General Discussion / Do you have friends that spin?
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 14:40:41
Just wondering. Like do you have friends that you talk to in person, and trade pens and stuff with? I personally don't have any friends that spin. Nor do I know anyone at school who can spin. Except this one guy who thinks he can spin. When really, he can't.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 16:10:00
Well, most of my cousins can either charge or TA, I do have a cousin that know more but he doesnt really go all out, but 2 freinds of mine r getting really good! My cousin just got one!!! He is "ALuckyHer"!!! GOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 16:31:05
I have my friend who got us into penspinning. He's pretty good. Also i know this one guy at school he thinks he's really pro but I don't think he is
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 17:13:46
^^^ @tacohead12 -cough- right here. -cough- xD I'm trying to get someone into penspinning, teaching him the fundamentals. He knows TA Harmonics so far.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 17:36:34
Half of my class pen spins(Mastered fundamentals and other tricks) >.< But thats likely because im in a boys school.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 17:46:46
Whitez wrote: Half of my class pen spins(Mastered fundamentals and other tricks) >.< But thats likely because im in a boys school.
Half of your class? Dang. Here in Cali, it's rare to find penspinners >.> -
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 18:51:24
Knightpal wrote: Half of your class? Dang. Here in Cali, it's rare to find penspinners >.>
Well not really half. But quite a number~ Its great to have people in my class that penspins :S At least we have something to talk about and do. -
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 18:55:26
@Knightpal It's waay more rare here to find spinners. =] Actually I know almost all of them at this area. Anyway, I have a friend from my old school who started to penspinning with me, we dont trade pens but we both spin. Also, there are some people who can do charge-ta-double charge-infinity-figure 8 etc. in my class.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 19:31:23
eh, I have two friends who I've taught enough to do a twisted sonic bust x1, but the next best is my litle 8 year old brother o.o I'm teaching him tricks and he's catching on fast, lets see where that goes lol.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 22:44:15
i only have about 2 people interested in pen spiininng one of my friends is crazy about PS but cant do shit with a pen
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 22:47:15
I'm trying to get one of my friends learning!
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 22:54:12
Theres a good 10+ spinners in my school
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 23:26:35
I started a GIANT trend in my school. So most people do spin, but they aren't that good. They're making progress though, showing me their "mods" everyday.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 23:41:51
Meh. At my school there's just Storm and myself :P Quite a few people can do TA and some can do TA harmonic but I don't consider them pen spinners.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 23:44:41
Generally in Singapore, I know of a lot of offline spinners who can mainly do the fundamentals and some who can do more than that. The best I've seen is someone who can do shadow, infinity, one bust, tw. sonics, FLs TA's and rev.'s. Can't remember the rest. Among them some of them do heavy modding but the only source of information is wiki so they don't have much knowledge and the most they make are terrible. For those in Singapore, A large group of them are in SJI and majorithy of CJC's student's are from SJI so there's a few there as well. There's a class in HCJC and some others I forget.
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 23:46:50
2 of my friends. i taught them everything i learned about tricks. they are such good students. LOL
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 23:52:16
At my school people dont even know what pen spinning is, they think I am the one making up all the tricks, sigh
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 00:01:41
Knightpal wrote: Half of your class? Dang. Here in Cali, it's rare to find penspinners >.>
You live in Cali? Awesome. I do too. @TheAafg Same here. Except people don't care if I make up the tricks or not. They just think that I'm flicking a big pen around -
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 00:30:26
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 02:13:43
shoeman6 wrote: Friends?....
lmaoo.... People are amazed at my school when they see me spin, there are alot of people who can TA though somehow. I know one kid that makes Busters but doesn't really spin. O_o -
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 05:07:11
at one point in time nearly half my class was spinning like real ps. Now the number dropped to bout 10 but guys from at least 4 other classes are catching on
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 08:16:19
my 2 best friend are spinning! :P (I learned them! :D)
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 21:15:15
There are like 2000+ people at my school, and i am the only one there who is into pen spinning.
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 23:27:07
My university has 30k+ students, but so far, I'm the only pen spinner. It's so lonely.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 00:10:05
there are so many spinners here in our school.(higher year levels) and yeah. my friends are getting into it (although they can only do like charge or TA) and everytime i spin they always say like "HEY CAN I BORROW YOUR PENZ? ITS COOL?? " (although its just a simple Bictory!! WTF troLOLOLOLOL) because they dont have pens of their own. I mean.... they get a pen and thats it! Sorry for my bad english
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 04:18:25
I have one friend that spins. He's OK, just past fundamentals.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 04:35:28
Don't you guys kinda like it when you're the only one who can penspin at school? I do =3. It makes me feel awesome, knowing I have a talent that other people don't.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 17:29:45
I introduce pen spinning to my friends, and now they are doing quite good ... Its good to have some company :D
Date: Sun, Nov 14 2010 20:00:57
Only TA and fingerpass and they quit quickly or just keep to it at that level. sadly i have to spin alone. there are some people spinning in my school but i don't know them or don't know them well.
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 00:59:59
i was the one who introduced pen spinning to my school. theres only three pen spinners, me, my friend and his friend. we don't trade pens because they don't actually know how to mod a pen. we teach each other tricks, and occasionally have spin offs. im actually thinking of starting a pen spinning club at my school since everyone wants to learn. o.0
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 01:50:38
I'm pretty sure there are only five penspinners IN Pennsylvania. The only other one in my school isn't online and doesn't learn new stuff ._. (John Tang... HADOUKEN!!!!)
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 02:46:36
i have one friend that spins and hes a beast!
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 04:10:05
I have about..................... 4 friends who spin. They dont know how to create mods so whenever i go buy new pen.. They say..." CAN U BUY ME NEW PEN AND MOD IT? I WILL PAY U [insert price here] PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" I always make them mods because one time. they paid me $10 for a bictory
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 11:30:52
i max only in bust is 2x..
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 13:51:46
I can see people who sonic or TA, hell even a girl 2p2h async infinities. But the most serious pser is only me. Sadly, I wasn't the one who introduced PSing to my school.
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 15:49:52
Every 2d person can do TA norm an sonic norm in my school So, I have got friend, who spins little bit worse than me, But I'm MEGA spinner in my school))
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 14:43:31
heh...SPRiNGFiELD is in my school,and this other year 3 guy who is awesome!!but not as good as spring...and about 10 guys in my class pen spin and a girl..however only me and 1 friend are doing business with him!!!once got $10 for a comssa and 2 airfits for a comssa cap...
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:05:39
yah, i have a lot of friends who spin, 2/3 of them are guys :(