Pen Spinning Relations / [4.2] - Sorting Out UPSB - Newer Members Restrictions

  1. Mats
    Date: Sun, Nov 14 2010 22:26:26

    I propose a new area of UPSB, that is much like the RD. That is, you cannot view it until someone manually allows you to. In this area, there will be the following forums (open to discussion): Pen discussion General discussion Tricks discussion Battlezone Four sections, that, as I see it, would be used a lot by members who can access this area. Note that some forums that appear on UPSB main page (for example regular/mod pen discussion) have been rolled into one. This is possible because: We do not need to replicate any stickies These sections will be less active (due to less members) These sections will not be full of spam and rubbish and will contain mostly valuable/ interesting information. Who gets added? Well, people who are in some way, valued members of UPSB. i.e. Not spammers/trollers etc. People who are not interested in discussion of pen spinning will not be added to this section. How do they get added? There are several methods. The best may be to simply have a request thread. People could perhaps PM mods/admin to gain access instead (same as RD)? This will mean there is a pretty much spam free, serious area, of UPSB with only serious members. People could be in on a warning system or something. Three counts of spam etc and you lose access. Lastly, this should not create much more work for mods as these forums should be pretty much running rubbish free!

  2. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 00:38:48

    Eh... shouldn't we let them into OT?

  3. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 03:30:52

    i think that would be devaluing the purpose of this forum, which is a public pool of pen spinning knowledge. if you make all the PS info private, it cannot be served as a reference anymore. the RD is the place where ppl should talk more seriously about PS, but always with the intention of releasing any completed project public. it would not be a bad idea however to give more ppl access to the Vault, and use that as a select forum for staff to contact on more intimate topics, like they do at FPSB.

  4. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 03:40:01

    Perhaps bringing back the /b/ or something of that sort would ease the amount of non-ps talk on the actual forums?

  5. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 03:41:39

    tbh /b/ was barely used and there's a whole OT section

  6. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 03:47:23

    Well there seems to be a number of UPSBers who enjoy trolling/random outbursts.

  7. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:02:48

    Isn't that for SB?

  8. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:16:04

    exactly. SB is redundant with /b/ we used allow porn in /b/ but I don't think we do that anymore, plus i cant get the thing working.

  9. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:27:23

    If there was a /b/ I think it could be more easily justifiable to ban/mute/suspend sb9shoutbox and spammers bin) privileges for misuse/mis discussion/flaming leading to an overall better experience for those who simply wish to have a civil discussion (just look at the sb right now...). however I feel discussion of the /b/ outside of the /b/ in general UPSB should be limited. Moderators could begin to then enforce civility and respect... On the other hand, mods could do that right now, perhaps simply getting rid of the SB shoutbox & spammers bin?... (DON'T DO IT Dx) What about the use of multiple SB tabs... this way people don't get upset and leave. For instance known spammers/flamers are restricted to a tab after a certain a mmount of warnings. Sort of a jail of sorts and people can avoid it (it would be the default tab) and they could have there own little flame party in there without other people. A sort of Spammers Bin SB. (shout box spammer bin)

  10. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:36:03

    k im confused SB means spammer's bin not shoutbox

  11. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:38:20

    Yeah i just realized that before you posted. I was talking about both. I think the most flaming/worst spam. Comes from the shoutbox... why not a SB/SB no one uses the PS tab, what about a tab for spammers...(as in that's the only tab they can access) this keeps spamemrs and trollers out of the way without cutting them off completley and allows people who are genuinely intrested in spinning and discussion to collaborate with the SB. This way we arent cutting new spinners off, but rather cutting the part of UPSB off that does not wish to participate in pen spinning discussion... (without ostrisizing them completley)

  12. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:46:24

    i want trollers and spammers to be completely cut off from the rest of the forum, this is why the SB is in a remote location, not searchable, not showing up to guests, etc. a shoutbox channel would have too much exposure and would give that aspect of UPSb too much importance. shoutbox is meant for casual talking and PS talk thats all.

  13. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 04:53:38

    If the whole idea of this special "section" is to breed the discussion of penspinning. I suggest that no special section is needed and simply a streamlining of UPSB for a more pen spinning focused goal. Perhaps the fact that the general tab is the one in focus 24/7 and not the PS tab, would switching this help?... I don't see how cutting off new spinners/people of ignorance from higher information could help the community as a whole. If the goal is to grow and fuel discussion over the topic of pen spinning everyone and all ideas should be invited. A new spinner may be turned off or confused by the whole idea that there are tiers of availability of knowledge and discussion within UPSB... Plus it just makes things complicated. (Having a more elite section is not bad, of course, but I honestly don't see why a place for such discussion should be cut off... maybe it'd make people feel more special and focus more on the issues or accomplishing something? Or give spinners an incentive to be active and behave as they will gain some sort of "reward of access"?) So this would be a sort of UPSB in the form of RD. I see how it works for the RD, there is little flaming and spam, (i'm begining to like this idea) perhaps in leu of the history department a sort of inner UPSB could work. Although I think this can already be found in many of the team and group forums in which a circle of friends or elite spinners get together and discuss these topics as well...

  14. Mats
    Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 21:15:45

    Is there a way to make it so that spammers etc can ONLY access the off-topic section with their account?

  15. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 03:52:41

    why would you do that anyway, ppl who are not interested pen spinning will only visit OT anyway