Manipulative Arts / flower stix

  1. dival
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 18:54:20 does anyone doing it? how much you play? doing two?

  2. Mats
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:57:57

    Flowersticks are lame, really really lame. They are the idiots version of the devilsticks. Get a devilstick, use the real thing.

  3. dival
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 14:30:51

    i tried devilsticks also, flowerstix are just more fun. can you do releases with devilsticks, or three devilsticks?

  4. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 16:42:07

    Aren't they the same thing? Either way it's lame, pen spinning is clearly the superior manipulation. Give me a devil stick/baton and any pen spinner will blow a flowersticker away. (plus the name... come on..) -somewhat sarcastic- But really, this type of manipulation just doesn't appeal to me... It's like baton twirling or yoyo-ing...

  5. Mats
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 18:32:31

    shoeman6 wrote: But really, this type of manipulation just doesn't appeal to me... It's like baton twirling or yoyo-ing...
    Actually, it's nothing like yo-yoing and pen spinning is much closer to baton twirling! In fact, pen spinning essentially is becoming 'mini baton twirling'.
    i tried devilsticks also, flowerstix are just more fun. can you do releases with devilsticks, or three devilsticks?
    Well of course you can do releases with devilsticks! And as for 3, I personally can't do it (currently working on that damn 2 stick tick-tock), but I've seen someone perform with 3, yes. You need only search 'Andy Gebhardt devilstick' on youtube to see how fantastic devilsticking really is.

  6. kam
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 19:36:37

    The moment we say something is "lame", we close our mind to the possibility of adapting moves from another manipulation into pen spinning. I always wanted try devil sticks, but never got around to it. I think if they spin the hand sticks while doing tricks with the center stick, it could look pretty interesting.

  7. Mats
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 21:37:55

    kam wrote: I always wanted try devil sticks, but never got around to it. I think if they spin the hand sticks while doing tricks with the center stick, it could look pretty interesting.
    Watch Andy Gebhardt, he does some of that. Indeed, it does look very nice indeed!

  8. Alvaris
    Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 06:45:42

    i dont really see the difference between flower stix and devil stick.. tricks wise. the only difference i see is that the sticks are slightly smaller? wait..flower stix has more body parts involvement and aerials? lol

  9. Mats
    Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 17:14:52

    Alvaris wrote: i dont really see the difference between flower stix and devil stick.. tricks wise. the only difference i see is that the sticks are slightly smaller? wait..flower stix has more body parts involvement and aerials? lol
    Devilsticks are about (literally) twice as fast moving?

  10. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 22:46:44

    I think it is interesting how he's always trying to keep both hands occupied, by also including some 'pen' spinning tricks. He's very well coordinated, and can multitask very well. We spinners could actually learn from that.

  11. JackyMacky
    Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 00:23:15

    oooooo. it looks like Andy Gerbhardt is power tricking with drumstiks. LOL