Tutorials Pending Approval / No-Name (yet) Pen mod :P
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 15:14:17
Hey guys its bonkey12 here with my first tutorial.. So lets begin..
EDIT : just added some thin grips on both caps (length of grips - about 3 rings..) =========================== Stats: =========================== No-Name (yet) met COG: COP Length:19.7 c"m Weight: i would say its pretty light.. dont have the exact number cuz i dont have a g scale.. Style: Double sided cap Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: i dont really know cuz i got the some of them from friends.. and some i found at home.. but it doesnt really cost that much =========================== =========================== Materials : 1x Supertips from Crayola (body) 2x Paper Mate FlexGrip ultra (tips) 1x 1x Faber Castell Twin Tip Marker (caps) 1x bic piece (only about 2~3 c"m.. can be subbed with anything that fits tightly on the barrel..) pic of the Faber Castell:
=========================== [SPOILER="Text Tutorial.."] 1. gather up your materials.. (sorry i dont have a pic i just ran out of tips and supertips.. 2.Take the back plug OUT of your supertip crayola and empty the supertip.. (ink) you dont need the back plug.. 3.take your Faber castell marker caps
and hollow them.. like so :
4. screw on paper mate tips on both caps..
5. take a bic and cut about 2~3 c"m.. push it in the back of the supertip (push in about 1~2 c"m in..) and wrap tape over the part sticking out so the cap can fit tightly without moving
6.wrap tape (not alot) on the front piece of the super tip so the cap fits tightly.. the pen mod is now spinnable :) [/SPOILER] varies caps:
the blue thing sticking out of the gray cap is my bic subbed (mentioned it in the material list).. i used 3x g2 grips on these caps ^^. Happy Psing :spin: comment :) if i can improve something.. change.. suggestions are welcomed ^^ BIG EDIT: the mod with some grips..
EDIT 2: Found the name of the marker!! Faber Castell Twin Tip Marker
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 15:26:39
kewl mod^^ i'll give it a try...Props for making it :)
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 16:55:33
Who requested this...?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 18:16:33
umm how about you name it Flextip from flexgrip usage and supertip combined very simple but imo gets the naming job done
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 19:14:07
Idk, if anyone requested this but at least it's formatted fairly well haha. Looks pretty cool anyhow :P nice job
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 19:31:42
What are the caps?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 21:23:56
thx guys.. and some people told me it would be cool if i made a tutorial on this.. and even if no one requested.. i made this to help people.. its not like im forcing you to make this mod.. @DLSpins lol cool name.. i might use it :P
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 22:07:53
I know but is that the name of the pen? Oddly ambiguous. There should be a name for the pen, for example the Faber Castell Gripmatic. I googled and there was no pen called Faber Castell duoble sided marker, it makes it easier for people if they actually want to make this mod.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 22:19:11
do you want me to give you a close up pic on it? it says Faber Castell and its a double sided marker.. lol i guess you can use these but you'll need 2..
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 22:35:00
No as in, it's impossible for anyone to find that pen unless you actually give us some information about it, like the product name, model number, etc.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 00:40:46
Uhm...I don't like :P sorry, CREATIVE CRITICISM TIME: Well to be honest, I don't really like the look of all, maybe... better color scheme would fix that and...white body? Black bodies don't match a lot of colors, besides red and blue...and white of course ^^. I understand how Wonder feels about the "Who requested this...", however...even though I might agree with him about that, and how it should work by posting in the SOYP thread, it usually ends up with... nobody responding to the mod that they post, people usually saying NOTHING useful about improving the mod already made. Anyways no more rambling, the mod in itself is...interesting. The pens needed to make the mod however, are spread pretty much all of the world. Maybe a little bit better description on just "bic piece." There are alot of pieces in a bic >_>. Also...the momentum of the pen looks like it would be shifted, due to the low weight of the caps and slightly heavier tips with a heavy supertip body. Grips would help, but honestly not really :P. All in all, bad mod in my opinion, just my opinion.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 00:42:22
I have some of these pens if anybody wants to trade
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 10:47:52
thx man but a couple of things.. i added some grips on to my mod.. about the colors ya i know.. i didnt hve a white body.. and my blue cap is used.. about the momentum.. the tip actually goes on ome of the cap because it is screwed in.. and the supertip body is NOT heavy because it is empty.. @+Guitrum+ do you maybe know how the pen \ marker is called? thx ^^ oh btw.. about the bic piece.. i meant a piece from the bic.. LOL doesnt really matter.. just a regular bic
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 10:59:39
oh, here in Brazil, they call them as "bicolors" at the stores....
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 16:22:29
Hmmm I get some coloured pencils when I search for that.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 19:58:08
can u please post pics of the mod with grips? because the mod looks like its not complete. . . .
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 20:06:47
Wonder wrote: Who requested this...?
That's not a requirement, that's a suggestion to avoid being flamed like hell. -
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 20:12:25
added pictures in the first post..
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 20:27:28
nice mod, I'll be making one.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 21:05:52
@Wonder for fucks sake. You are the biggest fucking douche on UPSB. STFU honestly... Cool mod Bonkey! I like the length and the the look. Weight seems about right as well :)
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 21:43:01
@Twine that's cool if you think that, i was just wondering who requested this tutorial.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 21:47:18
I'm pretty sure someone requested, but I'm not sure, maybe a PM request, but like i said, I'm not sure. It looks like a comssa spam with caps, tips and grips, like a comssa metallic. :/ No offense.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 21:57:18
its a very decent mod i think, only thing i'd change is the color scheme. . . but i guess what grips u had lying around your house are the ones you used, so the color scheme could of been limited:p cuz thats the problem i have:(
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 22:53:31
ya i wrote that i had limited materials.. cuz i accedntly ruined 2 caps.. 2 are in use and 2 are for save.. and i only had a black supertip.. (gotta wait till my bro ruins more :P lol) edit: another grip option.. to make the mod lighter :
oh lol sorry for the dark pic.. its 1 am and my light bulb died X_X i used 8 rings of G2 grips on each side.. good luck ^^ btw.. to who ever makes this mod.. pls upload a video of you guys spinning this mod.. thx 2 all :)
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 20:19:01
hoiboy wrote: That's not a requirement, that's a suggestion to avoid being flamed like hell. actually is.. -
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 01:34:30
its looking better then some requested tutorials, not freaking good but...neat:) Also i think ill use the outsert idea for something, nice idea to use that pattern.
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 06:26:11
looks cool anyway
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 12:12:05
EDIT: found the name of the fber castell marker!! 1x Faber Castell Twin Tip Marker
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 10:00:44
NICE BRO!! Name it papertips... Lol jk I wanna make tat