Regular Pen Discussion / dr grip varieties
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 23:37:12
so i was just wondering if anyone could help me out with the different types of dr grip pencils/pens i realized there are alot and just wanted to ask if you could post a pic and the type of dr grip it is Thanksss
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 23:40:44
american/japanese black grip/white grip/foggy short/ foggy long/ clear long/ gold (?) japanese heavy tip/american heavy tip/japanese+american g-spec tip i know i forgot a few but either way...
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 01:27:48
The main three types of Dr. Grips are the American, Japanese, and G-spec (aka Center of Gravity) Dr. Grips. *Note: I'm not distinguishing pen vs. pencil (most ps-ers tend to use pencils) American Dr. Grips are distinguished by their cloudy grip. This is what you would see in an American CVS/Office Max/etc... Japanese Dr. Grips are distinguished by their clear grip. Also, the tip has a different shape than that of American Dr. Grips. Pen mods tend to use this type of Dr. Grip grip. G-spec Dr. Grips (or Center of Gravity, same thing) are distinguished by their semi-cloudy, thinner grip which is seen over a colored inner grip. Japanese G-specs have a plastic tip, and American G-specs have a metal tip (from my experiences at least). They can be told apart by the packaging, and the look/feel of the tip. The picture linked is an American G-spec. Most spinners don't mind the difference between Japanese and American G-specs since usually, only the grips are used in modding. [spoiler=back to back comparison] American
G-spec (American)
[/spoiler] There are also rare types of Dr. Grips with black, white, or gray grips. (Probably some others that I'm not aware of, also)
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 07:15:09
I was at Maido a few days ago, there was a cartoonish/kids Dr. Grip for $15 there. The barrel was decorated, and I think the grip was too.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 12:08:24
Posted this a while back.
- Dr. Grip Black - These are basicly Black G-Specs, even though they are not called G-Specs These have the body of my white Dr. Grip exept mine is one of the desk ones at the bottom.
- These are the normal G- Specs
- White G-Specs
- This is the flash colour series, which the whole pen (exept for the outer grip) is a given colour.
These are CL Dr. Grips, They are pretty much G-Specs exept for the inner grips are a different colour. The CL Dr. Grips come in either
. I'm not sure but I think that the inner grips on these have weird textures. This page lists all of the mechanical pencils that Pilot make now. The Dr. Grips are somewhere in the middle. Now we get onto Dr. Grip ballpens. You can find all of pilots ballpens here. There are a few in each section. These are Dr. Grip Gells. They only come in the portable variety (Ones with pocket clips) These are Dr. Grip 4+1. They have weird tips :p. They have white grips. These are the ballpen version of the all Black Dr. Grips. These are the G-Spec ballpens. These are the flash colour G-Spec ballpens. And finally, this is the Dr. Grip CL ballpen. It must be noted these only come in the SkyTime variety. Most of these Dr. Grips will have either a "Portable" or "Desk" hook/ hole at the end. The "Portable" ones have a Pocket hook, and the "Desk" ones have a hole for you to put a mobile keyring or something on. And that concludes my Japanese Dr. Grip Primer :p It's rather messy and kinda off topic but I hope it improves your knowledge on Dr. Grips. I think that the White gripped Dr. Grips and just these with White Grips.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 15:36:37
japanese dr grips clear grips are the ones most used for modding g-spec (center of gravity) dr. grips are found in a ton of office supply stores and dr grip neons are the ones that are ballpoint pens and are found in america those are the main ones used for modding^
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:05:07
I found a company brand neon sub with a navy grip. jealous?
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:07:11
Yellow dr grip grips are made by soaking them in g2 ink overnight.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:14:06
But you don't have a navy one do you? didn't think so XD and you can dye them like any color by soaking them in sharpie ink.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 21:35:46
Kirby wrote: But you don't have a navy one do you? didn't think so XD and you can dye them like any color by soaking them in sharpie ink.
holy sheit really? -
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 14:09:30
Hello UPSB now it is a little time i am watchin the board and i decide to register because i have a question is this pencil a french dr.grip ?