Trading / Buying / Uni from PPP selling - MIFFY PACK $100 and more mods
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 23:46:05
Hello i am Uni from PPP^^ I have +16 on PPP and +3 on JEB...
Miffy Pack - $100 USD also have/ can get: firefly g3 seven g3 kuzu g3 all signos HGGs ask for picture or more xD
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 23:50:17
Can you timestamp your picture? (take a pic of the miffy pack wtih a notecard next to it with your name and today's date) It's just to prove that you actually have the miffy pack.
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 23:57:06
This picture isnt yours. It's K2's. This was in his trade thread from v3 all the way to v4. in other words This picture isnt yours. Either provide proof, or get out.
Date: Tue, Nov 30 2010 17:40:49
Yes, Its my pack now, you're a bad trader, looser.
Date: Tue, Nov 30 2010 21:21:53
lol scamm fail is scamm