Off-topic / Board Games
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 03:18:01
This is a repost of UPSBv3. Share board games or give/ask for recommendations. There's a board game for everyone. This is my collection in Toronto:
Recently, I've played Wok Star (with Tialys, to boot) and it's a lot of fun. A coop, real-time game where you try to run a chinese restaurant. You must acquire ingredients using a limited number of dice to serve dishes to the customers. Another stand-out game for me is K2. This is a game about mountain climbing. As you go further up the mountain, it becomes harder and harder to find oxygen. Weather has a big impact and you need to adjust your strategy; sometimes it is better to wait out a storm instead of recklessly moving up. The goal is to go the highest up the mountain and surviving. Unfortunately, those games are incredibly hard to find in America. K2 is a polish game, so I might have to find someone there to get it for me :D Another game that I absolutely love is Sid Meier's Civilization. This is a board game version of the game. Plays pretty much like the real thing, except it's faster and has some neat mechanics for combat and research.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 05:07:52
Balderdash!!! it's awesome..
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 05:26:53
I suck at Hive but it's a really fun game. You don't have chess? That's a really simple fun game. Whoops, you can't forget Monopoly XD me and my friends changed it into a modified version of the rules and it's really fun to play with. :)
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 05:43:54
I got a ton of games at home thanks to my sister. Currently my favourite games are mall of Horror and Sabotour. Both games require a good amount of poker faces and lying... Citadels is always fun. I can't remember the rest
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 05:54:01
me and my friends' favorite is cosmic encounter. this is an awesome sci-fi with a bit of humor. I also like very much Dust. this is basically a compliccated version of "risk". but my friends are too lazy to play this.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 06:19:28
dival;40701]me and my friends' favorite is cosmic encounter. this is an awesome sci-fi with a bit of humor. I also like very much Dust. this is basically a compliccated version of "risk". but my friends are too lazy to play this.[/QUOTE] I've never been into CE. I always found to easy to break the game if two players decide from the start that they will play for a shared victory. This sucks the fun out of the other players. Dust is very good. Do check out the latest game called "Dust Tactics", [QUOTE=Hippo2626;40697]I got a ton of games at home thanks to my sister. Currently my favourite games are mall of Horror and Sabotour. Both games require a good amount of poker faces and lying... Citadels is always fun. I can't remember the rest[/QUOTE] Mall of Horror is out of print, so hold on to that game its stock will rise. There are rumors of a sequel too. Saboteur is a very good game if you play in a large group. Citadels is one of my favorite, we played many games during the German Gathering, @Erirornal Kraione can attest to that :P [QUOTE=scout wrote: I suck at Hive but it's a really fun game. You don't have chess? That's a really simple fun game. Whoops, you can't forget Monopoly XD me and my friends changed it into a modified version of the rules and it's really fun to play with. :)
Hive requires some good thinking to play. I'm decent at it. I don't play chess anymore. Used to as a kid. I'm interested in breadth and not depth. Chess requires too much time to practice to become good at. I don't want to invest that kind of time. I'd rather play many different games instead. I hate monopoly. Too long, pointless, random. Of course you can make variants for it, but why not just play another game altogether instead of trying to salvage this piece of shit. Some other games I played recently that are good: Hansa Teutonica, Macao, Cyclades, Dixit, Alien Frontiers -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 06:26:13
I remember watching the video of you guys playing it. Stuhl was there too right? Anyway, I wish that they would come up with more expansions, I'm tired of using the same characters. I didn't know mall of horror is our of print?!? I just got it 3 week ago. I love playing Saboteur with a couple of my crazy friends who would never stop switching back and forth between minor and Saboteur. Do you play Carasonne or Ubongo?
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 06:32:32
Hippo2626 wrote: I remember watching the video of you guys playing it. Stuhl was there too right? Anyway, I wish that they would come up with more expansions, I'm tired of using the same characters. I didn't know mall of horror is our of print?!? I just got it 3 week ago. I love playing Saboteur with a couple of my crazy friends who would never stop switching back and forth between minor and Saboteur. Do you play Carasonne or Ubongo?
there's only 1 expansion for Citadels, I doubt there will be more. Maybe you should start playing other games lol I don't understand how you can switch back and forth between saboteur and miner, the role cards are distributed randomly. You'd have to be lucky. Carcassone is not very fun IMO, don't like it. Ubongo is pretty cool. It's not the greatest game ever, but it's easy to play. -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 06:39:55
Yea I guess so haha. For Saboteur, what I mean is that whatever role we get, we will just keep acting like we will disregard whatever we are and keep changing whatever we were doing every time it's our turn. For example, first I help build the pathway, then I destroy an essential passageway, after that I build another important tunnel and it continues from there. The trick to this is that we have to do more good than damage overall for our role. This is only to mess with all the other players so they won't know what you are.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 12:48:10
I'm a very big board games fan. Anyways, my board games collection off the top of my head (will miss some, most are at the circus and I'm not until January) - Chess - Classic game. I'm willing to put in the study. I find the better you get, the more fun it is. Tournaments/club play is great too. Backgammon - The 2nd oldest board game of all. Great fun, fast play, a bit of luck, a bit of skill. I would say I skilled player will always beat an unskilled player if you play first to 5 or 7 wins. Scrabble - Another one I've put the study into. My girlfriend and I play this a lot. If you love words and tactics, this is a game for you! Snatch - Another word game. Decent play, not as good as scrabble. Scrabble fans will probably at least enjoy the game a bit. Upwords - Most similar word game to Scrabble I've played, but not as good, in my opinion. You can build up on top of tiles, but there are not double word/double letter etc. Less positional strategy and a rubbish bonus for clearing all your letters! Ludo - Pretty much pure luck game. Okay as a quick warm up before playing a proper board game. Snakes and ladders - Same as above. Frustration - Basically a copy of Ludo. The Nessie Game - I've had this game for 6 months and never played it. It does look pretty good, but incredibly complex! One for a rainy Sunday when you're stuck inside with a few clever people. Cluedo - Not a great game, you must find who did the murder. I find gameplay a little slow and boring with minimal chance for use of skill. Carcassonne - One of my favourites! Probably getting some expansion packs for this for Christmas/birthday. Fairly rapid gameplay coupled with a large chance of using skill. Great head to head of in a group. You build the game as you play, creating a different 'board' each time. Great stuff! Battleships - Not a big fan. Too much luck. Chinese Checkers - Never won this game! Am always playing experienced players. I think gameplay is a little slow and very confusing! English draughts - I guess this can be called checkers too. Quick play but generally the game seems a bit strategically weak compared to say chess or Scrabble. Mini operation - Yes it's the game operation but in mini! About 1/3 the size of the normal game. It's impossible! The Game of Life - I've actually got two versions of this, original and Simpsons. I find it's an okay way to while away an hour or two with good company. Not much skill or thought need to go into the game. Connect four - I think this game is pretty fun. Simple idea, surprisingly hard not to randomly lose. Murder She Wrote - Based on the popular TV series, you must find the murderer. An incorrect guess at the murderer results in you being eliminated from the game. We played this just once in circus. It was rubbish because people had to keep leaving the room. Well, we were in a caravan so leaving the room meant going outside and it was very cold! Seems like an okay game otherwise. Games I've played that I can remember but do not own Blockus - You place down different shape tiles. When you can no longer place a tile, you have lost. You must try to control an area in which your remaining pieces fit, while also restricting your opponents movements. I thouroughly recommend any board game fans to try this one! Scategories - Answer questions on the given topic, but they must begin with a certain letter (determined each round with a rather odd di). Great when you have a room full of intelligent people. Monopoly - I really hate this game. All luck, bad gameplay, long games. Rubbish. Go - Very difficult game. Reminds me somewhat of Chess. You need to put in the study time to learn the game and become good, otherwise, it will not be fun.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 15:49:52
Hippo2626 wrote: Yea I guess so haha. For Saboteur, what I mean is that whatever role we get, we will just keep acting like we will disregard whatever we are and keep changing whatever we were doing every time it's our turn. For example, first I help build the pathway, then I destroy an essential passageway, after that I build another important tunnel and it continues from there. The trick to this is that we have to do more good than damage overall for our role. This is only to mess with all the other players so they won't know what you are.
i don't think that's very efficient, if real miners start acting like saboteurs, the miners will have a very difficult time to win. miners should never have to lie, there's no reason to. only the saboteurs should decide whether they want to help out a little bit or not. in particular, saboteurs should try to help out and leading the tunnel into a wrong location. and when they get really close to the treasures, they will start throwing bad stuff. @Mats yeah you need to get rid of pure luck games like snakes & ladders or the game of life. I mean those games require no decision at all, you're just rolling and moving... Carcassonne is a good start I suggest going up from there. Settlers of Catan would be a good choice, as is Ticket to Ride (Europe edition). In the deduction games, I would go with Scotland Yard and Code 777. Also Mr. Jack. In the word games, a great game that just came out is called What's my word? -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 15:58:52
What's my word just looks like Mastermind, but with words in place of the coloured pegs? Settlers of Catan I've seen before in game shops, but just never felt the urge to purchase. It's probably one I'll wait to play and then see if it's a worthwhile buy. Tickets to ride looks interesting too, but the same probably applies. Neearly bought Scotland Yard this year, can't remember what turned me against it. I'm reaching the limit of amount of games I can have a store so only the best are getting in. Need to keep space for those all important Carcassonne expansion packs too. ;) The luck games are generally ones I have got for Christmas/birthdays or about a pound at a boot sale, kept because they are often a good warm up to a proper game, or just to have going on 'in the background' while you're with friends.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 16:14:48
I don't think so, What's my word is like that tv show game where they try to guess a 5 letter word. if they have the correct letters they stay there, if they have the letters in the wrong order, they're highlighted. you have like 5 guesses. Yes Carcassonne has an insane amount of exp packs. If you're looking for the so-called "filler" games, the greatest that I know of is For Sale. Very fast and you don't have to think too hard if you don't want to.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 16:33:42
@Mats; monopoly isnt pure luck, I love it, some skill is involved in choosing what to do.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 16:46:10
Prince wrote: @Mats; monopoly isnt pure luck, I love it, some skill is involved in choosing what to do.
grasping for straws really, there are much much better gaming options out there. its just not worth the time playing on it for the skill it involves. -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:14:53
Got these games when my brother had a little board game obsession lol -Settlers of Catan -Last Night on Earth -Dungeon Twister -Tigris & Euphrates -Command & Colors: Ancients -Puerto Rico -Stone Age -Carcassone -Conflict of Heroes -A Touch of Evil -Small World -Battle Lore -Heroscape -Mall of Horror and I think some more
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:26:49
Zombo wrote: grasping for straws really, there are much much better gaming options out there. its just not worth the time playing on it for the skill it involves.
I agree with Zombo, the skill element is smaller than a microbe. -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:40:43 Really nice game.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:41:05
davidguy wrote: Got these games when my brother had a little board game obsession lol -Settlers of Catan -Last Night on Earth -Dungeon Twister -Tigris & Euphrates -Command & Colors: Ancients -Puerto Rico -Stone Age -Carcassone -Conflict of Heroes -A Touch of Evil -Small World -Battle Lore -Heroscape -Mall of Horror and I think some more
some good stuff in there, Small Word is pretty sweet, I've yet to try Stone Age, which I want to. Tigris & Euphrates is pretty cool too. Puerto Rico is a classic, but I find it outdated now. -
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:50:52
'Classics' don't get outdated. That's what makes them a classic.
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 01:35:33
the game of life is the best
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 01:39:15
@Zombo the reason why I do that as a minor is to sieve out the Saboteur does the same thing or is just extremely cunning.
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 08:45:02
Ooh a board game thread. Where do I possibly start? Aside from some of the already awesome mentioned games (I realize a lot these aren't actually "board games", but neither are some of the others mentioned): [B]Dominion[/B] - one of my favourite card-based games. It has some parallels to Magic: The Gathering, but it's different in that everyone starts with the same cards and you progressively build your deck during the game, so no one has any ridiculous crazy rare card. Currently has 4 expansions and all are pretty great. [B]Shadow Hunters[/B] - secret roles and different win conditions for different players. Gets pretty crazy when you have a vampire with a machine gun, hand gun, and a cursed sword that full heals when he attacks. Has an expansion, but I haven't tried. [B]BANG! [/B]- similar to shadow hunters in that you have different secret roles and have different win conditions based on your player, but with cowboys. Lots of innuendos fly around when you get to use a "bang" card on someone. Has 2 expansions, but I've only played with one. [B]Battle Line[/B] - one of the best two player card game I've played. A lot of tactical considerations, card counting, and a bit of luck. [B]Taboo[/B] - surprised no one else mentioned this, but it's hella fun/frustrating and a great place for lots of references only your friends would get [B]Chinese Chess[/B] - pretty average at CC, but I much prefer it to western chess as it seems so much more dynamic and open and some of the pieces are just plain cooler. I never really got into western chess before I got into CC despite living in Canada, and I just stuck to CC since it felt so much more familiar and comfortable. I play both now periodically, but I always feel so lost when people are like "Yo, Sicilian? I now how to counter that" and I'm like "Um, I just want to castle eventually lol". Of the other games mentioned, I really like Settlers, but set up and actually playing it can take so long lol. Puerto Rico is also good, but also a bit on the long side. Hypocritically, I really want to try Axis and Allies. I noticed a game called Tide of Iron on the first page. How is that? I also have to agree with the sentiment that Carcasonne is not that great. I have friends who really like it, but it's certainly not for me.
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 17:27:26
Tkal wrote: Ooh a board game thread. Where do I possibly start? Aside from some of the already awesome mentioned games (I realize a lot these aren't actually "board games", but neither are some of the others mentioned): [B]Dominion[/B] - one of my favourite card-based games. It has some parallels to Magic: The Gathering, but it's different in that everyone starts with the same cards and you progressively build your deck during the game, so no one has any ridiculous crazy rare card. Currently has 4 expansions and all are pretty great. [B]Shadow Hunters[/B] - secret roles and different win conditions for different players. Gets pretty crazy when you have a vampire with a machine gun, hand gun, and a cursed sword that full heals when he attacks. Has an expansion, but I haven't tried. [B]BANG! [/B]- similar to shadow hunters in that you have different secret roles and have different win conditions based on your player, but with cowboys. Lots of innuendos fly around when you get to use a "bang" card on someone. Has 2 expansions, but I've only played with one. [B]Battle Line[/B] - one of the best two player card game I've played. A lot of tactical considerations, card counting, and a bit of luck. [B]Taboo[/B] - surprised no one else mentioned this, but it's hella fun/frustrating and a great place for lots of references only your friends would get [B]Chinese Chess[/B] - pretty average at CC, but I much prefer it to western chess as it seems so much more dynamic and open and some of the pieces are just plain cooler. I never really got into western chess before I got into CC despite living in Canada, and I just stuck to CC since it felt so much more familiar and comfortable. I play both now periodically, but I always feel so lost when people are like "Yo, Sicilian? I now how to counter that" and I'm like "Um, I just want to castle eventually lol". Of the other games mentioned, I really like Settlers, but set up and actually playing it can take so long lol. Puerto Rico is also good, but also a bit on the long side. Hypocritically, I really want to try Axis and Allies. I noticed a game called Tide of Iron on the first page. How is that? I also have to agree with the sentiment that Carcasonne is not that great. I have friends who really like it, but it's certainly not for me.
Judging by your name, I'm surprised you haven't mentioned the excellent Tikal, lol. Dominion is pretty sweet, but overplayed now lol, so I find it boring. And there's too many ripoffs of the deckbuiling genre: Thunderstone, Heroes of Graxia, Ascension, etc. Shadow Hunters is pretty good when you have a large group. One of my coolest moments with this game is winning with the dude that wants to be killed first lol. Bang! and Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg are other solid offerings in the hidden role genre. Battle Line is very good, like the fact you need to prove you won. Tide of Iron is a somewhere complex wargame, I haven't read the rulebooks yet... This is my complete collection: And this is all the games that I've played: -
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 23:54:33
Lol, my name is totally unrelated to the game. I've never even heard of it, but I might check it out now. I felt that way about Dominion shortly after Intrigue's release, but after Seaside, and Alchemy, things just got crazy that the strategies just went all over the place and the stagnation disappeared. Although I have to say that base Dominion is admittedly a little boring now, especially when straight up chapel+big money is such a consistently dominating strategy. I also almost very nearly won as Daniel (guy who wants to die first), but then someone was like "oh wait crap, what if he's Daniel" when I was 2 health away from death and then they hermitted me to no end and found out. I then got revealed when Allie died and died shortly after that lol. My coolest time was when I went on a mad bloody murder spree as Charles (the serial killer who just wants to kill 3rd or later person) and killed 3 people at once with machine gun + handgun + axe, winning all by myself XD And that's one impressive collection of games! I see you've highly rated Descent. How does that game play?
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 00:02:27
man and i thought my brother had a lot of board games
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 00:03:54
Zombo, you've never played backgammon?
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 05:43:14
Mats wrote: Zombo, you've never played backgammon?
nope, not interested in abstract games. I prefer themed games, especially fantasy ones. @Tkal Descent is a fantastic game but for the full effects, requires 5 players and 6 hours for the first game (including rules explanation). It has enough depth to it that you must have good cooperation between the hero players in order to win. The game becomes really good when you add in expansions that add "Treachery" cards which allow the overlord to customize its deck. Then it becomes really nasty and difficult for the heroes to win. To counter this, you need to get the expansion "Tomb of Ice" which adds feats cards for the heroes. Really like the variety of the game. Not to mention the 100+ hours long campaign expansions Road to Legen and Sea of Blood. I like Descent better than Dungeons & Dragons because of the overlord (aka GM) is playing to WIN, not playing to please the heroes as is the case in D&D. The GM has unlimited power in D&D, whereas it is limited in Descent, therefore you must play your best to make the game difficult for the players. I find the overlord role in Descent more honest since you're giving your all to beat the crap out of the heroes, whereas in D&D the integrity of the "evil overlord" is compromised by its unlimited powers. -
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 07:31:03
Ah so Descent is sorta like D&D? I've never really played it and the closest I've come to it was watch my friend play Baldur's Gate, which apparently has a lot of game elements taken from D&D. Despite the affinity for board games my friends and I possess, I think it'd be difficult to have us just sit in a room and play for 6 hours for the first game. I probably should look into it more before asking, but can the game be "paused" as in you can pack it up and start it up again and not have risk of the game getting ruined if people discuss it when not playing?
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 13:35:12
the concept is the same as D&D, in that you're playing a group of heroes against the overlord. but the game (at least the base game) focuses only on dungeon crawling. think of the game as Diablo (the PC game), but instead of the monsters controlled by the computer, they're controlled by a human. well I usually leave it on a table if the game is not finished. the campaign mode gives you a way to pause and resume the game since its too long to play in 1 day. what you can also do is take a picture of the table. the only hidden information is the overlord's cards. so those cards should be stored seperately.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 17:49:47
Ah ok, that sounds a lot more manageable. One time a bunch of my friends tried a week long online and offline game of Mafia. Even in normal conversation on MSN or just over lunch, there was so much suspicion and lying going on. I'm surprised that friendships weren't completely destroyed. At least with Descent it's only one player's cards that need to be secret.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 18:31:03
the best pure backstabbing games that I know are Diplomacy and Intrigue
This game has a reputation: a bad one, but not from a playability stand point. This pure negotiation game pits the players as Renaissance era families that are engaging in rampant nepotism. Players are seeking positions in the other families' businesses, and to further that pursuit players offer bribes. However, once accepting a bribe, the 'bought' player is under absolutely no obligation to honor the highest briber or any other verbal deal. In a word, this game is vicious.
nasty stuff -
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 18:41:45
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 02:49:14
I've actually never played Boggle.
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 03:02:41
Boggle is alright, if you're into word game. I would say anyone who has enjoyed games like Scrabble, Snatch, Upwords etc will find it fun. Good word power and a quick mind are key to Boggle success.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 07:25:02
Fresh wrote: 'Classics' don't get outdated. That's what makes them a classic.
Haha actually I agree with it. How about checkers? that's a classic :D, Connect 4 is not a classic I think, but I love it, Connect 4 sometimes is called "Fourplay" -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 07:43:03
They're called board games because they're boring is what I learned from my eldest sister who never played Pictionary or Monopoly with me T_T
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 08:29:39
XYZaki wrote: They're called board games because they're boring is what I learned from my eldest sister who never played Pictionary or Monopoly with me T_T
well, they are not <_< -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 09:29:35
I've also never played Pictionary and only played Monopoly like twice. Mainstream boardgames seem to be on the whole the least appealing to me.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 09:40:46
Fresh wrote: Blockus - You place down different shape tiles. When you can no longer place a tile, you have lost. You must try to control an area in which your remaining pieces fit, while also restricting your opponents movements. I thouroughly recommend any board game fans to try this one!
I love this game. me and my friends always play. -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 15:22:19
Escorpio123;42151]Haha actually I agree with it. How about checkers? that's a classic :D, Connect 4 is not a classic I think, but I love it, Connect 4 sometimes is called "Fourplay"[/QUOTE] Don't really like those games. [QUOTE=XYZaki wrote: They're called board games because they're boring is what I learned from my eldest sister who never played Pictionary or Monopoly with me T_T
That's because you never played a real board game, only crap the mainstream feeds you. You wouldn't judge music solely from what's on the radio, would you? ---------- Yesterday, I played Civ again. Won a cultural victory with the chinese, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Egyptians were closing in on the space race and the Russians were about to win military. -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 15:31:03
I love scrabble, though I'm not very good (I don't know a lot of the 2 and 3 letter words, or the bingo stems, good q/z/x/j words, etc).
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 16:44:54
Bingo stems? I think the key things in Scrabble are to know 2 letter words and to know what sets of 6 letters are good to try and aim for on your rack (for example, retain on your rack is good, because almost any other 7th letter makes a word).
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 17:33:40
I like to play Scrabble (called crossword in Thailand) And I love Monopoly , Othello too
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:15:55
Board Games=only fun to play when you're high
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 19:33:25
Aren't you guys cool, playing your elitist board games.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:44:25
Yup. You should try it some time.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 00:55:54
Yeah, try it. It's very sociable!
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:01:08
XYZaki wrote: Aren't you guys cool, playing your elitist board games.
i dont care if a game is mainstream or not, scrabble is cool and its popular. but most mainstream games are shit. -
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 07:55:23
Jesus Zombo. Those are like, LoTR strategy games IRL. the only games I ever played were things like Life, Sorry!, Candyland and such ha ha
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 09:12:16
How about UNO? Love that game. You need to have a little luck and a little of a strategy :D
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 09:58:45
Arent UNO card games? or u're talking about a specific one that needs a board? PrinceXD
Escorpio123 wrote: How about UNO? Love that game. You need to have a little luck and a little of a strategy :D
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:02:13
Mike wrote: Jesus Zombo. Those are like, LoTR strategy games IRL. the only games I ever played were things like Life, Sorry!, Candyland and such ha ha
you want to see a LOTR strategy game?card games are ok too, they're like the little brothers of board games :)
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:05:32
I don't know if 'little brothers' is really the correct term for card games. Sure, some card games are fairly simple, such as cribbage, but others are extremely complex. Take for example, bridge. You can't call card games small turkey, some of them pack a heck of a punch.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:11:09
little brothers as in physical size of course :) card games require less components, are smaller to store and easier to carry, which is why I like them a lot :) one my favourite card games is Citadels
7 Wonders is also a card game
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:15:12
I've never really played a specialised deck game, only a German number one once, although I do play a lot of standard playing card games (multi and single pack ones). Never really saw any potential in specialised pack games, however, if you enjoy them and are recommending some of them, I'll sure give some a try. :)
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:35:02
those themed games whose main components are the cards, if you want more "standard" card games, I would recommend:
Tichu. this game uses 4 special jokers + the 52 cards. it is a 4 player partnership trick taking. The goal is to empty your hand as fast as possible, but you also score what you take. Very difficult game to master.
David and Goliath. This game uses a deck of 5 suits of 18 cards. You must follow suit when able. The clever mechanism of this game is that the person who wins the hand must give the highest valued card to the person who played the lowest card of the hand. Therefore you must either try to play the highest card or play the lowest card to win something. You then score all the points at the end of the game.
Triumvirate. This lovely little game features a very unique mechanism. It is for 2 players only and consists of 3 suits of 9 cards each. The idea that a suit can "win" a round if 3 tricks are taken using that suit. You must follow suit is possible, and the highest valued card wins the trick for its suit regardless of its color. When a suit wins a round, people can place 1 card face down in front of them (maximum of 3, cannot be taken back). If a suit wins 3 rounds, the game is over and we reveal all the face down "support" cards in front of each player; the player who put down the highest total in support of the winning suit is the winner. It is an indirect game with some bluffing as you're trying to avoid making the suit your opponent is committed to to win; furthermore two players can support the same suit, in which case you must accurately determine whether you have more points than the other player in that suit or not. If you are not, you must start playing another suit or you'll lose. I played this game with @Erirornal Kraione.
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:18:06
pictures of the rest of my games
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:21:05
A fucking great collection! Come and move to Wales next winter. We'll play board games most days and drink tea on the others! We will have a spare room when we stay there next winter... :)
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:34:55
lets just say, always play with chicks.. ;)
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:35:24
we should go to zombo's house lol
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 06:07:52
Lol zombo, how much have you spent on board games?
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 15:45:28
over $1000 but less than $2000 I think, maybe $1500, im not sure the good thing is that games usually dont depreciate in value as much as video games, in fact a lot will gain good values because board games production is limited and most games don't have more than 2000 copies in the world. but a game will never lose half its value in 9 months, like it is with video games.
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 17:22:46
Good board games last a lifetime, but even the best of video games get tired after a while.
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 22:09:42
Fresh wrote: Good board games last a lifetime, but even the best of video games get tired after a while.
i dont i'll ever grow tired of Tetris and that game is over 20 years old! video games that rely heavily on graphics do depreciate really quickly board games production quality do increase over time, but usually its not significant enough. -
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 02:05:14
wheres candyland?
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 15:37:37
citadels :D anyone remembers risk?
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 16:06:36
too long to play, there are better war games out there
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 16:19:39
games that I really like right now: Yomi, Luna
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 16:42:36
Zombo wrote: update: games that I really like right now: Yomi, Luna
wat... -
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 16:59:10
Quarto- I LOVE this game :]
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 18:59:10
holy cow -.- mad props zumbo im too lazy to learn all those games hahhaa but i guess ur never bored at ur house when friends are over
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 14:45:51
Y u hav no Axis and Allies.
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 15:37:14
Tkal wrote: Y u hav no Axis and Allies.
too long for the outdated mechanics -
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 18:57:12
D&D Monopoly (find out which one of my friends is a butt-hole) Balderdash
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 03:24:33
I've been playing the original 1984 edition for a bit now and I agree that it's a little dated. However some of the newer versions add some newer mechanics, although I guess it still boils down to dice rolls.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 23:08:20
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 01:44:12
I play Risk on my computer.