Gatherings / Meetings / Toronto January Meeting with Camera Crew from Fairchild TV
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 17:08:01
Hello there, do we have a plan for the January 15th meeting yet? First Markham Place? Or some where else? And who's coming? I just want to make sure it goes well before I leave. Thank you guys. ~~~~~~~~ Jan 16. First Markham Place
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 18:38:19
cathywu wrote: Hello there, do we have a plan for the January 15th meeting yet? First Markham Place? Or some where else? And who's coming? I just want to make sure it goes well before I leave. Thank you guys.
Yes CATHY WU We shall have it at >>FIRST MARKHAM PLACE<< everyone voted on it. Are you bringing your camera crew? if so We will have a tournament, and I will prepare a pen to mod during that day. - I will talk about the art of penspinning - I will talk about the tournament - we will have a tournament >>> I KNOW FOR SURE WHO IS COMIN TO THE GATHERING<<< Miyat Spinford Silverdeath Wind Holypie >> PEOPLE I DONT KNOW FOR SURE<<< Light Simplex Kunlin Zombo Winner Roxer Apho there may be friends coming to this gathering. I wanna bring some of my best friends. Maybe there will be famous PENSPINNERS coming like baaron! Well maybe not but I will bring my friends. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!! -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 19:49:53
january 15th is the start of the WT11. there will be a podcast which I will be hosting. i will require internet access to organize the podcast live.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 19:58:05
Does the podcast really have to be live?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 20:09:13
Mats wrote: Does the podcast really have to be live?
yes, people want to be informed at the same time -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:06:35
Then how about the 14th or the weekend after for the gathering?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:17:03
actually i won't be back till Jan 14. so I cant do Jan 14. I heard that the podcast is about one hour, so do you want to avoid that time slot? Yes i am planning to bring a camera crew that day.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:18:09
wow tournament good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:35:45
Umm zombo when does the pod cast start? We can have you come to the gathering then you can go home for the pod cast or maybe the tv crew has a thing that allows you to talk so you dont have to go bak and do the pod cast. Here is the info I have Time: 1:00 Date: january 15th
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:39:19
Doesn't UPSB podcast usually start at 5 or 6?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:41:49
lol we can all go to zombo's jk. I hope i can make it
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:44:27
oh yeah! So we can have the gathering starting at 1:00 and end the gathering near like 6:00. The gathering shouldn't take so long. We will spin and talk to the camera and have tournaments!!! >>>> Our MAIN GOAL IS TO HAVE AS MANY PENSPINNERS TO COME TO THE GATHERING ON january 15th<<< I prefer the time to be at 1:00pm
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:47:21
Or we can postpone it to the weekend after...
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 21:48:28
the time for the podcast is not set yet, it takes me 1h to set up the podcast + 1h the actual podcast = 2h. starting the podcast at 6pm is pushing it because its midnight in europe, i'd say 5pm for the podcast is the latest it starts. usually it starts at 4pm.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:05:31
Can you do the pod cast in the gathering? So that the fairchild tv crew can talk about you podcasting and how we communicate with other penspinners? >>> SAY, IS THE gathering taking place at FIRST MARKHAM PLACE?<<<< Maybe cathy wu should get a filmiong permit for first markham place and STAPLES reight beside it!
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:09:57
you need an stable internet connection to do the podcast, if i lose internet in the middle of it, its not very good. hundreds of people will be listening, so you want to make sure no problem happen
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:26:07
A tv crew has great connection so I'm confident that your pod cast wont srew up during that gathering. I prefer gatherings at 1:00pm and did everyoe vote for first markham place?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:29:40
why do you need to do the gathering on a saturday anyway?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 22:58:21
I can have it on sunday if you guys dont mind. WHO VOTES FOR SUNDAY???
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 23:05:32
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 23:07:25
So who votes for Sunday january 16th at 1:00pm AT FIRST MARKHAM PLACE? people that voted for sunday: Holypie spinford ANYBODY ELSE?
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 01:11:58
sunday is good too . so that i can have a day to rest after my trip lol
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 02:26:08
sure why not sunday it is!!! At FIRST MARKHAM PLACE 1:00pm!!!
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 02:45:25
uhh 12pm please?
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 03:14:04
Will we eat there? Because if not I prefer to go later so I can eat first.
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 03:35:05
12:00 seems pretty good. (still I dont know if I can get there at 12:00 cause my dad is busy at 12:00). Ill ask. If not, I guess 1:00pm is the best option
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 14:16:48
ok guys, i have talked to first markham place that we are going on sunday jan 16. is that good for all of you? i will be on vacation from today, but i will keep checking this site for more updates. hope to c u all on jan 16 in first markham place
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 19:07:20
Okay. See you all on the 16th!
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 23:33:38
Have a nice vacation.
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 03:39:26
ALL THE INFO COLLECTED >>>>Toronto January Meeting with Camera Crew from Fairchild TV<<<<<< XD >Date the gahtering will take place< : January the 16th 2011 >Time the gahtering will take place< : 12:00pm >>What to bring<< -pens -backpack -food -money -whatever you want >> Special things that will take place there<<< -A GREAT TOURNAMNET!!!!!XD -CAMERA CREW COMES WITH US DURING THE GATHERING!!!!! What are we goin to do?? All I know is that the camera crew will show up there at 12:00 with cathywu. We will do stuff there like being interviewed and we will maybe have to show them what is penspinning and the tricks, combos etc. We may have to show them how to mod a pen and what kinds of pens do we spin with. We can have a great tournament with zombo the judge again! Hmm... Maybe I need to buy lunch there. People attending: Miyat holypie wind zombo spinford cathywu silverdeath
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 21:43:11
can you guys tell me usually how many people attend the gathering? I want to come, but my parents disagree (indian parents)
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 00:14:56
4 or more.
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 21:35:50
Alright so it is confirmed cathy wu at first markham place january 16th 12:00pm
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 22:42:02
Yeah we know. You said that like 4 times already.
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 23:46:54
Way more than that actually, if you count all of the times he said it for when it was for the 15th. Calm down, you don't need to get so worked up about it, haha.
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 03:02:17
ok ok so what do we do there with a cam crew?
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 07:02:17
What else? Spin?
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 17:23:16
In my opinion, we should have more penspinners to come to this gathering. SO we should tell more penspinners to come like ayysolo and roxer and asm10. I also want simplex and light to ome badly
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 20:36:50
id seriously go if simplex/hex/apho/kunlin and them all go, well i want brampton spinners to go together so we can get a ride together or whatnott
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 03:32:39
I think wind can ask simplex to come
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 04:45:48
He already knows about the gathering.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 21:37:48
OK ONE MORE PROBLEM!!!! WHERE do we >meet< There are so many entrances second of all does everyone know where it is?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 01:52:03
food court i guess
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 01:55:21
Or in front of a store that sells pens? A specific one, because food courts are usually big.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 03:15:09
hmm so the stage at first markham place located at the food court?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 03:21:44
Oh there's a stage? Sure that works.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 17:13:35
Does everybody know where first markham place's stage is? People attending: simplex spinford holypie nagi springfield (my friend) zombo cathywu light wind
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 18:53:28
I can look for it...?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 21:06:18
The stage at FIRST MARKHAM PLACE IS located at >>>the food court<< Its quite obvious also People attending: simplex spinford holypie nagi springfield (my friend) zombo cathywu light wind
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 22:08:33
lolwut, i cant come, well if hex and apho or whatever go and i can get a ride, then i can come
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 03:35:03
hope you can come light. Hey wind is asm10 comin?
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 04:06:11
hey guys i know this is kind of off topic, but i dont know where else to say this did anyone of you recently write this RCM History 2 exam?? cause i was there and i saw this person started pen spinning with a long mod so i was wondering if that person was one of you guys
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 17:38:22
>> Yes we can meet at the stage!<<< Its at the food court.<<< Only some problems: - 12:00 its crowded there - cam crew will stand on the stage? - anybody know where it is?
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 20:30:26
Yamateh wrote: hey guys i know this is kind of off topic, but i dont know where else to say this did anyone of you recently write this RCM History 2 exam?? cause i was there and i saw this person started pen spinning with a long mod so i was wondering if that person was one of you guys
Where'd U write it??? I took it on like the 10th or somthing. uhh, Middle ages-classial? I spun my pen there. Took it at the richmond hill centre (chinese baptist church) btw, I might come if my parents let me... They're asian...0-0 -
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 04:59:00
Yeah it was a friday right? I was talking to person while lining up to get in (I wonder if that was you lol) I was like shocked when i saw you spinning during the exam xD
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 18:36:01
are you both comin to the gathering? cause we need more people for the gathering. We have now 6 people
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 01:05:10
I got my mom to agree...but I'm asian and I have a dad soo.... yeah. @Yamateh don't U mean friday morning? Yeah. I guess. we talked about the operas and u said figaro was easy to memorize correct???
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 17:33:21
I remember that zombo said he had a friend that is a penspinner named fire bird. Should we ask him to come?
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 21:29:10
Oh, if anyone has a black supergrip and a metal G3 that they are willing to sell, I would like to buy them.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:16:43
the gathering is just 1 amd a half week away! I cant WAIT!!!!
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 02:09:04
spinford wrote: I remember that zombo said he had a friend that is a penspinner named fire bird. Should we ask him to come?
No. -
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 02:58:26
oh, yeah. Can I buy a waterfall off you any of you? or any medium weight double sided mod?? Apparently the buster's too heavy for me...
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 03:15:06
I can sell you the base, if you want.
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 18:38:06
Update of penspinners coming: 1. Wind 2. Holypie 3. Apho 4. Wind 5. Simplex 6. Spinford 7. Zombo 8. Holypie 9. Spinnerhui People that may be comin: 1. Yamateh 2. Light umm... Wind, can you bring asm10, or ayysolo?
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 21:29:30
I might go, if i do, ill bring Light, Hex, and apho with me. But that's only if i go. Oh and i'll bring lots of stuff for trade/sale. Edit: ill bring this stuff and + more
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:19:22
I doubt asm10 will go. Ayysolo is back in waterloo i believe.
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:47:02
aww yeee yo Miyat so you can pick hex and me up? thats epic! SO do we meet up at Apho's or something? Oh yeahh my rents are like "study for exams" jeez ill try to convince them so i can come xD @spinford, add hex on the list too, dont forget about him
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:53:52
hope you come miyat [QUOTE=Light;50966]aww yeee yo Miyat so you can pick hex and me up? thats epic! SO do we meet up at Apho's or something? Oh yeahh my rents are like "study for exams" jeez ill try to convince them so i can come xD @miyat can you come?
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:58:26
Yes, unless something happens, and ill probably have to go before 6. But i doubt it'll be that long. I guess ill film and make a gathering video since this one is special. Edit: are there any good pens to get at the place?
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:15:36
1 more thing @Light I am just curious? Do the cam crew put make up on us?
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:36:39
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:50:18
@spinford XD makeup thats epic LOOLOLOLOL , probably not lol, but yo apparently alot of my friends at my school watch Fairchild TV XD, i mean its gotta be big or something
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 00:59:31
just a note, if it really even matters; me and hex (ahem.) might be in sarnia/london for a wrestling tournament the 15th so i might not be there. woops, edit: I'll be getting rid of most of my mods, if anyone wants to buy.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 01:12:41
I might, what mods are they?
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 17:37:39
UPDATE OF PEOPLE COMIN TO THE GAHTERING: 1. Spinford 2. Simplex 3. Wind 4. Light 5. Miyat 6. @Zombo (You can come right?) 7. Holypie 8. CathyWu (the one hosting fairchild tv) 9. spinnerhui PEOPLE THAT MAY BE COMIN: Apho Hex Yamateh Ayysolo Kunlin
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 17:38:48
why do you make an update post every single day, cant you just update the first post.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 17:40:26
Whoops never thought about that sorry!
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 00:54:41
^ROOOOOOFL anyone know if cathywu is female? Light and I have this thing going. just curious.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 01:06:27
Hex wrote: ^ROOOOOOFL anyone know if cathywu is female? Light and I have this thing going. just curious.
she's female :/ hex you better come, cause i made plans so i would be in brampton and stuff. "you" are the one who asked me. come... @Hex -
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 03:03:03
I will come if KunLin/asm10/AyySoLo comes
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 14:00:43
yes yes, i will be coming. Where should all of us meet and what time?
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 14:43:16
yooo FML my rents said i have to study.. jeez, alright hex go, um if you buy some mods or something iunno shoot, i wanted to buy something...
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 15:01:45
First Markham Place at 12:00 near the stage at the food court.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 16:14:02
uh, just pm me your address hex.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 16:49:39
dammit light. pmed miyat. yeo i can buy something for you. Just gimme the money.
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 12:31:49
seems i have been away for soooooooooo long! haha, didnt know there are sooo many response. so the plan is still on? im currently in japan, and have very limited access to internet, i will check back when i arrive HK.
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 18:52:03
@cathywu "Did you get a filming permit at Firstmarkham place?" The gathering IS OFFICIALY 1 WEEK AWAY!!!!!!! Sweet!
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 19:05:51
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 22:23:16
what mods are you guys bringing to sell or whatever? even though im not going, imma give my money to hex so he can buy it for me :D
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 23:32:09
@Light isint miyat carpooling with hex and you?
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 23:38:49
thats not the issue spinford, its cuz i have exams coming, so my rents dont want me going anywhere >_>. SO yeah if they did, then yes i would carpool. For now i wanna know if there are any mods ppl are selling and stuff. p.s i want jap dr.grip grips / perhaps Dr.G tips/ emboss mod and other stuff
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 17:34:36
is Yamateh and Aafg comin?
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:06:20
This is what i'm bringing to sell/trade. Sailors, hggs, pw rings, random grip sections and other grips. Random caps and bodies/pens (emboss bodies, emboss small caps, ac body subs, rushon, g3, pirat, etc.) Some mods, EP comssa, Namemory, dc pink bellcolor, seven's g3, pink colors mx and more. I might post some more specific pictures so everything can be seen easier. If you have anything you think i might want, then bring it... [B]case is not for sale/trade.[/B]
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:31:09
spinford wrote: is Yamateh and Aafg comin?
I have the same problem as Light, I have exams very close to the gathering and obviously my parents don't want me going anywhere... -
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:52:26
I will come sure but gotta study right away
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 22:04:48
Exams should be at the end on january... You got a little more than a week to study for your exam(s) not sure about asm10 and yamateh. Quit asking. I'm dealing with it right now.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:08:30
What should the prize be for this tournament we are having? Free bubbletea?
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:14:17
I don't care, I won't win anyway =P
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:17:16
no chance at've seen me battle. I'm hopeless xDDDD
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 00:03:26
I guess we'll have seperate tournaments... like beginners > 1 year and under and advance > 1 year+
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 01:05:01
are there really that many advanced for a tournament ?
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 02:05:25
:hah: i'm still under 1 year
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 03:03:04
I me Spinford 3 years experience.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 02:20:07
1 year 3 month...Can I go should I be noob or advanced??
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 18:35:10
we can have a qualification round then have a real tournament
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 18:57:54
so what time does this thing start 12pm?
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 21:02:44
Yeah, are we having lunch there?
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 22:52:34
@Holypie: I can have lunch with together with you that was my plan.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 23:00:39
If it's at 12:00 wouldn't it make sense for everyone to have lunch? We ARE meeting at a food court after all.
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 23:03:25
with a stage of course, well its quite obvious to find where we will meet cause there will be cam crew there
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 23:55:43
I meant that if we're meeting at a food court at lunch time, why not have lunch?
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 00:30:34
Yeah...Let's have lunch there...btw, can I get anyone's phone # in case I get lost or something...Pm and I'll give you mine first...
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 00:41:52
Not going to bother pming you my number... so mine is 647 338 0818 gatsby from UPSB v3 might be coming. Kunlin is a maybe. asm10 is a maybe.
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 02:57:51
If you guys get lost: call me 647 335 3118 IM A PRO AT FIRST MARKHAM PLACE!
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 01:09:40
can anybody do me a favour and bring a jap drgrip ? i sorta lost mine..
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 01:55:40
sorry dont have any ask miyat he has loads of supplies The art store there may have some!
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 02:00:10
Japanese? Doubtful Speaking of which PW forgot to include the Japanese dr grip grip so I can't make the F1r3fly that I wanted to bring to the gathering and it didn't show up today. Oh well, I'll post pictures.
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:13:39
gathering is 2 days away
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:13:47
umm...Can Someone update this with a list of ppl that are coming, what to bring, what time to meet, if we're eating lunch there (I'm in favor of eating lunch there if we're meeting at 12), etc. EDIT: Thanks Spinford
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 03:18:41
Time: 12:00pm Date: Jan 16th Location: First markham place Where to meet: At the stage (which is where the food court is located. There is only one food court there) What to bring: Backpack Pens Phones Money (TO BUY STUFF!!!!) Whatever you want There will be tournament taking place there with a camera crew there also People that are coming: Zombo Spinford Simplex Holypie Spinnerhui Cathywu Miyat Hex Apho Wind Yamateh?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 00:22:45
Anyone ready for tomorrow?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 00:27:42
Yeah, gonna pick up hex and apho around 11 or something. Is First Markham the place across from pmall?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 00:40:38
miyat wrote: Yeah, gonna pick up hex and apho around 11 or something. Is First Markham the place across from pmall? That's the google map. It's at Highway 7 and Woodbine...C ya there!!! -
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 00:53:09
damn FMP is even further away than pmall
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 01:04:00
question, is there actually any good pen stores at fmp ?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 01:20:44
Iunno... @Apho but I would prefer not to change the schedule now...
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 02:33:09
@Zombo even though its far away, than pmall, its way cooler. Its huge! there! GATHERING IS TOMORROW!!!!
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 03:05:22
IMO fmp is soo small/bad compared to Pmall LOOOL but it's good for gatherings cause they have a big food court and not as CROWDED as pmall hate it how i have to go to newmarket tomorrow and i dont know when will i be back i might pop out of nowhere though but have loads of fun tomorrow guys! :)
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 03:21:27
Cathy wu is back! in canada!
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:57:36
Hey mang I would like to come tomorrow to show you my skill in penspinning. Who is Cathy Wu? And also when will this gathering end thanks
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 13:57:08
@Winner Cathy Wu is a host on Fairchild TV The Gathering is 12-6
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 15:12:07
@Winner you are back! Gathering is today SPINFORD SHALL LEAVE HOME NOW!
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 15:44:41
Leaving soon, see you all there.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 16:06:10
Same as Miyat...C ya All there!!!
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 00:09:36
You guys back yet? Gah ive been waiting for all you guys to get on upsb xDD (i didnt go btw >.< fucking exam prep) Howd it go :D:D^^ and Hex what did you buy!!!
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 00:41:24
thx all for coming, thx cathy and the crew for filming
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:03:31
Pics and vids would be nice :) how was it guys? and did Cathy say when will it be on TV?
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:05:45
She said she would tell us via forum. It was fun, I got a bunch of sailors.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:31:55
now up next, the march break gahtering!
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:34:31
I AM SOOOO DOWN FOR THE MARCH BREAK GATHERING!!!!!!!! This time i am not lying. start planning xDD
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:46:15
Let's make a penwish order.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:48:16
zombo pls, make the order for us. It will jsut be alot easier. You are not losing out. Money will be given back in cash. Nice to see everyone... I am ssoooo noob. :(
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:53:21
You think you're noob =P
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 02:55:52
nah holypie, your definitely better than me.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 03:13:34
Don't worry Hex, at least you got a nice MX style.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 03:19:48
And I'm not going to bother editing my post so... I'll upload the videos and stuff I took around wednesday. I'll upload the EPYC videos first.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 03:41:10
Well I was told that the video is about a month away. Long wait..
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 18:36:00
who wants a march break gathering? At >>PACIFIC MALL<< this time?
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 22:12:33
I'm all gathered out. I might upload some of the gathering videos too.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 22:55:42
sure, Pmall sounds fine. How abouot another sunday???
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 22:58:00
join the Toronto 4 All group if you haven't done so yet...
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 22:58:58
spinford wrote: who wants a march break gathering? At >>PACIFIC MALL<< this time?
Sounds good. With the penwish group order right? Post your lists. -
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 00:04:33
So we leave our orders on the toronto 4 all thread. Okk ill do it :D
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 20:29:52
hello all, the show will be on air tonight at 10:00pm. Our pen spinning part will be scheduled after 10:45pm to be exactly. It's on Rogers channel 801, Bell 717. I have requested the show to be post online sooner. I will keep an eye on it. I will post the link here as soon as the show has been posted online. Thank you very much for all of your help. email me if you have any further questions at [email][/email]
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 23:19:14
Can anyone record it and post on YouTube? I want to watch!
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 23:22:24
I'll try to rip it from the online one and post it on youtube. hope it works
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 23:44:17
miyat wrote: I'll try to rip it from the online one and post it on youtube. hope it works
no way. I'm going to do that -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 00:17:20
Wind wrote: no way. I'm going to do that
k. -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 00:24:58
Hopefully it works so I can rip it from youtube =P
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 01:23:52
i just found out from my parents LOOL
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 01:28:17
I don't even have the channel, haha.
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 07:25:08
Hey guys, asm10 recorded it !!! he watched the vancouver one (3 hours after) LOL he's gonna upload it on youtube soontimes! :)
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 14:34:24
Yeah. Here it is.
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 15:14:28
I looked soo gay... fail. and I forgot to watch it on the TV...
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 15:32:10
FFFFUUUUU I NEED TO COME TO TORONTO I NEED TO I CAN SPEAK CANTONEESE AND MANDERINE . I could come and translate it for you. Grr I wish I could be on tv one day!( zombo you have the same Chinese surname as meh)
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 15:32:53
J A Z Z wrote: FFFFUUUUU I NEED TO COME TO TORONTO I NEED TO I CAN SPEAK CANTONEESE AND MANDERINE . I could come and translate it for you. Grr I wish I could be on tv one day!([B] zombo you have the same Chinese surname as meh[/B])
wtf? you said you were white -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 16:15:35
@Zombo Actually I look Asian but I can speak English and Chinese And MANDERINE :) Surname is Chang
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 17:20:43
My pro wipers... I hope people see this and we get more canadian spinners, but probably not. Edit: someone make a thread for it in the gathering/meetings video section/?
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 19:42:27
J A Z Z wrote: @Zombo Actually I look Asian but I can speak English and Chinese And MANDERINE :) Surname is Chang
how can a white dude be named chang? -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 22:25:30
HOLY CRAP THATS EPICCC I should have went... bitch ass exams
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:07:47
It was fun but... LOL I WAS SO TERRIBLE.
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:33:50
Zombo wrote: how can a white dude be named chang?
Just put it this way, I was born in canada. And I live in hk -
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 02:59:48
Just wondering, who's mom was that?
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 03:02:21
Yamateh wrote: Just wondering, who's mom was that?
spinford -
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 03:05:09
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. ROFL MIYAT. Intense figure 8s.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 06:46:01
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 13:11:42
^ughnnn CREW<3
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 20:45:47
Are we going to have a march break gathering?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 22:51:14
If there is a march break gathering can I join I am a beginner come from HKPSA :)
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 00:12:54
will you be in toronto around mid march ? O.o
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 00:59:24
@s000198 are you in hk right now or in toronto?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 01:39:48
Bring lots of pens from HK =P
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 04:24:03
YES I am in Toronto right now !!!
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 15:14:10
darn... I was hoping that we could get some exotic pens...
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 19:22:23
I have some chinese pen z gear . Pretty good to spin and is writable !!
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 19:28:32
Chinese pen z gear ver5
22 cm (six weights for each pen ) Chinese pen z gear ver6
(left)23 cm heavier than buster cyl (right) chinese pen z gear ver7 ( I dont have this pen now, tell me if you want) Because my friends are coming from Hong Kong They will bring some pen to me . Tell me if you want one :) $10 cad for each or use other pen trade with me.
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 19:44:06
s000198 wrote: Chinese pen z gear ver5 22 cm)
I want all of that please. Mostly the weights (rings). ;D -
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 19:56:59
What colour ?? $ 10CAD for each or you can use other pen trade with me
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 20:40:07
Blue please, (i need 8 weights/rings) Check my trade thread ( ), if you don't want any of that, i'll pay 10CAD.
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 21:23:47
theres only six weights for each pen ....
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 22:26:52
Version 5 red please I'll bring $ 10 Canadian....not rmb xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EDIT: NVM @s000198 DO NOT GET ME THE PENS I changed my mind...
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 00:28:51
I'll buy a blue version 5 =P
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 14:25:06
s000198 wrote: theres only six weights for each pen ....
Wai.. In hk you only pay 2 can for one you scammer=/ -
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 22:17:29
Come on here is Canada!!!! Of cuz is more expensive than HK!! My friend sell it $2X!!!
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 22:33:32
just cause the prices higher doesnt mean he's scamming, he still needs to make some profit
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 11:49:45
Nah :P I was kidding, I know he needs to make profit:) We buy those here for 20$ something HKD.
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 21:22:25
Jazz, are you in Toronto right now? Or coming to toronto?
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 13:38:49
Nah :p if I was at Toronto I would sell cheap pens.-. But I think I will be going in summer :)