Trading / Buying / COOL pens. gotta see this. Pinoy trade thread. super awesome
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 13:30:56
Pendolsa pens. 15US$
MXs/ 5US$(Tell me if overpriced)
Random/personal mods: 15US$ (White buster cyl Wannabe. Pinoy made, heavy and functional. with 2 removable caps. like a bictory. actually it is....
Cool black red pen. 8US$
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 13:31:58
Green skull pen.8US$
Black/white with a touch of Makin...10US$
Mettalic Emboss10US$
Saizen mech pencil functional wannabe..15US$
Tornado subs. pinoy wannabe...8US$ each
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:12:40
No offence, but you're selling a bunch of really ugly mods for a really high price. I doubt anyone will buy these, like the 'buster' + 'tornado' are the same price as the real ones, people would buy the real ones than these :/
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 11:25:46
LOL serves you right marvin
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 13:03:02
haha i see renz's red mod!! Yup @ +Rapid18++ marvin... not pretty much of an enter huh vin.. Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: Haha serves him right...
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 14:23:52
:gtfo: Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: fake emboss LOLOLOL
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 10:43:55
what do ya mean by bumps? @Rapid
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 11:16:10
AngelSpinner wrote: what do ya mean by bumps? @Rapid
Bumps are used to up a thread. It pretty much contributes nothing to the thread but it makes people notice it. -
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 00:57:31