Research Department / Pen "tricking"
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:20:33
This article has been up for a while (starting last year), I've edited a few times and it always comes back. text:
Am I just ignorant / had my head in a hole? I've never heard of a "trickster" or "tricker" or observed the rise of the ""Tricking"" sub culture which emerged in 2006... "PTing or PenTricking" Is this legitimate?... p.s. all sources are broken. Anyways, this is here for you to look at. I'm not sure what to think.Spoiler
Pen Tricks, also known as contact juggling, pen twirling, "“pen mawashi”" and ""Pen Spinning""), is a form of object manipulation that involves the deft manipulation of a writing instrument with one's hands to create smooth and quick movements.Pen spinning and Pen Tricks are, for practical purposes, the same term. However the "Trickers" (often younger practitioners of spinning) have developed their own sub culture. A ""Tricker"" or ""trickster"" (A practitioner of Pen tricks)focuses solely on mastering single tricks. For example, the ThumbSpin: forever attempting to surpass their ability at that single move. Contents [hide] 1 Difference from Pen Spinning 2 History 3 Modern Media 4 See also 5 References 6 External references [edit]Difference from Pen Spinning To most people, there is little difference between the terms Pen Tricking [1] and Pen spinning. However, to the purist Pen Tricker (or in this case Tricker) the difference is that the Tricker [or trickster] focuses on single moves. Whereas a Pen Spinner shall link a succession of moves, not trying to only surpass his skill in just a single trick (unlike the Pen Tricker). For example a Pen Spinner's combo might involve a thumbspin (see Pen Spinning Tricks) whereas Tricksters attempt to improve thumbspin aesthetics and spin count. Pen Tricks generally detail specific tricks from the use of a pen rather than a long succession of moves strung together smoothly i.e. "combos"[2]. That is that the ThumbAround [3] is a Pentrick, whilst the Sonic->Charge-ThumbAround->Sonic would be Pen Spinning [edit]History The number of pen spinning websites and forums have increased since 2006, opening up more regional boards from France, Germany, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. This increase of popularity and wild-fire like intercontinental spreading has led to the formation of Tournaments, which are organized on the Internet and also consist of live tournaments which are held in Japan and Korea. Such tournaments also exist on a global scale. For example, The Pen Spinning World Cup[4]. Such a diversity in the sport has led to the emergence of the ""Tricking"" sub culture sometime in 2006. [edit]Modern Media Most modern depictions of PTing or PenTricking confuses the two branches and makes no attempt to distinguish between the two. However due to the "internet boom," certain internet sites have emerged providing clarity on this issue as well as information on this sport for the general public (which instigated the exponential increase in popularity). -
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:35:36
what the fuck...? never head of this either, its true that some people focus on single tricks, for example in world records, but the world cup has nothing to do with this so... this article is BS theres not enough activity in world records to consider a subculture... plus theres no forum for that only...
Date: Thu, Oct 7 2010 01:09:23
@Zombo: Apparently, this has been around since 2006 (the second link). However, the "history" is hella BS, as it's more of "pen spinning" history than "pen tricking" history. Whoever claimed this "subculture" has been lying pretty darn low... don't think I've ever run across the term before. Anyone wanna try contacting the admin of the site?
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 16:13:57
I laughed about that years ago when I first came across the passage But come to think of it, it kinda true as not all penspinner link up the tricks into combo some of us, alternatively, focus on style rather than high difficulty tricks Me and my crew (some members from HKPSA) once thought about this and proposed the 'specification' of pen spinners The idea is simple, a pen spinner can choose wheather he/she want to specify him/herself and what area he/she is specify into (style/tricks/pen modifying) with the specification, the kinds of pen spinner can be defined and and discussion can be more concentrate on that aspect but how can this get on and running, we don't have a clue
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 17:09:55
Useless wrote: I laughed about that years ago when I first came across the passage But come to think of it, it kinda true as not all penspinner link up the tricks into combo some of us, alternatively, focus on style rather than high difficulty tricks Me and my crew (some members from HKPSA) once thought about this and proposed the 'specification' of pen spinners The idea is simple, a pen spinner can choose wheather he/she want to specify him/herself and what area he/she is specify into (style/tricks/pen modifying) with the specification, the kinds of pen spinner can be defined and and discussion can be more concentrate on that aspect but how can this get on and running, we don't have a clue
this is something that I saw on FPSB, maybe this is what you want to dothis image is supposed to represent Bonkura's skill level in all domains of PS.
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 01:29:50
I know a lot of spinners (for example, A13X and Peem) who continually practice a certain trick but even though they specify in that area, they still craft out combos. Pen "tricking" is really ridiculous. I like to think of individual tricks as colours. Yes it may be interesting for awhile and you can achieve different shades of the colour but no matter how hard you try, an individual colour is useless with out all the other colours to create a painting. Can you imagine one day, the art world splits into artist who use all colous and those that use one.
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 01:59:50
Okay, I was just looking for conformation that this is basically a load of shit. feel free to edit/delete? The fact that people may only practice or know one trick is the point it's that it's PEN SPINNING not pen tricking you are spinning not tricking a "tricker" bleh it makes me shudder. of course you can call yourself whatever you want, but it's really not common of widely accepted at all. (never heard of it before...)
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 11:56:08
I agree with the point of pen TRICKING is just BS All of us are PEN SPINNER But I do think 'tricker', in stead of being something odd or new, can be used to 'qualify' a spinner's achivement in certain espect of pen spinning speaking of not accepted or common at all, every new system introduced is never common among current users at once but that's not a barricate for us to stop any plausible measures re Zombo: Pretty much close to the idea, in such case, he is a 'modifier' and 'producer' also (please don't deal with the name here, just the idea) re Hippo2626 you are right, there are lots of color to form a nice 'painting' however, 'skeching' is the art simply varying the amount of black applied but the arts still fly your thought gave me an idea, which is already writtin above in this post
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 00:06:44
Black isn't really a colour. I would think that sketching in this analogy is the structure of a combo. Sketching is is used to help give the basic outline of the art so its like crafting out the combo without actually doing it. Spinners can appreciate a combo structure as an idea alone and not actually seeing it. Off topic sorry.