Arcade / Euchre

  1. asdfcrow
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 22:16:25

    I've always played this game with my family whenever i'm in ohio, and I'd enjoy playing on upsb. Is there anyway we could add it too the gameroom?

  2. TheAafg
    Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 03:31:27

    how do you play it though?

  3. Dudak
    Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 03:51:53

    I agree with nation

  4. asdfcrow
    Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 14:56:51

    TheAafg wrote: how do you play it though?
    In North America, a 24-card deck is most common (using 9, 10, J, Q, K and A in all four suits). Some players prefer a 32-card deck (adding the 7 and 8 of each suit). British Euchre uses 25 cards (the 24 listed above, plus a joker). There are other variations as well. These rules are for 24-card Euchre and use North American customs. Goal To be the first partnership to score at least 10 points. Card Values The general rule is that Aces are the most valuable cards and 9s are the least valuable. There are two exceptions. The Jack of the trump suit is the "right bower," and it's the most valuable card. The other Jack of the same color is the "left bower," and it's the second most valuable card. Both bowers are part of the trump suit. For example, if hearts is the trump suit: the Jack of hearts is the right bower (most powerful) and the Jack of diamonds is the left bower (second most powerful). In this example, the third most powerful card would be the Ace of hearts. Setup Partners should sit across from each other. Randomly choose a dealer. Five cards are dealt to each player. The remaining four cards are placed face down in the middle of the table. The top card is turned face up; this card initially sets the trump suit. (Note on dealing: Some traditions have the dealer pass out cards as follows: three to the opponent on his left, two to his partner, three to the opponent on his right, two to himself, two to the opponent on his left, three to his partner, two to the opponent on his right, then three to himself.) First Bidding Round Players bid, starting to the left of the dealer and continuing clockwise, on whether or not to use the face-up card's suit as trump. Players have the following choices: The player to the left of the dealer may pass or say "I order it up." If he does, no other player may bid. If the first player passes, the player across from the dealer (the dealer's partner) may pass or say "I assist." If he does, no other player may bid. If the first two players pass, the player to the left of the dealer's partner may pass or say "I order it up." If he does, no other player may bid. If the first three players pass, the dealer may pass or say "I accept." If he accepts, he takes the face-up card, replacing it with a card from his own hand (face down). The suit of the face-up card becomes trump. If all four players pass, a second round of bidding will take place (see below). If either of the dealer's opponents says, "I order it up," or the dealer's partner says, "I assist," the dealer has the option of picking up the face-up card and discarding one from his hand, face down. Whether or not the dealer picks it up, the suit of the face-up card becomes trump. Second Bidding Round If all four players pass in the first round of bidding, the face-up card is turned face down and a second bidding round occurs. In the second bidding round, the first player who names a suit has chosen trump. If no player bids, all the cards are shuffled together and the next player deals a new hand. (Note: Some people play that if no one bids in the second round, the dealer must name a trump suit. In other words, the dealer cannot pass in the second round of bidding.) The partnership that chooses the trump suit in either bidding round is known as the "makers." The other partnership is known as the "defenders." Going Alone If you think you have an outstanding hand, you might want to "go alone." This means that your partner sits out, placing his cards on the table face down, and you play this hand without a partner. Anyone may announce that they're going alone after trump is selected but before the first card is led. It's possible that two players, one from each partnership, will both choose to go alone on the same hand. Gameplay The player to the left of the dealer leads first by playing any card from his hand. Exceptions: If someone has chosen to go alone, the player to that person's left leads first. If two players have decided to go alone, the player on the team that did not choose trump (the defender) leads first. Players must play the suit of the card led if possible. If not, they may play any card. (Remember that the bowers are both part of the trump suit.) The highest card played in the lead suit wins the trick, unless one or more trumps were played, in which case the highest trump card wins the trick. The player who wins the trick leads in the next trick. Scoring If all four players take part in a hand, the makers score 1 point for taking three tricks. They score a bonus point (2 total) for taking all five tricks. If the makers fail to take three tricks, they are "euchred" and the defenders score 2 points. If a maker goes alone and wins all five tricks, his partnership scores 4 points. If he wins three or four tricks, his partnership scores only 1 point. If a defender goes alone and wins three or four tricks, his partnership scores 2 points. If he wins all five tricks, his partnership scores 4 points. (Note: Some people score so that a lone defender scores 4 points if he wins three or more tricks.)

  5. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 16:14:07

    i dont know how to add that sorry

  6. asdfcrow
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 17:07:15

    ok, just a thought