Battlezone / Battle Spinford vs. Lanaro >>VOTE<<

  1. spinford
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 20:11:41

    Spinner 1: {Spinford} Spinner 2: {Lanaro}

  2. Kirby
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 20:24:22

    So close, lanaro just a little faster though.

  3. walrus
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 20:25:20

    @spinford, what is the first trick of your combo?

  4. Jamal
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 20:28:01

    @Kirby speed battles aren't all about who goes fastest, it's about who can pull off a good combo while having speed. In this one Lanaro had the better executed combo while having speed, and so i vote for lanaro

  5. casual
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 20:56:40

    I'm not really a fan of battles with themes. >.> Lanaro > Spinford for me because of the overall structure of the combo. There's more variety of tricks, whereas Spinford's combo felt more repetitive and drawn out. Also, Lanaro's linkages show off greater skill in general.

  6. spinford
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 21:15:18

    rushed the combo at last minute. Oh well ill do better next time

  7. Kirby
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 22:28:53

    @Wonder ......yah I know, I've been around for a decent amount of time, and I'm not retarded. I meant they both had a nicely executed combo, but Lanaro's was faster.......Same as why you voted for him.

  8. tacohead12
    Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 23:28:29

    Lanaro didn't seem that much faster imo. However his combo seemed to have much more variety and creativeness