Reports / Reported Post by AllOneWish
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 21:46:03
AllOneWish has reported a post. Reason:
he wants it deleted?
Post: Good looking mods with cheap pens? Forum: Pen Modifications Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: 7ygy Original Content:I'm looking for some cool looking mods, but i dont have the parts needed to make the ones i've seen DX. I really like the look of the firefly...but i can't get g3's and some other things. Ok, i have lots of RSVP's and tons of Bic's, a couple G2's, signo's, and a couple Dr. Grips (without the grips T_T)...just basic stuff. Any suggestions? Edit-sorry, i accidently made this without thinking...i'll just post in the "What mods can i make with these pens..." thread...and idk how to delete threads (if u even can...)