Single Member & Tag Videos / [World Record] 301x Middle Spreads by Jan
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 22:08:41
[video=youtube;6m00G5kFWso][/video] world record... :o
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 22:22:50
Now do it with a pen.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 22:36:26
^lol so true, i love you mats
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 22:41:35
good job :)
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 23:27:15
Good job ^_^ Like I said in the other video, a lot nicer control than your initial 140 something personal best. However, my criticism about spinning closer to the center of the frame still holds for this video.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 23:50:54
No one cares he hasn't use a pen?
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:34:04
Fresh wrote: No one cares he hasn't use a pen?
Get over it. He just set a new world record, at least applaud him for the effort. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:38:41
@Fresh, although your hot, i still have to disagree with you. Although the mod is long, its still a pen.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:41:59
Jan wrote: [B]although your hot[/B]
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:52:53
i lold
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:54:59
hoiboy;42334]Get over it. He just set a new world record, at least applaud him for the effort.[/QUOTE] I don't understand the obsession for having a world record for every trick and I don't understand why people don't care if someone uses a stick to set it. [QUOTE=Jan wrote: @Fresh, although your hot, i still have to disagree with you. Although the mod is long, its still a pen.
Does it write? And how long is the mod? -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:01:42
@Fresh ♥♥♥, the pen is 25cm, it is 2 crayola ST bodies together, 2 grips on either side, and 2 metal tips on either side. it doesnt write...
compared to my hand, it doesnt look like a stick...
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:03:26
25cm? I've seen baton twirlers using ~30cm batons...
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:06:32
:ok now your making me feel just sad as if though getting a world record doesnt count because i used something longer than a Buster CYL that looks like a baton... @Fresh ♥, even though you can get a little naughty i will always love you :inlove: :wub:
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:07:54
Do it with a buster CYL?
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:08:55
you gave me the hope+love. i will try @Fresh :wub:
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:11:12
hmm, congrats Jan, good work =__=" beat my record by just one....if i feel really really bored i'll try to beat it xD raise your camera, pen/hand is too high up as said before i declare a spread war :D (maybe) 'stick' i will use is 22.4cm long, weighs 16.6g
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:11:17
Jan wrote: @Fresh ♥♥♥, compared to my hand, it doesnt look like a stick...
It looks really long in your hand actually. If it were 20-21cm, then yea it would look fine in your hand. 25cm is alittle much. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:15:06
@i.suk i accept your challange
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:18:15
Do you: 1) Accept his pen spinning challenge or 2) Accept that you are going to do a baton twirling challenge against his pen challenge?
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:31:48
put that in a combo and ill be impressed.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:37:36
^even though you'll never need to use more than like, one or two spreads in a combo.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:41:41
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:31:09
Jan wrote: @Fresh ♥♥♥, the pen is 25cm, it is 2 crayola ST bodies together, 2 grips on either side, and 2 metal tips on either side. it doesnt write... compared to my hand, it doesnt look like a stick...
lmfao 25 cm with airfitsss not overkill at alll -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 03:19:53
good job, but i would seriously recommend focusing on linkages and trick variety than middle spreads :x
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 03:21:39
Jan;42336]@Fresh, although your hot, i still have to disagree with you. Although the mod is long, its still a pen.[/QUOTE] She is hot? who? I thought she was a guy acting as a girl :facepalm: wow. You know her personally? It is a penmod, and any tool you can use for spinning is fine. [QUOTE=Fresh;42326]No one cares he hasn't use a pen?[/QUOTE] People that have set records before are not always using pens, need to get that in mind, I did the TA Harmonic Record with a pencil :D. [QUOTE=i.suk wrote: hmm, congrats Jan, good work =__=" beat my record by just one....if i feel really really bored i'll try to beat it xD raise your camera, pen/hand is too high up as said before i declare a spread war :D (maybe) 'stick' i will use is 22.4cm long, weighs 16.6g
Wow, you did this number -1? o.0 I knew you were pro, but to do this number of spread :O wow, let's see who wins :D -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 03:26:13
Escorpio123 wrote: She is hot? who? I thought she was a guy acting as a girl
I just speak my mind freely. Me. x x -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 03:32:56
Fresh wrote: I just speak my mind freely. Me. x x
Ok :), x x? :lol: I understand that. :mods: -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 10:26:29
Fresh wrote: 25cm? I've seen baton twirlers using ~30cm batons...
Noooo, don't blame Eriror's ComPirat. :( Eww, another 100-ish world record? XD Very nice, I can see effort in it. And 25 cms mod is way too gigantic for your hand, yes. Just saying, I have to admit your patience and consistency for doing 200+ cont. But I've done two 10-ish world records, and no one is able to beat them so far. :dunno: If you like spread, that's fine. But if you just want to go for the world record, there are easier things to deal with, IMO. Nice, though. Keep going. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 10:34:33
Enkronidus wrote: If you like spread, that's fine. But if you just want to go for the world record, there are easier things to deal with, IMO. Nice, though. Keep going.
the thing is, for spreads...when you reach x 20, it's not that hard to reach x 30, and then you get x 30, x 50 is not that far off....and when you reach x 50, you can get to x 80 and x 100 easily xD then x 100 to x 150, x 200 is not that other words, number of spreads are easier to increase than most other cont tricks in general truly insane numbers like x 400 are out of reach though, unless you have incredible stamina -.- -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 12:40:32
i.suk wrote: truly insane numbers like x 400 are out of reach though, unless you have incredible stamina -.-
Or an incredibly long mod... -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 19:17:08
Fresh wrote: Or an [B]incrediably[/B] long mod...
lol -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 19:46:27
the pen doesnt use aifit tips. i made a black version of it yesterday x x blinking is what messes me up
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 20:10:51
i.suk wrote: truly insane numbers like x 400 are out of reach though, unless you have incredible stamina -.-
Unless you're doing TA Harmonic over 500x XD or if you're evolution and can do 3-400 cont fl tas and busts ._. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 20:48:52
Nation wrote: lol
Must have just mindlessly typed in that 'a'. How weird. :lol: -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 21:26:49
i like how jan is still oblivious of fresh, and trying to flirt, and failing.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 23:51:44
Jan, obviously Fresh is a girl. You are very lucky such a beautiful girl likes you! Awesome Mid spreads btw (foreal)
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:07:45
@Twine You're right, they're all in their kitchens making us food~ jk, but staying on topic... Jan, even though that's impressive and I don't even want to approach numbers that high, I agree with most of the others in that you should focus more on the main aspects of spinning, not just World Records or cont. stuff or power tricks... How about style for a change? I'm a noob too, but even I realize what should be done in order for it to be considered 'progress'. Good job though ^^
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 01:21:51
Wonder wrote: i like how jan is still oblivious of fresh, and trying to flirt, and failing.
Remember, he's only 12 years old, lol. -
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 15:06:20
/updated to 301x (!) yay
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 15:09:29
Good job.
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 00:20:40
awwwww now i see why this person is banned
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 12:31:05
lol nice ^^ If you like to do world record, do not listen to others spinners whose are totally unable to do that ^^ and seriously i use heavy pens, and i think its a lot more funny to get over 100 busts 300 pinkybaks hundreds of backs and spreads in any way, some will prefer to stop at 10 busts with pencil some others like big numbers that's just a choice... i have more than 10 world records and i'm still not bored xDD keep spinning man !!! beating records is just for fun :)
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 00:27:10
nice looked like you flipped people off