Pen Modifications / Grip Cut Discussion
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 05:53:32
Just this crazy idea that I just had. But. will this work? I can print out a grip cut design on paper, and tape the paper over the grip, and cut the paper/grip so the paper is like a guide, or a stencil. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Like this:
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 05:57:10
Crazy is the keyword. Dont EVER do this. You waste time, you waste a grip, and you waste paper/tape. It doesnt work. The paper isnt cohesive with the grip, thus resulting in incorrect pattern structure+total annihilation to your grip. Just trace it on with a ballpoint pen
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 05:59:03
Thanks for the quick reply. But trace? Thats gonna take YEARS. XD What pen do you suggest tracing? RSVP? Gel?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:07:53
Good gripcuts (something that isnt spiral) usually take 45 minutes or more. RSVP is good. DO NOT use gel. Here's why:
Even with a high quality camera, you can still see the ink. I used an HGG 0.7 for this. NOT recommended
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:10:36
I usually use a signo broad, which washes out fine after you finish cutting. The downside though is that it might wipe off while you're cutting it.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:19:37
@Colin do you sell grip cuts? because you are REALLY good at them, and I really want to buy them. And I think with my skill, I'll be wasting a bunch of grips. Also, what are good tools for grip cuts? E.G. an xacto knife(the ones like squares) or the ones like a pen. Also, do we have to do something to the grip to prepare for a grip cut?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:25:13
People usually use an X-Acto knife or a sharp scalpel. Stretching the grip for a few days/weeks/month loosens up the grip and it's easier to cut.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:25:52
@Sam No I dont, sorry. Thanks though; it looks clean..but trust me, it looks like I freaking hacked it in person Stick with regular xacto knives. the specially shaped ones will get you nowhere. refer to The guy who created the topic a BEAST at gripcuts. Also, I take no credit for the gripcut design, it was all his.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:28:18
Yeah I gotta agree with Hoiboy. Signo Broad washes off pretty nicely. I always just cut the grip on the broad barrel and slide it off when I'm done.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:37:53
Ok so i ordered signo broads from penwish for grip cuts on kuzu mod. I only ordered white signo broad, and the grip is white O_O. So rsvp?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 06:49:30
Ohyeah @Colin you said that spirals are bad. define spirals. because the neptune grip cuts have spirals?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 13:56:26
What I do is print out the design in the dimensions of the grip, and then draw boxes, along with the design on the grip. I then just do it one box at a time. worked out pretty well for me
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 03:12:15
nice idea dude ill try it
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 05:01:08
Good idea.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 20:04:18
this is my method to create a gripcut: 1. draw/print a motive on paper (e.g. one of my motives). it should have the perfect size for the grip. 2. cut it out with a scalpel or something else (like RIGHT on the pic) 3. use this "paper template" to draw the motive on electric tape (as my electric tape is too thin, i use 2 layers in parallel; i put it on a CD envelope, bcause you can easily remove the tape later after cutting it out) 3. cut it out with a scalpel or something else (like LEFT on the pic) 4. put this "electric tape template" on the grip and copy it on the grip (i use HGG white or Signo Broad white, because you can remove it by washing easily). After the ink is dried, remove the template carefully. 5. cut the grip with a scalpel or something else^^ FINISHED! I know, this procedure is very time-consuming, but it works well. As i posted my gripcut patterns, it was my intention to give you some motives, which can be used e.g. with my method...hope this will help someone ;-) regards, densen77
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 04:54:48
Hye guys, ima try to grip cut, so can you guys tell me sum good grips to cut, show me some patters, give me sum tips, tell me how and all the stuff i need to know
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 05:06:24
Grip Cut Tips Here For beginners, do things that are straight and simple, like squares or rectangles. Don't try the hard stuff... yet.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 06:09:49
Muz have tweezers to remove the cut out part. One important part is always try not pull off the shapes you cut because it would leave a weird slip
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 14:39:20
This might help. Grip cut ideas too.
densen77 wrote: this is my method to create a gripcut: 1. draw/print a motive on paper (e.g. one of my motives). it should have the perfect size for the grip. 2. cut it out with a scalpel or something else (like RIGHT on the pic) 3. use this "paper template" to draw the motive on electric tape (as my electric tape is too thin, i use 2 layers in parallel; i put it on a CD envelope, bcause you can easily remove the tape later after cutting it out) 3. cut it out with a scalpel or something else (like LEFT on the pic) 4. put this "electric tape template" on the grip and copy it on the grip (i use HGG white or Signo Broad white, because you can remove it by washing easily). After the ink is dried, remove the template carefully. 5. cut the grip with a scalpel or something else^^ FINISHED! I know, this procedure is very time-consuming, but it works well. As i posted my gripcut patterns, it was my intention to give you some motives, which can be used e.g. with my method...hope this will help someone ;-) regards, densen77
from densen77^ Most people use this method. -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 14:59:18
Read the whole thing that Riley posted. It is so much more helpful to stretch out the grips like it says to. There is alot of good info there. The above method is also really helpful :P
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 21:37:17
oh, i did the wasp cut on paper for fun, and it looks pretty good, but i accidentally cut the leg of on the firt time... ima try the rising sum on a grip which is basically a g2 grip but softer and has no lines
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 22:51:39
Paper=/=grips. Gripcuts are harder because of a cylindrical shape, and the difference of the material. This is like saying "I like whole wheat bread" compared to "I like tortillas". Whole wheat bread=/=tortillas. I dont wanna be arrogant, but I am pretty decent at gripcuts. However, there are still troubles from time to time, and there always will be. You cannot make an excellent gripcut and not have any problems with it.
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 21:04:51
Colin wrote: Paper=/=grips. Gripcuts are harder because of a cylindrical shape, and the difference of the material. This is like saying "I like whole wheat bread" compared to "I like tortillas". Whole wheat bread=/=tortillas. I dont wanna be arrogant, but I am pretty decent at gripcuts. However, there are still troubles from time to time, and there always will be. You cannot make an excellent gripcut and not have any problems with it.
, i was just practicing, and it was for fun XD, its kinda like the art of papercutting in china, -
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 21:59:02
I personally do draw my motives first. Then i draw them again on tape, cut it out, and put the tape on the grip. Then i take an ink and paint the grip. Afterwars i remove teh tape and have perfect lines to cut along! Works very good and is more precise than drawing your motive on your grip (what works good aswell and is easier for beginners imo).
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 22:08:30
Syrti wrote: I personally do draw my motives first. Then i draw them again on tape, cut it out, and put the tape on the grip. Then i take an ink and paint the grip. Afterwars i remove teh tape and have perfect lines to cut along! Works very good and is more precise than drawing your motive on your grip (what works good aswell and is easier for beginners imo).
Interesting! So you color in/paint the parts you are going to cut out, basically? -
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 22:19:12
That's it. Afaik I know Densen77 uses this technique aswell. Alikebab just draws his motive on the grip!