Trading / Buying / Van's Trade thread; RSVP SUNBURST white, RSVP COLORS, busters etc

  1. Van
    Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 19:56:12

    Okay, I want: kUzu G3 mod Seven G3 mod Mesi G3 mod I have; Buster CYL RSVP Color, White sunburst, Black RSVP, RSVP RT Supertips Bics Grips; (RSVP RT grips, RSVP grips, Fake signo grips, G2 grip) Tips; (Fake signo tips, American Dr.Grip Tips) Used parts; (4 blocks of profile grip ,Fake signo grip, White signo broad, G2 barrel, RSVP color body) I can get; RSVPs G2s Ballsigns Signos Signo broads Lacknocks ZTs Etc...

  2. Van
    Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:26:04


  3. drgripable
    Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:29:03

    @Van, idk about this thread cause kuzu g3 is much more expensive

  4. walrus
    Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:31:06

    LOL YOU MAD? I wouldn't trade 2 buster CYLs for a kUzu mod...

  5. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:35:39

    Lol someone is trying to troll :facepalm: Yeah van I would suggest offering some money in addtion to the buster.

  6. Van
    Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 22:50:20

    hehehe damn i knew im not gonna spin my buster anymore, so i was like y not trade it hmm maybe i can add idk some pens aswell

  7. Jamal
    Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 00:14:29

    Jan wrote: LOL YOU MAD? I wouldn't trade 2 buster CYLs for a kUzu mod...
    when in any of his posts did he even give any hint of being mad?

  8. Sc00t
    Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 00:17:14

    Wonder wrote: when in any of his posts did he even give any hint of being mad?
    when he asked for a kuzu for a buster Mad - very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains"

  9. Holypie
    Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 00:50:57

    They did that in Vancouver for the Olympics.

  10. Colin
    Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 01:22:09

    Van wrote: hehehe damn i knew im not gonna spin my buster anymore, so i was like y not trade it hmm maybe i can add idk some pens aswell
    Kuzu g3=25 dollars buster=13 dollars last time i checked, 25=/=13 buster+3mx's is the LEAST I would go.

  11. SuiXidaL
    Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 08:03:57

    i hap duh cuzu, i will tade yew it for tree fiddy. pm if you are intrest (:

  12. Van
    Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 20:42:59
