Approved Tutorials / The G3Nerator Mod
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 02:44:00
=========================== Stats: =========================== The G3Nerator Mod (G3 Namae) COG: COP Length: 21.5 cm Weight: = EP comssa Style: Single Sided Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: $7-9 =========================== Materials List: =========================== 1x Pilot G3 1x Uniball Signo Tip 1x Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip Tip 1x Old Namae 1x Flat grip (I used Needlepoint) 1x Anyball Grip 2x Crayola Supertip + 1x Bic Round Stic Video Tutorial: Text Tutorial
Comments and suggestions would be appreciated and if there are any errors to the tutorial, please let me know! :] Thanks for reading!Spoiler
1) Gather Materials: -G3 Cap, Grip, and Tip -Signo Tip -HGG Tip -Old Namae Cap -0.7cm flat grip section (I used needlepoint) -4 ring section of Anyball Grip -2 ST caps -Bic Round Stic plastic piece under the "grip" -Bic Round Stic Barrel The Body: 1) You will need: -Crayola Supertip + 1x Bic Round Stic 2) Connect the 2 Supertip bodies with the piece under the bic stic grip. You will need to cut the part of the plastic that is not flat. Then cut the lip of one of the caps off and add tape to the cut side. You will neede to cut the front nub off of the connecting piece in the first part of this step.The Front: 1) You will need: -Bic Round Stic Barrel (cut down to 5.4cm) -Signo Tip -HGG Tip -3 Rings of G3 Grip -Hollowed Out Old Namae Cap (
2) Push the 3 rings of G3 grip into the bic barrel. Then push the HGG tip, inverted, into the body. You may need to shave the inside of the barrel for the HGG to fit.
3) Add the Signo tip over that and secure the tips in place with tape.
4) Slide on the Old Namae cap.
The Back: 1) You will need: -G3 Cap -G3 Tip -G3 Grip (minus the 3 ring sections) -Paper Insert -Flat Grip Section -4 Ring Anyball Section
2) Cut the clip off of the G3 cap. Then drop the G3 tip in and push the flat grip section to the back so the G3 tip does not rattle.
3) Wrap the paper insert around the G3 grip and push it into the cap. Add the 4 ring anyball section to the back of the cap.
Assembly: Add the front to the front (you may have to thicken the bic barrel with tape) and add the back to the back. Easy as that!
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 02:46:47
So... simple. LOL.
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 03:20:16
Interesting use of the reversed cap and the namae cap in general, and a very sleek & simple mod :] I'd make one if all of the stek bodies I made didn't break :p I'm guessing you could make this DC/T as well?
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 03:36:42
Yes. My initial idea was a DC mod however the STek body makes it way too long for my hands so I decided to try to cut the length down a bit and just turn to the use of single sided Oh and thank you guys ^.^
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 03:58:54
whyd u remove ur video tut for ur mod?
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 04:52:05
It should work again. The original version had 20 seconds of a black screen because I forgot to delete one subtitle thing from the end of it.
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 10:25:47
lighter than nacho sc mod ?
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 13:26:54
can new namaes be used? since it's gonna be hollowed out anyway
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 13:45:32
@enterthedarkrealm Yes you can probably do that but I like the aesthetics of the old cap better. To me it just looks much sleeker than the new cap
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 18:21:38
the is a lovely mod, the colours could be better though
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 21:04:04
The body color can be changed to any supertip cap color but I haven't really experimented with color schemes very much yet. As for the front and back I would suggest keeping them black to match the black namae cap or changing the tape color, anyball color, and a few other things to keep their colors as symmetrical as possible if you get what I mean. Thanks btw :)
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 04:51:46
OMG nice mod!
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 18:21:11
nice mod i like it:)
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:57:54
interesting use of namae caps
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2014 03:58:32
Cool name