Tutorials Pending Approval / FIR3FLY RSVP | My new shortened version
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:49:44
hey guys and ladies today i was bored so i decided to try to make a variation of the Firefly mod. i wanted something a bit shorter because those 20-21cm pens just look funny. i liked the looks of the fir3fly mod so i based this pen around it. My version is sturdy and spins well! THANKS! [SIZE="4"]Please leave feedback about the tutorial and if you like the pen or not :][/SIZE] Diffaculty: medium weight: heavy ( weighted towards the ends ) lenght: 19cm pens recomended (parts can be substituted, i did this because i made it on the spot and didnt have the parts) sailor grips x1 or how ever many colors you want Dr. Grips x1 metal tipped G-3 (cap, grip, tip) RSVP (barrel, 2 grips) paper mate flex grip ultra tip ( others could be used ) tape. 1st take the rsvp, remove back cap and ink tube put them aside you wont need them. take the extra rsvp grip and cut a section 3/4 a cm long and put it on the barrel thread where the back cap screwed on. (NOTE HOW I PUT A SAILOR SECTION RIGHT BELOW WHERE THE CAP WILL STOP, THIS ALLOWS FOR A BETTER TRANSITION FROM THE BARREL TO THE CAP.)
2nd take the tip off the G3 and put it in the G3 cap, then cut the grip off the barrel and put it in the grip as well. break the clip off the cap and cut the little tab off. then you can cut a 1cm long piece of dr.grip and put it over the area where you cut off the tab. Now put the cap over the back of the rsvp barrel. the rsvp grip section you put on should hold it on there well.
3rd tape around the tip of the rsvp tip and put the flexgrip tip on it then tape that onto the rsvp tip. put a good amout of tape on it so that when you put on the grip sections they tightly fit around the tape. 4th cut a 3 sections off the dr.grip: .7cm, .8cm, 1.2cm. then cut 3 sections of sailor grips: .3cm, .3 cm, .3cm 5th put the grips on: start by putting on a sailor grip section half way down the rsvp grip then alternate the dr.grips and sailor grips untill you run out. (NOTE I DIDN'T USE A DR.GRIP, I DIDN'T HAVE ONE SO I SUBBED IN ANOTHER GRIP, ALSO NOT IN THE PICTURE IM MISSING THE 1ST SECTION OF SAILOR GRIP.)
finish product. feel free to put an insert in there
[SIZE="4"]If you have any questions, please ask me for help![/SIZE]
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:59:11
You're not the first one to do this.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:00:34
Post it in SOYP before posting a tutorial. This mod isn't anything new and is ugly as fuck.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:07:02
fml!!! haha my bad. and its not ugly at all
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:25:56
Its pretty [COLOR="silver"]ugly [/COLOR]to me :]
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:27:26
Not that ugly. Seen worst.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:35:13
i dont get how its ugly..haha cuz it doesnt have a insert??? whats a good looking single sided mod then?????????
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:39:13
It's all personal opinion. Just because you like it doesn't mean others will like it and vice versa. People are just giving their opinions. If you don't like them, don't post a tutorial to a mod you didn't post anywhere else, get feedback for prior to the tutorial, and get requests for a tutorial.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:43:13
ok? i was asking a question, what do you think a good looking single sided mod is? i wasnt bashing them for thinking that. read the post :/
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:47:55
Read my post altered your question. I think a good looking single sided mod is the F1r3fly G3. I do not like it when people try to rip off or change what I think is a good mod. If the alteration is actually useful AND new, then I can appreciate it. But that's just me
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:55:58
i wasnt directing the question at you. i was stating what i said earlier. soo you can gtfo
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 03:09:12
Redline Ex wrote: i wasnt directing the question at you. i was stating what i said earlier. soo you can gtfo
1.[B]READ THE RULES.[/B] 2.A veteran's trying to help you out and you brush him aside. Nice. 3.Generator Mod owns all. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 03:21:48
SyntaxError, you forgot the fact that this is in the wrong section too. :P
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 03:46:17
a "veteran" comes in hot and decides to be stuck up. i dont care what if he hates this mod or not. i took in his opinion. i didnt brush him aside. thanks
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:24:36
Well prepare to be hated throughout UPSB with that attitude of yours. My opinion was that the mod was ugly, MY OPINION. You don't have to be so stuck up and start saying this and that. Nacho was trying to help you out with your mod he wasn't being a stuck up to you.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:31:36
Jesus Redline! First posts really count on forum and you completely made a dick of yourself
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:32:31
Redline Ex wrote: a "veteran" comes in hot and decides to be stuck up. i dont care what if he hates this mod or not. i took in his opinion. i didnt brush him aside. thanks
Hot and stuck up? He was trying to guide you through the community. If you keep this attitude up, it's true, you will be hated by all of UPSB. It's up to people to decide if your mod is ugly or not. What you think is up to you, but you can't just go around bashing people for their opinions. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:33:29
lol forums are quite encouraging
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 20:50:31
how did i make a dick of my self. nacho said its already been done and its "ugly as fuck" tell me how that guiding me through the community? then i simply asked whats a single sided mod that isnt ugly. then ya'll turned it into this bull shit. not very welcoming in my eyes.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 20:59:08
Redline Ex;31053]i dont get how its ugly..haha cuz it doesnt have a insert??? whats a good looking single sided mod then?????????[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Redline Ex;31056]ok? i was asking a question, what do you think a good looking single sided mod is? i wasnt bashing them for thinking that. read the post :/[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Redline Ex;31059]i wasnt directing the question at you. i was stating what i said earlier. soo you can gtfo[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Redline Ex wrote: a "veteran" comes in hot and decides to be stuck up. i dont care what if he hates this mod or not. i took in his opinion. i didnt brush him aside. thanks
You're quite self contradictory, aren't you? You ask a question, someone posts with advice but doesn't answer the question (because of course if people post the have to answer your question, right?), then you ask them the same question, so they answer your question and [B]you don't like their answer, so you tell them to gtfo.[/B] Then someone else comes along and points out how someone nice is trying to help you with constructive criticism, and you come along quite defensively (at least this is consistent) saying that they were being stuck up (?) and then saying that you took his opinion? Maybe it's just me but I'm really confused. Oh and, to your new post, Nacho never said that your mod was ugly, just unnecessarily changing a good mod. There are plenty of nice looking single sided mods as well, if you REALLY want me to answer your question. I like the Nachoaddict RSVP for one. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:05:00
the only thing that could of possibly made me look like a "dick" was telling him to gtfo. i accepted his opinion but he went on. i think ya'll calling me shit is more offensive then what iv said to anyone hear................ and i believe no one answered my question they just went on about how this mod is ugly. witch i don't care if they think that because is IS there opinion.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:24:20
Guys, there's a serious problem with you guys and accepting new spinners. It's not an ugly mod. Redline, try not to fight them because they just breathe hate. Aesthetically you might get a better idea the more you see other mods, cleaner grip cuts and a color scheme might be better, but honestly it isn't ugly, and aesthetics aren't everything anyways, if you have a mod and it looks ugly, you can always make a pretty version of it... I think the reason for the lack of innovation recently and activity is how much elitism and hate is going around UPSB. Sure we want to cut down on spam and useless topics but you need to leave room for new spinners to learn and for new ideas to grow... What happened to the days of, I think this could be better, or I really like this mod I want to make it?. If you have a problem with the topic because you think it's spam talk to a moderator... no need to flame the guy. If there's a bad topic a mod will take care of it,you guys don't need to mob up and strangle new spinners. His post contributes way more than your whole discussion about its irrelevance.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:36:11
THANK YOU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and like i said i take in that you think its ugly thats your opinion but thats not whats getting to me. it is the bluntness of your answers and reply's and the lack of kindness. i even admit that it isn't that pretty because i just threw it together with out all of the parts id use if i ordered them.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:41:34
Redline Ex wrote: the only thing that could of possibly made me look like a "dick" was telling him to gtfo. i accepted his opinion but he went on. i think ya'll calling me shit is more offensive then what iv said to anyone hear................ and i believe no one answered my question they just went on about how this mod is ugly. witch i don't care if they think that because is IS there opinion.
I don't think anyone called you shit... Also, I answered your question, as well as Nachoaddict. Please, please read posts more carefully, I agree that the others should have been a bit more constructive but if you had read the posts made a bit more carefully, there wouldn't be accusations flying everywhere. And it won't hurt to fix your spelling and grammar. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:43:53
Alright guys how about we stop the flame war. I never said your mod was "ugly as fuck". Don't put words in my mouth.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:47:14
Vassenato wrote: Post it in SOYP before posting a tutorial. This mod isn't anything new and is ugly as fuck.
okay my bad but it was still said. you all are coming at me as a whole. also why the hell would you insult my grammar..hahaha you know what i mean. i think your just looking for a argument. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:50:14
How about we stop this flame war... If you want to ask about something about the insults in this thread, pm the person. Posting it here is only going to, as harsh as it sounds, get you more flame
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 21:53:57
i dont think you can flame your own thread, so i was down with that since the beginning.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 22:00:10
Guys... i'm going to delete 90% of the posts in this thread since a majority of it is useless. Keep it clean, read the rules, and keep the flaming down a bit.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 22:02:30
Awwww man i was just about to post one last comment V.V