Pen Modifications / Ask a Pro
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 02:45:31
Like the Ask iMatt thread in off-topic, use this thread to ask questions Pen Modding Related. Felt like a lot of people could benefit from Asking a Pro Modder (or lack there of depending on your opinions :p ) about specific things. - Adding Pen Functionalities to Existing Mods - Modding Procedures - Presentation Methods etc. This is not to replace General Questions, it is merely another reference if you have some specific questions that general modders may not know. Feel free for anyone else to chime in if there's something you know the answer to as well.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 02:51:57
How do you pull off the back plug of a supertip easily. Everytime I do it, it screws up and the backplug literally shatters. Using pliers btw Thanks^^
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 02:54:03
@Light i usually find this is the best way to get the backplug out if you are using pliers because its the easiest way to get a solid grip on the backplug, then you just twist and pull.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 02:56:44
see the thing is i get a grip on the backplug, but i perhaps squeeze so hard that it punctures the plastic from the plug. Thats what annoys me.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:01:50
hmmmnh......sometimes i will get one of those really long pushpins (a t pin) and very carefully push it through both sides of the backplug and pull it out that way CAREFUL
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:02:57
Light wrote: How do you pull off the back plug of a supertip easily. Everytime I do it, it screws up and the backplug literally shatters. Using pliers btw Thanks^^
I use a Precision Flat-Head Screwdriver. Puncture the bottom of the plug, then pull it upwards scraping the inside of the plug. You'll get a small scratch on it, but it breaks the glue much easier. -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:11:37
I use scissors, if you "cut" or simply use them to precisely split the seam of plug from the body a bit it shouldn't be that hard to wedge the rest out. :]
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:20:18
I don't have that problem because the only STs that I have are the new new ones. Is there any difference between the body of the new new one and the body of the less new one? Other than the cap and backcap.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:36:57
In your opinion, what would be the best way to make a waterfall mod write? (ink)
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:41:53
Just stick a RSVP ink tube inside...
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 04:27:49
I don't understand the need for a quick mod questions thread, general mod questions thread, and ask a pro thread. I mean yeah the question depth and length might vary in each of the threads or is at least they are meant to be. However this isn't always the case and I don't necessarily feel a significant difference moving between the two threads. If you ask me, I think you should have quick mod questions and general mod questions combined and then have the pro thread separate. Just my opinion though :dunno:
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 04:33:47
Riley;52799]In your opinion, what would be the best way to make a waterfall mod write? (ink)[/QUOTE] Bic stick inktube, then just add a tincy bit of grip in the cap on the other end. However that brings up the issue of noise. put some paper in the barrel and slightly thick section of tape, that should take care of the rattling. [QUOTE=Nachoaddict wrote: I don't understand the need for a quick mod questions thread, general mod questions thread, and ask a pro thread. I mean yeah the question depth and length might vary in each of the threads or is at least they are meant to be. However this isn't always the case and I don't necessarily feel a significant difference moving between the two threads. If you ask me, I think you should have quick mod questions and general mod questions combined and then have the pro thread separate. Just my opinion though :dunno:
You're right actually. Problem fixed. I merged Quick questions and General Questions into one sticky thread. Hopefully that should clear up some confusion. -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 05:20:38
how do you cut dr grip grips smoothly so its not like ugly and un even?
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 06:27:06
Exacto knife, ruler, and a good solid surface.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 10:44:36
I want to ask that is the cartoon comssa cap and normal comssa cap the same or they are different ?
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 11:20:31
Deaththekid wrote: I want to ask that is the cartoon comssa cap and normal comssa cap the same or they are different ?
Comssa cap has a solid color, Cartoon Comssa have a colored tint and are transparent. -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 11:36:01
Oh ! I was afraid that the Airfit Grip can't put into the Cartoon Comssa
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 15:17:25
itzDaKine wrote: how do you cut dr grip grips smoothly so its not like ugly and un even?
It's tough actually. Takes a bit of thought. If you want perfect cuts you need the following 1.) A Sharpened Cigar Cutter 2.) A barrel to rest the grip on (usually a comssa or something that makes the grip stretch (otherwise it will slide) 3.) Tape Put on both ends before the grip to make sure it's held in place. 4.) A Ruler Hold the ruler perpendicular to the Grip. Make sure the ruler is at 90*. Then place the cigar cutter over the end to the part where you want to cut. Push down one end and then rotate. -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 16:04:19
I believe cartoon comssa caps are the same other comssa caps. The only difference is color and transparency
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 01:30:27
@iMatt Wait correct me if I'm wrong but I still see the quick questions thread in the forum? Or am I thinking something different from what you actually did o_O
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 05:04:34
Nachoaddict wrote: @iMatt Wait correct me if I'm wrong but I still see the quick questions thread in the forum? Or am I thinking something different from what you actually did o_O
I merged the Quick and General questions threads, then stickied the thread. -
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 06:23:26
@iMatt thank you^_^ but where do i find a cigar cutter? o.O
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 08:42:22
itzDaKine wrote: @iMatt thank you^_^ but where do i find a cigar cutter? o.O
Tobacco store, online, (possibly gas station?), they're pretty common. -
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 12:39:21
is there any difference between that and any other razor blade though?
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 21:52:44
Holypie wrote: is there any difference between that and any other razor blade though?
easier to get a circle cut. Razers you always run the risk of skewing the cut. Eyeballing doesn't work nearly as efficiently. -
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:27:53
@iMatt ah now the quick mod questions thread is gone. Lol cool ^_^
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 04:00:09
Is there a distinction between what pens are "soft" and what are "hard" for cutting? And what tools will work best for each distinction?
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 04:12:48
personally, what mp mech do you prefer ?
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 05:54:00
The distinction for softness or hardness depends on the plastic that the body is made out of. RSVP bodies are harder and thicker while comssa bodies are thinner and more easy to cut through. I suggest a combination of wire cutters (or hacksaw) for the initial cutting, sandpaper to make the cut more clean, and finally an x-acto knife to cut away excess plastic or stuff that's just hanging there after the sandpaper.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 07:32:43
To add on to what nacho said: Typically, barrels that are a solid color (not see through) are considered "soft", while transparent/see-through barrels are "hard". Soft barrels include stuff like supertip, comssa, color twin, etc. while hard barrels include stuff like RSVP, G3. Of course, some soft barrels have a softer feel than others, but you probably get my point. I can't answer how to cut hard barrels since i never do that. As for soft barrels, I put a strip of tape on the barrel to act as a guide for where to cut. Then, I work my way around the barrel with a razor blade until the cut is deep enough for me to snap the barrel apart.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 13:57:18
For hard barrels, use a hot knife, or our favorite, a heated xacto blade, to cut through it, (try not to melt it to much and cut a centimeter above your mark) then sand it down. You can use a similair technique for soft barrels, but you might as well use a hack saw or something as soft barrels tend not to crack as easily. If it will crack, it is considered hard, soft is soft or flexible.If it feels like it will crack, it's most likely a hard barrel.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 17:38:05
Regarding Hard Barrels....(pun) *cough* Always use a hacksaw. Also a lot of people don't know how to secure pens using a mounted vicegrip. Whenever you're planning to cut a hard-bodied pen you need to remember to wrap the pen in a rag or some form of cloth so you don't put DIRECT pressure onto the body itself. Once the pen is wrapped partially in a cloth, then mount it into a stationary vicegrip so just the part you need to cut is sticking out. The reason I say to use a stationary (higher grade) vice-grip is so the cut stays accurate. Another good practice to do while cutting hard barrels is to wrap tape before the section you want to cut so it can guide the hacksaw better. YET ANOTHER thing you should do when using a hacksaw is measure .1-.2 cm extra for cutting since it's going to be sanded down anyway and most likely will be slightly slanted after cutting. =========== After the cut has been made, I usually take a sharp x-acto knife and carefully slice off the fuzz/plastic chips on the cut area. It's very tedious, but it'll make final result SO MUCH better to work with. P.S. don't heat up your knives, it doesn't work too well and it's very bad for a blade that's already been tempured.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 03:37:47
Does anyone knows what emboss did ajisai use for his higlighter mod? Lavender or wisteria? thanks
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 21:50:58
JoshPS wrote: Does anyone knows what emboss did ajisai use for his higlighter mod? Lavender or wisteria? thanks
I'm not sure honestly. Do you have a picture of which one you're referring to? -
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 07:32:56
Hello i already finished my retracable comssa, the back hgg tip falls out with the large white piece of the zebra when i spin it. I saw that in the firts photo it says: this is what you need from the zebra, and it appears the zebra backplug but in the rest of the tutorial they never ask for it, i never used. any help will be usefull
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 07:59:29
Your grammar is poor, what part are you having trouble with ? .... The mechanism is cut and put into a hollowed comssa cap then tape is wrapped around the white clicker so the hgg tip doesn't fall out/off.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 14:15:12
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 02:55:43
Tips and how to do tape cuts? like on minovate dc mod
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 02:56:57
Which mod is: 1) Cheapest gram/$ 2) Most expensive gram/$ ?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 05:02:28
I was going to buy this: But I have two questions- 1. Have pink HGGs been discontinued? 2. Are these the pink HGGs or the pastel pink HGGs?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 05:05:34
hahakumquat wrote: I was going to buy this: But I have two questions- 1. Have pink HGGs been discontinued? 2. Are these the pink HGGs or the pastel pink HGGs?
those are the pastel ones, the fluo pink have a clear clip (?) on the cap -
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 05:09:37
And yes the production has been discontinued. You can still find em in some stores and ebay though @hahakumquat
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 03:16:46
What's the best sub for KS online Sporty, for Stuhl/Pirat KS mod?
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 03:30:04
In terms of things fitting together go for G3 tips. They go over hgg tips fairly well. For weight I suggest signos. If the KS Sport tips are the only thing you are subbing
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 00:35:40
My S777 Mx is slightly lopsided so the front is lighter than the back. How can i make it more equally balanced?
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 06:03:09
Add electrical tape under the grips that cover the cap.
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 14:51:00
Well, i have been told to use nail polish remover, which somehow does not work for me. What are some good methods of removing print without damaging the pen body (in other words, without scraping it off)? I've heard rubbing alcohol also works. Any help?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:15:07
nail polish remover pads
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:30:36
Spinning the pen for awhile will do it. I did it with a bellcolor and a RSVP with the silver letters.
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:32:55
just use guitrum's rubbing method, that way it's not "scraping" or like knifing the text off, but you're rubbing it off smoothly and it has a nice feel
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:35:41
Use it alot
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:43:13
What exactly is guitrums rubbing method?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 15:49:36
Rubbing alcohol works ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 17:32:43
Guitrum method = Paper right? Just wrap a spare barrel in printer paper and rub the barrel you want to de-textify with it and the print will go on the paper. If you rub too hard it will damage the barrel but if you do it just right, the body feels nice and soft and smooth after.
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 18:40:31
i have 2 super pirats and for some reason, the body wont come off even when i use Nail Polish Remover. What is another method that i can use that will work?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 18:58:35
Read above posts please. Practically every major method of text removal has been mentioned except erasers which are ineffective for super pirats
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 20:05:00
I soaked my super pirat in warm water, then dried it with a paper towel, then used rubbing alcohol. It worked only once...
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 20:37:08
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 20:39:36
Thanks a lot @+Guitrum+
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 20:43:28
u can just spin it off, the text will eventually fade away slowly
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 21:18:54
ok wtf if you cant get the design off the super pirat barrel by using nail polish remover/acetone, you must be doing something way wrong because it comes off easy as fuck just rub it with a paper towel that has nail polish remover on it. UNLESS you're retarded enough to wait more than 5 seconds once you put the nail polish remover on the paper towel. Because acetone evaporates very fast, you need to do it quickly and it works great
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 15:20:40
Sam;58642]Tips and how to do tape cuts? like on minovate dc mod[/QUOTE] Take stripe of tape. Put it onto a flat surface (cutting surface preferably). Then simply cut your design with an x-acto, then peel. [QUOTE=Mats;58644]Which mod is: 1) Cheapest gram/$ 2) Most expensive gram/$ ?[/QUOTE] I think the VicStick may win for cheapest. It's less than $12 accumulatively for a 22g pen I think. Most expensive, probably the Saizen G3. That's like almost a $1.00 per gram. (24g pen) [QUOTE=hahakumquat;58715]I was going to buy this: But I have two questions- 1. Have pink HGGs been discontinued? 2. Are these the pink HGGs or the pastel pink HGGs?[/QUOTE] HGG's have been discontinued in the USA period Those are Fluro Pink HGG's K118 = Fluro [QUOTE=Riley;61777]What's the best sub for KS online Sporty, for Stuhl/Pirat KS mod?[/QUOTE] There really isn't much you can compare it to. I would say just use impact RT tips. Those are the best you're gonna get without too much aesthetic change [QUOTE=Nachoaddict;61780]In terms of things fitting together go for G3 tips. They go over hgg tips fairly well. For weight I suggest signos. If the KS Sport tips are the only thing you are subbing[/QUOTE] Signos work, but then you have this bad looking gap under the dr. grip at the front. Impact RT's at least maintain the shape. [QUOTE=Jan wrote: My S777 Mx is slightly lopsided so the front is lighter than the back. How can i make it more equally balanced?
Put a piece of sticky tack in the front in the barrel or add some single grip sections. -
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 21:11:13
No, 1$/gram is not that expensive Dr. KT= on average say $22 or $21 maybe, and it is sixteen or seventeen grams Seven Mod= IDK 13 or 14 Grams? and it is valued at probably on average 18 or 19 $$$ Minwoo= 17 ish grams and is worth 20-22 $$$ Waterfall 14 grams, 16 $$$ All estimates, but all more than 1$/gram. @iMatt
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 21:54:02
Kirby wrote: No, 1$/gram is not that expensive Dr. KT= on average say $22 or $21 maybe, and it is sixteen or seventeen grams Seven Mod= IDK 13 or 14 Grams? and it is valued at probably on average 18 or 19 $$$ Minwoo= 17 ish grams and is worth 20-22 $$$ Waterfall 14 grams, 16 $$$ All estimates, but all more than 1$/gram. @iMatt
I was answering in raw parts. Trade value inflation is it's own category in terms of pricepoint. -
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 01:49:59
Guitrum's Method: And this is a really useful sticky for pen modding...
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 07:25:20
Hey iMatt, i'm looking for a mod that is single capped. It is balanced, not back heavy nor front heavy. I have an ayatori and really like it, but im looking for a kinda (better?) mod. I made a kUzU, and its slightly back heavy, and its super duper heavy. and i dont reallly like it. An MX is a tad light and backheavy. I tried a signo tipped MX but kind of light. Can you recommend me a mod that has the same weight as an ayatori, maybe a little lighter? (Not as expensive as a kUzU, that was like 28 bucks. And also cool looking B).) P.s. Ayatori is like 16 grams i think. idk. Also mention me, so i get notification :) thankks :)
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 07:31:03
@Sam I would suggest a Seven G3 Mod. I don't know if that's too expensive for you but it seems to fit the description of the pen you want.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 07:33:02
do you know what the weight is?
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 07:41:19
I don't know the exact measurement but it's a bit heavier than an ayatori and definetaley less than a kuzu. If you were willing to go double sided pens I would suggest the Stuhl Mod or a Cheat comssa (comssa with hgg tips and signo tips over those)
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 07:49:49
is a stuhl basically same weight as a waterfall with signo tip subs instead of the sporty ones? And also is there a tutorial out there for the SEVEN g3 mod? I dont wanna buy it premade.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 08:13:09
Yeah you should be able to find it under the upsb v3 tutorials pending area. Old forum version here: Stuhl mod is noticeably heavier than waterfall imo.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 15:47:53
Sam wrote: Hey iMatt, i'm looking for a mod that is single capped. It is balanced, not back heavy nor front heavy. I have an ayatori and really like it, but im looking for a kinda (better?) mod. I made a kUzU, and its slightly back heavy, and its super duper heavy. and i dont reallly like it. An MX is a tad light and backheavy. I tried a signo tipped MX but kind of light. Can you recommend me a mod that has the same weight as an ayatori, maybe a little lighter? (Not as expensive as a kUzU, that was like 28 bucks. And also cool looking B).) P.s. Ayatori is like 16 grams i think. idk. Also mention me, so i get notification :) thankks :)
There's not a ton that spin like the Ayatori. It's a very dense mod. The seven G3 mod might be a decent margin like nachoaddict said. -
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 03:14:16
@iMatt can you post the link the SEVEN g3 mod tutorial? cant find
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 03:19:03
It's on the first page of the V3 Tutorials Pending page...
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 05:28:27
@iMatt for guitrum's G2CTE evolved, i have a question on the modding. it uses a japanese dr grip shaker, but then penwish doesn't sell them, and i am not able to buy them in my area. so i was wondering what i could use instead of the japanese shaker? Maybe a US shaker idk. I also dont know what a US shaker looks like, can you post a link in like staples, office depot, or target or some store in the bay area. Also on jet pens, it shows a dr grip shaker, which I think looks like a pilot dr grip center of gravity maybe i can use those, b/c they're accesible. idk Jetpens: staples drgrip COG:
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 06:04:45
Penwish sells them. They're just out of stock. He'll have to set it up soon..
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 06:58:44
Yeah that's the pilot g-spec. They're essentially identical to the COG's in terms of parts except I think sometimes the COG's don't come with shakers. Or maybe all the time. I'm not sure about the weights of the shakers but if you decide to sub a shaker in, it might screw up the balance of your mod. Also the japanese Dr. Grip grip is not the same as the g-spec, COG, nor the american Dr. Grip shaker grips
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 23:45:43
could you measure the length of your s777 caps ? i have 2 different versions from fpsb guys claiming they're both the real thing lol
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 23:47:10
Some guy traded me a s777 cap and its really long and fat so i have extra space when putting the RSVP cap on it and its really hard to get that even on...
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 04:20:16
How do you hollow out a supertips cap? I am trying to make an R.S.V.P ST mod and I cant hollow out the supertips cap so that it goes on the RSVP.
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 22:22:18
I was just wondering if the Officemate F3000 has the same caps as a Zebra 3000*F
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 06:45:33
Is there a thing that could substitute for a grip? If I don't have any grips lying around, I don't want to go and get a whole pen to only use the grip. I want to be able to do more wiper tricks. With the pen.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 06:53:04
You could try o-rings from the hardware store. Or possibly some rubber bands? Or even those erasers that you can put on the backs on pencils only put them on your mod.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 18:46:10
Apho;65339]could you measure the length of your s777 caps ? i have 2 different versions from fpsb guys claiming they're both the real thing lol[/QUOTE] I have the real thing. It's 6 cm and should have a radial plastic wave around the base, (kind of extrudes from the cap). When it's put on it shouldn't have issue trying to fit on. If it has to be stretched to fit, it's the wrong cap. [QUOTE=MickChickenn;65466]How do you hollow out a supertips cap? I am trying to make an R.S.V.P ST mod and I cant hollow out the supertips cap so that it goes on the RSVP.[/QUOTE] you shouldn't have to hollow it out. But if you really need to, Just take a screw driver and jam it in through the top, then use a circular file. (can get at home depot for a couple $$$) [QUOTE=Jan;66073]I was just wondering if the Officemate F3000 has the same caps as a Zebra 3000*F[/QUOTE] They look the same, but the officemates have are a tincy bit shorter than standard f-3000 caps--as well as they fit tighter making them harder to use as a sub on an f-3000. [QUOTE=gyrobius wrote: Is there a thing that could substitute for a grip? If I don't have any grips lying around, I don't want to go and get a whole pen to only use the grip. I want to be able to do more wiper tricks. With the pen.
There's not much out there to substitute for a grip. A Grip is for GRIPPING. lol. Honestly it's not a big deal. All a part of pen modding. O-rings won't work too well on single sided mods and they're too thick to use efficiently. If you're really stingy with money just buy a pack of those rubber/foam grips you get in packs of like 20. Not the best, but it'll work for what you need. -
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 00:14:06
What's a good beginner grip-cut design? I want it to be cool, but pretty easy. Thanks.
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 02:15:29
Straight diamond cuts across the entire grip or diamond designs. They look alright too. Straight designs are better for beginners
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 12:11:34
And, what's the ideal grip for Grip-Cut Training ? Plz I don't have much money ... As cheap as possible :)
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 12:47:52
spoko mini or uni signo knock @Rae
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 14:37:46
Nuuuu I personally don't like spoko grips because they are very elastic so I find them kind of hard to make good cuts in.
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 15:02:07
if you are noob at gripcuts spokos are not for you yet. Once you get good, get spokos for the nice colors. Hyperjell, signo retractable are much easier to do gripcuts with till you pro yourself
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 01:17:47
I gotta disigree with you Penwish on the hyperjells. They're pretty thick and tough to cut so I don't know if those would be the best for a beginner either.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 01:28:27
Signo broad is pretty thin. But the surface is kinda small... PrinceXD
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 02:03:52
does anyone know how to make Metal's pc2 mod?
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 03:25:52
I use a BICtory, real simple, but I've been finding a lack of momentum if I just placed grips, and nothing else. So I got two marker caps and cut them in half then placed them on the caps. It's better for me now, but others say it's too long. Do you have any say in this? :huh: Here it is:
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 03:26:04
Every time i put on an outsert with tape, the tape ends up coming off at the corners. Could anyone give me a solution to my problem? :emo:
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 05:37:02
The cap doesnt go all the way down the front of the pen if it isnt hollowed out. am i not supposed to put it all the way down? Reply to iMatt.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 05:47:11
haha for me hyper jell is easiest maybe since i have large strong man hands i dunno. I find the hard thicker grips easier to deal with than the wiggly ones since you have more control over something that is resistant to twisting. I guess it really depends on your style.
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 07:33:51
Bury the corners of the tape inside a cap or under a grip? Just a guess. PrinceXD
miko611 wrote: Every time i put on an outsert with tape, the tape ends up coming off at the corners. Could anyone give me a solution to my problem? :emo:
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:10:39
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 12:32:27
kimberlyly03 wrote: FUCK YOU KREME
the fuck ? -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 13:20:40
@kimberlyly03 That was fucking random. TROLLZ
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 14:06:15
Errr ... Can anybody gives me a tutorial of Pencil Retractable BC ? Or at least, what're the materials ? I really want it >.<
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 15:02:28
MadHatter;70959]I use a BICtory, real simple, but I've been finding a lack of momentum if I just placed grips, and nothing else. So I got two marker caps and cut them in half then placed them on the caps. It's better for me now, but others say it's too long. Do you have any say in this? :huh: Here it is:[/QUOTE] Please rehost the picture. [QUOTE=miko611;70960]Every time i put on an outsert with tape, the tape ends up coming off at the corners. Could anyone give me a solution to my problem? :emo:[/QUOTE] Use a bit of super glue on the corners. [QUOTE=MickChickenn wrote: The cap doesnt go all the way down the front of the pen if it isnt hollowed out. am i not supposed to put it all the way down? Reply to iMatt.
You have the new version of the caps. Anyways, all you have to do is take a a screwdriver with a flat top handle. Put it into the cap and then take a rubber mallet and give it a good hit. It'll knock out the ink stopper inside (plastic piece) and you should end up with a hollowed out cap. -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 15:14:44
Thanks. this is going to be a stuped question, but does it matter which end to put the screwdriver in? I dont feel like accidentally shattering my supertips cap.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 15:24:19
MickChickenn wrote: Thanks. this is going to be a stuped question, but does it matter which end to put the screwdriver in? I dont feel like accidentally shattering my supertips cap.
through the front (non-lip) side -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 16:00:57
Rae wrote: Errr ... Can anybody gives me a tutorial of Pencil Retractable BC ? Or at least, what're the materials ? I really want it >.<
Errr ... a liitle bump here :( I need it ASAP >.< -
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 00:21:12
Thanks. ur really helpful.
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:53:19
Rae wrote: Errr ... Can anybody gives me a tutorial of Pencil Retractable BC ? Or at least, what're the materials ? I really want it >.<
Arrghhhh ... Sorry but I really need a reply >.< -
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 05:33:55
How do you do/what's the best/easiest way to do a "diamond cut" on a cap? Like this:
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 06:55:36
Easiest way is to use angled wire cutters like these : These will automatically cut it at an angle.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 17:24:58
I've been meaning to make a really good kUzu G3 ext. mod, but I have a few questions. I've been wondering how to make good gripcuts like that. Everytime I do gripcuts, they become fail. I even use Guitrum's method (putting grip on barrel, then cutting around). And does anyone know the grips that densen probably used in that picture? They don't seem like any of them in the tuts. herp pl0x.
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 03:44:06
I have been searching far and wide for help on this mod.... It seems simple enough but I feel like there is something else going on, on the there perhaps a tutorial for this? I really want to mod this and spin cool :)
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 21:50:39
V-Storm wrote: I've been meaning to make a really good kUzu G3 ext. mod, but I have a few questions. I've been wondering how to make good gripcuts like that. Everytime I do gripcuts, they become fail. I even use Guitrum's method (putting grip on barrel, then cutting around). And does anyone know the grips that densen probably used in that picture? They don't seem like any of them in the tuts. herp pl0x.
Whoops, when I meant cutting grips, I meant like, cutting the rings. I think the cap are just hyperjell sections, as for the front, I think that it is 3 rings of hyperjell, then signo broad (?) sections under the grip cut with sections of hyperjell on the top of the signo. broad. Can I get a confirm for this? -
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:50:08
Fataenvision wrote: I have been searching far and wide for help on this mod.... It seems simple enough but I feel like there is something else going on, on the there perhaps a tutorial for this? I really want to mod this and spin cool :)
I'm pretty sure there is no tutorial. But I think it's just an airfit gripped and tipped kt that has been made writable with some metal rings and grips on the caps. I don't think there are any really "secret" parts about the mod hidden in the caps or anything and even if there were, I don't think they would really affect the function or what the mod was made for. You should be able to deduce how to make it from the pic. Like you said it's pretty simple. -
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 22:16:21
Rae;72150]Errr ... a liitle bump here :( I need it ASAP >.<[/QUOTE] Pencil Retractable Bic? What is that lol. Like the mod itself or just the standard pencil? [QUOTE=Riley;73493]How do you do/what's the best/easiest way to do a "diamond cut" on a cap? Like this:[/QUOTE] Super Sharp Wire-cutters OR Nail Clippers. Each will get you a diamond cut. [QUOTE=V-Storm;73647]I've been meaning to make a really good kUzu G3 ext. mod, but I have a few questions. I've been wondering how to make good gripcuts like that. Everytime I do gripcuts, they become fail. I even use Guitrum's method (putting grip on barrel, then cutting around). And does anyone know the grips that densen probably used in that picture? They don't seem like any of them in the tuts. herp pl0x.[/QUOTE] It's just a standard red Signo Retractable Knock grip. Don't get discouraged if you can't do grip cuts. You need a really small sharp x-acto and patients. These things take over 3-4 hours if not far longer. [QUOTE=Fataenvision wrote: I have been searching far and wide for help on this mod.... It seems simple enough but I feel like there is something else going on, on the there perhaps a tutorial for this? I really want to mod this and spin cool :)
There is no tutorial on it. It was one of kam's custom pens he did for the world tournament. My guess is the following: Miffy Body Colortwin Plug Colortwin Caps Cut down RSVP Inktubes 2 Anyballs (uses only the front slightly larger ring on each side) 12 sections (6 x 2 ) Sailor grips 1 Air-fit Grip 2 Air-fit Rings 2 Air-fit Tips -
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 22:34:06
When I asked what grips he used, I meant the sections. Sorry for my bad wording.
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 22:53:40
[QUOTE=iMatt;74893]Pencil Retractable Bic? What is that lol. Like the mod itself or just the standard pencil? Super Sharp Wire-cutters OR Nail Clippers. Each will get you a diamond cut. It's just a standard red Signo Retractable Knock grip. Don't get discouraged if you can't do grip cuts. You need a really small sharp x-acto and patients. These things take over 3-4 hours if not far longer. There is no tutorial on it. It was one of kam's custom pens he did for the world tournament. My guess is the following: Miffy Body Colortwin Plug Colortwin Caps Cut down RSVP Inktubes 2 Anyballs (uses only the front slightly larger ring on each side) 12 sections (6 x 2 ) Sailor grips 1 Air-fit Grip 2 Air-fit Rings 2 Air-fit Tips[/QUOT Thanks for giving me some insight...I found what pens to use and it seemed like there wasn't any hope for a tutorial I was just trying to figure out what grip went where and where the rings came from...what do you mean by 12 sections (6 x 2 ) Sailor grips?
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 23:09:37
Fataenvision;75220][QUOTE=iMatt wrote: Pencil Retractable Bic? What is that lol. Like the mod itself or just the standard pencil? Super Sharp Wire-cutters OR Nail Clippers. Each will get you a diamond cut. It's just a standard red Signo Retractable Knock grip. Don't get discouraged if you can't do grip cuts. You need a really small sharp x-acto and patients. These things take over 3-4 hours if not far longer. There is no tutorial on it. It was one of kam's custom pens he did for the world tournament. My guess is the following: Miffy Body Colortwin Plug Colortwin Caps Cut down RSVP Inktubes 2 Anyballs (uses only the front slightly larger ring on each side) 12 sections (6 x 2 ) Sailor grips 1 Air-fit Grip 2 Air-fit Rings 2 Air-fit Tips
Thanks for giving me some insight...I found what pens to use and it seemed like there wasn't any hope for a tutorial I was just trying to figure out what grip went where and where the rings came from...what do you mean by 12 sections (6 x 2 ) Sailor grips?[/QUOTE] It uses 6 separate pieces of (2) ring sections of Sailor Gel grips -
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 23:26:26
iMatt wrote: It uses 6 separate pieces of (2) ring sections of Sailor Gel grips
humm thank you.. i'm def going to post a picture when i'm done modding it! -
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 03:40:46
i make a lotta twistable/retractable mechs, but i've only done one MP mech using a KT and dr grip pencil thingy. the hardest part is that now im trying to avoid using the tip from the pencil to keep the lead steady on the pen mod+i try and go easy on the amount of parts any and all ideas/concepts on making MP mods would be helpful
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 05:56:58
@iMatt : A Pencil Retractable Buster CYL ... not BIC >.< Like a Retractable Buster by Vore`tex but it's a pencil retractable ... Kind of misunderstanding here ...
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 23:28:56
He means he wants an MP buster
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 05:16:34
Backstory: I'm ordering from PW, nuff said Here come the questions: 1. Do CT caps fit unto AC bodies nicely? or do you need some tape to make it fit? 2. I'm trying to find a cap which has a color nearest to the Pink in M&Ms. Which is more closer? AC Pink or CT Pink? (I know it's obvious, but I need some sort of assurance) I think that's all for now.
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 05:27:58
There's multiple shades of CT pink. You mean the magenta pink or the rosy pink? And they should click on decently onto the AC bodies. You "might" need a bit of scotch tape but I don't think it should be that big of a deal.
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 05:32:08
I meant CT Light Pink
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 23:15:25
Definitely the light CT pink. The AC pink is magenta I'm pretty sure. (I have the M&M pink cap btw just if you were wondering).
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 19:44:56
Is there a way to make a grip aviare retractable?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 03:48:33
How to make an RSVP mmx into ammx?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 05:15:31
Slap an anyball on that mmx and your'e done!
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 06:25:24
jet;76195]Is there a way to make a grip aviare retractable?[/QUOTE] there is, but it's very tricky. you'll need a super thin HOLLOW wooden dowel to connect the two barrels. For the clicker you'll need to cut off the back section of the barrel where the flex grip tip would be and use a Super thin retractable pen clicker. (Like the one used in Tek's retractable MX). Mount that inside the end of the barrel and attach a flexgrip tip to it via extra plastic piece (slips over the threads and over the clicker). (Kind of hard to tell you what to do there exactly). Put a spring in the other end and make sure you use a thin ink tip so it'll go through. That's the rough outline. Specifics I'd have to look into. [QUOTE=Nicetricks507 wrote: How to make an RSVP mmx into ammx?
Add 3-4 sections of Anyball/SGM/Profile grip over the front of the G2 barrel near the tip on the MMX. -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 07:29:45
how to cut barrels perfectly straight easily without the hassle of buying expensive stuff?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 13:39:28
What do you mean expensive stuff? Wire cutters or hacksaw are basically the keys to straight barrel cuts. And sandpaper can clean cuts up too. You can try Guitrum's way of cutting barrels as well but I don't know how well it will work for harder plastic barrels.
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 18:37:51
A.Sate wrote: Slap an anyball on that mmx and your'e done!
I was actully wondering where to put the grip on lol..if you could provide an image I'd highly appreciate it -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 20:05:55
Nachoaddict wrote: What do you mean expensive stuff? Wire cutters or hacksaw are basically the keys to straight barrel cuts. And sandpaper can clean cuts up too. You can try Guitrum's way of cutting barrels as well but I don't know how well it will work for harder plastic barrels.
Also fantastic are tubing cutters. Scoring it deeply with the tubing cutter and then taking a razor blade and cutting straight through produces some of the cleanest cuts. A low end tubing cutter is about $10 and works really well. -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 22:23:01
Nicetricks507 wrote: I was actully wondering where to put the grip on lol..if you could provide an image I'd highly appreciate it Gotta love the wiki. Enjoy -
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 17:33:19
How to take out the inktubes of a Marvy Marker?
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 00:53:45
Needle nose pliers. Un-cap the marker and pull the felt tip out. (you can pull the felt or the white thingy that sticks out of the barrel). Then take the pliers and pull off the back plug and let the ink cartridge slide out. If it doesn't prod it with a chopstick or a spare inktube through the front side of the barrel. Yes this method will leave a part on the backplug unless you use a shirt or rubber band to protect it.
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 14:30:04
What are these grip cuts called and how would one go about making them?
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 14:34:55
V Grip cuts. just need 2 hggs and just cut accordingly.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 01:23:34
They are also known as 45 degree angle cuts lol
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 01:31:32
Alrighty then, @Nachoaddict. So I just flatten the grips, and cut a "V" shape? I plan on doing them on G2 grips, by the way.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 01:42:32
Yeah. On HGG grips you need to align the dimples so that they match but G2 shouldn't be such a problem. Just make sure your angle is the same for every cut. That's probably the hardest part.
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 02:16:13
What are the differences in materials and stats between a Kuzu Mod and a Kuzu Ext. Mod?
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 05:46:12
I don't understand how to mod the Mr Somsak What does it mean by that 1/3 and 2/3, and is it HGG tip > Signo or Signo > HGG thanks in advance
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 05:50:46
You have to cut 1/3 of the signo dx grip and stuff it into the g3 cap on the side of the comssa backplug. Then put the rest on the side of the comssa ink tip thingy. Yeah when I first saw this I was like wtf it's not the same on both sides wtfbbq O_O. But it's supposed to work. Also I'm pretty sure from the picture he superglued the hgg tips on top of the signo tips. So that's how he has them I think. Hope this clears it up a bit.
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 15:00:17
How heavy are dc rushons, ballsigns, and dc comssas in comparison to each other?
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 06:35:09
superlavable actual pen name/location to buy?
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 06:53:48
can you give the the stats of Mr. Somsak??
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 12:16:44
jasfer_balderas wrote: can you give the the stats of Mr. Somsak??
If I remember correctly, Length: 20-21cm Weight: Mr Somsak >= RYO KT -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 19:43:55
This may sound weird but: Do you think it's a good idea to use a table tennis rubber for a mod? I still got some leftovers from making my bat. Table tennis rubbers are pretty heavy and mine are also rather tacky . So I just thought I would ask. Also if anyone ever tried it could you tell me how it worked? thx for reading :)
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 01:15:45
Well, I want to make a kUzu, but I'm kinda unsure. I want to do the 2nd one, so Do I print it, transfer to tape, then put on grip, trace and cut with scalpel? Also this. A: That is a normal Signo RT, grip with a cut design, right? B: What rings are those C: Are those signo grips below the grip cut and rings? D: Is this a kUzu extended mod or normal? E: Normal cap with what rings? I'm trying to keep the mod penwish-wise, so links would be even more helpful.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:38:04
Are there any ways to fit a yellow sunburst backcap on a rsvp barrel stably? Can the ball in the rsvp cap be painted yellow and stuffed back up there?
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 13:09:22
Alvaris wrote: Are there any ways to fit a yellow sunburst backcap on a rsvp barrel stably? Can the ball in the rsvp cap be painted yellow and stuffed back up there?
if you mean the part you screw onto the back, it screws in fine. If you mean the cap itself, then idk what you're trying to ask Yes the ball can be painted and put back up there -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 13:57:23
The backcap. It doesn't screw in tightly..i can continue screwing it and then it "clicks" back loose.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:08:44
Use some super glue or thicken the nubs of the back of the barrel with a bit of teflon tape.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 09:39:55
Eh nvm..and hell no superglue >< somehow it seems to fit tighter now, although i can still 'click' it with a some strength thanks anyways
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 20:27:06
Is there any possibility on anyone dropping a pen so much that the body or caps could break? Has it happened to anyone?
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 00:35:18
Yeah I kept dropping a mod with supertip parts on tile flooring and eventually part of the body cracked
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 00:53:33
@Enigmatic i know of a kid who dropped a sc mod and the hyperjell cap cracked how do you take off a g3 grip? (preferably without cutting straight down the middle)
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 02:01:24
You can't. If you want the rings along the last ring and slice off the squares part, then sand off the nub at the front of the G3 enough that you can slide off the grip.
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 06:21:15
I have a question about the Pilot Hi-Tec-C pens. Does someone have a close up picture of the tip end on the pen? i found these called Hi-tec-C Needle point could these be used for mods also, doesnt anyone know?
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 17:29:59
How do I remove the backplug on a M&M? Is it possible to use a plier or something else? I do not really want to use a knife because that might harm the body.
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 17:40:53
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 02:56:59
Wrap a cloth + rubber hand around the plug and use the pliers to squeeze and pull it out. Just so you don't damage the back plug.
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 09:55:13
What is the length comparison of a Dr. KT with a HGG tipped Comssa? What is the length comparison of a S360 KTwith a Dr. KT with a Bonkura KT? What is the weight comparison of a S360 KTwith a Dr. KT, with a Bonkura KT? Thanks in advance :)
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 16:43:58
How is the most efficient and best way to put an HGG grip onto a comssa cap? Can someone explain the process in full? Thank you!!! ^_^
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 16:58:46
@L-in ok this is really confusing so try to follow.. first of all.. screw it on.. and your done!
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 17:01:56
bonkey12 wrote: @L-in ok this is really confusing so try to follow.. first of all.. screw it on.. and your done!
Yes I knew that and I tried, but HGG grip is so tight that I spent like 5 min and only screw 0.5 cm on. Any suggestion to make the "screwing" process easier??? -
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 19:21:55
L-in wrote: Yes I knew that and I tried, but HGG grip is so tight that I spent like 5 min and only screw 0.5 cm on. Any suggestion to make the "screwing" process easier???
i use a little bit of hand sanitizer / soap. Get it onto the inside of the HGG and some on the surface of what you're trying to get it on to. most of the time it just slips right in for me =] -
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:04:05
Noodles wrote: i use a little bit of hand sanitizer / soap. Get it onto the inside of the HGG and some on the surface of what you're trying to get it on to. most of the time it just slips right in for me =]
Oh! I heard about that method before! However, how do you get rid of the soap after it gets on? Do you wash the whole mod? -
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:08:46
i use hot water, soak the grip and put it on
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:10:23
Rubbing alcohol works very good.
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:11:08
L-in wrote: Oh! I heard about that method before! However, how do you get rid of the soap after it gets on? Do you wash the whole mod?
L-in theres no need to wash it off if you use a tiny tiny bit. I usually use hand sanitizer because it dries alot faster and less messy =] -
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:31:51
OK so i did a mod with an insane tape cut (for me at least, its my second one) and its in the SOYP section, how can i make the tape feel as if its not portruding as much as it is?
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 05:31:57
You can't really unless you use a thinner brand of electrical tape and redo all the cuts
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 03:27:36
Are crayola sketch markers a considerable sub for supertips?
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 08:20:38
any subs for a grip matic tip for a f1r3fly g3 mod?
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:46:34
Supergirl wrote: any subs for a grip matic tip for a f1r3fly g3 mod?
Gripmatic is a hard tip to sub, I'll edit if I find one with a close weight to it EDIT: F-301 has similiar weight but it's a bit longer If not you could use a signo -
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 08:58:32
which mod is heavier (if you could tell me the weight in grams that would be awesome too), and which mod has more momentem? buster cyl dr kt
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 09:25:38
@Supergirl Buster Cyl (19g) Dr.KT (17g) Buster Cyl would have more momentum since its longer in length.. PrinceXD
Supergirl wrote: which mod is heavier (if you could tell me the weight in grams that would be awesome too), and which mod has more momentem? buster cyl dr kt
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 14:23:28
ST's actually discontinued? O_O
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 17:45:45
it's not necessary to have the inktube inside a rsvp mx right? i can take it out if i want? (for more momentum)
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 21:58:38
Supergirl wrote: it's not necessary to have the inktube inside a rsvp mx right? i can take it out if i want? (for more momentum)
Of course. You can leave it out if you want. -
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 01:37:49
@Supergirl you can do whatever you want. It's your mod lol And removing the inktube I don't think will increase the momentum. To be honest I barely feel a difference.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 08:09:58
how long is a dr grip?
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 12:21:29
Wht is the spec of Buster and RVSP? I bought 1 of each and wanna know its specs
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 12:25:50 @lolful
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 13:45:37
Would a Staples Revu tip work for a RSVP MX?:unsure:
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 20:27:43
which is heavier, airfit ballpoint tips or dr grip tips?
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 02:15:30
Ballpoint airfit tips. Busters are heavier than Dr. Kt's
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 15:22:23
@Krypton U rock !! thx.. now i know buster cannot write... =,= after my teacher scold =,= other pens i can make excuse say its a pen.. well guess not for buster
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 22:24:45
You can run an rsvp inktube into the suptertip body
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 22:27:36
Or use K4S's Simple Bictory KT method on a SuperTip.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 14:54:08
how to remove a hgg grip?
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 04:35:59
I usually crack the front of the barrel so nothing is obstructing the grip from coming off. Then I take a shirt or towel and wrap it around and start twisting and pulling. Eventually it will come off and the grip will be in very good condition. You can also try sticking a paperclip down between the grip and barrel to break the glue holding the grip to the barrel.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 01:31:01
Yea, but some but mods use a HGG Barrel. (Ex. Deli Mod)
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 01:53:21
That's why I suggested 2 methods...
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 01:56:41
Yes, but if you screw up, is there a chance of slightly ripping the HGG?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:01:47
can't you just buy the grips separately from penwish?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:06:48
the ones sold on penwish (the black and white ones) are subs, they feel/look slightly different.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:12:33
RicLu98 wrote: can't you just buy the grips separately from penwish?
1 They are thin, 2 they only come in black/white -
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:27:29
Oo they're thinner? No wonder it took so long to get them on my Pirat KS.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:39:57
You run some kind of risk with almost any method of grip removal for an hgg...whether it be damage to the barrel or grip. The only way I've used where I took the grip off easily without having to use tools was a time when the glue between the grip and barrel was not strong so the grip came right off. But for the majority of Hggs I've gotten from PW this is not the case. PW says boiling the grips in hot water also works to break the glue but I've never tried it myself.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:48:18
remove inktube and tip throw the barrel with the grip in hot boiling water for 15min remove the barrel + grip from the hot boiling water and then use shirt/cloth and pull real hard PrinceXD
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:50:24
Lol...I'd rather risk ruining the grip the burning my hand.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 03:00:03
Nachoaddict wrote: You run some kind of risk with almost any method of grip removal for an hgg...whether it be damage to the barrel or grip. The only way I've used where I took the grip off easily without having to use tools was a time when the glue between the grip and barrel was not strong so the grip came right off. But for the majority of Hggs I've gotten from PW this is not the case. PW says boiling the grips in hot water also works to break the glue but I've never tried it myself.
how would you break the barrel without breaking the grip or whatnot? -
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 03:56:46
Like I said before: crack the front of the barrel and tiwst and pull the grip til it slides off. The barrel is trashed now but the grip is usually in near-perfect condition.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:40:48
Are gripmatics as heavy as Signos?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:59:23
Ian wrote: Are gripmatics as heavy as Signos?
No gripmatics are heavier -
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 05:03:55
OK, thanks
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 05:58:02
What is the wooden pencil mod Eso uses? I can get the parts, I just need instructions. If you do not know what I am talking about, I am talking about the two-tone wooden pencil with metal caps on each end.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 22:46:17
The Japanese pencil mod? I'm pretty sure it's just double capped mitsubishi pencil o_O
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 09:31:00
I need the answer to this question ASAP :| Well what is the colour code of HAL KT caps ? 108 Violet ? Or 131 Heliotrope ? Or else .... ? And as I know, he has changed the colour of one of his KT (means that he has 2 HAL KT with 2 different cap colours)
Which ones in this picture ?
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 20:09:57
I don't exactly know what you are asking, but i believe Hal uses the lavender caps, or the one on the very right.
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 20:14:01
each ct color has a certain number code found on the back of the packaging, he's asking what color code it is. and apparently its 108. just look at darkrose's thread edit: well, one of the shades is.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 06:27:47
@Apho : Well, 108 Violet is the 23th one from the left (beside the Pink one) ... That color is stronger than the one HAL is using imo :) I believe they're the two on the right (like Fail said), one of them is 131 Heliotrope (the same as Lavender) I just wonder what is the other one ?
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 05:34:28
Sorry for bump, but I think this question is best solved by a pro, since "pros" have lots of modding experience and mods. Is there a cap (marker cap, not others like G3, RSVP, Hyperjell or anything) that can fit 2 signo tips inside and be able to be put on a marker body?
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 05:39:34
@V-Storm Avery hi-liter, if you stuff signo grip in there.
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 05:53:27
[QUOTE=daniel0731ex;114744]@daniel0731ex u wanna recommend me a LED for my rsvp mx
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 05:58:56
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 06:08:00
daniel0731ex wrote: @exclusive
yah i know what they look lik but where can i buy those -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 06:31:54
daniel0731ex wrote: @V-Storm Avery hi-liter, if you stuff signo grip in there.
Sorry, I meant either popular or attractive caps. Err. Nevermind the "attractive", unless you understand -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 08:35:04
@iMatt Is a ZT mod good for beginners? Im a 3 month spinner and this is my latest video . And if no, what is suitable for me?
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 20:56:41
@lolful as for 3 months, and that level of spinning, you are NOT ready for a buster. I'd recommend a metal comssa, or a waterfall. zt is ok, i dont really like it much.
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 17:01:36
daniel0731ex wrote: @exclusive
care to link what else is needed? i dont have any soldering irons, so i might needa circuit board -
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 22:55:34
metal comssa is a lil light and yelo mod is a lil heavy. would hgr tipped comssa be in the middle? and what kind of grip pattern would look sexiest. like just black on the ends?
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 02:06:08
Well, considering that HGR is heavier than HGG, I guess. Why not try HGG tip + Impact tip for a lighter version Yelo? Not sure about the second question, depends on the cap color, body color. It varies. @Sam
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 02:38:28
You could always try cheat comssa, @Sam. Signo
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 18:30:01
@PREDATORNET cheat comssa is too long
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 18:31:59
Take out the hgg tips and have it fixed to the cap with tape and grips.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 07:10:40
Can anyone translate the instructions for the Grafite XS on SPSC? I recently bought a few pens for the Grafite XS in Spain but I have no idea how to assemble them and google translate is confusing and vague. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 07:18:24
Noob wrote: Can anyone translate the instructions for the Grafite XS on SPSC? I recently bought a few pens for the Grafite XS in Spain but I have no idea how to assemble them and google translate is confusing and vague. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Judging by the pictures it looks pretty clear to me. What part are you getting stuck at? -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 08:20:20
I haven't tried it yet, I only have enough pens for one, so I wanted to make sure. Don't want to mess up and piss away 11 euros :P Are there any cutting/sawing barrels involved? For the first procedure picture, how do you separate the Pilot supergrip xs into the top and bottom parts? I tried pulling it off, but could not.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 16:05:20
Noob wrote: I haven't tried it yet, I only have enough pens for one, so I wanted to make sure. Don't want to mess up and piss away 11 euros :P Are there any cutting/sawing barrels involved? For the first procedure picture, how do you separate the Pilot supergrip xs into the top and bottom parts? I tried pulling it off, but could not.
Yes there are. Look at the picture right below the picture of the disassembled Supergrip. You might need to use pliers for that step. Those are sometimes hard to pull out by hand. -
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 02:41:25
how do i remove signo tips from reynolds 094 caps? Mine are all stuck and will not budge.
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 02:43:00
Have you tried taking a rubber band and pulling? Also, wiggling the tips can help loosen them and get them out of the slits.
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 06:00:17
Quinn wrote: how do i remove signo tips from reynolds 094 caps? Mine are all stuck and will not budge.
You can try sticking 'grippy' tape around the tip and then pulling it out. -
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 12:05:55
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 02:03:58
I just bite it and pull it off with my teeth...I did the same to the supertip really works but beware not to pull of your teeth...
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 02:10:36
Doing that for a supertip backplug sounds kind of dangerous:/ for your teeth anyways ><
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 02:27:16
Nachoaddict wrote: Doing that for a supertip backplug sounds kind of dangerous:/ for your teeth anyways ><
I did that with my teeth all the time with stuck lego pieces. It didn't have any ill effects but I'd still try to avoid doing it from here on out. -
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 02:58:55
Ash wrote: I just bite it and pull it off with my teeth...I did the same to the supertip really works but beware not to pull of your teeth...
i used to do that. -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 02:44:03
I have a bictory with RSVP grips and Signo tips. Today I found that one of the tips on the end was gone. I secured the tips on the caps with tape. Is there a better way to keep the tips more secure so that they won't fall off as easily?
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 02:46:24
If they fit, try screwing them on just a little bit, then adding stronger tape, or you can superglue, but that's really not recommended, since this is a bictory you are using these signo tips on.
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:11:19
Superglue it or use tighter grips so it wont fall off as easily.
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:20:03
Add tape to the flat part of the tip that slides into the grip so it stays in the grip. The tip probably fell out because your tape wasn't sticky enough I think or it was old. So use a new strip of tape or duct tape.
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 16:46:06
uhm i don't know where else to ask this question. What would be a good video editor for mpeg4 video format? Window Movie Maker doesn't support mpeg4 format...
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 02:17:19
hey very important question, are there any good led mods out there, if not, do u have any idea how i can incorporate LED's into my next mod, please and thanks
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 02:21:26
I would talk to @iMatt about that. iMatt is very good with electronics and should know a bit about LEDs and Fletch has actually made LED mods.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 05:39:11
hi Nacho thank you for the mention, iMatt has actually made mods too he was I believe the first to put an integrated circuit into a PS LED mod with a red/blue blinking off a 555 timer I think... a step beyond the previous mawashi-style single-LED mods. @spgoel06, to answer your question, you need to pick an LED, a power source (battery), and pick your intensity using a resistor. Most people new to electronics start with a 5mm LED and solder a resistor directly to a lead, then just jam a battery on those wires some how. If you are totally new to electronics and don't have a soldering iron it might be very difficult to create your own, but you should still try! you will learn a lot in the process. it can be a bitch to fit all the stuff in a pen and still have the weight and balance work for spinning. so are there no LED mod tutorials anywhere??? It seems like lots of people have stuck an LED some where in a pen, I thought that I have seen some breakdowns but maybe never a full-up tutorial... I can make one if one doesn't exist?
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 05:53:49
@Fletch yes I think a tutorial would be very helpful ^_^ I haven't seen a lot of talk about LED stuff since your stuff back on v3 (or maybe v4. I can't remember if you posted the LED stuff here).
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 16:30:53
@spgoel06 There's not much to cover for an LED tutorial. You need access to creating custom PCB's (or manually cutting them down and just doing your own PCB and soldering all the connections personally). The circuit is very basic (for simplicity) Source (batteries) > Switch (clicker or button) > Transistor (controls luminosity power) > 555 timer (controls the colors displayed/speed of change) > LED bulb. It takes a lot of trial and error to be honest since your workspace is roughly less 1/2 a CM to fit inside of a pen barrel. Right now I think the future of LED mods are in (3) piece contact plates for double sided mods, < LED HOUSING | LED | PCB Contact plate (slides/locks together) > ||| BODY MAIN PCB (transistors/555/batteries) ||| < LED HOUSING | LED | PCB Contact plate (slides/locks together)> The issue primarily is battery arrays. They add a few problems. 1.) Switch Location 2.) Weight 3.) Weight Distribution 4.) Momentum Distribution Ideally the batteries would need to be evenly distributed throughout the main PCB =|Contact plate|Battery|PCB|Battery|PCB|Battery|Transistor/TIMER|Battery|PCB|Battery|Contact Plate|= It'd just be a matter of getting the Parallel circuit to reach each of the batteries. *cough* Sorry for the rant
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 16:52:59
is the yelo mod heavier or lighter than signo tipped mods such as a waterfall mod
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 05:38:44
does anyone use hyperjell bodies for anything? if you cut the screw part off, the front fits in superpirats really well lol
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 15:43:56
What do you need the back plug for? I don't know what you are trying to make but if you cut the front tip area off you could shove something up it and push it out instead.
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 14:37:08
Hello there! Can I ask you a question? What do you think about free mp4 player?:s
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 20:01:37
I want to make a Kuzu G3 mod, but I dont have all the material needed. I want to use Signo broad instead of knocktype and a cut Lakubo grip instead of Signo grip . Can I use these grips or would it like completely mess up the cog?
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 16:01:53
any tips on getting the grip off of a signo broad?
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 16:10:05
@Supergirl extremely hot water for 5min -> pull with towel OR just break the plastic underneath it. <-- i do this if i want to keep the grip in perfect shape. Frog~
Supergirl wrote: any tips on getting the grip off of a signo broad?
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 17:16:39
FrogPrinceXD wrote: @Supergirl extremely hot water for 5min -> pull with towel OR just break the plastic underneath it. <-- i do this if i want to keep the grip in perfect shape. Frog~
thanks, i'll try the hot water trick -
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 03:06:38
How many grams does an RSVP NX MMT weigh in total (with all its parts stuck/connected together..etc)? Also is it better to make it yourself or order it?
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 04:25:30
what do you use to clean a pc2 body? will the colour wear out while cleaning the body?
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 22:39:35
@mama: use the guitrum paper method! youtube it x) Are Alpha Gel Tips a good sub for Impact RT?
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 22:58:07
Danny116 wrote: @mama: use the guitrum paper method! youtube it x) Are Alpha Gel Tips a good sub for Impact RT?
Do you know the weight exactly? cause Alpha Ges are a little bigger than Impact = P -
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 23:51:12
@DArKT honestly, no idea xD hmm i guess it would almsot be an overkill sub for a KS tip too xD
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 09:11:43
So, on BSPC or other ballsign mods, does it matter which colour of ballsign I use? Like does the colour of backplugs show outside after the mod is done? Do we usually take out the backplugs as the ballsign body? Or do we use inserts to cover it? Thanks in advance! ^_^
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 09:21:05
Normally the backplug is kept there, but if you want to just remove the backplug and print a longer insert so it covers that part too. Frog~
L-in wrote: So, on BSPC or other ballsign mods, does it matter which colour of ballsign I use? Like does the colour of backplugs show outside after the mod is done? Do we usually take out the backplugs as the ballsign body? Or do we use inserts to cover it? Thanks in advance! ^_^
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 23:08:51
What is a good sub for comssa caps because im making the friXion mod and i have no idea what caps to use instead?
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 00:07:16
how many tricks should u learn before battling and learning combos
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 17:56:33
Riley wrote: In your opinion, what would be the best way to make a waterfall mod write? (ink)
Just leave the ink in the Comssa body, it makes a big weight difference though. -
Date: Thu, Dec 15 2011 02:12:09
Furloy wrote: Just leave the ink in the Comssa body, it makes a big weight difference though.
Thats the worst advice ever... @Riley are you going for retractable or just cap? -
Date: Thu, Dec 15 2011 02:47:13
Cloud wrote: Thats the worst advice ever... @Riley are you going for retractable or just cap?
Just cap. -
Date: Thu, Dec 15 2011 03:00:07
erm just stick an inktube, lengthen it a bit if you need to with some empty inktube taped to it, push in the backplug and you're done. Adding a tip makes it look nice but then it'll be rather unbalanced
Date: Thu, Dec 15 2011 20:40:29
[QUOTE=Cloud;159341]Thats the worst advice ever... They asked how to make it write, I left an answer. Not everything requires a complicated modding process. Making something write is going to add weight no matter what.
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 04:20:26
@Furloy Thats not the point. If he wanted to keep the ink in don't you think he could have thought of that? Not everyone's that stupid. I'm sure Riley's modded way more than you, so I'm pretty sure if he wanted to leave the ink in he could have. Not everything requires a complicated modding process. But if you don't need one, then why would you ask a question. Giving an answer like that doesn't help anyone. When people want a writable mod, its generally PEN ink, not marker ink.
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 04:45:24
All right calm down you two. No need to start an argument. Furloy, a waterfall does not use a comssa body. But leaving the ink in a super pirate body is one method of having a writable mod. The bad part about it is marker ink tends to leak easily. So you can also empty out the body and run an inktube through the body instead. Much more reliable in that you won't have to worry about ink getting on your hands and clothes after spinning the mod.
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 07:59:25
Does anybody have tips for me when cutting grips straightly? The method I used to do isn't so effective as I thought (putting grip on barrel, taping it and cutting it.)
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 09:04:21
I usually just put in on a pen body, then take a ruler and sharpie and lightly mark where the cut is around the whole grip. Then cut it. Usually, the sharpie ink just wipes of easily.
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 09:08:27
V-Storm wrote: Does anybody have tips for me when cutting grips straightly? The method I used to do isn't so effective as I thought (putting grip on barrel, taping it and cutting it.)
If the tape method doesn't work for you then there's something wrong with you :/ There would be a reason if you were just cutting the grips straight down without any tape but only with your eye. Grips with sections you can just use a knife to follow the line to make a clean cut. -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 15:56:04
How do you cut perfectly or somewhat perfect straight grips? Mine are always crooked or uneven. :(
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 22:01:04
Add tape on grip so u can trace the cut. Frog~
Zenox wrote: How do you cut perfectly or somewhat perfect straight grips? Mine are always crooked or uneven. :(
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 04:05:30
ok today i started to mod a retractable comssa in hopes it would give an idea for a retractable waterfall mod. but every time i seem to get the clicky part to work it always fails. ive followed step by step instructions on the TUT yet still cannot figure out this clicky part. any suggestions:/
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 19:58:01
that depends on how it fails. take a pic of the retr part and ill figure something out? Frog~
itzDaKine wrote: ok today i started to mod a retractable comssa in hopes it would give an idea for a retractable waterfall mod. but every time i seem to get the clicky part to work it always fails. ive followed step by step instructions on the TUT yet still cannot figure out this clicky part. any suggestions:/
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 12:55:37
how to straight a "bended" ST barrel (ivan mod) btw any barrel is harder,as cant bend easily?
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 09:04:22
Use fire and bend it? but i dont think that would work I guess AC barrels are harder... but they're getting discontinued ...Or modrod barrels, with white insert. Frog~
Newbie wrote: how to straight a "bended" ST barrel (ivan mod) btw any barrel is harder,as cant bend easily?
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 04:16:43
The price between kt ct and ac are different? And the texture are same?
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 04:36:07
Newbie wrote: The price between kt ct and ac are different? And the texture are same?
Thickness Ac=ct>kt Smoothness kt>ct=ac non embossed text>embossed text ac Price Kt>ac>ct -
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:37:33
you have to squeeze really hard and pull it wont mess it up that much but it will save you time
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:08:35
is the zebra airfit mp tip is sharper than the pen?
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:09:49
no not really
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 14:38:00
how heavy are Penz'Gear Rings?
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 03:29:35
Don't have the materials now, but can a reynold cap fit into a HGG grip of full length? Which means inserting the reynold cap through entire length of the grip. @Froggy, or anyone Whwho has the answer :)
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 03:51:24
u are going to risk mesisng up the grip that's a bit strech
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 07:05:36
You mean stretching the grip over the cap? Yes it is possible, use the inktube technique I guess to shift the grip down. However, I dont think it will fully cover the cap.. as grips shorten by a fair bit when they're stretched. Frog~
MrCraziBaby wrote: Don't have the materials now, but can a reynold cap fit into a HGG grip of full length? Which means inserting the reynold cap through entire length of the grip. Froggy[/MENTION], or anyone Whwho has the answer :)
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 11:46:26
What are some good subs for supertips on a buster? I've tried Comssa: my fav because of length Superpirat: i like it a bit more than supertip coz of feel of barrel Also is s360 a good sub? I need colours! :)
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 12:09:03
ColorTwin - Black Barrel Art ColorTwin - White Barrel Miffy & Melanie - White Barrel Kearing - White Barrel Keityo - Silver Barrel S360 arent really a good sub cuz the area under the cap is "indented", so there arent much space on the "actual" barrel thickness + comssa caps cant cover all that "indented" space. Frog~
Dimension wrote: What are some good subs for supertips on a buster? I've tried Comssa: my fav because of length Superpirat: i like it a bit more than supertip coz of feel of barrel Also is s360 a good sub? I need colours! :)
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 14:06:04
MrCraziBaby wrote: Don't have the materials now, but can a reynold cap fit into a HGG grip of full length? Which means inserting the reynold cap through entire length of the grip. @Froggy, or anyone Whwho has the answer :)
yes it does. i've try before -
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 02:18:43
@sarugio Do you have a picture? ^^ I wanna see if the grip can cover the entire length of the cap ^^
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 15:06:22
Well, hello everyone. Im Daxter999 (You can call me Dax) I joined UPSB today, and i can say the community is nice. Anyways, my question. Since i started Pen spinning, im practicing with a normal pencil, and today i thought of trying to create a pen to spin better. I gathered my pens and this is the outcome xD Well, i know they arent many, but these are what i have only. Can you tell me the available mods i can do with such pens? Thank you very much. Have a nice day/night. P.S Im new here, i dont know if i did anything wrong or such, forgive me if so.
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 16:36:09
Daxter999 wrote: Well, hello everyone. Im Daxter999 (You can call me Dax) I joined UPSB today, and i can say the community is nice. Anyways, my question. Since i started Pen spinning, im practicing with a normal pencil, and today i thought of trying to create a pen to spin better. I gathered my pens and this is the outcome xD Well, i know they arent many, but these are what i have only. Can you tell me the available mods i can do with such pens? Thank you very much. Have a nice day/night. P.S Im new here, i dont know if i did anything wrong or such, forgive me if so.
Take a cap from one of the pens on the left, the long ones with white caps, and put it on the back to double cap it. Take super grip grips from the super grips and put them on the caps. Spin. -
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 22:50:13
On Penwish, can the coloured Comssa caps fit on the Dong-A Computer Sign Pen? Can Sailor grips fit on a Comssa? Are there any Buster CYL Outserts? Finally, I am an Intermediate spinner, but I cannot afford a Waterfall, or any other Medium Leveled Pens with a Buster, so would it be OK for me to use a Buster while I still am an intermediate?
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 23:16:22
Yes they are donga so yes they all fit perfectly. Yes sailors fit. I have mods that show the fit. Buster cyl outserts aren't that great since barrel is embossed so it's not even so i wouldn't recommend it but technically you can put any outsert that you want
PSMediocre wrote: On Penwish, can the coloured Comssa caps fit on the Dong-A Computer Sign Pen? Can Sailor grips fit on a Comssa? Are there any Buster CYL Outserts?
Date: Tue, May 8 2012 18:23:37
Well, hello again. My pen got taken by my teacher (i'll kill him soon, dont worry) and i have nothing to pen spin with (Pencils are awfull to me >_<) So, gathered again some more pens around my house, and with result i got these (some got used before) If someone kind enough tell me if i can make a good mod with these only? I'd much prefer a Single-Capped pen than any others. Have a nice day/night.
Date: Tue, May 8 2012 18:53:05
there is no basis pen from what I can see you need a g3, donga, or good pen for a body before you can make anything really useful
Date: Tue, May 8 2012 18:56:32
Well, i have this , and the super pilot grips can fit on it pretty well, but if i definitely need something else, i'll go buy some tomorrow :D But really, i need a new mod in less than about an hour xD My fingers got used to spinning and i cant let them there relaxing...
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 00:41:28
You can mod a G2 Z vers. with that amount of G2s u got + that metal tip. Tutorial can be found in youtube. Frog~
Daxter999 wrote: Well, i have this , and the super pilot grips can fit on it pretty well, but if i definitely need something else, i'll go buy some tomorrow :D But really, i need a new mod in less than about an hour xD My fingers got used to spinning and i cant let them there relaxing...
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:25:55
are there any subs for sweet drop pens?
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 07:34:46
Hi, I'm trying to make a subbed f1r3fly g3 with a signo tip instead of the gm tip. What is the best way to secure the signo tip to the g2 barrel? I don't understand how the gm tip stays in and stable on the original f1r3fly. Is tape is used around the inktube so that the inktube is thickened and snug around sanded g3 area? My main concerns are my glue being too weak so that the tip might get bent out of place or fall out while spinning and my glue not being strong enough so that whenever i pull the g2 piece out the tip will fall off the g3 inktube.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 16:55:59
sopi wrote: are there any subs for sweet drop pens?
You can use Djeco pens:looks like this:
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 14:04:46
Hi, can I know which kuzu mod grip cut is more balanced? Can give me the link of the picture of whole grip cut?
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 19:00:40
I just bought a waterfall comssa and its on the way :D :D :D :D Although I've read that you have to replace the teflon tape after a little bit... Can i just use scotch tape or electrical tape? I dont have any spare teflon tape sitting around.... If not why? It doesnt seem to me like there is a certain advantage to using teflon tape.
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 19:28:50
Do not use electrical tape, it shows through the white cap and looks bad. Scotch is fine.
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 19:36:27
Fuse wrote: Do not use electrical tape, it shows through the white cap and looks bad. Scotch is fine.
Thanks bro. I didn't even know what to do when it wore out. And does teflon tape add more weight than scotch or any other tape because that is like the only tape used in mods aside from electrical tape for design. -
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 20:19:30
BeyondEminence wrote: Thanks bro. I didn't even know what to do when it wore out. And does teflon tape add more weight than scotch or any other tape because that is like the only tape used in mods aside from electrical tape for design.
my waterfall comssa has no tape on the end with the back cap and it holds fine. on the front inside the cap is a peice of hgg grip bout 1cm long, and it holds nice too. its good because non spinners pull caps off my pens and mess up teflon tape. my configuration is nice because u can remove the caps and put them on again. pm me if you want a pic -
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 01:25:51
I use a screw that fits into the backplug snugly then i just pull.
Light wrote: How do you pull off the back plug of a supertip easily. Everytime I do it, it screws up and the backplug literally shatters. Using pliers btw Thanks^^
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 02:16:49
About how heavy is the impact rt tip?
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 18:09:40
@PenwisH how heavy are those tips from you?
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 18:14:44
@sopi 5grams give or take
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 23:41:07
how do you hollow out a comssa cap without a drill bit or circular file?
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 23:51:54
superawesomeguy321 wrote: how do you hollow out a comssa cap without a drill bit or circular file?
What you need to do is take an x-acto knife and cut the plastic "bridges" that connect the nub to the rest of the cap. Once you cut those bridges the nub can be pushed out of the cap and then you can use scissors to scrape the inside of the cap to make it more hollow if you need to. Be careful with this method though as if your knife slips while you're cutting the bridges you can seriously cut your fingers. Trust me I know from experience. Circular file is a much safer way to do this but if you absolutely must do it without the file, then here's the method. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 21:42:16
Recently i made a waterfall mod. I have one other than that one and it is perfect and from pw. When i made the new one, it turned out that it feels middle heavy. How would i fix that?
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 23:29:41
shadow sivics wrote: Recently i made a waterfall mod. I have one other than that one and it is perfect and from pw. When i made the new one, it turned out that it feels middle heavy. How would i fix that?
usually this can be fixed by either 1. did you take the ink out? 2. cut off both superpirt ends off and grind the white side for erasing on the marker so the body is completely hollowed out 3. wash the body off. sometimes ink that was left behind can still leave strange extra weight so clean the inside of the superpirt 4. if that all fails, take your signo tips off with needle nose pliers and add and even amount of sticky tack on both 094 reynolds caps then put your signo tips on to balance out the odd middle weight -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 14:42:26
Does anyone know how to remove the writing from the NEW super tip barrel ? Thanks in advance.
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 15:17:06
@ killer bonanza: use a knife and remove the backplug. The inktube fall out after this ( i hope you understand me my english is not so good)
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 15:18:43
Dnreb wrote: @ killer bonanza: use a knife and remove the backplug. The inktube fall out after this ( i hope you understand me my english is not so good)
I think he means the writing on the barrel. -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 19:41:14
@killer bonanza there is a variety of ways. You can soak it in acetone, rub it with your fingers, or rub it with paper.
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 00:53:08
what is a good wy to balance out the back side of a rushon mod?
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 01:41:55
Metal tips in the cap that doesnt have the ink part should balance it
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 04:21:05
PenwisH wrote: Metal tips in the cap that doesnt have the ink part should balance it
thanks :). any tip recomendations? -
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 04:33:31
HGG. Frog~
Raiz wrote: thanks :). any tip recomendations?
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 03:13:44
how do you take a grip off a G3? and is there any insert or a HGG that i can get? preferably blue, black, blue and black. thanks in advance :)
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 03:47:41
Raiz wrote: how do you take a grip off a G3? and is there any insert or a HGG that i can get? preferably blue, black, blue and black. thanks in advance :)
You need to either slice it with a knife lengthwise and just peel it off (thought you can't use the grip later since it will be cut) or you can try to use a screwdriver or paperclip and push it in between the grip and the barrel thus breaking the glue that holds the grip down and spend a lot of time pull the grip off of the front of the barrel. Another alternative is to cut the right of plastic between the tip and grip off and then try sliding the grip off (if you don't need the ridges) or even cutting the grip where the squares are so you don't have to hassle with that if you don't need the whole grip. -
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 19:14:39
thanks. does any one know how i can make or where i can get a paper insert for an HGG? preferably blue or black?
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 21:19:34
Raiz wrote: thanks. does any one know how i can make or where i can get a paper insert for an HGG? preferably blue or black?
Inserts can be found on UPSB. You can google "upsb pen mod inserts" to find them, but you have to resize the image yourself which can be done easily. -
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 23:48:39
Does anybody know if a pilot air blanc pencil GRIP can be subbed by a Dr. Grip grip, Airfit grip, or other? I have a specific case, I'm going to make one or two personal Saizen G3 mods in a couple of months when I get the parts. Here's a picture of what the mod will look like: So my question is, can the air blanc grip be subbed by another clear grip that will fit on the mod? Not many people have made a Saizen G3 mod, and I can see why b/c it's very very expensive, which is why I'm getting cheaper parts, and getting an air blanc is not only expensive but it's supposed to be VERY tough to get onto the mod, so I want to use a different clear grip instead. It doesn't have to look the same or weigh the same as an air blanc grip, I just want a grip that fits snugly. EDIT: I would prefer to have someone who actually made the Saizen G3 mod answer this post, but as long as you know then I'm cool with it.
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 00:39:44
most grips fit snuggly... but it's going to change the whole girth / look of the mod. would not recommend it
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 00:51:32
what tips can i use to put on a commsa cap with a Dr. Grip grip? i trued signo tips but they wont fit snugly enough. can i make it so the tips can stay in place?
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 01:09:31
You can use HGG or for G3/Signo there are things you can do to keep them in place. Here's my guide on attaching G3 to Comssa caps: Here's a guide to the White Comssa by Thnikk which attaches Signo tips to Comssa caps: Otherwise Dr. Grip tips, Airfit tips, and Gripmatic tips should stay in snugly without any additional modding.
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 04:22:55
most grips fit snuggly... but it's going to change the whole girth / look of the mod. would not recommend it
That's okay, I know that I will certainly need to make adjustments, but that's what will make it personal, and it saves me about $4. Edit: Saves me over $4-$8. -
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 03:05:46
i made this mod, the front is wayyy to heavy and there is no weight in the back. so im gonna shove a g3 grip up there with a G3 tip and hopfully that will do the trick. i even put some profile rings on the cap. but, how do i take the de-clipped HGG cap out of the G3 cap without shoving it up there more?
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 19:35:01
Dump the whole cap in water to make the insert soggy. Then put hot glue or super glue at the end of HGG barrel, attach to cap, let it sit, and pull. Frog~
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 04:34:12
How do I find the size / dimension of a insert?
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 06:51:20
killer bonanza wrote: How do I find the size / dimension of a insert?
Either the author of a mod tutorial tells you the dimensions (I know for a fact that the MX tutorial tells you the dimensions for an insert). Or you need to grab a ruler and measure how long the barrel is to fit in an insert yourself. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 01:02:50
Does anybody know if this grip will fit into a G3 cap? Edit: Or at least a section of the grip? And does anybody know the difference(s) between an RSVP cap and a G3 cap?
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 02:04:28
Jay4 wrote: Does anybody know if this grip will fit into a G3 cap? Edit: Or at least a section of the grip? And does anybody know the difference(s) between an RSVP cap and a G3 cap?
As far as I know, you can totally remove the clip on the G3 cap but the RSVP cap can only be declipped partially. I don't think the Dr. Grip can fit. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 02:18:08
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: As far as I know, you can totally remove the clip on the G3 cap but the RSVP cap can only be declipped partially. I don't think the Dr. Grip can fit.
With detailed cutting with an x-acto knife and lots of sanding, the full clip can be removed -
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2012 02:20:51
i made the comssa momentum and when i put the signo tip into the G2 barrel it cracks and the tip kee[s falling out. how do i fix this?
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2012 03:43:45
Raiz wrote: i made the comssa momentum and when i put the signo tip into the G2 barrel it cracks and the tip kee[s falling out. how do i fix this?
I haven't made a comssa momentum, so my answer's probably no good. But from what I understand of the tutorial, you may have to add tape to the signo tip, I'm probably wrong but there's another thing: According to this tutorial, you need a Uni-ball Signo tip, so make sure that the signo tip you have matches the picture in the tut. -
Date: Fri, Nov 2 2012 03:50:25
how do you guys conenct reynolds caps? im making this mod :
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 00:22:29
is there a difference between the ZG buster blue and a normal buster besides the fact that the ZG buster can write?
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 00:45:48
yes it's very different. Zg is well a zg and a buster is a buster. they just semi copied the real buster. even though zg can write the original buster is higher "quality" and durability
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 06:37:45
how to cut a tip for making EMH mod without useing a dremel or hacksaw lulz
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 12:25:49
what is this mod?..
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 11:55:40
hunterken48 wrote: what is this mod?..
dead pic -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 18:50:30
I got a new waterfall yesterday :D But whenever I spin for longer than an hour or so, I get this blackish-greyish sticky residue on my pen and I have to clean it. Is this common, or is the waterfall naturally sticky? Or is it my hands? Thanks
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 18:59:20
A waterfall mod shouldn't be sticky. The grips attract A LOT of dust, so the grips are the only parts that could be sticky. It also obviously depends on what surface you're spinning on. If you're spinning over a table, check if its clean.
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 19:38:42
Jay4 wrote: A waterfall mod shouldn't be sticky. The grips attract A LOT of dust, so the grips are the only parts that could be sticky. It also obviously depends on what surface you're spinning on. If you're spinning over a table, check if its clean.
The barrel is the part that is sticky..... I'll try cleaning the surface that I spin over. -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 20:22:12
super pirat right? The sticky feel will go away in time. You just need to spin with it.
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 22:02:19
SuperVValrus wrote: super pirat right? The sticky feel will go away in time. You just need to spin with it.
Hm.... But there is some blackish residue still.. will that go away too? -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 22:04:40
Zephyr wrote: Hm.... But there is some blackish residue still.. will that go away too?
Yeah. Blackish residue is just dirt from your hands getting caught in the sticky stuff from the acetone. -
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 08:56:31
For my Waterfall mod, the caps sometimes just fall off when I put pressure on them(like charging for a sonic). How can I make them more secure? Glue? Thanks
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 11:08:44
Zephyr wrote: For my Waterfall mod, the caps sometimes just fall off when I put pressure on them(like charging for a sonic). How can I make them more secure? Glue? Thanks
Wrap some adhesive tape around the part of the pirat body to be hidden by the cap. -
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 12:10:56
On the grip or on the barrel? edit:ok fail post
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 22:21:01
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: Wrap some adhesive tape around the part of the pirat body to be hidden by the cap.
Like just clear scotch tape? Or masking tape or duct tape? -
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 23:17:44
Either should work.
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 13:37:28
for the PCST cap mod (by hippo2626), when i trypiutting the placolor 2 caps witht he bic round stick peices in them into the s tek body, they dont go in. what can i do to fix this?
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 13:46:16
Are you sure that it's a bic round stic grip?
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 17:08:10
100 percent definite. clear barrel from it
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 07:30:22
If we're talking about the same Bic Round Stic Grip, the body is not that clear, it's foggy, like American Dr. Grip grips.
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 02:12:13
How do people cut their Sailor Grips so perfectly? I cut along the lines, but they still aren't as straight as I've seen.
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 02:33:06
Kupo wrote: How do people cut their Sailor Grips so perfectly? I cut along the lines, but they still aren't as straight as I've seen.
I put my sailors on a bic or a body that snugly fits the grip, then trace the section you want to cut with an X-Acto knife. Credit for the method goes to @Nachoaddict. -
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 07:20:58
Does anybody know if: HGRs HGGs Airfit Ballpoints Dr. Grip G-specs (NOT COG) And metal-tipped G3s ...Are discontinued or not?
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 08:04:56
Hggs are still okay i think
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 08:45:04
The flouro color HGG's are discontinued, the HGR's are discontinued, Airfits are not I believe, G-spec are not, G-3 are not.
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 22:10:10
Nachoaddict wrote: The flouro color HGG's are discontinued, the HGR's are discontinued, Airfits are not I believe, G-spec are not, G-3 are not.
Thanks! -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:14:49
When i make an MX the grip in the cap is fine the first time and then like 2 days later it starts to bend and what not when i take it off to write or when it just falls off then my OCD kicks in and i try to fix it with tweezers and then rip the grip I then proceed to make my surroundings spontaneously combust. So seriously how the heck do i fix it?
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:46:40
the grip just bends. nothing you can do about it. You can put the bend under the clip then it's not visible.
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 20:22:37
Does anyone know how to make a Gelly Roll body more grippy? I don't know if it's just mine, but my Gelly Roll body is really slippery and it makes spinning almost impossible.
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 07:25:53
anyone have a reliable way to dissolve rsvp ink? it gets on my mx caps...
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 21:26:48
hahakumquat wrote: anyone have a reliable way to dissolve rsvp ink? it gets on my mx caps...
Rubbing alchohol used to work... for some reason it doesn't work anymore unless I rub for about an hour. Try acetone, but I have no experience with it at all so idk how well it's gonna work. -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 23:58:40
BeyondEminence wrote: When i make an MX the grip in the cap is fine the first time and then like 2 days later it starts to bend and what not when i take it off to write or when it just falls off then my OCD kicks in and i try to fix it with tweezers and then rip the grip I then proceed to make my surroundings spontaneously combust. So seriously how the heck do i fix it?
Put somthing inthe grip, like hgg tip -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 04:41:50
Does anybody know what the weight difference is between a Buster and an Air MS?
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 05:31:50
lol you are greatly misinformed on a lot of your posts. some g3s are out of production but still available. the good hggs are out of production.
SwitchPalm wrote: Hggs are still okay i think
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 06:40:22
PenwisH wrote: lol you are greatly misinformed on a lot of your posts. some g3s are out of production but still available. the good hggs are out of production.
Well sorry, i dont get much information about pens in my country -
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 22:11:27
Why do Dr. Grip grips cloud up? I know how to make them clear again, but I'm just wondering why they become cloudy so I can prevent them clouding in the first place.
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 15:31:14
I'm new to this forum and all, and relatively new to pen spinning, and I bought the materials for a retractable comssa, and I put it together, but there's two problems: 1. The cap on the side with the pen tip has so much tension on it it flies off if I don't tape or tie it down. 2. The cap on the back side is higher up than the 'button' part, and so the part where you push is below the cap level, even if I try to push on the cap tight. Any solutions?
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 22:48:33
Heat the backplug part in hot water to loosen it up
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 22:17:34
Has any one used different nuts and bolts? Im considering running to the hardware store soon just for this purpose. Id like to get rings/washers in different sizes and possibly nuts that fit onto different sized pens. What about the use of screws for inside the pen body for weight? Ive wondered what would have the best results if any one has tried anything before I run off to the store on a whim and my imagination (which isnt too bad!) I apologize if this has already been asked/answered here. (could you link me to it if this is the case? :) )
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 23:25:47
@metalbearsolid: since i have no spare metal tips, i use screws inside my japanese pencil mod and nails inside my g2-e2b (the ends, not the body). its hidden, so looks aren't impaired. Both mods would be way too light imo, so the small screws added a bit more momentum to the ends. Just make sure the screws u get (if u decide to get them) are small, and not heavy.
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 05:44:03
Has any one attempted a mod with fountain pen nibs? I think something like that would be extremely interesting, albeit very heavy.
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 08:19:22
metalbearsolid wrote: Has any one attempted a mod with fountain pen nibs? I think something like that would be extremely interesting, albeit very heavy.
Yes, its not a good idea, just use tips -
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 09:50:22
Besides, aren't these nibs expensive? Regarding the washers: Just take a look at Kam's Impact MX. It's probably the most polished mod using them (and a screw IIRC).
Date: Sat, May 18 2013 06:39:50
Anybody know how to make a Dice MX, if there's even a tutorial on it?
Date: Mon, May 20 2013 13:09:06
Sorry if someone has already asked this, I tried some searches and nothing came up, but maybe I just don't know the proper name. When I look at the WPMT, for example, I see that many of the pens have coloured patterns, logos etc. on the barrels, and sometimes the tips. How are these made?
Date: Mon, May 20 2013 13:32:56
Maybe you mean the "tape cut", put some chatterton on the body to make some effects ?
Date: Wed, May 22 2013 00:16:19
Thanks @sky-returns, what type of tape should I use, and what do you mean by chatterton (I googled it and it came up with a poet)?
Date: Wed, May 22 2013 04:47:33
Oh maybe it´s the french name You just cut it and stick it on the body/grip... To make some tribal effect or whatever you want
Date: Wed, May 22 2013 09:22:15
Thanks, looks like duct tape, or gaffa tape. I might see if I can find some at an electrical store or something before I order online. After you apply the tape, do you put something over it like varnish so the pen is smooth to spin and/or the pattern isn't damaged?
Date: Wed, May 22 2013 12:34:06 If you don't understand french, you can learn withou the texts/explications with the pictures
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 14:42:05
What do you recommend for newbie Pen-spinners? Some say A good start is Something that has good balance.
Date: Tue, Jul 2 2013 09:15:37
anyone know how to keep unused clear grip like airfit and dr grip, so that won't getting yellow? i was wondering if i can find the answer here..... please
Date: Tue, Jul 2 2013 09:41:41
yozhang wrote: anyone know how to keep unused clear grip like airfit and dr grip, so that won't getting yellow? i was wondering if i can find the answer here..... please
Never ever spin it, that's how you prevent grip yellowing. And btw, Dr. GRIP grips don't get yellow, they get foggy/cloudy, idk about Airfit grips but the Airfit I use for school has a foggy grip, so not sure about yellow grips. However, I read in an old thread that KTrinh93 experienced Airfit grip discoloration himself and simply washed the grips in hot water with dish soap. From what I remember, he washed them thoughroughly and let them sit, making them good as new. Hot water + dish soap seems to do the trick. -
Date: Tue, Jul 2 2013 10:53:17
PERSIST wrote: Never ever spin it, that's how you prevent grip yellowing. And btw, Dr. GRIP grips don't get yellow, they get foggy/cloudy, idk about Airfit grips but the Airfit I use for school has a foggy grip, so not sure about yellow grips. However, I read in an old thread that KTrinh93 experienced Airfit grip discoloration himself and simply washed the grips in hot water with dish soap. From what I remember, he washed them thoughroughly and let them sit, making them good as new. Hot water + dish soap seems to do the trick.
yeah im talking about keeping "unused" clear grip, so that mean im not spin it.... i just wanted to keep my unused clear grip with the right way, so it won't getting yellow, for dr grip grip, it can yellowed, at first its cloudy, and it'll getting yellow after that... and thanks for the method it really help!! i'll do it with my mod ^_^ but i still don't get the answer, about how to keep unused clear grip from getting yellow.. -
Date: Tue, Jul 2 2013 17:01:19
@PERSIST first of all, why are you a KTrinh fanboy, and second of all, no one really cares about the time and date of you statuses (stati?)
Date: Tue, Jul 2 2013 22:41:28
N!k wrote: @PERSIST first of all, why are you a KTrinh fanboy, and second of all, no one really cares about the time and date of you statuses (stati?)
Nonononononono, im an Ease fanboy, I was just referring to [B]King KTrinh[/B], which despite any fanboyism (which it wasnt to begin with), is still perfectly on topic. And there's no wrong way to make status updates. -
Date: Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:08:56
i wanted to make a retractable pen mod and for that i had to take apart a pen. it was real hard so i smashed it , everything is in order but i dont know how to include this mechanism in a mod
please help...
Date: Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:18:09
i smashed a retractable pen to get the mechanism out and got this
i don't understand how it works and how to use it in a mod. please help if anyone has time. sorry if this post is in wrong thread.:mellow:
Date: Fri, Jul 12 2013 04:45:14
i dont think you can do anything with that. you only have the clicker pieces but you dont have the guide slots. For example, the pieces you have are like the large and small clicker piece of a G2. if you take those pieces out of a G2, you can see that there are guide rails on the inside of the pen. Without those, you cant use the clicker mech unless you put it into a different pen or make your oun guide rails like in hybrid g3 retractable mod
Date: Mon, Jul 15 2013 13:34:37
will ct cap fit on penwish kearing miffy sub easily or is there some hollowing or taping needed edit: nvm i answered it myself :facepalm:
Date: Wed, Jul 17 2013 21:59:48
Hey guys! I'm new to the board. I've been spinning for a little under a year now, and for the longest time, I had a double-sided Bic pen that I used to learn a lot of tricks. As of now, I can do the following tricks with with a pretty good success rate: -TA -TA rev -TA harmonic -Extended TA -Fingerless TA -Fingerless TA rev -Double-Fake -Around -Finger pass -Palm spin -Infinity (normal, double, and triple) -Shadow -Inverse shadow -Devil's shadow -Sonic -Inverse sonic -Reverse Sonic -Charge -Double Charge -Triangle pass -Twisted sonic -Twisted sonic bust -Neosonic -Bak -Figure 8 -Swivel I need to work on the tricks in each individual finger slot, and I am also unable to actually link the tricks together yet. In order to make the tricks a little easier to execute, I went and bought a waterfall mod. I was curious if I had made the right choice? I read some of the other things around this forum and couldn't seem to come up with an answer. I also don't know if I'm a beginner or an intermediate spinner, or if I'm even posting in the correct forum. If I'm not, feel free to move me to the correct place. Help? Thanks guys!
Date: Wed, Jul 17 2013 22:11:31
It actually doesn't matter what mod you spin. There's no "levels" in pen spinning. In my opinion, the general belief was that heavy mods were bad, so that everyone would stop spinning busters. Just spin whatever makes you happy.
Date: Wed, Jul 17 2013 22:56:36
Gash wrote: It actually doesn't matter what mod you spin. There's no "levels" in pen spinning. In my opinion, the general belief was that heavy mods were bad, so that everyone would stop spinning busters. Just spin whatever makes you happy.
This is true. There are amazing spinners who spin all sorts of mods; from pencils and mx's to KT's and Busters. Youll spin all sorts of mods to figure out what fits you best and feels most natural. -
Date: Wed, Jul 17 2013 22:56:47
no bro, it is highly incouraged for a new spinner to use a buster
jak000012 wrote: Hey guys! I'm new to the board. I've been spinning for a little under a year now, and for the longest time, I had a double-sided Bic pen that I used to learn a lot of tricks. As of now, I can do the following tricks with with a pretty good success rate: -TA -TA rev -TA harmonic -Extended TA -Fingerless TA -Fingerless TA rev -Double-Fake -Around -Finger pass -Palm spin -Infinity (normal, double, and triple) -Shadow -Inverse shadow -Devil's shadow -Sonic -Inverse sonic -Reverse Sonic -Charge -Double Charge -Triangle pass -Twisted sonic -Twisted sonic bust -Neosonic -Bak -Figure 8 -Swivel I need to work on the tricks in each individual finger slot, and I am also unable to actually link the tricks together yet. In order to make the tricks a little easier to execute, I went and bought a waterfall mod. I was curious if I had made the right choice? I read some of the other things around this forum and couldn't seem to come up with an answer. I also don't know if I'm a beginner or an intermediate spinner, or if I'm even posting in the correct forum. If I'm not, feel free to move me to the correct place. Help? Thanks guys!
Just kidding. Whoever says a buster is bad for you is soooooo full of crap. It doesnt matter what you spin -
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 00:28:15
It's better to spin light pens when you're begining, but it's not set in stone.
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 01:16:34
i mean honestly if you want a buster why not get both versions? no harm in trying what feels better just get a gel buster and ball point airfit buster if your interested in one or just cause of how it looks but honestly there's no correct road to pen spinning just have fun with it and if you want to be in WT or WC then start getting more seriouse
Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 17:08:56
The Waterfall Wiki says it's around 15g. Is that with or without the inktube?
Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 17:14:00
Amanuensis wrote: The Waterfall Wiki says it's around 15g. Is that with or without the inktube?
Without....hardly anyone keeps the inktube for waterfall mods, it makes the body rattle when spinning. -
Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 17:24:46
PERSIST wrote: Without....hardly anyone keeps the inktube for waterfall mods, it makes the body rattle when spinning.
Ok thanks, That's perfect. I could even adjust the weight of an empty tube than one with an inktube. But if it is 15g without then I don't need to even do that, I think that would be a perfect weight since the MX has grown rather light for me. -
Date: Sun, Nov 3 2013 19:33:48
Anyone know the exact science behind Dr. GRIP grips fogging up? I am fully aware that I can do nothing to prevent the fogging, I just wanna know what it exactly is. Fingerprints? Dirt? Weathered rubber?
Date: Tue, Nov 5 2013 16:06:11
Is there any way to get rid of the text on an emboss marker?
Date: Tue, Nov 5 2013 19:47:42
SnaggleTut wrote: Is there any way to get rid of the text on an emboss marker?
Rub it with Acetone/Nail polish or use Guitrum's paper rubbing method. Next time, search for it ;) -
Date: Mon, Jan 13 2014 05:53:54
How do you remove emboss ink?
Date: Mon, Jan 13 2014 06:10:28
Milkwhale wrote: How do you remove emboss ink?
Use pliers to clamp down tightly on the ink tip (NOT THE PLASTIC TIP), clench and pull outward. Do this for both sides since the marker is dual-sided. -
Date: Mon, Jan 13 2014 21:14:15
That won't remove the ink tube would it? If not than it will have a loose ink tube in it rolling around
Date: Mon, Jan 13 2014 23:33:37
theres a side on the pen that can be removed with a bit of wiggling.
Date: Tue, Jan 14 2014 02:49:52
Kemu wrote: theres a side on the pen that can be removed with a bit of wiggling.
I see it, but my wiggle skills are pretty low. -
Date: Tue, Jan 14 2014 02:57:13
Milkwhale wrote: I see it, but my wiggle skills are pretty low.
try wrapping each side with a rubber band or something grippy and pulling it. it should come out pretty easy -
Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 20:19:32
Milkwhale wrote: I see it, but my wiggle skills are pretty low.
Take pliers and remove the felt tip of the ink. Then use the pliers to pull the plastic tip piece that was holding the felt tip away from the rest of the body of the emboss. Once you have that pulled out, you can just empty out the ink tube on the inside. -
Date: Sat, Feb 1 2014 13:51:24
Hello, I currently own this pen: It's 16cm long. I'm completly new to this, my hand is about 18-19 cm long. Should I use this one or look for another? Is the size correct?
Date: Sat, Feb 1 2014 14:58:56
I'm no pro but spin what you feel is right! If you like the way it spins and you're comfrontable with it, spin it.
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 03:59:20
Is there an easy way to get a hole in the backplug of an rsvp? I don't have a drill, screwdriver or anything like that.
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 05:22:58
Vixuhs wrote: Is there an easy way to get a hole in the backplug of an rsvp? I don't have a drill, screwdriver or anything like that.
how bout hammering a nail into it. other than that, its kinda impossible -
Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 09:52:28
how do you get the pc2 cap out of the jimnie cap from an ajisai sc mod?
Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 10:21:10
Raiz wrote: how do you get the pc2 cap out of the jimnie cap from an ajisai sc mod?
You can take a barrel that is thinner than the PC2 cap and wrap a bunch of tape around it, ram it in, and then pull it out. Or you can put glue on the barrel, put it in, wait for it to dry, and then pull it out. Make sure it's glue that won't form an unbreakable bond since then you pretty much lost your PC2 cap LOL -
Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 12:35:54
Vixuhs wrote: Is there an easy way to get a hole in the backplug of an rsvp? I don't have a drill, screwdriver or anything like that.
what i do is just get a small knife(such as x-acto knife, or art knife whatever) and use the tip of it to dig a hole in the backplug just place the tip of the knife on the backplug, push it a bit and twist -
Date: Fri, Feb 21 2014 04:20:45
How do i hollow out the tip of a super tip after being cut? i have hollowed it out mostly using drillbits but cannot get it wide enough for the super bic by guitrium i am making. Please help!!
Date: Fri, Feb 21 2014 04:58:42
Andrizzle wrote: How do i hollow out the tip of a super tip after being cut? i have hollowed it out mostly using drillbits but cannot get it wide enough for the super bic by guitrium i am making. Please help!!
Supertips can be annoying lawl. 1. Use pliers and stretch the hole in about four directions. Stick the needle nose pliers in the tube and pull plier apart carefully making sure it doesnt break. THIS IS QUICK BUT NOT THE BEST. 2. Use a round filer. These are great for supertips. Material can be easily filed and it doesnt change the diameter of the body just the thickness. BEST WAY (Yea the super bic is a biotch to make lol) -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 00:20:19
yo guys my project right now is fat gripping but seriously its pretty hard do you guys know more methods other than water and soap and ink tube method ? @Nachoaddict
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 00:52:33
I am not a pro, (the title of this thread doesn't make sense) but let me see if i can help. Fat gripping is when you layer grips right? So then this method depends on only one thing; the grip. There are two grips, grip A (which is on the bottom) and grip B (Which is on the top). If grip B is something stiff, then the grip will NOT stretch. Now in order to fat grip, stretching grip B is essential so that it can be correctly layered on top of Grip A. So there for in order to fat grip you need to pick a nice and loose grip and stretch it! I wouldn't know any other methods, but try stretching the grip using needle nose pliers. Use warm water to loosen it up, and place the grip on a barrel that stretches it like you would when you are prepping the grip for grip cutting. Good Luck! Tell me how it goes. Regards Zen
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 00:57:16
im planning doing this supergrip->airblanc->anyball but i dont think my airblanc grip dont stretch that much
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 01:58:35
JoloPSPH wrote: im planning doing this supergrip->airblanc->anyball but i dont think my airblanc grip dont stretch that much
slide the grip onto a scissor or needlenose plier to strech it. dont go to far or itll snap. -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:13:40
Solid wrote: slide the grip onto a scissor or needlenose plier to strech it. dont go to far or itll snap.
I think you mean rip not snap, unless you are speaking of the pliers. @JoloPSPHfat gripping with three grips may be very difficult. The airblanc, may stretch that far but your biggest concern would most likely be your supergrip. Will it be able to stretch that far? -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:28:09
my supergrip is the grip A its the first one im worrying about the airblanc the anyball is not a problem since its so easy to stretch
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:34:32
Wait the supergrip is grip A? So let me clear this up a bit. The supergrip is on the bottom, then anyball and then airblanc? Yeah like i said i don't think the airblanc will stretch, but maybe @Nachoaddict can help you. He is on now. Also it might not look very good. The airblanc on top of everything is what worries me.
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:42:46
the airblanc is the second grip
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:45:40
No it would look better if you had the airblanc over the anyball. Also try stretching the airblanc
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 02:49:08
IT WOORKKK :O i fit the airblanc into the supergrippp ^ ill do that too i have one more airblanc grip :3
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 05:45:12
supergrip -> airblanc -> anyball would work EASILY airblanc is like one of those most stretchy grips ever created, anyball being 2nd (im dead srs in this) just use the water method. if u use soap, it gets so slippery it slides out EVEN AFTER u finished stretching over the grip underneath it fat gripping ftw. Frog~ p.s. i dont see how fat the grip is gonna be thou D:... needs more fatness!!! be a man!!! RAWR!!
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 10:35:28
actually im planning to add anyball after anyball again i did supergrip ->airblanc->anyball it looks like the front of a hibachi seriously :))
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 02:45:17
what pen mods i can make with pilot v5 pens. Tell me tutorial too. Thanks in advance.
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2014 08:07:23 Frog~
Spinner_Zap wrote: what pen mods i can make with pilot v5 pens. Tell me tutorial too. Thanks in advance.
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 16:39:41
how do you guys fit CT caps onto an s360? the caps are only fitting on one side, im trying to make the s360 kt (its on pW)
Date: Sat, May 24 2014 06:56:43
LighT* wrote: how do you guys fit CT caps onto an s360? the caps are only fitting on one side, im trying to make the s360 kt (its on pW)
Doesn't look like those use CT caps at all ._. Pretty sure it's just a DC s360 with Dr. Grip grips and tips on the ends. This thing right? -
Date: Sat, May 24 2014 16:09:17
Nachoaddict wrote: Doesn't look like those use CT caps at all ._. Pretty sure it's just a DC s360 with Dr. Grip grips and tips on the ends. This thing right?
Yeah thats it. And wow, I just realized its an actual s360 cap and not a CT cap XD thanks! -
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2014 18:20:34
Hey, I was wondering if you can still put metal rings on an emboss pen mod? I had to ask because I noticed the caps are not exactly circular? :S but will the metal rings fit?
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2014 21:02:53
caesar wrote: Hey, I was wondering if you can still put metal rings on an emboss pen mod? I had to ask because I noticed the caps are not exactly circular? :S but will the metal rings fit?
The barrel and caps are too wide. The plugs on either side can hold a ring each though -
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 04:42:32
Should you put music in a video a penspinning solo? If you should how long is a decent amount of time that allows music to be acceptable?
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 06:13:40
ChowCow wrote: Should you put music in a video a penspinning solo? If you should how long is a decent amount of time that allows music to be acceptable?
That's what people usually do for longer videos like solos. If you're just showing one combo for 20 seconds or so, it's not really necessary but for solo and compilation videos usually music is a must. You can put music on your single combos too but a lot of people don't. It's up to your personal preference. Also this is the pen modding section so next time ask in the pen spinning subforum!