Serious Discussion / "Mosque" around Ground Zero
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 15:12:39
Hey all. I'm writing an essay about whats been on the news in the USA lately. Regarding the "mosque" aka Muslim community center that is being built approximately 2 blocks away from Ground Zero (if you don't know what that is please google or wiki it) I would like to hear both sides of the story. There are many people for and against and I am curious as to what side you are on and why.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 20:31:55
Why not? Not all muslim people are terrorists. Americans and people are just paranoid.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 20:39:43
People claim "If you build this mosque on ground zero, you are being disrespectful to the ones who died and the loved ones of the victims" I mean how much more prejudice can you get than that, saying that following your religion in an area will disrespect them. Islamic extremists are nothing like Islamic people. That's like saying all the people who are christian believe the same as christian extremists that say fossils were only put on earth to test our faith in god.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 21:38:22
IMO, people are overreacting. Muslims shouldn't have to apologize for 9/11, just like Christians don't have to apologize for Eric Rudolph.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 22:10:43
@AllOneWish I agree. Mosque doesnt mean terrorist people. If we have same religious with terrorist, well we can't do anything about it, it's not our fault or something to shame about. Anyway, my point is; that mosque has no relation with 11/9. It's just a place to pray, nothing more.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 22:52:07
There's an adult bookstore the same distance away from Ground Zero as the community center. Also, First Amendment.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 23:10:52
The only reason there is any controversy at all is because the American people associate the Islamic community with terrorism and 9/11. Obviously that's bullshit. People against Park51 may argue, "why couldn't they just build it somewhere else?" First of all, it doesn't matter. They can build it where they want even if they are terrorists aiming to "claim victory." That's why we have a constitution. Secondly, there were plenty of Muslims who died on 9/11 and proximity to ground zero would be a fitting place for prayer.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 23:33:30
You shouldn't think of Ground Zero like it's something special. It's just a piece of land where big buildings used to stand. If it were up to me they could build a mosque on top of Ground Zero.
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 04:05:24
Thank you for the feedback provided so far. I am writing an essay that is a response to this "dilemma" and I was hoping for a view of both sides. For myself I cannot see the other perspective (against the mosque). Does anyone see from that perspective? If so please explain what it is and why you think so.
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 06:41:59
Americans are stupid and paranoid. That's all i can think of lolol
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 06:52:44
Building it could incite even more attacks on the Islamic community
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 08:39:32
i'll try and play devils advocate here (although the points will probably be very vague or not well thought out and over simplified) lets take it down to a small personal scale your dog (or other pet) just died and you bury it in the backyard that patch of land/dirt now becomes a memorial site for your dog then, couple of years later, your brother wants to turn that spot into a compost heap disregarding the fact that a compost heap is benefitial to the garden, and not at all a pile of literal crap, but having that over (or even near) the grave for your dog is a little upsetting yes, the situation is over simplified, and yes, the americans are over reacting and too quick in connecting islam with terrorists, but at the core, that is more or less the situation in their beliefs/logic, where all muslims are terrorists, i think the reaction can be justified i'm not saying that the assumption that all muslims are terrorists is right, i'm just saying in their way of thinking, i believe its justified but in saying that, the argument does contain a lot of flaws, over generalisations, over reactions and harsh stereotyping i do think saying the mosque should built right on top of ground zero is a little insensitive, having it right next to the land is also slightly insensitive, but 2 blocks away? with the former two, for the families/people paying tribute/walking past the site will be like watching a football game after becoming paraplegic (i know i have to work on my analogies). even people who dont associate all of islam with terrorism, the mosque is a pretty in-your-face reminder of what happened if its right next door to ground zero personally, 2 blocks away is fine, but i guess it would depend on the tolerance of firstly the families of the victims, then the american public going through the other comments made, i think its a problem trying to convince people that are over reacting (over simplifying and stereotyping here) but the US is for the majority, a christian country, and a country with long standing ideological beliefs, on of which is that they are the greatest country in the world 9/11 was a threat to that belief, that challenge created the stereotype muslims=terrorists attacking their beliefs (the american's) to convince them to change their minds about the mosque issue (ie. telling them that they are over-reacting) will not get them to change their views the arguments that have come up which i think can help are nate's and malch's; constitution and the adult shop thing depending on how i feel, i'll try and post more counter arguments against the mosque being built i'll restate that i personally have no problem with the mosque being built, nor do i think that all people practicing islam are terrorists, i'm just playing devil's advocate for mhig's sake
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 13:00:48
but at the same time, why are they building a mosque there. is it just to troll/flamebait the 9/11 victims or is there a legitimate reason they HAVE to build there?
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 20:24:15
Zombo has a point and I want to ask the same thing: Could they not build it in another location in the city only a lot father away?
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 11:14:26
Zombo wrote: but at the same time, why are they building a mosque there. is it just to troll/flamebait the 9/11 victims or is there a legitimate reason they HAVE to build there?
Why does anybody build anything anywhere? Because the location is available and easily accessible. What is the alternative to the mosque? Like what are they planning to put there should there not be a mosque? A fucking Starbucks? -
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 12:59:13
if dont want a mosque beside ground zero then dont build a strip club right beside an elementary school
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 13:39:22
wait... its gonna be 2 blocks away? thats just pathetic =\ sure, ground zero is a memorial place, whatever... so the 3 bocks around it are tied to ground zero? just because its near it, doesnt mean it has to be associated with it at all. and im sure, being a big city, theres all sorts of perverted stores near the site, no1 complains
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 15:08:06
neXus wrote: Why does anybody build anything anywhere? Because the location is available and easily accessible. What is the alternative to the mosque? Like what are they planning to put there should there not be a mosque? A fucking Starbucks?
then i guess its the responsability of the complainers to provide them with a better location. if they can't, then there's no excuse not to allow them to build. -
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 06:20:26