Tutorials Pending Approval / customized minwhoo mod
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 04:08:47
First thing first. I made the minwhoo mod and did not like the weight so i made some changes to it and this is what i came up with. =========================== Stats: =========================== super tipped minwhoo mod COG:middle Length:about 20 cm Weight:heavier than buster cyl Style: single sided non retractable Estimated-Cost: 10-12$ i used spare parts =========================== Materials List: Dr. Grip tip x1 Signo Tip x2 hgg tip x2 g3 cap x1 super pirat body x1 sailor gel grip x1 faber castell gripmatic grip x1 special black penwish rings x4 Comssa Cap x1 bic round stic grip x1 ===========================
=========================== Tutorial: =========================== Step 1: Gather materials
Step 2: cut the super pirat body and get rid of the markings with nail polish remover so it looks like. Add tape onto the back of the body so that the g3 cap will stay on.
Step 3: Remove the super pirate tip and screw on an hgg tip. Step 4: cut a small piece of a big barrel underneith the grip of a bic round stick grip. and wrap in teflon tape. then screw on signo tips to both sides.
Step 5: Gather materials for cap
Step 6: Stick hgg tip into cap first then stick half of the signo tips into the grip and slide into the cap like this.
Step 7: Push the tip and grip into the cap using the back of the super pirat. Step 8: grab the comssa cap and add 1 penwish ring, then 2 rings of the sailor gel grip and one more ring then 2.5 cm of dr grip grip. Leave the doctor grip grip about .5 cm over the commsa cap. Then slide the Dr. Grip tip into the grip and put a penwish ring on the tip and slide the ring under the grip. Like this
Step 9: Slide 2 rings of the sailor gel grip onto the cap then 1 penwish ring and then 1.8 cm or Dr. Grip grip. put cap on the back, and the comssa cap on the front. Finished
=========================== Q/A: How does the pen spin? It has more momentum than a Buster Cyl and is shorter and spins faster. Do you need the bic part for the signo tips? no, you could also stick the signo tips inside of eachother and stick them inside of the cap. ===========================
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 04:19:05
"How does the pen spin? It has more momentum than a Buster Cyl and is shorter and spins faster." First off I'm pretty sure Minwoo is spelled M-i-n-w-o-o. Could be wrong though :dunno: Not the first time I've screwed up spellings. And second, you can't really define how a pen spins by speed. You can give your opinion but it's going to spin differently for everyone I think and because this is heavier than a Buster, depending on someone's style it might spin slower (due to the weight) or quicker (due to an increase in finger movement). OH and because this is basically adding some weight to a Minwoo mod (different tip spam) I think it deserves to be in SOYP since varying the weight is not very hard and is up to personal preference. If it was something more vibrant like "Writable Minwoo Mod" then a tutorial is probably the way to go.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 05:25:48
I promised myself no more flaming till in infractions expire~ This is just basically a minwoo mod with an extra 2 tips and a shorter body imo :/ Nothing special
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 05:55:21
Way too heavy and it's not even a new mod. Please post your mods in SOYP and wait for requests before you make tutorials.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 08:17:21
Nachoaddict wrote: First off I'm pretty sure Minwoo is spelled M-i-n-w-o-o. Could be wrong though :dunno: Not the first time I've screwed up spellings.
His Youtube name is Minvvoo, with two Vs, but other spinners just call him Minwoo. :) On topic: heavier than a Buster? And a short pen? Wouldn't it be a bit uncomfortable to spin? -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:27:24
@Krypton a few things to say His youtube name is minvvoo, vv=w, maybe that name was already taken or something. he even calls himself minwoo so that's not an issue. Like the above people have said, this is just a tip spammed minwoo mod, really no reason to make a tutorial for anything like this, and i think you should have posted in SOYP. Also, it's good that you followed the template for tutorials, but try to get better pictures next time and be a bit more descriptive because i couldnt really understand/see what you were doing
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:02:55
How do I explain this.... 1.SOYP 2.Wait for request 3.Still looks like a regular minwoo mod with like... 4 more tips to make it like 8 grams heavier... 4.This pen is a variation not a completely new mod. 5.??? 6.Good template 7.Bit pricey 8.??? 8.5. Only new spinners are saying it looks like an awesome "new mod" 9.Profit I guess that will do for now
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 22:44:40
It looks good but it is like the minwoo mod, and buster cyl has a lot of momentum, and it might be different for other spinners like somebody said it ;)
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 02:59:17
You should remove weight instead of adding more if u want to spin it loz:D Or...u fill teh comsSa cap and g3 cap with lead and use it as barbell;)
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 20:51:46
purplet wrote: You should remove weight instead of adding more if u want to spin it loz:D Or...u fill teh comsSa cap and g3 cap with lead and use it as barbell;)
lol... but why would you need lead. Im not sure if i could lift it even without lead...