Off-topic / Spinner of the Week #34: shoeman6
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:04:42
Spinner of the Week #33: shoeman6 @shoeman6 : [QUOTE=shoeman6]Hey :], i'm shoeman6, known briefly as EssenceOfLife in v3. My real name is Alex (Alexander), I'm 16, in year 11 (junior), my birthday is May. 23. 1994. and have been spinning since around year 7, (it's a bit fuzzy) A little before the time when UCPSB was closed for v3, I first discovered pen spinning through a featured video on yahoo showing how to do the thumb around. Some other stuff ~ I'm Asian (I speak mandarin at an understandable level), a Christian, I live in Saint Louis, Missouri, my favorite color is green, my favorite animal is the narwhal, I play violin as well as piano (although piano, not as well as violin) and i'm easily interested. ^^ <3[/QUOTE]
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:18:40
how do you like being a mod? is it better than being a normal member? who is your favorite spinner? do you like to troll?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:22:25
TheAafg wrote: how do you like being a mod? is it better than being a normal member? who is your favorite spinner? do you like to troll?
Yes?... I like it well. :] Sometimes. Probably Mr. Serpant (shadowserpant) :trollface: -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:39:34
if you could have one wish fulfilled what would it be? have you ever got slapped in the face by a girl? are you a virgin? do you laike me? :wub: have you ever had gay thoughts? do you have a gf? have you ever kissed a guy ? :O do you like my random questions? is it a pain to answer random questions? do you want me to ask you more questions?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:41:46
TheAafg wrote: if you could have one wish fulfilled what would it be? have you ever got slapped in the face by a girl? are you a virgin? do you laike me? :wub: have you ever had gay thoughts? do you have a gf? have you ever kissed a guy ? :O do you like my random questions? is it a pain to answer random questions? do you want me to ask you more questions?
To be with the person I love. Yes Yes Of course <3~. Who hasn't. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:57:05
hows beautiful mr. acrylic?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:59:41
Prince wrote: hows beautiful mr. acrylic?
mmm She's so fiiine, theres 1 particle which drives me crazy but otherwise it's smooth as butter <3 -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:05:09
how is it like being in love?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:06:20
TheAafg wrote: how is it like being in love?
Great, then it sucks. -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:18:08
Shoeman why did you name yourself shoeman? Are you a man with only 1 shoe? Is 6 your favourite number? Do you like hockey? Do you wanna be my friend? Are you 1337? Have you ever showed off to girls by penspining? Noodles or Pizza? Apples or Oranges? Busts or Baks? Erirornal Kraione or Eriror or Error? Are you getting pissed of right now since im asking you questions? Thanks all ^^
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:22:58
who is
? what language did u take in school?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:24:32
favorite fast food restaurant? favorite food? rice or noodle? favorite anime? favorite dramas? favorite tv series? favorite movie ?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:26:30
Who is the main inspiration in your life and why?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:29:35
Light;52252]Shoeman why did you name yourself shoeman? Are you a man with only 1 shoe? Is 6 your favourite number? Do you like hockey? Do you wanna be my friend? Are you 1337? Have you ever showed off to girls by penspining? Noodles or Pizza? Apples or Oranges? Busts or Baks? Erirornal Kraione or Eriror or Error? Are you getting pissed of right now since im asking you questions? Thanks all ^^[/QUOTE] Well, it's shoeman6 and because my first experience needing a username besides my contact one, which is jhonertwert was in wyvern which I never actually played, but you needed a themed name... in any case, shortly after that I joined runescape and decided to use shoeman because I thought it was similar to wyvern that was taken so I chose shoeman6. Upon joining UPSB I tried shoeman, to my surprise that was taken, so I stuck with shoeman6. To this day I use shoeman6, jhonertwert and vegeteble as my online aliases. My favorite number is 3 or 7. Can't say I'm a hockey fan... it used to be pretty big in Saint Louis but something happened and it died out quite a bit. Are we not friends already? D: Occasionally. Not intentionally, not much of a show off... Wow... that's actually really tough, i'd have to go with pizza. Another tuffy, I'd say oranges. Baks EK Nope ^^. [QUOTE=exclusive;52253]who is what language did u take in school?[/QUOTE] She is our queen. If you mean foreign language, then Spanish. [QUOTE=exclusive;52256]favorite fast food restaurant? favorite food? rice or noodle? favorite anime? favorite dramas? favorite tv series? favorite movie ?[/QUOTE] Tough questions... Sonic's pretty good, or Arby's Sushi Rice Rave Master, never seen the anime but enjoy the manga The kind girls have Bones, House, Fringe, Castle, CSI, Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, Psych, first season of Heroes, and Whose Line is it Anyway. Kung Fu Panda was pretty good, it's hard to really have a favorite. [QUOTE=Erirornal Kraione wrote: Who is the main inspiration in your life and why?
Hmmm, It'd have to be Jesus Christ... Otherwise anybody who is a genuinely good person. As for why... because it's so difficult you have to respect someone who has morals and is helpful. I wish I could be so kind & genuine. -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:37:46
Are we not friends already? D:
Of course we are shoeman ^^ Just playing with ya :D thanks for answering ^^ -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:39:29
Do you like the narwhal song? :D
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 21:41:33
Paramours wrote: Do you like the narwhal song? :D
Yes but the narwhals in the animation aren't very cute :'[ -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 23:51:00
what genres of music do u like? whos ur favorite top 10 artists? favorite top 10 songs?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:11:07
exclusive wrote: what genres of music do u like? whos ur favorite top 10 artists? favorite top 10 songs?
Country has always appealed to me no matter what. Electronic music is nice, but I usually go through phases of genres, classical is usually nice as well. I DON'T like Jazz... like hardcore jazz... :| It makes good mood or background music but as listening music it makes me nauseous. Idk if I could name 10 some artists have 1 song that's good and the rest are horrible, overall good sound in no particular order... REM, Bowling for Soup, Norwegian Recycling, Atomic Kitten, Tim Minchin, Imogen Heap, Aa!, Charice, Aqua, Basshunter. This is hard as well as I will forget one for sure.(in no particular order) ~~~ High - Light House Family First Kiss - Aa! Crazy - Gnarls Barkley Pie Jesu - Multiple Artists (don't really have a favorite) Irresistiblement - Wildside Forever Young - Alphaville Where is the Love- Black Eyed Peas Take A Minute - K'Naan Time To Wonder - Topmodelz Kreisler Preludium and Allegro - Pugnani ~~~ Idk if this is my top 10, I know for sure I have more songs I absolutely adore, but it's a list of 10 for yah :]. -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:13:20
fastest to page 2 SOTW ever?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:14:41
Zombo wrote: fastest to page 2 SOTW ever?
I'm still on page one :p ^_^ -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:17:10
Fastest to page 3 SOTW ever?!
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:33:14
Narwhals, narwhals, inventors of the shish kebob?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:38:49
Zombo;52323]Fastest to page 3 SOTW ever?![/QUOTE] Maybe. [QUOTE=Holypie wrote: Narwhals, narwhals, inventors of the shish kebob?
Yes. -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:40:59
shoeman6 wrote: I'm still on page one :p ^_^
Hooray for 40 posts per page! -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 01:10:09
favorite book series? favorite pen trick?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 01:17:50
Holypie;52343]Hooray for 40 posts per page![/QUOTE] Yay! [QUOTE=exclusive wrote: favorite book series? favorite pen trick?
The Ishmael books by Daniel Quinn. That I can do, ~ cont. ring arounds, to observe,~ anything innovative. -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 03:08:59
Oh that's where EssenceOfLife went :rofl:
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 03:17:23
what is the meaning of life? who is your favorite person on upsb to talk to? do you have abs? have you ever got in a fight? if yes what was the result?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 03:56:49
Krispy Kreme;52420]Oh that's where EssenceOfLife went :rofl:[/QUOTE] >.> [QUOTE=TheAafg wrote: what is the meaning of life? who is your favorite person on upsb to talk to? do you have abs? have you ever got in a fight? if yes what was the result?
To make use of it and discover what it means to you. It depends, probably the whole Ricercar Iota Neotoma clan. lolno Yea, ummm 1. his mom got mad at him and he just kinda left... 2. I chased him down to his house after he hit me good across the head with a wooden stake, I think those were the only real "fights" I ever got in, one time some kid threw a random punch at my face... so i don't think that really counts, and in preschool I bit a kid... there may be some other occasion I just don't remember. -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 06:22:58
shoeman6 wrote: Country has always appealed to me no matter what. Electronic music is nice, but I usually go through phases of genres, classical is usually nice as well. [B]I DON'T like Jazz... like hardcore jazz... :|[/B] It makes good mood or background music but as listening music it makes me nauseous. Idk if I could name 10 some artists have 1 song that's good and the rest are horrible, overall good sound in no particular order... REM, Bowling for Soup, Norwegian Recycling, Atomic Kitten, Tim Minchin, Imogen Heap, Aa!, Charice, Aqua, Basshunter.... This is hard as well as I will forget one for sure.(in no particular order) ~~~ High - Light House Family First Kiss - Aa! Crazy - Gnarls Barkley Pie Jesu - Multiple Artists (don't really have a favorite) Irresistiblement - Wildside Forever Young - Alphaville Where is the Love- Black Eyed Peas Take A Minute - K'Naan Time To Wonder - Topmodelz Kreisler Preludium and Allegro - Pugnani ~~~ Idk if this is my top 10, I know for sure I have more songs I absolutely adore, but it's a list of 10 for yah :].
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 14:29:28
nooooooooooooooooooo jazz is awesome
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 14:35:31
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 14:37:01
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 22:12:18
Zombo wrote: [video=youtube;2xj0jPKtWgU]
I made it to about 30 seconds before I had to stop >.<... -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 22:13:25
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 00:12:37
OMFGGUESSWHAT!!!!! I have the same 2 favorite numbers as you Do you :wub: me? Have you ever gotten bored of spinning You haz big asain dick XD Auburn or Oregon? And Don't you MOTHERFUCKING say "I don't watch football" Do you know in one year I'll be at your school, and we'll booty fuck after classes? Hmmmmmm.....uh Kanye=sexeh? or gayfish? BRO, I GOT THIS SEXEH ASS chapstick THATS LIKE $4, and all tha bitches wanna peice of my lips ;) What did you all get for christmas? McDonalds or BK? My creativity is dying Oh, yah, you virgin? porque? you so hot with big dick broseph, broku, brohan, broshizzle? which is the best Sam>Spencer or Spencer>Sam or Spencer=Sam? Ever tried drugs? If so, hook me up brah? You like K'naan?....................... ABC'S Kid Cudi? U Likey? Look around.....first object you see? Think of everyone you know, first person that sticks out? Walmart or Target? Pepsi or Coke? I haz condoms ;) The trojan fire and ice ones Tha shoeman haz few shoes ? HOLY FUCK, just gotta text from a sexy muthabitch pizza rolls or bagel bites? Ramen? Fav Flav (it rhymed :xd: ) What kinda phone u haz? this chapstick is srs bsns I straight up lost my glow in the dark fushigi......quit CJ or get some fancy new ball? How many honors should i take, sign ups due friday (i'm in gifted, but pretty fucking lazy)? You play COD? Cool, me neither :) Watch The Human Cenitpede it will change you Have you ever watched my one freestyle that is old and sucks balls? YOu ever play combat arms or MS? Beat my whole grade in the flexed arm hang? ujelly? 1. We make sexeh baby 2. baby grows up and gets famous 3.?????? 4. PROFIT Are my Q's pissing you off? Didn't think so :) Do you have any classes with my brother??? Just broke up with mah bitch. Advice from the all knowing man of the shoes? Favorite Vegeteble? iMatt? you like? dislike? Bro, I was watching discovery and this kinda hot ish chick was addicted to eating playground chalk...... Mosque at ground zero? Shit, I did an extra space there. above the last question -_- I'm hyper as fuck Purple? The sexiest color, and all the worlds issues and simply be solved with purple :) Top 25 songs in America? Do you like or is it some talentless shit by Ke$sha and gay men, that you can't stnad listening too? I love you, and yah, we seriously need to fuck Sincerely, Sam (or Spencer......ponder it)
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 00:32:50
Zombo wrote: jazz
Better hahah :p @JC;[/B] You like K'naan?....................... ABC'S [B]DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY&Z[/B] Kid Cudi? U Likey? [B]Intresting.[/B] Look around.....first object you see? [B]Water Bottle.[/B] Think of everyone you know, first person that sticks out? [B]Amy[/B] Walmart or Target? [B]Walmart[/B] Pepsi or Coke? [B]Depends on the flavor, probably Coke...[/B] I haz condoms ;) The trojan fire and ice ones [B];][/B] Tha shoeman haz few shoes [B]true[/B] ? [B]Not interested in black girls[/B] HOLY FUCK, just gotta text from a sexy muthabitch [B]I don't even have your number :'[[/B] pizza rolls or bagel bites? [B]Pizza rolls.[/B] Ramen? Fav Flav (it rhymed :xd: ) [B]Sure, & they all taste the same.[/B] What kinda phone u haz? [B]nokia something, pretty bad, they keep breaking.[/B] this chapstick is srs bsns [B]umad?[/B] I straight up lost my glow in the dark fushigi......quit CJ or get some fancy new ball? [B]Get a sil-x or use a lacross ball/orange[/B] How many honors should i take, sign ups due friday (i'm in gifted, but pretty fucking lazy)? [B]Well if you're going to high school, just make sure you don't get lazy over the summer. No need to break your back freshman year. Take what you can though.[/B] You play COD? Cool, me neither :) [B]On the comp, console is for noobs. [/B] Watch The Human Cenitpede it will change you [B]Read the summary, heard Teeth was better.[/B] Have you ever watched my one freestyle that is old and sucks balls? [B]No.[/B] YOu ever play combat arms or MS? [B]Used to play CA before it got ruined, and i've tried to play MS a couple of times but it sucks.[/B] Beat my whole grade in the flexed arm hang? ujelly? [B]I know YOU'RE not ;D[/B] 1. We make sexeh baby 2. baby grows up and gets famous 3.?????? 4. PROFIT [B]uhmm...[/B] Are my Q's pissing you off? Didn't think so :) [B]uhno[/B] Do you have any classes with my brother??? [B]Again, if he goes to north? idk... I don't go to central...[/B] Just broke up with mah bitch. Advice from the all knowing man of the shoes? [B]Spin[/B] Favorite Vegeteble? [B]Green Beans[/B] iMatt? you like? dislike? [B]umad?[/B] Bro, I was watching discovery and this kinda hot ish chick was addicted to eating playground chalk...... [B]Fake&gay[/B] Mosque at ground zero? [B]Old[/B] Shit, I did an extra space there. above the last question -_- [B]umad?[/B] I'm hyper as fuck [B]*fupfup*[/B] Purple? The sexiest color, and all the worlds issues and simply be solved with purple :) [B]It's nice.[/B] Top 25 songs in America? Do you like or is it some talentless shit by Ke$sha and gay men, that you can't stnad listening too? [B]Don't really have the same taste as Americans... UK top is more like it. Some.[/B] I love you, and yah, we seriously need to fuck [B]Agreed[/B] Sincerely, Sam (or Spencer......ponder it) [B]Again, I'm starting to call another kid Sam :\ i's a good name.[/B] -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 00:51:19
Do you really think I've done drugs before? LOL
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 00:54:54
JC wrote: Do you really think I've done drugs before? LOL