Tutorials Pending Approval / BIC-Hidekyo

  1. Hidekyo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:33:07

    [B][SIZE="4"]BIC-Hidekyo MOD[/SIZE][/B] I'm really low on money and i just used what i can find around the house to make this mod. If this is'nt original in your opinion then im sorry for waisting your time looking at this personal mod i created in my spare time. [B]Things you need[/B] .Bictory Mod .2 Pilot G2 grips .2 Papermate FlexiGrip Elite M Tips .Other grips of your choice. [SIZE="3"][B]SimpleSteps[/B][/SIZE] 1.Take the bictory mod and push the G2 grips on both ends to the point where it is at the bump. 2.Poke a hole in the back so it is big enough for the tips to plug in. 3.The tips should be really sturdy. 4.Add more grips of your choice.

  2. walrus
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 23:40:51

    umm the format is bad, no stats, and who requested the tutorial?

  3. medacyber
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 01:42:36

    Nice hidekyo maybe ill try it :)

  4. k-ryder
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 02:07:21

    not a bad idea, but it is more of a variation on the bictory than an original mod to be honest, i think its an idea worth publicised, but i dont think a completely new and full tutorial is necessary the thing is, there is no BICtory thread in approve/pending section, if there was (and there should be), this idea (as well as any other useful variations found) can be posted there, possibly a link in the first post if mods/OP finds it quite useful

  5. Hidekyo
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 20:53:43

    its pretty heavy i think about 15 grams but never weighed it

  6. Mu3ic
    Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 11:18:51

    There Pics?????

  7. Hyukan
    Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 01:09:25

    Jan=downer, but nice mod, should have posted on SOYP first tho xD

  8. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 01:11:16

    meh... nothing new really though, idk if it deserves it's own thread. I'm pretty sure a majority of us when we first started modding played around with the bicotry and saw that flexgrip tips fit, honestly it makes it way to heavy.. imo.

  9. Hyukan
    Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 02:42:31

    flexgrips fit in bic's? ._. i never noticed xD

  10. J A Z Z
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 03:36:15

    Nice It spins well

  11. Hidekyo
    Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 03:08:03

    wow some people actually made one lol nice to see that! Also i found that if you take the caps off a monami twin name pen and stick on the bic caps with the tips on it , it fits perfectly. These are the twin pen im talking about.

  12. Cube
    Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 07:01:10

    Can Papermate Flexigrip Ultra tips be used instead?