Advanced Tricks / Trick Difficulty - This thread needs lot of replies to work!

  1. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 15:06:52

    Place the following tricks in order of difficulty. That is, how long it has taken you to LEARN the trick. If you haven't learnt a trick, simply omit it from the list. You may group tricks together if you consider them to be roughly as difficult. Place the easiest tricks AT THE TOP. Example: Pass Thumbaround, Sonic, Indexaround <- grouped because I think they are similar difficulty Backaround, Fingerless Thumbaround <- Again, grouped Backaround Reverse etc etc Got it? Good. The trick list (there are 20 in total): Pass, Fingerpass, Thumbaround, Indexaround, Middlearound, Ringaround, Pinkyaround, Backaround, Backaround Reverse, Fingerless Thumbaround, Thumbspin 1.5, Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5, Indexspin 1.5, Sonic, Sonic Reverse, Inverse Sonic, Inverse Sonic Reverse, Charge, Charge Reverse.

  2. iColor
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 15:18:24

    Pass Fingerpass Thumbaround Sonic, Sonic Reverse Charge Charge Reverse Fingerless Thumbaround Backaround, Backaround Reverse Inverse Sonic Inverse Sonic Reverse Thumbspin 1.5, Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Indexspin 1.5 Indexaround, Middlearound, Ringaround Pinkyaround

  3. tacohead12
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:10:57

    what is an indexspin 1.5? o-o ive never used that before

  4. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:13:30

    If you haven't learnt a trick, simply omit it from the list.
    If you want to know what it is: :wiki: Are you going to put them in order tacohead?

  5. fang
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:45:59

    pass TA fingerpass sonic fingerless TA charge backaround rev. sonic rev. indexaround backaround backaround rev. Charge Reverse Thumbspin 1.5 Indexspin 1.5 inverse sonic middlearound Ringaround Pinkyaround Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Inverse Sonic Reverse maybe it is a bit strange, but I put them in an order I learned them.

  6. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:48:47

    Pass Thumbaround, Indexaround, Backaround, Sonic, Charge Middlearound, Backaround Reverse, FL TA, Thumbspin 1.5, Inverse Sonic, Charge Rev Fl Thumbspin 1.5, Ringaround, Pinkyaround, Sonic Rev, Inverse Sonic Rev, Indexspin 1.5 Ringaround, Pinkyaround, Fingerpass This list isn't indicative of what I think the difficulty order is, but I did it the way you explained in "how long it has taken you to LEARN the trick.

  7. tacohead12
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 16:52:55

    Well, I figured I probably know how to do it just don't know what it looks like o-o. is it like a bust 1.5?

  8. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 17:03:54

    No, it's an Indexspin 1.5. The pen spins on the index finger. :wiki:

  9. Enkronidus
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 23:26:51

    In order I learned. Pass, Fingerpass Charge Reverse, Sonic, Sonic Reverse Charge, Thumbaround, Thumbspin 1.5 Inverse Sonic, Inverse Sonic Reverse Indexaround, Backaround Middlearound Backaround Reverse, Fingerless Thumbaround Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Ringaround Pinkyaround Indexspin 1.5 Hadn't tried to do PA before until I saw SEVEN's. Same with IndexSpin, never actually tried to do it before.

  10. miyat
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 23:30:46

    Pass, Fingerpass Thumbaround, sonic, charge reverse backaround middlearound, backaround reverse, charge index around sonic reverse, inverse sonic, thumbspin 1.5, indexspin 1.5 inverse sonic reverse pinkyaround fingerless thumbaround ringaround

  11. KTrinh93
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 00:10:56

    Pass, Fingerpass Thumbaround Thumbspin 1.5 Indexaround, Backaround, Backaround Reverse Fingerless Thumbaround Sonic, Sonic Reverse Charge Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Inverse Sonic Middlearound Ringaround Charge Reverse Inverse Sonic Reverse This isn't very accurate because Ringaround wasn't really that hard for me to learn how to do but it just looks like it because it's farther down on the list. In my mind, the middle like 7ish were very close in difficulty to learn.. at least for me.

  12. tylt
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 01:25:07

    Actually Mats if you read the wiki you would have realized that Indexspin is an outdated name for the trick. The naming committee has renamed those types of tricks as around 1.5's, lets not use outdated name shall we.Anyways in response to your trick list. Pass Thumb Around, Sonic Charge FingerPass Backaround Rev., ThumbSpin 1.5 Weis Bak, Korean Bak Fingerless Thumbaround, Sonic Reverse Charge Rev, Inv. Sonic, Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Index Around, Indexaround 1.5 Middle Around, Inv. Sonic Rev. Ring Around Pinky Around

  13. k-ryder
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 01:25:23

    Pass, Fingerpass TA Sonic Charge Sonic rev IA, MA Bak around Shadow, Neobak Inv sonic Thumbspin 1.5, Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 Indexspin 1.5 Charge rev Inverse sonic rev Ring around

  14. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 01:39:11

    Actually Mats if you read the wiki you would have realized that Indexspin is an outdated name for the trick. The naming committee has renamed those types of tricks as around 1.5's, lets not use outdated name shall we
    Actually if you read the wiki:

  15. tylt
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 01:54:49

    Well, I could do this too all day Mats, obviously our Wiki has some errors in it or parts that need more clarification. I would be willing to help clarify these, or maybe I need clarification on the naming. I think that it's apparent though that indexspin might be an underused trick, seeing as how nobody really knows what it is. I'll start using it in my combos though :) Here's one that says indexspin is and old name.Look around Indexaround Videos. Also scroll down to the bottom and look at the History Subheading where it States that the spin is outdated. Unless I'm severely mistaken in my thinking, anyways, this is just a friendly argument. Edit:I think that this should be brought up with the Naming Committee because there is some confusion, even on some videos in youtube.

  16. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 01:54:50

    Pass, Fingerpass, Thumbaround, Backaround Thumbspin 1.5 Indexaround, Backaround Reverse, Middlearound, Fingerless Thumbaround, Pinkyaround, Ringaround, Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5, Indexspin 1.5 Sonic, Inverse Sonic Charge Sonic Reverse Inverse Sonic Reverse Charge Reverse I'm not sure if you meant how long it took for you to learn it, or the learning order, in any case. I sorted it by how long each trick took to learn. Edit: If I could also note, many tricks appeared difficulty are a result of the background of tricks you know before it. For instance, many new spinners find charge reverse simple (easier) compared to a charge normal, however once mastering the charge normal the charge reverse can be difficult to master. And Sonic reverse will seem much easier if you already know how to do a sonic and a charge reverse.

  17. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 02:00:17

    Place the following tricks in order of difficulty. That is, how long it has taken you to LEARN the trick.
    Taken from the first post. You got it right, but I don't see how there is any confusion.

  18. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 06:18:46

    I feel like I haven't contribute much to the board :/ TA Sonic/Pass Sonic rev Charge Twisted Sonic and variations/Double Charge/Warped Sonic Korean Bak Twisted Sonic Bust Midbak 1.5 (still a little inconsistant) As of today. Will add more as I learn.

  19. tacohead12
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 07:18:38

    Sorry about being noob haha. I should have paid better attention. But i have another question >< How well should the trick be executed to be considered learned? Example, I learned fingerpass in like my first week of penspinning but it was terribly slow and unsmooth. It took me forever to get it up to speed tho.

  20. casual
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 08:14:38

    Pass Charge Indexaround Backaround reverse Sonic Thumbaround Fingerless thumbaround Thumbspin 1.5 Fingerless thumbspin 1.5 Charge reverse Middlearound Inverse Sonic sonic reverse inverse sonic reverse ringaround fingerpass

  21. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 12:12:44

    tylt wrote: Well, I could do this too all day Mats, obviously our Wiki has some errors in it or parts that need more clarification. I would be willing to help clarify these, or maybe I need clarification on the naming. I think that it's apparent though that indexspin might be an underused trick, seeing as how nobody really knows what it is. I'll start using it in my combos though :) Here's one that says indexspin is and old name.Look around Indexaround Videos. Also scroll down to the bottom and look at the History Subheading where it States that the spin is outdated. Unless I'm severely mistaken in my thinking, anyways, this is just a friendly argument. Edit:I think that this should be brought up with the Naming Committee because there is some confusion, even on some videos in youtube.
    Perhaps the wiki is unclear. I'll take a look at some point. The story is this: Indexspin was a very old name for the Indexaround, just the same as Thumbspin was an old name for Thumbaround. A long time ago, the UPSB Naming Committee (I think we're talking 5 years ago or so) decided that tricks with top spin would be called 'spin' and tricks that went around something would be called 'around', which seems very sensible. So, you will read on the wiki that Indexspin was an old name for Indexaround and that Thumbspin was an old name for Thumbaround. Now, of course, the words 'Thumbspin' and 'Indexspin' are the top spin tricks which involve the pen spinning on top of the part of the hand.
    How well should the trick be executed to be considered learned?
    I'm leaving this for everyone to decide for themselves and it should average out, if there are enough replies.

  22. ChainBreak
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 20:03:19

    Pass Charge ThumbAround Sonic FingerPass BackAround IndexAround BackAroundReverse ThumbAroundReverse InverseSonic SonicReverse Charge Reverse ThumbSpin 1.5 FingerlessThumbAround Middle-,Ring-Around PinkyAround InverseSonicReverse Indexspin 1.5 FingerlessThumbSpin 1.5 :boing:

  23. blahblahting
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 21:58:47

    easiest trick is tipped charge lol. dont know why it isnt at the top of anyones list xD

  24. Mats
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:03:14

    blahblahting wrote: easiest trick is tipped charge lol. dont know why it isnt at the top of anyones list xD
    Did you even read the first post?

  25. RR24
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 08:09:27

    KTrinh93 wrote: Fingerpass
    Theres a difference between pass, and fingerpass? o_O

  26. Paramours
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 08:12:29

    RR24 wrote: Theres a difference between pass, and fingerpass? o_O
    Pass is one, Fingerpass is the combo.

  27. Mats
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 15:49:19

    tylt wrote: Edit:I think that this should be brought up with the Naming Committee because there is some confusion, even on some videos in youtube.
    I've edited the page to make it more clear.

  28. Soren
    Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 17:23:13

    Pass Fingerpass Sonic Charge Thumbaround Charge reverse Sonic reverse Indexaround Backaround Middlearound Pinkyaround Ringaround Inverse sonic Fingerless thumbaround