Forum Games / Riddle
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:11:53
we you guys know this game posted by me on v3 so this is how its played -make a riddle and let someone answer it. simple i will not start this riddle game because i have no riddle so the first person who post gets to start have fun -Catch
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:30:13
I am as big as an elephant, but as light as a feather. What am i?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:36:26
miyat wrote: I am as big as an elephant, but as light as a feather. What am i?
shadow -
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:37:13
shadows dont weigh anything.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:54:37
In the memory of V, [B]an idea.[/B]
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:23:57
no those are all wrong answers, you kind of have the right idea about thnikk
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:31:59
A really light elephant? Nonexistant?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:35:50
Wait so....did someone answer it correct already?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:50:41
no, ill give a clue it is not a solid.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:52:30
Air amirite? Or something similar I guess
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:54:20
wind/air? :dunno:
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:56:11
a cloud?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:59:39
yeah it was wind but thats fine
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 21:13:14
Never played this game before, so just asking, should I come up with a new riddle, or can everybody do it? EDIT: Or can all that said air? If so pls feel free to make up a riddle, if you have a good one in your mind ;)
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 22:06:01
they're 3 guys on a cliff. all the men fell expect for one,how could this be?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 22:11:57
They were all on top of him.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 02:52:42
wow wtf i was supposed post a riddle. w/e be sure to designate who goes next from now on.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:00:42
EDIT: oh nvm -___-
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:19:55
elephant ballon??
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:20:37
The third was Justin Beiber
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:21:10
Nachoaddict wrote: Air amirite? Or something similar I guess
I actually think the answer IS a shadow. Not sure tho. -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 12:04:27
shadows dont weigh anything .___. I have a proposal. [B]How about we post our answers in a spoiler?[/B] I also have a riddle. What word has the same meaning even if you take away 3 of the 4 letters?
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 12:17:52
@SJ I have several suggestion :P 1. Cent ---> c 2. Volt ---->V 3. Verb ----> V 4. Noun----> n 5. Mass----> m 6. Foot ---> f 7. Giga----> G 8. Gram---->g 9. Hour --->H 10. Kilo---> k 11.Week ---> w 12. East ---->e 13. West--->w 14. Pawn ---> p (in chess) 15. Rook ----> r (in chess) 16. Post ---> p :dunno:
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 12:42:42
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 23:54:21
Kari-Chan wrote: five
lol bingo i feel like people are using google for some reason... -
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 03:04:06
Okay this thread kind of died away but I'm here to epic revive: Easily googleable btw just for your convenience. There is a boy at a funeral. During the funeral procession, the boy looks around and spots a very beautiful young lady. Three and a half weeks later the boy murders his mother. Why?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:33:51
Some kind of affair... ? I heard this one before but don't remember the exact answer.
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 21:05:36
Nope :p
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 23:47:05
was it because he wanted for the lady to show up at another funeral so he could see her?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:11:53
It's his mothers killer
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:36:46
Wonder either you know this riddle or you are a future murderer. They asked a similar riddle to all these people convicted of homicide and they all got it right
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:40:14
:s thats not good to hear you throw away the outside, you cook the inside, you eat the outside, you throw away the inside What is it?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:55:10
corn What is it that is Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, and always tells the truth?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:58:22
Hellen Keller
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:00:22
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:02:43
My penis? =I uhhh... a judges gavel? George Washington?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:08:31
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:18:19
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:32:14
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 01:47:02
This paragraph is unusual.How quickly you can find out what's so unusual about it. Nothing is wrong with it. It's unusual though. You can think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. If you work at it a bit you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching or asking.
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 02:02:19
theres no E in the sentence at all, lol i used this riddle in v3 someone else feel free to post a riddle, i dont have one
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 04:47:52
Lololol helen keller?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 05:24:48
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 08:33:34
miyat wrote: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
A river :) next poster gets to riddilize -
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 12:50:20
A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and rode out again on Friday. How did he do that?
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 13:34:47
The horse is named Friday. Thinking...
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 13:43:02
Are mathish problems allowed? If not, someone else go. A bowl containing 200 balls numbered 1 to 200. All equally able to be drawn. What is the probability of drawing a ball marked with a number that is divisible by both 6 and 9.
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 06:49:49
Yes any riddle will do, ummm idk i hate math
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 12:28:04
ummmmm probability is idk .1 percent :33 GEGEGEGEGGEEE
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 12:54:25
Well chances are 100%. Any number can be divisible by 6 and 9, and you havent specified that the answer must be a whole number. But if it does have to be a whole number, i cba working it out. (:
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 20:51:24
I think (if the riddle meant whole numbers) it would be 8.3% .<--- this is wrong<_< My riddle- You fill a barrel with something, but its lighter in weight than when you started. What did you fill it with? -
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 02:35:24
Holes My riddle What's Nation's address and home phone number?
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 03:14:29
6969 Dicklick street 6969696969
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 03:28:58
Kk, are you going to post the next riddle.
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 01:16:39
whats 2 x 8 + the square root of 2372132 divided by 9372813^2 - 83782382 + 837281 * 322132 divided by the square root of 8289382910?
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 01:28:09
(2 x 8) + (square root(2 372 132) divided by (9 372 813^2)) - 83 782 382 + ((837 281 * 322 132) divided by square root(8 289 382 910)) = -80 819 963.9 whats the 4 digists of pi?
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 01:46:09
fuck. delete my post someone
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 01:49:17
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 23:32:47
3.14...........0? XD
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 00:17:18
i dont understand the question so im going to say 0003 or 3 or 3.141 or 1415
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 00:44:11
idk someone got it right next =]
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:16:53
Where will you find roads without cars forests without trees and cities without houses?
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:17:52
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 06:31:44
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 07:05:49
You decide that you have had enough of life, your gonna do it! You are going to jump. You take a trip to the golden gate bridge you put on your ipod and listen to your favorite song, you walk with the traffic just as the sun is setting and sit near the east end, you are about to jump when a man grabs you, you resist violently but he chokes you unconscious, You wake up in a dark basement chained to a pipe, you wriggle yourself out and sneak around the facility. You over hear the thugs talking and realize they have another captive, you resuce him/her promptly falls in love with them, escape epically and spend the rest of your life together. Later they make a movie and you become famous and die truely happy Why can this never happen?
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 08:42:20
the sun does not set in the east
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 10:15:02
was this a joke? @poseidon, it's a movie? @jay, at your post: [spoiler= rawr ][/spoiler]
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 13:36:39
jaychou wrote: the sun does not set in the east
Yes but there is one more. -
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 14:42:41
dying happy?
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 19:07:55
The golden gate bridge goes north-south not east-west.
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 01:11:17
a cowboy rides into town on friday, he says that he will leave in 2 days. 2 days later he left on friday.
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 01:12:45
so old BF, the horse is friday. You aren't even asking a question lol
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 21:11:42
[COLOR="lime"]I GOT IT[/COLOR] an elephants shadow =D
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 21:12:29
this thread died
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 00:45:40
You killed it by knowing every riddle :xd:
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 01:05:50
it was on icarly, and i just saw it xD
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 04:59:45
It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it?
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 06:14:54
Is it a beetle?
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 16:41:01
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 10:15:54
Wonder wrote: whats 2 x 8 + the square root of 2372132 divided by 9372813^2 - 83782382 + 837281 * 322132 divided by the square root of 8289382910?
It's a number! -
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 07:16:54
Theres a Russian father with a suitcase and his Russian son in America and they're both on the rooftop of a hotel. The father gives the suitcase to his son and says "Put this in our room. Don't open it." The son gets it then leaves. On his way to their room, he got tempted to open the suitcase. He opened it then saw a skeleton of a girl. He got so scared he ran back to the rooftop. When he got there he saw a guy thats hanged. Point out the 3 things that a wrong in the story above.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:30:03
Is one that Russians don't speak English? Lol, I don't really know.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:41:37
A. They are in America B. No english, they speak russian c. They are not at the same place E. How did the guy hang himself? No rope. It wasn't him.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:47:29
@Neotoma , Im not american but i live in america, does that defy your laws? nobody said they speak russian, just they are russian. and what he said could very well just be translated. Also, there is nothing that makes it seem that they are not in the same place.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:48:57
>.> shoot. your right.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 02:14:37
1. The location of the father was not specified. Since the context is "Russian father", it is assumed that the father lives in Russia. Also, since the paragraph explicitly specified that the son lived in America, it suggests that the father is currently not with the son. 2. The son is assumed to be a little boy. Why? Because he acts like one. Little boys can't tell the difference between a male vs. female skeleton. 3. It's highly improbably to hang yourself on a fucking ROOF. 4. Good luck fitting a skeleton in a suitcase. 5. You spelled "There's" wrong. Nice job.
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 21:08:51
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 02:19:32
Neotoma wrote: The third was Justin Beiber
lol good one -
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 04:34:47
Damn im beat. Nice job Loanshark.
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 00:55:47
new riddle? I had to search for one on the internet... A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis: The Wife said she was sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The Butler was cleaning the closet. The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 01:06:55
@kawearo mail doesnt come on sundays :o so it was the maid?
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 20:44:34
YEs it was the maid
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 03:31:13
A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law How come?
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 05:12:30
She wasn't driving on the street? She was at one of those driving lesson places?
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 23:58:38
where would the cops be???
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 00:15:11
You didn't say she was in a car, just said she's learning to drive, so did she just walk?
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 00:16:51
You cannot break me with a rock 'nore with a stick or stone, yet all u need to shatter me is use your voice alone. anyone wanna try? lol
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 11:47:50
@Vortex: a promise. lol
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 12:47:29
Wonder wrote: You didn't say she was in a car, just said she's learning to drive, so did she just walk?
You got that right. :) -
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 12:54:58
I am looking at somebody's photo. Who is it I am looking at, if I don't have any brothers or sisters and the father of the man in the photo is the son of my father?
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 14:07:25
Kyojin wrote: I am looking at somebody's photo. Who is it I am looking at, if I don't have any brothers or sisters and the father of the man in the photo is the son of my father?
You -
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 01:47:45
good try and i guess it would work, but not the one I'm looking for.
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 01:59:29
Are you looking at your own son's photo?
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 13:28:45
Biji wrote: You
If you mean the "I" in the riddle then you are correct. :) -
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 13:58:45
Imagine there are 3 coins on the table: gold, silver, and copper. If you make a truthful statement, you will get one coin. If you make a false statement, you will get nothing. What sentence can guarantee you getting the gold coin?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 03:56:38
umm....trick question? i dont get it. :blink:
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 04:52:21
Night Fury wrote: Imagine there are 3 coins on the table: gold, silver, and copper. If you make a truthful statement, you will get one coin. If you make a false statement, you will get nothing. What sentence can guarantee you getting the gold coin?
You don't need to make a statement/sentence, you just imagine you magically get the gold coin. :P -
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 05:07:47
you will not get the silver or copper coin?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 05:42:15
@Dylan slience
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 05:49:47
saying "i will not get silver/copper doesn't ensure you get the gold" you need to say "i will not get any coins" that creates a paradox, the universe rips open, and you get the gold coin
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 06:25:37
isn't there are a similar thing with a criminal and a judge letting him go free?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 12:41:15
yup, great job!
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 12:45:47
I will not get a copper coin, I will not get a silver coin, and I will not get nothing. Even if I'm incorrect, it works.
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 13:09:16
Answer to my question : (Me talking to the guy) You will give me neither the silver nor the copper coin. If it is true then he obviously has to give the gold coin. If its false, then he still has to give the gold coin because if he gives nothing, it makes the statement true, forcing him to give the gold coin.
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 13:11:06
I come thrice in a minute, twice in an hour and once in a day. What am I?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 14:07:37
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 23:32:43
Okay please. The basic rule in this thread is you tell a riddle, person who solves it tells the next riddle, and so on. No multiple riddles in the thread because it gets confusing.
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 01:08:22
Night Fury wrote: Answer to my question : (Me talking to the guy) You will give me neither the silver nor the copper coin. If it is true then he obviously has to give the gold coin. If its false, then he still has to give the gold coin because if he gives nothing, it makes the statement true, forcing him to give the gold coin.
Ya, I realize my older answer wouldn't work though, because if he gave you nothing it WOULD be false making it work, but while I was at school I though of a better reply- You will give me the gold coin, or give me nothing. I think that one may be even better than yours. -
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 01:10:14
well, if "y" count as a vowel that wouldnt work. so the answer would be- vowels (no y) consanents (yes y) [i notice i spelled that wrong.]
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 12:17:50
Wonder wrote: vowels?
yup -
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 20:58:08
@Dylan its only a vowel if it takes the place of i or e, such as in your name, it could be the same if it was dilan, but its spelled dylan. york - y isn't a vowel
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 02:14:26
i got a riddle. What has 4 legs, 1 foot, and 1 head?
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 03:38:36
Mah bed. Someone else do the next one
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 01:55:20
what runs around a soccer field but doesn't move?
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 02:11:02
@beastyeti that out of bounds line? the bleachers? the stands? a fence?
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 17:16:17
What crawls in the morning, Stumbles in the evening and, walks on three legs at night.
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 16:53:35
juggalo666666 wrote: What crawls in the morning, Stumbles in the evening and, walks on three legs at night.
Wasn't that a man? Hehe, idk -
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 17:12:39
What comes at the beginning of the end, in the middle of the beginning and at the end of the middle?
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 17:32:35
letter e
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 18:29:08
How do you fit an elephant in a refrigerator?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 18:30:17
Jazz wrote: Wasn't that a man? Hehe, idk
Correct. -
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 14:09:19
You open the fridge and put him in
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 17:11:59
how do put a giraffe in the fridge?
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 14:07:08
You take out the elephant, bend the giraffes neck, and put it in
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 17:02:29
Now there's a meeting of all the animals two of a kind sorta like the lion king, one animal wasn't there which one was it.
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 19:20:37
The girrafe cuz A.sate put it in a fridge =_=
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 22:09:56
two coins make 6 cents. One of them isn't a nickel. What are the two coins?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 00:00:55
Only one isn't a nickel :D so it's still a nickel and a penny Idk any riddles right now. someone else go
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 14:14:55
A man just moved into a new house. Upstairs there is one lightbulb and there are three switches downstairs. The man does not know which switch turns on the light. How does he find out which switch turns on the light but only go upstairs once to check?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 15:37:19
Switch on all one by one(while turning off one when switching to another switch) with a few minutes interval. then go up and check. if the light bulb is cold, it means that it's the first switch. if its warm, means it's the second. if its lighted or hot, it means that its the third switch. It can't be touched, smelled or felt, yet it is able to be broken. What is it?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 16:38:21
Alvaris wrote: It can't be touched, smelled or felt, yet it is able to be broken. What is it?
silence here's a repeat riddle from v3: what is green when you look at it, red when you eat it and black when you spit it back out. -
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 16:53:25
watermelon. What gets beaten, then whipped, but never cries?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 16:56:43
Mr. Cream
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 13:21:17
Imagen your in a box no walls no windows no doors floating in the middle of purgatory. how do you get out?
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 14:09:47
you don't. we already met the apocalypse so everybody is dead and no one is praying for you
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 14:18:32
@juggalo666666 The inception thing?
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 14:19:41
no stop imagining.
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 14:57:54
Is that the answer?^
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:01:06
Great :D Ill start the next one. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one Micheal j fox has a small one Madonna doesn't have one the pope has one but he never uses it Bill Clinton Has one and he uses it all the time! What is it?... No Point Googling for answers beats the whole purpose of this thread.
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:11:14
penis, or ego.
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 16:10:42
WTF. o.0 I didn't get that. It was retarded.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 13:39:52
Ok... the Answer is surname :P Dont be sick...
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 23:54:42
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 02:19:11
Three guests check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 for himself. Now that each of the guests has been given $1 back, each has paid $9, bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. If the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 04:48:07
AWtii69 wrote: Three guests check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 for himself. Now that each of the guests has been given $1 back, each has paid $9, bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. If the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?
this is an issue with double-counting the same dollar as owed and as paid. -
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 15:57:49
not quite...
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 14:41:31
jaychou ate it.
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 14:51:56
AWtii69 wrote: Three guests check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 for himself. Now that each of the guests has been given $1 back, each has paid $9, bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. If the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?
You're mixing 2 things together Either you say they paid $30, each got $1 back and "gave" the bellhop $2 Or you say they paid $27 total (25+2) There is no remaining $1 You're mixing $27 total and "gave bellhop $2" As in, $25 for the room, $2 the bellhop kept, and $2 that the bellhop kept, meaning that they would have given the bellhop $4 -
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 17:09:29
2 coins added together make 30 cent one of them is not a nickel?
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 17:05:09
okay here is one of the hardest riddle that i ever have heard: You have 10 packs of 2€ coins. each pack have 10 coins (so you have 100 coins) but there is one pack with fake coins the fake coins have a weight of 1 gramm the original have 2 gramm you only can weigh them one time to say which pack is the one with the wrong coins
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 04:43:16
I KNOW!!! You throw them at people and which ever one hurts the less is fake :)
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 19:54:11
PENDRAGON wrote: okay here is one of the hardest riddle that i ever have heard: You have 10 packs of 2€ coins. each pack have 10 coins (so you have 100 coins) but there is one pack with fake coins the fake coins have a weight of 1 gramm the original have 2 gramm you only can weigh them one time to say which pack is the one with the wrong coins
assuming you have one of those beam balance scales just add two bags to each pan simultaneously until one side tips and the last bag on the other side is the one with fake coins -
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 22:23:47
wrong ok i tell you the answer you take on coin of the first pack two coins of the second pack three coins of the third pack . . . all coins of the 10th pack if the weight is with an 1 at the end the firstpack is fake if a 2 the second pack and so on
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 23:08:44
PENDRAGON wrote: wrong ok i tell you the answer you take on coin of the first pack two coins of the second pack three coins of the third pack . . . all coins of the 10th pack if the weight is with an 1 at the end the firstpack is fake if a 2 the second pack and so on
I liked mine better... -
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 01:27:54
The word has 7 letters, preceded by God, greater than God, more evil than the devil, and if you eat it, you will die.