Serious Discussion / Thieves/money?
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 19:11:03
So lately, a lot of jewelry shops and whatnot around the LA area have been getting robbed and held up at gunpoint. They just want the money cause the economy is shit, but do you think there are any other reasons? Some people will KILL for money, which I think is fucking insane. Take this thread for example. Skip down to post 13. Yes its on a Honda/Acura forum, but just look at the mother fucking picture. [spoiler=Read this after youve seen the post] Its already sad that they stole a car from someone, but they practically SLAUGHTERED the car. There is NO reason why they shouldve cut up this car. You cant sell any part of the car as cut up for any money. If it were a Japanese version of this car, thats a different story; I wont get into that. But I think this is absolutely inhumane and just plain sad. They left the car in PIECES down the Interstate. They couldve stripped the car for parts, and couldve sold the exterior for a good 8 thousand.[/spoiler] So, now that I've ranted, how about you? Whats your opinion on thieves and/or money and/or greed?
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 19:22:27
Get rid of it. Just get rid of greed and money and stealing and see how the world may be.
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 20:13:57
Neotoma wrote: Get rid of it. Just get rid of greed and money and stealing and see how the world may be.
That a simplistic and naive view of the world.... I think it results from over emphasis on material possessions in our society, not everyone is able to fit in and get a high paying job, some of these people lack empathy, and some of these people are pretty courageous/confidant. Its a minority in society like this that will just go out and rob people. Usually they don't have anything better to do. Its a bit irking to see people who shun criminals, but just be concerned about material possessions as much or more so as those criminals. Also the justice system could use improvement, its ridiculously inefficient, expensive, and a long process to get through even simple cases. There's even people who try to use it to get huge amounts of money for themselves, with no regard for if its just or the effects it has on the person they are trying to sue. Those people, while harmless, still have the same mentality as the criminals they are so against. So sure, you can look at criminals being greedy, and yeah, they should be punished, but the greed and motivation element is prevalent throughout society, people don't commit crimes because its "the wrong thing to do", but rather they are too scared of the consequences. As long as this attitude is around its not going to get any better. Crime is the symptom of a problem, but not the problem itself. Sure, its a good thing to treat the symptoms (legal system/punishment), but the actual problem seems to be a part of us as humans, which few people want to do anything about it seems =/ -
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 01:05:13
@Awsome what did you expect from a 12 year old girl? :rofl:
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 03:18:24
stealing little shit every now and then because your lazy and the company your stealing from is huge, and uneffected; thats fine. Stealing a car and destroying it like a douche whore; well... it makes you a gay douche whore.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 03:27:02
Kirby wrote: stealing little shit every now and then because your lazy and the company your stealing from is huge, and unaffected; thats fine. Stealing a car and destroying it like a douche whore; well... it makes you a gay douche whore.
This is exactly what I want to say.