Reports / Reported Post by hoiboy
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 16:58:09
hoiboy has reported a post. Reason:
wrong thread
Post: Request Breakdown Requests Forum: General Discussion Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: aaron12345 Original Content:Is it ok to post pen mod breakdowns here? if so i am going to teach you a very easy pen created by me aaron12345. First, you will need 1 uniball signo barrel (with ink tube inside is ok) Second, you will need 2 uniball signo caps (with the arms broken off) Third, 2 tips (heavy ones) and 2 grips (from a heavy pen same as the tips) Here in hong kong all of the stuff you need is about 24 hkd or 3 american dollers OK, first get your tips and break off the arms. next get your grips and slide the over the cap and leave some room for the tips. then put the tipson bouth sides of the pen and your done! if you have any questions just ask.