Approved Tutorials / Namemory DC
Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 17:15:13
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Name of The Modification] Namemory DC [Length]: 19.5 cm ~ 20 cm [Weight]: Slightly heavier than signo tipped comssa. [Style]: Quadruple-capped [Estimated cost]: 8$ USD ~ 9$ USD [Pens-Required]: (2) Dong-A Computer Sign Pen Caps (1) Namae Barrel (New/Old) (2) Signo Tips (2) Monami Memory-S Highlighters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [spoiler=Tutorial]
This mod is fairly simple but I've received a lot of requests on how to make it. This first started out as a metallic comssa and slowly evolved into this. It spins fairly nicely and is great for wiper tricks because of no grips! :O Step 1: Gather all your materials.
You will need a knife to cut plastic. Step 2: Take off a memory highlighter cap and cut it right where the lip meets the smooth cylinder. (????) Be sure to leave a bit of plastic so you can sand it down. Do the same with the other cap.
Step 3: Put the cut highlighter caps onto the comssa caps. (Uncut side should be facing in.) Wrap a signo tip in tape (On the lip.) and stick it in the hole. Do the same with the other signo tip.
Step 4: Cut the tip off of the namae barrel, just the tip! Or else it will be too short. Place both caps on each ends of the namae and you're finished!
Simple, yet colourful. [/spoiler]
Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 19:29:36
Sexy =D I wanna make one, good job. so like, you leave the bakplug in the namae or take it out?
Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 22:42:19
Love it =O Will make it as soon as i get the parts.
Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 22:44:16
It spins fairly nicely and is great for wiper tricks because of no grips! :O
wait wut. no grips is why i suck at wipers ._. -
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 00:30:23
Nice mod, i can actually make it and put these highlighter caps to use. Putting airfit grips on the caps with airfit tips... that would be insanely heavy.
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 04:21:05
Wow It looks pretty easy. And I have all the parts :). I will definitely make this mod :)
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 05:35:54
This looks nice :o. Kinda has the appearance of a waterfall imo. But now I can have sky blue caps bwahaha
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 06:42:13
this is absolutely no where near a similarity to a waterfall....
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 04:18:17
Weight compared to waterfall or weight alone in grams, please?
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 00:08:11
I have no idea because I do not own a scale. :c
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 09:22:46
You can put a comssa backplug to make it longer :D
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 05:48:09
Do the signos actually go inside the comssa cap or do they just stick inside the memory cap with tape? A little off topic, but could you pm me the combo breakdown? It is damn sexy.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 11:21:23
Awww We dont have memory highlighter caps in the Philippines but i want to make one..........:ghost:
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 23:29:08
Great mod! I don't really know what to do with the Namae barrel, since all it says is to cut the tip. Is it the part that can be taken out with the pliers? Also, do I empty the barrel? Thanks :)
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 23:37:14
Yes, empty the barrel and also, cutting the tip off the namae is optional.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 12:23:48
wow man awesome mod! if i make a penwish order i will definitely buy the parts! thx for the tut :)
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 13:42:31
Not bad what:D
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 06:07:37
what pen can sub the namae barrel? The commsa barrel length same as that namae?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 19:06:04
whats a sub for Monami Memory-S Highlighter?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 22:49:32
There isn't a sub for those, so you'd probably have to trade or buy from Penwish.
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 16:35:39
When I do a wiper at this mod it hits my laptop -.- but still awesome mod :)
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 21:14:23
How grams is it? Looks really nice :)
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 22:06:39
I don't have exact weight but it's not that heavy compared to most mods and is also shorter. it does not a nice clean look to it tho.
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:28:53
made one, really loving the use of the namae body
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:30:35
looks amazingly stunning