Member Introductions / Hello There
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 22:11:38
Hello everybody! I'm Lombax (Ratchet and Clank reference ^_^). I'm new to both this forum and to pen spinning. I started at the beginning of this year (2011) and so far have managed to "mod" a pen and hit myself in the eye with it many times. :facepalm: My so called "modded pen is pretty much just an RSVP with two caps and a gel grip crammed into one cap. Thats pretty much all about me that has to do with pen spinning. I'm looking forward to increasing my skills and i'm interested in a good pen mod, so any suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks!
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 22:23:13
hey :welcome: to upsb, metallic comssa should be good for you. Or if you cant find it try and make a bictory, or rsvp mx .
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 22:29:13
Thanks! I'll look those up and decide which one i can get my hands on
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 01:13:18
hey welcome to UPSB and yes a bictory is a good starter mod
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 01:43:37
Bictory is pretty good, so is the rsvp mx and the metalic comssa are great starter pens
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 01:43:55
Ya use a RSVP based mod since most if them are light. Make sure the mod is balanced cuz most of my RSVP mods are unbalance thats why i use a heavy tipped bictory. More aforadable.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 13:29:39
:welcome: to UPSB enjoy your stay