrackerJack lol dude nobody thinks they are m&m caps, there was already a thread discussing it, only hal and shonen have them, and thats because they have "connections", theres really not much of a chance you will get those unless you color the caps yourself or something :/
People used to think they were before that thread. And by connections, what do they mean? -
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 14:28:03
Could i get emboss caps separately from the body? (if so what colours?)
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 19:49:29
Wait I was gonna make a purple KT like shonen or HAL's are you saying its nearly impossible? EDIT: what about purple AC's? EDITEDEDIT: Forgot about the cap difference.
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 06:01:49
Can you sell outserts?
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 02:41:33
What do you mean by outserts? outserts as in the ones he has on comssas and etc.? or outserts he just custom makes? or outserts on stickers? be more specific
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 03:05:45
I'd assume the ones he puts on the pens like commsas and stuff. He probably could, but why would you want one?
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 03:07:28
Maybe he wants to keep it and sell it or put it on another barrel he has. Pw could do that but I guess keeping it gives you more flexibility when you mod with it.
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 04:05:47
I was referring to those that you can add to the barrel yourself. Like Peems Buster outsert
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 02:32:57
any pink and yellow signo dx's?
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 03:34:10
restocking those probably 2 weeks or so
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 04:35:37
can i buy 2 pair of emboss cap ?
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 05:30:23
Just wondering when will the Pen cases be restocked?
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 05:51:29
um the lavender ones....................... ive seen lavender persons i personally dont have one but i ve seen pics
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 22:47:15
Do you have any Purple Color Twin? if you do could u put it on PenWish
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 22:53:39
I was just wondering which way you mad your Coulomb mod. Is it TEKs way or CaliMartinios' way? (Calis way is last post on first page), Just wondering
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 22:55:33
He doesn't have any purple Cts. If he did, he would have put them up on his site. He only has purple Acs, imo Ac and Ct are the same to me ...
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 23:06:59
@Krispy Kreme if i had to choose between a dr ac for 20 dollars and a dr ct for 23 dollars i would prefer the ct because they look better, and they are bigger :dunno: just my opinion though both work fine
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 23:09:47
lol, i really dont mind about the caps, they all seem the same to me. Its just the body that different.
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 00:06:35
Is it possible for pw to get g-specs for the waterfall mod?
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 01:02:25
clear gspec grips sold seperately please?
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 01:23:48
Gspecs are just the same as Dr grips :/ The only difference is that they are cloudy and thinner.
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 01:34:00
@Krispy Kreme yeah, that makes a huge difference, they also have a lot different feel and are manufactured differently
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 02:28:14
G spec grips are doubtful. I DO have purPLE cts now just not updated. just order any colored CT and ask for purple i do got them. i'll get back about other stuff later
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 06:17:32
modding tools like electric tape and xacto knifes, etc
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 19:51:57
Do you think pw will be able to send knives in the mail with your pens?
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 06:18:40
Why does have no favicon? Not really a big deal, I was just wondering and it kinda annoys me.
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 06:21:58
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 19:22:07
Hi penwish ! When will you be able to restock yellow and skyblue HGG ?? THank's
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 19:23:08
@ShaDO yellow HGGs are no longer being made.
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 19:32:56
Wonder wrote: @ShaDO yellow HGGs are no longer being made.
Oh ! What about skyblue HGGs ? -
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 16:37:09
Is it Possible to add F1R3FLY's G3 Mod?
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 17:26:42
i would really like some Bellcolor Packs nd individuals adsed to pw. thats it othet than that pw is beast!!!
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 19:58:37
i'd like to see spoko minis pw. I dunno if you can get in contact with the manufacturer or not though
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 09:56:10
Penwish should make more color choices for the pre-made dr. kt's.
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 23:40:38
Sarasa Stick gel pen? And more colours of Pentel Slicci?
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 23:46:58
@Kyojin im sure if you asked him he would make whatever colors you ask for
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 01:22:19
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 01:02:57
gripmatics have just been refreshed finallyz. pink signo dx as well as metal needle pts
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 03:38:51
when canz we be seeing watercolors???:DDDD
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 03:54:27
Watercolors ? Never.
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 22:02:43
got most things restocked. Reynolds etc etc etc. watercolour not for a while maybe years
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 01:36:47
colored comssa caps
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 01:42:14
@Fennecat he already has them... just PM him he hasnt put them on the site yet
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 07:35:03
Hi, Penwish. Can you send pens to other countries? If yes, could you calculate how much will cost shipping to Poland? Will you have light green hgg adn skyblue hgg?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 07:59:07
You can PM him if you want a faster reply :)
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 00:21:19
And he took off lime green and skyblue because they are being a bit harder to find these days. Same with pink and yellow if I remember correctly
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 00:58:27
Bellcolors would be nice.
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 01:27:19
penwish giveaway. Like at least some kind of update or anything.
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 02:00:50
i said it would be updated in a few weeks in the giveaway thread.
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 02:10:26
Light off the man a bit people. He has a life outside this little pen spinning world. Geeze. inb4 stop sucking penwishs' dick.
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 05:18:38
Having some issues with accepting credit card payments so only paypal for now. Hope to have it back up within 2 days
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 19:45:06
@PenwisH: sorry, I didn't know you were thinking about updating it.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:01:29
Website is back up and running now~ Credit card and everything is operational~
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 18:23:38
you can make color 094 caps now lol
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 00:41:57
What mod are these pens used for?
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 00:49:45
Original middle grip of grip aviare
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 08:54:52
does all the dong-a comssa(unmodded) caps fit with the HGG tips?
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 10:17:07
yeah, sure
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 19:25:39
how long are reynolds going to be in stock?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 05:41:51
Is it possible for you to get some superlavables? Just way easier for me to buy straight from you
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 06:22:50
reynolds should be around for a while, yes hgg tip fits in comssa cap and i will try to get some superlavables next.
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 06:51:43
will they be around till christmas?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 07:09:56
please get more plastic needlepoints!! :D
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 09:40:28
it may be slightly a while still. what are they used for?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:42:17
Are the white comssas basically the same as the PDS unifigure comssas?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 22:02:49
Aren't they just cleaned cartoon comssas?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 22:24:09
@Holypie no.
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 00:47:29
The white comssas that are genuine are real white comssas made by donga. They just don't have the text. pw got them custom made. I don't know if he still has the other version but make sure to read the descriptions because there used to be a white comssa with a "sticker" over a black body.
Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 15:10:40
Just curious, What is the diameter of the new ZG spinnie pens? Thanks, PrinceXD~
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 00:37:19
PenwisH wrote: it may be slightly a while still. what are they used for?
i use it for my mx's lol -
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 00:52:34
bellcolors maybe?
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 01:41:56
He's getting colored comssa caps soon.
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 02:02:20
@Dudak he already has them and maybe people want the bellcolor bodies aswell
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 02:03:43
bellcolors come in more colors than colored comssas
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 02:19:24
Can we have the coloured comssas listed on the site?
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 02:23:23
Just pm him. He'll give you instructions on how to order them. I don't think he wants to put em up yet
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 02:25:10
Ah, ok. I'll keep that in mind next time I make a PW order.
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 04:05:01
how long does it usually take to ship to the US?
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 04:37:13
up to 9 days depending on what kind of shipping you chose
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 18:12:24
I live in US and usually it takes 3 days... with the "free shipping" becuase order was $29.99+ also, i really want bellcolors or aqua comssas so i agree =D i really want a yellow buster or something like that so if those were on Penwish that would be great
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 00:48:04
@Jan its 25.99+ for free shipping. Penwish already has colored comssa caps, just PM him. Aqua comssas are discontinued/hard to find, not like he'll be getting those. Bellcolors i dont think he'll be getting since now he has colored comssa caps, and bellcolors would only be better for the body color or making like a minwoo mod into various colors since the caps dont fit hgg tips and the bellcolor bodies are going to be shorter than supertip bodies so it wont be the same for a buster
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 03:20:01
Any chance you could put up the colored Reynolds 094 caps like in the new waterfalls? But just the cap (plus marker)?
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 04:01:03
yeah if you want caps just pm me. i'll prolly have it listed within a month. won't have the colored reynolds caps up since those are much harder to get
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 02:05:57
Your address? (No stalker)
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 16:23:44
Can u sell Pilot Nextages? I just honestly need it for the NzDC....please?
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 20:38:12
how about the Pilot g1>?
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 21:09:56
flexible mp mx?
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 23:57:27
Spoko mini?
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 02:34:16
I don't know hard this is to get/make, but could you get more UPSB pencases? Thanks.
Date: Tue, Nov 23 2010 08:32:15
F1r3Fly would be nice
Date: Tue, Nov 23 2010 09:17:32
moonmustrise wrote: F1r3Fly would be nice
you mean F1r3Fly G3, F1r3Fly is a person :P -
Date: Tue, Nov 23 2010 09:36:36
Penwish could always clone F1R3FY.
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 12:30:02
airfit tips maybe?
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 06:38:43
Could you please restock the Pen Mod Case? Thanks. (the UPSB ones) Oyeah. Also. I was also suggesting that Penwish might offer Grip Cuts (Premade Grip Cuts) . And/Or Pen modding materials (grip cut knife etc.)
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 19:40:28
Would you be able to get the new RSVP Retractables, with the grip similar to a HGG? =)
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 03:40:32
Also to add to the store, can you please add Spoko Grips/Impact RT grips/tips? And sell airfit tips separately just like the airfit grips? And also sell signo tips separately like HGGs.
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 13:52:19
Will try to attend to those requests. Thanks for suggestions. Also listed new items like S360 pens, UPSB Case restock, Marvy marker mods, and aquaz
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 14:23:03
nice new year gift, thanks! but where is Marvy marker mods?
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 15:21:01
its laggin
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 15:29:48
How about Pilot Better Retractables? Great for modding. And if f1r3fly really does get implemented, I'll buy a ton of them/ I guess they're too time-staking to make, let alone stock up/
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 15:32:50
try to get some of pentel and pilot stuff. As for fireflies and such perhaps mid to early next year. Really need to wrap up work and grad school apps.~ Will keep you updated though.
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 23:49:31
Thanks Penwish, great products for December! You have so many aqua comssas... :p Spokos would be nice.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 06:14:01
Wow penwish, you added such great products :)
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 15:59:07
Yep', <3 PW (;
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:12:36
yay, im glad I waited on ordering my stuff cuz I might get a marvy now :P
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 00:57:35
can u sell completely white embosses? like not the mod, just the marker itself. :)
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 02:19:32
Why did you say the price of M&M's are gonna drop?
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 03:01:20
He's probably stocking those and coloured beifas soon.
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 03:05:55
not soon but eventually
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 13:56:14
Do you plan to sell pink (not metallic) HGG?
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 06:42:48
Yeah you're bringing back all these rare pens but what about the hgg's you recently took off the site? I'd really like to see those again :]
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 14:05:20
Crayola Supertip Caps and Packs please??? i want specific cap colors for STek mods. :D
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 14:33:04
@Night Fury you can specify what cap color you want if you are buying a whole supertip but if you are wanting to buy JUST the cap im sure he has caps leftover from all the busters he makes if im not mistaken
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 14:50:39
airfit tips? I dont know if someone already asked that
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 15:17:26
Wonder wrote: @Night Fury you can specify what cap color you want if you are buying a whole supertip but if you are wanting to buy JUST the cap im sure he has caps leftover from all the busters he makes if im not mistaken
oh lol i didn't know that. thanks for the information. i can make STek mods! :P -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:31:54
you should try to get the black white and grey gripped dr grips
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:40:24
Light wrote: airfit tips? I dont know if someone already asked that
why do you need just the tips, they'd be as expensive as the whole pen anyway. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:49:19
jabog wrote: you should try to get the black white and grey gripped dr grips
i'd imagine getting the full thing would be super expensive. maybe he could get just the grips ? -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 03:11:19
Pure white embosses.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 04:24:09
Hi! i know this is dumb but... maybe bic clic sticks? please? their not in my country and i noticed its used in a lot of retractable mods so thanks in advance! :)
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 08:13:22
Uhh... bellcolors please?
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 08:58:35
probably not on the bellcolors. working on other things
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 03:08:41
thats what i was thinking apho i would definetely buy them Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: also a full mod of g2 cte evolved
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 19:50:40
Hey, Metronome here. I was just wondering how many days it takes for the delivery on your orders fron Penwish. I've ordered my first pen mod (Metal Comssa) from Penwish on Saturday the 11th. And I'm just so excited xP. TY
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 03:45:30
How about adding Bic Clic Stik and Better Retractable? I wonder why Dr. Grip Tips are 5 bucks =P The pencill I see in the us is around 6 dollars and fifty cents.
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 06:05:57
What is there to wonder about? The pencil itself is $8-10 so it makes sense that the grips are $2.50 and the tips are $5-6. For modding purposes, it's probably cheaper to buy the tips and grips instead of the full pencil because the rest of it isn't often used.
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 03:12:18
Please add Bic Clic Stik.
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 03:16:41
Nachoaddict wrote: What is there to wonder about? The pencil itself is $8-10 so it makes sense that the grips are $2.50 and the tips are $5-6. For modding purposes, it's probably cheaper to buy the tips and grips instead of the full pencil because the rest of it isn't often used.
Penwish grips are also longer than normal so you can have more grip to mod with. -
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 05:01:17
That only makes it MORE worth it to buy the grips and tips separate unless you actually use the other parts of the pencil or you just want it to write ehhhh actually you might find the lead tubes pretty useful for things like mpmx's
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 12:11:43
Im thinking of buying some mods from penwish, which ones should i buy and are cheap?(I want some heavy and double sided mods) Also is penwish or pendolsa store is better?
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 12:39:04
Penwish, if you live in US, or North America mostly. Don't buy mods, make them. Much better, unless you suck at mod making. :/
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 17:02:49
Depends on what you're looking for. Pds does have cheaper shipping if you buy from ebay than on the site. PW does have the free shipping option for orders over 25 bucks though. Penwish has more modding parts and pens. But both stores have personalized mods like PW Comssa Wing or PDS Comssa v12 for examples. Just checl em both out and whicheer one has more stuff you want, order from them. I personally prefer PW though :) Btw how are superlavables coming pw? and is it possible to get impact mx screws and washers?
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 17:08:35
scout wrote: Penwish, if you live in US, or North America mostly. Don't buy mods, make them. Much better, unless you suck at mod making. :/
penwish makes them pretty well actually, but yes it is cheaper to buy the pens yerself, the m-301 x for example only costs like 3-5 dollars to make. but the effort needed to make it bumps it up to almost 10$ -
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 20:09:03
I recommend the Penwish Metal Comssa. Pretty good imo. I just really need the Bic Clic Stic for reeder mod, and I don't want to buy a dozen of them '~' The Better Retractable is useful for making non retractable pens retractable, so yeah, it's great.. Also, what are your guys' experience on penwish? Like, how long was the shipping, I mean, it's not because of Penwish, but it's the shipping (UPS, I think)
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 20:12:00
Longest you should be waiting is 9 days I believe if you're in the U.S.
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 20:16:37
I'm in France and I've always receive in 5 days (;
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 20:18:03
it typically up to 7 business days after you order is max. trying to get more things right now but slowly.
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 21:31:28
lmao my order came while i was reading this thread ;D
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 00:50:53
Excuse some of my fail questions, but how do the pens/pen parts come packaged? Are they like, in ziplock bags? Just wondering.
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 00:55:08
v-storm wrote: Excuse some of my fail questions, but how do the pens/pen parts come packaged? Are they like, in ziplock bags? Just wondering.
i got all of them inside the case i ordered. otherwise its just loose in foam packaging he also sticks dr grip tips in little resealable plastic bags like computer screws -
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 00:58:22
Yeah smaller parts penwish uses either slim paper bags or re-used packaging from other pens. If you're just ordering lots of pens they just come in the package that you get out of the mail.
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 01:10:43
All of my orders have come in a bubble envelope so he just puts them in there and seals it along with all of the other pens.
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 11:32:01
If you do a big order (like me, 500€ of pens...), this will come in a big box (;
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 12:04:33
Saurkk wrote: If you do a big order (like me, 500€ of pens...), this will come in a big box (;
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 12:26:20
Its a grouped order (;
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 15:09:32
that's... 665 USD :jawdrop: wtf did you order?
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 15:50:07
500 dr grips?
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 17:30:35
@chili pepper penwish has had bigger orders, dont be surprised, this was group order anyways.
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 16:56:16
have receive in that ^^
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 05:51:51
SKY blue and lime green single emboss pens
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 20:44:55
Restock on White Emboss Mod, please? =)
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 02:33:28
Does the gold dr grip tip fit onto normal jap dr grip bodies ? or is it some sort of manufactured type thing, like the grips.
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 02:46:00
@Apho, i've seen manufactured pilot dr grips with golden tips/clips, so i think they should fit.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 01:08:38
can u sell alpha/oxy gels?
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 01:37:10
That's not oxy, it's the greek letter alpha.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 01:52:14
How long are the free shipping? ( In the U.S)
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 02:27:16
@maple1100 There will always be free shipping. As long as your order is more than $25.99
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 02:52:00
@maple1100 im guessing you meant how long does it take? usually 3-7 days, 9 days at the max.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 12:05:07
have a problem on the website: 1226 - User 'penwish_eureka' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1) select value from sessions where sesskey = 'd54546af1e361c88d9ff20ad2aa0dd43' and expiry > '1294488269' TEP_DB_ERRORR
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 15:26:02
Try refreshing it?
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 15:42:36
I'm not a noob, thanks. PW is back (;
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 15:51:19
No, it happened to me too. I just refreshed it after a few minutes and it was fine, that's what I was trying to tell you. I wasn't trying to call you a noob. Also, a greater variety of playcolors would be nice, like black, red and blue.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 23:08:59
@ holypie i know but our school calls them oxy and alpha so yeah
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 14:48:46
Any chance of getting more colors of Playcolor2? =)
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 11:19:32
How many mods could this possible fit? :
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 01:34:24
8-10 on both sides so total 16-20 imo. You can always stick more in but I think that might stretch the cords too much. And also it depends on the width of the mods you're putting in there.
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 02:31:17
perhaps more colors of PC2 but it may be a little while. will try to expand a bit
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 03:18:05
i think bellcolor would be nice
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 03:24:23
bellcolors wouldn't be very popular now with colored comssa caps... the only thing would be the bodies, but they dont have THAT much use
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 03:51:33
how about signo tips without the rest of the pen? like the hgg or dr. grip tips, that would be helpful
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 04:29:46
@browndog12 those tip only sets PW currently sells like the the hgg and dr.grip tips are perfect subs that he gets manufactured, then sells them cheaply while still making profit. However, I don't think signo tips, or airfit tips as a few people have requested, will be available soon, if ever...
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 04:36:30
Coloured Comssa Caps and Dr. Grip grips too, probably. Actually anything that he sells individually...
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:23:13
@OG Uh no they are not "perfect" subs. Signo tips have different weight and visual appeal to those tips. Also it's very possible to do so if Penwish can secure a deal with Uniball or something. Uniball is the company that manufactures signos right?
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:29:07
I think he meant perfect subs of the dr. grip and hgg tips, not subs for signo, and I don't even think they're subs. Hey Penwish, if you can get Dr. Grip tips, can you try to get Hi-Tec-C tips too?
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:46:59
Oh wait. He means manufactured subs. nvm >< But still if he can get molds and whatnot it's still possible
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:48:26
Holypie wrote: Coloured Comssa Caps and Dr. Grip grips too, probably. Actually anything that he sells individually...
You guys are aware that he doesnt make those himself, right? -
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 04:01:25
Can u get bonkura m&m mods?
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 04:06:11
Wonder wrote: You guys are aware that he doesnt make those himself, right?
Yes, you're aware that OG said that he has them manufactured, not that he manufactures them himself... And Nacho, I don't think signo tips are made with a mold, I think they're machined from a larger piece of metal. The fine bands on the tip are probably marks from the process. -
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 04:40:07
lol caps and some of the tips are not subs lol the hgg are but they serve the same purpose, signo tips I may have by themselves but it would be around 1-1.25 and they also would not be subs. give me some time to gather them. Signos, as some of you may have heard, are starting to "plasticize" everything so the metal ones may be a rare creature sometimes down the road.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 04:57:58
And signo tips are so useful... sigh Thanks for the info PW. PrinceXD
PenwisH wrote: lol caps and some of the tips are not subs lol the hgg are but they serve the same purpose, signo tips I may have by themselves but it would be around 1-1.25 and they also would not be subs. give me some time to gather them. Signos, as some of you may have heard, are starting to "plasticize" everything so the metal ones may be a rare creature sometimes down the road.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 05:19:20
I was wondering why I found a signo with a plastic tip. I better stock up on the metal ones o-o
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 05:57:10
The metal threads aren't on all of them.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 06:19:56
Could you please try to get more colors of your special hoops? Red and green would be nice. Thanks!
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 12:40:08
Nachoaddict wrote: The metal threads aren't on all of them.
What do you mean the metal threads? Isn't it the entire tip, not just the threads that are becoming plastic? -
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 14:37:54
Hmmm... Penwish, where is Gel Airfits? O_o
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 01:30:05
Yeah, like a lot of people said, Penwish need to sell modding tools, such as x-acto knives, teflon tapes, pliers, and more.
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 02:19:05
will do the next few weeks after i finish my college apps. Airfit gels are back just fyi. Thanks
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 02:21:51
M&M Kt~ the pink and skyblue
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 02:48:47
Metronome wrote: Yeah, like a lot of people said, Penwish need to sell modding tools, such as x-acto knives, teflon tapes, pliers, and more.
You can ask traders, or look around local hobby stores. If you dont want to, you can always look for my trade thread (I dont mean to advertise, but yeah ><) if you want such items. I have a bunch of them -
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:35:40
I find all of that stuff at my local hardware store, except the xacto knives. Those are probably hobby store things.
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:38:55
Lol colin sneaky. i'll have high quality modding tools up in a bit. Won't be the buy it at the local walmart kinda either.
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:41:43
Penwish has knives and tools meant specifically for cutting grips and bodies and modding. He owns a pen modding factory. That's why his mods are always so good. That picture of the room with pens, pshhh that was just the storage room. The factory is behind the viewpoint. LOLOLOL :D
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 04:01:15
Nah that's probably one of the storage rooms, he probably has like 10 more, each more awesome than the last.
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 21:24:18
Anyone know if there is an inktube or something like that inside the Penwish Buster CYL? I don't want to be spinning and whatever inside spill out. Thanks. Also, would taking out the inktube inside the metal comssa affect the pen?
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 06:41:38
I'm pretty sure penwish removes the felt marker and ink from the supertip body. However markers in general have been known to leak a bit. Unless you leave them in front of a fan or something for a few days. Then they'll dry up. Just in case you want to keep it in there because of weight and balance issues but don't want the leaking problem
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 07:53:35
maple1100 wrote: Anyone know if there is an inktube or something like that inside the Penwish Buster CYL? I don't want to be spinning and whatever inside spill out. Thanks. Also, would taking out the inktube inside the metal comssa affect the pen?
No, He removes the inktube and felt tip out of the supertip. I've bought one before. -
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 02:32:15
What about spoko mini
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 05:43:12
How about G3 Mods? Such as F1r3Fly G3 Mod, kUzu G3 Mod, and more. They're really hard to mod, so if you take the consideration of the time put into modding and the materials, about $28~$30 is a reasonable price, and I'll definitely be willing to buy G3 mods from Penwish.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 22:51:47
Grip cut on the Kuzu is the hardest part. Idk how pw will be able to mass produce gripcuts. But other than that kuzu isn't that bad in terms of difficulty. Hence no real need to put it on? Unless you don't want to buy all the parts
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 22:53:07
Maybe mod kits? Like what Colin is doing. Selling all of the parts for a popular mod in a bundle instead of individually?
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 23:03:24
Actually that's not a bad idea. I would be interested in something like that. Too bad I'm busy as heck right now and outta cash. At least mah birthday's coming up so I can restock on some pens :]
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 02:54:43
Did something happen? I was adding items to the cart and now it says "unable to connect to database server!" Edit: Nevermind. Working again. Also, I can't seem to find yellow HGGs on Penwish. There are only yellow pastels. I did see them on the Sakura themed RSVP MX, and I was just wondering if you had them separately.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 20:51:50
@MystikSun yellow and pink HGGs are discontinued
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 19:40:02
any chance of pink rushons ?
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 03:11:20
Van wrote: M&M Kt~ the pink and skyblue
THIS, with clear sailors? -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 03:17:16
@v-storm M&Ms discontinued
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 03:29:24
How come Penwish isn't answering to the requests/questions? It's been a week or two...
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 03:36:57
I'm here. hit me up on msn, aim or email is much quicker. I'll take a look through the thread and i'll provide some replies shortly
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 04:14:01
Metronome wrote: How come Penwish isn't answering to the requests/questions? It's been a week or two...
I think he actually has a job and a life..unlike some of us here on UPSB. [spoiler=.]Im talking about me, btw. So dont get your panties all up in a bunch[/spoiler] -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:52:22
i really want SPOKO pretty please
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 18:06:10
how do you have -8 metal g3's ? O_o
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 18:26:26
it is because, a lots of people order g3 and the system don´t correct the quantitiy. e.g. 5 in stock 8people ordered pens in an short time = -3 pens he has wait a few days and he has some already sry for the english
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 18:27:56
ohoh, so then wouldnt one of the orders be delayed until he can restock ?
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 18:34:51
i think he has al lot of them, but he don´t write that he has 300 or so. I think you can order, because you don´t recordnize that if the order is 1-2 days later. The best way is that you write him a pm oder write him in icq.
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 00:55:41
Oho, so I assume the -8 G3's are the reason that my order hasn't shipped yet :P
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 01:08:34
They're in backorder.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 09:08:04
can you get like KT big caps separately?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 19:10:36
Can you sell CT separately? and Add more color to this sub for M&M caps. plz correct me if i'm wrong...
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 20:29:00
@GeeGeeGee are you asking if he can sell the packs seperately?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 23:31:29
are you asking if he can sell the packs seperately?
i want to know if he can sell them pen by pen or like a set (pack w.e u call it) bad English sorry -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 23:39:00
You're stupid.
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 01:55:38
Well, I just really hope to see beifa grips and bic clic stics. Perhaps some more Pilot material.
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 01:58:04
I don't think beifa grips are very accessible or worth it since it's just a pen from Canada. Trade with some Canadians. I'm not sure if it's available elsewhere but I know there are lots here.
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 04:48:50
Hmmm.. Why did I get different ST frm Penwish? Why did yr ST look thiner and the backplug was so hard to get removed?? And why was yr AC(Art Color) looks different? Made yourself or printed problem??
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 14:28:04
spoko mini is great for grip cut but idk how you could get them cuz they are polish
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 14:31:18
He could ask a polish person to ship a few big tubs of them over to him =P
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 00:06:41
What ST cap colours do you have?
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 00:07:02
Is it me, or are there no grip-matics? o.o
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 00:16:16
@Riley wtf? they were selling a few days ago... it was in my cart... now it sas product not found.. FUUU...
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 02:36:49
How much is regular shipping to US? :o
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 03:20:57
@NRG.Flow look at the thing that says shipping policy at the bottom of the page.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 02:14:18
Does anyone know how the regular sailors feel like? do they feel like the ones from the pen or the ones penwish specially makes I've ordered the white/clear/black ones before and they feel different and i was just wondering if the others feel the same or not thanks :)
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 02:47:51
I think all of them except red, dark blue, gray, and purple are like the black white and clear ones. Oh and also dark green.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 23:41:40
Send email with any quesitons to [email][email protected][/email] I am fairly busy at the moment. I will have gripmatics again within 1 week or so. ST are all the newer model now. it is still fairly easy to take out the backplug if you use needpt pliers.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 23:43:29
@PenwisH when will new stuff come?!?
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 00:10:18
restock will be soon on everything but new items probably not for a while. too much other stuff going on right now
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 03:11:23
Lovely. Can't wait till Grip Matics are back! You're doing a great job. Also, do you ever plan on selling parts like "G3 Tip" or "RSVP Cap" or popular stuff like that?
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 23:57:01
any chance the green waterfalls (aka green Reynolds) will be back in stock soon? :(
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 17:26:31
i would like dr kt mod parts
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 17:29:37
Everything you need for a Dr. KT and waterfall is already on the site...
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 17:43:12
individual kt caps, and outsert/inserts wud be nice like that of the gold diamond kt, cuz i wanna make them but cant becuz i dont have the insert, i guess we cud just say the barrel were using it for, or even the dimensions
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 18:10:14
If you need an insert or something just talk to Penwish. Pm him or email him. He's a nice guy and will either settle out a price for it or give it to you for free most likely.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 22:28:00
What payment method do I choose if I'm going to pay in cash?
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 22:53:34
@NRG.Flow PM penwish on here about it, or email him
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 17:25:09
Any plans for restocking the other colors of Signo DX's? I'm mainly looking for pink =) And do you have any neon green waterfalls left?
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 17:33:17
What happened to the lime green waterfalls ?
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 23:52:16
did you really run out of dr grips ? D:
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 06:46:44
More Hyper Jell Colors?
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 13:00:34
i have 4 shakers left, DX will return a bit later. having a hard time tracking the old model down (with metal tip) lime green waterfall is OOS for now. I do have one cap left so i could make a yellow-light green combo but just let me know. Rememeber email is fastest way to get intouch with me [email][email protected][/email]. Cash orders can be done just shoot me a pm or email and we'll guide you through it.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 13:00:47
i have 4 shakers left, DX will return a bit later. having a hard time tracking the old model down (with metal tip) lime green waterfall is OOS for now. I do have one cap left so i could make a yellow-light green combo but just let me know. Rememeber email is fastest way to get intouch with me [email][email protected][/email]. Cash orders can be done just shoot me a pm or email and we'll guide you through it.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 07:35:23
Perhaps Penwish could offer sort of E-vouchers so that traders could trade them with others for those who have paypal or things like prizes for tournament etc.?? Would that be feasible?
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 00:39:07
So penwish... is there any hope for UPSB shirts or hoodies?
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 00:44:39
would you ever be adding the fir3fly g3 mod to the site?
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 01:09:09
NRG.Flow wrote: What payment method do I choose if I'm going to pay in cash?
i believe u have to tell him that ull pay by mail -
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 22:29:33
i was wondering if you could sell modding tools
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 23:59:43
@jabog why would u want to buy modding tools online... do u live in a cave? art supplies stores sell X-acto knives, hot glue guns ect... home improvement/hardware stores sell drills and hacksaws and all that good stuff
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:22:46
hey penwish... is it possible for you to sell kUzu G-3s?
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:25:43
Van wrote: hey penwish... is it possible for you to sell kUzu G-3s?
Buy the parts and mod it. -
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:38:59
Jan wrote: Buy the parts and mod it.
gtfo with your fail trolling at least help the man and tell him why @Van it would probably cost a LOT more even if he did because gripcuts are tedious. Unless you just want a kuzu without a gripcut then it wouldnt be too bad but otherwise just buy the parts, its much cheaper and simple to construct but the gripcuts are the hard part -
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:41:44
Wonder wrote: gtfo with your fail trolling at least help the man and tell him why @Van it would probably cost a LOT more even if he did because gripcuts are tedious. Unless you just want a kuzu without a gripcut then it wouldnt be too bad but otherwise just buy the parts, its much cheaper and simple to construct but the gripcuts are the hard part
Or, Penwish doesn't have to grip cut the signo knock and sell the mod for example like his Ayatori Mods/Lakubo Jell Mod -
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:43:36
Jan wrote: Or, Penwish doesn't have to grip cut the signo knock and sell the mod for example like his Ayatori Mods/Lakubo Jell Mod
Wonder just said that. -
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:44:48
[QUOTE=Wonder;68871]gtfo with your fail trolling at least help the man and tell him why @Jan i already said that.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:45:37
OK GUYS, CALM THE FUCK DOWN anyway, @PenwisH, when is new stuff coming?
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:49:07
well i was looking around penwish trying to find the parts, and i think not all the parts were sold there....
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:53:12
I'm pretty sure you can get everything you need. And also another problem to the kuzu g3 is how he'll be able to mass produce gripcuts. And seriously what is with all these requests for f1r3fly and kuzu g3's. Albeit the sanding on the f1r3fly is kind of hard but it really only requires medium modding experience to do it imo o_O Are people just that lazy? I mean I think the mod is more for looks and not spinning effect.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 23:02:53
Lol if penwish grows big enough it can hire gripcutters XD or just pay someone $20 to make like 10 gripcuts...if they're good at it
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 23:11:12
Depending on the gripcut it can take several hours per grip, and it's about ~$10/hr minimum wage (depending on where you live). I don't think he's willing to pay at least $10 per grip for a small part of a $25 pen.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:49:57
how about color express... for colored busters and such
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 20:49:38
what happened to white embosses and dr grip shakers?
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 04:55:07
Could you restock orange DXs please? I need for a Kuzu G3 :]
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:08:40
go to front page lol so..many..busters! and whats an s360 kt? never heard of this
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:55:05
Penwish, what color s360 marker really matches colors w/ aqua comssa cap? except for yellow.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 13:30:06
S360 is a sub for CT/KT with colored body. they have variations of it in europe. I'll have to check for color matching
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 13:34:11
^That mod is not called a s360 KT. It was already invented by Pari and is called "Artfit Mod." Just becuase Penwish is using Dr.Grip tips instead, doesn't make it a different mod... @PenwisH
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 20:04:40
thanks for my pens penwish :) remaking my kt was a blast and it came out so much better than the last one!
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 20:43:31
Ummm someone in korea used that mod way before pari used it in korea so technically it's no-one's mod. It is called a 360 kt to me so that's what i'm calling it; no point in me calling it an af mod if it doesn't even use at all and uses all dr.grip parts. o and thx stare ^^
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 11:37:03
Please sell G2-CTE Evolved!!!!
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 02:43:09
can you sell the s360 in the blue like in the 360kt blue, not baby blue or sky blue.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 03:29:48
Nachoaddict wrote: Everything you need for a Dr. KT
i meant like a buster mod part, double capped ct ac or kt and color choices -
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 20:55:38
can u restock on Pilot SUPER GRIP Pencil 0.5mm- Clear Green
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 21:48:33
just restocked. thx
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 22:09:04
Hey penwish, just a weird thing....for the s360 kt's you could call them sircle mods XD S for the s in s360, and circle b/c 360 degrees is a circle!....or quadrilateral....
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 23:34:53
You don't sell HGR's or yellow HGG's anymore?
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 23:41:45
casual wrote: You don't sell HGR's or yellow HGG's anymore?
not sure about the HGRs, but yellow HGGs are discontinued -
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 01:05:20
How long is shipping to Philippines?
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 01:51:08
3-5 weeks usually
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 05:37:54
PenWish,I jz ordered 4 Dr.Grip tips,5 CT,1 Pink Waterfall mod,2 Emboss,1 Dr.Grip grip n 1 AC,bt I jz get 2 Dr.Grip tips,4 CT,1 pink waterfall mod,2 Emboss,1 Dr.Grip grip n 1 AC,hw you guys doing business?
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 08:21:18
casual wrote: You don't sell HGR's or yellow HGG's anymore?
yeah, why no HGRs? -
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 18:15:25
uhm is there any barrel that can sub the super pirat? i feel like making a colored minwoo :)
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 19:32:20
@Wee Xin , in minwoo's tutorial he made a black one with a bellcolor. You could probably sub with those.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 22:33:36
HGR and yellow hgg are both discontinued
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 22:54:05
How about green hyper jells. I swore I saw them a while back.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 23:49:01
Can u add Mesi G3? original colors
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 00:07:10
HGR is discontinued? Oh boy.
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 00:23:05
it's been discontinued since 2008
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 11:03:07
Can you add more hyperjell colors and how long does it take shipping to germany with the middle transport? I think 3-4 weeks
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 14:22:22
PenwisH wrote: it's been discontinued since 2008
Really? I still see tons of stock in stores as well as listings on the pentel site. Maybe they have tons of stock. -
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 06:09:44
how long does first class shipping to singapore take?
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 06:33:36
I ordered a metal comssa. In my email, however, it shows two orders having been processed. Should I be scared? It has attached the shipping fee to each one separately :( Should I seriously be scared?!@?#
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 06:36:39
You can email penwish and tell him that you accidentally ordered 2 of the same thing. He'll cancel one for you. Happened to me, too, one time, and we just emailed penwish and all was good.
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 06:56:13
Maybe you did it 2 times, just let Penwish know that you want one order instead of 2, but now lol, and he would cancel one for you ;). @PenwisH
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 11:17:10
how long does first class shipping to singapore take?i want to noe soon cos it's a group order and peepo are asking
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 15:04:03
penwish is getting slower now D: im still waiting for 3 orders D:
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 00:09:09
first class shipping takes typically 10-15 business days but sometimes a few more days for customs.
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 14:25:21
oh ok thx
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 20:54:12
how long do you think first class shipping will take to Calgary, Canada i have waited since March 11th for the package
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 23:05:21
White Ball Signs are out of stock.
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 03:26:50
you ran out of dr grip tips? thats amazing... anyways please restock
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 03:31:47
Hey Penwish you don't have yellow playcolors? Just wondering :p
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 03:34:52
I need PW's address :( anyone?
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 04:37:57
its on pw last time i checked like its on the site
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 05:47:21 1729 WINDWARD Ave NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 You just check out choosing "cash payment" and it'll give you the address, copy it down and cancel the order~ How simple! ^_^
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 08:03:48
Could someone give me the link to a Signo tip on penwish?
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 08:10:07
I don't believe they sell them individually, you'd have to buy the whole pen for it.
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 08:11:44
ILikePens wrote: Could someone give me the link to a Signo tip on penwish?
Penwish doesn't sell single tips, but he sells the entire pen. Here's the cheapest signo that has the usual tip used in most mods. You can buy signo's in officeworks and many news agencies in New Zealand btw :P -
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 02:38:50
Penwish!!! Where are the sky blue ACTs??? >_< Please restock them asap~~
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 10:15:46
perhaps having some m&m back would be nice :D
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 11:08:52
Keep dreaming. PrinceXD
Wee Xin wrote: perhaps having some m&m back would be nice :D
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 14:03:00
Sell Moar Hgg tip and grip set colours plox. When is Penwish doing all his givaways? looks like every month loads of people /in but results were not released every month...
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 14:46:57
He's busy as heck dude. Just let him figure it out. Sometimes he lets them accumulate and then announces the winners to several months at the same time
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 15:45:29
J74Q wrote: Sell Moar Hgg tip and grip set [B]colours[/B] plox.
This please. -
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 16:07:51
If possible kuzu mod parts, or the mod itself?
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 16:27:15
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: If possible kuzu mod parts, or the mod itself?
He does have the mod parts. I just bought all the parts for a pink kuzu right now. -
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 18:34:38
What kind of Dr. Grips do your pre-made waterfall use? Thanks.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 19:56:31
I believe its those Dr.Grip grips that he got from the factory (the longer ones he got that are sold individually). PrinceXD
Riley wrote: What kind of Dr. Grips do your pre-made waterfall use? Thanks.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:03:53
PrinceXD wrote: I believe its those Dr.Grip grips that he got from the factory (the longer ones he got that are sold individually). PrinceXD
I have both of them, and they seem different. The waterfall one is more cloudy and soft, and the penwish factory made one is more clear and rubbery-ish. -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 19:51:01
could you plz restock the black zebra hyperjells and the metalic blue dr grip shakers plz i really nedd them asap
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 22:01:47
Like waterfall stated in his post, you can use any dr. grips. The ones that are cloudy are from the GSpec. The ones i use are shaker grips from the japanese style dr. grip. Dr.grips will always have a slightly different texture depending on where you buy them and they country they are made in.
Riley wrote: I have both of them, and they seem different. The waterfall one is more cloudy and soft, and the penwish factory made one is more clear and rubbery-ish.
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 22:19:14
@PenwisH, do you have purple Playcolor2?
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 21:54:14
Hi penwish, please please restock the white zhigao spin pens. Thanks!! :snowman2:
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 01:24:41
add more ac and ct colour
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 16:43:52
are you ever going to sell cartoon comssa separately instead of packs?
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 19:15:36
hi penwish. sorry i couldn't get the last shaker when u restocked but can you restock the jap dr. grip shakers again? plz and thank you
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 19:47:13
lagbeast wrote: are you ever going to sell cartoon comssa separately instead of packs?
he wouldn't have enough people buying them that way. The only reason people wanted cartoon comssas before is because they were the way to get white comssa bodies. but now there are white comssa bodies so individually is definitely out of the question -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 22:41:16
@Wonder - oh i see. I didn't know about the white body situation, i just thought people wanted them because of the color clear caps, or picture body(like me). To bad i only need 1, and not a whole pack =[
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 22:46:48
lagbeast wrote: @Wonder - oh i see. I didn't know about the white body situation, i just thought people wanted them because of the color clear caps, or picture body(like me). To bad i only need 1, and not a whole pack =[
do you need 1 for the cap or do you need one for the body with the design? i have one i can sell to you and i have a decent amount of clear caps, or you can buy one with the design and colored comssa caps, check my trade thread -
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 02:06:08
@PenwisH Please add moar [B]hgg tip and grip set colours plox.[/B]
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 03:55:56
penwish u should add the shtul mod and the double capped baaron mod. that would be sweeet.
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 04:05:06
funnky wrote: penwish u should add the shtul mod and
yup. Oh and while you're at it Penwish, could you get every member on UPSB some Miffys and watercolours ? That would be sweeeeeeeeet.the double capped baaron mod. that would be sweeet. -
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 04:17:02
oh and sell signo tips separately. that would be GREAT!
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 13:53:43
Could you sell HGR. That would be nice!
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 14:27:10
Superlavable pens? Caps are rare :O Thanks!
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 02:50:44
Superlavable caps are rare? o_O
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 13:50:55
What happened to the Clarity Mod?
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 16:00:31
Nachoaddict wrote: Superlavable caps are rare? o_O
Nou? Based on the French spinners' trade threads, they are quite. :O -
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 16:04:22
xDDDD. Superlavable are not rares.
Date: Sat, Apr 16 2011 21:22:05
What happened to black Tombow Playcolors? one day they were there, they they were gone :( oo and could you get yelo 1s too? thnx
Date: Sat, Apr 16 2011 21:24:51
Yeah I'm looking for some yellows too D:
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 04:36:22
I recently ordered on penwish, and on friday (april 15) the order status went from "processing" to "shipped". Usually when i order i receive the delivery two days after it goes to "shipped." but what i'm just wondering is, are there deliveries on sundays?
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 04:37:32
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 05:11:02
It's the day off for the mail service on Sundays.
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 09:23:21
how long would it take if ordering to Australia? first class shipping?
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 09:40:49
typically 5-15 business days but on average 2 weeks. Try asking in the pw thread or email [email][email protected][/email] a lot faster response ^^
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 09:07:26
@PenwisH - I request for a "newly added" item section to your site. It would be easier to find new items/ know that you are selling some new items =]
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 14:27:57
There is a page for that already :p
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 18:47:12
@shoeman6 - link please?
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 18:52:56
Hmmm, It seems you're right... there's usually a link to it on the front page. Can't see it right now 0 _ o.
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 19:36:02
Restock on Gripmatics pl0x
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 19:41:08
I agree. please please please. thanks
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 22:38:00
can u stock premade ballsign mods with super grips and dr.grip grips instead of the ones with comssa caps?
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 05:21:17
Were the golden dr grip tips only for a limited time? I think I remember reading that, but I'm not 100% sure. I can't find them, so may you please restock (if they weren't for only a limited time)? Thank you.
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 05:49:50
just put up some gripmatics up and restocked on a few things you guys mentioned. and yes i will put up the ballsign mod bonkura styled ones in a little bit. thx
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 02:46:51
can you put up kuzu g3 mod?
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 20:19:38
PW will not be shipping the next week May 1 – May 8. I will be out of the state and thus not be able to ship. I believe I will leave the shop open but again I won’t be able to start shipping until the week starting May 9. Starting 28th (midnight CST Chicago time), you will be some freebies with your order. For those orders that don’t ship out before I leave and for orders placed during the early portion of the next week, more freebies will be given. Basically all orders will get something from the 28th till the at least the 9th. The longer you have to wait to ship, the more stuff you will get. Stuff will mainly be pens and parts but there will be some mods like KT, Miffy and Melanie(only one and no begging) and other items such as Marvies, tips, grips etc etc. With regards to the giveaway. ALL giveaways up to April will be chosen within one week of my return. Please be patient! Thx I should be able to ship all orders placed by Friday and perhaps even some on saturday. Those orders still eligible for a freebie
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 08:58:42
penwish are you ever going to make a blue and white version of Seven g3 mod? or other color combinations?
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 09:11:30
uhhhhhh well i mean if you want another color and I can make it and you have a link to the insert. Sure i'll go ahead and i can see what i can do.
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 11:58:47
@PenwisH You know whats missing for the next BIG profit? =P Pink UPSB case xD PrinceXD
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 14:02:19
@PenwisH plese restock the white upsb case with red logo. Thanks! :D
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:07:07
Im pretty sure you havwe a company that pronts your custom stickers for the pens like PSP etc, maybe ask them to print M&M stickers? that would not only redice the price of m&ms, but also increase sales. Maybe just stick them onto an AC body or something
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:11:14
Is it possible to add buster cyl peem edition to the shop
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:12:30
drgripable wrote: Im pretty sure you havwe a company that pronts your custom stickers for the pens like PSP etc, maybe ask them to print M&M stickers? that would not only redice the price of m&ms, but also increase sales. Maybe just stick them onto an AC body or something
That would be scamming people. -
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:14:45
@V-Storm , no it wouldn't. they're not m&ms. they're just stickers. It would be scamming only if the product name was M&M or something among the lines of penwish claiming the stickered AC's to be m&ms
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:29:48
drgripable wrote: @V-Storm , no it wouldn't. they're not m&ms. they're just stickers. It would be scamming only if the product name was M&M or something among the lines of penwish claiming the stickered AC's to be m&ms
Oh, cause you said that it would "reduce the price of M&Ms" SOrry for misunderstanding. -
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 00:32:10
sokay ;)
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 06:45:04
can anyone tell me if i can use comssa caps for the s360 kt?
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 08:43:38
drgripable wrote: Im pretty sure you havwe a company that pronts your custom stickers for the pens like PSP etc, maybe ask them to print M&M stickers? that would not only redice the price of m&ms, but also increase sales. Maybe just stick them onto an AC body or something
Every name and image have a copyright, it's piracy so we cant just print like that -
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 21:16:02
@sasuak , they're out of production??? idk wait until the patent expires if applicable?"
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 02:10:36
can u plz stock felt tip markers with the cap 4 the s777 mx?
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 02:49:47
Do you know how hard those are to find? The originals are some no-name pen I'm pretty sure.
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:24:18
Actually I think I have that. The only text on the marker is Laurentian, right?
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:35:10
Uh I'm not sure. According to the tutorial on youtube one of the comments is as follows: "The first cap is Esquisse ultra lavables. Credit to envy for finding them"
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:40:41
Nachoaddict wrote: Uh I'm not sure. According to the tutorial on youtube one of the comments is as follows:
I think they do have the Laurentien label, looking at miyat's trade thread. -
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:54:07
the ones miyat have are subs, I would know, I gave him some. Pretty sure the real ones only come in clear and the super fluo colors. Plus Laurentien is a canadian company, not french. But this means PW could get the laurentien subs they have more colors anyways.
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:55:30
already answered
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 04:44:05
Just wondering, whats the biggest penwish order ever made? I think the smallest was .25 cents on a comssa cap.
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 18:35:28
... For the s777 mx, the cap used for is an "Esquisse ultra lavable" as Nacho' said. I'm sure (;
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 19:55:58
Alright thanks, I saw a post in SOYP with s777 caps and I thought I saw the laurentian markers. I can sell it as a sub then =P
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 20:41:52
Yep', you can (;
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 21:34:27
I think penwish should add pink HGG to the store and maybe more PLAY COLOR2 Pens (colors)
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 22:58:40
what happened to hgr's?????????? @PenwisH
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 16:55:21
can you stock up more metallic gel pens please? i know you already got some, but its either in a pack or we can buy one but we get one random colour, i want to be able to buy the yellow ones, and can you stock up some yellow bellcolors please?
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 15:19:02
a kt mod part, like a color twin or art color with two caps on the end, then we pick a color in the comments, i think that is better than having to buy two 3 dollar pens edit: similar to a buster mod part
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 15:25:19
Could you put Commsa backplugs in Namae Mods to lengthen/make the caps sturdier? Thnks
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 18:29:56
Fail wrote: Could you put Commsa backplugs in Namae Mods to lengthen/make the caps sturdier? Thnks
You can do that yourself. A comssa is just 1 dollar. -
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 18:45:07
AWtii69 wrote: what happened to hgr's?????????? @PenwisH
Discontinued. -
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 22:38:41
V-Storm wrote: You can do that yourself. A comssa is just 1 dollar.
Yea, but some people are to lazy too. Like me. Besides, it was just a suggestion. And not everyone (particularly beginner modders) don't know that commsa backplugs make the cap sturdier. -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:03:06
perhaps you should stock up on some better things to ship in, because some of my stuff arrived crushed. an ENTIRE EMBOSS (barrel included) got crushed, as well as the yellow comssa cap. my first purchase was not encouraging. (also, I'm pretty much positive that I added 2 Dr. Grip tips to the order and they weren't shipped, so I checked the order history and they weren't in the list. probably my fault but it's not encouraging)
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:06:03
That's not his fault you know. Mail is unreliable, talk to PenWish and he'll probably sort something out. It's not like he took a hammer to your package before he sent it out, it's out of his control. If anything be pissed off at USPS.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:08:56
Yeah talk to pw about it like Holypie said. An the Dr. Grip Tips are probably because you ordered during that week he was gone. Or he's just being super nice lol. I've never had a problem with pw packages.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:16:22
Nachoaddict wrote: Yeah talk to pw about it like Holypie said. An the Dr. Grip Tips are probably because you ordered during that week he was gone. Or he's just being super nice lol. I've never had a problem with pw packages.
I think he means that he thinks that he ordered 2 Dr. Grip tips but they weren't on the list. Anyway one time he forgot a Dr. Grip grip and I talked with him and he fixed it ASAP. A lot of worse vendors would have just said "Deal with it" but PenWish is a great person. I'm sure it'll work out. -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:27:32
send me a message and i'll get whatever you have fixed. take a pic of the damage and i'll resend asap.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:29:09
gotchya... although perhaps if I was shipping embosses I would have wrapped them in cotton pads or something, the one is pretty well-pancaked. I'll send him an email edit: oops, didn't notice your post PW ._. i'm on it
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:30:21
send me an email at [email][email protected][/email] more responsive there for now.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:31:17
pancakes are somewhat typical for usps packages. damage happens but it's rare unfortunate your package got nailed tho
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:37:37
AWtii69 wrote: a kt mod part, like a color twin or art color with two caps on the end, then we pick a color in the comments, i think that is better than having to buy two 3 dollar pens edit: similar to a buster mod part
better for you perhaps... but penwish IS a business ;) -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 03:38:49
once pentel actually makes the caps for me i'll do that but for now probably a no can do=(
Stare wrote: better for you perhaps... but penwish IS a business ;)
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 04:10:03
how come you don't sell signo tips alone like you do with hgg? also can you sell white emboss pens?
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 04:11:18 Aren't those signo tips? @RicLu98
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 04:11:51
With HGG he gets them custom made, I don't think he can get signos yet. Iirc he was working on getting them.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 04:13:29
V-Storm wrote: Aren't those signo tips? @RicLu98
holy crap i never noticed those! thank you so much! -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 17:43:28
@Riley awwww ok thanks
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 06:06:33
just waiting for dem corawred beifas tew cum awt.
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 06:09:08
I would love to see this AP rush flexible MX and this heavy clear comssa ordering stuff from pendolsa in the US is far to expensive
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 07:14:38
Maybe if you guys sold Penz Gear Ring Weights? :D
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 03:35:35
When are you going to restock on black tornado grips?
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 11:33:12
I really would to see neon yellow HGG in shop.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 14:23:36
Yea, me too, but he uses hgg grip subs that only come in black and white. (but if you buy the actual pen, the grip is not a sub.)
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 07:36:55
how long does shipping take? they started shipping 3days ago i live in sydney australia. do they ship by boat or plane friend was asking?
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 08:07:15
NEW HGR BRS (i cant get in my country T^T) White Emboss (not mod) MOAR CT/ACT Colour and also i hope the tip of the tip and grip set of HGG is not sub...... thanks alot =)
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 08:14:33
YoPhagg wrote: how long does shipping take? they started shipping 3days ago i live in sydney australia. do they ship by boat or plane friend was asking?
With the normal shipping, $7,99/$10,99 it takes about a week to verify/ship out, then another 2-4 weeks for you recieve :) Sometimes it ships faster because you coincidentally ordered just before Penwish sends all his weekly packages resulting in a faster shipping time. -
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 23:23:37
What happened to the clear tornado grips?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 02:03:37
when u say ship is it by a boat or a plane?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 02:38:05
YoPhagg wrote: when u say ship is it by a boat or a plane?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 02:39:50
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 02:48:08
YoPhagg wrote: when u say ship is it by a boat or a plane?
This is the 21st century. We don't use ships to ship anything but massive shipping containers that are MASSIVE. Like, bus sized. Each container is bus sized. And then there are TONS of them. No I don't think a package of pens would be bus sized. Unless it's a LOT of pens. -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 02:50:10
can you sell soschie, mesi, kuzu, or sister_R g3 mods premade? also can you sell gripcuts?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:01:25
Krispy Kreme;106314][/QUOTE] LOL [QUOTE=Holypie;106315]This is the 21st century. We don't use ships to ship anything but massive shipping containers that are MASSIVE. Like, bus sized. Each container is bus sized. And then there are TONS of them. No I don't think a package of pens would be bus sized. Unless it's a LOT of pens.[/QUOTE] :clap: [QUOTE=RicLu98 wrote: can you sell soschie, mesi, kuzu, or sister_R g3 mods premade? also can you sell gripcuts?
are extremely unlikey, mesi mayb kuzu is gonna be to hard to make and if he does put it then its without grip cut and for soschie cyl maybe and soschie g3 g1 are rare -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:04:31
Neon Reynolds caps seperate?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:05:32
itzDaKine wrote: Neon Reynolds caps seperate?
taht would be extremely unlikey as well becuase hes running out of them, he already took off the neon greens -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:13:15
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: taht would be extremely unlikey as well becuase hes running out of them, he already took off the neon greens
fuuu i know! i went to order the neon green waterfall but they wete gone:( and i had just seen em on there the week before:/ but ya but worth a shot -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:32:15
do they ship by plane or boat? ahahah just kidding since when did i ask u 3 times? i asked twice coz no one answered LOLS GEEZ suk a dick so then wats the diff between expensive and cheaper? faster plane?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:50:46
If you need a gripcut just contact one of those pro gripcutters. I highly doubt he will mass produce gripcuts.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 04:43:43
YoPhagg wrote: do they ship by plane or boat? ahahah just kidding since when did i ask u 3 times? i asked twice coz no one answered LOLS GEEZ suk a dick so then wats the diff between expensive and cheaper? faster plane?
yes -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 06:33:16
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: LOL :clap: are extremely unlikey, mesi mayb kuzu is gonna be to hard to make and if he does put it then its without grip cut and for soschie cyl maybe and soschie g3 g1 are rare
Lolwut G1s are rare?! Wow... And Penwish won't produce grip cuts in mass amounts, that is for certain. -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 06:52:38
pay the most expensive fees and u'll get a jetplane to deliver ur package. PrinceXD
YoPhagg wrote: do they ship by plane or boat? ahahah just kidding since when did i ask u 3 times? i asked twice coz no one answered LOLS GEEZ suk a dick so then wats the diff between expensive and cheaper? faster plane?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 08:10:59
Its actually shipped by something call teleportation. it takes about a week to start up and a about a week to operate and about a week to reach u. :trollface: you should answer this whenever he asks again :) -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 13:05:18
yeah it's all by plane. it will be faster if you live near a place where lots of flights go there. Besides that it is kinda random for shipping times. Also I restocked HGR. Was able to find some at art shop near me
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 06:03:43
Penwish, what do you use to cut your grips? I can never get straight cuts T_T
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 06:22:35
razor (exacto or just normal stanley razor) and scissors (craft very very sharp only or else it will look like junk - I use cutter bee)
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:07:39
hey is it just me, or are there no more light blue AC pens? O_o if they're outta stock, could u restock them Penwish? Thanks!
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:10:35
hello, how long does it take to ship to Honolulu, HI 96826 ? (the $4.99 service one)
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:13:09
please restock on dr grip tips and gripmatics
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:37:25
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: please restock on dr grip tips and gripmatics
? they are all in stock, 18 tips and 16 gripmatics. -
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:41:31
Cloud wrote: ? they are all in stock, 18 tips and 16 gripmatics.
they werent yesterday -
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 20:55:22
what happened to full white embosses? can you restock?
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 01:32:20
reeder mod would be nice
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 04:54:46
Any chance on RSVP NX MMT, LSH MX, Vortex mod, or RSVP MMT?
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 17:06:13
restock on black g2s and g3s one g3 left 2 g2s left
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 17:09:13
Explosion101 wrote: restock on black g3s one left
you know he has more then he indicates -
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 17:40:37
Yeah but he probably just wants to add more to his cart.
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 15:25:33
I get an error: (code: 15005) Am i not allowed to use AmEx prepaid gift cards? :(
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 00:53:51
out of clear tornados
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 04:17:00 just got this today and i have a couple question: is the back cap supposed to be glued at all because it came right off when i touch (or gently remove) it? is there a way to fix the moving ink inside the pen because it feels really annoying when holding/spinning it?
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 07:15:46
The ink you just have to deal with unless you want to remove it but then you can't write with it. The back cap I think you mean the comssa cap on the back of the mod? Yes sometime's it's loose so just put some tape on the white back plug so the cap is snug. No way we have a Jan and now a JanJan >_>
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 10:42:31
could you add key3 and mesi g3's to your stock PLEASE??? :wub:
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 11:28:13
drgripable wrote: could you add key3 and mesi g3's to your stock PLEASE??? :wub: -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 12:22:13
Can you Add tinted hyperjell
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 12:29:11
@Desertifikation , tinted hyperjell is called a Jimnie
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 12:31:43
drgripable wrote: @Desertifikation , tinted hyperjell is called a Jimnie
You can ask PW to use those colors, and give him a link to the insert in the comment section -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 13:55:28
@PenwisH you should add ks sporty tips if you could. and superlavables.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 14:30:02
funnky wrote: @PenwisH you should add ks sporty tips if you could. and superlavables.
superlavables would be great dunno about sporty tips -
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 02:29:15
Hmmm... where is KT? o_O
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 02:57:08
Ejikpyroman wrote: Hmmm... where is KT? o_O -
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 03:03:45
pretty sure he meant the actual marker...
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 14:47:41
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 17:46:12
Could you restock on purple hyperjells?
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 20:38:57
@PenwisH can you please restock grip-matic pencils? you bnack orders -15. i hope you can get some sooon
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 21:20:39
drgripable wrote: @Desertifikation , tinted hyperjell is called a Jimnie
I thought Tinted HJ's were the same as Jimnie Jell Rollerballs, but not regular Jimnies... -
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 22:15:08
restocked on fabers
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 06:34:56
pirats and request ---- clic stics T_T EDIT: Oh there are pirats nao :3
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 07:09:55
i'll try to find some rapid. they aren't that super common in the usa anymore
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 12:22:21
New products to come?
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 13:24:42
When will you restock orange signo dx and get more yellow hj please ?
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 15:26:31
i just restocked. thx.
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:18:45
Can you have more mods such as turndont g3, kuzu, soschie, minwoo dc on your site?
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:21:59
i'll try to do an update within the next month or so. no guarantees but yeah i'll look those up and take a look see
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:30:05
What happened to the idea of having mod kits? it would make your job a lot easier, and people could just add their choice of color changes in the comments or something
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:30:46
Apho wrote: What happened to the idea of having mod kits? it would make your job a lot easier, and people could just add their choice of color changes in the comments or something
good idea -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:34:54
i'll still have to consider that. problem is some colors for various items are different costs so it's a bit tricky to program those options in
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:36:24
PenwisH wrote: i'll still have to consider that. problem is some colors for various items are different costs so it's a bit tricky to program those options in
you can make the kits a few prices off the mod itself or you can jsut use the price variation. I don't see how that won't work. -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:38:44
yeah that'll be a little tricky to program in there. gotta ask my programming buddy
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:43:37
PenwisH wrote: yeah that'll be a little tricky to program in there. gotta ask my programming buddy
what does the programming buddy do? -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:47:42
he programs stuff that i can't do lol
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 16:48:39
PenwisH wrote: he programs stuff that i can't do lol
oh cool. Like? -
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 02:20:43
@PenwisH ur out of reynold caps man. can u please restock. and the idea of mod kits would be really great idea
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 02:28:51
Hm, mod kits... I dunno, you can just buy all the parts yourself from his site already... are you guys that lazy to pick out items individually? Anyways, PW any chance you could get Alpha Gels for the Seven Watercolor Mod? It's actually VERY easy to get parts for the Seven Watercolor is you sub the body.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 02:31:48
Cloud wrote: Hm, mod kits... I dunno, you can just buy all the parts yourself from his site already... are you guys that lazy to pick out items individually?
well im not lazy but im half retarded as u know and sometimes i have no friking clue what parts are needed for a mod. -
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:14:01
yeah i know i'm out or reynolds caps. they are increasingly hard to find...........................i do have coming for now though
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:16:18
If somebody was to program something for the kits, whats included in the kit may just be the parts required for the mod (and a lower price) and not the extra parts of the stock pens (i.e. grips/tips) which means the price could be lower than buying all the stock pens individually/ more convenient if you suck at modding. Its like buying a mod off penwish...minus the modding. this means pw might make less money, so it probably isn't a viable option actually, plus its probably a hassle if he needs to get somebody to program something for it.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:29:09
PW, you could sell a Dr. Grip and tip set,like the HGG.I think people would like it.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:30:39
Yeah @DArKT Can't you just buy the grip and the tip both lol?
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:32:05
i actually wouldn't charge less or more for it probably. If it's less it would be minimal. Issue comes to play when mods uses various colors and things cost a lot more if it's a different color. Basically anything that I have to get from Japan, I get hosed on. exchange rate by banks is like 76 which is like a 45% price increase from few years ago. It's definitely something to consider but gotta think about best way to do it.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 03:34:19
Yeah,but if I bought the two of them it would be like...7~8$.the set could be 6~7...
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 22:51:47
PW, would it be possible for you to get your hands on some Pilot Patints?
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:18:59
look in lakubo section i have them already
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:19:49
you could sell the mod kits in colors for example Marvy Marker Mod Kit - Blue Marvy Marker Mod Kit - Red Marvy Marker Mod Kit - Green and vice versa
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:28:30
I imagine mod kits are for more complicated mods, usually g3 where there are a lot of different color combinations, so making an item for each possible color outcome would be too cluttered
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:39:46
I like the idea of mod kits, but instead of having one for each color outcome, you can have it say "Request color combinations in the comments section at checkout" or something
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:43:07
tamashii wrote: I like the idea of mod kits, but instead of having one for each color outcome, you can have it say "Request color combinations in the comments section at checkout" or something
the problem with that different colours can coem in different prices. Take a look at seven g3 mod, red is more expensive then original. -
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 23:45:44
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: the problem with that different colours can coem in different prices. Take a look at seven g3 mod, red is more expensive then original.
average out the prices -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 00:01:26
Explosion101 wrote: average out the prices
averagin out can solve the problem but you wont make as much profit -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 12:56:38
I hope you understand the following suggestion: He could make a own Section: "Mod kits", there is a Button e.g. Seven mod when you click at it a chart will open with the parts you need fot it, there can you choose the color you want, at the botton will be stand the price for the mod, because of different prices of parts. If you want a picture from my idea i could make one, for better understanding. edit: This means button (yes a little bit small i know ^^) Not excatly what i mean because i dont know how to make a drop down menu
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 13:12:46
Desertifikation wrote: I hope you understand the following suggestion: He could make a own Section: "Mod kits", there is a Button e.g. Seven mod when you click at it a chart will open with the parts you need fot it, there can you choose the color you want, at the botton will be stand the price for the mod, because of different prices of parts. If you want a picture from my idea i could make one, for better understanding. edit: This means button (yes a little bit small i know ^^) Not excatly what i mean because i dont know how to make a drop down menu
I like the idea but it's going to take a long time to program them in. -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 16:57:16
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: I like the idea but it's going to take a long time to program them in.
Shouldn't be hard -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 22:50:27
-14 on reynolds
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 22:52:51
Explosion101 wrote: -14 on reynolds
:clap: restock on gripmatics and reynolds, dr grip grip and tips pl0x -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 22:56:08
He has some dr grip tips and grips
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 23:31:49
Hows about a blue Seven G3 Mod?
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 09:55:17
@PenwisH why u not respond to my emails? D:
Date: Tue, Jul 26 2011 21:50:50
@V-Storm - if you request it and maybe show him a picture, he will try to fulfill it. thats what he told me the last time i asked about blue seven g3 PW ~ restock on reynolds please =]
Date: Tue, Jul 26 2011 21:58:54
rapid, i already replied to you @ noodles. should be in soon on reynolds
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 17:18:41
reynolds are back
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 21:40:28
OLd namaes markers please
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 01:46:06
SpinnerNoob wrote: OLd namaes markers please
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:14:57
is it possible to get lavender cts?
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:23:07
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: is it possible to get lavender cts?
that would kill the market. and he already has 'HAL' style KT on ;) -
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:26:02
Krispy Kreme wrote: that would kill the market. and he already has 'HAL' style KT on ;)
yeah but i need lavender caps D: -
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:50:33
what color is lavender give me a model number and i 100% can get it easily
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:57:17
@PenwisH: Lavender = heliotrope = SCW-131 Violet = SCW-108 Purple = SCW-150
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 03:00:23
lol wtf i had 131 and the people i sent it to said it wasn't lavender wtf lol
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 03:39:26
Whoa it would be cool if you could PW. Wanted some
purpleviolet caps for some time :O -
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 05:04:07
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 12:29:28
@PeniwsH please? I really need some lolz
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 15:24:56
When are you getting the M&M's in Pw? I saw others talking that you were getting some made for you?
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 13:41:28
is it possible to get SPOKOS?
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 07:58:36
um.. how much is the shipping to Australia
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 01:19:34
@PenwisH Spokos and M&Ms would be very much appreciated! Also Beifas if you can get your hands on 'em
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 02:01:42
FullmetalDra wrote: @PenwisH Spokos and M&Ms would be very much appreciated! Also Beifas if you can get your hands on 'em
m&ms will be almost impossible to get until PW gets it from Pentel -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 02:20:18
FullmetalDra wrote: @PenwisH Spokos and M&Ms would be very much appreciated! Also Beifas if you can get your hands on 'em
YEAH, AND CAN WE HAVE SEVEN WATERCOLOUR MOD? seriously, stop asking for this kind of stuff, it's not going to happen -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 02:23:18
can you get g specs?
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 02:29:30
i can :D
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 03:10:00
Explosion101 wrote: YEAH, AND CAN WE HAVE SEVEN WATERCOLOUR MOD? seriously, stop asking for this kind of stuff, it's not going to happen
i think he's asking someone named PENWISH. not explosion101. i heard that penwish gonna get M&M from pentel. "not gonna happen"? ....we'll see. -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 15:18:23
i actually have g specs right now but too lazy to list perhaps soon =p. spokos are slowly becoming out of production atleast the good color perhaps a sub will come out soon
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 17:40:38
hey...What about the M&M's?are you really going to get them????
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 22:57:27
delete this pl0x
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 19:58:44
pls restock Hyper Jell and add Pilot Nextage/OPT to your shop
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 20:02:00
which of your hj are nearly skyblue if anyone skyblue, please add this color please ?!?!?
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 21:16:04
... sorry i thought this was an other thread ;)
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 21:27:11
SamuelAliasCheater wrote: /in
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 22:15:50
Would it be possible to add penwish inserts/stickers option?
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 20:32:35
Retractable waterfall perhaps... And boc grips of there markers are food for mx's Retractable waterfall perhaps... And bic grips of there markers are good for mx's
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 13:55:37
Iceopro wrote: Retractable waterfall perhaps... And boc grips of there markers are food for mx's Retractable waterfall perhaps... And bic grips of there markers are good for mx's
hate to rain on ur parade but i highly doubt that he will sell anything like that the only retractable mods he will sell are comssa 153 or wateva -
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 21:02:29
I checked the Penwish homepage, and it says that it's coming back on 9/10, but another page says 9/9. Which day is it?! I'm impatient, sorry. D: 9/10: 9/9:
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 22:04:30
normal here
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 22:18:02
LittleRabbith wrote: normal here
I don't understand? Anyways you should pm PW about it. I already made my order but if you can't get in touch with him (which you probably can) you should probably order before either of the dates just to be safe. And wtf PW released his phone number? :o Also this should go into the PW questions thread I think. -
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 22:24:53
Thanks Nachoaddict, I didn't know there was a PenWish Question Thread. I made my order too, about a week ago, and it's killing me to wait. I'm too excited.
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 23:15:24
haha i made a order too like last week
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 23:44:02
If you're still confused, Penwish will be gone until 9/10, not 9/9.
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 09:16:15
technically i will be back 9/9 late night but regardless. it's the weekend for the most part and stuff won't ship till early next week ^^
Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 17:32:48
pls, restock yellow hj
Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 19:19:43
Desertifikation wrote: pls, restock yellow hj
yellow and pink were discontinued -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 02:11:49
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 03:43:09
darellow98 wrote: m&m
Disountinued -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 03:54:05
Requesting Mr. Somsak? If not then it's ok. :3
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 04:02:38
Mr Somsak, Ivan Mod, Firefly G3, White emboss pens (small and large caps)
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 17:17:57
Can you please add the Reynolds 094 green, pink and yellow pens? Thank you verymuch!
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 18:15:16
Loyd wrote: Can you please add the Reynolds 094 green, pink and yellow pens? Thank you verymuch!
discontinued -
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 19:18:02
could you please restock white RSVP sunburst. That would be nice :D
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 20:22:35
AIRBLANCS where are they????
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 10:49:29
jabog wrote: AIRBLANCS where are they????
They are discontinued -
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 11:12:18
ohhhh thats stupid :( but thanks @Zowie
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 02:44:28
Mesi G3, Kuzu G3, Nachoaddict PC2..sell some of them pls!
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 09:57:48
@PenwisH so what happened to "new products every month"? its been a while since you added stuff in :P Frog~
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 20:06:24
@PenwisH , The order I received was not complete (missing 2 black comssa caps). edit: I see what you did, you added 2 white HGG's in place of the comssa caps, in accordance to one interpretation of the additional comment I had. Notification would have been nice, I could have clarified.
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 20:25:34
add papermate profile pl0x? xD
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:08:02
@wee~ Anyball grips are pretty much the same as Profile grips.
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:13:25
Could you maybe just sell the pencil caps inividualy? Spelling :P
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:16:25
@Gash lol i see. i did not know that xD thanks lol
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:31:52
wee~ wrote: add papermate profile pl0x? xD
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 22:04:30
Some 700N?
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 22:26:53
@funnky DUDE. read the previous post. LOL
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 22:27:25
white sunbursts back in stock. n700 is on the get list. profiles maybe. pencil caps is a mabye
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 23:19:32
anyball's are the same thing as profiles
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 23:25:59
i think they want profile for the body to make anyx but i'm not sure
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 14:09:55
uploaded those HAL Colored CT, sailor fluro, g2 all colors (good ones), g-spec, alph gels, random ZG pens, comssa backplugs. Didn't upload any customized mods but may do so within next few weeks
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 15:07:43
Now everyone will have HAL KTs XD
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 15:18:48
PenwisH wrote: uploaded those HAL Colored CT, sailor fluro, g2 all colors (good ones), g-spec, alph gels, random ZG pens, comssa backplugs. Didn't upload any customized mods but may do so within next few weeks
THANK YOU, NOW I CAN FINALL MAKE A HAL KT/LAVENDER PERSONS KT @PenwisH does the lavender ct caps match with the sailor gel violet grips? Also the alpha gel shakers are they pencil? WHat type of lead? Does the colour describe the pen or the lead? Same tips as normal aplha gel? -
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 15:52:47
Alpha gels are pencils 0.5mm and the color indicates grip color. The tips are same as the original yup
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 15:59:28
PenwisH wrote: Alpha gels are pencils 0.5mm and the color indicates grip color. The tips are same as the original yup
oh ok thanks does the sailor violet match with the lavender caps? -
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 16:17:29
matches it decently enough
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 01:48:54
spoko and bellcolor
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 02:13:28
Color express
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 02:48:23
yellow bellcolors
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 03:01:19
bellcolor you may as well trade. it's only sold in packs. spokos is a project for later
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 03:09:08
penwish do you have 2 yellow bellcolors or a pack???
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 03:49:56
colored tape? :D
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 04:05:25
teflon & x-acto & other modding tools~ that makes pen modding an one-stop move lol~ :hah:
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 04:30:47
clic stics please
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 04:55:44
teflon, colored tape, modding tools i was planning just haven't gotten around to it. i have a few packs bellcolor for collection only =/
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 15:38:32
Can Stabilo Trio caps fit on a G1 backcap ? (crappy english)
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 13:34:23
yes it can but it is more difficult so you must be careful
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 00:01:39
Penwish could you add some Jimnie Gel Rollerball to your store. They are Hyper Jell fake
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 00:21:35
picture of exact item you want?
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 00:27:31
PenwisH wrote: picture of exact item you want?
The Jimnie Gel Rollerball is just a mp version on the hyperjell. I've only ever seen it in blue, black, red, and clear.Black pen on the right, (**Courtesy of SPRiNGFiELD for the picture (sun)
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 00:38:35
i thought it was the colored clear caps but same as hyper jell? like tinted. i mean if it's only available in blue black red that's not that important is it considering those colors are still in production?
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 00:57:15
great idea on the backcaps!~ do the alpha gel shakers have the same tip as the other?
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 01:10:27
as other what exactly? it has alpha gel tips. that's about it
greenman11 wrote: great idea on the backcaps!~ do the alpha gel shakers have the same tip as the other?
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 01:34:14
My question to you is... why get hyper jell fakes when theres legit ones? =.=? Frog~
Vergil wrote: Penwish could you add some Jimnie Gel Rollerball to your store. They are Hyper Jell fake
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 01:37:18
add pilot nextage s'il tu plait?
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 02:22:57
original Dr Grip shakers? i can only find metallic and special edition
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 02:33:04
nextstage is a long shot as the popularity isn't that high. what kind of normal dr.grips do you want? going to be hard to find but i'm sure i can find something if you give me time
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:20:41
Nextage tips are so nice :wub:
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:35:55
Nachoaddict wrote: Nextage tips are so nice :wub:
They're like the child of an airfit tip and a dr grip tip :trollface: -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:37:50
Krispy Kreme wrote: They're like the child of an airfit tip and a dr grip tip :trollface:
But they don't make bulges in Dr. grip when you put them on namae caps or comssa caps. I wub their width ^_^ -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 13:44:07
FrogPrinceXD wrote: My question to you is... why get hyper jell fakes when theres legit ones? =.=? Frog~
because original are discontinued @PenwisH: -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 20:44:56
Yes they are, but that doesn't mean you cant get them from PenWish.. So why still want fake, when the real stuff is actually available NOW? That was my intended question. Frog~
Vergil wrote: because original are discontinued ...:
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 22:19:03
PenwisH wrote: as other what exactly? it has alpha gel tips. that's about it
As the original non shaker pencils -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 23:25:46
@FrogPrinceXD: but not all Hyper Jell colors available
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 23:48:17
Im sorry I kept thinking its those MP ones Krispy showed. I didnt actually check the pic until just now. Frog~
Vergil wrote: @FrogPrinceXD: but not all Hyper Jell colors available
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 13:28:44
Now everybody will be spinning HAL KTs xD
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 20:49:13
FrogPrinceXD wrote: Yes they are, but that doesn't mean you cant get them from PenWish.. So why still want fake, when the real stuff is actually available NOW? That was my intended question. Frog~
I disagree that Jimnie Rollerball is fake of Hyper Jell. It is just European version of HJ. Lenght, size, plastic quality is the same body is just tinted. And refill is 0,7 which Europeans prefer more than 0,5. -
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 00:08:21
Pretty sure the only really desirable color is yellow and i don't think there is a yellow jimnie roller but i could be wrong. I can look into getting some in the future.
Vergil wrote: @FrogPrinceXD: but not all Hyper Jell colors available
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 00:48:00
PenwisH wrote: nextstage is a long shot as the popularity isn't that high. what kind of normal dr.grips do you want? going to be hard to find but i'm sure i can find something if you give me time
i could only find the "metallic" and the special edition blue ones. i was looking for the original white plastic ones. -
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 01:27:32
browndog12 wrote: i could only find the "metallic" and the special edition blue ones. i was looking for the original white plastic ones.
You want nextage... because of the colour plastic of its body ? I doubt Penwish would do that, if you can get the metal tips there's no point of Penwish going out of this way to get pens when you can already get them. -
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 01:52:28
if you want them i can probably get them just tell me what colorl
browndog12 wrote: i could only find the "metallic" and the special edition blue ones. i was looking for the original white plastic ones.
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 23:24:58
@PenwisH im looking to find the original white colored bodies thanks
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 18:17:12
could you stock up on spoko mini's (all colours)?
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 22:35:30
@PenwisH stock up Jell-bes! :trollface: no but seriously, get them if you can! ill be like the first one to mass purchase from ya then~ Frog~
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 23:04:35
Can you get spoko mini's or spoko
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 23:06:12
some color are oop for spokos already. i might be getting the ones still in production next year or so but all the colors i still have to work with the manufacturer for that and no $$ for that yet =(. frog wth is Jell -bes?
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 23:13:45
Please restock the extra large white cases~~ :D when you have time!
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 08:30:52
More writable mods would be awesome. A F1r3fly mod would be sweet too.
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 10:31:11
tinted g3 pls?
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 12:13:13
o.0 Why would you want that? Clear G3s are more insert-friendly and usable, right?
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 02:04:08
TruePSer- wrote: o.0 Why would you want that? Clear G3s are more insert-friendly and usable, right?
Because he wants to make a mod with a tinted body or cap? ._. Clear G3s are good because they are clear. But tinted bodies are good because they are tinted. You get a different look on the mod if you have a tinted body... -
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 04:10:10
Lol told u about it before.. Even sent u pics in ur email for Hibachi mod tip Frog~
PenwisH wrote: some color are oop for spokos already. i might be getting the ones still in production next year or so but all the colors i still have to work with the manufacturer for that and no $$ for that yet =(. frog wth is Jell -bes?
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 04:42:37
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 02:27:13
@PenwisH I was wondering if you could sell a Ballsign-bodied Waterfall mod, since you already made a Waterfall Comssa. Just for insert purposes, considering you have colored Reynolds caps. :3
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 03:13:31
@PenwisH why dont you sell HGRs D: *FOUND IT NEVERMIND xD
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 05:51:15
Is there ever such a thing as "Black Friday" or "Cyber Monday" for PenWish?
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 06:03:20
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 06:49:11
awww okay.
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 07:06:41
Can you sell white tornado mods? i know pendolsa is selling it but i dont want to pay 16 dollar shipping for 1 mod. Thanks
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 03:33:21
My first purchase from Penwish were 2 signo caps, 2 Dr grip gips, 2 Reynolds 094 caps, and a super pirat. Seriously, emphasis on first purchase. Today, I got the stuff, and I was excited because you know it was going to be my first pen mod. (Extra points if you guess correctly what it is) When I looked through all the items, I was missing a Reynolds 094 Cap! I double checked to make sure it was right. It was! Instead of two reynolds 094 caps, I only got one Reynolds 094 cap and in place for the missing one was a random white cap. Can anyone help me on what to do? Also, similar stories?
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 03:35:18
Next time post in the penwish thread in the trading and buying section of the forum. Second of all stop freaking out. Penwish has got to be one of the nicest guys on this board. Just pm him or email him about the problem and he'll work it out. And seriously it's one cap. You gotta calm down. Chances are he'll just send you a new cap for free.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 03:44:32
close this thread. pointless. penwish merchandise/questions/requests thread? IT EXISTS
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 04:10:15
Penwish makes mistakes all the time. Just PM him and he'll fix it. As a good habit, always film yourself opening a package, so you can prove that you didn't tamper with it.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 20:22:58
the thread was moved to general discussion by accident.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 20:58:36
Oh that was my fault. Apologies. Thanks for moving it back
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 23:19:39
@PenwisH are u going to restock Emerald Green CTs?
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 23:26:13
@PenwisH possible to get color express?
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 00:45:47
could you sell White tornado mods? or only the Parts? for like,10 bucks or whatever
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 01:13:54
DArKT wrote: could you sell White tornado mods? or only the Parts? for like,10 bucks or whatever
white tornado is definitely more than 10 bucks -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 01:16:04
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: white tornado is definitely more than 10 bucks
15 so. PW got some expensive shipping now,so i thought it would be okay -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 01:21:05
DArKT wrote: 15 so. PW got some expensive shipping now,so i thought it would be okay
the white body and caps are rarer then the clear ones -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 01:46:04
im pretty sure they arent SOOOO rare. oh,theyre no originals like the others. White tornado mod is "Fake"
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 04:31:30
Will you ever stock Spokos? :(
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 04:55:25
eventually yes on both white tornado and spokos but still on the bottom of the priority list but i'll take a look
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 05:00:08
o.o will ya ever sell these funny looking colored airfits that kind look awesome?
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 05:14:20
no idea what you are referring to flame
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 05:50:49
I think he's talking about the sparkly gripped airfits. TBH they don't look great to me :/
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 06:17:46
Reynolds Neon cap...look like how?
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 06:23:51
Not my pics. Frog~
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 08:15:36
PenwisH wrote: eventually yes on both white tornado and spokos but still on the bottom of the priority list but i'll take a look
w00t.. thanks PW. :) -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 08:31:35
@FrogPrinceXD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU it got inside the reynolds pack?
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 09:09:12
[B]Did you not read that its not my pic, but its google search?[/B] anyways.. As far as i know, neon reynolds were promotional items, [B]used[/B] to be in a pack of reynolds (you buy a pack, it comes with 3 neon reynolds) and because its promotional items, its [B]discontinued[/B] now. Frog~
Nick2811 wrote: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU it got inside the reynolds pack?
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 00:32:17
@PenwisH possible to get color express? It will be very awesome if you do
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 08:22:01
What's the nearest CT cap color to the M&M Light Blue used in most KTs?
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 22:56:25
oh i know one o.o will ya ever sell duraflash's??
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 02:34:19
@PenwisH any subb for needle point?
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 02:37:05
@Nick2811 PENWISH, WHEN DID YOU START HIRING ?! Your secret is out Penwish ! He's trying to hide !
Sneaky little guy
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 02:38:21
@suxidal fren made this...FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU OMFG LMFAO LOL epic failed
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 02:45:24
flame sivics wrote: oh i know one o.o will ya ever sell duraflash's??
The new fluro sailor grips are close enough to Duraflashes I guess. He has no reason to stock them anymore cause of these -
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 03:15:20
i didn't hire anyone that doesn t live next to me. no idea who that is
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 03:39:45
THANKS For giving free stuff im about to order a marvy amrker mod/ toxiv metal comssa/ watterfall/ KEEP THE GREAT MODING UP
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 07:02:34
Chobi wrote: The new fluro sailor grips are close enough to Duraflashes I guess. He has no reason to stock them anymore cause of these
lol well i want the plastic tip which penwish doesn't offer so... yea >.>" -
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 07:34:05
just use sailor pen plastic tips i have a buttload you could have free
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 14:42:34
@PenwisH Will you have white hoops restocked before 25th? Did someone went RAGE mode and cleared them T_T? Frog~
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 15:02:37
what is needlepoint weight?
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 01:07:33
nuuu theres only 1 needle point left ;.; any chance to get more...?
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 02:49:26
perhaps a few more not many, pm me if ther eis nhon. i'll restock the hooops soon
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 03:41:45
yay^^ hoops :xd: frixion highlighters possibly? xD i can't find colors other than yellow anywhere >_<
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 06:09:42
700n possibly? Gray Playcolor2s? Autograph from Eric?
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 12:43:43
@DrakeOhMeteor007 Roughyl $8 for a pack, have no idea about shipping though :|
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 13:21:47
pack is weak sauce. need to get singles . pack is somewhat worthless unless you are collecting it. shades don't match the caps well for decent amount of them. there is a pen in china that's a better match can't seem to find it tho. 700 n is in the queue. but not sure when it will arrive will look up frixon and all else after the new year~
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 04:49:38
PenwisH wrote: pack is weak sauce. need to get singles . pack is somewhat worthless unless you are collecting it. shades don't match the caps well for decent amount of them. there is a pen in china that's a better match can't seem to find it tho. 700 n is in the queue. but not sure when it will arrive will look up frixon and all else after the new year~
What about free autograph like what Mr. LSC does in PDS? I am srs -
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 09:53:58
lol just request it and we can throw it i n there=p
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 09:59:00
Anyway to get Persons ? :P I know it's a long way off but you might find a large batch somewhere ;)
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 11:08:56
i always keep eyes open but nothing as of yet hard to run into them since i'm not actually there but i do ask =p
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 09:41:06
Will airfit tips ever be sold individually like Dr Grip tips? Some mods don't need the grip, and while it's good to have spare parts it's kind of a waste to lose the whole pen modding :P
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 09:46:44
nope not for the forseeable future
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 10:35:16
yay luckily i ordered a needlepoint at a PWGO
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 23:13:33
Can you please restock om white hggs?
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 04:33:47
just did . thx
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 04:35:23
can you please look into color express? Thanks
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 06:15:43
What exactly is this "Color Express" people are asking for o.o
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 06:37:23
Chobi wrote: What exactly is this "Color Express" people are asking for o.o
It's a colour supertip sub, identical in every way but the caps are always black/silver and the bodies have different solid colours. -
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 15:36:24
@Chobi what Sui said is right, they also be used for kt bodies
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 09:20:34
@PenwisH any chance you'll stock some grey Playcolor2s?
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 04:39:04
QUESTION: i'm planning to buy a mod pen in, how many days or weeks does it take to deliver/ ship...BTW im from philippines... sorry i don't know where or whom i ask cuz im new here...
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 04:40:33
Phillipines is horrendously slow at times 3-5 weeks is probably a good estimate. maybe a little faster if you are close to manila @Chobi probably not for now. grey is not the hottest of colors
pulis0tilis wrote: QUESTION: i'm planning to buy a mod pen in, how many days or weeks does it take to deliver/ ship...BTW im from philippines... sorry i don't know where or whom i ask cuz im new here...
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 04:50:46
PenwisH wrote: Phillipines is horrendously slow at times 3-5 weeks is probably a good estimate. maybe a little faster if you are close to manila
Thanks ... -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 16:36:21
Oh no! You ran out of Dr grip tips! Oh man, when will you get new stock of them, and are the gold dr kt tips the same weight? Just want to make sure I can make my mod order on the day modrod releases. EDIT: Holy crap that was quick, 19 new Dr Grip tips, where do you get these from?
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 19:15:45
it was a website glitch where it depleted half of my crap. it went from like 20 to zero. glitchy. also restocked all the tornado crap everyone is pming me about.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:33:39
updated some stuff. g1 grip, more zhi gao pens, more color signo broads and modrod stuff. have other random stuff but too lazy to list now =(
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:36:19
PenwisH wrote: updated some stuff. g1 grip, more zhi gao pens, more color signo broads and modrod stuff. have other random stuff but too lazy to list now =(
more like 1 colour broad :whut: -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:42:16
:trollface: indeed 1 broad -_- i made you look tho
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:43:08
Penwish 1 Sui 0
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:55:48
Also Heliotrope Ct is back instock finally.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 10:57:57
PenwisH wrote: updated some stuff. g1 grip, more zhi gao pens, more color signo broads and modrod stuff. have other random stuff but too lazy to list now =(
chechks PW asap. -
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:17:57
@PenwisH can you get a ultramarine-148 color twin =D (I think that's it, I'm pretty sure)
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 10:54:06
Can you get more color papermate flexgrips and rsvp cubix?
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 11:02:58
@PenwisH no more needlepoint?!!! And can you get yellow needlepoint?
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 11:10:10
no more needle points for now. using rest on mods only. cubix only got a few left since it's out of production. maybe on flexgrips
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 11:27:24
mama wrote: @PenwisH no more needlepoint?!!! And can you get yellow needlepoint?
A yellow needlepoint is a yellow metallic gel, except a yellow needlepoint doesn't exist. -
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 12:17:16
i requestu pepermayt flexugripu oso
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 23:28:02
Can you please get your hgg grip/tip sub pack in fluro colors like yellow and lime? @PenwisH
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 05:53:53
x_x whatever happened to the super large cases?? sorry if others have asked
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 06:06:20
You should get black dr. Grip tips and grips. That way I can order in one place.
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 06:18:00
Nero666 wrote: You should get black dr. Grip tips and grips. That way I can order in one place.
kkkkkkkk -
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 06:19:04
Nero666 wrote: You should get black dr. Grip tips and grips. That way I can order in one place.
lol i'm pretty sure someone asked on shout box one time and he said it was a waste of a buncha money just to make it for one pen look that way unless if you dying for an authentic pen your making -
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:07:14
Can you sell silicone pens ? For the tip (used in Sankaku Sailor Twin mod)
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:12:03
If I remember correctly those pens got discontinued or at least the stock in Daiso started to get depleted a while ago :/
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:21:29
oh no D: I want the tips so bad >.<
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:25:23
i have few tips i think. not sure if silicone gel or ks sporty tho =/
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 16:10:45
Ever stock beifa?
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 15:56:48
please stock flexgrip ultra! white bodied.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 09:04:11
I need some airfit tips and i dont need anything else, is it possible that you can actually sell them, You sell grips so why not tips?
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 03:49:58
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 03:52:06
Because Buster CYL uses 2 tips and 1 grip. hence the spare grip. Frog~
adslgogo wrote: I need some airfit tips and i dont need anything else, is it possible that you can actually sell them, You sell grips so why not tips?
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 05:00:08
@modrod Y U NO CHEAPER!!! Y u no sell 2 Grips +2 tips + Barrel SET. I could pay like.. 3 usd on the barrel and 2 usd on the grip. :(
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 07:16:43
@Epic Holiday For a custom making company, you need good margin to grow since there is a large initial capital investment needed for each custom part. It is priced where it needs to be for expansion.
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 07:19:38
@Legion Spraypainted tips tend to chip. I was spinning the all black all white KT i have for giveaway and every time i drop(yes i noob) it would chip. SO that didn't work out. grips i have a few but not enough to really sell(black and white)
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 10:47:57
@PenwisH more PC2 colors? ;D restock memory-s please as well D:
RaM wrote: please stock flexgrip ultra! white bodied.
i do not think there are white bodied flexgrips -
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 12:31:29
Chobi wrote: @PenwisH more PC2 colors? ;D i do not think there are white bodied flexgrips
im referring to the one that enzo showed us -
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 12:45:16
Penwish when is black needlepoint going to be restocked
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 12:52:56
i have a few available but not enough to sell if you need one you can always send me a message
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 17:31:45
But you are a brand new company (modrod). If you want to sell more and make people try your products you need to have a super marketing or sell cheaper than the leading brand ( something like Dr Grip). So if it was 2.25 ( not 2.00 as I said or 2.5 the original price) and the barrel a little bit cheaper(3.00 or 3.5 would be better than 4 uSD O.o), I thing the barrel is verrryyy expensive. And you could sell smaller sets, I mean "2 grips 1 barell" is enough to make a mod with 2 tips. :)
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 22:20:57
firefly's g3 mod?
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 22:35:13
ThatSpinner wrote: firefly's g3 mod?
teh reason I beleive penwish will never sell a firefly is the amount of parts the mod requires, hard to get all of the parts to get and firefly is pretty hard to mod. All of that and NO ONE REALLY WANTS. There is like no demand for firefly mod as it sucks spinning wise and most/ almost all people get one for COLLECTABLE. No one uses the mod, its very rare to see someone spin it. -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 21:19:34
@PenwisH would airfit rings be possible to sell separately?
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 01:04:02
can u sell the zebra F-301 pen?
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 01:46:19
bluebirdx0 wrote: can u sell the zebra F-301 pen?
He probably won't cause they're so common in the US and relatively cheap. If you want them and live elsewhere, go to US traders like me -
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 18:38:05
could you add other RSVP Moons colors again? That would be nice :D
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 04:02:26
restock pink and skyblue memory-s pwetty pwease :3
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 22:40:16
I think Penwish should have different color reynolds caps like KTrinh's neon green cap. I also think that pen wish should have the option to buy miffys one at a time instead of a 12-pack so people can make a white bonkura kt.
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 23:05:56
astronaut wrote: I think Penwish should have different color reynolds caps like KTrinh's neon green cap. I also think that pen wish should have the option to buy miffys one at a time instead of a 12-pack so people can make a white bonkura kt.
Reynolds neon are discontinued. And those are not miffy's they are cartoon comssas -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 00:25:14
astronaut wrote: I think Penwish should have different color reynolds caps like KTrinh's neon green cap. I also think that pen wish should have the option to buy miffys one at a time instead of a 12-pack so people can make a white bonkura kt.
If u wanna buy just the neon caps and the Miffy body. 30-40 bucks easy -
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 19:42:37
@Jetpens how does the m&m sub compare to the real thing? the feel and size of it
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 01:34:31
feel is nearly identical, easy to clean to make all white. size of kt would be slightly longer i think since it's harder to push cap all the way in but it's the best and most accurate sub by far
Alvaris wrote: @Jetpens how does the m&m sub compare to the real thing? the feel and size of it
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 01:39:59
How much longer? And is there any risk of cracking the caps?
Jetpens wrote: feel is nearly identical, easy to clean to make all white. size of kt would be slightly longer i think since it's harder to push cap all the way in but it's the best and most accurate sub by far
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 01:48:11
dunno not home. no, cap won't crack
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 02:14:18
Jetpens wrote: dunno not home. no, cap won't crack
Miffy subs? what did i miss? -
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 20:08:15
We are having another mini week of freebies with any order at PW from basically now till 4-11-12. heading to arizona and cali mostly for business . will also have a one time giveaway! thx
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 20:17:01
PenwisH wrote: We are having another mini week of freebies with any order at PW from basically now till 4-11-12. heading to arizona and cali mostly for business . will also have a one time giveaway! thx
FUCK, missed it by 4 days >.< -
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 20:33:37
really? right after I ordered? -.____-. NUUUUUUUUUU
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 21:31:33
Just ordered too :( Maybe I'll make another one in a couple of days? Jk x)
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 16:25:23
Could you restock sunburst mx yellow? Also are yellow hyperjells actually instock when its says 1 instock or is it like a preorder?
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:41:38
stock up on needle points for the SEVEN mod plz
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 01:53:10
Needle points are discontinued. Penwish did mention that u can only get it with the pre-modded seven g3 Frog~
Spinnerkai wrote: stock up on needle points for the SEVEN mod plz
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:19:54
Is there any chance you guys could sell a mod of the original Zebra F-301 pen? I imagine you could make one the same way as the M-301 mechanical pencil.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 21:01:13
i'll try/think about it shortly but it'll be a while before that. i'll keep you updated
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 01:27:46
could you restock on yellow hyperjells and also maybe get some neon green waterfall mods?
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 01:54:21
nope and nope on that. none left
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 02:28:00
so yellow waterfall is all you have? hmmm Challenge accepted
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 02:35:08
Restock of Pilot Coleto bodies in the foreseeable future? And the black refill for them thanks.
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 01:48:03
Could you possibly stock red tornado grips (for flying panda)? Also, could you get red hoops?
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 12:49:52 Does this (as well as the other DC comssas) have a backplug?
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 13:15:34
yes all comssas have backplugs
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 19:23:46
Can I ask why have signo tips gone up in price?
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 19:31:04
They have?
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 19:34:20
$1.20 to $1.35
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 20:36:11
Fuse wrote: $1.20 to $1.35
Doesn't seem that bad, I guess. Mmmh, looking at ordering parts for HAL KT, Menowa Waterfall and ayatori mod (I wonder if I can extend it...) -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 00:50:01
How much do UPSB pen cases (both models, two sides with bands and one side with pocket other with band) hold?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:00:06
@Fuse depends on the mod usually 8-12 average 10 signos went up because my cost went up
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 07:04:28 Does this mean the comments section when I'm checking out?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 07:07:13
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 13:41:10
Is there any chance that you'll ever stock bellcolors? My guess is that they don't ship to America?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:12:21
The problem with bellcolors is that they comes in packs, full of ugly, unwanted colours
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 19:16:55
is there any chance you can tul pens? also ty for freebies, it makes up for the missing black comssa cap
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 17:10:03
eurocracy wrote: The problem with bellcolors is that they comes in packs, full of ugly, unwanted colours
Haha yeah I guess so.. But then again they could just sell them in packs on penwish so that the ugly colors would sell the same as the popular ones (green yellow pink etc.) -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 17:12:51
@Dimension probably not until i figure out a nice way to get them. issue is manufacturer is not really there only a supermarket that sells it.
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 11:17:36
Are the Supertips you sell the old ones?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 11:31:01
you have to be more specific. most people et confused and have the difference between the old and new and the very new confused
Unique_Little_Git wrote: Are the Supertips you sell the old ones?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:28:01
if the ones @PenwisH selling now, are the same ones he sold at january 2012, then those are old ones. (did u follow that? did i mindfuck ya?) Frog~
Unique_Little_Git wrote: Are the Supertips you sell the old ones?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:42:56
i guess i have the "old" ones then. most people don't know which came out first
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:57:21
Wait... How can I tell if they're the same ones he sold on January '12? Edit: nevermind~ Thanks~
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:59:02
they are...i've sold same one for years
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:11:15
Are the very new ones the ones with the ugly patterns on the caps? They sell them in aus :/
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:22:46
Some people call them 3rd gen STs. No one really uses them. The STs people uses are the ones with smooth caps, mainly because not only u can use the barrel, but u can use the caps for STek barrels or PCST. Frog~
Dimension wrote: Are the very new ones the ones with the ugly patterns on the caps? They sell them in aus :/
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:31:56
mine all have smooth caps so yes i have "old" sts
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 14:44:27
can u get like lavender and white capped embosses?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 14:56:40
@Van lavender i actually have already white i'm working on but nothing as of yet
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 16:00:17
The supertips Penwish sells are the V2 supertips. They are very similar to the V1s and are moddable in the exact same way.
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 16:15:27
Does your lavender emboss have a white body?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 16:35:00
no they do not. They can but it's be extra few bucks. send pm if interested
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 17:07:30
so ur gonna have lavender embosses up for sale soon? :3
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 17:22:08
no proly not too lazy to list send me pm if interested @Van
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 23:50:55
im confused about the STs... are they the ones with the backplug ring sticking out?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 23:56:46
I heard something about your reynolds 094 caps being wider now?
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 01:43:14
@PenwisH can you get MUJI hexagon pens or pigment pink signo broad? found this recently and the color looks SO NICE! idk if they still selling it but i'll definitely buy it. EDIT: Thanks Nacho for correcting me.
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 01:52:34
Um in your link Guitrum says the top one is new and the bottom one is old... There's also another discussion thread in regular pens where it's established that the top version is new and the bottom version is old. Easy way to tell is if a Comssa cap can somewhat fit over the edge of the back side of the body, it's the old version. If the body is too fat, it's the new version. EDIT: here's the link:
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 04:46:51
When the yellow waterfall mods sell out will you put up green or pink ones for sale? Or have you only found yellow caps?
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 05:20:50
only yellow and no green or pink for now
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 05:24:12
For now? ;)
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 05:28:34
that mean i am always trying to get stuff?
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 07:48:39
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 19:42:15
I did restock most of my stuff just now for pre trip restock. if anything is funky or messed up send me email [email][email protected][/email] getting ready to go cya guys!
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 20:20:32
Have a good trip. x] And a question: Are you gonna sell Monami Plus Pens?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 03:38:19
Perhaps create a section for mod part bundles?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 04:16:51
Same question on super tips... There is 3 version on super tips .. 1st generation of super tips can modify buster and Ivan perfectly and it fit comssa cap.. The second version is fatter ... 3rd version is almost the same with 1st and as long as I know the old version (3rd generation ) can be modify Ivan mod....... Can I know how to differentiate old and new?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 09:54:44 Sorry, its in french.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 18:26:02
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 23:02:26
Miffys :D I saw somewhere that PW is going to get them remanufactured sometime? Anyone know approx. when?
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 02:19:48
Umm I'm not sure, but I think penwish will have a hard time getting miffies. :/
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 12:24:27
Lol I think penwish would have a very hard Time trying to convince a company to continue making markers which were discontinued many years ago... But they do have a sub which has a body very similar to miffys :)
Date: Mon, May 21 2012 01:28:53
Dimension wrote: Lol I think penwish would have a very hard Time trying to convince a company to continue making markers which were discontinued many years ago... But they do have a sub which has a body very similar to miffys :)
I have the kearing marker but I really don't like how the back end of it is do wide.. I broke a CT cap by trying I put it on (I didn't use much force) But more realistically, pw should put outserts with cool designs on the comssas like PDS does. Not the outserts that say penwish on it because IMO it looks ugly. -
Date: Mon, May 21 2012 02:44:27
Colbyy wrote: I have the kearing marker but I really don't like how the back end of it is do wide.. I broke a CT cap by trying I put it on (I didn't use much force) But more realistically, pw should put outserts with cool designs on the comssas like PDS does. Not the outserts that say penwish on it because IMO it looks ugly.
lol you could design your own outserts. hows pw supposed to know what kind of designs look good to you. IMO penwish outserts look awesome. if you like pds outserts, order from pds lol -
Date: Mon, May 21 2012 03:47:14
Kyoflow wrote: lol you could design your own outserts. hows pw supposed to know what kind of designs look good to you. IMO penwish outserts look awesome. if you like pds outserts, order from pds lol
Yeah, sorry penwish. I like the outserts but I don't really like the words "pen spin pro" or "penwish" on them but that's just my opinion. If only PDS had cheap shipping to US >.< but I like ordering from penwish. He's very nice and always gives freebies :D . -
Date: Mon, May 21 2012 04:34:41
Colbyy wrote: Yeah, sorry penwish. I like the outserts but I don't really like the words "pen spin pro" or "penwish" on them but that's just my opinion. If only PDS had cheap shipping to US >.< but I like ordering from penwish. He's very nice and always gives freebies :D .
ahah dude im not pw, you dont really need to apologize. i just wanted to point out you were being a bit vague about what you wanted lol. -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 11:37:18
sell artline softline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 03:38:45
@PenwisH what happened to jimnies...? i can't find them all of a sudden
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 03:42:46
Spinnerkai wrote: @PenwisH what happened to jimnies...? i can't find them all of a sudden ????? -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 04:08:21
i'm out of stock for a few days if you really need one send me a pm
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 04:22:55
re you going to ever carry pilot nextage?
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 19:14:46
@PenwisH when you order a pencase does it always come with bands or can you choose pockets too?
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 19:30:24
can't choose based on the model. some have bands on both some don't
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 23:11:03
Will you ever stock zebra sarasa?
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 09:53:33
I need Jimnie Penwish ..
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 20:05:40
Question on the kearing, does rubbing it with paper, acetone and just spinning the writing off all result in the same feel of the barrel or different feels? Also, the SEVEN mod uses signo broad white or the authentic signo pastel white(can't remember name, but it's a hard grip, not soft)
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 20:59:31
@Palmito just restocked a few
Palmito wrote: I need Jimnie Penwish ..
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 21:00:17
not sure with paper but acetone and spinning is the same feel. This pen isn't like super pirat there is no huge difference in feel when the writing goes away. acetone is best and quickest by far
Alvaris wrote: Question on the kearing, does rubbing it with paper, acetone and just spinning the writing off all result in the same feel of the barrel or different feels? Also, the SEVEN mod uses signo broad white or the authentic signo pastel white(can't remember name, but it's a hard grip, not soft)
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 21:57:37
eurocracy wrote: Will you ever stock zebra sarasa?
lol oki i technically shouldnt say this but im guessing its for that mod?? XD though i have too many here i could give you a few and you could just pay the shipping XD i get 10 sarasa for like 3$ here -
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 22:05:26
it's the old sarasas he wants not the ones you can get in stores
flaming oracle wrote: lol oki i technically shouldnt say this but im guessing its for that mod?? XD though i have too many here i could give you a few and you could just pay the shipping XD i get 10 sarasa for like 3$ here
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 05:30:25
PenwisH wrote: it's the old sarasas he wants not the ones you can get in stores
lol im pretty sure the ones here are old since they come off right? the new ones dont right? its kinda funny here they are too over stocked in sarasa here like noone buys them -.-" -
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 07:17:32
Ah, i see. what about the SEVEN mod grip? 'Also, the SEVEN mod uses signo broad white or the authentic signo pastel white(can't remember name, but it's a hard grip, not soft)'
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 07:39:17
Alvaris wrote: Ah, i see. what about the SEVEN mod grip? 'Also, the SEVEN mod uses signo broad white or the authentic signo pastel white(can't remember name, but it's a hard grip, not soft)'
I think it is signo pastel white -
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 03:55:46
do you have any white body emboss markers not in a mod? and if so are you going to list them?i really need them :O
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 05:21:46
sent you a pm dimension
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 05:46:45
Play this game it's GREAT :D
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 09:59:27
How long for a delivery to get to the Philippines ? (each option) Thanks!
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 10:02:16
Raptor wrote: How long for a delivery to get to the Philippines ? (each option) Thanks!
it is depends on where did you send to philippines -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 15:43:01
FRspinner wrote: it is depends on where did you send to philippines
I didn't sent it yet but I live in Mandaluyong City (Metro Manila), Not that far from Manila. -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 16:03:32
depends on what type of post you use. fast? or what
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 12:28:31
restock pink memory-s and black comssa caps please mr. eric san :<
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 14:41:33
pink memories won't be happening fo ra while. black will be restocked in a minute or so
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 14:44:14
auction of sell some rare pens???
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 14:46:23
i don't hold auctions. only giveaways which i'm doing within next week
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:32:35
Yoyoyo Penwish can we get white UPSB enamel cases?
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:33:53
it will have to be the next run but sure
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:41:57
Sell some F1r3Fly G3s? Been wanting to start a collection of them.
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:47:31
I'm pretty sure he won't be selling F1r3fly G3s. They're very time consuming as stated before in this thread. :(
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 06:53:16
For such mods that requires customization to be nice, why not sell the mod kit or something, containing the generic parts? Then the buyer just has to buy add ons from the website, print their own insert etc to make it the way they'd like. Of course that'd mean a lot of work at a slightly higher price only :/
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 09:39:11
are the black hgg grip subs also semi-translucent like the white ones? planning on making something that involves stretching, and would look really ugly if they were semi-transparent like the white ones
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 15:01:31
@PenwisH Can u sell single marvys? Like not the mod?
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 15:15:15
Because you can just search online for the parts needed for specific mods and select them on penwish? o.O Whats the point of giving u less parts, but ended up charging you more for it..?
MrCraziBaby;207574]For such mods that requires customization to be nice, why not sell the mod kit or something, containing the generic parts? Then the buyer just has to buy add ons from the website, print their own insert etc to make it the way they'd like. Of course that'd mean a lot of work at a slightly higher price only :/[/QUOTE] Nope those are pretty solid black. [QUOTE=Chobi wrote: are the black hgg grip subs also semi-translucent like the white ones? planning on making something that involves stretching, and would look really ugly if they were semi-transparent like the white ones
Frog~ -
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 15:30:47
i will sell fireflies just give me some time. i have them made already . @Freeman i would be able to but only poopy colors well not poppy just none of the rare ones.
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 17:31:49
@Froggy I was thinking of labour cost being factored into the price as well ^^ and maybe not exactly a mod kit, but a firefly without any insert or anything. But yea, just a suggestion that is rather flawed :p
Date: Wed, Jun 20 2012 05:41:48
>:O penwish what happened to all the modrod stuff?? -.-"" i need 2 barrels thats it LOL oh yea and what about the miffy white lakubos too? will you be getting anymore soon??
Date: Wed, Jun 20 2012 07:10:47
Perhaps a form that you could fill in, you could select a mod from a list, and there's the mod parts, each having its own drop down box, containing colours and subs, and the final cost at the bottom?, Creating such a list would be really time consuming, but it could be like a project or something like that. Just a thought, don't criticise me too much. -Cubesnail
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 00:37:54
Sell colored electrical tape? I can't find colored ones in any local stores.
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 00:54:28
what color? i can give you some for freez if needbe
Chu-Yung wrote: Sell colored electrical tape? I can't find colored ones in any local stores.
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 13:37:58
When will there be restock for skyblue MMM?
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:02:16
Someone already asked this in passing, but will you stock Muji Hex markers? (for the Joey DC Mod)
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:43:14
Rudra;209870]When will there be restock for skyblue MMM?[/QUOTE] Why does the colour matter if you're using the body? [QUOTE=ShadrCom3t wrote: Someone already asked this in passing, but will you stock Muji Hex markers? (for the Joey DC Mod)
I second this, but he would also need to stock 700n -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:44:49
please can you sell some electrical tape
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:51:57
eurocracy wrote: Why does the colour matter if you're using the body?
The color would matter because I want the mod itself. And the color would still matter if I was just using the body. -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 16:04:01
Wait, what the heck are you talking about when you say MMM.
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 16:15:16
Lol he's talking about marvy marker mod?
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 21:22:40
eurocracy wrote: I second this, but he would also need to stock 700n
I think kearings would sub just fine IMO -
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 17:19:40
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 22:04:55
nope probably not for a while. they only come in packs so it wouldn't be very cheap and you'd be stuck with tons of fecal looking colors
Raage wrote: Bellcolours?
Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 01:06:50
How long does does it take to ship to Singapore cos my fren helped me order way back in April but he says it hasn't arrived yet
Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 01:26:02
Should only take 2-4 weeks, but customs can hold onto the package if they felt like it.. U should email penwish though, it's like 3 months already Frog~
Demon wrote: How long does does it take to ship to Singapore cos my fren helped me order way back in April but he says it hasn't arrived yet
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 16:28:59
Hi Eric, would'nt it be usefull, to put all the Modrod stuff in an own "Modrod" categorie? Would be much easier to find ^^
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 16:37:06
Wait I couldn't even find the modrod
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 17:50:54
Modrod will no longer be on PW. Soon Modrod will release a shop on their site where you can grab all your modrod goodies.
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 18:53:02
Yeah he's attempting to go solo so we are no longer selling his stuff
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 18:54:51
I am actually going to reorganize the categories so things are easier to find this weekend when i gets some extra time
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 23:55:35
I'm not sure if you answered this before but
ShadrCom3t wrote: ... will you stock Muji Hex markers? (for the Joey DC Mod)
just wondering... =P -
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 00:53:56
yes but wont' be for a month or two or three or four
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 02:48:01
Uploaded some new stuff. not too much out of this world stuff but haven't updated in while
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 03:12:55
Wait why does s777 mx use RSVP cap? I thought it was super lavable? Never mind I read the tutorial again.
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 16:13:01
Just wondering, do you have any v1 supertips? i.e. for busters? I just wanna know what one feels like. I only have v2 supertips....
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 17:06:59
yes i do i have both. just request it
ShadrCom3t wrote: Just wondering, do you have any v1 supertips? i.e. for busters? I just wanna know what one feels like. I only have v2 supertips....
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 17:12:11
so hows them ultramarines =]
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 17:13:03
ultramarine color twins pleaseeeee, like van haha
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 18:58:44
Do you think you would ever stock 700n's? Although I haven't tried, I thought Kearings would sub just fine. Any thoughts? Another question >_< Is there any possibility of stocking Muji KT bodies? Even the smaller ones you had?
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 17:21:09
@ShadrCom3t 700n yes i will but it may be some months away. i don't have a 700n in front of me so i can't say personally. but kearing cleaned has a pirat/miffy feel to it so not sure 700 has that feel. not sure on dimensions either. 700n looks thinner. Muji KT bodies are out of produciton I do have a few laying around though so if you do want it send me a pm and i can dig it up for you to get.
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 17:21:53
listed some stuff over weekend. wife is still working on the rest of stuff. good feedback so far~
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 03:45:40
@PenwisH Thanks for answering all my questions xD
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 22:36:11
Any news on pink memory-s? (sun)
Date: Wed, Jul 11 2012 09:33:33
dude u should make premodded firefly g3s
Date: Wed, Jul 11 2012 09:37:36
i already do it's on front page in in mods section
rshade227 wrote: dude u should make premodded firefly g3s
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 03:42:21
How long are the ZG pens (the ones like penz gear)?
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 04:02:46
19 cm my friend
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 06:07:49
for those pming me about the yelo mod . i will have it in black, blue, pink, orange. some with marvy bodies some with comssa bodies(black) and all with clear tube bodies. Below is example of tube and marvy.
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 13:21:05
Pls restock dr. Grip grip - clear for modding .... I need a some of those
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 12:27:57
will you ever have these neon-ish skyblue and pink pc2s? :/ the sb/pink ones in the store are too "creamy" in colour :<
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 12:32:57
won't be for a while if we do
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 05:38:58
Could you possibly get coloured reynolds 094 caps in you store?
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 05:44:36
nope won't have them. not widely available again yet. if you want them you 'll have to trade for them but seems like french traders want 15-20$ a pair for them ~
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 06:29:03
Shinra mod possibly? Dopamine mods as well? And when you do get Muji Hex Markers, will you make Joey DC's?
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 09:41:01
WEll i need to get the 700n to arrive before i can do that. technically I already have the muji hex markers in my garage lols. shinra mod i could do no problems. dopamine i can do as well no problem but i'll make those next time i update.
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 09:52:43
Can you sell metallic gel grips?
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 10:20:24
Then maybe the less popular colored ones wouldn't be bought.
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 10:43:47
nope. I cannot get the pens by themselves but in packs only. If you want certian colors you can pm me i'll see if i have it.
Saurkk wrote: Can you sell metallic gel grips?
Date: Wed, Jul 25 2012 15:35:50
any chance of you stocking pilot opt? :/
Date: Wed, Jul 25 2012 15:42:07
@Chobi probably not as of now since there isn't that much of a demand for those. if they start getting more popular we can. i may have one or two leftover i can let you know
Date: Wed, Jul 25 2012 15:44:10
PenwisH wrote: @Chobi probably not as of now since there isn't that much of a demand for those. if they start getting more popular we can. i may have one or two leftover i can let you know
let me know when you have two (sun) thanks for the fast reply pw! -
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 01:41:12
Penwish.. Once you got the neon Reynolds. Will you selling the pens or mod? I wanted the pens badly...
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 01:45:47
mod only. if you want the pens stop being cheap and trade with people on this board
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 08:04:41
@PenwisH If I was ordering a namae pen... can i get a special request of the old namae version? also will there be a price change?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 08:33:13
Totally two different pens. What penwish is selling right now is the new version, not by request. He doesn't have old ones for sale. But if he does, it would cost more. Frog~
... wrote: PenwisH[/MENTION] If I was ordering a namae pen... can i get a special request of the old namae version? also will there be a price change?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 11:05:23
Do penwish ship to the uk?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 11:06:56
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 19:47:19
Do you have any more light green and yellow sunbursts? As well as blue Moonz?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 22:28:38
can you restock yellow sunbursts if you can get ur hands on any?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 22:34:02
just restocked sunbursts
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 05:42:54
I wanna make a VGG emboss and I was wondering how much it would cost to buy 2 white emboss with grey small caps?
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 05:45:20
i currently don't sell the white pens. i'll pm you about further details
n00bSpinner wrote: I wanna make a VGG emboss and I was wondering how much it would cost to buy 2 white emboss with grey small caps?
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 20:54:47
Dunno if anyone asked this already, but will you carry Spokos?
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 16:15:39
Hi.just want to ask what is the body of the black dr kt.are the bodies of dr kt the shadow and black dr kt the same?Are they pentel color twins?If so,is it true that a color twin is a sub for keityo pen?One last question-what do you use for the gold kt.will it peel off?cause I don't know which kt should I buy.
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 16:19:43
Spokos probably not unless they get a lot more popular. not worth the investment in getting them. Yes all the back shadow are all ct bodies and yes they are identical to kt cept for color. golden should not peel off . We use outsert + layer of tape
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 19:47:42
Why have yellow fluorescent HGGs not been sold in a while? Does the green comssa cap match regular green RSVP or sunburst green RSVP? Can you sell supertip caps or the whole marker so I can make a STEK body?
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 20:00:05
@astronaut all normal color hggs are out of production. All the ones i have that are fluro are going to run out soon. Green comssa caps matches it best but not prefect by any means. the supertips i sell are with the caps if you want a specific color we can try to accomidate
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 01:57:17
When and why did fluro HGGs go out of production?
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 02:03:44
long time ago and why? ummmm ask pentel japan. things go out of production over time. that's just how life is
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 22:17:53
Just saying PW, I got this roll at a hardware store and it only lasted me 4 months. FALSE ADVERTISING jk ^_^
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 22:33:50
520 inches? 4 months wtf that's pretty hardcore usage lol
Date: Wed, Aug 22 2012 01:19:13
Hahaha yeah I used it everywhere I could possibly put it xD
Date: Wed, Aug 22 2012 13:31:23
are selling clear waterfalls?(pls pm me as i am going to order soon)
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 03:38:35
can you get pentel meteor V??
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 13:34:23
Do you just sell Marvy markers alone
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 13:50:28
typically no but depends on the color. pm me if you want to discuss
killer bonanza wrote: Do you just sell Marvy markers alone
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 13:50:44
FRspinner wrote: can you get pentel meteor V??
yes but not popular enough to get -
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 14:05:55
PenwisH wrote: yes but not popular enough to get
do you have 2 now? -
Date: Sat, Aug 25 2012 12:28:43
can you add pink Pentel Sunburst Metallic to your shop?
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 11:34:01
Can you sell artline softline
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 16:12:58
Dakrowl wrote: Can you sell artline softline
Maybe Airline Softline? It is avaible in Estonia :P Update: Just seen this pen, it's artline, you're right :) -
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 16:49:35
softlines aren't here. so i'd have to track them down so that's a maybe
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 06:37:51
Why there's no shipping to Estonia? Will be it done?
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 07:34:50
@NeoN send me a pm and i can do it
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 11:33:14
Can you get hybrid gel grip dx and zebra f-301 in stock?
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 15:05:55
hgg dx is very no popular so probably a no on that one. f301 please send me a message/private pm
n00bSpinner wrote: Can you get hybrid gel grip dx and zebra f-301 in stock?
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 19:18:03 Please somehow?
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 19:41:32
@ChainBreak if you really want to I can get more if you want. Do not expect identical replicas
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 19:43:39
Actually I dn't care all that much, because I don't really use Reynolds, but I think there are people who want them really bad. u_u
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 02:49:23
can u put the modrod stuff back i wanna order some but when i search it comes up with pics of some metallic comssas???
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 02:52:28
Modrod is making their own site to put products up so they won't be going through penwish. I'm not sure when they're going to open the new store though.
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 03:56:29
ChainBreak wrote: Please somehow?
I just jizzed, my life needs completion. MUST ORDER!!!! LOLOLOL edit: @PenwisH heres what he sells -
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 04:26:50
it's been out for a while. i'll get them if you want. don't expect same texture though
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 04:28:38
PenwisH wrote: it's been out for a while. i'll get them if you want. don't expect same texture though
can you get the mini m&ms he used to have? LOL -
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 04:32:08
lol why those arne't even popoular you can find those at shops all around asia.
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 09:27:02
Do you have any bic clic and old namaes for sale? Does big pencase stop production?
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 21:50:42
@Raos what language is that in the website you put a link on.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 23:06:36
astronaut wrote: @Raos what language is that in the website you put a link on.
chinese -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 00:27:46
@FRspinner I have bic click if you send me message i can sell them. old namae no and big pencase won't have till next year
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 03:13:38
Befias. Please.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 03:15:47
beifas are discontinued bro
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 07:20:31
Hi dear penwish , i would like to buy in your store but i live in new caledonia . And that country is not in your list . CAN you please solve this problem ? Thanks
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 09:13:12
i see on penwish you have 15 clear sailor gel in stock, so is that ok if i order more than that?
Date: Sun, Sep 23 2012 12:26:04
sorry about that but yeah you can order whatever you need for most part if i don't have enough i'll let you know
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 04:07:38
Do you have 2 pentel meteor v for sale?
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 18:50:12
I am really scared right now that the 5 remaining PW Dr. grip tips will run out before December 1st, when I plan on ordering them... hint hint
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 19:01:32
Don't worry, he has more than 5 left. He just has to update the site so the quantity is increased xD
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 01:18:23
Nachoaddict wrote: Don't worry, he has more than 5 left. He just has to update the site so the quantity is increased xD
How on Earth do you know this? -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 01:29:06
Jay4 wrote: How on Earth do you know this?
If I remember correctly it's known that Penwish has a large stock of Dr. Grip tips and the number on the site is not representative of the entire stock. Correct me if I'm wrong Penwish. -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 20:51:06
what happened to yellow ct
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 02:52:40
Can there be an event for just giveaways? Maybe? like just simple stuff like a HGG, which i severly need.
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 06:47:22
Nachoaddict wrote: If I remember correctly it's known that Penwish has a large stock of Dr. Grip tips and the number on the site is not representative of the entire stock. Correct me if I'm wrong Penwish.
OMGGGG TY PW. Turns out u were right, now there's 24 Dr Grip tips available :D -
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 07:34:24
visco wrote: what happened to yellow ct
out of stock for a little while -
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 07:38:28
KangaRyoo98 wrote: Can there be an event for just giveaways? Maybe? like just simple stuff like a HGG, which i severly need.
typically we don't hold giveaways for specific items that people need for obvious reasons.if you need one specific item purchasing it is best option. and Hgg are discontinued so we more than likely won't be giving those away at this point. pw -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 05:21:13
Hey PW, would it be cool if you sold Airfit tips seperately instead of having people to buy the whole Airfit Ballpoint?
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 05:37:25
Jay4 wrote: Hey PW, would it be cool if you sold Airfit tips seperately instead of having people to buy the whole Airfit Ballpoint?
Then he might as well just stop selling airfit pens. -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 06:02:08
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: Then he might as well just stop selling airfit pens.
Ahh, true, got my hopes up for a moment. I just thought it would be nice b/c he's got grip and tips sold seperately for HGGs and Dr. Grips. -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 06:10:41
Jay4 wrote: Ahh, true, got my hopes up for a moment. I just thought it would be nice b/c he's got grip and tips sold seperately for HGGs and Dr. Grips.
Yeah maybe so. I want that too. But we have to be realistic. ;) -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 06:13:58
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: Yeah maybe so. I want that too. But we have to be realistic. ;)
What? You mean I can go down to the store right this minute and buy Dr. Grip grips and tips seperately? Edit: Wait a moment... nvm, I think I read the wrong thing... -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 06:34:22
Until zebra allows me to get the tips it proll won't happen but maybe possible after they are discontinued. Still a few years away maybe
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 09:19:31
PenwisH wrote: Until zebra allows me to get the tips it proll won't happen but maybe possible after they are discontinued. Still a few years away maybe
i asked for so long , maybe you miss it? do you have pentel meteor v? or can you get them? -
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 11:23:51
will u be able to make the next batch of pencases like the ppp and fpsb ones? they are much thinner and look cool haha.
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 08:51:35
When will the next update of products be?
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 09:20:27
probably no major updates for a little bit. have some random pens like f301 tul, 700n, muji hex, clear barrels, and stuff like that but nothing major.
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 09:21:39
@mapjay thing cases usually don't fit as much in terms of bulk and would not be for fragile pens. I'll consider looking for a new batch but it'll be a while
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 21:48:31
Could you add joey dc mod?
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 22:42:06
perhaps a little bit later.
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2012 02:22:21
pls restock black emboss
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 00:59:39
please add some more new cases, and if you can, can you lower the price, its so expensive
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 02:03:09
@shadowbot probably not for a while. if i was in asia sure I could reduce price but that's what they are here since i have to make and import them.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:08:56
@PenwisH , pls restock sky blue art color .... Thanks
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:13:26
@killer bonanza Done
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:35:27
hi @PenwisH in the future will u have cases other than upsb? like pds fpsb etc.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 14:57:31
ummm maybe some hkpsa or psh cases but doubt pds or fpsb
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 06:21:05
@PenwisH erm u ever gonna get bellcolors?
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 06:26:49
Demon wrote: @PenwisH erm u ever gonna get bellcolors?
Search thread =P -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 08:40:12
@Demon no probably not. Only few good colors per pack make it a not so good thing to get typically.
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 22:48:36
Do you have any more zhigao pens (the ones with metal rings)? I need the rings so I could make a kirer comssa.
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2012 00:12:01
@Colbyy yeah i do i'll enable it soon
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 12:44:22
do you sell skyblue Emboss (they should have the same colour as skyblue pc2 you sell)?
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 13:22:07
probably not unless you have a picture of it. Even if you want it i probably cna't get it till next year.
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 20:37:37
I bought some dr grips from you a month or so ago and I finally put them to use. I put them on my yellow waterfall (for collection) and noticed that both of them ripped.. Is that common?
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 20:54:46
nope never had that happen ever. how do they rip.
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 22:04:16
I put it on a comssa cap and a day later i noticed that it ripped. I thought they were indestructible lmao x)
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 22:06:57
they basically are. the only time they rip if they have a scratch or cut on them then that will expand out. If it's that bad just request a new one next time u order and i'll be happy to oblige @Colbyy
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 22:15:19
Yeah the Dr Grips are ripped halfway into the grip. As always thanks for your generosity penwish :)
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 22:17:08
np mang keeping @Colbyy happy is one of my goals in life
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 00:18:25
Those Emboss below the white ones are light blue i think.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 00:29:45
yeah that's a pic from japan lol we don't have that here
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 05:41:40
lol ok thought it's form france cause i found it on fpsb
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 12:13:18
Its from France ^^.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 12:54:19
guess it is france. no idea they had white bodied emboss there .
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 13:11:48
there is ^^, black body too but it cost like 6€ by pen...
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 13:17:21
lol white body is nothing/very expensive. black body is normal here
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 13:34:58
mindfucked x)
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 13:37:32
i think the companies are just trying to encourage trading =p by putting stuff around the world in secret places
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 13:43:34
yep, I think so ^^
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 15:40:32
Pls restock HGG White Tip + Grip Set . And will you have more emboss colors in future? Thanks :).
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 02:05:38
Date: Tue, Nov 13 2012 13:10:21
i have a few more pm me if interested @Dakrowl
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 17:07:34
Colored reynolds (perfect v2 of replica lime green black, red, blue, sky blue, etc etc) F301, m301, muji hex, tul pens, clear comssa/st modding barrel, and other random crap in but not listed. Pm if interested
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 05:58:16
This may have been asked before, but can you sell Pilot Nextages and American Dr. Grip (grips)?
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 06:08:43
nope and nope
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 22:33:57
will u be participating in cyber monday? lol also, how much are the colored reynolds caps and tul pens/tips
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 23:19:04
does purple pc2 have the same colour as the purple emboss?
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 23:32:56
@sopi similar yeah
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 21:46:55
can you restock white hoop rings?
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 22:08:18
@SuperVValrus done
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 22:18:08
r u planning on restocking your pen cases?
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 23:25:26
Are there going to be black RSVP retractable's? Oragne and purple aren't colours I want :x
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 00:06:58
no cases for a while. still haven't sortred out the customs issues
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 00:07:22
normal retractables are discontinued i think so probably not but i'll try
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 00:14:41
There are also red and skyblue ones, I found pretty many of them, but shipping was only to US. You could propalby get around 20 of them, i guess. Sosad I didn't keep any links ;c
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2012 23:50:03
will you ever sell silicon wristband?
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2012 23:54:59
sweatbands and silcone yes but not till the next year probably
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 01:01:35
Can you get head sweatbands?
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 01:06:26
head? hmmm not sure i can probably do a small production run of those. and by head you mean above your neck / eyes right?
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 01:55:39
@PERSIST I think you request what color grip you want in the review section of the product you want. Penwish, is it possible you could restock UPSB RSVPs?
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 02:08:11
you can leave a comment on th eorder when you order. don't leave reviews for requests..... i have a few upsb rsvps i think but not sure
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 06:06:21
PenwisH wrote: you can leave a comment on th eorder when you order. don't leave reviews for requests..... i have a few upsb rsvps i think but not sure
I see, will do. -
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 00:13:51
this maybe to crazy of an idea but what about limited edition pen mods? at a slightly higher price of course
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 01:41:13
if osmoene requests something special or custom made i can surely do it at a little premium but it will take a longer time.
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 03:04:45
PenwisH wrote: head? hmmm not sure i can probably do a small production run of those. and by head you mean above your neck / eyes right?
Yeah, like a headband worn by basketball players -
Date: Wed, Dec 12 2012 12:07:34
@Tentcell in the works now hopefully next year sometimes
Date: Wed, Dec 12 2012 12:08:00
Also uploaded some new items. muji hex, colored reynolds subs, alpha gel, m301/f301
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 04:21:02
PenwisH wrote: Also uploaded some new items. muji hex, colored reynolds subs, alpha gel, m301/f301
H-h-how? W-what? But seriously, are you going to keep a consistent stock of these? Like, are these items a one-batch-only kind of thing, or will you be able to keep them in stock for a while? Did you contact Reynolds to make your own reynold cap subs like you did for the Dr. grip grips? -
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 08:20:30
no these reynolds are from asia. this batch is really nice tho. signos fit perfectly and quality if on par. not sure how long i will have it
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 09:25:55
i lost my old pen case and was wondering if you'll be getting anymore anytime soon
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 11:05:20
i'll try to have . no guarantees thought but i will do my best to get it
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 15:29:52
Can you restock Moonz?
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 16:40:59
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 23:18:54
Can you get beifa grips? I wonder why you dont have them
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 00:48:21
ummm sailors are practically the same and beifas are discontinued. was working on getting them but beifa is being a bit douchey.
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 01:47:06
Oh, well nevermind thank you Do you still have pds cases?
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 02:59:48
no buy from pds. i only carry upsb cases
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 05:37:09
Can you restock the glow-in-the-dark white ring hoops? I would like more of those :D
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 08:42:21
If I put a signo tip into the colored reynold caps without using tape, superglue, or anything, will I be able to remove the signo tip?
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 10:04:37
PenwisH wrote: no buy from pds. i only carry upsb cases
Ok can you re stock them? EDIT: can you get nextage? Im planning to get p mod -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 12:50:00
I would love to see a retractable metal comssa.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 16:05:00
Ultra_Penguin wrote: I would love to see a retractable metal comssa.
:rofl: you can always make one yourself. its not hard. -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 16:49:08
I didnt feel like lookin threw all the pgs soo thought i would just post it.... (srry if it was already posted) Sell pre cut grips like dr grips, airfits, sections of random grips or modded parts like MX caps (mine suck when i mod it.) Also have a "Create Your Mod" option where you can make a PW account and then tell Eric what you want on ur mod. I would make a Buster w/ kearing body and it would be bonkura colors xD *And i just looked on PW and saw that he sells colored reynolds caps....... crap already bought a waterfall....
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 18:34:54
I'm not sure if this has been done, but do you have any pictures of waterfall mods made with your colored caps?
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 19:33:07
Fuse wrote: I'm not sure if this has been done, but do you have any pictures of waterfall mods made with your colored caps?
This is the only premade neon waterfall on penwish, and I don't know if they use real Reynolds caps or penwish's new subbed reynold caps. Other than that, you can find pictures of neon waterfalls with legit reynold caps on google. But if you're looking for pictures of neon waterfalls with Penwish sub caps, then I don't know. -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 19:59:43
PERSIST wrote: This is the only premade neon waterfall on penwish, and I don't know if they use real Reynolds caps or penwish's new subbed reynold caps. Other than that, you can find pictures of neon waterfalls with legit reynold caps on google. But if you're looking for pictures of neon waterfalls with Penwish sub caps, then I don't know.
they use original neon reynolds -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 20:13:55
@sopi this is the site penwish found the reynolds sub. Chainbreak showed it to penwish on page 101 of this thread. If they were actual reynolds caps then they would be worth more. Also real reynolds caps only come in white, neon pink, neon green, and yellow.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:11:45
ummm sopi already knows this. he is explaining that my mod uses the original white only
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 22:31:06
Do you have 700N?
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 22:40:22
lol i sent you email already hours ago -_-
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 00:59:43
It didn't go through :/
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 21:24:59
could you restock yellow ct?
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 05:37:25
probably not for a bit. I will be in and out i'm somewhat in the hospital with a giant flu @sopi
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:13:30
PenwisH wrote: probably not for a bit. I will be in and out i'm somewhat in the hospital with a giant flu @sopi
Aww.. Get well soon. :3 -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:36:50
Fuse wrote: I'm not sure if this has been done, but do you have any pictures of waterfall mods made with your colored caps?
Here: -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 12:49:30
PenwisH wrote: probably not for a bit. I will be in and out i'm somewhat in the hospital with a giant flu @sopi
hope you'll get well soon. -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 12:04:40
hi anyone bring in mods from penwish to singapore?
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2013 14:15:39
@PenwisH do you have giotto turbo magic pens?
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2013 15:28:32
@Dakrowl nope. better luck in europe/aussy sorry for not responding as much I have been like deathly ill still uhhhg =/
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2013 17:51:11
PenwisH wrote: @Dakrowl nope. better luck in europe/aussy sorry for not responding as much I have been like deathly ill still uhhhg =/
Yow, get well soon PW we all love you! -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2013 00:15:40
Would you be able to restock ColorTwin Rosy Pink again? Or are you already out of stock? And for metallic Gels, is it someway to pay a little bit more to get the colors I want? And get well soon too, PenWish =)
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2013 00:47:32
Hey pw thanks for supplying me with two yellow metallic gels. my new mod looks great ;D get well soooon :)
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2013 18:39:06
Why don't you start selling on amazon? that would be awesome
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2013 21:29:09
amazon fees are almost as ridiculous as ebay. If you have amazon credit please email me and we can work something out [email][email protected][/email] @ErebusUPSB
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 15:17:48
Is it possible to get the variety of pen cases that penwish used to sell in the past again? Like the white leather ones, the glossy ones or the extra large case? :)
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 20:01:25
are the alpha gel pens you sell the one seven watercolour mod uses?
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 23:22:13
What happened to HGR? Can't find them now.
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2013 03:24:54
@sopi yes i think so
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2013 03:54:43
@PenwisH since when was HGR discontinued? :O
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2013 04:23:26
@Raos since everything that's still out is old stock but tha'ts about dried out as well
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 12:58:19
I would like to see makin kts on sale on penwish :) i would definitely order it immediately.
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2013 05:51:59
Hey pw could you stock up on some beifas? greatly needed :D
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2013 06:18:37
@exo discontinued. use sailors if you must.
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2013 07:06:26
dangit. ok thankss
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 01:15:17
Still no yellow ct? :banana:
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 01:34:42
nope not for a little bit still =(
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 11:41:26
Hello, I just want to ask, I'm from the Philippines and if I order the item I'm going to buy from and pay the shipping fee, will I still pay customs once it arrives at my door?
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 12:23:24
XenoGeneiken wrote: Hello, I just want to ask, I'm from the Philippines and if I order the item I'm going to buy from and pay the shipping fee, will I still pay customs once it arrives at my door?
No, but you can pay extra. Penwish doesnt mind having more money -
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 12:58:12
Dakrowl wrote: No, but you can pay extra. Penwish doesnt mind having more money
I see, cause I had experienced online ordering where you pay the shipping fee + customs upon arriving at my house where the customs price are almost the same as the item I ordered. I'm thinking of ordering from penwish some nice pens to use. -
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 14:21:45
@Dakrowl yellow ct back
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 14:22:33
Omg thanks!
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 16:08:56
Thanks, I'll order someday :D
Date: Mon, Mar 4 2013 21:48:43
@PenwisH, if i wanted a pre-made waterfall comssa mod with uncut grips, (I am assuming they are cut), can i leave that message in the comments section during the order, or do i have to then buy all the parts seperately and make it myself to have a full gripped waterfall comssa?
Date: Mon, Mar 4 2013 22:27:50
@PenwisH can the kearing (m&m sub) be capped by two ct caps?
Date: Tue, Mar 5 2013 08:29:55
yes they can @PenwisH can the kearing (m&m sub) be capped by two ct caps?[/QUOTE]
Date: Tue, Mar 5 2013 08:30:27
@PenwisH, if i wanted a pre-made waterfall comssa mod with uncut grips, (I am assuming they are cut), can i leave that message in the comments section during the order, or do i have to then buy all the parts seperately and make it myself to have a full gripped waterfall comssa?[/QUOTE]
Date: Tue, Mar 5 2013 14:30:51
How long does first class shipping to the Philippines take?
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 19:12:21
do you sell clear retractable RSVP?
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 20:36:49
@sopi rsvp rt are discontinued
Date: Wed, Mar 13 2013 21:42:17
Separated parts for a bit cheaper price (Comssa barrel only, things like that) would be helpful.
Date: Wed, Mar 13 2013 22:39:44
Commsa barrels? you can have a few free as long as you pay the shipping
Date: Thu, Mar 14 2013 00:25:33
are you still doing freebies if you pay $26 shipping?
Date: Thu, Mar 14 2013 03:02:10
nope freebies ended end of january.
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 15:36:27
Edit: How many mods can fit in the black-gold upsb case?
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 21:17:56
How many pen mods fit approximately in those new Large Medium Pen Cases?
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 22:44:07
Are you not selling Faber Castels anymore?
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 16:46:20
What is the difference between buster waterfall and normal waterfall?
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 16:57:28
@zgotspinz Waterfall Mod uses Superpirat body orginally Buster Waterfall uses a Crayola Supertip body. Plus Penwish added some extra black Sailor grips too apparantly
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 16:59:20
o ok.. ty
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 16:59:51
wait but how does that relate to a buster?
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 17:01:24
@zgotspinz buster use supertip body too
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 17:02:43
o my baad
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 17:03:27
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 17:18:46
Hi, How much does it cost for an akashiya brush pen ? thx
Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 20:59:42
can you restock black sunburst?
Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 23:55:52
@sky-returns don't have any
Date: Fri, Apr 5 2013 03:47:33
@PenwisH You don't stock old Grip-Matics and metal needlepoints anymore, right?
Date: Fri, Apr 5 2013 04:26:30
Modrod, clear waterfall caps, airfit highlighters
Date: Tue, Apr 9 2013 05:30:58
gripmatics. or at least the twisty eraser mech on the back of the pencil and are the Dr. Grip grips sold on PW G-spec grips or regular Dr. grip grips? are they the ones that were used for the original F1r3f1y mod?
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 22:05:49
Please supertips crayola white body :)
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 17:45:54
The weights of the pens when ordering is way way WAY heavier than they are. If you convert it to grams it makes things like a single dr grip grip weigh 18g, which has meant in the past my shipping always goes up a ridiculous amount.
Date: Sun, May 12 2013 05:19:00
Sell Airfit Tips seperately, you already sell dr grip grips seperately why not airfits? The metal tube in dr grip shaker pens. Ivan Mod parts. White emboss dual pens, not the japanese version.
Date: Mon, May 13 2013 07:11:56
Date: Tue, May 14 2013 22:28:20
Can you restock on Dr. Grip tips please?
Date: Wed, May 15 2013 00:47:53
Zakaryi wrote: Can you restock on Dr. Grip tips please?
There are Dr. Grip Tips sold currently on Penwish: -
Date: Wed, May 15 2013 00:48:37
sky-returns wrote: Please supertips crayola white body :)
Don't let the fact that there is no picture confuse you, they are still sold. : -
Date: Wed, May 15 2013 07:07:33
Thx for the information Demetrius
Date: Thu, May 16 2013 01:37:01
Demetrius wrote: There are Dr. Grip Tips sold currently on Penwish:
They're sold out. That's why I asked to restock. -
Date: Fri, May 17 2013 21:47:09
Zakaryi wrote: They're sold out. That's why I asked to restock.
Oh ok, sorry, had misunderstood. -
Date: Fri, May 17 2013 22:53:04
sorry guys been real busy with the non ps work =( but yeah send me email [email][email protected][/email] for fastest response. I tried to restock everything so let me know if something is gone. thx!
Date: Fri, May 17 2013 23:26:52
Do you @PenwisH think that Miffies may ever be sold as merchandise ever?
Date: Sat, May 18 2013 15:25:59
it would be freakin awsm if you can get more rushon colours(especially pink) some more moonz would be epic, too :D
Date: Fri, May 31 2013 04:53:09
There's only 3 Dr.Grip Grip Clears left. Are they going to be restocked?
Date: Sun, Jun 2 2013 19:25:01
@PenwisH I bought a light green waterfall to compare with my white one. I think the lime green waterfall had a kearing miffy sub barrel instead of super pirat barrel. Is it supposed to? And do you have any tips on getting the blue backplug out of pirate barrels when pliers don't work?
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 15:56:08
Penwish,i ordered a black s360kt.Can i change it to a red s360 kt?pls reply my email asap.Thank you Sorry i dont wany any change in color of the s360 kt anymore.sorry for the inconvenience caused.Thanks. Penwish since theres haze in sg currently will it affect my order?
Date: Sat, Jun 15 2013 04:30:31
Sorry i dont wany any change in color of the s360 kt anymore.sorry for the inconvenience caused.Thanks.
Date: Sun, Jun 16 2013 08:13:12
Dang you are busy
Date: Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:56:10
Penwish since theres haze in sg currently will it affect my order?
Date: Sat, Jul 6 2013 05:34:50
is possiblility you can sell 700n barrel, that great help :<
Date: Mon, Jul 8 2013 20:50:00
@PenwisH Could you restock sky blue glow in the dark rings?
Date: Mon, Jul 15 2013 04:40:20
Can you sell TUL pens and random scrap pen barrels and caps like signo caps or HGG bodys
Date: Fri, Aug 2 2013 12:05:16
@PenwisH Does the Dr.KT and variations you sell have Jap Dr grip tips ?
Date: Thu, Aug 8 2013 17:11:20
JoloPSPH wrote: @PenwisH Does the Dr.KT and variations you sell have Jap Dr grip tips ?
Yes they do. -
Date: Fri, Aug 23 2013 10:42:07
When are you stocking up on dr grip grips @PenwisH
Date: Fri, Aug 23 2013 15:55:49
@PenwisH can you restock mini RSVPs? Regards, Zen
Date: Thu, Sep 12 2013 07:36:27
How long does penwish take to ship to Singapore?
Date: Wed, Sep 18 2013 05:12:21
Date: Wed, Sep 18 2013 06:46:02
tengurocks wrote: How long does penwish take to ship to Singapore?
One to two weeks -
Date: Fri, Sep 20 2013 13:17:02
For the blue collar Pen spinner.. Possible?
Date: Tue, Sep 24 2013 05:16:39
I ordered yesterday a comssa, comssa cap, 2 sailor grips, 2 airfit grips,and 2 hgg tips. How long does it usually take for it to ship. And how long does it usually take to deliver. I think they're located in Illinois and I am located in California. I am really excited to get my package. :jackson:
Date: Tue, Sep 24 2013 08:35:45
:facepalm: Well first you can always use the shout box for these types of questions. Making a new thread is not necessary. I know your new and you can't wait for your "penwish order" but for you it may take about 4 days. For international it is 2 weeks /10 working days. Hope it helps and hope you get it quickly! :) enjoy just remember if you think a new thread needs to be created make sure if it's necessary, check if it already exists and feel free to ask people in the shoutbox. Hope it helps :) Enjoy your stay at upsb.
Date: Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:25:32
0mg dod u bawt from pene wish???? dod u jst got scamd big tiem bro penewish.come iz a hakker syte G ahah pece out stay of da drug
Date: Wed, Oct 9 2013 15:23:46
@PenwisH Would be awesome if you could sell the whole Gripmatic PEN and not just the tip ! The grip for Minwoo or body part for CK or whatnot.
Date: Mon, Oct 14 2013 17:23:23
Hey guys finally back. will be on more from now =/ was moving and had some big issues with some of the houses we have =/ but should be back a lot more now!
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 08:34:35
Hi. When will ZG busters be restocked? Thanks.
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 19:35:55
Welcome back again, Penwish =) You have metal Needlepoints anymore? And do the pre-made SEVEN mod use the metal or the plastic Needlepoint?
Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 10:47:08
for the supertips with the white body,can we choose the cap colour?
Date: Sun, Oct 27 2013 10:36:26
do you still sell normal colored dr grip tips ? cause i only see black and gold on the site XD @PenwisH h
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 01:47:26
can you stock the New HGR. Thanks
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 02:17:53
can you sell the cartoon comssa caps. thanks
Date: Thu, Nov 7 2013 17:56:52
Does the DR.KT you sell use Colortwin or Keityo sign pen?
Date: Mon, Nov 18 2013 05:28:42
why you remove the best color of reynolds cap!! and the most important part of many mods: that being the penz gear :(
Date: Thu, Nov 21 2013 17:50:36
ChowCow wrote: why you remove the best color of reynolds cap!! and the most important part of many mods: that being the penz gear :(
Pretty positive some of the colors were discontinued. I don't know for sure tho. -
Date: Sun, Dec 8 2013 14:58:26
Does penwish clean the body of a white emboss for you if you request? If not, does the paper method work for cleaning the barrel and the black hoop near the cap of the body?
Date: Sun, Dec 8 2013 15:41:45
Voracity wrote: Does penwish clean the body of a white emboss for you if you request? If not, does the paper method work for cleaning the barrel and the black hoop near the cap of the body?
If you request, he probably will do that for you with paper/acetone. However, paper works fine so you can do it yourself. The black ring is the backplug and cannot be removed. -
Date: Mon, Dec 9 2013 01:16:14
eurocracy wrote: If you request, he probably will do that for you with paper/acetone. However, paper works fine so you can do it yourself. The black ring is the backplug and cannot be removed.
So the black hoop is IMPOSSIBLE to remove? Damnnnn. Thanks for clarifying that euro ^^ -
Date: Mon, Dec 9 2013 01:50:01
Voracity wrote: So the black hoop is IMPOSSIBLE to remove? Damnnnn. Thanks for clarifying that euro ^^
The old version white emboss has white backplugs and that's what made people's emboss mod all white. Nowadays, nope you just can't have it. :) -
Date: Thu, Dec 12 2013 18:54:11
Does penwish still do freebies?
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 07:14:16
can you sell tul tips and pens?
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 07:25:30
Whirlpool wrote: Does penwish still do freebies?
On the pw homepage, keep an eye on the top banner that says "free shipping on US orders over $25.99!" when i made a pw order a year-ish ago, underneath that free shipping thing it also said "free items with every order!", around after christmas last year, that freebie announcement was gone so unless the banner says so, I wouldn't expect freebies. -
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 18:01:44
PERSIST wrote: On the pw homepage, keep an eye on the top banner that says "free shipping on US orders over $25.99!" when i made a pw order a year-ish ago, underneath that free shipping thing it also said "free items with every order!", around after christmas last year, that freebie announcement was gone so unless the banner says so, I wouldn't expect freebies.
Thanks for the answer, wanted to know.:) -
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 18:59:03
Whirlpool wrote: Thanks for the answer, wanted to know.:)
Batman you should know everything, you're a goddamn detective! xD -
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 19:07:42
Alfred on vacation. Stupid butler waiting for me in a cafe in Florence thinking I going to stop being Batman. I was stuck in a stupid well thing, didn't have access to internet. I hate Bane, wanted to know Penwish stuff. So had to get out of that thing. >.<
Date: Thu, Jan 9 2014 21:06:50
I bought a couple of pens from penwish like a week ago and I still haven't gotten them. I live in California so there is no out of country delays so I just want to know about how long on average does it take to arrive?
Date: Thu, Jan 9 2014 21:34:29
Project Icarus wrote: I bought a couple of pens from penwish like a week ago and I still haven't gotten them. I live in California so there is no out of country delays so I just want to know about how long on average does it take to arrive?
It take more than a week unless you paid for the first class shipping. The standard shipping takes about 1 or 2 weeks. Be patient. Penwish make his mods himself and it is worth the wait in the end. He's like the only pen spinning distributor in the US. He also ships internationally so he does get a lot of orders. Regards Zen -
Date: Thu, Jan 9 2014 21:53:09
Project Icarus wrote: I bought a couple of pens from penwish like a week ago and I still haven't gotten them. I live in California so there is no out of country delays so I just want to know about how long on average does it take to arrive?
Penwish orders tend to take approximately 1-2 weeks (standard shipping) to arrive within the US. Be patient, PW is reliable and trustworthy. Your package will arrive shortly. -
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 04:21:45
take a look at your tracking number. keep in mind the deep freeze has slowed down the post office a bit but tracking should provide you with more info. Thanks!
Date: Sat, Jan 11 2014 19:46:21
Ok thanks for answer its fine I just wanted to know how long, thanks again I can wait
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 00:19:16
Got the pens like right after I posted that. :) I am super happy thanks penwish
Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 21:20:50
Is Dr.Grip Tips going to be restocked soon?
Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 17:49:27
You should add pre cut rsvp back caps
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 10:14:54
This was my first time ordering from PW. I ordered a buster cyl and a waterfall mod. Once I completed my credit card info I click confirm purchase, but it was taking a while to load the page and when it did, there was blank page that said: "fatal error" with some codes. So I figured I would have to redo the whole process and whatnot. But then, I checked my previous order and it showed up, then it said on the top order status: processing. So I was wondering what do I do?? Did it go through? Will it change status? Will it notify my email when it has been successfully shipped? Is it even ordered? Should I re-order???
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 13:46:46
It's just some Internet error,don't worry about it,your order is safe and successful. ~Zelphus
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 14:14:36
Alright number one rule is not to fret. @PenwisH is reliable, it's not an ebay. My advice would be email him via his email located at the contact us page. Then tell him your issue and he could possibly help. Don't worry too much unless you ordered a lot of pens and are paying a lot of money. Just contact him, he's also a moderator and member of the forums. Look at his profile page he has his email there. Hope it Works Out Zen
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 15:42:44
Agreed, as Zen said, send him an email, he'll be sure to reply :)
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 17:06:57
Thank you very much :)
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 02:02:57
@PenwisH Do you have any spare modrod barrels? I need a clear barrel suitable to make a G3 mod similar to my one that won the modrod contest 2 years ago and I cannot find any suitable ones. If not modrod then do you have a clear flex barrel around that size (needs to be quite long)
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 10:04:06
@eurocracy ehhh i may have a barrel but thickness is less. send me email [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 10:04:34
Vixuhs wrote: You should add pre cut rsvp back caps
@Vixuhs You mean for like vicgot game mods? -
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 11:23:17
PenwisH wrote: @Vixuhs You mean for like vicgot game mods?
I think he means so that the rsvp ink tube can go through the backplug(back cap) -
Date: Thu, Feb 27 2014 08:22:12
Can you sell superlavables or some sort of clear ST sub?
Date: Thu, Feb 27 2014 11:26:25
could you send the next time i order, if i order real needlepoint tips, not only some plastic tips -.- i was so excited in the moment i realised it -.-
Date: Fri, Feb 28 2014 01:20:51
restock dr. grip tips, grips, and skyblue hoops please
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 08:51:08
Is adding TUL tips a possibility?
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 11:45:08
Is adding fibracolor marker a possibility?
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 20:35:12
PenwisH wrote: @eurocracy ehhh i may have a barrel but thickness is less. send me email [email][email protected][/email]
I sent an email 4 days ago and got no reply -
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2014 23:21:43
Hey, my penwish order arrived at my girlfriends house today (that was the shipping address) and she sent me a picture of the package. I was very thrilled, but something came to my notice, under Detailed Description of Packages it says " Used Pens ", this worries me because when purchasing something, I believe all of us expect it to be new material only.Thus, can anyone let me know if this has happened to you and if it's normal ,or if you have a theory of why it would say that please share. Thank you.
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2014 23:25:10
They will be new, don't worry. I have ordered from him numerous times and all the products were 100% new. You can e-mail him and he'll respond very fast if needed. You'll see once you get them.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 01:12:16
Eh, I don't think it realy matters. I am pretty sure the discription on the package is to divert attention from it. So no one robs it. Did you order a lot? In that case it kight be just that. Email Penwish, although I don't think it matters that much. I mean, you got the package and you have the pens. Unless you have like pen parts that are broken, like the tip is shattered I would not worry about it too much.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 02:11:26
Penwish replied, and they said it is used so that I won't have to pay duty :) Man, I love how they answer so quickly! Ps: Thanks to everyone who replied, also I just need to stop being so OCD xD
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 21:47:56
For those pming me. I will have those items such as TUL pens, Airfit Tip only, random yelo mods, and some other junk listed soon.. I may also bring back "bag of crap" for those that remember what that was. @Vixuhs I can try adding cut in half rsvp caps that can be used for mods such as vgg and stuff sure.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 22:14:55
For Vixuhs i think he meant that he wanted pre- drilled rsvp back plugs. lol. Which in my opinion are not very profitable
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2014 00:23:37
are there still needlepoint pens or tips? i want to make a seven mod but i cant seem to find them on the site
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2014 04:10:32
i could do pre drilled rsvp backplugs but lol it's kinda meh. doens't take very long.
Zen wrote: For Vixuhs i think he meant that he wanted pre- drilled rsvp back plugs. lol. Which in my opinion are not very profitable
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2014 04:11:12
@Kemu nope only stock i have is for modding. if you must use a signo or g3. negligible difference and actually balances it out more
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2014 22:21:34
Do you still have modrod grips @PenwisH
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2014 23:47:07
add the guitrum SuperBIC mod plzzzzzzz
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 02:35:48
Ultramarine Color Twins? :D (From a request like 2 years ago LOL)
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 05:04:04
HGG DX? i can only find them on jetpens but i kind of dont want to buy them there
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2014 07:45:45
Penwish finally updated his store! Is the bag of crap available yet? And please add drilled rsvp back plugs :)
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2014 11:26:38
i'll work on drilled backplugs soon. Thanks!
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 23:29:50
on your description for the kearing miffy sub it says "until i get the real thing." does that mean you will ever add real miffys?? :3
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 02:34:48
can we request a specific color if we buy the metallic gels?
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 05:41:31
This is somewhat of a private question you don't have to answer. Do people that are the inventors of mods get royalties from sales? e.g s777 mx, vic got game, etc.
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 07:49:31
well yes but they haven't updated me in like a year so yea....bit maybe right now
Solid wrote: on your description for the kearing miffy sub it says "until i get the real thing." does that mean you will ever add real miffys?? :3
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 07:50:39
nope. most actually request it to be listed typically.
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 07:51:27
Kemu wrote: can we request a specific color if we buy the metallic gels?
technically no but send me a pm and maybe. i don't do yellows ever since that's always what everyone asks for usually. -
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 15:15:35
@PenwisH Tul tips please. 8)
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 16:50:46
@Xzeria, TUL pens are already Available on Penwish.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 17:44:25
Dern Goid wrote: @Xzeria, TUL pens are already Available on Penwish.
OOo, they are? I'll be right back. -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2014 09:16:18
Could you add bellcolors or colored watercolors? 나의 LG-F180L 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2014 17:13:56
Can u swap out ink tubes for rsvp pens to different colours?
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 12:20:27
Restock kearing pens and dr grip tips pl0x :)
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 12:50:09
do you have any penz gear or penz gear subs left? (these? ) thanks
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 17:51:46
Reason wrote: do you have any penz gear or penz gear subs left? (these? ) thanks
You want one? -
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 18:17:09
Supergirl wrote: You want one?
veeeeeeerrry much so yes. -
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 08:06:50
Sorry im new may i ask about you guy's experience of purchasing pens from penwish and if it is safe? Thx.
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2014 10:05:54
Could u stock up on black comssa caps and emboss pens pls?
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2014 07:14:33
could you restock zebra hyper jell black 0.7mm ?
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2014 08:19:56
Pink and light green Ct please.
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 15:40:19
restock pink ct pls
Date: Tue, Jul 29 2014 15:26:07
#28070, how much time should it take to be shipped and in direction to me? Will you provide a tracking number?
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 14:38:53
How long does it take for an order to reach London? Also do you have to pay duty tax for penwish orders?
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 14:55:44
AfroSquared wrote: How long does it take for an order to reach London? Also do you have to pay duty tax for penwish orders?
Not long, maybe 2-3 weeks depending on weather and stuff. Sorry for not replying to your pm, but there isn't a lot of stuff to get from those places, so if it is the same price i say buy from Penwish -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 15:20:35
I'd say it's 2weeks at the longest to sweden, normally around 8-9 days. So it should be around a week for it to come to the UK, bear in mind thet PenWish does not send out packages during the weekends, so if you order late on a friday you have to expect it to take a couple days longer. @AfroSquared
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 15:31:00
Thanks alot! Gonna be ordering my 1st penwish order in a couple of days
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2014 20:38:05
Could you restock Zebra Hyper Jell Black 0.7mm and black comssa caps?
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 22:21:22
Could you get Tul pens please.
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2014 01:54:37
Menowa mod!
Date: Thu, Aug 14 2014 12:54:42
DC comssas and white emboss pens pls
daahboy wrote: Menowa mod!
no one will make and sell that because it is really expensive and time consuming to make. it would not be worth selling -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 16:25:50
Hello Everyone! Time for family to head on our annual semi long vacation. So all orders after september 22 noon central chicago time won't ship until after October 7 2014. As usual all orders will receive random free gifts that will include cases, mods, pens, tips, grips etc etc. Will be random (no requests plz). Will be good stuff =) We will have access to email still most of the time so let me know if you have questions here on upsb or [email][email protected][/email](preferred) Still here for a few days so shoot me any questions or concerns. In case anyone is wondering, we are going to Tanzania & Zanzibar . so safari and beach for a few weeks. Kids next year or two so need to do "young people" stuff before kids/fat/old
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 12:42:36
Hi , i bougth mods for ~200 $ and i really scare , cuz it wass shipped more than one week ... 09/16/2014 Shipped Customs Decl. No.: LN151062069US I Asked Eric ( Eric Xie
) and no answer... Maybe some one can say , how much time takes shippment ? Im from Ukraine , last time it takes as one week... -
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 13:17:24
Probl more than a week, I'd guess it should come <3weeks. Expect it to come around 2 weeks though. I don't see a reason for you to be worried yet. /Xoxo
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 13:38:59
Can i track my order ? Or custom decl. n . cant do it?
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 14:34:04
@ShadowXX!input.action?tRef=qt&tLc=1&tLabels=LN151062069US Frog~
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 15:18:50
Wwwwait... You brouhgt mods for 200$. Are you crasy? And where do you live? it may take more time to europe for example than to the US?
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 15:43:03
ShadowXX wrote: Hi , i bougth mods for ~200 $ and i really scare , cuz it wass shipped more than one week ... 09/16/2014 Shipped Customs Decl. No.: LN151062069US I Asked Eric ( Eric Xie
It will take a while. Usually under 2 weeks for mainland europe, for the ukraine maybe up to 4) and no answer... Maybe some one can say , how much time takes shippment ? Im from Ukraine , last time it takes as one week... -
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 16:03:32
It should be around 2-3 weeks but there is a chance it could have got held up in customs like mine did. I live in the UK and it took 5 weeks for my order to arrive.
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 17:09:21
m1ch1 , from Ukraine , Kiev , why im crazy?) One time in year i can do it)) Ofcourse we are pour country , but when you wish somthing, its price not relevant )
Okay, il wait , thank guys) Really , it was scare , cuz 2 prevision orders came in a week )
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 18:03:20
is it worth buying stuff from penwish if ur not in canada? since u gotta pay like 7$ just to ship.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 18:11:29
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 18:39:40
yes it's worth it.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 18:40:55
Why is this even a thread? Course it's worth it
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 18:54:50
yeah shipping is worth it, just buy all the stuff you need at once. it can be a lot harder finding the parts and making stuff yourself
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 20:14:24
Yep its worth it, shipping is kinda cheap too only $8 or so
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 21:09:46
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2014 13:34:45
Can you stock up on Super Pirats? I need them for modding, but they're sold out.
Date: Wed, Nov 12 2014 05:06:53
So I haven't logged in at penwish for a few years and now it says that my email is was not in their records. To they delete your account if you're inactive for too long? Thanks.
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 10:07:09
Hi guys , a bought mods for ~200$ ... I pay for the cheapest method of delivery . all time it was 1- 1.5 week , but now its 2 month ! I bought mods ~15 of September , and PW only say : wait some more time. Really all other orders from international shops came in a week from EU and 2 weeks from US . But not 2 month !!. I scare ... It was my birthday gift , 200$ in Ukraine its monthly salary :D . And PW says wait wait we cant get information if it less then 45 days blablablah ... I don't know what to think, help me pls.... Custom decl. is LN151062069US
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 13:13:41
delivery so high price
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 15:00:04
ShadowXX wrote: Hi guys , a bought mods for ~200$ ... I pay for the cheapest method of delivery . all time it was 1- 1.5 week , but now its 2 month ! I bought mods ~15 of September , and PW only say : wait some more time. Really all other orders from international shops came in a week from EU and 2 weeks from US . But not 2 month !!. I scare ... It was my birthday gift , 200$ in Ukraine its monthly salary :D . And PW says wait wait we cant get information if it less then 45 days blablablah ... I don't know what to think, help me pls.... Custom decl. is LN151062069US
/merged your thread with this one because we dont need a new thread for these types of questions. if you have questions for or about penwish then please post them in this thread or contact penwish directly. to answer your question, penwish is definitely a trustworthy source. he would not try to swindle a customer if thats what you are insinuating. im not sure if there would be an issue in shipping or going between boarders etc. but i can assure you that he takes precautions in his business. if he says to wait a bit longer then i suggest you still wait. -
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 15:07:32
ShadowXX wrote: Hi guys , a bought mods for ~200$ ... I pay for the cheapest method of delivery . all time it was 1- 1.5 week , but now its 2 month ! I bought mods ~15 of September , and PW only say : wait some more time. Really all other orders from international shops came in a week from EU and 2 weeks from US . But not 2 month !!. I scare ... It was my birthday gift , 200$ in Ukraine its monthly salary :D . And PW says wait wait we cant get information if it less then 45 days blablablah ... I don't know what to think, help me pls.... Custom decl. is LN151062069US
Well the good news is it's a tracked package so when I put it into Trace it says it arrived in chicago and was being moved out. USPS is very mixed in the amount of time it takes to ship things. Sometimes it will arrive in under a week, but it can take longer depending on USPS situations, and as it's tracked you can be sure to find out where the package is if you need to. -
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 19:24:15
Okay , buy ukraine and russia doesnt support tracking.. i dont know where is my order now ... Is it shipping or came , or has stolen... 2 Months for shipping ? I think its so suspicious