General Discussion / General WT Line-Up thread

  1. Frip
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 01:34:12

    Official link: Post line-ups as they become known and discuss them :) [B][SIZE="5"]UPSB:[/SIZE][/B] Vic Pen Ninja Erirornal Kraione Baaron Jamie Enns AwonW [B][SIZE="4"]GPC: [/SIZE][/B] 1. Minwoo 2. Stuhl 3. Kirua 4. Däne 5. Sponge 6. Clay source: [SIZE="4"][B]FPSB[/B][/SIZE] 1. s777 2. Gollumsk8 3. Smile 4. Anikis 5. A13X 6. dOmToM 7. Fratleym 8. Raiek Source: [B][SIZE="4"]NLPSC:[/SIZE][/B] Zamorix/fang/Xienix [B][SIZE="4"]TWPS[/SIZE][/B] 1. Rex 2. Evolution 3. Minzian 4. x1213 5. Demonic 6. Joey [B][SIZE="4"]THPSC[/SIZE][/B] 1. peem 2. supawit 3. Metal 4. Shinra 5. mioton 6. Nz 7. Tonnam 8. baimai [B][SIZE="4"]SPSC [/SIZE][/B]Freeman JTS AzuL [B][SIZE="4"]KPSA:[/SIZE][/B] 1. Turndont 2. Crew 3. Tose [B][SIZE="4"]SPSB:[/SIZE][/B] 1. Aborrol 2. Hamster 3. Sly [B][SIZE="4"]SPC:[/SIZE][/B] 1. Steen-J 2. Kuli Kukur [B][SIZE="4"]LPSA[/SIZE][/B]: 1. Vstrike taichi 2. Might [B][SIZE="4"]PSH[/SIZE][/B] 1.Answer 2.snow 3.Tin 4.LAPUTA 5.Age 6.co2

  2. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 01:45:28

    Hmm... I thought Minwoo "quit"?

  3. RR24
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 01:48:52

    YEAH WHAT THE HELL anyways hes gonna maybe get to round 4 ish

  4. AwonW
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 01:56:04

    I'm interested in seeing how kirua is going to do in this WT since I haven't seen him in a while. I'm curious about Clay and Sponge as well since I've never heard of them.

  5. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:02:01

    @hoiboy lol WT is going to bring many spinners back from retirement... it's special in a way... Fratleym also coming back...

  6. Twine
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:13:41

    In all honesty, I can only see Vic and Eriror going far from UPSB (as usual .__.) So much hard competition.

  7. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:15:13

    Twine wrote: In all honesty, I can only see Vic and Eriror going far from UPSB (as usual .__.) So much hard competition.
    depends what you mean by far. if you mean best 16 or best 8, 2/16 or 2/8 is quite an accomplishment already...

  8. Twine
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:32:19

    By far I mean passing 2 or more rounds.

  9. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:36:42

    2nd round is top 32 3rd round is top 16 so yeah.... we have probably 3 or 4 guys who can pass 1st round. not sure about the 2nd round tho but just making it to the 2nd round is a huge accomplishment because a lot of spinners are gonna be eliminated there

  10. Mats
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:43:57

    Zombo wrote: 2nd round is top 32 3rd round is top 16 so yeah.... we have probably 3 or 4 guys who can pass 1st round. not sure about the 2nd round tho but just making it to the 2nd round is a huge accomplishment because a lot of spinners are gonna be eliminated there
    Yeah, about 16 of them. Making or not making the 2nd round though, is not the best indicator of how well you did. What if you went out in round 1 to the eventual winner?

  11. casual
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:47:28

    Isn't round 1 this wt essentially pools? Getting past just round 1 is already one hell of an accomplishment, unless you have stupid luck.

  12. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:53:55

    casual;40150]Isn't round 1 this wt essentially pools? Getting past just round 1 is already one hell of an accomplishment, unless you have stupid luck.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Mats wrote: Yeah, about 16 of them. Making or not making the 2nd round though, is not the best indicator of how well you did. What if you went out in round 1 to the eventual winner?
    correct. first round is pool so its not really an indicator since groups will be eventually distributed. furthermore, 2nd round is seeded according to result of first round. the factor luck is definitely being reduced compared to previous rounds, therefore the round you finish at is a more relevant indicator.

  13. Frip
    Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 03:20:22

    Added source for GPC, idk about other communities :|

  14. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 17:03:07

    add upsb's lineup for now I heard that SPSC is freeman/azul/jts but I have no link for it...

  15. Fratleym FS
    Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 09:08:39

    You rules

  16. neoknux_009
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 05:30:38


  17. fang
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 18:04:34

    @Frip I can tell you about the spinners for NLPSC, but I don't think you guys would know them.. :P

  18. AyySolo
    Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 21:36:13

    answer is coming back

  19. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 06:25:05

    AyySolo wrote: answer is coming back
    wouah thats sweet, you came back just to say that, lol? source?

  20. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 06:41:45


  21. Frip
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 07:17:24


  22. fang
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 11:15:33

    NLPSC: Zamorix/fang/Xienix

  23. neoknux_009
    Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 14:16:26

    ANSWER TOO!!! ;D his combos are really cool!!

  24. Hex
    Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 23:25:58


  25. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 03:14:21

    FPSB lineup 1. s777 2. Gollumsk8 3. Smile 4. Anikis 5. A13X 6. dOmToM 7. Fratleym 8. Raiek Source:

  26. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 03:17:23

    Zombo wrote: FPSB lineup 1. s777 2. Gollumsk8 3. Smile 4. Anikis 5. A13X 6. dOmToM 7. Fratleym 8. Raiek Source:
    Okay, FPSB just became extremely strong. =/

  27. AoD1
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:01:55

    like i said before FPSB is going to shit on the other boards in the WT

    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:05:12

    Zombo wrote: FPSB lineup 1. s777 2. Gollumsk8 3. Smile 4. Anikis 5. A13X 6. dOmToM 7. Fratleym 8. Raiek Source:

  29. AwonW
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:07:24

    FPSB seems to have a pretty good team, but it seems like the lower level spinners are pretty far away from the top level spinners. I could be wrong though, I haven't seen these spinners in a while.

  30. casual
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:12:53

    I think everyone is at a pretty high level in that team, but I'm judging based off of fpsb's collab. As it stands now, fpsb and thpsc spinners will be filling up the brackets.

  31. AoD1
    Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 04:32:10

    i hope you guys have fun getting shitted on!

  32. neoknux_009
    Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 10:05:49

    yay FPSB I KNEW IT

  33. Malch
    Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 23:31:26

    shitted isn't a word.

  34. walrus
    Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 23:36:21

    wow FPSB line up is amazing. Also, i know this is noob but what community is Anwer from? i <3 his spinning and style ♥

  35. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 23:39:04


  36. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 14:21:12

    a few more lists found on PSH and GPC PSH 1.Answer 2.snow 3.Tin 4.LAPUTA 5.Age 6.co2 TWPS 1. Rex 2. Evolution 3. Minzian 4. x1213 5. Demonic 6. Joey THPSC peem supawit Metal Shinra mioton Nz Tonnam baimai KPSA: Turndont Crew Tose SPSB: Aborrol Hamster Sly SPC: Steen-J Kuli Kukur

  37. Enkronidus
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 14:48:22

    Link to THPSC thread: We used popular vote function instead. No entry videos or stuff. No idea why, but I didn't feel right about the way of picking at all. =/ And yeah.. Dongza couldn't make it to the list. :(

  38. Morpheus
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 17:34:47

    Zombo wrote: PSH 1.Answer 2.snow 3.Tin 4.LAPUTA 5.Age 6.co2
    What happened to Twister??

  39. Van
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 17:52:45

    can u put all the members we know so far on one post?

  40. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 18:02:44

    @Frip is supposed to update the first post.

  41. casual
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 18:40:03

    PSH looking stronger than expected. :)

  42. VikroaL
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 19:19:31

    Van wrote: can u put all the members we know so far on one post?
    You can also read the updated list here: ^^

  43. Frip
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 19:44:04

    post is updated

  44. AzuL
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 20:02:29

    BPSC 1. Gisele8 2. kr4zy 3. Ivabra 4. voltaic 5. trushu From

  45. hoiboy
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 20:26:07

    I'm not seeing anything from HKPSA... :( Nothing about the WT at all.

  46. A.Sate
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 20:43:34

    Dongza didnt make it? I thought he would be popular enough to get in after his win in the wc10.

  47. AzuL
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 21:16:40

    A.Sate wrote: Dongza didnt make it? I thought he would be popular enough to get in after his win in the wc10.
    1. Baimai - 16 2. Mioton - 15 3. Nz - 15 4. Spinnerpeem - 14 5. Metal - 14 6. Supawit127 - 13 7. Tonnam - 13 8. oOShinRaoO - 13 [B]Dongza - 10[/B] [F]oRMoZa[R] - 6 Tigeroat - 5 The legend - 3 GSkyrunner - 2 Magma - 1 Astro - 1 Mo - 1 --- He is the 9th.

  48. VikroaL
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 21:25:26

    Lol I don't understand how Mioton can get 15 and Supawit 13...or Metal 14 and Dongza 10. I don't know what's wrong in THPSC...but lol. Great disappoint not seeing Dongza in WT...but it's great to see Answer again ^^ Btw, if someone wants to take a look, it has been updated the list in Spin Along with a Solo video of every spinner registered in the WT so far (some of them don't have, so we linked his channel or some combo). If you are included and you prefer another solo video to represent you, just tell us :)

  49. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 21:30:19

    thpsc system is a bit messed up, they'll have to clean it up before the final submit

  50. darkdazh
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 22:11:59

    Where's the rest of KPSA? o_o

  51. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 22:26:36

    kpsa only requested 3 spots, most of their spinners are either studying or in the army

  52. Gisele 8
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 22:45:19

    bpsc official lineup 1 Gisele8 2 Kr4zy 3 Iva 4 Voltaic 5 Trushu hope it will be fun cya

  53. Enkronidus
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 22:45:43

    VikroaL wrote: Lol I don't understand how Mioton can get 15 and Supawit 13...or Metal 14 and Dongza 10. I don't know what's wrong in THPSC...but lol. Great disappoint not seeing Dongza in WT
    Well, the main idea of THPSC was to send the newer generation into the stage. Both Spinnerpeem and Supawit weren't even going to be in the roster at first, as they had agreed about the idea as well. But eventually they made it to the roster due to the reason that THPSC still want to have more chance of being the 1st place. And I have to agreed that the selection system sucks. =/ Not totally accurate and varied enough. But I guess that'll still be the final roster.

  54. VikroaL
    Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 23:17:22

    Well, if the reason is that at least I am able to understand it a little bit better...but I still dislike the system. I think it is nice to let the new generations flow (I have talked about this too much today :P), but according to the THPSC ranking...I understand nothing lol :P I'll wait for the final roster, in case there is any. Love to see kr4zy is going to take part in WT11, he's one of my favourite spinners <3

  55. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 00:03:05

    @Enkronidus for a WC I think it's ok to use a different set of spinners, but for a WT it's wrong, you should pick the best spinners you have. it is an individual tournament and the best spinners should participate

  56. Van
    Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 00:24:05

    Anyone know who's spinning for JEB?

  57. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 00:24:41

    afaik JEB has not publicly released a list yet. I also got word that Stuhl will sadly not be able to take part in the event :( He tried to manage it with his studies but just cannot do it. A replacement will be announced by GPC.

  58. neoknux_009
    Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 10:57:13

    yeah i agree with zombo. dongza not being in? I cant believe it. Hes been supported THPSC for a hella long time. Been in every major psning event since 08 and has done awesome. I think someone should step in and reargue, open voting system is terrrible.

  59. VikroaL
    Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 18:09:46

    Van wrote: Anyone know who's spinning for JEB?
    As Zombo said, they didn't release a public list yet. In JEB you can find the list with the people who applied for it, here it is:
    Spoiler・fff 動画提出済 ・ASIn 動画提出済 ・SEN 動画提出済 ・Clotho ・Sister_R ・Hibachi ・sweetman ・ctionist 動画提出済 ・ocha 動画確認済 ・Iris ・kazu ・wes ・HAL ・SearchManitou ・Rhetoric 動画確認済 ・ponkotu 動画確認済 ・~RUI~ 動画確認済 ・kururiasu ・Fire@Fox 動画提出済 ・takoya- 動画確認済 ・Necrosis 動画提出済 動画提出済 = Submitted
    But JEB is also surprising in this kind of thinks and it's pretty common to find another spinners then. I'm intrigued about them :P

  60. chili pepper
    Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 19:10:13

    Malch wrote: shitted isn't a word.

  61. Enkronidus
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 03:05:24

    neoknux_009 wrote: yeah i agree with zombo. dongza not being in? I cant believe it. Hes been supported THPSC for a hella long time. Been in every major psning event since 08 and has done awesome. I think someone should step in and reargue, open voting system is terrrible.
    Okay, I've asked the reason from the THPSC members. Dongza is currently studying in high school and he'll have to entrance to university soon. So he's not totally free to film at all. Public Voting System wasn't the best way indeed. But that roster is probably the best line-up available for us, anyways. Only Dongza and Tigeroat were missing, but with reasonable cause.

  62. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 03:07:42

    ok if dongza is too busy to participate, thats a different story. but if he was denied when he was able, then its unfair.

  63. Twine
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 04:37:55

    Look's like UPSB's got this in the bag then ;D

  64. Wish
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 05:19:37

    Wheres PPSC?

  65. AoD1
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 05:25:54

    Twine wrote: Look's like UPSB's got this in the bag then ;D
    i sure hope your joking UPSB does not "have it in the bag"

  66. crinix
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 09:45:42

    I've been expecting to see colddi from GPC. Also, I hope ocha will be the part of WT11.

  67. Hastings
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 21:57:59

    Any news concerning the wildcard spots? Did anyone submit a video?

  68. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 22:51:04

    What communities are still missing?

  69. fang
    Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 23:13:24

    @Erirornal Kraione JEB HKPSA PPP PPSC MyPSC BRPSB LPSA I am not sure...

  70. Frip
    Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 00:59:50

    kk PPSC 1. ExcrisVirus 2. {TH}Enzo 3. Xperryment 4. deathfish MyPSC: chiayi VINC song raTS96 BRPSB: (??) Sanozucke Vinypeen Well DarknesS

  71. ~L~&#12513;HS
    Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 01:40:19

    Frip wrote: BRPSB: (??) Sanozucke Vinypeen Well DarknesS
    This is not the BRPSB line-up This is the result of Brazilian Tournament (BRT) The administrators are still deciding who will be in, in this thread you can see the ones who are trying to join the team:

  72. deathfish
    Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 20:07:02

    Frip wrote: PPSC 1. ExcrisVirus 2. {TH}Enzo 3. Xperryment 4. deathfish
    Enzo gave his place to MYSYCRY so the final PPSC WT lineup will be: 1. ExcrisVirus 2. MYSYCRY 3. Xperryment 4. deathfish

  73. chris
    Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 20:53:55

    deathfish wrote: Enzo gave his place to MYSCRY so the final PPSC WT lineup will be: 1. ExcrisVirus 2. MYSCRY 3. Xperryment 4. deathfish
    just correcting. It's MYSYCRY.

  74. Quai
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 05:15:25

    WHUT? only 4 will be competing from PPSC? Why didn't chrisPS join?

  75. xperryment
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 06:57:26

    can the organizers increase the alowable participants of ppsc???pls.pls.pls. coz there are still other desrving psers who are not included pls.pls.pls.

  76. Vaan
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 07:09:30

    only 4 spinners on ppsc????

  77. Quai
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 07:17:23

    why did Enzo give his spot to MYSYCRY? It should have been enzo 2nd then mysycry 3rd. -_-

  78. xperryment
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 07:40:04

    yup yup enzo should be included more than i..../......

  79. Leon[HKPSA]
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 08:01:28

    HKPSA : kin tony ccw wah middle eugene source:

  80. song
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 10:11:48

    Frip wrote: kk PPSC 1. ExcrisVirus 2. {TH}Enzo 3. Xperryment 4. deathfish MyPSC: chiayi VINC song raTS96 BRPSB: (??) Sanozucke Vinypeen Well DarknesS
    thats not mypsc lineup.our admins has just submitted the new lineup

  81. neoknux_009
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 12:16:52

    wow filo REP! GO PPSC!

  82. Quai
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 13:04:50

    @xperryment Nah. i meant that the lineup should be : 1. ExcrisVirus 2. enzo 3. mysycry 4. xperryment 5. deathfish then 3 more other spinners. (if thats possible..)

  83. VikroaL
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 13:43:54

    How the heck do you guys want to add three more spinners right now? Lol Spots were allocated in November, if you wanted more, you should have asked more. Anyways, imo, 4 spots is a [B]very[/B] good number of spots for a community like PPSC. 8 would be far too much and, no offense, but I don't think that PPSC have 8 world elite spinners.

  84. cyshing
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 14:03:22

    [B]MYPSC[/B] 1. r96 2. ellusion67 3. song 4. chiayi

  85. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 15:14:29

    ppsc knew a long time ago they would not get their requested number of spinners (8) you will have to wait to see if a wildcard spot is free

  86. Soren
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 00:15:09

    this is going to be intense! so when is it going to start?

  87. AwonW
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 00:17:29

    Soren Blade wrote: this is going to be intense! so when is it going to start?
    Check the rules at I believe the deadline for lineups is January 8th and it starts on January 15th.

  88. hoiboy
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 00:28:16

    [B]Disclaimer: I do not have a personal vendetta against chrisPS or despise his spinning in any way. This is just my opinion.[/B] [B]To PPSC members:[/B] IMO, if you guys are claiming chrisPS should be in the World Tournament, then you don't really deserve all 8 spots in the WT. chrisPS isn't exactly WT level.

  89. xperryment
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 03:36:33

    Illusion wrote: @xperryment Nah. i meant that the lineup should be : 1. ExcrisVirus 2. enzo 3. mysycry 4. xperryment 5. deathfish then 3 more other spinners. (if thats possible..)
    yah yah enzo should be included wahahaha

  90. Rarity
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 11:14:04

    ENZO SHOULD BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu anyways, go PPSC! :D

  91. ErIkING
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 11:49:57

    how about HKPSA?

  92. VikroaL
    Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 14:07:28

    The first post is not constantly updated, but the HKPSA line-up is already out ^^ HKPSA : kin tony ccw wah middle eugene You can see the updated list here anyways ^^

  93. xperryment
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 07:33:03

    Night Fury wrote: ENZO SHOULD BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu anyways, go PPSC! :D
    yup he is much more better than me

  94. r96
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 12:00:01

    VikroaL wrote: You can see the updated list here anyways ^^
    Pls write r instead of raTS,i didnt use raTA96 for this tournament,thx

  95. VikroaL
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 14:55:50

    r96 wrote: Pls write r instead of raTS,i didnt use raTA96 for this tournament,thx
    It'll be done in 5 secs :) Btw, TWPS has 7 spots. The complete line-up for TWPS is: TWPS 1. Rex 2. Evolution 3. Minzian 4. x1213 5. Demonic 6. Joey 7. ET9 :) Btw, to the PPSC guys...I don't want to be rude/act as a moderator...but can't you discuss there on your own forum? I think this is not the proper place to be talking about who's better or not or who should be in the WT or not... :S

  96. taichi1082
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 20:16:58

    GPC Lineup revealed: 1. Minwoo 2. kirua 3. Däne 4. Sponge 5. clay 6. colddi [Source]

  97. walrus
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:07:56

    yay colddi =D

  98. Fahrenheit
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:52:46

    PPP line-up: #1 Gildor #2 pruCe #3 ShaiiboN #4 Fahrenheit #5 Lawliet

  99. Pari
    Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:02:19

    Yeah, but moreover Fahren, for wildcard will be fighting Gibki :)

  100. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 05:21:53

    so if im right, we're missing BRPSB and JEB (who decided already, just not public)

  101. casual
    Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 05:47:51

    VikroaL wrote: As Zombo said, they didn't release a public list yet. In JEB you can find the list with the people who applied for it, here it is:
    Spoiler・fff 動画提出済 ・ASIn 動画提出済 ・SEN 動画提出済 ・Clotho ・Sister_R ・Hibachi ・sweetman ・ctionist 動画提出済 ・ocha 動画確認済 ・Iris ・kazu ・wes ・HAL ・SearchManitou ・Rhetoric 動画確認済 ・ponkotu 動画確認済 ・~RUI~ 動画確認済 ・kururiasu ・Fire@Fox 動画提出済 ・takoya- 動画確認済 ・Necrosis 動画提出済 動画提出済 = Submitted
    But JEB is also surprising in this kind of thinks and it's pretty common to find another spinners then. I'm intrigued about them :P
    I've wondered, are the submitted tags even accurate? It seems like a lot of JEB's best shots at contending haven't submitted, and that would suck.

  102. walrus
    Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 13:26:33

    wait no cienki, no rafau? please lets have gibki @Pari

  103. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 23:39:06

    BRPSB 1°: Mirektusheaux 2°: DimpSE 3°: Sanozucke 4°: ~L~ ------ I have JEB's lineup, so we're all set. It will be revealed saturday. I'm trying to convince JEB to change their lineup a little bit...

  104. walrus
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 00:03:09

    @Zombo why? cant you just reveal it today?

  105. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 00:11:33

    because im trying to convince JEB to change it

  106. Van
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 00:20:01

    It's dat bad? ._.

  107. Kirby
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:16:02

    No stuhl in Gpc?? lol did i miss something?

  108. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:27:43

    Kirby wrote: No stuhl in Gpc?? lol did i miss something?
    he's too busy with university

  109. EaglE
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:49:55

    PSH line-up changed. lindsky placed of LAPUTA

  110. Morpheus
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:03:06

    EaglE wrote: PSH line-up changed. lindsky placed of LAPUTA
    nooooo, i really liked laputa's spinning and wanted to see him in WT

  111. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:07:32

    jeb's lineup is hmm... well let's just say it's worse than Japen6th...

  112. hoiboy
    Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:18:46


  113. i.suk
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 13:31:26

    about what time will all the participants be revealed (including the 3 wildcard positions)? i know groups are released on 15th jan though

  114. walrus
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 15:07:12

    uhmmm @i.suk you should be in for UPSB. and is it possible to be worse than japen 6th? :o

  115. Vic
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 15:14:41

    Thats stupid. Defeating easy opponents is certainly not fun. I'd rather go up against someone challenging and my level that would take me a couple of weeks to think of a combo good enough to match theirs than not try at all knowing I'll still win. This is the WT, there should be no easy opponents. <_<

  116. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 16:04:03

    Jan wrote: uhmmm @Zombo stop trying to get them to change their line-up. the easier they are to beat, the better off we are if we win..........
    uh? I'm the organizer of the whole tournament, I'm not biased for UPSB. My job is to ensure as much as possible the best spinners in the world participate in the tournament. I will do everything that I can do make sure the skill level is as high as it can be. I hope what you're saying is a joke... :s lineups of every community officially posted text format:

  117. Jamie Enns
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:07:34

    wtf, JEB looks strong. I don't know what you did, or were worrying about.

  118. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:09:42

    my goal is to have every community perform at their 100%, this is not even close to JEB's 100%. we'll see what happens.

  119. walrus
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:54:07


  120. casual
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:54:10

    I don't know. This lineup sure looks stronger than JapEn6th. I'm just worried about ASIn, because his camera is crappy. ctionist, I kinda knew he would be in, but he lacks control. fff, I wouldn't underrate him. He's pretty legit. And the last 5 of the lineup are all of JEB's best... so it's looking good. I'm just glad they decided not to put in spinners like Iris or kururiasu because they are so good, but just too style oriented, which doesn't really help in something like the WT. I mean, their spinning won't be appreciated as much with the judging rubric that they use. As a side note, I've noticed that both HAL and Sister_R weren't in initially, and they both didn't have the 'submitted' symbol next to their name on the JEB forum, so I'm guessing they really didn't submit a video.

  121. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:57:46

    the original lineup did not look as good, now its decent. I had to work harder to get their lineup updated

  122. AwonW
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 19:00:49

    A little more than half of JEB's lineup is looking pretty strong.

  123. taichi1082
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 19:14:28

    Zombo wrote: the original lineup did not look as good, now its decent.
    Decent? I'd say it's not only better than expected (given that HAL and Sister_R didn't submit a video) but also one of the strongest in the tournament besides THPSC, UPSB and FPSB.

  124. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 19:21:52

    well i dunno, I think the JEB lineup should be mostly considered of SPSL spinners, since they appear to be active so it should be feasible in theory. this is not really that... I hold JEB to a very high standard, these would be their 2nd tier spinners i think, except maybe ponkotu.

  125. AwonW
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 19:24:11

    Zombo wrote: well i dunno, I think the JEB lineup should be mostly considered of SPSL spinners, since they appear to be active so it should be feasible in theory. this is not really that... I hold JEB to a very high standard, these would be their 2nd tier spinners i think, except maybe ponkotu.
    What is your ideal JEB lineup? Or rather, what are some spinners that you consider to be their top tier?

  126. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 19:28:47

    some notable omissions that i think would have been feasible include scissor's kuzu makin enot mesi... edit: I don't want to be negative. The current JEB lineup is fine. Let's focus on the talent we do have in the tournament, not the ones that are not in it ;)

  127. Gisele 8
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 20:23:13

    wow! with mesi replacing asin it would have been real rape imo.. but i like jeb's lineup very much! i kinda appreciate all the spinners... can't wait for the beginning! =))))

  128. AwonW
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 22:30:39

    When are the wildcard spinners going to be announced?

  129. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 22:49:38

    Top 5 strongest communities 1. [B]UPSB[/B] It's going to be close between UPSB + FPSB, but with the advent of Baaron and vicgotgame (and everyone else!), I'm sure we can place at least one person into the finals and win it. 2. [B]FPSB[/B] FPSB has a beast lineup, but they're probably hounded by the fact that a lot of those spinners are heralds of an older age and might not make it as far. 3. [B]THPSC[/B] THPSC has a very decent chance, thanks to Supawit and Spinnerpeem and BaiMai. They proved last year they have more than power tricks, and I'm interested to see how the power trickers will handle this years tournament, especially since power tricks alone will not win the tournament. 4. [B]JEB[/B] I'm glad JEB brought along ponkotu. I don't think ponkotu will win it, seeing how he and BaiMai ran out of steam toward then end of the World Cup. The rest of the JEB lineup is pretty decent. 5. [B]TWPS[/B] Rex, Evo, x1213, Joey are all nice powerhouses for TWPS. I'm putting my bets on Rex to make it the farthest.

  130. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 23:12:14

    later during the week, i want to make sure we get the best spinners available. ----------- BPSC: all the active big guns are here, I'm interested in Kr4zy. BRPSB: don't know much about them, they had a tournament this year, won by Sanozucke. I think they should take this WT as a learning practice, they are still very young. FPSB: their search was pretty extensive and they pretty much got the best lineup possible, even better than initially expected with Fratleym coming back. This year will be very good for them. s777 might be the #1 favorite to win. GPC: GPC is banking on some unknown spinners like Clay and Sponge, which they think are better suited to the judging criteria. Minwoo back is a nice surprise. I hope kirua and Der Dane can show their full potential. HKPSA: kin is a contender for the throne here. not too familiar with the others, hope Tony got a better camera... JEB: Much has been said about this lineup. I am satisfied, but will continue to work with them to try and improve it before the start of the tournament. KPSA: Very small lineup but possibly the best they could manage given their limited resources. Tose is a dark horse here. LPSA: Not too sure what to expect here in terms of results... MyPSC: Very nice surprise to see ellusion67 in this, I wish him good luck NLPSC: Very young board, nothing to lose, just hope for the best PPP: Selection consists of young spinners with high potential, we will see how they develop during the tournament. PPSC: Really no idea about any of their spinners, but they seem very confident in their abilities.... PSH: Answer coming back is a big boost, the others are young spinners. SPC: Steen-J is a veteran now, not sure about the other SPSB: Aborrol is a solid spinner for quite some time now, we'll see what happens SPSC: Freeman is one of my favorites, I hope he does well here. THPSC: Peem comes in undefeated in international competitions for the last two year. Supawit has the opportunity to outperform peem too. TWPS: Very good lineup, Rex is a very strong spinner that must establish himself on the international competition scene. UPSB: Pretty much the best lineup possible at this time, the performance of Baaron will be key. ------- 2 wild cards awarded:

  131. neoknux_009
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 06:31:05

    here are my thoughts: strongest board here is FPSB. They have benefits of having veterans like Fratleym and Gollumsk8, the always impressive a13x as well as probably the #1 Seed s777. domtom, annikis, smile, raiek AMAZING spinners. dont underestimate them either. my second favourite lineup is TWPS. people tend to forget about this board :/ its never really mentioned...but TWPS has always been active in psning and always have a busy community. What a great lineup. A13x and Joey are veterans, and show skill and style. Rex is an amazing spinner, people should try to forget about TWPS. UPSB is my third choice. EK has alwasy been a leading force in psning, and he has changed his style a lot in the past year or so. EK can spin from slow pace, to moderate to a face paced combo. EK has a a great chance of winning WT ;]. Best of luck ill be rooting for you too. VIC is a spinner who is also a veteran, and i think VIC deserves the attention of also having one of hte highest chances to win it. no need to mention anymore about vic, everyone knows his abilities are way above the cut off bar for WT standard ;]. PEN NINJA PENNINAJ PENENINAJJ . ROX the WORLD!!!! its like skill and magic has married yo0ur hands! GO AUSTRALIA! Jammie, baaron, and awon best of luck to you guys too. Its a shame we dont talk that much i love your guy's ss styles !!!! You really are UPSB finest. THPSC. Right im kinda over everyone saying supawit is better than peem. i actually feel kinda bad for peem right now. D; Everyone is always saying supa > peem which can be justified. but peem is always inventing the new tricks, peem is very creativie in that regard wher as supa will simply map it or perfect it. also things like "will peem defend his title" pole while intersting also kinda harsh. D; peem just wants to be peem. Hes never bragging or anything. I admit i was once there where i didnt ilke peem at all. but i dont anymore. k thats it.

  132. i.suk
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 07:12:23

    peem said on THPSC he wants to spin for himself iirc (not sure, internet translators suck), but he didn't seem to be fazed by the judging criteria giving him like a 10-13/20 (i think he can get up to 15/20, but that is irrelevant) eriror and vic will carry for UPSB xD FPSB team is extremely strong, but it seems in some teams the lower ranked spinners may not fare that well according to the suggested judging criteria...but then again, i don't think i know much about this kind of stuff XD looking forward to seeing ponkotu, minwoo, eriror, s777, supa, peem, HAL, gollumsk8, kin etc spin, haven't seen recent material from many of the 'gods' in a while -.-

  133. casual
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 07:49:45

    Bored so here's my 2 cents. I'm 90% sure that finals will be between two of these spinners: s777, Vic, Peem, Supawit. Other spinners who I think might have some kind of shot at finals are: ponkotu, kin, gollumsk8, possibly Minwoo (I haven't seen anything recent from him), and maybe remotely Rex 7/8 of FPSB's spinners will make it past the first round. 4/7 of UPSB's spinners will make it past the first round. Why are Metal and Shinrao in the wt? They should be collab superstars, not wt participants. :( 4/7 of TWPS will make it past round 1. PSH will be the dark horse. 8/11 of JEB will advance. They're strong, but none of them barring Ponkotu has a chance at making it to finals imo. Edit: Accommodating tournament changes and after understanding that about 1/3 advance to round 2

  134. i.suk
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 09:01:34

    casual wrote: Bored so here's my 2 cents. All 8 of FPSB's spinners will make it past the first round. 5/6 of UPSB's spinners will make it past the first round. (I'm always hoping for 6/6 though)
    hmm, round 2 only has 1/3 the spinners from r1, only 32 ppl make it through...imo FPSB will get 5 or 6/8 the end, only time will tell.

  135. Twine
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 09:15:32


  136. VikroaL
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 12:56:57

    [spoiler='opinionz']BPSC: Pretty strong line-up. The only one I really like is kr4zy, he has a crazy smoothness but he has to work on the lenght of his combos. BRPSB: Watch out ~L~. If he does what he is able to do, he will surprise a lot of people :) FPSB: One of the strongest line-ups ever. I love Smile, dOmToM and Raeik (please everyone, learn to spell his name lol). Imho, s777 will be the winner of this WT: Smoothness, execution, difficulty...probably best spinner out there. I want to see what Fratleym can show, too. Let's check how much has he improved :) GPC: Lol Clay, the ninja spinner. Let's see what he is able to do :) Also Minwoo is coming back, but I don't think he can be in the final again, just my opinion. HKPSA: Not a fan of any of them, but I'd say kin is gonna do great in this WT. In b4 Tony doing a 20 second finisher. JEB: 10 spinners, lol. Rooting for HAL and ponkotu. ASIn, Rhetoric, Takoya- and ctionist are 'young' spinners for a WT, though I like them. fff can be great too! People is gonna love ocha, but I hate the stage in where he is right now :/ KPSA: Meh. Not a fan >.< LPSA: Pretty much what Zombo said, not sure what to expect lol. Not a fan of their style, though. MySPC: I only know ellusion and it's not the kind of spinners I like. Pretty curious about the rest. PPP: Young line-up! Some of them are stylish (Fahrenheit, pruCe...) but maybe they need a bit more experience. PPSC: I don't know any of them lolz. PSH: Answer coming back *-* I hope its level is hiiigh as it was. SPC: Haven't seen anything from Steen-J for a long time. Kuli Kulur maybe too young. SPSB: I don't know Sly, I don't like Aborrol and Hamster :/ SPSC: What can I say about Freeman lol. Crazy creativity and difficulty, he will make this WT better in terms of creativity. JTS will catch people by surprise, pretty sure of it :) AzuL can do really great things too, he just needs to polish up his execution and presentation. Best of lucks for them ♥ THPSC: Peem, Supawit, BaiMai and Tonnam, that's THPSC for me in this WT. Supawit could win this WT too, for me, it's about s777 and him :P TWPS: Joey <3 The rest is ok, Rex has great skills too. UPSB: One of my favorite line-ups in this WT. Baaron, Eriror, Jamie and Vic <3 I think that 3 or 4/6 could make it through the first round.[/spoiler] And that's my humble opinion about the line-ups :D Good luck everyone!

  137. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 14:09:35

    Mesi will participate in the tournament. But I need to clear some space for him. Some communities expressed the desire to give away spots if necessary. I do not want to use a wild card spot.\\ edit: ET9 (TWPS) is substituted by Mesi (JEB) [quote=neoknux][B]A13x[/B] and Joey are veterans[/quote] wat?

  138. taichi1082
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 17:24:11

    VikroaL wrote: ASIn, Rhetoric, Takoya- and ctionist are 'young' spinners for a WT
    ASIn - Spinning for about 5 years Rhetoric and Takoya: Spinning for at least 3 years I think thats average. Minwoo was spinning less than 2 years in WC08.

  139. VikroaL
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 18:55:06

    taichi1082 wrote: ASIn - Spinning for about 5 years Rhetoric and Takoya: Spinning for at least 3 years I think thats average. Minwoo was spinning less than 2 years in WC08.
    And? I wrote 'young' not to say 'weak'. I know how long Rhetoric and Takoya have been spinning since I like both of them. What I mean is that imo, for example, is weak for a WT. It's not about the time, it's about the skills. Stop looking for everyone's mistakes in every post 8) [QUOTE='Zombo'] edit: ET9 (TWPS) is substituted by Mesi (JEB)[/QUOTE] Yay! :D

  140. Krasnal
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 20:06:03

    That's a little bit unfair to give JEB 11 spots. I know, that some great spinners will participate in WT after Zombo's efforts and it'll be more competitive probably, but I don't like the way they got the spots. I have nothing against if any board wants to give away a spot, but taking 2 of 3 wildcard spots and give it only to one community is just promoting one board over any other. I'm sure that at least few boards would like to request for another spot. Unprofessional.

  141. Gisele 8
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:00:02

    communication with jeb is not easy you know, and i think they have soooo much spinners able to do the wt that it's not really a problem giving them more than any other board... wildcards cases are under control don't worry i think all available (active/having time) pro-spinners are in the place, that is exciting.

  142. fang
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:17:21

    okai, so we are almost all set?

  143. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:20:07

    Krasnal wrote: That's a little bit unfair to give JEB 11 spots. I know, that some great spinners will participate in WT after Zombo's efforts and it'll be more competitive probably, but I don't like the way they got the spots. I have nothing against if any board wants to give away a spot, but taking 2 of 3 wildcard spots and give it only to one community is just promoting one board over any other. I'm sure that at least few boards would like to request for another spot. Unprofessional.
    i assure you that every legitimate requests for additional spots are being looked over right now, and I believe to have found a solution which will be satisfactory to everyone. i also made sure to ask boards with great spinners whether they want more spots. many boards said they were satisfied with their current numbers. the boards that could spare more spinners have contacted me and followed through the procedure. their requests are being evaluated. since this is an individual competiiton, the promotion should be for great spinners rather than the board they represent. so it is in the best interest of the tournament to ensure the best possible talent is gathered to increase the quality of the "show" i will announce the solution shortly, once I get it verified by a few more independent parties.

  144. Kirby
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:27:04

    No one is saying shit about hal, I say he'll make it pretty far. I know this sounds super fanboy, and everyone is talking about strong lineups like FPSB......but peem (and superwit) are really just on a whole nother level. Other than those 2, vic, EK, Minwoo, s777, kr4zy, and HAL all have a chance. EDIT: Zombo, give UPSB one more spot and give i.suk (or shonen) a chance please :)

  145. casual
    Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:42:54

    I didn't mention HAL because I just don't see him beating the likes of Peem or Supawit. To me, he's the same sort of spinner as them, just with a hint of JEB style. Seeing that style plays a minimal role in judging, I left him out. Of course, I'm sure he will make it really far, just not finals. Ponkotu has a better chance IMO because his sort of spinning is different from the others. Oh, and Mesi mothafucka! <3

  146. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 03:52:48

    the tournament is expanded to 99 spots

  147. Kirby
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 14:52:58

    GIVE ONE OF THOSE SPOTS TO I.SUK...pwease :) Or Shonen EDIT: I just read the link and recognize this as a fail :facepalm: EDITEDIT: To make this post useful, does anyone know why AcidDNA and Oliii arn't on PSH's lineup? Also Zumbo, you forgot to remove ET9 from TWPS's lineup

  148. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 15:12:05

    Kirby wrote: GIVE ONE OF THOSE SPOTS TO I.SUK...pwease :) Or Shonen EDIT: I just read the link and recognize this as a fail :facepalm: EDITEDIT: To make this post useful, does anyone know why AcidDNA and Oliii arn't on PSH's lineup? [B]Also Zumbo, you forgot to remove ET9 from TWPS's lineup[/B]
    you made one reading comprehension error and fixed it with an edit, only to make another reading comprehension fail :facepalm: PSH spinners are busy with school as always.

  149. Fratleym FS
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 16:26:41

    All those spinners, seems exciting hehe Like Zombo, I would have liked to see Scissor's , kuzu and some other JEB's Zombo you made an awesome work organizing this. I just hope to reach far enough to have a battle against Eriror :)

  150. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 17:25:46

    OMG!!! I will work hard to convince him...

  151. Kirby
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 18:29:33

    WTF. WTF. I CALL BULL SHIT. Call that kid up and tell him "fuck school, your future is in spinning" Wow, well now supawit is gonna win.

  152. Krasnal
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 19:09:35

    I thought that Dongza would be substitute spinner, not Tigeroat. I'd love to see Dongza in that tournament.

  153. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 19:14:27

    i think that Dongza is busy too.

  154. VikroaL
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 19:44:13

    Oh wow. I was expecting to see Peem in this WT...fuck. This is getting even more interesting lol. Btw...yay! Lekunga in WT! <3

  155. Stuhl
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:06:32

    I will work hard to convince him...
    Well. Why? I mean, it's a matter of THPSC and especially of Peem. So, i don't really know why you try to convice him.
    "fuck school, your future is in spinning"
    Hm, that might be silly. But indeed, if Peem is "only" on Highschool or whatever, he could have time. At least I had a lot of time during Highschool.

  156. Van
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:15:43

    First of all: Yeyyy Mesi is participating :) Second: How can the champion of last year not participate ._. After this tournament there's gonna be another fuss over who's better peem or this year's champ. But JEB gettin 11 no one else requested it I guess that's that but if some other country requested a spot and u took JEB's request over it, I don't think dats fair ._.

  157. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:47:23

    Stuhl wrote: Well. Why? I mean, it's a matter of THPSC and especially of Peem. So, i don't really know why you try to convice him.
    sometimes they're not aware of the schedule of the tournament. if for example they have an exam only in february, maybe it falls under the judging period, so actually he doesn't have to worry about it. i just want to make sure peem makes the best informed decision. i made the same discussion with littleboy recently, trying work with his schedule. turn out it didn't fit so he can't participate sadly.
    But JEB gettin 11 no one else requested it I guess that's that but if some other country requested a spot and u took JEB's request over it, I don't think dats fair ._.
    no, because the 3 spots were created from "nothing". (96 to 99)

  158. casual
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 21:55:44

    No Peem? Interesting. So Supawit will get most of the attention of the powertrickers now.

  159. neoknux_009
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 22:39:47

    @Zombo well i know they have been spinning at a pretty high level around march 07. so ive always assumed they must have started sometime in 06. They must have at least been spinning for 4 years... possibly 5 (if started early 06). imo thats verteran level. and if in the situation where peem does NOT participate... perhaps we can ask him to at least have a showman match, where the winner of WT11 will verse him in like a best out of 3 match. Like an official defend your title kind of thing. It will not mean that Peem will be champion if he wins, but at least everyone can enjoy a show. But perhaps WT11 champion will be all worn out by then.

  160. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 22:57:04

    well i know they have been spinning at a pretty high level around march 07. so ive always assumed they must have started sometime in 06. They must have at least been spinning for 4 years... possibly 5 (if started early 06). imo thats verteran level.
    sorry but I have no idea what this comment is referring too :dunno: the idea of an unofficial between peem and new champino is not bad, but it will likely be considered only after the tournament is over.

  161. strat1227
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:03:22

    Zombo wrote: sorry but I have no idea what this comment is referring too :dunno: the idea of an unofficial between peem and new champino is not bad, but it will likely be considered only after the tournament is over.
    That's very very very unfair in my opinion. Not only is there a huge advantage to peem (who wouldn't have had to compete and use his good stuff in the tourny), but it would have 2 implications A.If peem wins it hugely devalues the WT winner B.If peem even battles at all it means he wasn't too busy to battle and should have been in the WT C. The WT winner will feel obligated to battle even though it's unfair, because people will think lesser of him even though he just won the WT I don't have a problem with Peem backing out but if he backs out and then comes right back and challenges/battles the winner I think that's very very unfair actions on his part

  162. A.Sate
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:15:45

    Something like this happened before, but for a yoyo competetition. The champion of worlds (forgot the year and name :/) didn't go for one year, and came back the next year packed with a whole lot new tricks. He bragged that he wanted to show everyone he could win the worlds any time he wanted to. I got a feeling Peem is doing something similar, but I could always be wrong.

  163. Twine
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:28:52

    OMG MESI!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEESSSSS <3 :wub: I AM SO HAPPY :D [/fanboy] Aww peem. y u no spin in wt? :<

  164. neoknux_009
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:31:12

    @A.Sate peem isnt the bragging least from what ive scene. its very common for psniners to be busy with other things like study, so im fairly sure he is telling the truth and isnt trying to brag that he is still the world champion.

  165. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 23:54:54

    strat1227 wrote: That's very very very unfair in my opinion. Not only is there a huge advantage to peem (who wouldn't have had to compete and use his good stuff in the tourny), but it would have 2 implications A.If peem wins it hugely devalues the WT winner B.If peem even battles at all it means he wasn't too busy to battle and should have been in the WT C. The WT winner will feel obligated to battle even though it's unfair, because people will think lesser of him even though he just won the WT I don't have a problem with Peem backing out but if he backs out and then comes right back and challenges/battles the winner I think that's very very unfair actions on his part
    we can just do it for fun you know -_- its obviously not part of the tournament... it can be done a few months later too as an exhibition event

  166. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 00:05:07

    regardless of how it's billed all of the above things still apply call it exhibition all you want but it'll still be a battle between 2 of the best in the world, so people will look at it like "who's better" and A,B,and C all still apply

  167. A.Sate
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 01:23:39

    Yeah, I'm sure he isn't the bragging type. Im just speculating here.

  168. AwonW
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 01:27:26

    A.Sate wrote: Yeah, I'm sure he isn't the bragging type. Im just speculating here.
    You're sure, but you're just speculating? Wha...? Also, I'm with strat on this one.

  169. neoknux_009
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 02:12:37

    itll be up for peem and the champ to decide if they want to do it. while A, and C may apply, i still dont see how B applies. i dont know how 5 to 6 rounds of spinning through a couple of months equate to a 1 or 2 matches done in a week or two for peem to handle with his school work. Peem will have the initial months to study and keep up rather than having a constant weight of comepting on his chest.

  170. i.suk
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 02:21:04

    no peemmmm. wth, i hold no interest in watching WT11 any more =__=" jk. no more new 'power tricks' for the next year or so i guess then :P clearly coz i am not planning anything at all...yes... lol frkn school and exams

  171. A.Sate
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 07:19:32

    Yeah, you know, those "what if" type of things. Catch my drift?

  172. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 14:44:57

    here are some quotes from peem to better understand his reasons "Thx you :D I will join when i'm ready" "I want time to pratice if i will join i can't be champion^^" "i will join next year because now i want time to pratice new style :D" I think he's just taking a break this year to come back stronger next year :)

  173. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 15:19:59

    that's disappointing. i think from now on, the previous winner is automatically submitted into the next tournament, then if they can't/don't want to compete they have to forfeit their matches people are a lot less likely to forfeit than just not sign up because honestly i think what happened this year is extremely poor taste and extremely disappointing.

  174. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 15:24:23

    peem quit so he already "forfeited" his title, dunno what more you want him to do, i cant just leave his spot open, thats unfair because the ppl who get seeded in his group get better chance.

  175. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 19:29:53

    i don't want anything from anybody, i'm just stating my personal opinion that it's in poor taste and poor sportsmanship to do what he's doing. if you disagree that's fine

  176. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 19:48:37

    so whats a valid reason for pulling out? injury? just lack of time is not enough?

  177. Kirby
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 20:49:49

    Zombo wrote: so whats a valid reason for pulling out? injury? just lack of time is not enough?
    Bullshit lack of time, can't most people film a good combo in less than 6 hours?? I think he has enough time for that. Like 36 hours over a several month time frame...bull shit he has no time. It's fucking highschool, its not that hard.

  178. Jamal
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 20:55:02

    kirby, calm your tits, let the guy do what he wants.

  179. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 21:18:11

    Zombo wrote: so whats a valid reason for pulling out? injury? just lack of time is not enough?
    it sounds to me like he very well could compete, he just doesn't want to unless he knows he has enough time to win the whole tournament, which as the reigning champion is poor sportsmanship in my opinion. if he was going to be out of the country and literally could not film that's different, but he could he just doesn't want to because he doesn't want to lose again, just my opinion, nobody has to agree or disagree, that's just how i feel about the situation.

  180. Kirby
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 22:21:19

    What he said^

  181. neoknux_009
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 23:11:36

    @Kirby your acting so childish about this ]; . im not sure if your a peem fan or not, but right now you arnt really supporting him nor are you helping bringing him back. Your treating him like a bot, he is not going to want make combos and show it to people like you. and you dont know how long it takes people to tape combos. 6 hours can be a LOT out of a persons life taping a combo. you think its fun sitting down for 6 hours with a deadline knowing that if you dont try your absolute best all ur time would be wasted? minwoo apprently took 23 hours in total to do 1 combo. calm down kirby.

  182. Twine
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 23:23:51

    @spinnerpeem just wants to make another big impact on spinning i think. Leave the scene for a bit then come back to amaze people with many new things rather than releasing a new thing every now and again.

  183. Kirby
    Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 23:54:57

    neoknux_009 wrote: @Kirby your acting so childish about this ]; . im not sure if your a peem fan or not, but right now you arnt really supporting him nor are you helping bringing him back. Your treating him like a bot, he is not going to want make combos and show it to people like you. and you dont know how long it takes people to tape combos. 6 hours can be a LOT out of a persons life taping a combo. you think its fun sitting down for 6 hours with a deadline knowing that if you dont try your absolute best all ur time would be wasted? minwoo apprently took 23 hours in total to do 1 combo. calm down kirby.
    bro, I'm not really all that serious. I honestly couldn't give a fuck either way. hell, I'd rather supawit win. I just think that the whole "I can't find any time" thing is bullshit.

  184. tibi
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 00:08:09

    There is nothing wrong with him not participating in this tournament. I don´t know why yall are thinking that this years winner wont be the best penspinner of the world... Since almost 4 years no one would have been able to say that someone is the best penspinner ,simply because there is no way of showing that someone is truly better than another one. If the judges do their job well enough they will find the penspinner who was able to fullfill the criteria given by Zombo (afaik execution, difficulty, creativity and presentation) the best, but they probably dont find the best penspinner.

  185. AwonW
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 00:18:44

    Kirby wrote: bro, I'm not really all that serious. I honestly couldn't give a fuck either way. hell, I'd rather supawit win. I just think that the whole "I can't find any time" thing is bullshit.
    I'm going to assume you've never had to record a string of serious combos, or even a serious combo before.

  186. casual
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 02:18:33

    There's no such thing as a best pen spinner. It is, however, possible to find the best spinner in the technical sense. In a tournament like this, one type of spinner will have an obvious advantage over another, and there's no getting around that. The judging system isn't perfect. It's impossible to objectify something as subjective as pen spinning. The WT is good entertainment value and a good way to bridge the different communities together. I don't think, however, the results should be taken so seriously.

  187. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:06:42

    @strat1227 ok i understand your position better, i thought you were talking about ppl pulling out when they really didnt have time to film

  188. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 03:08:47

    nah, clearly if you just literally can't film or you're in the middle of GRE's or something then that's understandable

  189. AoD1
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 07:30:12

    so why is Spinnerpeem not participating this yr?

  190. octan3
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 08:17:25

    i like how nobody is going "ZOMG KTH NOT PARTICIPATING OAPGHAWOPRHGAOPWRHBAOPEHBOA;DFJNB" wanted ayaNo for JEB :< oh, pds isnt in there either?

  191. JC
    Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 09:33:50

    octan3 wrote: i like how nobody is going "ZOMG KTH NOT PARTICIPATING OAPGHAWOPRHGAOPWRHBAOPEHBOA;DFJNB" wanted ayaNo for JEB :< oh, pds isnt in there either?
    Well, if KTH was winner of WT09, I think that would be a different story >.>''

  192. Vassenato
    Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 19:30:42

    dude, FPSB is going to fucking rape this year.