Board Comments / Why is UPSB going "down the drain"?

  1. JC
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 05:34:04

    Here is something that I feel like needs some discussion even though I'm not sure if all the people who say this even seriously mean it. So first of all, do people think UPSB is even going down the drain? Or are we fine, because I think we are. There will always be people leaving and new people coming in which creates a cycle of spinners coming and going as it is with many things. With old people leaving, there will be those who become the new senior members to take their place. And at the same time, there will be newer spinners who will eventually take the place of someone else. Those newer spinners will then be oldies who people will be sad that leave one day. Everyone was a noob at one point, and many were annoying. I know I posted a lot (borderline spamming?) during at least my first 6 months here. So what's with people hating on all the noobs who ask a bunch of questions or may seem annoying? It might just be me who likes teaching them and being patient and answering all their questions that may seem redundant and that they're just not thinking... but I think people really need to just be more patient with the new kids who just don't know how things around here work just yet. Give them a year or two, and you'd probably be fine with them at that point. Of course there are those who are just flat out annoying and just spam/troll... but there's always a few of those too all the time -- a few of those doesn't mean the whole board's going down the drain. So with that said... I'd like to know why people think UPSB is going down the drain if they still believe that it is.

  2. AwonW
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 05:36:45

    If you bash noobs all the time it makes you feel like less of one :ssst:

  3. JC
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 05:45:43

    True true, that must be why people do it!

  4. k-ryder
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 06:28:51

    this is just me, but this is what i do if i'm in a bad mood, i'll just ignore the thread if i feel happy that day/time, i'll answer their questions if i can in a sentence of two (calmly), then i'll point them in the direction of general help threads etc. etc. apart from the trolls/spammers, i'm pretty sure they learn after their first thread thats been locked/relocated/helpful person pointed them in a certain direction i'm tolerant to people who makes mistakes because they are new (you have to be), i'm not tolerant to people who make the same mistake and still dont listen i dont see the second type often in upsb, i dont think its going down the drain in that sense i do think many new spinners do leave after 1 or 2 posts, because of flaming from older members maybe the older members should calm down a bit. yes, there are lots of threads where the answer has already been asked yes, there are sticky threads with rules and such but you're new, and often, the sheer amount of shit you have to read is overwhelming, atleast, at the "lets not bother stage" i'm sure they'll read one of two rule threads, but when you first join, its because you are interested in pen spinning, you have questions about tricks and mods and whatnot, and you want them answered, so you can get into a new hobby the quickest way is to start a thread, rather than to read through the mountain of stuff available posting tutorials is a different story, but we were all newfags, and i personally wanted to post a tut up (i didn't however) solutions? = new spinners could post questions up in their intro thread, they could get answered there and lead onto the other threads if necessary that eliminates 'spam' in the main areas of the board = copypasta of the links to useful threads so that oldfags can ctrl+v them with little effort i had another one, but it slipped my mind (that always happens, cock) anyway, thats my two cents, i might start work on that copypasta i mentioned

  5. Prince
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 07:54:46

    Wow, I was actually going to write a thread very similar to this, until I saw yours.... Recently Ive been visiting another forum (contact juggling) and Ive found some comparison reasons of problems with UPSB; 1-Over there, theyre not worried about how many tricks they can do, its about the end result, which I think it should be over here. Maybe because they are different manipulations, you need a different mindset, but meh... 2-Its all about having fun, you chose to PS, you do what YOU want to do. Use what mod you want, do whatever tricks you want. 3-People hate on "newfags"! You were new once, and Im sure you hated being sarcasmed all the time, or flamed on just because you were unsure of something. I wonder how many spinners have been scared away because they were hated? They could have been the next brilliant thing! 4-So much hate in spammers bin! We have a lot of members yeah, and of course people are going to dislike each other... Dont do it in front of everyone, who are you trying to impress? Just ignore them. Overall message: Dont be rushed to learn tricks, don't worry that someone is better than you. Have fun, just enjoy it!

  6. k-ryder
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 08:42:26

    you can tell how bored i am by the following post: Prince, you said how many people that were scared away? here's the numbers a quick search on upsb v4 gave [B]1463[/B] members with 10 posts or less, who have joined before october 1st 2010 lets assume that 20% are members of another board thus only posting here for videos/trade and what not, and maybe 10% are fake/double accounts thats still [B]1024[/B] members who have posted 10 or less posts, which we can assume are those who joined, posted a couple of posts then left because of either boredom, or the fact that they weren't accepted enough this is just super-vague and what-ever-the-hell-goes mathematics here, but [B]1024[/B] is a lot, thats basically [B]50%[/B] of the members that was my mathematics, UPSB has its stats at the bottom [B]1044[/B] active members out of [B]2062[/B] again, i was close, basically [B]half[/B] of the "members" here are inactive obviously there maybe be other reasons that they left, and these stats alone are not enough, we need stats from other boards, but 50% drop out rate is pretty bad imo also, being that bored, i compiled the copy pasta copy, edit, change and pasta as much as you like [PHP][B]What mod to start with?[/B] Beginner Pen Recommendations Where to Find Pens in... What Mods can I Make with Here's an in depth article to read through: Starter's Guide to Pen Mods [B]General Modification Questions[/B] General Modification Questions Quick Modifications Questions [B]Thinking of making a Tut?[/B] First Post here: Show Off Your Pens Thread (soyp) Or maybe ask here: Is this a New Mod? Remember, only post tutorials if they are requested! ;) [B]Help with Tricks[/B] All of the Fundamentals: Fundamental Tricks Advance Tricks (remember to learn the fundies and their reverses first though!) Learnt a few tricks, now what? What should i learn next/Learning Order and all other questions will mostly be able to be answered here: 1 Answer Questions[/PHP]

  7. Kari-Chan
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 09:52:59

    that intro pm is like... seriously short... i wonder why newcomers don't read it and instead, post something that causes people to flame them =\ unless that's not the whole content.......... but if signing up into a forum causes a whole mountain of stuff to read... they should seriously read that pm...... or... the intro pm could always have something that you have to read (just like the terms and conditions) except... you don't just click the i accept button... you have to read through the entire thing to find out how to accept it... if you get what i mean....

  8. chris
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 10:29:11

    What if the intro PM comprises of a whole page like those adfly ad pages, only the "skip ad" button is the accept button. Or maybe a warning in [COLOR="red"][B]LARGE RED TEXT[/B][/COLOR] that one should read the following (stuff)?

    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 11:12:17

    just a question, how would you feel when some joker asks you how to freaking double cap and requests a video tutorial? they just need to learn to use the search function... the problem about newfags. even when they are wrong, they insist that they are right. yes it is true that everyone was once new.. but annoying newbies are annoying. sorry, i know i'm being a dick but thats the truth. i've been on PSH, everyone is respectful and polite, they accept constructive criticism. its all cool. the standard of spinning has degraded. a forum for pen spinning has always been there for the same reason, pen spinning. UPSB is being distracted from its actual mission, we spend alot of time on other things. Yes i do admit fun is important, a forum without fun would also fail. We have to get a balance of both fun and our actual purpose. too much fun and little focus on pen spinning, that is our problem at the moment. again, comparing to PSH, they are a more serious bunch of spinners i admit , but they succeed for the effort they put in. world class spinners are produced. hey, we could do the same too ^.^

  10. JC
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 16:14:40

    @SPRiNGFiELD , UPSB's known to just be more relaxed and more of a place for people to chat and such. Pen spinning is obviously one of the focuses people have here, but chatting/socializing seems like it's taking priority -- at least that's why I'm still here, to chat rather than spin. That's just the nature of this board and the members that make it up. If the people here don't have the motivation to get better, that's their own lack of motivation-- there are those here who doo focus on spinning though. If they choose to just use this board to chat, as I do, well, so be it... UPSB's known to be different from the other communities in that it's more of a giant chatroom. Nothing much we can do about that if the people themselves don't want to get better at spinning.

  11. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 18:04:58

    moved to Board Comments as always the forum can be thought of as a "wave function" with generations passing by, we simply in that "down phase" where a new generation has to come in. the leaving old generation (call it generation Y) always exhibit the same behavior, which is that "the old days when they started" were better than the current days. in the sense this is highly ironic, because the generation previous to that leaving generation (call it generation X) left because they think that THEIR old days is better than the starting days of generation Y and they leave because they think that what the newer generation Y consider as good is bad for them. for example, some ppl left when the SB was filled with flaming from ppl like AoD1. Now the flaming is mostly gone, so ppl like AoD1 are leaving because they think the "older days of flaming" were more fun. But it's exactly because of that flaming that the generation previous to AoD1 left in the first place! so it can be seen as two things: 1) when you start PS, you're more excited than after a while. this makes a lot of sense and in anything in life, you're always enthusiastic when you start 2) the forum is highly dynamic and people are not capable of adjusting. they like UPSB as a "very limited" snapshot of its state at the time they were active on the forum, and anything different is bad. In reality, it's not necessarily better or worse, just different, and they can't adapt to it. this is what explain the behavior of generational leaving. i'm usually not worried when these kinds of things happen, i've observed it many many times. however what I want to see more from UPSB, and it shows in other communities a lot more, is pride in our spinning ability. like JC, we're really relaxed but we don't have too many strong spinners to rely in. we need to build an atmosphere where we can produce better spinners so we dont have to rely on old spinners. I guess this is difficult for us since we're international, other communities rely heavily on patriotism to accomplish this, which we can't.

    solutions? = new spinners could post questions up in their intro thread, they could get answered there and lead onto the other threads if necessary that eliminates 'spam' in the main areas of the board
    this is exactly what I do, when I see a new spinner posting a bunch of random questions in a single thread, I move it to intro instead of closing it down This is the welcome pm:
    [noparse]Hello! Welcome to UPSB! Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please first get acquainted with our rules. Learn the UPSBv4 board features: click here You should introduce yourself by making a topic in the Introduction section and by updating your profile. Some of our most important resources threads use prefixes like [RESOURCE], [HELP], [REQUEST], [GUIDE], [INFO]. You should look at those threads and use our search feature before making new topics. Do check also our announcements, located at the top of every forum section thread listing. Furthermore, threads are tagged by our users to find them more easily. Use the tag search feature here. Yet another resource we have is the wiki. It is maintained by members of our board. Feel free to use the "Subscribe thread" feature to receive notifications whenever the thread receives new messages. Finally, the shoutbox is a valuable resource as well. It is very active and a great way to know other members of our boards. Ask questions there and others will answer you. Please read the rules of conduct for the shoutbox, located in the ticket at the top of the shoutbox. If you find a particularly useful post or answer, don't forget to thank the poster by clicking the + button! Conversely, bad posts should be REPORTED. A great way to get started in Pen Spinning is to read the following threads: - Fundamentals FAQ - Starters Guide to Pen Mods - Pens & Mods Resource Thread List - How To Make a Pen-Modification Tutorial ([- please read this if you are planning to make a mod tutorial) - General Resources List Enjoy your stay at UPSB! If you need to contact us quickly, use the "Contact Us" form located at the bottom right. 1.Help us run our site, support us by getting a premium membership. You can also buy UPSB merchandise at Penwish.[/noparse]

  12. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 20:56:12

    I see a lot more flaming and elitism, also the lack of active board leaders combined with the board move. It's nice to see new members but there are some obvious trolls, and a lot of hate going around. Also the modification section seems to becoming more and more exclusive, in the quest to reduce spam and streamline the boards a lot of fluff is gone, there is less innovation, this may be from other boards affecting UPSB, or a combined low period in spinning, Springfield seems to exmplify this notion of harshness upsb has adopted, sure there has always been :search: go search but it used to aloways be accompanied by a link or helpful non-sarcastic pointer to help a new spinner out. Also, the board has been lead astray by other topics, pen spinning doesn't seem to be a major focus... I plac e the blame on the lack of innovation and momentum in the pen spinning world, the lack of heads who drive spinning forward and also the end of the power trick generation. - creating fragmentation and lack of focus in the whole community. I must say though, I've seen new comer spinning increase 1000x it makes me feel bad honestly, but the level of spinning has been better (in general).

  13. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:14:26

    in the quest to reduce spam and streamline the boards a lot of fluff is gone
    how is this a bad thing?
    I plac e the blame on the lack of innovation and momentum in the pen spinning world, the lack of heads who drive spinning forward and also the end of the power trick generation. - creating fragmentation and lack of focus in the whole community.
    ?? this community was never under full support of power tricks

  14. strat1227
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:16:55

    lol I just like to think that UPSB is always "circling the drain", meaning it's never actually moving up or down, but once every 6 months or so people say that it turned to shit. It's the same now as it has been for like 5 years lol

  15. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:18:32

    It's great, for something like a wiki, but not for a living community, it squashes innovation and brainstorming. Just imo, I've seen this mostly in the mod section where if youre tutorial isn't asked for / not perfect people immideiatly jump on it, this could be a good thing if pen spinning was something concrete and scientific, but it's not... @strat, i'm not sure if that's true... I've defneatly noticed a downword trend just this year starting sometime before and continueing after the transition to v4. I'm still hopeful though after seeing all of the new spinners around here :]

  16. Jamal
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:24:16

    I hate newfags i do not hate new members i see "newfags" as the people who ask a question such as "whats the best pen mod?" - personal preference question, i thought it would be pretty obvious that that's a personal opinion question. Also, people ask "whats a good beginner pen mod?" when they could easily just go to the search bar and search "beginner pen mod" and BAM you have multiple threads on the help of that. People ask about a mod, don't even bother to search or use the wiki Oh, some guy asked how to double cap a pen. Just people like that. And Jan/Blazinasian who made so many pointless threads

  17. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:24:41

    the current generation is always an opposite reaction to the previous generation maybe this generation is more strict on the rules and really enforcing some kind of "unwritten law" in the mod section because the generation before that was too relaxed which lead to massive spamming. in turn, the new generation will drop off the elitist attitude and become too relaxed, then followed by another generation of rules nazis, etc.

  18. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:50:20

    SPRiNGFiELD;31997]just a question, how would you feel when some joker asks you how to freaking double cap and requests a video tutorial? they just need to learn to use the search function... the problem about newfags. even when they are wrong, they insist that they are right. yes it is true that everyone was once new.. but annoying newbies are annoying. sorry, i know i'm being a dick but thats the truth. i've been on PSH, everyone is respectful and polite, they accept constructive criticism. its all cool. the standard of spinning has degraded. a forum for pen spinning has always been there for the same reason, pen spinning. UPSB is being distracted from its actual mission, we spend alot of time on other things. Yes i do admit fun is important, a forum without fun would also fail. We have to get a balance of both fun and our actual purpose. too much fun and little focus on pen spinning, that is our problem at the moment. again, comparing to PSH, they are a more serious bunch of spinners i admit , but they succeed for the effort they put in. world class spinners are produced. hey, we could do the same too ^.^[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Wonder wrote: I hate newfags i do not hate new members i see "newfags" as the people who ask a question such as "whats the best pen mod?" - personal preference question, i thought it would be pretty obvious that that's a personal opinion question. Also, people ask "whats a good beginner pen mod?" when they could easily just go to the search bar and search "beginner pen mod" and BAM you have multiple threads on the help of that. People ask about a mod, don't even bother to search or use the wiki Oh, some guy asked how to double cap a pen. Just people like that. And Jan/Blazinasian who made so many pointless threads
    People have always been making new threads without searching. It's not a "new trend". It's just that "this generation" has been more focused on criticizing people for making new threads without searching first than the "previous generation".

  19. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 01:15:52

    I see what you're getting at @shoeman6 but not everyone can be extremely tolerant. There comes a point at which even the most patient break, and for some people that point is easier to get to than others. I know I made giant rants and incited more flaming on 2 of the threads but I'm trying to be a little more constructive, trying to avoid flaming especially if they post in SOYP or another thread instead of posting a tutorial. I kinda have to disagree with the people who start the flaming party on SOYP even though I feel a little responsible for that movement >< That being said, now for brainstorming/innovation: that is a whole 'nother ballpark. I haven't seen ONE thread posted for brainstorming or for the "sake" of innovation in V4 Pen mods. I'm talking about things like iMatt's "Dynamic Showcase" thread back in V3. But I haven't seen anything really "Revolutionary" from anyone, including myself. But that's where departments like the Research department come in. They can really aid innovation especially when you have different people with different thoughts and mindsets contributing to the same cause or project. The only problem right now is that it's practically dead save for one brainstormed idea. On the other hand, people can still go with developing their own individual research. And I agree, I think UPSB members do need to get a bit better at handling new threads. I think the reason as to why UPSB has gotten so "rule trigger happy" in the pen mods section is because newcomers make new threads all the time for things that threads have already been made for (e.g. comparison threads, questions that have already been answered). The fact of the matter is that newcomers will ALWAYS be posting pointless threads and etc., and for those threads, we should just hit the report button and feel good that we have made the right choice OR give them some guidance. I think we as UPSB members should work on this a bit, although I know not all of us will. To expand our tolerance a bit. I'd also like to see an increase in activity in the RD if possible.

  20. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 01:28:07

    I have to say that I agree, it may be frustrating seeing the same thing over and over again but imo it's healthy for upsb.... RD is practically dead... It still hasn't been revised... :|

  21. Frip
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 03:12:03

    UPSB is better than it ever was :D You guys just gotta "grow up" in a PS way. That being, learn to accept that you are moving up in the ranks of the community, while not abusing your "power" or rather status. Idk about you guys, but I use the Active Topics feature to browse UPSB. When I do that, there are maybe 2, max 4 thread per page that I actually look at. I don't care about the rest, hence I don't post shit in it. Why would you view a thread, which you KNOW won't have anything interesting to you. It's like reading a newspaper, you won't read every single story in it. You'll only read what you care about and look at the centerfold girl to fap.

  22. moonmustrise
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 06:23:31

    this thread give me an idea of making a thread focus on "What you think about UPSB" and "Have you ever wanted to stop PS and if you do, then why"

  23. JC
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 09:06:03

    The thing is, I feel like people are grouping all the new members together as one person or something. A new person joins and makes a comparison thread, another new person joins and makes a new tutorial, etc... But if you think about it from their point of view, they only felt like they contributed one or two threads...but perhaps from our point of view, we see all these useless threads around from newcomers that whenever we see another one from someone brand new, we don't realize that they don't see things the same way we do. As for people asking questions that, again, may seem obvious to us, it may not seem obvious to them. It may not be immediately obvious that "what is the best pen mod" is a personal opinion question. Although to us, we know that, but to them they don't realize that different people will prefer different pen mods especially if they've never had a pen mod or have had only one or two. Same for comparison threads; we can answer a lot of things with personal opinion, but to them, they may think things are a bit more black and white. That's just something that needs to be explained to them several times before they realize what is a personal opinion question and what isn't. (This really does take awhile with some people, but just gotta be patient. And even if you don't wanna be, don't flame, let someone else handle it then as I'm sure there are people who are patient enough to deal with all the newcomer's "useless and repetitive" questions.) --And so with that, I don't think many of the people who are called newfags should even be called newfags... they're simply newcomers. Although a ton of new threads may be annoying, I'd rather have enthusiastic spinners on this board than not. And yeah, people can just use the searchbar, but until you know the site a bit better, it's actually pretty hard to use efficiently and effectively. (There are of course exceptions, and I'm not saying everyone is harassing every single newcomer and that nobody is patient with them -- but just sayingg, if that is the case with some brand new spinner who is making a fair amount of "useless" threads and IS asking a bunch of seemingly repetitive obvious questions like how to double cap something... I don't think that person deserves to be deemed a newfag >.> Well, I just don't like that term altogether actually, so I'm not sure if anyone is a newfag to me at all) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess with some of the posts made, we can see UPSB "decline" in 2 aspects: membership (which imo isn't a problem) and lack of focus on spinning. I've mentioned the issues, or lack thereof, with the newcomers, and so I guess it's the lack of focus on spinning that's another "problem"..? That wasn't my intention with this thread, but it's an important point nevertheless that is related to the thread title. I don't really have an issue with the board's overall spinning strength. I can't really complain about how UPSB isn't a strong spinning board because I'm not doing so much to contribute to that anyway seeing as how I don't spin that much. Sure, I'd like to have some pride in UPSB's spinning, but it's up to each person's own motivation to spin and get better that collectively makes the board better. In UPSB's situation, we simply don't have enough people with enough motivation to get better. So then what creates motivation? What do we lack that other boards have? One thing could possibly be what Zombo's said, a lack of pride since this board doesn't represent a single country. You have American pride, Canadian pride, Australian pride, etc... which may sometimes break UPSB up into different groups. There may be a lack of unity within UPSB, but this shouldn't stop people from getting better on their own given their own interest. This makes me believe that perhaps... we are just simply lazy. Which again, is fine with me. I'm not going to force someone else to spin better to make the community stronger -- people just spin better because they want to, and that in turn just makes the community stronger as a result. --But that's more an individual issue, rather than a board issue. Still not sure why such a large portion of UPSB is like that though; perhaps it's just the mindset of the people who live in N. America (the majority of the board)... Asians/Europeans, I'd say, are harder working than us just in general.... :X I think, I'm just going to leave it at that... I have a bad habit of making posts too long -.-" I'll try to consolidate future posts (though, it probably won't happen).

    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 10:29:20

    @JC, i do know that that is the nature of UPSB, that is what makes us different, i'm willing to accept that. however, newfags, shit threads, ridiculous questions, not bothering to search, it remains as a persistent problem.

  25. k-ryder
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 11:24:35

    [QUOTE=SPRiNGFiELD;32244]@SPRiNGFiELD persistant problem, or a persistance fact of life (/a forum) as JC said, new people on the board do not necessarily know that mods are based on personal opinion and searching also is a problem for new users of the board, i searched "buster cyl or rsvp mx" in the search bar, theres 95 results no one is going to sift through that, especially a new user who just wants an answer and "shit threads" i'm assuming what you are refering to are the ones which have only a slight connection to psing, which "clog up" the gen discussion stuff like "have you ever tried sticking a buster cyl up your ass" (slight exaggeration) granted, they are a bit stupid, but they just want to contribute to the community, and its a slight curiosity factor involved you can't blame them, they are new and want to be part of the community it is a problem when after 2 or 3 months, they keep posting threads like "how to do a dick around" or "has anyone tried leigun>wall>ass" i think you need to stay calm, accept that you make mistakes when you are new, and move on (on a slightly accusatory note, i feel that Kirby seems to be the worst offender)

  26. neix
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 11:31:01

    i think after upsb 3 was over, a lot of people lost much interest on the website, i myself used to be so active on the old forums every day every hour posting and on chatbox, and now i only find myself sometimes on chatbox asking questions and on SOYP. OTher than that i dont reply to things anymore. Might be because im getting bored of this, but i still love ps i spin every day all day. or maybe i just know enough and now i just order, trade pens and make my own pens. btw. i am active and on upsb every day but, i guess im not obsessed anymore so yeah i think with time some people lose interest

  27. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 15:05:59

    if the search produce too much results, try to tag important threads appropriately and direct newcomers to search those special tags you made for example you can tag threads are constantly being made with a keyword like "FAQ" then give newcomers a search link to the keyword

  28. Hidekyo
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 17:36:07

    Like JC said people would get bored with pen spinning. Theres only going to be a few famous penspinners out there getting all the glory from there reputation. People in my school know BS about pen spinning. Pen spinning should expand its publicity for more people to join in the fun.

  29. hoiboy
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 20:46:41

    SPRiNGFiELD wrote: @JC, i do know that that is the nature of UPSB, that is what makes us different, i'm willing to accept that. however, newfags, shit threads, ridiculous questions, not bothering to search, it remains as a persistent problem.
    ... and given the nature of the internet, it always will be. Most people that join UPSB are new to the "interwebz". Many of them don't get how forums work, or even where rules are. For example, when I first joined UPSB, I didn't even know how to create a thread in the right forum. It will take time for newcomers to get used to UPSB, so chill. You're not going to stop the problem by calling them newfags and criticizing them for shit threads and ridiculous questions and not searching.

  30. Hidekyo
    Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 21:48:29

    AllOneWish wrote: ... and given the nature of the internet, it always will be. Most people that join UPSB are new to the "interwebz". Many of them don't get how forums work, or even where rules are. For example, when I first joined UPSB, I didn't even know how to create a thread in the right forum. It will take time for newcomers to get used to UPSB, so chill. You're not going to stop the problem by calling them newfags and criticizing them for shit threads and ridiculous questions and not searching.
    If people keep critizing new members for common new member mistakes people may quit on there first week on the forums.Also j have found that Im a lonely spinner in my school. PS itself should expand it's popularity and thus UPSB will expand as well.

  31. CaptainGolfBall
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 13:11:38

    I still just cant get over the loss of v3. It was just such a great layout, and Im just not familiar with the layout of v4. Plus, Im going to have to get my ladder stats, post count, and others back to normal until I can really enjoy UPSB again.

  32. Jamal
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 21:21:12

    I dont see why everyone is complaining about v4, theres really no difference except you lose post count, other info can be transferred ._. The layout is not difficult at all, you navigate the same way in v3

  33. shoeman6
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 21:30:27

    It really doesn't feel as intuitive, but yeah, i've gotten used to the basic functions...

  34. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 21:36:02

    this wont help if you dont give concrete examples

  35. JLSpinY
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 21:53:43

    Personally I feel that the layout of the new site is better than the old one, but that's probabally because I'm used to it. I think kost of you guys don't like the new layout as they were useed to the old one. My tip for Zombo would be to stop changing and relocating the forums, but sometimes it can't be helped I guess.

  36. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 22:03:47

    upsbv3 was gonna die within a 1 year due to lack of support from the developpers whatdo you prefer, moving out 1 year early or moving out while upsb is down for 1 month cuz the site doesn't work?

  37. hoiboy
    Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 04:18:48

    Wait, so the primary reason that v3 > v4 was to upgrade the forums? Are there more preventative measures in v4 to stop the great crash from happening again?

  38. AoD1
    Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 07:07:22

    FUCK IT i say we cut off the intake of people now and we just become a secret the freemasons and the illuminati except we will be called UPSB the society of penspinning. i mean quote on quote " newfags" just piss people off but if we join together with the people we deem exceptible then there would be less flaming and spamming and quote on quote "pissin people off". what gets me is those damn faggot questions and the shit threads so on and so forth.

  39. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 13:55:49

    hoiboy wrote: Wait, so the primary reason that v3 > v4 was to upgrade the forums? Are there more preventative measures in v4 to stop the great crash from happening again?
    yes mainly for future-proofing the version of the forum we were using was dated by more than 1.5 years and we still couldnt update because it lacked support from developpers to bring old features up to date. if we updated our old forum regularly (which you must do for security purposes), we would have to sacrifice team, feedback, etc. vbulletin is much easier to maintain

  40. Hidekyo
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 15:37:43

    I doubt that UPSB is gonna "go down the drain". Look at the new members coming into UPSB every week. If there are people still spinning in the world the're bound to make a UPSB account!

  41. Jamal
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 15:44:47

    @Hidekyo Those new members are changing the way the board used to be we dont mean down the drain like there wont be a board anymore we mean its not the same community it used to be and the new people who dont bother to do any searching, make new threads for pointless questions, or spam everywhere are causing people to not want to be active on this board because its pretty annoying.

  42. Hidekyo
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 16:04:56

    then there should be a whole new section for new members to post un wanted threads so they wont make threads any where else.

  43. Jamal
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 16:09:42

    That's absolutely pointless.

  44. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 17:20:45

    Not really... if there was just a questions forum where people could come and post there new mods, get answers no matter what without people scrambling to tell them how stupid they are for not searching or finding the info in some other location... :\ although people would probably be blind to it and post somewhree sle anyways..

  45. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 17:33:16

    @Wonder this is how the GPC forum works actually, newcomers are restricted to a single section for 30 days, where they can post crap questions

  46. TheAafg
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 17:53:06

    i dont really think its going down the drain, but it still could go down the drain if we dont like help the people who need help and be ignorant of other people

  47. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 18:02:25

    honestly after visiting the CJ boards and glowstick boards UPSB is pretty healthy, it might not be as robust or active as a few years back but it's still chugging along nicely and has an active userbase... Maybe not the best people, but it continues tog row at a steady pace.

  48. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:09:49

    I think we should start using the GPC forum method for newcomers only with less restriction. Not for a whole month, but maybe 2-3 weeks instead? That would reduce flaming against newcomers from members AND complaints from newcomers to members.

  49. Tetsip
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:15:52

    Read bottom up. Here's one reason. I used to flame but now i've realized its a waste of time raging. [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Wonder : NOT FOR THE GOD DAMN KT, BUT YOU DO FOR THE BUSTER, USE YOUTUBE, USE THIS SHIT JKSNDFJLIASHFKJSAnfJKSANFJSKANFLKJDSSAlGDASFG [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Krispy Kreme : I swear the newbs are getting dumber as they join o_o [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] shoeman6 : wonder p[m me your rage do not hurt the yunguns [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] calbert125 : oh so i dont need dong-A pens? [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Nachoaddict : =.= you're making a signo tipped vic got game mod right? you use rsvp caps... [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Wonder : im going to rage [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] shoeman6 : [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Holypie : That's buster cyl o_O [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Holypie : Wut [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Krispy Kreme : [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] calbert125 : what about a dong-A back cap? [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Wonder : or at least search youtube >>>>>.<<<<<<<< [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Nachoaddict : profiles look kinda bad if you stretch em over the caps. just use the dr grip grip unless it's a horrible gripcut [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] Wonder : holy fuck go look in the wiki [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] Holypie : 2 Keityos, 3 sailors, 2 dr grip tips [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] calbert125 : what materials do you need to make a Dr. KT? [2 Minutes Ago 05:11 PM] Holypie : Should I use this small chunk of dr. grip or should I use profiles

  50. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:20:37

    Nachoaddict wrote: I think we should start using the GPC forum method for newcomers only with less restriction. Not for a whole month, but maybe 2-3 weeks instead? That would reduce flaming against newcomers from members AND complaints from newcomers to members.
    Yes, it sounds like a good idea, give them access but don't let them post/make new threads? for maybe idk 2 weeks. And have a forum open to them and people can answer there questions / teach them how to use resources. Maybe the SB too, or have a room dedicated to new spinners aka, 2 weeks you can only use this shout box room, people can answer your questions and such or tell you to search etc...

  51. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:29:11

    The forum would help a lot because members who go in there will be going in at their own discretion. People who are actually willing to help and whatnot will go in and ragers won't have to deal with noobs. However the only problem is a person who is still being a noob after 2 weeks. For example, they could make an account and leave it alone for 2 weeks and come back and have people flaming them in the other forum areas. So in addition to a time limit I think a post count minimum should also be required. Does 20-25 posts sound reasonable? In 2-3 weeks that would be anywhere from 0.7 to 1.05 posts per day. And then after that they can make polls and whatever 20 posts gets you in UPSB in terms of privelages from post count. Also, don't start the 2-3 week restriction UNTIL the first post is posted. Also member introductions should also be open to newcomers and things like board help and off topic. But then we can't be "too" lenient. As for people who just take longer to adjust to the forum and are still noobs despite the separate area, that can't really be helped. 4 weeks is quite extreme in my opinion but hopefully those people will be a minority. This could be a project for the Research Department. Look at the active newcomers and see the optimal minimum requirement of time for keeping them confined to a specific area. In other words when do most noobs start being less "noobish" and more "memberish"

  52. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:32:25

    20-25 posts is a lot... a lot of members right now don't have that... I don't think it should be by post count, and it could also fustrate members who have a specific question but can't ask it... so I'm not sure. I think the shoutbox would be the most feasible/helpful. People often go to the shoutbox for quick questions, and seeing how the PS tab is hardly used anyways it could be like newspinners, and after either post count or time, they would be granted ascess to the general chat.

  53. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:35:30

    Well maybe a combination of the shoutbox and this forum while the post count minimum is lowered. Maybe 10-15 posts minimum? And the reason a lot of new members don't have that is because they are inactive people who just come on to look at posts or to use sb or to use trade or to use OT. I think we had something like 1.4k inactive newcomers or something like that. More inactive people than active people.

  54. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:39:30

    yeah, I actually don't see that big of a problem just there is so much information that new spinenrs can't filter through it all and learn everything, by limiting there world (a little bit) it could make it easier for them to learn... idk how serious you think the issue is though, I really don't see that much of a problem. Maybe for the shoutbox but putting a post limit usually encourages spam.

  55. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:52:16

    Tetsip wrote: Read bottom up. Here's one reason. I used to flame but now i've realized its a waste of time raging. [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Wonder : NOT FOR THE GOD DAMN KT, BUT YOU DO FOR THE BUSTER, USE YOUTUBE, USE THIS SHIT JKSNDFJLIASHFKJSAnfJKSANFJSKANFLKJDSSAlGDASFG [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Krispy Kreme : I swear the newbs are getting dumber as they join o_o [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] shoeman6 : wonder p[m me your rage do not hurt the yunguns [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] calbert125 : oh so i dont need dong-A pens? [1 Minute Ago 05:14 PM] Nachoaddict : =.= you're making a signo tipped vic got game mod right? you use rsvp caps... [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Wonder : im going to rage [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] shoeman6 : [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Holypie : That's buster cyl o_O [1 Minute Ago 05:13 PM] Holypie : Wut [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Krispy Kreme : [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] calbert125 : what about a dong-A back cap? [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Wonder : or at least search youtube >>>>>.<<<<<<<< [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Nachoaddict : profiles look kinda bad if you stretch em over the caps. just use the dr grip grip unless it's a horrible gripcut [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] Wonder : holy fuck go look in the wiki [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] Holypie : 2 Keityos, 3 sailors, 2 dr grip tips [2 Minutes Ago 05:12 PM] calbert125 : what materials do you need to make a Dr. KT? [2 Minutes Ago 05:11 PM] Holypie : Should I use this small chunk of dr. grip or should I use profiles
    this shows the "veterans" more have a serious attitude problem than the newb actually posting the question... dunno why you guys are so aggressive, especially Wonder geez to the ppl who think that the restriction is a good idea, please recall what the actual purpose of "Mods pending approval" was... its supposed to be that ppl woh dont want to deal with newbs can only look at the approved section so that dumb things could be posted in the pending approval section, well now ppl even flame dumb things in pending approval, which defeats whole purpose of the seperate sections in the first place... i would not be surprised if after a while, ppl start flaming ppl for stupid questions even in the noob section....\ same thing for SB/OT split btw, you're supposed to not read the SB if you dont want to be offended.

  56. Tetsip
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:57:49

    thing is, It's always Wonder. I'd say Wonder flames/rages the most out of all of us. If you find it annoying when helping a newfag, simply just suck it up and help OR just dont answer it and ignore it to let them learn on their own. Tolerance is the key.

  57. Colin
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 22:59:50

    on Honda-Tech, they have a newcomer policy. You have to have a minimum of 5 posts and must be an active registered member for 15 days. You cannot create threads/post in the WTS/WTT/WTB section. IMO, its a very good policy.

  58. Jamal
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 23:05:45


  59. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 23:43:27

    Zombo wrote: to the ppl who think that the restriction is a good idea, please recall what the actual purpose of "Mods pending approval" was... its supposed to be that ppl woh dont want to deal with newbs can only look at the approved section so that dumb things could be posted in the pending approval section, well now ppl even flame dumb things in pending approval, which defeats whole purpose of the seperate sections in the first place... i would not be surprised if after a while, ppl start flaming ppl for stupid questions even in the noob section....\
    Just create a ZERO tolerance policy for the noob section for flaming and trolling. I know it's gotten to that in Pen Modifications but make this policy for the noob section permanent. I think after a while iMatt will eventually lift the tense banning for flaming policy. As for the pending approval area. Dumb things can be locked away sometimes. Well, depends on your definition of dumb but I remember a few threads back in V3 were locked because they were insufficient or had some other issue. Wouldn't this also go against the separate sections idea? Anyways, the flaming that goes on in there is exactly why we should have a noob area. The noob area would expedite a decrease in flaming in the regular forums. Then, at least the pen mods section, would revert back to a more friendly environment, the one that was present in the past back in v3. And this environment would benefit not only the newcomers (who would be members by the time they could post in the regular forums) but I'm assuming it's the community more favored by the majority of UPSB veterans at this moment. Am I right? Of course these are just thoughts of things that I think could happen.

  60. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 00:11:06

    all im saying is, yeah ok you have a noob area, then after a while, we'll need to create a "super-noob" subsection, then some time after a "super-super noob" subsubsection etc. cuz everytime we had to split sections for reasons like that, it's always that the same problems reappear but in the new area. see: SB got split cuz of the flaming, but OT still wasn't good enough so had to make ANOTHER section for serious discussion lol, now the quality of SD discussion is starting to decrease maybe we should make "REALLY SERIOUS DISCUSSION" subsubforum lol\ another example: we had division between Major Collabs and Minor Collabs. after a while ppl would put their stuff randomly so it became pointless. Everytime we do things like this its not always good

  61. Mats
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 22:10:34

    'Why is UPSB going "down the drain"? Because lots of cool people left. Moderators are bastards. The cool people that are here have been chilled out. Grown ups are seldom found on here and the ratio of school kids is too high. Let's wreck it up! :banana:

  62. spinnerhui
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 22:23:03

    @Mats: No we are NOT WRECKING UPSB UP... @ everybody else: I support the idea of a "noob section" on UPSB. It would seriously help Wonder and all of the other member who flame often. I don't do it that much cuz I'm usually getting flamed...:( I think that it would help a lot of people get better at not posting noobish and stupid stuff. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. 20 post minimum. 25 day minimum. you have to meet both criteria to have acess to the regular forums. Once again, my opinion.

  63. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:22:44

    There are people who would prefer not to post (e.g. Colt).

  64. Mats
    Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:27:22

    spinnerhui wrote: @Mats: No we are NOT WRECKING UPSB UP... @ everybody else: I support the idea of a "noob section" on UPSB. It would seriously help Wonder and all of the other member who flame often.
    There already is an idiots section on UPSB. It's called 'UPSB'. The non idiot section is the RD, but very little happens in there.

  65. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 01:00:17

    hoiboy wrote: There are people who would prefer not to post (e.g. Colt).
    Well those people would still be able to view the other forums but just not be able to post or make new threads

  66. boshi
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 03:11:16

    man, i feel so oooooold reading this. honestly, i dont really care about the noobs, as long as i get my "fap thread" im happy.

  67. k-ryder
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 04:43:19

    i haven't read through all of the "noob section" suggestions but the jist is newbies are restricted to a section for a period of time where they can post in threads or just post their questions in a new thread? how about a section of redirecting threads to the common useful threads, like general modifications questions? or, restrict posting to only in these threads for 3-4 weeks however, the point brought up of time restrictions is that new users ignore these threads for the time period, then come back when the restriction is lifted. then again, post limits also fosters spam, as they try and post quickly to get the restrictions lifted i think this way, restricting people to the important threads, it encourages new users to use these threads and helps them get into the habit of posting here, instead of relying on getting answers by posting new threads

  68. Kari-Chan
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 05:13:34

    i think that even when the restriction is lifted and they have questions to ask, they would post it in the newbie section.... i'm not too sure about the "discussion" threads that they might start though...

  69. Raem
    Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 13:37:56

    What I personally don't like about his board is that 4chan has too big influence on it (lol). When I talk about that, I talk about stuff like this too

    man, i feel so oooooold reading this. honestly, i dont really care about the noobs, as long as i get my "fap thread" im happy.

  70. pred
    Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 09:01:22

    Raem wrote: What I personally don't like about his board is that 4chan has too big influence on it (lol). When I talk about that, I talk about stuff like this too
    I agree with this, although i find 4chan funny, its not funny at all outside of 4chan. Shame there is nothing you can do to stop 4chan kids. I also agree with a noob section, just sticky all those repeatedly asked questions like what is the best pen mod etc and there will be a much smaller number of stupid posts

  71. Ktk
    Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:26:30

    Ugh I didn't want my post to get long. I, as a comatose member, am going to say: If it even is, UPSB is losing momentum because - less focus on ps'ing, more focus on socializing - this happens on all forums over time esp. if not everyone is dedicated to the thing they have in common (ps'ing here) - the community - lack of new, enthusiastic members That being said, a 50% drop out rate on an online forum is not bad at all. If you check forums with >100000 members you'll find that they have similar if not higher dropout rates. Fact is not everyone is down to chat with middle/high school kids about penspinning for hours. You can't realistically hope to attain even a 25% retain rate on the internet, but I'm not calling this forum large by any means of the word (not that it's not bad to be small). The term "Active member" is pretty vague as well - what are the qualifications to be "active"? They want the info, and they want it fast, and UPSB is a source. They register, find the mod tutorial, and never log back on again. And if you force people to have x posts before getting to see those, they'll head somewhere else, somewhere without those ridiculous, time-wasting requirements. << BTW this was me. Sorry, but the UPSB community doesn't really fit in the kind of people I generally talk to. Even besides the age group difference. I mean, "/upsb/" jokes? I nearly became aphixated at how many times the word "newfag" has been said in this thread. It got trite years ago. In summary / more points: - Most people just aren't interested in stopping by to chat. - Most of the time, they're just inactive members who needed a tut once and never came back. No big deal. - Sometimes, it's because not all penspinners are like the active members (I am generalizing and feel awful for doing this). If the only common interest is penspinning, it's not good enough or worth it for a member to be active for more than a small period of time. (enough to a: get over penspinning, or b: get qualified enough for said member to justify stop making a large effort on improving < This was me) @The prospect of a "noob" section, let me get this straight. You want flamers and trolls to flame and troll, except for in one subforum? (Meh, whatever). @Zombo's "serious discussion, seriouser discussion, more seriouser discussion" issue, I agree completely, it's not good to fall into this sort of pattern. Instead, just revamp standards. If people disapprove, it only means they're not being serious enough in the serious discussion section, which defeats the purpose of having the forum. For the newcomers themselves, it'd be easier (For them, it's a lot of work for currently active members, specifically mods) to have "popular tutorials" be revised, simplified, and made more visible. I'll find an example. In Pen mods forum, there is the starter guide to mods. I like that a lot. In tricks, the wiki is, eh, hard to use for many. I liked the complete list of tricks (Video tutorial thread & Trick Thread Index) with their tutorials linked (to wiki or otherwise) appropriately. It's a lot of work and there is still a large possibility that newcomers won't find it / read it... Stickying is an effective visibility bonus, but only if they're in the right subforum. Does this forum have global stickies? Or are those reserved for announcements? An alternate would be a "most popular" threads tab for noobs above the forum. (maximized by default so vet members can ignore it). This way they have a higher chance of finding what they need w/o trivial threads. The thing is, on this forum, that statistically the most popular threads won't be relevant to penspinning tricks or mods. (183 threads in fundamentals, adv tricks, reg pen, pen mods vs 360 threads in OT) You can never expect anything from the masses. I can say this from experience, if you are inclined to doubt that statement (though I don't see how you can, considering half this thread is about how to get new people to do what you want...) You always have to refer to the lowest common denominator: the person who doesn't skipped all the readings and registered, didn't bother looking for anything, and made a thread for others to find x for him. Then it's the active member's choice whether or not to help the bum. As a user with 14 posts on the new UPSB, I sure know what I'm talking about. I won't read this again, ignore me at will

  72. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:31:27

    @Ktk, you can't rely on stickies, even with the welcome PM linking to all the cheat threads + colored titles + search + wiki + prefix etc. ppl still want to create new threads, theres no way around it, by experience i know ppl avoid global announcements as well.

  73. blahblahting
    Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:56:03

    i'm simplifying this a lot, but what about implementing this "noob forum" you guys are suggesting and on top of that, having certain designated members to help the new people out/answer questions? :dunno: idk if this is practical or if it would be effective, just an idea :\

  74. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 23:19:17

    that reminds me of the mentor program, not sure why it wasn't implemented; i think what's even more important than helping noobs know the forum, its to give them motivation/tips/feedback and improve to become the elite spinners of the next generation, in the end, that's what matters.

  75. hoiboy
    Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 02:31:41

    Zombo wrote: that reminds me of the mentor program, not sure why it wasn't implemented; i think what's even more important than helping noobs know the forum, its to give them motivation/tips/feedback and improve to become the elite spinners of the next generation, in the end, that's what matters.
    general lack of motivation/time among spinners

  76. KTrinh93
    Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 03:32:45

    hoiboy wrote: general lack of motivation/time among spinners
    agreed. when i first started pen spinning i learned from eso and just checked in on some threads on v3 to find what people were saying about how to do tricks and stuff.. i really wasnt considered active until i was about maybe 5-7 months when i joined my first team. i had so much more time (i was a freshman in high school) and i was what i would considered active (as in i was trying to organize a team collab and experimented with editing tricks and stuff on a nightly basis to throw out ideas for a collab).. since least year (sophomore year for me) i didnt have as much time because of school, homework, and other activities i had to do that were school related. i, like many others, probably prioritize school/social lives over pen spinning and that just gets in the way. i have even more advanced classes (by this i mean more in quantity) this year but yet i still somehow manage to get on upsb in the sb at least once a night to talk to some ppl on the sb or reply to a team thread or a thread like this one. i suppose it's because i dont want to feel like i let people down, but other people couldn't care less about that really. they just make the account, do some stuff, and leave for months.. and possibly come back.. the sad unfortunate truth is that a lot more people will probably be active when theyre "noobs" and then die off once they get better because they wont have to ask questions anymore bc most people will already have asked similar questions on threads and they just have to look at the answers.. eventually imo upsb will inevitably became just a database of of questions, mod tuts, and other things. the only thing that might stay active would be maybe forum games (which might die off too if few people are active) and trade threads.. i realize i might get severely hated on by saying all of this, but really a lot of the new people just make accounts to ask a few questions on the sb and i realize i never see them again.. which is sad really because upsb can offer so much more than that. really whats the point in saying "our board has x members" with a sidenote saying that more than half of those "members" are active and/or use the site daily...

  77. Jazz
    Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 07:52:09

    I must have to have a say on this topic. Many newcomers(like me) dont know how to use the forum,maybe UPSB was their first fourm. When i came in, i made a topic on a pen mod, and At That Time i thought it was really good, then people thought it was really funny i didnt know what was a rsvp mx. Then, after that, i realized that on UPSB, I should post more serious stuff... And about penspinning now. I think that UPSB board is not good yet,because some of the older generation "pro" people left. Theres alot of potential in the newer generation that is training, although some of us quit and choose to stop, you cant prevent these things. We will become a strong board one day, but we still have to train and give us some time now. Anyways, to be a friendlier board you could use the "Teacher" Method, that is to give a newcomer a " Teacher" that is helpful, is an old timer, and does not flame. Thats all for my 2 cents:)

  78. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 08:02:22

    please try not to revive threads unless you have a specific question or concern or something you're trying to get out of your post, don't post in a 3month old thread just to say your opinion if the thread is about help on a trick and you're looking for help that's fine but just to say something is reviving which is against the rules no infraction or anything, just try not to do it in the future :)

  79. Jazz
    Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 10:33:16

    strat1227 wrote: please try not to revive threads unless you have a specific question or concern or something you're trying to get out of your post, don't post in a 3month old thread just to say your opinion if the thread is about help on a trick and you're looking for help that's fine but just to say something is reviving which is against the rules no infraction or anything, just try not to do it in the future :)
    Trying to get zumbo to do the mentor programme?

  80. spinnerhui
    Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 23:39:33

    well, since it's ALIVE AGAIN, I'll add my 2 cents in again...(If I haven't already...too lazy to check) After seeing the newer generation, I'm scared of them With people such as Drgripable, Vortechs, Riley, Van, TheAafg, etc. Upsb is no where near dying. to me it's never been more alive.

  81. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 03:03:04

    Dude did you read Strat's post at all?

    strat1227 wrote: please try not to revive threads unless you have a specific question or concern or something you're trying to get out of your post, [B]don't post in a 3month old thread just to say your opinion[/B] if the thread is about help on a trick and you're looking for help that's fine but just to say something is reviving which is [B]against the rules[/B]

  82. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 03:08:13

    k yeah if someone has a specific topic of conversation they want to start feel free to make a new thread about it, but this topic is pretty dead