Off-topic / Street Fighter
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 02:11:05
So theres like a thread for like every video game so ill make one for an awesome one too. Street fighter. Feel free to give advice, show off ur stuff, show combos, etc etc. For me, Ive been getting pretty good, Im a oka player with ryu but im better with guile. I just need help creating new combos thats all. Im stuck on one...which is(idk how to notate this stuff) jump>light punch(in air)>Light punch(crouch)>light punch(crouch)>sonic boom Thats my combo for guile so far...i need more cuz my friends are starting to read that move alot and im getting owned by shryoyukens and etc...
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 02:32:07
I'm waiting for everyone to start posting guile theme videos o3o
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:39:42
Abel user here, I play SFIV in iPhone and SSFIV in PS3. ^______^ PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:52:10
I play pretty advanced SSF4. Combos =/= useless if you don't have a good footsie game. I main Dictator: 12.6k Zangief: 9k Sagat: 4k I mostly use Zangief currently.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 04:20:26
I played SFIV and fell in love with Ken. One combo i developed was jump kick>crouch punch x2> Shoryuken (or crouch kick > that apinning hurricane kick thing :p) Thinking about getting it for the pc.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 04:25:22
How to get better at SF:
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 05:49:28
Play me: akujinnoeso on PSN I play Guy, Ryu, Guile, Bison, Balrog, and Makoto. But I can play with just about anybody to some degree. @Darealone why would you start that combo with j.lp? It would make more sense to do j.hp or to make sure you can actually connect the rest of the combo. A better combo would be > xx flash kick
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 13:22:53
mvc3's coming out in feb...hope its cool...and sf is complicated dont you think? yeah tekken might have more buttons and more moves to memorize but for me sf is a lot harder even the gameplays only 2d(no sidestep)
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 22:20:09
You don't make sense. Tekken has 4 buttons, SSF4 has 6. Regardless if it's 3D or 2D, any good fighting game would have the basic concepts of footsies and spacing. Anything else would be due to the mechanics present in the game. Tekken has low parry, okizeme, and evasive maneuvering; SSF4 has FADC, FAs, cross ups, zoning, etc. I play both and both are equally hard. Now please take your Tekken talk to the Tekken thread please. THIS. IS. STREET. FAITAA
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 00:20:30
@Eso Oka...that actually makes a lot more sense. I've gotten down that combo with a variation which i flashkick instead of sonic boom. Still need more i cant seem to "walk" along side my sonic boom so if they block it then i can release my stuff on then or whatever. Also, is there an EXACT time for the charge? BTW Im to poor for SSFIV so i play SFA3...xP yes old stuff but super classic
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 06:36:33
Darealone wrote: @Eso Oka...that actually makes a lot more sense. I've gotten down that combo with a variation which i flashkick instead of sonic boom. Still need more i cant seem to "walk" along side my sonic boom so if they block it then i can release my stuff on then or whatever. Also, is there an EXACT time for the charge? BTW Im to poor for SSFIV so i play SFA3...xP yes old stuff but super classic
First thing is to understand what the game mechanics actually are. Examples - Charge Buffering - Focus-attack Dash Cancel - Footsies - Zoning - Frame Data (what moves beat others) - Link/Chain/Counter-hit combos - Terminology (JAB STRONG FIERCE/SHORT FORWARD ROUNDHOUSE) Watch these video tutorials: -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 19:26:50
REVIVE! So I've given up charge characters...and gone for Akuma!!! Any tips?
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 03:25:36
Akuma <_<. Charge characters are far easier on an arcade stick just an FYI. I play bison and execution isn't an issue honestly. Granted I know some pretty mean pad vegas. Akuma is an annoying character. Easy to spam, Hard to master. You need to master the timing of the demon flip. That thing is what is going to give your Rape game. Keep the opponent guessing. The other thing to be doing is DO NOT DROP COMBOS. Jump back fireball at full screen can be punished via Bison's Ultra II and Blanka's Ultra II. Those are the biggest threats.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 15:56:03
Revive...again. R there no SF fans? So I heard that pad is over powered compared to a fightstick/joystick. Is that true? Also has anyone played arcade edition yet?
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 16:43:46
sf and mvc is too hard for me...i own my friends at tekken but damn they own the fuck out of me on mvc..i just dont understand the
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 19:56:52
I'm still playing SF. However nobody on UPSB is good at all. MvC3 is fun, but it doesn't have enough strategy for my liking. Pad doesn't provide any benefit over stick. If you're precise enough you can do quicker 360 buffers, but you can easily do misinputs since it's not exact directions.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 20:14:39
@iMatt Since you play Dictator. Y is it ppl go with the short scissor kick on hit rather than the forward or even roundhouse. I mean I get y they do it on block but y on hit?
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 21:22:02
@Darealone You serious? lol. They're unsafe on block. You can get a full punish combo FADC Ultra with majority of characters. The only time you use forward/roundhouse versions of scissors is after you hit confirm a combo and it will connect guaranteed. You always use short scissors when doing pressure combos. I play Zangief mainly now fyi. (Ranked in top 8 on xbox live ;) )
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 21:45:13
No, he is wondering why would you use lk SK on hit. Normally you would get more damage by hit confirming into the hk SK. To answer his question, it's either because they messed up or are too used to using lk SK. The other reason is to set up a cross up psycho crusher when the opponent does a quick get up after getting hit by the lk scissor kick. Or to gain a specific range for certain mind games. It has its uses even on hit.
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 03:40:42
So with AE out...I heard that Fei Longs EX Rekkas frame advantage on block was buffed. I remember it being -8 or so on block, but then when I was watching a tourney down in Australia(Shadowloo Showdown) I heard them say that it is now -0 on block and the second one is -1. Does anyone else find this EXTREMLEY CHEAP!?!?! I hate Fei Long now. Hate him. They buffed him when he didnt need to be buffed.
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 07:21:35
Darealone wrote: So with AE out...I heard that Fei Longs EX Rekkas frame advantage on block was buffed. I remember it being -8 or so on block, but then when I was watching a tourney down in Australia(Shadowloo Showdown) I heard them say that it is now -0 on block and the second one is -1. Does anyone else find this EXTREMLEY CHEAP!?!?! I hate Fei Long now. Hate him. They buffed him when he didnt need to be buffed.
It all depends on what version of the rekka's you use. They're all unsafe on block, however you can space them correctly to hit on the last active frames making them safe on block. The spacing is the key here, you can easily a point blank rekka with practically any reversal. Fei Long isn't cheap. He is really good, but he's far from cheap. His moves are far from spammable. To play him well you need to have tight spacing, solid footsies, and be great at hit-confirms. He's good because the rest of the cast got nerfed. That's why the twins/fei-long/zangief/sagat/makoto are considered the higher tier now. They got a few buffs while the rest got nerfed. Fei long plays just as good in super with a few changes to his rekkas. If you want to give Fei-long a hard time, choose characters that can rush him down really well or can out poke him in footsie battles. -
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 07:40:06
street fighter's too hard, i mean it's too hard because it's too easy(dunno if you understand what i mean, tekken is easy because it's hard, unlike sf wherein the commands of most chars. are the same)
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 20:29:54
@Clyde Tekken and Street Fighter are two different games. This is the Street Fighter thread. Go to the Tekken thread.
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 01:30:15
Alrighty so I'm going to play Dudely now. I'm currently a C rank Rose but don't get me wrong I still love playing Rose, I just want a different character to be good with. I like Dudely as a character more than Rose, so I'm starting with his combo trials. I think I've got up to 16.
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 15:26:12
Darealone;119180]@Clyde Tekken and Street Fighter are two different games. This is the Street Fighter thread. Go to the Tekken thread.[/QUOTE] EX-Rekka's 1-2 are safe on block going 0 to -1 and then -23 if they go for the 3rd. Yun is stupidly good. His EX-Dash punch is Safe...pretty much like all of his damned moves <_< . He's an annoying character, but if you safe jump him he'll be free on wakeup. Most characters have some option selects to prevent back-dashing. If you can shut down his back-dash game you can seriously hamper him. [QUOTE=sangara wrote: Alrighty so I'm going to play Dudely now. I'm currently a C rank Rose but don't get me wrong I still love playing Rose, I just want a different character to be good with. I like Dudely as a character more than Rose, so I'm starting with his combo trials. I think I've got up to 16.
Dudley's trials are pretty easy, but they don't represent his BnB combos. If there's one thing you need to learn is to react to jumping with his jump roundhouse that slams opponents to the ground. His really brutal combos do take some timing practice that's for sure. The rest of his trails after 16 are pretty easy, they're all just super confirms from target combos. There's no tough link challenges. -
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 16:20:20
how the hell does timing work in this game, ive having trouble linking even the most basic chains in ryu trials i thought you're supposed to press the next button when the "pulse" reaches the end of the bar?
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 16:46:52
iMatt wrote: Dudley's trials are pretty easy, but they don't represent his BnB combos. If there's one thing you need to learn is to react to jumping with his jump roundhouse that slams opponents to the ground. His really brutal combos do take some timing practice that's for sure. The rest of his trails after 16 are pretty easy, they're all just super confirms from target combos. There's no tough link challenges.
I'm just really bad with my execution. I spam buttons way too much and it's not controlled at all. I feel like being able to do these trials will help a little bit. That and I'm still learning Dudley, lurking shoryuken ftw :D -
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 17:58:07
Zombo wrote: how the hell does timing work in this game, ive having trouble linking even the most basic chains in ryu trials i thought you're supposed to press the next button when the "pulse" reaches the end of the bar?
@Zombo Start here: [video=youtube;1_nS5Jj3pHY][/video] SF mechanics are similar to playing an instrument. They require timing/muscle memory. Ryu's jabs are chain combos which can mash out and they'll combo. However, the actual damaging combos are link combos. Where you have to time your button presses in a very small window after the previous move. These are usually 1-5 frame links (game runs at 60FPS). You have 1-5 frames to hit the button at that exact moment depending on the move. Some combos like zangief's crouching light kick (cr. lk or cr. short) x 4 are one frame links. Where you have to hit the button at the same 1/60th of a second interval 4 times. It's because of this difficulty that most people don't play SF. It's just fucking hard to learn, all there is to it. Takes months to gain muscle memory and years to learn game mechanics/strategy. -
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 02:27:04
@iMatt Wow...I'll make sure to remember that. Although, my safe jump timing is extremely off. I always jump way to early to execute a meaty attack and make it safe at the same time. It seems that the only bad thing Capcom gave Yun is that his up kicks arent FADC-able.
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 06:34:21
iMatt wrote: SF mechanics are similar to playing an instrument. They require timing/muscle memory.
i would argue its harder than instruments, because the "window" is smaller. you're talking about a 1/60th of a second window. in this game you have to quantize the time into 60 slices and different moves can take an arbitrary amount of time which are not even multiple of each other. in music, time is quantized in like 32th at most and everything is pretty much multiple of each other. it would be comparable to playing a song at tempo 110 bpm, then changing after 2 seconds to tempo 130 bpm, then changing after 2 seconds to tempo 90 bpm, etc... it's not a regular "beat" -
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 06:36:48
Zombo wrote: i would argue its harder than instruments, because the "window" is smaller. you're talking about a 1/60th of a second window. in this game you have to quantize the time into 60 slices and different moves can take an arbitrary amount of time which are not even multiple of each other. in music, time is quantized in like 32th at most and everything is pretty much multiple of each other. it would be comparable to playing a song at tempo 110 bpm, then changing after 2 seconds to tempo 130 bpm, then changing after 2 seconds to tempo 90 bpm, etc... it's not a regular "beat"
Probably is harder, but I was just making a ballpark comparison. -
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 03:46:57
[/SPOILER] Evo predictions anyone?
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 14:40:04
Darealone wrote: [SPOILER="Who...?"] [/SPOILER] Evo predictions anyone?
Top: Momochi Poonko Daigo Wolfkrone Infiltration Tokido Ricky Ortiz (unknown player) Justin Wong's play has been super cookie cutter in AE. He's barely been playing it. Daigo's Yun vs. Justins Yun is pretty much going to be in daigo's favor. Daigo can play far more patiently than justin. I can see justin wong being taken out in pools. -
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 19:12:08
Hasn't Justin been playing Yang more tho? Although I did see a Evil Ryu beat his Yang which caused him to switch back to his Rufus. Justin's probably aiming to win MvC3 and not so much AE.
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 22:01:26
Darealone wrote: Hasn't Justin been playing Yang more tho? Although I did see a Evil Ryu beat his Yang which caused him to switch back to his Rufus. Justin's probably aiming to win MvC3 and not so much AE.
He switched to yun, he just needed Yang for matchup knowledge. He's not playing Rufus, he gets blown up by the twins. -
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 00:30:24
Mike Ross is boss. Are any of these guys Dudley players? I'm still on my quest that I'm just now picking back up on.
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 15:04:46
sangara wrote: Mike Ross is boss. Are any of these guys Dudley players? I'm still on my quest that I'm just now picking back up on.
No. The only person that did play dudley competitively was Marn. But he dropped him for Yun as well. -
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 15:26:12
rofl I looked at the AE tier lists its all fucked up
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 16:53:12
Zombo wrote: rofl I looked at the AE tier lists its all fucked up
The tier lists don't mean much. Honestly the only real A tier is: Yun, yang, Fei-Long, Makoto. The rest of the cast can easily be played at B tier (except for hakan lol) -
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 17:11:37
so the new characters are OP? nice marketing strategy to entice ppl to buy the dlc
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 22:44:07
Anyone watching the Evo stream?
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:30:56
Been on it all day. I called Mike Ross being eliminated. He got blown up by CJ truth.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 04:20:59
Man. I believed in Mike Ross. It really does seem like Super Hong Kong Fighter 4 right now.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 16:11:06
So Marn is really awesome with Dudley, can someone explain to me Footsies, and Mixups?
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 17:55:25
sangara wrote: So Marn is really awesome with Dudley, can someone explain to me Footsies, and Mixups?
Footsies meaning walking in and out of your opponents poke range without getting hit. Mixup's referring to guessing situations. Like with zangief. After EX-Greenhand, he's -2 on hit. You have to guess what he's going to do after since you can't punish it on hit. Either he's going to SPD you, throw out another GH to catch your backdash, backdash to bait out an SRK, or if he has ultra II, he'll catch the jump back. Or el fuerte once you get the knockdown. It's all about confusing your opponent or making them guess at what you're going to do. -
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 17:37:11
So after hours of trying to play Dudley I have given up, it's back to Rose for me.
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 05:50:33
sangara wrote: So after hours of trying to play Dudley I have given up, it's back to Rose for me.
you're not gonna pick up a character in a day. It takes around 1-2 weeks to grasp a character, 1 month to play well, and 3 months to master (if not more). That's the time commitment in these games. When AE dropped I continued playing Zangief (main in super). Got to top 8 on XBL then I realized how lack luster his options were the longer I played. Once you know the gief routine it's really easy to avoid. So I dropped him and kept bison as a backup. I took up T. Hawk instead since he has reversal options, safe jumps, and random factor. I got my ass kicked for about a week, then I started grasping his play style, now roughly 2-3 weeks later. I have the #16th best T. Hawk on XBL (just shy of 9000 BP). You can be good at anything if you practice at it enough. From the sounds of it I don't think you're experienced enough to take up some execution heavier characters. (Viper, Makoto, Ibuki, dudley, Gen, etc.). If you play rose, I would say try taking up chun li. (her execution is so-so) but she can do the same fireball zoning, but create rushdown opportunities if the situation demands it. -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 22:32:49
Fuudo...Evo 2011 Champion. Who would've guessed. Props to Latif tho for knocking Tokido, Daigo, and Poongko out.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 16:25:02
iMatt wrote: you're not gonna pick up a character in a day. It takes around 1-2 weeks to grasp a character, 1 month to play well, and 3 months to master (if not more). That's the time commitment in these games. When AE dropped I continued playing Zangief (main in super). Got to top 8 on XBL then I realized how lack luster his options were the longer I played. Once you know the gief routine it's really easy to avoid. So I dropped him and kept bison as a backup. I took up T. Hawk instead since he has reversal options, safe jumps, and random factor. I got my ass kicked for about a week, then I started grasping his play style, now roughly 2-3 weeks later. I have the #16th best T. Hawk on XBL (just shy of 9000 BP). You can be good at anything if you practice at it enough. From the sounds of it I don't think you're experienced enough to take up some execution heavier characters. (Viper, Makoto, Ibuki, dudley, Gen, etc.). If you play rose, I would say try taking up chun li. (her execution is so-so) but she can do the same fireball zoning, but create rushdown opportunities if the situation demands it.
I did realize that I wouldn't pick up a character in one day, I did put a solid 8 hours into Dudley and I just couldn't pick up his flow. I usually pick characters based on how I feel while playing them, Dudley was the first that I decided o would just play based on seeing other people play him. Even though I didn't end up enjoying him, I definitely improved as a player by practicing with him. I used to be a pretty intense button masher and now with the Dudley practice I'm so much more controlled, I still have a long way to go but I feel like I'm on the right path to advancing my skill. I do have one question, how the hell do charge moves work? -
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 22:37:31
sangara wrote: I do have one question, how the hell do charge moves work?
Charge moves are basically moves that you have to hold a certain direction for a certain amount of time before executing the second movement for the move that you want to come out. Like for example Guile's sonic boom. The command is <-- and then -->+punch. So you have to hold back for atleast 2 seconds before executing the second movement(foward and punch) before you move comes out. The movement requirement is easier but it has a down side which is the wait or "charge" of the move. If that doesn't make sense...I'm pretty sure iMatt has a better explanation. -
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 23:37:14
Yeah I guess I understood that... I just have a terrible time executing charge moves. Is it 2 seconds on all of them or do different characters have different times?
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 23:38:12
sangara wrote: I did realize that I wouldn't pick up a character in one day, I did put a solid 8 hours into Dudley and I just couldn't pick up his flow. I usually pick characters based on how I feel while playing them, Dudley was the first that I decided o would just play based on seeing other people play him. Even though I didn't end up enjoying him, I definitely improved as a player by practicing with him. I used to be a pretty intense button masher and now with the Dudley practice I'm so much more controlled, I still have a long way to go but I feel like I'm on the right path to advancing my skill. I do have one question, how the hell do charge moves work?
When doing a move you hold the back or down direction for roughly 90 frames (1.5 seconds) then the opposite direction + button for any charge move to come out. I'd recommend learning how to play bison on a fundamental level, he's a great character, but his play style forces you to learn how to charge efficiently. The way you play a charge character is to always be holding back when moving forward. When You jump, you go from U/F to D/B immediately, like an opposite super-jump. When you're doing your focus you're holding back immediately. Walk forward a few steps, hold down back wait a moment, etc. So you never lose charge. -
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 00:44:50
It's amazing what a little practice will do. I'm getting way better at reading and poking the hell out of my opponents. Also working on charge characters with your advice is going pretty awesome, I'm still working on the combos but the fact that I can actually do the move about 70% of the time is another improvement. With my Rose I'm now at 827 PP and 2210 BP :D climbing the ladder that is Street Fighter. Also, Frame Traps?
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 05:34:04
sangara wrote: It's amazing what a little practice will do. I'm getting way better at reading and poking the hell out of my opponents. Also working on charge characters with your advice is going pretty awesome, I'm still working on the combos but the fact that I can actually do the move about 70% of the time is another improvement. With my Rose I'm now at 827 PP and 2210 BP :D climbing the ladder that is Street Fighter. Also, Frame Traps?
Frame traps are when you manipulate normal frame moves to try and counter your opponent or set them up to hit a button. Every move in the game has startup, active, and recovery frames. The way frame traps work is by using a move that is + Frames on block and then using another move to come out while those active frames are still positive on block. Example: Bison cr. short > s. RH This is considered a frame trap. cr. short (cr. lk), is +1 on block and +4 on hit. So what this means is you're left with +1 frame advantage on block. That means if you throw out any other normal move, that has a quicker startup, (like the roundhouse which is a 6 frame startup.). So if the opponent presses any buttons (that aren't invincible reversals) your kick's startup will come out in the game as 5-frames. When you're dealing with max range it'll stuff almost every poke people throw out since almost everyone's long range pokes are 5+ frames of startup. If they hit a button to out poke you, you get counter hit damage (hits them immediately after their startup frames). It can get pretty complicated for these setups, but you'll get used to it the more you study into stuff. my Stats: 2870 PP (down from usual 3000k + ) 10,113 bp (T. Hawk) 5316 BP (Bison) 4970 BP (Zangief) 2960 BP (Honda) 4019 BP (Sagat) -
Date: Sat, Aug 6 2011 17:47:32
So I want to start recording matches for some reason, mainly because I want critiques, I registered at shoryuken :D This was just the first match I played, I just happened to be put up against someone way lower. Anyway I think this isn't too bad for a recording.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 21:47:20
@sangara Not bad. Although...should've used your super on your first combo. Keep working on your Rose tho. Also, why Ultra 1?
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 07:16:46
sangara wrote: So I want to start recording matches for some reason, mainly because I want critiques, I registered at shoryuken :D This was just the first match I played, I just happened to be put up against someone way lower. Anyway I think this isn't too bad for a recording.
You're playing stupid and that dudes a hardcore scrub. When going against balrog your game plan is to keep him out. Once he's in he can setup nothing but frame-traps along side of constant pressure. His 3-frame jab will knock you out of your ex reversals. To break down the match. You missed almost every punish on his blocked headbutts. Punish with cr. strong xx fierce soul spiral or with Ultra I. You never jump at balrog, any good player will headbutt or cr. fierce anti-air you all day long. Again this guy sucks so you got away with it. The rest goes ok, just random hits back and forth. However you need to block more, he was nailing you with cr. roundhouse constantly. Learn to space your slides so they hit meaty to setup tick throws and abuse your backdash. It's one of the best in the game. Another thing to note is that you should be using ultra II to alleviate his pressure game. It pretty much allows you to do free walk up throws since he has to block the orbs. -
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 17:14:39
Is buying the pad worth it? Or can you do as well on a xbox controller?
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 20:56:22
@iMatt How do you know when the damage scaling resets?
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 22:04:43
So are you supposed to go through a time where you absolutely suck? I've been trying to figure out how to play better, yet all I'm doing is failing.
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 02:50:38
Since I'm absolutely sucking right now I'm picking up Guile, I'm getting down the charge motions finally. I'm enjoying myself once again in this game.
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 04:46:53
sangara;126040]So are you supposed to go through a time where you absolutely suck? I've been trying to figure out how to play better, yet all I'm doing is failing.[/QUOTE] That's what happens when learning new characters. I'm still learning seth and I will lose 15-20 games straight before I win a single one. Getting the feel with some characters can be difficult. [QUOTE=Darealone;124850]@iMatt How do you know when the damage scaling resets?[/QUOTE] Damage-scaling occurs when a combos reach a certain damage point. Like an level 3 focus attack into ultra will scale 25-50% depending on the damage it can do. When it scales is all determined by the damage of which hit you're on. [QUOTE=sangara wrote: Since I'm absolutely sucking right now I'm picking up Guile, I'm getting down the charge motions finally. I'm enjoying myself once again in this game.
It really helps to learn how each character plays in a relative manner. That's how I got back into it after I made the move from Sagat in vanilla. I learned how to play charge characters which opened up a whole new realm of thinking. -
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 19:33:15
iMatt wrote: It really helps to learn how each character plays in a relative manner. That's how I got back into it after I made the move from Sagat in vanilla. I learned how to play charge characters which opened up a whole new realm of thinking.
Yeah I just couldn't seem to use all the advice I was given while playing Rose, that and she just started to kind of seem boring to play. All I care about now is that I'm having fun with Guile. -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 00:20:59
@iMatt is there any secret to getting the timing on c.lp > Sonicboom? I can't seem to get it, I did get > Sonicboom once... but I don't know how.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 22:23:23
@sangara Are you pre-charging ur sonic booms? Do you keep getting a spinning back fist punch when you try doing a sonic boom? If so, then that probably means that your not charging long enough. So hold down back and do c.lp or and then try to do ur sonic boom. If you are doing this, then you may be doing the wrong movements or something else. I used to play Guile myself but I went to Akuma. Offensive over defensive for me.
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 05:48:54
sangara wrote: @sangara Are you pre-charging ur sonic booms? Do you keep getting a spinning back fist punch when you try doing a sonic boom? If so, then that probably means that your not charging long enough. So hold down back and do c.lp or and then try to do ur sonic boom. If you are doing this, then you may be doing the wrong movements or something else. I used to play Guile myself but I went to Akuma. Offensive over defensive for me.
You need to time the sonic boom. There's a thing called charge buffering. Instead of hitting forward + punch after the charge, Do down/back > forward > down/back, hitting the button a moment before hitting downback again. -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 01:52:58
[video=youtube;RjH7zJUvtUo][/video] [B]Gets me everytime!!![/B]
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 02:18:07
Oka...REVIVE!!! Check out my blog please!!!!!
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 04:41:37
I've been hovering in the 1-2# ranking for T. hawk on XBL. Get raped. lol
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 00:53:46
Good lawd man! I thought you were more on Gief?
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 05:33:31
Darealone wrote: Good lawd man! I thought you were more on Gief?
Dropped zangief for T. hawk. Mainly play T. hawk, bison, and honda now -
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 02:27:58
iMatt wrote: Dropped zangief for T. hawk. Mainly play T. hawk, bison, and honda now
Really? Well props to you man! Imo Hawk is pretty hard to play, either that or he's to slow for me to play. Sorry but I HATE Honda, even with the nerf, he deals so much damage, espcially off a counter-hit headbutt. -
Date: Sat, Nov 5 2011 02:54:35
I'm still working on my Rose :(
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 20:22:23
FINALLY! 50% completion on Trial mode. :D
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 04:43:04 It's all about SF4's rise, it's pretty awesome.
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 00:32:35
So my Adon is ballin right now, about to take him to Tuesday night fights to see what's up.
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 00:39:04
I thought you were a Rose player? @iMatt I still am not understanding the concept of a frame trap. So what I think it is, is that when you do your frame trap, you leave a small window in between those moves because of positive advantage frames so that the opponent's button will comeout and you counter-hit it. Right...?
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 06:49:41
Frame trap: The attacker will hit the opponent with a move that has positive (+) frames on block. Ex: bison's cr. short = +2 on block. The attacker will then throw out a move that normally has a slower startup that would be used to counter-hit the opponent if they were doing a certain move. Ex: bison's s. rh = 5 frame startup Doing so will create a frame trap in which cr. short which gives +2 on block, reduces the s. rh startup to 3 frames. So if ryu throws out a crouch tech option select (usually with jab) (his jab is 3 frames and everyone's throw is 3 frames), it will counter hit him out of it since he's negative on block during the hitstun.
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 20:46:58
Anyone get SFxT? Seems really cool, although the juggling mechanism seems really wierd.
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 21:31:50
"DLC" That's it
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 21:58:16
Epic Holiday wrote: "DLC" That's it
You are aware that almost every game with DLC has stuff that's not finished on it to make it easier for the devs right? Anyway looking to get SFXT pretty soon, lack of money. Also Rose is still going strong. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 13:51:22
It seems like all the top tier characters are already starting to show up too. Mainly King and Raven I think are top tier.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 21:50:56
From what I see, King, Raven, Rolento, Ryu and Kazuya. Those would be my best guesses, I have to side with renic thinking that Hugo will phase out.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 03:08:50
yeah I love Combofiend. :D
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:53:25
Dude...Hugo is crazy. Damage output is just toooooo much. I see a nerf coming soon. Plus I say his "clap" needs more push back after maybe the second one on block. You can just murder people in the corner with that move(I know I did).
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:25:23
Boooo SFXT
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 01:55:00
Should had waited for Super Street Fighter X Tekken Tournament Ultimate Edition - Arcade Re-Balanced Version Frog~
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 02:21:35
Just started playing street fighter arcade, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 04:26:35
Learn what's safe and unsafe. What character are you playing? In other news I got my Rose to 1300 PP and 5003 BP, my Rose is now 0 PP and 3300 BP. I want to know what the fuck happened ._.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 17:11:19
@sangara Nice work on the Rose. But why Rose? And wanna upload a recent match so I can watch?
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 02:38:26
I'm definitely training up in SFxT. I run Kazuya and Zangief. Im hovering at 5000BP there. In terms of tiers on high level S: Ryu, Ken, Hugo, Juri A: Kazuya, Guile, Jin, Raven, Heihachi, Rufus B: Roughly Everyone else
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 23:02:13
Because I love Rose, she's all like awesome with normals and stuff. Also 1 frame link BnB because I'm hard core. Yeah I'll try and upload a match some time today, I have to find a good one though, can't go showing off a shitty Rose :P. Also I'm slowly climbing my way back to 5k bp and 1300 PP, I went through a pretty bad slum.
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 15:36:54
@iMatt I haven't played for a few days but I'm in love with that hitconfirm into super :D what do you guys think?
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 22:48:46
@iMatt ADD ME!! PSN: Pahoned
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 23:31:26
That super in R3 was a complete accident lol, I got excited because I knew he was going to EX Painbow, and he did. But yeah still a lot to work on, got some help on SRK too, I'm going to Wednesday Night fights at Super Arcade this week, gonna see if I can meet Combofiend :D
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 20:42:37
@sangara PSN or Xbox live? Might add you.
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 18:54:35
PC, used to have PSN too but can't access the internet with my PS3 anymore. :/
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 05:00:38
@iMatt you made the Youtubes:
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 05:41:33
So I got SFXT. Terrible game.
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 17:32:44
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 01:49:41
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 16:48:28
The Dan player? He is pretty good with such a scrub character. Still, got money on a unknown dude coming out of know where and blowing stuff up. As for SFxT...ehhhh. Game is super broken, has capcom even patched the Rolento projectile glitch yet?
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 17:08:30
nice thread
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 21:14:53
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 22:49:24
LETS GO...uh...Daigo?
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 04:59:42
So many upsets, I am sad.
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 22:15:09
Let's go Mr.Naps!! Or is he out? I can't seem to find the brackets...
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 22:28:15
Top 8 is Dimineion, Infiltration, Daigo, Human Bomb, Poongko, PR Balrog.... I can't remember the other two.
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 01:38:46
I'm "Aethereal Angel" on PC.
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 21:02:09
Infiltration...I knew someday that guy was gonna come through!!!
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 02:05:22
He destroyed too, he's on this crazy level. There was an interview on day one and he said he'd be taking both SFxT and SF, turns out he was right.
Date: Thu, Jul 19 2012 19:42:59
He can play 3 characters...and he KILLZ with all three, unlike someone -cough- JWong -cough-. Oh...did I just say that?
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 01:51:17
JWong is still really good, I was dissapoint this year.
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 03:55:27
Too many upsets...I wanted Combo to win UMvC3 too, not Champ.