Off-topic / braces technique help - food particles
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:09:18
what do you do when food particles get stuck in between the brackets? remove it w/ your tongue? its so hard lol my tongue has plenty of wounds and i see my friends they have no problem at all...or do you just bring a toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere and eat w/e u want then brush your teeth afterwards? post ur technique here in removing food particles
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:21:00
1) try both at the same time 2) if 1 doesn't work, I suggest waiting until the braces are off. that should be effective
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:56:23
Well I got my braces off like a few months ago. But I kinda like used my tongue to make a seal around it and suck it out. The only problem is that one time the food went like directly down my throat and I was choking >_>
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:57:50
i got a special brush thing
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 06:08:11
err so none of you are pros sometimes i use that brush too..the small brush given by the dentist...w/e maybe i just need to get used to it lol
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 06:08:19
you get used to it after a little while. your tongue may be bruised/irritated/wtv and have sores but once they go away you wont have any problems and mainly, you use your tongue to get rid of food particles
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 06:13:15
I just take them off to get the food out. You can just use epoxy to put on the part you took off later.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 06:19:32
I kinda contain the area with my lip and then suck it out. Minimal use of tongue.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 14:42:07
I have like 10 mini brushes all different sizes so I can use whatever I need.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 14:43:07
But if youre out then just suck it out. It varies on how hard it is depending on the shape of your teeth/braces gaps etc...
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 16:04:40
The "suck it out" technique usually works. If not, Waterpik.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 16:07:12
you're wearing braces now clyde?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 17:40:04
when im out eatting, i usually drink water/pop and just swish it in my mouth, or like others said, suck it
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 18:04:47
my friend wear braces, he told me that he just leaves the food stuck. He says it looks macho
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 22:10:57
Keep a floss toothpick thingy with you at all times so you can just head into the bathroom and get whatever is stuck in there out
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 12:48:57
@Zombo ya i wear braces oh lol kk thanks for the advice lol