General Discussion / Is Pen Spinning Dying / Quitting or Bored of Spinning thread
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 14:07:10
Is pen spinning dying?I cant seem to see alot of people pen spin nowadays... they are all about "pakour" and other stuff.....And theres no new tricks..
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 14:19:35
There's not much new tricks, cause a lot of possible things have been done. But still, there's an extreme amount of tricks. But (IMO), I think it's better if not many people knew about psing. Cause think of it. If everyone at school knows how to ps, then it wouldn't be considered a special skill anymore. No one would look and say, "Woah, that's cool!" cause they would be able to do it too. I dunno about you, but that's the way think of it.
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 14:19:56
Never dying. Maybe I think Penspinning become big culture in the world. I'm sorry i bad English.
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 14:47:32
ALL my friends know...
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 17:34:01
it depends, if there wasn't many ppl spinning in your area to begin with... then you can't say the number decreased... you say the number of tricks doesn't really increase, well thats true, but with combos and different styles, pen spinning looks very different from person to person, if you learn about pen spinning you will come to appreciate the differences.
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 18:07:03
Does anyone ever get bored of pen spinning? Like one day your spinning and then your like *i cant be bothered to do this anymore...*
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 18:27:21
NO, In my case, no. I spin it all the time, streets, school, on the bus, by bike, on the beach, in the bathroom, in the elevator, while hanging out with pigeons, by talking with someone, on the car, by ordering yogurt or Bionico. Basicly PS to me never gets old :/
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 18:28:33
I agree with escorpio xD
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 19:55:32
It happens to everyone at some point, no matter what. You just have to decide at that point if you want to force yourself to keep going until you like it again, or just give up. Most people choose give up lol. I gave up spinning but I still like the community so I stay and moderate
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 22:20:01
In the beggining, yeah, but after 6 months or so, not nearly as much
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 22:23:20
i just started and i think about it but i just keep spinning cuz it doesn't bother my other hobbies like graffiti or skateboarding ^_^ and it's pretty fun and something
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 22:28:32
KiD wrote: i just started and i think about it but i just keep spinning cuz it doesn't bother my other hobbies like graffiti or skateboarding ^_^ and it's pretty fun and something
Haha i wanna see u spinning a pen and doing tricks with da skateboard at the same tme ^.^ -
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 22:31:30
Im bored but I force myself to spin every day and practice :]
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 00:19:11
I never really practice anymore, just occasionally bust out some pencilling. My level is staying similar, but cont tricks are running longer and longer still. This is purely because I'm spending too much time on other things though. =/
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 01:30:12
lol, it depends on what im learning. but other than that, either my left or right hand has a mod at all times.
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 01:52:27
I got REALLY bored of PS after about 6 months cause I still sucked, but I kept with it now at about 9 months and doing MUCH better, and if I ever get frustrated with a trick (happens a lot) I just think how cool it will be in 4 months, for me its just trying to get up to about 2 years then ill hopefully be good :P
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 03:14:34
When I started penspinning I got bored really fast, because I could not learn tricks fast enough. But after I bought mods I progressed at a faster rate, so it didn't become as boring. I think the main reason people get bored is because they do not learn fast enough. lol
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:03:38
Im bored now. So i just lurk here and bboy
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 06:36:28
Kinda bored, so I spam with my MXs and i cwalk and bboy... :/
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 10:45:16
I got bored for a while and did nother hobby bored with the other hobby got back to pen spinning
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 14:23:24
Not really bored of it exactly, just kinda lost interest? I stopped following the community and keeping up with all the new stuff that was happening for a while, and when I came back, the whole hobby just kinda exploded. Now I can't be bothered to learn all the new tricks, pens, mods and whatever so I just stick with how crappy I am, with my old school mods and just spin when one of my mods are nearby and I'm in class or at my computer or something. I still do enjoy doing it, but I don't think my interest level is as high as it was when I first started, which is what's stopping me from learning new tricks and getting better.
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 14:53:20
youdied23 wrote: When I started penspinning I got bored really fast, because I could not learn tricks fast enough. But after I bought mods I progressed at a faster rate, so it didn't become as boring. I think the main reason people get bored is because they do not learn fast enough. lol
This guy speaks the truth. For me, I have only been spinning in the class and during filming recently... Pretty much. I just don't practice at home or anywhere else. Feeling like there are something more important and more fun to do out there. :dunno: -
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 15:03:10
I don't blame you, not everyone is the type of person who's willing to just sit there for a few hours dropping a pen over and over again. I can see doing it during class or whatever, because you honestly have nothing else to do with your hands when you're just sitting there and listening. But when you're at home, you kinda have a ton of other crap to occupy your time with.
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 15:31:14
I pretty much only do it during class. Also, exams, helps me concentrate and not, you know, stress out like hell because the exam is worth a huge chunk of my final grade. Can't be bothered to learn flashy/hard tricks/linkages because people get really angry when you drop too much
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 16:40:13
I just remind myself that I've spent at lest $150-200 or so on this hobby, and that I love it and the board, and the people on it, if i ever feel i'm hitting a rut with progression. I never think about quitting except to wonder "Would I think about quitting?" and the answer is always "LOLNO :D" I have a cycle of hobbies i like to do, so sometimes i'll be really into sc2 that month for example, and not spin as much, but then the next month be like "oh yeah, YAY PS TIME" it's also my sometimes unfair and probably heavily opposed philosophy that if one is good at something, and has enjoyed it at some point, one shouldn't throw away their talent without a good reason ;D
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:51:22
strat1227 wrote: It happens to everyone at some point, no matter what. You just have to decide at that point if you want to force yourself to keep going until you like it again, or just give up. Most people choose give up lol. I gave up spinning but I still like the community so I stay and moderate
@strat1227 you like the community..... strat dude there is something fucked up with your brain dogg -
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:56:13
When you start spinning your mind is like; Pen Spinning > Girls But when you grow up your mind becomes; Girls > Everything In some cases you're stupid and it stays; Pen Spinning > Everything
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 12:00:53
Actually for me, it became school > other stuff.
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 14:45:27
@AoD1 haha yeah, true that :P
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 17:40:51
to me Penspinning=dicipline penspinning=practice penspinning=lifestyle
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 06:17:35
Iota wrote: I just remind myself that I've spent at lest $150-200 or so on this hobby, and that I love it and the board, and the people on it, if i ever feel i'm hitting a rut with progression. I never think about quitting except to wonder "Would I think about quitting?" and the answer is always "LOLNO :D" I have a cycle of hobbies i like to do, so sometimes i'll be really into sc2 that month for example, and not spin as much, but then the next month be like "oh yeah, YAY PS TIME" it's also my sometimes unfair and probably heavily opposed philosophy that if one is good at something, and has enjoyed it at some point, one shouldn't throw away their talent without a good reason ;D
YES. Balancing SC2 and PS is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. =[ -
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:08:36
Hey, what if I tell you know to stop spinning your pen. I mean move on, stop that. Just throw away all your mods... Just stop spinning ok? Would it be easy to quit penspinning? I just think it's similar to smoking, but I need help in terms of stopping penspinning. If these were cigarettes I can stop them, (well i don't smoke) but Pens are items that you use everyday. So what do you guys think?
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:20:14
I would stop, as long as i get to sell my shit.
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:24:17
Just dont bring pens to where you are going, and the pens that r around u are regular pens, they're hard to spin anyways.
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:24:58
i dont bring pens anywhere, and i spin my normal pens all the time in school LOL
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:30:29
I just need to sell MOST of my shit
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 03:55:01
That'd be tough. I think in this case since it's not a true addictive thing I could truly stop whenever I outgrew it. As of right now I'm not ready just to quit pen spinning so no I wouldn't be able to. It's so enjoyable for me that I don't think I'd be able to give it up. I mean I went on vacation for a week in Florida once and my hands got so antsy that I start spinning random bics that they had in the hotels down there o_O haha
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 04:18:29
KTrinh93 wrote: That'd be tough. I think in this case since it's not a true addictive thing I could truly stop whenever I outgrew it. As of right now I'm not ready just to quit pen spinning so no I wouldn't be able to. It's so enjoyable for me that I don't think I'd be able to give it up. I mean I went on vacation for a week in Florida once and my hands got so antsy that I start spinning random bics that they had in the hotels down there o_O haha
You didn't bring a mod on your trip? :o -
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 05:03:40
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 05:07:49
pointless thread
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 16:08:48
Ricercar wrote: pointless thread
I just asked you for a battle right, forgot to make a thread.. well i'm making one later. -
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 16:31:57
You're going off topic in a thread u made .___. Um. I think I can stop ,cause I'm relatively new, as long as there's smth else to do
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 17:42:45
No. It's impossible. Give up all hope of stopping. Lol, of course it's possible for YOU to stop, you've probably lost interest, which is why you made the thread. If you lose interest, it's easy for you to quit it. I personally don't see why you would want to though.. To my earlier comment, that applies to me, I'm no where near ready to stop spinning, I love it, it's a part of me wherever I go. Whenever, wherever, I can do it..
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 19:45:21
It's actually pretty easy for me if I had to stop. Because normally, I don't spin and/or practice a lot, anyway. =/ I just spin when I want, and just stop when I find that something around me is more enjoyable. Everyone has a different answer on this question. If you're really addicted, just throw all of your mods into a safe and lock it up or something like that, and force yourself not to think of PS.
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 19:56:32
I could stop, but i don't see why, and I wouldn't do it just because you asked me to, and i'd probably just practice a diffeeren't manipulation instead.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 21:57:36
new tricks arent being thought of that often cuz it can be difficult to think of a new tricks cuz there are already alot of tricks out there and plus infinite number of combo sequences
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:06:43
I think I could stop, but it would be make a small hole in my heart. It would be like using a fork to eat noodles for me, it won't feel right.
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:34:38
why would you? its not like you have to practice 5 hours a day. you can just be like im bored and im gonna go penspin. its not an addiction just a hobby. just pick up a pen when you want to spin and you dont really need to quit..
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:56:24
its not dying as such. Currently i think we are at a point where we have plateaued with people quiting and people joining. Perhaps not quitting, but being less active. Perahps that gives the illusion that psning is reducingin in numbers. But lets look at something more official like the WT. Surely the amount of spinners in this upcomming WT11 is greater than WT09 > WT07. I think is the same for WC. (i could be wrong... here..but i think thsi is right) So in this regard its becomming more popular. Other boards are springing up, gathering people of their own country so perhaps less are comming to UPSB. ...getting bored...well tahst not unique to pen spinning. Its something that happens in every hobby/sport/art, jugggling, tennis, cs, sc, gymnastics swimmming etc etc. of course its posssible to get bored, perhaps you should make a thread on how NOT to get bored of psning, bc of cousre ANYONE can get bored.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:02:00
Pen spinning isn't dieing. UPSB is.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:33:33
Krispy Kreme wrote: Pen spinning isn't dieing. UPSB is.
Unfortunately I agree with you... -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:43:00
Says the kid who joined 3 mos ago.........
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:51:40
UPSB isn't dying, I don't get why everyone always say that it is.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:54:11
because they realize penspinning isn't as popular as they imagined and instead of coming to grips with it, they like to believe it died out for some reason, makes it easier, ya know
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:20:04
AwonW wrote: UPSB isn't dying, I don't get why everyone always say that it is.
UPSB: dying since 2005. Real painful and slow death. :rolleyes: -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:03:19
I don't post as much as I used to, but I've been spinning for over 17 years and I still haven't lost interest in PS. Sure, i've gone through periods of time where I would only PS once in a while, but I think everyone who has been spinning for a while goes through that. In fact, I think taking a break from PS once in a while and exploring other hobbies is highly beneficial. I often come back more motivated and with new trick ideas after learning a new hobby. I think a big part of staying interested is to be open minded...explore everything. That's the only way to keep PS fresh and to always improve yourself :)
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:06:18
open-minded is definitely the way to go, PS evolves really quickly, people who are too close-minded will soon find that Pen Spinning wont suit their tastes anymore if they are not able to appreciate the changes. Also some people see some changes they don't like and they just give up right away, when in the future it could come back to a state they like more. So you need patience also.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 06:03:54
Zombo wrote: UPSB: dying since 2005. Real painful and slow death. :rolleyes:
in what way? (i was very inactive in upsb last few months. -.-) -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 06:36:51
cyshing wrote: in what way? (i was very inactive in upsb last few months. -.-)
nothing, just attention whore doomsayers spewing the same stuff over and over again for the last 6 years... :tongue: like Awesome said, ppl who deny the fact that they personally changed or lost interest and instead shift the blame on others and UPSB in general. -
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 12:04:36
No I'm not getting bored. I just wanted to know.
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 12:12:03
To think I started this thread... I feel guilty for saying that i was getting bored. I just was noob.
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 00:13:43
yea, we need some more tricks...
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 01:53:46
UPSB since i cam is definitely starting to deteriorate, however, most or many new psers now are like kcom: really young, and probably not brave or outgoing enough to make account and join boards like UPSB, so maybe we just have to wait a couple more years for a boom in this penspinning community. Thats just what i think i may be wrong :P
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:30:19
That's normal if you are new. Same thing happened to me, I quited penspinning 2 years ago for a few months but if you start spinning again, you will see a difference. ^_^
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:45:44
my family is doing everything to [B]kill[/B] penspinning for me... but im still spinning
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 23:44:23
it's gonna become an olympic sport someday i swear. if gun shooting is a sport, why not pen spinning?
Date: Fri, Jul 26 2013 17:02:10
RicLu98 wrote: it's gonna become an olympic sport someday i swear. if gun shooting is a sport, why not pen spinning?
Sorry for the bump in the old thread. This subject is fairly important to me so i thought that i would just get this out there. The day that happens, i move to the bottom of the ocean. Only cuz psing to me is something that i did just to be "out there" in a sense. I dont want to spin for recognition, prizes, awards, commendment or anything of the sort. Last year i would ps every chance i got. Walking down the hall, waiting in line, on an elevator, climbing down stairs, during exams, when the teachers talking... everything basically. I would wait to come home so i could try out new things. Now im kinda just slugging along in almost everything, except school (my rank is higher than ever :D) I just kinda wish that psing would come back to me like it was last year. Maybe im bored cuz ive spun pencils since like 3rd grade but idk... Theres just something i feel is missing... -
Date: Fri, Jul 26 2013 17:18:06
BeyondEminence wrote: Sorry for the bump in the old thread. This subject is fairly important to me so i thought that i would just get this out there. The day that happens, i move to the bottom of the ocean. Only cuz psing to me is something that i did just to be "out there" in a sense. I dont want to spin for recognition, prizes, awards, commendment or anything of the sort. Last year i would ps every chance i got. Walking down the hall, waiting in line, on an elevator, climbing down stairs, during exams, when the teachers talking... everything basically. I would wait to come home so i could try out new things. Now im kinda just slugging along in almost everything, except school (my rank is higher than ever :D) I just kinda wish that psing would come back to me like it was last year. Maybe im bored cuz ive spun pencils since like 3rd grade but idk... Theres just something i feel is missing...
But just because you spin for fun and relaxation only, it doesn't mean others have to do the same! There are so many sports that tons of people do just to have a hobby and spend time. There can be a lot of different approaches to the same thing. :) -
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 02:36:52
"Is pen spinning dying?" Wait, when was pen spinning "alive"?
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 02:44:00
Wobster wrote: "Is pen spinning dying?" Wait, when was pen spinning "alive"?
2007~2011 -
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 03:03:52
yeah you could quit ps, thats why it could die but when you grow up and your at work, you do thumbaround for fun it will die, but not in your heart it wont
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 03:24:42
@BeyondEminence ever tried cycling?i did,but i stopped for two years and only got back into it a few days might be thinking right now why i am telling you this...well amazingly,i still managed to ride the,if you have learnt a skill,no matter how long you stop,you will still know the basics of it... well,something is missing?go find it then!no one can stop you... probably you are bored cos u never really found something exciting to do with pen bout having battles in battlezone?or just going around amazing your friends can be an interesting thing to do too!
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 04:55:46
It will be 'alive' again some time in the future. But right now, it's pretty dead compared to when I started learning. :c Less newcomers than before and with oldies quitting, the status is not very good. I also think that people nowadays [including oldies who still live in this age] take PS less seriously than before due to life and everything, so how can you expect it not to be so dead? What we should think about now is what factors that dragged so many people into pen spinning in the last few years before. Media? Trend? Excitement due to the uprising of powertrick? The last one maybe not, since it was so popular here even before powertrick existed. But what caused that trend to suddenly happen when, assumingly, PS has been around for so long, accordingly during WWII or who knows when [but definitely after pen is invented]. That's what we should discuss about
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 05:32:18
Enkronidus wrote: Less newcomers than before and with oldies quitting, the status is not very good.
I find that the newcomers that do start spinning, lose motivation to continue. -
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 06:15:11
I cant even TA during work... Frog~
SwitchPalm wrote: yeah you could quit ps, thats why it could die but when you grow up and your at work, you do thumbaround for fun it will die, but not in your heart it wont
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta -
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 06:20:02
Froggy wrote: I cant even TA during work... Frog~
wat, then anything trick you can do with normal pen -
Date: Fri, Sep 20 2013 21:03:54
UPSB is pretty empty now compared to 5-6 years ago. How do other boards compare?
Date: Sun, Sep 22 2013 07:29:53
My friend who got into spinning a while back ordered some mods, including a Dr. KT and a F1r3fly G3. By the time his order arrived (here in Asia) he already quit PSing lolol
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 04:15:18
really, cool story, bro
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 06:42:06
i think its cus people have smartphones etc with them at all times so they dont need PSing to entertain them anymore
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 13:49:52
It's actually getting boring since there are no new stuff coming out unlike what happened in Peem's era. >_<
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 13:50:54
@Yamaguchi fel bro fel
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 13:52:36
Walkaz wrote: @Yamaguchi fel bro fel
his tricks. some spinners dont find em attractive -
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 19:23:29
Kemu wrote: i think its cus people have smartphones etc with them at all times so they dont need PSing to entertain them anymore
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 10:04:36
Yamaguchi wrote: his tricks. some spinners dont find em attractive
All the people who say that his tricks are not attractive don't even know what they are. -
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 12:00:29
eurocracy wrote: All the people who say that his tricks are not attractive don't even know what they are.
It's seriously not attractive, but you got some point in 'dont know what they are'. it's ugly mate, accept that. why would someone learn an ugly lookin trick.., stop fanboying, unless you're gay. -
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 12:16:54
Yamaguchi wrote: It's seriously not attractive, but you got some point in 'dont know what they are'. it's ugly mate, accept that. why would someone learn an ugly lookin trick.., stop fanboying, unless you're gay.
You don't know if a trick is ugly if you don't even know what the trick is. For all you know it could be, and actually is, his style. Also fanboying, from you, ahahahaha. And not everyone wants to do useless spinning where you spin the same tricks for three years, like you lmfao. -
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 13:14:23
How about people accept each others' opinions and stop forcing them upon others. Geez, what are you guys, religious fanatics?
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 13:46:42
Erirornal Kraione wrote: How about people accept each others' opinions and stop forcing them upon others. Geez, what are you guys, religious fanatics?
i love you -
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 17:28:50
In real life, some people don't even know how some entertaining things work. They just observe and give opinions right away. You can't just group all the observers into the same kind just like that! Isn't that also our job to keep our spinning to be as attractive as possible to both fellow spinners and the rest of the earthlings? Not saying that Fel's spinning looks bad, by the way.
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 17:40:00
Enkronidus wrote: In real life, some people don't even know how some entertaining things work. They just observe and give opinions right away. You can't just group all the observers into the same kind just like that! Isn't that also our job to keep our spinning to be as attractive as possible to both fellow spinners and the rest of the earthlings? Not saying that Fel's spinning looks bad, by the way.
To some that might be the case, but pen-spinning isn't the same for everyone. Just like that, everyone might have different opinions on what his/her job is when it omes to pen-spinning. Some might want to share it as much as possible and be the entertainer for the outside world, others might just want to explore the limits of what s/he can do. You make your own job, it's not a collective project. -
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 18:17:04
Yamaguchi wrote: i love you
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 19:41:14
judging by the current state of fpsb yes
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 23:50:01
older spinner reaching their 5-6 mark really just stop being motivated. I mean where is s777? where is peem? The champions have lost a lot of interest even. I agree that newer spinners find it too hard. Like a lot of hobbies, it takes a lot of work to start to even truly appreciating the ability to spin these pens. The intermediate spinners then get affected by the older spinners retiring, and the newer spinners quitting, so they in turn are over it as well. I dont think raising the difficulty in our current tournaments will result in anything that strongly in favor. A new trick will appear every now and then, but its nothing new. Why? Perhaps because pen spinning has become little predictable. There are Collabs, World Tournamnets, and World cups. 1. Collabs don't mean much anymore, they are becoming too common. Dozens of new ones are found weekly. Remember when they were few collabs and each one were so interesting? 2. Tournaments, WT and WC's especially, have become [B]too criteria focused[/B]. As a result, pen spinners spend hours and hours locked up in their rooms trying to "satisfy" the judges to win, as oppose to enjoying their spinning. I am guilty of this. As a result, they lost motivation, and leave. Lets not forget all the pressure from all the viewers who get "disappointed" . I think for pen spinning to continue to become popular, and moving forward, a new direction will be needed. A lot of pressure is released because you have only have 30 seconds of or 1 min or whatever. For example, Live pen spinning is very interesting, spinners like snow should be highly regarded. Unlike filming which can be like8 hours of pressure. because I dont understand why his videos dont have a lot more views.
Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 03:09:03
Chozodragon wrote: judging by the current state of fpsb yes
judging by the current state of jeb no -
Date: Wed, Oct 23 2013 19:42:51
JEB is the only board with virtually no activity and a paradoxical constant stream of talented spinners. It's like the Chinese jar in Eliot's Little Gidding. (Is it Little Gidding ? At least in the Quartets)
Date: Wed, Oct 23 2013 22:09:25
Pretty sure a lot of interaction goes on in-person in Japan since they all know each other and probably aren't so far.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 03:01:27
This is actually an interesting topic and one that always seemed to come up during the summer when there was less activity. I was thinking and it seems more like instead of penspinning really dying, it's more reverting back to maybe it's average popularity. The "penspinning renaissance" as it seems may have just been an abnormal expansion and is now seeming to simmer down. There were still well known spinners that stopped spinning, but the activity still remained constant or grew. Cloud Traveler first comes to mind.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 05:07:53
Like this post if you dont actually read the long messages in a post
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 16:10:18
Yamaguchi wrote: Like this post if you dont actually read the long messages in a post
Irrelevant to this topic. -
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 03:51:53
Some people may find it too hard to keep up with the current standard once they stop just for a little while, so they quit. I myself think that I "suck" at ps considering my ps age, but still carry on spinning.
Date: Sun, Oct 27 2013 12:38:41
haha thats nice in gpc we discuss if penspinning was just a trend XD