Collaboration Videos / Organization 13 2010 Fall collab

  1. Wind
    Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 02:37:03

    [video=youtube;4oFGpCLDfjA][/video] bleh... The uploading is weird. Might reupload it again when i feel like it.

  2. mhig
    Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 04:12:42

    It was interesting to watch. I noted that every spinner has some unique quality in their spinning. However I didn't see that quality emphasized. It seems as though the combos were made in a rush. This is a great team but I want to see quality work from you guys. It's there but it has to be filmed.

  3. blahblahting
    Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 05:34:26

    mhig! :O to go with what mhig said, idk about other people, but i pretty much put all the focus on my combo in the very beginning, not nearly as much after that :/ i liked how it turned out though :P

  4. RH
    Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 22:31:05

    my turn i sucked, but i feel like when i recorded this, i was focusing on the arounds.

  5. Kari-Chan
    Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 02:54:22

    mine was short XP but that's what u get when i spin a shorter mod :XD:

  6. KTrinh93
    Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 22:12:48

    Yeah I didn't really like my combo because I was using my crappy built in webcam. D=

  7. Wind
    Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 05:03:23

    [video=youtube;yhS0MaH_GfQ][/video] re edited the collab a bit.. edit: In HD too ^^