Tutorials Pending Approval / Waterfall Mod
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 15:46:59
I am not the creator of this mod, all credit goes to waterfall from fpsb Here is a little background/story of the mod from waterfall himself "On May or June 2008; I asked A13-X to know how to make his white mod. He told me the body (Super Pirat) and the caps (Reynolds 094), but he wasn't able to tell me the tips and the grips he used. I used tips and grips I found at home : 2 Signo tips and Dr. Grip G-spec grips. It was (and still is) the best mod I've ever touched, I've used it all the time! A few days after, there was a gathering in France, and I decided to go there. Without any exception, everybody was fond of my mod. They called it "Waterfall mod" because I had this mod.... but I told them it wasn't really created by me >_<. The mod became really famous in France in a short time (helped with s777 videos with this mod), and now, every french guy knows it as "Waterfall mod" ^^. Anyway, A13-X's mod is really different than mine. A few time after, some old french spinners told me this mod was already created by Skatox, ATN and Shagrath. But a few french knew it." Stats ------------------------------------------------- Name: Waterfall Mod COG = COP Length: 21 cm if you cut the Super Pirat body / 21.5 cm if you don't Weight: around 15g Estimated-Cost: ~$13-$15 ------------------------------------------------ Materials List: 2 Pilot Dr Grip (Just the grip, can be Dr. Grip g-spec or Jap shaker) 2 Reynolds 094 (Caps) 1 Pelikan Super Pirat 2 Uniball Signo (tips) [SPOILER="Waterfall Mod Tutorial"]
Of these materials, keep 2 dr grip grips, 2 reynold caps, Just the super pirat body, and 2 signo tips
Use Nail polish remover or acetone (or guitrum's rubbing method may work) to remove the design on the body if you wish to make it all white The body can be cut and emptied if you wish to make the body itself lighter and have more momentum on the ends
Take the reynold 094 caps and double cap the pirat body, you should have about 10 cm of spinning room(you may need tape on the white eraser thing side to hold the cap snugly)
Take the uniball signo tips and they should fit perfectly into the tip of the reynold cap
Cut the dr grip grips to a preferred length, normally about 3.5 cm, the side with the "lip" of the grip is normally used
Finally, simply slide the grips onto the reynold 094 caps like so, and you are done! ^^
This would be how the mod looks if you were to have used g-spec grips instead, which makes the mod slightly lighter and is the way Waterfall originally had his [/SPOILER] Q & A {or Troubleshooting} ----------------------------------- Q = Where can I find Reynolds 094? A = They are found in France, but you can also order from Penwish or from traders. Q = When I spin with it, I hear a little noise from the inside of the body, is it normal? A = That is the ink inside the super pirat body that wasn't emptied on one side, sometimes both sides come out while sometimes it doesnt if you dont fully take out the blue backplug thing Q = What is better? to cut and empty the body or not? A = It's all a matter of personal preference, if you want the mod itself to be heavier and more weight in the middle, then keep it and don't empty it, but if you want it lighter and more weight concentrated towards the end of the pen for more momentum, then cut and empty the body. Q = What is better? to use G-spec grips or other Dr grip grips? A = Again, personal preference. If you want cheaper, i would recommend getting the jap dr grip grips from penwish The Jap dr grip grips are heavier, thicker, and clearer than the g-spec grips, but if you want it lighter or you think it looks better with g-spec grips, then get g-spec though it may be more costly
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 15:54:33
Remember to mention that the creator is Waterfall from FPSB. You kinda said it at the end but just to be safe I would include it at the top
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 06:57:12
I WISH I HAD THIS MOD... Or just Dr. Grips anyway XD
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 17:53:36
Quick Question about making the Waterfall Mod, If I dont remove the insides from the super pirat will it be inbalanced? I'd Rather not remove it because of the weight, but however balance is a priority.. Thanks P.S anyone got an idea on PenWish's Postage time USA> UK? G-Spec Grips? They don't look the right ones..
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:00:22
it doesnt effect the balance if you remove \ dont remove the ink.. since its a double sided marker \ pen.. about the grips.. it isnt dr grip grip, its a fake (i think..)
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:03:11
bonkey is right the waterfall mod is COG=COP if you follow tutorial on UPSB
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:07:49
It will be balanced but then the body is heavier and the mod has less momentum. In my opinion without the insides it spins better. That are normal Dr. Grip Grips , non G-Spec Grips. That are G-Specs: But the Grip is very thin and light . In my Opinion normal Dr Grip Grips are better for it :P From Penwish to Europe the shipping times are different. It depends of the kind of shipping you choose. It can takes to 45 days , maybe more , but it can be at yours in 15-20 days , too.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:50:39
D: Its going to be a fake Waterfall Mod? :'( Nooo not fairr.. I'll order 2 G-Spec's off Amazon then, or is it not worth the while? Grrr I'm off to a bad start with PW What does COG=COP mean?
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 19:53:59
COG: Center Of Gravity COP: Center Of Pen Basically means that it's perfectly balanced.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 20:11:55
Did they make a Non-V3 tut for it? Think I should order a Dr. Grip G-Spec online then? To make it perfect. :) But not from PW
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 20:28:53
Wonder copied the tutorial to v4, but except for that there's no new tutorial as far as I know. As for Dr Grips, it's a matter of preference. The different kinds look different and the weight is probably different too.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 12:22:41
@Wisp.. the grips dont ever really matter.. you can use any grips you want, and the dr grip from penwish is really similar to the regular \ real dr grip.. and it doesnt really matter if you "fake" it with pw dr grip grip..
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 17:49:24
Thanks bonkey :)
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 18:35:30
The PW dr grip grip is just about as real as it gets considering he gets them manufactured by Pilot... idk why you guys are saying it's fake, it's just longer(thats a plus) and a bit more clear, not a bad thing
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 20:29:27
Touche Wonder, Touche.. ^.^
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 02:48:56
This is always a nice mod with a nice weight:D
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 20:34:46
...there was no point in bringing back an old thread just to say that...
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 15:30:17
sorry for bumping old thread! I have a question to ask >< I want to make a Waterfall mod with Dr.Grip G-SPEC grips, but do I have to cut the grip to make it shorter, or do I just use the whole full grip for each side, or do I cut the grip into half and place one half at each side? Thanks in advance ^^
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 15:48:36
PandaPaws wrote: sorry for bumping old thread! I have a question to ask >< I want to make a Waterfall mod with Dr.Grip G-SPEC grips, but do I have to cut the grip to make it shorter, or do I just use the whole full grip for each side, or do I cut the grip into half and place one half at each side? Thanks in advance ^^
That is your preference. You can leave the grip uncut if you want but that will just make the mod heavier and would cost more because you need 2. If you care mainly about momentum and want to save money, then cut it in half I guess. -
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 17:21:24
@JackyMacky Hmm.. but Dr.Grip G-SPEC grips are quite light right, at least lighter than Dr.Grip Grips? Thanks for your info, I think I will leave it uncut, i think it'll look nicer :P haha thanks!
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 16:21:19
nice mod :) my friend has 1
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 17:19:24
i have this mod..very good:)
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 04:44:49
On Penwish, there was also another one titled "Waterfall Comssa Mod", what's the difference between the original and this one?
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 04:59:12
Fl0wingfire wrote: On Penwish, there was also another one titled "Waterfall Comssa Mod", what's the difference between the original and this one?
it has a comssa barrel instead of a super pirat barrel. -
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 06:06:29
Kinda obvious, isn't it? XP What I meant was the difference in specs, like the length, the weight distribution, momentum, and personal opinions (and anything spec-wise I forgot to mention)
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 23:11:36
i made a RT version,got help off of MrVortex's video, Hmmmm should i make a tut for it o-o
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 15:37:33
Danny116 wrote: i made a RT version,got help off of MrVortex's video, Hmmmm should i make a tut for it o-o
you should definitely! -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 16:05:14
Nice bump! But I hope he makes the tut too :O
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 16:18:49
I did, but i dont have any pic cuz i didnt have enough parts at the time, its only a word tutorial but its the best i had atm Sx I'll have the parts in about october-november ish so its gonna be a while b4 any good comes up Sorry for the inconvinience Sx it looks exactly like a regular waterfall but it trades momentum for writing ability :/
Date: Wed, Aug 31 2011 22:20:18
Can I use a Supertip Body instead of a Superpirat?
Date: Wed, Aug 31 2011 23:11:01
Drizzle wrote: Can I use a Supertip Body instead of a Superpirat?
you can but it will make the mods longer -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 05:54:14
acctually the backplug MUST be cut?cant just use pliers?
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 06:59:52
no, u cant; won't come off