Gatherings / Meetings / bay area penspining meet for funraiser

  1. Otakutino
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 07:18:17 going to have a booth for penspinning at this fun raiser for my sister. need more people to spin with me... MORE PENSPINNERS!!!!!!!! Time: Sunday, January 23 ยท 3:00pm - 7:00pm Location: Tito's Cantina 15508 East 14Th San Leandro CA 94578

  2. Lanaro
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 08:34:17

    How many people do you have? I may have some time.

  3. Escorpio123
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 11:27:23

    That's way far from me, otherwise, I would go :)

  4. MiscInvasion
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 19:30:31

    i'll see if i can go :P how are we exactly gonna fund raise there?

  5. Otakutino
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 20:10:01

    Not that manny thats why I needs peoplz XD awsomesause

  6. Otakutino
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 20:11:37

    MiscInvasion wrote: i'll see if i can go :P how are we exactly gonna fund raise there?
    basicly my sister is going away to italy and she needs money...sooo I came up with a penspinning booth that way she earns money AND we can introduce new penspinners to the community

  7. Otakutino
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 20:14:50

    Lanaro wrote: How many people do you have? I may have some time.
    well for penspinners zip just me...As for people at the funraiser A LOT!!!!!!

  8. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 21:14:12

    Eh... can't make it. Driving class. Sorry :/ Just putting this out there, but the best time for gatherings is during a break or a long weekend.

  9. Otakutino
    Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 02:51:12

    to everyone who is going I will be wearing a yellow post-it note on me so people can identify me to who I am ^~^

  10. AwonW
    Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 03:05:08

    I'm too busy studying for finals.

  11. Lanaro
    Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:09:22

    will food be provided?

  12. blahblahting
    Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:19:39

    hmm...when me awonw archermitch lanaro amp3d and yocuppajoe tried doing something like this, we only got a net profit of 36 cents. at that rate, we would have made $1.44 in an hour, which would then be split among six people

  13. AwonW
    Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 02:32:44

    blahblahting wrote: hmm...when me awonw archermitch lanaro amp3d and yocuppajoe tried doing something like this, we only got a net profit of 36 cents. at that rate, we would have made $1.44 in an hour, which would then be split among six people
    I think we probably would have done better if we had a sign or something. People probably didn't know that we wanted donations.

  14. Lanaro
    Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 16:17:23

    On a side note, may I get contact information? Otakutino, please PM me a method of contacting you, I do not have texting btw.

  15. Lanaro
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 23:40:40

    Looks like I can't make it, something came up and I'm stuck at home now >_>;