Board Comments / Bad/Good Posts?

  1. Colin
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:32:16

    Soo..I realized the bad was removed. Whycome?

  2. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:39:14

    + stays - got removed, too many abuse of it

  3. Nachoaddict
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:39:37

    Some people liked the thanks system better which is basically the same as this like system.

  4. SuiXidaL
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:42:08

    since this is gone, can we get rid of all our posts that were rated down because of rage ? Kcom rated 9 of my posts negative :facepalm:

  5. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:48:24

    they're already gone.

  6. Pen Ninja
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 07:48:13

    if u cant say something nice, dont say anything at all :P

  7. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 01:30:00

    I think it's okay to speak your mind but just not to an extreme where you're simply cussing someone out without any reason

  8. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 05:28:15

    Only having a like button for posts is awesome! What a great positive change. :)