Reports / Reported Post by AllOneWish
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:43:21
AllOneWish has reported a post. Reason:
wrong section AND the thread is waaaaaay OT
Post: FIR3FLY RSVP | My new shortened version Forum: Pen Modifications Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: Redline Ex Original Content:hey guys and ladies today i was bored so i decided to try to make a variation of the Firefly mod. i wanted something a bit shorter because those 20-21cm pens just look funny. i liked the looks of the fir3fly mod so i based this pen around it. My version is sturdy and spins well! THANKS! [SIZE="4"]Please leave feedback about the tutorial and if you like the pen or not :][/SIZE] Diffaculty: medium weight: heavy ( weighted towards the ends ) lenght: 19cm pens recomended (parts can be substituted, i did this because i made it on the spot and didnt have the parts) sailor grips x1 or how ever many colors you want Dr. Grips x1 metal tipped G-3 (cap, grip, tip) RSVP (barrel, 2 grips) paper mate flex grip ultra tip ( others could be used ) tape. 1st take the rsvp, remove back cap and ink tube put them aside you wont need them. take the extra rsvp grip and cut a section 3/4 a cm long and put it on the barrel thread where the back cap screwed on. (NOTE HOW I PUT A SAILOR SECTION RIGHT BELOW WHERE THE CAP WILL STOP, THIS ALLOWS FOR A BETTER TRANSITION FROM THE BARREL TO THE CAP.)
2nd take the tip off the G3 and put it in the G3 cap, then cut the grip off the barrel and put it in the grip as well. break the clip off the cap and cut the little tab off. then you can cut a 1cm long piece of dr.grip and put it over the area where you cut off the tab. Now put the cap over the back of the rsvp barrel. the rsvp grip section you put on should hold it on there well.
3rd tape around the tip of the rsvp tip and put the flexgrip tip on it then tape that onto the rsvp tip. put a good amout of tape on it so that when you put on the grip sections they tightly fit around the tape. 4th cut a 3 sections off the dr.grip: .7cm, .8cm, 1.2cm. then cut 3 sections of sailor grips: .3cm, .3 cm, .3cm 5th put the grips on: start by putting on a sailor grip section half way down the rsvp grip then alternate the dr.grips and sailor grips untill you run out. (NOTE I DIDN'T USE A DR.GRIP, I DIDN'T HAVE ONE SO I SUBBED IN ANOTHER GRIP, ALSO NOT IN THE PICTURE IM MISSING THE 1ST SECTION OF SAILOR GRIP.)
finish product. feel free to put an insert in there
[SIZE="4"]If you have any questions, please ask me for help![/SIZE]
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 05:16:03
Nachoaddict has also reported this item. Reason:
Wrong Section