Tutorials Pending Approval / unknown pen mod
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 23:10:26 This is my unknown pen mod. i dont know the name for it. it is an excellent mod! materials: 2 staples postscript any 2 grips (or one large grip cut in half) one small colored pencil first, take the clicking part off of both pens. then, insert the small colored pencil into one pen but not all the way finally, stick the other pen on the exposed colored pencil optional: put a grip on each side (recommended)
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 23:24:27
I am sick of noobs making tutorials that are pieces of shit.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 23:25:42
dont get mad
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 00:57:30
Noobs will be noobs...
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 01:03:17
lol... thats the first time I've seen somebody actually link to a picture of their pen on facebook... make it your profile pic, dante (lol)
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 01:07:11
Krispy Kreme wrote: I am sick of noobs making tutorials that are pieces of shit.
Then stop reading them. -
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 15:04:41
who recommeneded it? where are the stats? you have incorrect template. this mod sucks. stop spamming and read rules first. i hate people like this...
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 16:56:36
@Jan don't even go there. We both know you're that type of person. either way, make the correct template next time, dont just make tutorials when it wasn't requested, and lurk moar.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 17:06:58
Lol Jan =.= Anyways try using the
thingies so the pic is in the thread. Makes the tutorial much cleaner
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 17:08:51
Lol Jan got wrecked by wonder xD also, it'd be nice if we could see a picture ^^