Off-topic / - Official League of Legends Thread -
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 03:16:29
Welcome to the Official League of Legends Thread of UPSB. THE GAME (which you have also just lost...) : When it asks who referred you, put captaingolfball Google Doc of UPSB users and their LoL usernames: Which Champion do you play most? For me, I play Blitzcrank, Mordekaiser, and Taric. Blitz is just frickin' amazing with his pulls. Once you make an account, feel free to add me as a friend and we can play whenever. My name on there is: captaingolfball. Hope you all enjoy the game. Feel free to post more in this thread with Game concerning questions, or stories about Riot's League of Legends.
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 03:29:12
pshh, he just wants free stuff from riot. which btw u need like 10 ppl referred for the first prize i htink.
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 03:47:30
Useless poll is useless. Theres like 50 champions, you list 9 and "Others".
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 04:36:45
neXus wrote: Useless poll is useless. Theres like 50 champions, you list 9 and "Others".
i actually went onto Riot's website and found the top 10 voted most fave champions. i only put on the top 8, added 1 of my own, and then put others. Also BF - just wanted to start a thread...with a couple benefits too if possible :p -
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 21:05:20
Annie is the best <3
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 22:11:52
What makes this official?
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 22:20:40
O_o i would also like to point out that i made a thread about this already =p
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 00:28:51
Ohayo wrote: O_o i would also like to point out that i made a thread about this already =p
But this is "official". -
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 18:59:24
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:35:29
LoL is more playable for me than dota. never a fan of blizzard games. wow,warcarft,starcraft,diablo didn't like any of them. same goes for dota. those games aren't for my type of playstyle.
Date: Thu, Oct 7 2010 04:00:16
Date: Thu, Oct 7 2010 04:45:19
VendettaBF wrote: LoL is more playable for me than dota. never a fan of blizzard games. wow,warcarft,starcraft,diablo didn't like any of them. same goes for dota. those games aren't for my type of playstyle.
LoL is pretty much dota... I can see see you having a preference for one, I prefer dota, but if you like one they should both be pretty playable, right? -
Date: Thu, Oct 7 2010 22:36:53
graphics wise and features wise i prefer LoL more. gameplay is a bit difference too. this is argueable, but LoL seems to have more emphasis on teamwork.
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 16:16:08
well LoL DID have a higher budget than dota =/ same with HoN
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 20:47:01
is anyone playing today :o all champs are free today
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 00:26:15
still gotta give credit to the original creators of DotA. The makers of LoL WAS part of the DotA project soo yeah I hate LoL (sorry to all you LoL lovers), it just looks sooo 'cartoon'
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 00:33:40
that's my first penta kill i got it like last game.
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 02:08:28
<3 sona is my favorite character but can anyone give pro support tips and builds :p
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 02:31:49
CD build for sona is ok, but i prefer having a sona with alot more ap so the heal will be higher.
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 03:01:08
Have any of you guys notice that most female champs have dd breast sizes?
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 02:43:37
i never win with sona ;-;
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 10:02:32
I got 99 problems but a Twitch ain't one.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 03:49:35
I just want to leave this here, for people that want to play on busy servers; just press ctrl L, type in javascript:setServerStatus(1)
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 08:27:16
Anybody test that new crocodile hero? Contemplating a buy but not sure yet.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 08:44:05
I got this game because it looked interesting. I don't understand it.
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 09:26:11
Renekton is awesome to play, neXus. :)
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 04:13:53
he looks lame as hell >_>
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:09:19
Shit game.
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:16:01
sangara wrote: Shit game.
Shit post. -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:21:23
AwonW wrote: Shit post.
Be a man, play DotA. -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:21:57
sangara wrote: Be a man, play DotA.
I do play DotA :3 -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:22:29
i dont see the difference between DoTA and LoL O.o
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:23:22
Ohayo wrote: i dont see the difference between DoTA and LoL O.o
League of Legends is the retarded, red headed, unwanted step child of DotA. -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:26:26
Ohayo wrote: i dont see the difference between DoTA and LoL O.o
They're very different. -
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 06:14:01
+1 Sangara We need DotA thread here.
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 06:16:19
i've played DotA and I've played a little bit of LoL when it was in beta, honestly i'm just gonna wait and see how DotA 2 turns out since it's being made by valve
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 09:51:43
More friends play LoL than DoTA, so I play LoL. Simple as that.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 14:32:40
Erirornal Kraione wrote: More friends play LoL than DoTA, so I play LoL. Simple as that.
Hey Eriror, whats your name on LoL? Mine is Captaingolfball. Btw, I have recently adopted Twitch into my family.....HE IS AMAZING. Although he costs 6300, and is extremely tough to get used to, he is a really fun champ. I am also buying Shaco and Eve for Stealth Characters. Akali is meh... -
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 15:21:05
How much space does LoL take up? I only have 5 gb's left on my computer, and it will be awhile before i get my external hard drive.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 17:37:01
CaptainGolfBall wrote: Hey Eriror, whats your name on LoL? Mine is Captaingolfball. Btw, I have recently adopted Twitch into my family.....HE IS AMAZING. Although he costs 6300, and is extremely tough to get used to, he is a really fun champ. I am also buying Shaco and Eve for Stealth Characters. Akali is meh...
My name is Eriror, but I play on the European servers. -
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 20:44:54
IGN: Aeon Angel Main character: Sona I'm definitely not a bad player provided my teammates aren't feeding the other team so much that I can't maintain a high enough level to make up for my squishiness. At that point, what do you expect me to do, haha? I'm Miku Hat- I mean, Sona. And for those who keep posting about DotA in here, go make your own thread. I kind of want an actual LoL thread going on so I can get more people to play online with that I actually know.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 22:38:14
Test Subject01 pro.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 01:03:06
Storm wrote: IGN: Aeon Angel Main character: Sona I'm definitely not a bad player provided my teammates aren't feeding the other team so much that I can't maintain a high enough level to make up for my squishiness. At that point, what do you expect me to do, haha? I'm Miku Hat- I mean, Sona. And for those who keep posting about DotA in here, go make your own thread. I kind of want an actual LoL thread going on so I can get more people to play online with that I actually know.
Quit crying, LoL owes everything to DotA therefore it is completely relevant. -
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 01:49:27
How about shut up and play DotA instead of bitching about LoL or grab some more live wires.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 01:54:59
CaptainGolfBall wrote: Akali is meh...
Are you kidding? Akali is ridiculous. She rapes squishies so hard. -
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 02:59:00
AwonW wrote: Are you kidding? Akali is ridiculous. She rapes squishies so hard.
Exactly, squishies.... she is useless against people with more than 1800 hp haha. -
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 03:00:17
What's black and blue and about to show you the definition of pain? :)
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 03:01:28
CaptainGolfBall wrote: Exactly, squishies.... she is useless against people with more than 1800 hp haha.
She does alright against others, and it's not like you're going to play a game where every one of their champs is a tank. Also, harassing with her is really easy so their tanks probably won't even get big very quickly if you play her right, assuming that you lane against one. -
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 03:22:51
i recently started playing, i need some strategy help and champion suggestions. right now i'm working with ranged characters who can run away fast.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 03:54:15
MF? read this guide but i suggest you play Ashe since she's a cheap champ and easy to play, and Mf is only available for 1 week. Also I think BF knows how to play her too, i think >_>.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 04:09:16
i have been playing Ashe, and i like her a lot. for now, until i can afford a new champion, i'm just working on strategies for her. i just read a huge article about ranged harrassing, so i'm gonna put it to work as soon as i can. thanks for the link, great guide.
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 06:16:10
@sangara: Does CoD owe everything to Counter Strike, Doom, or heck how about Wolfenstein 3D? Come on, think a little. They are completely different games. Don't contribute to the already growing lack of ability for civilized discussion/conversation.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 01:35:22
Twitch and Ryze? any opinions?
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 03:32:42
browndog12 wrote: Twitch and Ryze? any opinions?
I've never played twitch but ryze is pretty sick. It really depends whether you want to play a caster or not. -
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 04:28:38
Ryze can put out so much damage and farm so well. He's just a little on the squishy side but that's what teammates are for. ;P Hard to believe Ryze was nerfed. *shrug* And I don't know Twitch well enough to say...
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 06:57:21
Shen ftw. Just wish his shield (both ult and feint) scaled a little better as no serious player actually builds him AP. The only time I've gotten an AP item was as a joke when my team was for sure about to win or lose.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 11:29:57
I think Feint is actually fine, I was a little upset they took the shield he gets when he ult's to someone.
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 20:49:53
I play well with every champ =), so yes i know how to play MF. as for akali, she is one of those champions that you really really do not want to feed. she also has a great escape and a great chase mechanism top that with isane relatively low cooldown bursts. she is borderline OP in low elo for me. to shut her down, all u need is an oracle or a vision ward to see her in her shroud skill and not feed. EDIT: i hate ryze he is the worst burster in the game. His dmg is good and his cooldowns are low, but his range on the spells are too short. In a team fight, he is an easy target because of it. a team is better off with a different burst damage champion. why play ryze when you can play someone like aniva, annie, akali, and hell even viegar. Twitch is an okay champion. not great.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 03:42:35
LeBlanc ftw, her burst is just so great ;-; but i wish her q was a little stronger
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 05:24:39
I guess feint is good for what it's intended: small harass shielding and late game tower diving. I didn't play Shen or LoL when he came out so I don't know any of his balances first hand. However his personal shield sounded a little ridiculous. How much was it for? The same amount as the other person gets?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 13:53:50
Not that much it was like a third of half of the shield your target gets. Late game you would hit through it easily but in early game it was really good to escape.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 17:09:02
Shen + Panth + TF would seem like an interesting combo.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 18:38:48
nunu+ken+vlad would be better lol
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 04:27:36
But Nunu/Kennen are in the position to be interrupted by a stun/taunt and Vlad's can be cleansed or cleanse belted (although still prolly unlikely). The global ults are usually from somewhat safe places.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 06:35:29
SONA SONA SONA SONA SONA~ <3 And how do you guys know all this stuff anyways? How long have you guys been playing LoL? =_=;;
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 06:36:15
i wouldnt think so because ken would just stun them first xD
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 06:41:36
HoN > LoL
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 19:50:27
alot of you guys and alot of other people seem to like shen, though he is easy to play (aside from the constant need to look at your teammate's safety) and can provide early game dominance which can also contribute to late game victory; rammus imo is the most devastating tank ever. his taunt is so cruel and his ultimate reck the other team in team fights. Shen players are usually horrible too. it's quite rare to see one that is good. luckly i premade with a good shen player. EDIT: ken ult will still be on when he gets stun, and a smart nunu would get a banshee or wait for the stuns/other CC to go off before using his ult.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:30:23
Shen definitely has a relatively high ceiling since you need to choose the best time to ult. Shen's dash is a lot more versatile overall since it can also be used for catch up or escape not to mention you can taunt more than 1 person, but again it's another thing to increase the skill ceiling. However, I personally think it can be harder to use an energy champ. Mana is good for spamming in a short span of time (ie. team fights) whereas energy is better for small harasses and long term assaults. It's all the budgeting and such during a team fight that defines a good Shen. Rammus probably scales better in the late game since Shen's shield does almost nothing at that point.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 05:59:39
Just played a 72 minute 5v5 game with Ohayo and a couple friends. Ohayo stacked his Mal with 4 Rabadons, his AP was over 1000 at times. xD Ridiculous... I played as Annie and went 10/10/23. I should've taken a screenshot but I was just relieved we had finally won. @_@;; Feels good man.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:21:08
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:36:15
I got 924 AP on Lux this weekend lol. Full stack of souls = ult every like 20 seconds :3
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:39:14
>_> i can not handle Lux or Anivia, both are just so annooooooying
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:40:24
Ohayo wrote: >_> i can not handle Lux or Anivia, both are just so annooooooying
Haha, I love Lux and I'm saving up IP to get Anivia =D -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:43:29
both their ults are just... ugh >_>
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:45:40
Btw, if anyone wants to play with me I'm AwonW.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 10:18:19
Lux's cooldown on Finales Funkeln is 24 seconds minimum, which is awesome. :D Stolen so many kills with it. :ssst:
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 04:27:37
ap yi is so awesome o.o
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 04:30:03
So close to 6300 ip for my Anivia.
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 05:22:24
So I messed around on a game with Heimerdinger. I had 1250 AP end game. I carried the team 15-2-something. It was fantastic.
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 15:07:03
Corki, Galio, Gangplank, LeBlanc, Udyr, Sion, Taric + (Some other commons with heavy CC) This is certainly going to be an interesting week. Time to break out the QSS. Nice to see so many champs I've never played before.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:09:40
bots won, wut ;-;
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:16:25
I have lately lost interest in this game because I keep playing with retards over and over and over and over again.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:22:50
premades ftw!?
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 12:33:11
Don't know anybody who plays anymore. I mean I can play with like my brother but I lack 3 people.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 19:36:17
ap yi is op :3
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 14:02:43
South East Asian player here! I just started yesterday. A friend of mine said that Kog' Maw is a pretty noobfriendly champion. Luckily, he was on the free champions list so I tried him out. I got my way around my first game because I have experience with RTS games such as HoN (when it was still free) and DotA. I won it! :D
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 14:53:51
Ohayo wrote: ap yi is op :3
Are those the champ icons for the Euro server or something? Don't look familiar to me... -
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 22:35:29
Tkal wrote: Are those the champ icons for the Euro server or something? Don't look familiar to me...
i replaced the icons with the chinese ones but the shaco one is a custom skin -
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 06:55:40
Ah I see. So the Chinese servers even have different avatars I see. Tbh, the main art for each char is vastly superior in most cases.
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 07:28:17
Love Jax. 15-1 on my first game lol. and yeah, AP is crazy if you like instagibbing for the lulz. had ~850 with veigar, crazy shit.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 13:35:34
Any tips with Malzahar? I'm pretty interested in him right now.
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 15:13:16
Quite the fun game, good mates and a shitload of clutch ultis on my part.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 03:30:31
no AP carry team.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 06:27:31
neXus wrote: Quite the fun game, good mates and a shitload of clutch ultis on my part.
Always cool to see a good game with Shen. Though I don't quite agree with warmogs... -
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 08:44:47
It's just something I get to boast my HP. Some games I feel really really low on HP and am sometimes below 2k HP even into mid-game. I would go Leviathan if I knew I had a good game but that is such a huge gamble.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 11:45:06
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 11:56:50
What do you guys think about the new IP/XP system. Shorter game gives less points. I don't get the system, how am I not punished for a quick decisive win? It's a good thing for the losing team to get more points for a long defense but I don't get how it's positive for the winning side.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 15:23:39
neXus wrote: It's just something I get to boast my HP. Some games I feel really really low on HP and am sometimes below 2k HP even into mid-game. I would go Leviathan if I knew I had a good game but that is such a huge gamble.
I've personally never gone leviathan. It just seems like such an incredibly lack luster item, especially for a tank. You're continually risking your life for your team mates, taking the brunt of the damage. Of course if the other team is competent, you shouldn't be focused anyway, but it still happens. HP boost is nice, but I really prefer other items that give armour/MR AND a chunk of health. Getting items like these also make you less prone to stuff like madreds or deathfire. Like my friend once described, getting lots of health without armour or MR is just a longer stick of butter. As for the IP/XP changes, I think it should be a mix of both. I think they should increase the modifier for the win bonus itself for shorter games and then also factor in time as the major contributor, if that makes sense. Overall I think it's a good idea since it encourages people to play a little longer. There have been many times where my team has wanted to surrender when we were really only down 3-4 kills, but we pushed 2 more turrets, and we could have very realistically won. -
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 16:54:52
Sure agree, it wasn't the first item I got too, I switch around stuff in my inventory so it was about the 3rd item when I felt comfortable with the damage I was taking and wanted to up the health and regen a bit for longevity.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 20:29:32
The new IP/XP system is NOT worth it. I was given one of those "double XP/IP" for the next 10 wins things though. Everyone was. If they gave those boosts let's say... twice a week to everyone for free, then the current time-based system would be perfect. But that's not happening. But one can dream.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:30:36
i love shaco
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 11:07:22
Oh shit, now I know who that guy with the poke-nerd picture is on Facebook. I had forgotten lol.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 12:23:22
Hey cool, I play LoL, I use hemi if it's free... Hmm... Next goal to buy him (username:OwlBlues)
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 13:25:03
Ok. I need help in teaching newbies. My friends have never played any RTS game. But they got interested in LoL. I played a game with them and they fed and we lost. ANY TIPS?!
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 13:45:23
There are shitloads of tutorials on youtube.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 20:02:04
neXus wrote: Oh shit, now I know who that guy with the poke-nerd picture is on Facebook. I had forgotten lol.
STEVE? lol me and him usually play -
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 20:25:29
And there's my confusion again. Who exactly do I have on Facebook?
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 20:34:18
Youtube? Screw youtube. The best League of Legends tutorials are typed-up guides found on and The best part is, they include builds and other cool stuff.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 21:08:18
neXus wrote: And there's my confusion again. Who exactly do I have on Facebook?
pandamouniom -
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 00:57:25
Played some games at a friend's place today, holy crap I'm rusty.
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 01:22:35
Ahha, I would play with you man but I'm trying to write a letter to a college. We gotta party queue sometime, Marc. :O
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 01:58:38
hey @Night Fury, you can create a smurf account and then play with your noob friends. matchmaking matches you with people who are similar levels as the highest level player.
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 04:40:32
No, it averages the levels together and then finds similar matches. However there are "levels" of Level 30s. For example, a Level 30 with 500 wins won't be put against a new Level 30. Either way, smurf accounts are great. I'm 1 win 0 losses on mine. I like my 0 losses and I'm probably not going to play on it just to keep it that way, haha. (Until I'm really good anyways...)
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 04:44:39
I bought Anivia and Ezreal recently. I'm sooo done buying expensive champs. I want to be level 30 really bad :\ People my level are terrible D:
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 11:11:27
Ezreal's great. I main'd as him as a level 10, haha. xD I love his new buff, btw. I'm freaking undefeatable as him. And as I said, Awon, there are different levels of Level 30s. The best way to play against people your level is to soloqueue (or arranged with only one other person) ranked games all the time. (Soloqueue'ing or only going with one person makes LoL avoid putting you against premades... As soon as you party with at least 2 other people, you could be put against full 5-person premades.)
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 11:31:23
I really seem to be biased towards casters. >.> I have Fiddlesticks, Veigar and Lux as mains.
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 17:49:13
All very good characters to get good with. :O If you get really good with Lux then your team will love you, haha. DEMACIAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 17:57:17
People love me when I rip away 50% of the Malphite's HP with a LAZ0RZ. ;D
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 20:49:36
LoL premade tournament plz edit: not tournament but a match with 10 people 5 on each team. pick 2 team captains and they will pick their teammates like a draft
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 22:16:22
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 00:24:53
bringing back the topic of Ezreal. I LOVE EZREAL. im so slow at getting IP though, so i cant buy him :( i played him while he was free, and it turns out, im super good with him. im currently at 4700 IP, and i have the double for 10 wins thing going on. also, what build do you guys recommend? AP or AD? ive used both, but dont really have a preference.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 03:49:40
Honestly, whichever build depends on your playstyle. I personally like AD on him. Manamune, Boots of Lucidity, Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and Frozen Mallet. Of course the IE can be swapped out for a Madred's Bloodrazor and the Frozen Mallet can be swapped for a Stark's Fervor or a Bloodthirster. But that's my own personal preference. Gratz on liking Ez though. I love him too just because skillshot'ing is so much fun. And sniping near-dead enemies from spawn is a bonus. I've returned to main'ing as Tristana, again. Starting to build a rune set for her. (Aggro Tris rapes...)
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 03:52:21
I pretty much exclusively play Ezreal as AD and basically get the same stuff Storm gets but I usually get armor pen instead of a dancer.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 04:52:45
Dancer's are fun with the IE though. :3 Crit-REAL.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 05:06:39
we never play any more :[
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 06:37:31
Well, you tend to get a little...
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 07:08:04
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 12:57:51
I stopped playing basically because of all the rage in this game. So I'm not that good at it, so what. It's just a game. Fucking idiots.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 13:35:04
Storm wrote: Honestly, whichever build depends on your playstyle. I personally like AD on him. Manamune, Boots of Lucidity, Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and Frozen Mallet. Of course the IE can be swapped out for a Madred's Bloodrazor and the Frozen Mallet can be swapped for a Stark's Fervor or a Bloodthirster. But that's my own personal preference. Gratz on liking Ez though. I love him too just because skillshot'ing is so much fun. And sniping near-dead enemies from spawn is a bonus. I've returned to main'ing as Tristana, again. Starting to build a rune set for her. (Aggro Tris rapes...)
Do you like malphite or hemi? There both real good IMO -
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 14:18:28
Sometimes I just play so I can BM my opponents.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 14:43:08
Got a pentakill with Fiddlesticks. :D
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 22:21:12
I've stopped playing with the people that rage a lot on my friends list (in fact, I removed them) as well as only play with premades of 5 people. I'm tired of the community, term used loosely.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 22:50:52
LoL stopped working more than an hour ago. <_<
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:04:33
Storm;70639]Well, you tend to get a little...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=VendettaBF wrote: noobish
<_< I'm sorry I'm not consistent -
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:13:14
Ven, wrong word. And LoL started working for me about an hour ago. :O
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:14:35
We still have problems here in Europe.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:15:46
Oh right, EU servers. :/
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:16:32
It's horrible.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 00:58:02
VendettaBF;70644]noobish[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Storm;70639]Well, you tend to get a little...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Storm wrote: Ven, wrong word. And LoL started working for me about an hour ago. :O
D: i miss your sexy voice -
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 04:09:56My friend does this on a regular basis. I don't know how... Nor why... But he does. And I don't complain.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 05:42:54
Storm wrote: My friend does this on a regular basis. I don't know how... Nor why... But he does. And I don't complain.
Is that Tristina your using?? -
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 16:07:18
I should play Cho again, I used to really like him.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 19:19:21
@Jazz: No, I'm the Poppy. Actually, I photoshop'ed this image. I'm the one who went 33-1 and Cho'Gath had the 23 assists. *rolls eyes* No, the Cho'Gath really went 33-1 and I'm the one with assists. As Poppy. My face.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 19:24:02
I once had a game as 2-0-54 as Lux, and people kept flaming me for not having enough kills. >_>
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 04:36:59
LOL 54?!!? Geez!!
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 13:30:24
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I once had a game as 2-0-[B]54[/B] as Lux, and people kept flaming me for not having enough kills. >_>
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 14:25:23
Man, anyone on now? I wanna play a nice 3v3 :)
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 20:02:17
comeon, only storm and i wants a 5v5 team battle?
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 20:18:16
VendettaBF wrote: comeon, only storm and i wants a 5v5 team battle?
<_< im too nooby EDIT but then again /in -
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 20:50:15
ill be /in as soon as i get Ezreal ._____.
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 21:04:42
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I once had a game as 2-0-54 as Lux, and people kept flaming me for not having enough kills. >_>
was garen on your team lol? -
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 23:16:45
4 people now, comeon erriror and nexus. jazz too who ever plays and i forgot to mention!
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 23:47:45
Dibs on Marc~ <3 He's my home-boy. *dons shades*
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 02:21:16
I can't possibly play on the US server though, right?
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 03:09:18
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I can't possibly play on the US server though, right?
Well it's not uncommon for me to find myself playing with a team that doesn't speak English, so I assume it's possible. -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:07:18
Nothing against Hispanics, but come on. xD I can't understand half of what people say either...
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 23:42:26
Well I'd love to play with you guys, add Eriror and see if it works. I'd be surprised though, and someone might have impersonated me. Happens quite often. =/
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 23:48:33
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Well I'd love to play with you guys, add Eriror and see if it works. I'd be surprised though, and someone might have impersonated me. Happens quite often. =/
I think you need to download the American client somehow, then you should be able to play on American servers. -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 23:54:19
Aaaah. I can imagine the ping. Heh lag.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 00:12:13
it will only be 100-200 ;P
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 01:51:21
Sure, idk 5v5? Add me guys :)
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 03:12:02
uhh i think we have 5 people now, once 5 more people join we can start picking teams. ill mssg cgb and pov
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 03:49:39
VendettaBF wrote: uhh i think we have 5 people now, once 5 more people join we can start picking teams. ill mssg cgb and pov
You should make a list of people who are /in -
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 12:54:04
I'd be in but I don't have a US account so I would be like level 1, no runes and a rota champ.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 13:27:20
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 15:41:18
Those are good stats though, 7 deaths isn't bad when you're 25-12
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 23:28:34
I'm pretty sure he's pullin' your strings, neXus.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:41:55
Some people set high standards as they should so I don't automatically assume a troll.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 02:24:15
Meh your right:/ I use Yi now... Anyone have the time to play ?
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 03:16:30
o yeh that's true it wont be fair for EU players. nvm i guess or we can do 3v3 =\
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 05:05:28
I can simply go on my smurf. And no, I hate 3v3s. If all of UPSB can't get a simple 5v5 then I'm /out.
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 06:27:43
I'd be down to play. Got a level 30 and a level 15.
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 23:57:41
Just installed this, going to try out what this is O.o
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 00:52:02
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 02:23:27
You don't need a key. Gtfo.
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 02:59:35
/in for the arranged battle add me
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 04:22:16
[video=youtube;enCOboPxUg8][/video] It's gameplay of me playing Kennen. All other information you might need is in the description. I almost never play Kennen but I wanted to try him before the free week was over.
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 22:29:47
This game is actually really fun to play and its interesting. Quick question: is there seriously like only one map?
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 22:31:37
Yes. Only one 5v5 and one 3v3 map. They have announced development of another 5v5 map but it's still in the making.
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 03:06:47
Nocturne. What the fuck.
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 09:14:18
He's the epitome of glass cannon.
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 09:31:48
PLAY HON GUYS D: I feel so left out :(
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 22:51:58
I've thought of checking out this game? Is it worth it/is it addicting?
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 22:55:43
I bought nocturne and I must say, he is ridiculously op. @BiWinning it's worth my time and effort playing it xD
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 23:03:55
Ohayo wrote: I bought nocturne and I must say, he is ridiculously op.
His movespeed makes him ridiculously difficult to lane against -__- If you gank him early he's screwed though. Too bad that movespeed makes that so friggin' hard. -
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 23:09:13
i only played 3 games with him and lost 2 one of them i had to afk :L. other than that, i have yet to jungle with him and he's very strong in the solo and mid lane :L
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 04:28:50
Interesting note about his ult is that if you have a BV up, you don't lose vision. It's like a global casting of a spell, which can be thus blocked by BV. Not sure if this would work with Sivir's or Morgana's shield though.
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 04:51:04
Nocturne needs to be nerfed, that one ability that leaves a dusk trail has too much range. And also, did fiddlesticks get more hp in the update?
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 05:33:58
i dont think he did. on a side note, i just bought Poppy. to give you a sense of how awesome Poppy is, ive never played a melee Champ against actual players until today. when we won. epically. yes.
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 05:37:16
I hate you guys... in the PH server, they update LoL so slow... Our latest champion is Renekton. :(
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 06:26:16
meh imo noc's dusk trail has a very small hitbox for me :L
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 06:52:44
A.Sate wrote: Nocturne needs to be nerfed, that one ability that leaves a dusk trail has too much range. And also, did fiddlesticks get more hp in the update?
Nocturne's skillshot is actually pretty small, you need to be pretty skilled to hit. The range is maybe a bit longer than Lux her snare? I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's good he actually has a decent harassment. Otherwise he really would be ONLY good in a jungle, which is almost the case due to his Umbra Blades. You don't want to push. -
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 04:56:28
Cost us the game 'cause of my shenanigans. xD
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 05:08:59
Storm, u only haz 2 items?
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 14:04:21
"Cost us the game 'cause of my shenanigans."
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 23:54:55
did some recording! also watch it in 720P! [video=youtube;tzZhmz_ZqPA][/video] [video=youtube;6HEKhK_zaQc][/video] [video=youtube;9n75KtdXIiI][/video] EDIT: re uploaded part 3
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 20:01:53
Lux commentary with Panda and Awonw [video=youtube;1w6B9DjDDXg][/video] [video=youtube;Xzk6sWBLDlQ][/video] [video=youtube;bpuO_ZJqKxY][/video] [video=youtube;vGav8cfVUfM][/video] [video=youtube;oduvetKsjv0][/video] rendering the other parts later
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 01:17:02
TRIPS [video=youtube;CBXekadKOmA][/video] [video=youtube;JQ6rRpsPwYw][/video] [video=youtube;0J4vvn4Y8w8][/video] [video=youtube;lO8_tgBNa-8][/video]
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 01:40:46
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 02:44:09
AwonW wrote: :D
LOLWUT man i wished i stayed in the lobby -
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 04:09:11
@Ohayo i need your Ashe build D: its epic
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 04:20:09
browndog12 wrote: @Ohayo i need your Ashe build D: its epic
lol Ashe is my main starting item: boots and 3 health pots or dorans blade First trip back:bf sword and merc treads for more survivability or zerk grieves if youre very good Second trip: infinities edge and elixer of agility at this point you are able to choose between phantoms dancers or banshee veil but i prefer phantoms if the game is still going on get a blood thirster or last whisper lol i never had to go to blood that much since the other team always surrender runes armor pen reds hp per lv yellows mana regen blues 2 armor pen quints 1 hp quint spells: ghost and flash masteries 21-0-9 eh for situational items, getting madredz over blood really helps but always rush ie first if you need help read this -
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 16:58:54
I think getting a zeal and chain/negatron cloak at the PD purchase stage is also something worth considering for a mix of DPS increase and survivability. Chain really does go a long way in phys heavy teams. As for what to turn the chain into, have a look at Atmas. Usually the idea is that you only get it with tanky DPS types like Jarvan, Sion, or Mundo, but even on a char like Ashe, which has around 2-2.2k health at level 18 if you get a banshees as well, it gives roughly as much attack damage as a pick and two long swords. 880+975+415(x2)+700 = 3385 worth of items for only 2405.
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 01:47:45
wow wth I played 5 games today. I won 2 games, and I am still level 5 .___. jla;dfh ;ajlshghaga
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 05:18:43
Erm... Wait until you're in the 20s. :/
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 05:04:15
Game as Caitlyn:
Early game is freaking ridiculous as her. 14 Ult kills. Boom, headshot.
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 05:54:43
Meh, I prefer Ashe over Cait only for the fact that you can use Ashe's ult in a team fight more effectively than Cait's ult can only get the survivors. EDIT: also frost shot+red+frozen mallet=so much win
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 06:30:48
Oh I don't deny that Ashe overall much more viable in teamfights (her ult is probably my favourite initiator in the game). Cait still has the better early game and is arguably a better farmer. She's just so damn fun for me. Killing someone with her ult almost has the same awesome feeling I get as landing a cross map ECA. I also never really found much of a point to stacking slows on Ashe. Her frost arrow is already really good and you can keep them permaslowed and stay in range if you get boots of swiftness/PD. It's like when my friend buys Rylai's on Singed for superduper slow glue o.O
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 10:16:12
Getting to level 30 takes so long... D:
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 16:02:58
in a hard/casual game i really dont get frozen mallet on Ashe, I heard of it as a good item but i never had to get it. IMO Ashe's volley is a great last hitting tool and her ult causes nice aoe damage/slow. Also frozen seems like a good survival item since it gives you a nice amount of health but i have yet to play around with the build
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 16:08:33
Poppy is awesome.
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 03:07:40
Ohayo wrote: Also frozen seems like a good survival item since it gives you a nice amount of health but i have yet to play around with the build
In almost all cases I would prefer banshees on her. -
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 03:15:49
Tkal wrote: In almost all cases I would prefer banshees on her.
i do too, but i said i prefer to get phantoms over banshee first EDIT: a rank game i played with panda [video=youtube;5spp-aUzllw][/video] [video=youtube;4zc3f7Oi1vU][/video] [video=youtube;VkotjHqVfTU][/video] [video=youtube;Qc9bvREWNFM][/video] little shaky start but gets better near mid game, also ty PoV for teaching me the ways of Malz <3 -
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 07:01:59
I finally hit 30 :D BTW:
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 18:37:13
AwonW wrote: I finally hit 30 :D BTW: lols.
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 02:15:15
;-; i am in elo hell, my rating dropped from 1390 all the way to the 1100's and there's no way out of it with feeders, fail junglers, and silent people. please help me because i can't carry ;-;
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 19:55:48
archangel staves with 1 rabadon plz.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 22:48:11
Ohayo wrote: ;-; i am in elo hell, my rating dropped from 1390 all the way to the 1100's and there's no way out of it with feeders, fail junglers, and silent people. please help me because i can't carry ;-;
learn to carry :P -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:03:13
Shadowserpant wrote: learn to carry :P
:O You play? We definitely need to get a UPSB game in sometime. -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 01:12:38
AwonW wrote: :O You play? We definitely need to get a UPSB game in sometime.
You on? -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 03:56:31
Shadowserpant wrote: learn to carry :P
;-; i try to carry but my teams are full of quitters/feeders EDIT: also bd shaco, feels good man -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 04:59:00
loool yay for BD shaco
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 08:57:36
AwonW wrote: :O You play? We definitely need to get a UPSB game in sometime.
/in -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 20:58:40
My solution to ELO Hell is bd shaco ;-; i hope this work for pub stomping
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:00:59
How are some people in ranked so bad? I mean, how the hell did you get to level 30? .___.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:04:42
AwonW wrote: How are some people in ranked so bad? I mean, how the hell did you get to level 30? .___.
feels bad, man -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 03:26:08
This morning I got invited to a 5v5 premade, and my entire team was so bad I cussed them all out and un-friended the guy who invited me.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 10:20:42
I hate raging people.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 12:43:37
Sona. Mmmmmnnnn. Some good spells there~
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 19:20:09
This was okay. :)
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 22:50:47
Playin' with Shadowserpant and Ohayo:
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 23:47:42
what should i do?
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 23:52:11
Ohayo wrote: what should i do?
Buy runes/ champion? I recommend buying runes -
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 00:09:36
Jazz wrote: Buy runes/ champion? I recommend buying runes
lol i have full runes and i don't like any of the current champs :/ -
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 00:11:12
Buy more rune pages.
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 08:43:28
meh. usual stuff on 1 of the accounts. First time sona =) VS BOTS
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 08:46:24
Yeeeaaaah that's kinda pubstomping. :(
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 08:54:25
Using Sona to pubstomp !?!??! Meh nahh
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 09:03:58
Stuff like that is what would happen every game if I played Lux on that level. Fuckers don't know how to dance. :D
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 09:12:04
Lux is a bitch. Her R hits me from half the map :/ Here's what occurs. Lux has low hp, so do I. Team mates Help, lux runs.Starts a teamfight. "R" "Triple kill" "XXX is Legendary! HJDKCNXIEJNXOQBINDISN INW
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 14:31:02
Jazz wrote: Lux is a bitch. Her R hits me from half the map :/ Here's what occurs. Lux has low hp, so do I. Team mates Help, lux runs.Starts a teamfight. "R" "Triple kill" "XXX is Legendary! HJDKCNXIEJNXOQBINDISN INW
I've dashed out of Lux lasers just because I could as Shen to uphold his joke: "If light travels so fast, how come its never caught a ninja?" But yes, Lux can be deceptively difficult to catch. Slow and snare that both do damage and then a shield :s -
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 15:06:47
Kenen FTW.
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 04:32:17
I played a game today, hold smokes it lasted for 1 hour+ all the players were level 18 and like it took soooo long
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 07:53:40
That's normal. Id have games for 2 hours max ~.~
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 15:07:12
Bought 'Surgeon Shen' skin, so now have to drop medical knowledge in chat mid game.
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 18:45:46
neXus wrote: Bought 'Surgeon Shen' skin, so now have to drop medical knowledge in chat mid game.
Just like Kennen, Eh? I Laughed at the conversation. Ones mocking that brand is "balanced", second is just plain saying"WTFSOOPNERFNERF" -
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 19:06:46
People can't dance. :D
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 23:53:55
/dance is so intimidating XD
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 02:32:11
[video=youtube;R97a1-Sf1zQ][/video] [video=youtube;WxsfzDMhTdk][/video] [video=youtube;t9KOjoEvhUk][/video]
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 02:33:45
I should do one of these as pro-Ashe. Btw, what's up with the champion art on your load screen?
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 03:20:55
AwonW wrote: I should do one of these as pro-Ashe. Btw, what's up with the champion art on your load screen?
chinese art but the patcher doesnt work so when you have to update it crashes and then you have to reinstall LoL so what i do is back up my original art and then on patching day i just replace the chinese with the default art -
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 06:45:43 so i started playing tf again and i know died a lot but it was fun destroying half of the squshys health with a gold and then ending them with a wild card xD
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 18:25:36
Well I love LoL. Favourites are kassadi, lee sin, corki, ezreal and Gangplank. LoL is pretty good game but there are still some OP chaps like ryze > mana >spam QQQQQ>penta kill, vlad 5k hp > 700ap > Q gives freakin full hp and pool makes u invinssible, evelyn > inv> super gang > EQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ PENTAKILL and finally rammus> armor+Mress>E>you will /cry >another 3 sec in taunt > U R DONE !
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 18:43:41
[video=youtube;-w6h7as6lRc][/video] [video=youtube;nsH-SyZnMc4][/video]
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 22:24:22
3 reasons: -This is why Amumu is banned in ranked games -PoV, Ohayo, and CGB are boss -Ashe building Manamune
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 02:42:33
Hehehe......I haven't played for a while so....disregarding many patches.......KATARINA I mean come on, she is way too fun to play. And once you get fed, there's no looking back.
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 05:02:37
1 kill / 12 deaths / 1 assist... but i killed lotsa minions death fodder ~ yay!
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 15:27:30
Everlyn is kinda OP if played correctly. The problem is how to play her correctly=_=
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 03:43:36
She's the only character with a mobile stealth combined with a stun. It's a pretty potent combo early on in the laning phase. However, a simple ward pretty much negates her potential and if she's roaming from lane to lane looking for ganks, she's often under leveled.
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 04:06:40
Okay everyone, go on LoL and search for the player "Test Subject01" he has 10 wins straight with teemo, and 8 of which are rank. 2nd achievement that i've done first was a penta kill with MF ;)
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 04:17:47
Anyone want to play with me? Add XYZaki.
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 04:31:11
I'll play with you in 40 minutes
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 06:47:51
almost quints
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 03:24:18
Anyone watch ESL on saturday? clg got outplayed and NA lost all their games to EU D: such a sad day
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 09:45:15
Ohayo wrote: almost quints
Woah. Buy stuff dude. -
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 21:39:24
I finally got out of 1100's and now i shall try to get out of 1200's :'D so far away but i can feel that 1300
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 22:24:37
i just tanked the fountain with Anivia. we won before i died.
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 00:17:50
Is the spawn turret attackable? It has health :/
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 10:52:16
Tkal wrote: Is the spawn turret attackable? It has health :/
They patched it's unkillable. It even kills invulnerable units;( I used to fountain dive with tryndamere and poppy XD -
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 23:37:10
i hate this game
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 20:39:02
I think they need to give a loss forgiven when you have a leaver on your team, unless they were a part of a premade. Also, they should divide up the leaver's share of IP and give it to those remaining.
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 22:25:37
everything went better than expected
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 00:43:52
what the hell is a loss forgiven?
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 01:12:31
When the server is experiencing lag issues or whatever, RIOT forgives all people who loss and not add it towards their loss number since they COULD'VE been affected by the lag.
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 02:20:26
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:43:54
did some patch way back when remove Zhonya's Ring? i cant find it in the champion shop :/
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:47:34
browndog12 wrote: did some patch way back when remove Zhonya's Ring? i cant find it in the champion shop :/
Lol it was removed because of ap casters heavily relying on it and now it is split into 2 items, zhonya"s hourglass and the deathcap ^^ -
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:48:50
Storm wrote: When the server is experiencing lag issues or whatever, RIOT forgives all people who loss and not add it towards their loss number since they COULD'VE been affected by the lag.
Lag is weird, my hp bar dropped to 0 and I didn't die, so I just recalled back :D Problem,Riot? -
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 05:09:35
i took 4 auto attacks at 1 hp once because of mac client bugs 0.0 lag rocks
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 02:38:28
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 22:30:40
i suck with irelia lolz
Date: Thu, May 5 2011 19:45:19
[video=youtube;XthxtfhWLJk][/video] MORE VIDS
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 17:16:47
What would you say makes Irelia so damn strong? True damage is a pretty nice factor, but methinks it's the 2 second stun and no-CD ulti heal.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:23:08
Tkal wrote: What would you say makes Irelia so damn strong? True damage is a pretty nice factor, but methinks it's the 2 second stun and no-CD ulti heal.
What i find strong in Irelia, is indeed what you just stated and her passive mixed in with merc treads making no cc at all on her. What i see most of the time when people play Irelia is they make her full dps which i strongly disagree, she is way too squishy imo and she can deceive quite well to be a bursty tank, support, carry which gives her more utility if you give her fon, omen, and shurelia's. By late game she has a tremendous amount of hp regen, hp, armor/mr, and burst with just her combo. Absolutely one of the best anti-carries imo -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:31:39
I bought that character who's name I have already forgotten. Kind of like a rat in a mech. Mechanical. Rumble I think. He's aight.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 21:33:40
I played Irelia during the most recent free week and yeah, tanky DPS is definitely the way to go. When she jumps in with bladesurge and then hangs around to smack away with stun, she really needs that beefiness to stay in the thick of it. As you also mentioned, if you just try to CC her in a fight, it all just goes away so much faster because of her passive + possible mercs. I've also yet to see a good rumble.
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 04:27:31
anyone wanna queue up for duo ranked? i need to get out of 1200s >.<
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 10:30:16
Hoped to play in some ranked, but I'm still lv 13...
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 03:05:03
I hate rumble so much and free ez week. He is just terrible which leads to terrible team mates :/
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:44:15
Ohayo wrote: I hate rumble so much and free ez week. He is just terrible which leads to terrible team mates :/
Rumble is okay I guess. Hes just a bit powerful in early game >.> -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 07:37:54
Just watched the Vayne Champion Spotlight and I must say, Her Q skill is OP. Good luck hitting her with a skillshot.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 08:16:06
Too short cooldown i agree, but I personally dont think she'll win against a Vlad :D
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 18:45:46
i watched the live stream for Vayne and her kiting ability is awesome o.o EDIT: bought Vayne, and she is extremely op
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 23:32:00
Ohayo wrote: i watched the live stream for Vayne and her kiting ability is awesome o.o EDIT: bought Vayne, and she is extremely op
Good luck on landing that ss on her XD -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 03:27:16
although i won half my games today with Vayne, tumble is simply amazing with ie and her ult is just op as fuck. my worst score today was 12 and 10 because my lux fed the other vayne :[. The only one item i hate on her is triforce, rushing an ie gives me more burst imo since tumble has the ability to crit a shit ton. Her squishyness is probably to only thing that can stop you from being god :[
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 22:45:41
She definitely seems OP and I hate how people just say "omg, just stun lock her and then you kill her easy". Besides Mundo and Irelia, who isn't easy to kill if you stun lock them?
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:34:51
this game went on for like an hour because they dragged it on >_>" but at least i got to say this
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 06:15:01
my friend is jesus... look at poppy
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 10:31:26
I played a game with @Ohayo, and I sucked badly :P Gotta work on tryndamere builds-.-
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 18:03:09
vayne sucks =) weak ass champ
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:48:00
VendettaBF wrote: vayne sucks =) weak ass champ
Play with her for a few games, get used to her q, and your set. -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:25:36
i need some pro Lux tips, im still pretty terrible with her :P i start with Doran's ring, then ionian boots, then grab a Morello's and a Rabadon's (Rabadon's first if im doing well) then get defensive items and a Mejai's soulstealer if im getting fed. i usually do pretty bad though :P
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:32:38
browndog12 wrote: i need some pro Lux tips, im still pretty terrible with her :P i start with Doran's ring, then ionian boots, then grab a Morello's and a Rabadon's (Rabadon's first if im doing well) then get defensive items and a Mejai's soulstealer if im getting fed. i usually do pretty bad though :P
That's pretty much what I get, but I'd get the mejai's earlier if you're doing that. Doran's ring, ionian, mejai, deathcap. From there it's situational, I usually get an hourglass and magic pen if I need it. I rarely get defensive items, straight AP is the way to go. -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:38:14
I've never seen a good a vayne, always get fcked by my blind or sucks.
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 02:06:03 might go to this :o
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 19:53:01
Just got TF. Completely raped a Vayne at mid. They surrendered at around 25 min. with me at 7-0-4 and their Vayne at 1-8-3. Vayne? Overpowered? PFFT!! (Although most people tend to feed the Vayne because they don't know how to counter her, thus feeding her, thus making her very strong. She is an OP champ but every champ has counters.) But yeah, 3rd time ever playing TF and he's very strong. :/ 1st and 2nd game I kept pulling blue cards instead of golds but now I can draw whatever the fuck I want.
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 20:17:54
Storm wrote: Just got TF. Completely raped a Vayne at mid. They surrendered at around 25 min. with me at 7-0-4 and their Vayne at 1-8-3. Vayne? Overpowered? PFFT!! (Although most people tend to feed the Vayne because they don't know how to counter her, thus feeding her, thus making her very strong. She is an OP champ but every champ has counters.) But yeah, 3rd time ever playing TF and he's very strong. :/ 1st and 2nd game I kept pulling blue cards instead of golds but now I can draw whatever the fuck I want.
how does one play tf with his squishyness? imo he's probably the hardest champ to ever play in a high elo and his ap scaling is quite horrible on his w >_>. -
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 23:44:39
TF is fun. Seriously, way more fun than others because 1. He throws cards 2. His W has 3 uses 3. His ultimate is nonetheless carnage if used correctly 4. His Q hurts. Alot.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 14:33:50
I like how Rammus doesn't give a fuck. He's like "Okay", "Alright".
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 03:55:40
This is my build with Lux, if anyone's interested: Meki Pendant + 2 Health Potions Rush a Tear of the Goddess Ionian Boots of Lucidity If I'm doing well, Mejai's Rod of Ages Lich Bane Rabadon's Deathcap Finish Archangel's Staff Situational Item if not doing well, mostly Thornmail due to bitchy Tryndameres wrecking teams. :D I have standard caster runes, Magic Pen, MP/5 regen, CDR/lv, and HP Quints. I should make a video of me playing Lux sometime. >_>
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 04:32:55
OMG Tribunal is out. Did all the cases on my two 30s. Some of them are so blatantly obvious to punish. Apparently you can eventually get around 1k IP a week from this :o
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 19:01:56
first in game encounter with Battle Regalia Poppy :P i almost shat my pants i was so excited
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 19:37:03
Finally out of Elo hell/Singed ownage
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 00:04:28
AwonW wrote: Finally out of Elo hell/Singed ownage
How do you play singed? Do you build heckloads of mana and runaround puking acid? -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 01:30:05
Jazz wrote: How do you play singed? Do you build heckloads of mana and runaround puking acid?
Nah, I get a Rod of Ages and then tank items. -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 02:29:08
AwonW wrote: Finally out of Elo hell/Singed ownage
help meh D: man, my Irelia seems like it's going down the drain -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 12:56:22
In general, or the fact that she's going to be nerfed eventually? Vlad is still broken.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:02:43
fucking nerfs on irelia's ult... i am so disappointed
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 08:41:33
Ohayo wrote: fucking nerfs on irelia's ult... i am so disappointed
Farming minions w/ult no longer way to roll to recover hp XD -
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 12:11:43
Looks like I'll be playing KogMaw some more, some nice buffs. The summoner name change will be nice too if it's not too expensive. I made a typo in mine, what was supposed to Brodilicious turned out to be Brodilicous which makes no sense and looks dumb.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 21:26:45
Tribunal out ... SHOW NO FUCKING MERCY
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 21:57:28
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 20:24:05
Full of obvious trolls like 5 zeal + boots of mob mordekaisers. Wonder what Orianna will be like.
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 05:43:20
Shaco is the way to go. If you don't play him you're gay.
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 08:04:34
My streak of showing no mercy continues. Not a single pardon was given and only 1 skip because the captcha code didn't work. I'm gonna be floating in IP.
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 11:10:42
No I am not gay. I don't use shaco often :3 What's your build @iLehi
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 17:56:22
neXus wrote: My streak of showing no mercy continues. Not a single pardon was given and only 1 skip because the captcha code didn't work. I'm gonna be floating in IP.
When do we get IP for this? I've done it a handful of times and haven't gotten anything yet :\ -
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 18:38:52
Once a week. You'll get an e-mail telling you about your performance in the tribunal and IP. I think I read tuesday, somewhere. @AwonW
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 20:23:08
I think I read that they're still very slowly closing the cases, so it might even take longer than a week for your initial IP. There was a screenie of someone getting 5ip for a weeks worth of effort lol.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 05:28:57
so heres a dumb question. how would one go about controlling pets like Tibbers or a shaco or Mordekaiser clone? its just something i never figured out.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 08:15:46
I think with Alt + Rightclick or something.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 09:11:25
@browndog12 Alt+right click :D Annie just got buffed.BIG TIME. Before, once she got to level 6, Tibbers + Stun +Q=QQ And then late game= super squishy. Theyve changed her alot IMO
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 10:19:59
alt+ right click doesnt work on a mac... weird i love the new annie buff, mostly because i have yet to play AGAINST a buffed annie :3
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 13:14:53
I personally think Leblanc is a bigger nightmare in mid, but yeah, Annie is pretty scary, especially post-buff.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 13:22:54
Tkal wrote: I personally think Leblanc is a bigger nightmare in mid, but yeah, Annie is pretty scary, especially post-buff.
Leblanc is kinda easy to counter IMO. Vladimir FTW. -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 14:24:47
I don't know how to play any other champions so I always play with ashe.
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 02:35:08
Jazz wrote: Leblanc is kinda easy to counter IMO. Vladimir FTW.
I eat Vlads alive as Caitlyn. Vlad is pretty weak pre-7ish. Harass and zone the hell out of him until then and you're good to go. -
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 05:18:33
My lazyness has overcome me, the change to 10 cases per day makes it too much work for me :(
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 21:28:08
Yeah, same here. 3 was okay, IMO. =/
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 03:56:38
just bought 40 dollars worth of rp on my new account xD just to buy the legendary skin for tf. anyways i just wanted to know your opinions on ap vs ad vs hybrid, personally i find hybrid the best and the most sustained out of the 3 :x
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 10:41:03
Ohayo wrote: just bought 40 dollars worth of rp on my new account xD just to buy the legendary skin for tf. anyways i just wanted to know your opinions on ap vs ad vs hybrid, personally i find hybrid the best and the most sustained out of the 3 :x
AP= More reliable in late game/ slow fights?/ for a long long battle. AD= Fast packed action, more focused on attack speed. Hybrid= Mix of both, use of guinsoo rageblade and hextech is common cause of hybrid item -
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 16:57:49
I always thought that AP was the best way to play him. Going hybrid doesn't let you burst as hard with lich bane on your Pick a Card. With max CDR, you can spam wild cards as well that lets you get lich procs pretty much as soon as they're available. I've always been a fan of specializing into role than trying to do everything. Core AP build I'd go with would be sorc boots/mercs, Lich, and hat. Other items would be: DFG for beefy teams and also to let you get the pick for some extra early game gold Rylais for survivability/when you mess up pick a card and pick the blue one instead Banshees because that's almost never a bad item. Nashor's for a quicker passive proccing Void staff is self-explanatory WOTA because spell vamp is broken on any burster.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 20:10:39
Hat first, then lich, though.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 20:34:05
Lich procs off of how much AP you have already. So many people rush Lich without any AP and it's useless.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 22:45:20
I see so many Eve's do that. It makes me happy. When they're on the opponent's team.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 23:16:49
But an Eve is an Eve, so the happiness is short-lived, eh? ;P Well, I'm always the overly squishy AD carry so I tend to go *sob* real quick.
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 01:31:15
eh i tried to sway away from my normal build for hybrid tf and replaced nashors and bt for death cap and madredz and i surprisingly did well. might just use this build for now on
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 09:41:24
"We are pleased to inform you that the rest of the Tribunal has affirmed your judgment on 5 cases today! As compensation for your service to the League, your account has been credited 25 Influence Points. "
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 10:13:29
neXus wrote: "We are pleased to inform you that the rest of the Tribunal has affirmed your judgment on 5 cases today! As compensation for your service to the League, your account has been credited 25 Influence Points. "
25? GTFO League :P -
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 02:51:11
Swain such a boss. Once you hit 6 an if your jungler offers you a blue, you stay in lane forever.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 06:38:34
new favorite mage, karma
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 09:45:33
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 03:01:19
The Chinese splashes look so much better in so many cases.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 10:48:08
I tried to change my name to "Ladies and Gentlemen" but it's too long :\ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN STOP FEEDING
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 03:11:17
bought 10 dollars of rp, wut do?
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:56:22
Ohayo wrote: bought 10 dollars of rp, wut do?
Gift to me xD Just kidding. Playing with a Hexdrinker build :3 -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 13:32:28
Anyone watching S1 Championship @ Dreamhack Summer?
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 13:49:30
neXus wrote: Anyone watching S1 Championship @ Dreamhack Summer?
Too busy watching starcraft -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:05:25
neXus wrote: Anyone watching S1 Championship @ Dreamhack Summer?
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 00:09:06 :3 anyone would like to fix mistakes? the black boxes are non-tf games
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 16:53:30
i play league of legends. IGN is MightAsWellGG i have played maokai, blitzcrank, teemo, rammus, ashe, shen, kennen, cho'gath, and karthus, but i like rammus, teemo, kennen, and blitzcrank. i purchased the collector's pack which has 20 champs and 4 runes and currently i suck shit at the game lol
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 18:19:30
You BUY your shit? For shame.
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 22:05:30
Yes, how dare he pay a company that offers a free-to-play game.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 20:11:38
[video=youtube;DDQa17hX-mY][/video] Haven't done one in awhile.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 20:23:58
Now, to buy Cho'Gath.
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 10:01:48
Those builds. o.O
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 17:49:06
Tripple Phantom Dancer+Spell Pen Boots. Standard Ashe Build.
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 18:50:30
BF sword Alistar puts out some crazy dps.
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 23:11:02
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 03:20:35
Are famous/thought out build's worth it? At level 7 I'd think I have so little masteries that it doesn't matter at this point. Plus it's all the reading and stuff is a lot to swallow.
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 03:47:58
XYZaki wrote: Are famous/thought out build's worth it? At level 7 I'd think I have so little masteries that it doesn't matter at this point. Plus it's all the reading and stuff is a lot to swallow.
If you don't want to learn such thought out builds, just remember most carries are played same unless you're playing unique carries such as Ashe, Corki, Teemo, or Urgot. The same build used excluding these carries are: 3 Doran's blades, Bezerker grieves, phantom dancers, and blood thirster. You can sell the Doran's for other items like Infinity edge, banshee veil, and last whisper. -
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 07:35:15
:D Next stop, 1600.
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 13:02:21
You US guys getting free RP too? EU got 550 free RP because servers were so shitty lately.
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 16:44:33
Our servers are never that shitty so we will never get RP :[
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 13:08:02
Didn't we get that one batch of 350 RP a while back? Spent most of mine on a 50% off Caitlyn skin :3
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 17:02:42
We did, but our servers are more stable than the EU ones. From what I heard, EU servers are down for a daily basis
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 22:51:57
the US servers just got hacked so hard.
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 09:06:06
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 09:23:18
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 01:06:44
my bro got me into it, add me: johncraven i like blitzcrank and singed (only tried free chars in last 2 weeks rofl). I generally like playing offtank type of chars so please recommend more.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 12:43:50
If you like offtanks, try Jarvan or Renekton. They're pretty cool. :) Renekton is completely cooldown based and has decent base stats, so not extremely hard to play either!
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 13:42:19
Hi guys, i plated dota for almost 2.5 years and i got bored it... Looking forward to join LoL~ anyone care tutoring this noob >.< on basics?
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:44:37
Actually play the tutorial, it'll show a lot of things common to most MOBA type games, but also unique features to LoL, like certain UI elements. These two vids are also not bad: Vid 1 Vid 2
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 07:06:56
so far my favorite off-tank is jarvan for the time being. You can also learn how to play Garren since he's also easy to play. A pseudo assassin type off tank can also be Irelia if you're also looking for someone really beefy as well really strong bursts.
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 21:56:37
Is Tryn junglable at summ. lvl 10?
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 22:26:18
Your success would be pretty random since he relies so much on crit chance, something you can have a ton of without runes. The lack of masteries also hurts. Have a look at Stonewall008's videos and search "Tryndamere" You could prolly buy some BS tier 1 runes for like no IP to help him along.
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 22:28:47
Buying non-tier 3 runes is such a waste of IP :[
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 23:01:01
They are, but tier 1s are so dirt cheap that for the cost you could justify it. You're just strictly better than your peers who don't have them and if nothing else you can combine them up into tier 3s (tier 2s are awful) when you hit 20.
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 00:44:59
Imo, Tryndamere is a terrible champ, if you manage to deny him you pretty much won the game. Even though people complain about his ult you just have to exhaust and ignite along with cc's.
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 15:17:11
Which is why Jungle Trynd, in theory, is a good place for him. As long as he can keep up stacks of bloodlust, he's got a reasonable sustain. Coupled with a good chase/escape for invasions, AD debuff for counter junglers, and the fact that he can still do his job without either buff makes him pretty decent. If only the character himself wasn't entirely based on crits. Cleanse/QSS also makes him super scary.
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 03:53:58
the servers have been down for nine hours :'(
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 06:08:29
Yeah that's how the EU feels almost every week.
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 06:43:57
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 07:00:47
are LoL heros rip off from dota heros? or are there similarities? i can say im quite good in last hitting and KSing :) Muahaha :) if u dint know, im new :)
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 08:30:32
Best Yorick Score Ive Seen.¤t=ImthebestYorick.jpg
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 04:27:42
Ugh, I was pulling a 3 on 1 in the top lane for the first 10 minutes of a game... Then some really beast player took over and let me get fed with Ashe. I've gotten the last-hit killing minions part down, but I seem to not be able to get kills on champs themselves. It's annoying. Does anyone have any tips? add me: hoiboy
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 03:11:09
can someone tell me about Xin Zhao and Jarvan IV. who is better? and who is comparable
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 03:41:01
Zombo wrote: can someone tell me about Xin Zhao and Jarvan IV. who is better? and who is comparable
Xin Zhao and Jarvan aren't really comparable IMO. Xin Zhao's kind of a duelist with a focus on damage while Jarvan's an offtank/initiator. I haven't played Xin much, but Jarvan is awesome. He's a great solo lane champion that's tanky and still puts out a lot of damage. I also think he's pretty fun to play. -
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 08:43:45
I've played both. Honestly, I'm 10x more scared of Xin than Jarvan. And a well built Xin can wreck anyone/survive anything. He kind of snowballs though. Jarvan's pretty much good no matter how well he plays as long as he has decent farm.
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 23:13:41
Too be honest, Xin really needs to be fed and have at least a cleaver to 1v1. After uses 3 talon strike, he's kinda useless imo.
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 00:03:54
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 05:01:25
I didn't totally suck :D
holy crap netteL came through with like 4 clutch kills in a row
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 06:09:51
AwonW wrote:
Dps Aniv FTW? -
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 15:26:19
enzio from mypsc in your game? lol
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 12:12:23
holy fucking shit I hate the holidays, 2pm and a 2 hour queue.
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 03:43:56 LOOK AT MY SCORE
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 06:00:57
Yeeaaaah, that's Leona. Awesome champ but doesn't bring enough with her to matter a lot, IMO. :(
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 11:38:32
Okay, so supposedly someone has an account called Eriror on the NA servers already, so I'm ErirornalKraione. Feel free to add me and play a game with me. :) Also, persuade that Eriror guy to go and kill himself because he took my name. :(
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 03:07:39
so I tried Jarvan and Irelia and I liked Irelia better, but it is expensive :/ Maybe I'll just buy Xin Zhao. Also I really liked Singed when it was free but I didn't know how to play too well back then, maybe I'll try again to confirm it's good. This week I played a lot of Rene and it's ok.
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 09:24:10
i would say irelia is definitely the best of those you mentioned. shes pretty op handled properly
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 16:07:32
Is it just me or does everyone have the region switch now on their client?
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 18:46:57
There's a reason why I can actually play on the NA servers now. :)
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 18:10:02
Attack Speed Leona. (aiming for +100 record) :'D
This morning I got 7k ping and made LoL unplayable. I was lv 4 by the time their bot lanes were 10, a sad day where cho gath insta-feasts you for a kill.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 06:20:51
any Europeans up?
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 16:11:00
[video=youtube;zskvuTkEHcU][/video] Regi was laughing for minutes on end. I think he liked it a little too much... On a more relevant note, 17/0/10 as tanky DPS Ezreal, 20/4/10 as Udyr, and just general all-around badassery otherwise. Almost finished my attack damage quints for Udyr and Ezreal (my God, levels 1-6 for Ez is just RAPE, Q'ing people for 1/4 of their health :'D) and then I'll work towards buying a tank or better ranged AD carry such as Corki. :>
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 12:19:19
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 18:12:55
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 04:59:25
anyone wanna play?
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 20:37:03
little knight amumu rapes you.
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 05:03:03
Tetsip wrote: little knight amumu rapes you.
LOL yeah that skin is awesome ;) Just got it today xD Eww Jax is so good :/ -
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 19:30:39
New Trynd sucks
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 15:07:54
Just started during the weekends. IGN = Sunburst Damn... one question. Why some people have characters that i dont have? Things like xin zhao, azearal (or however i spell it...)
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 16:18:58
J74Q wrote: Just started during the weekends. IGN = Sunburst Damn... one question. Why some people have characters that i dont have? Things like xin zhao, azearal (or however i spell it...)
Since it's a f2p game, you need to buy champs using the points you get from playing games. You can also get RP using real money and every week there's a new set of champs to play and try out. -
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 00:54:32
New Ashe build... 4v5 (top one only). Edit: I'm actually liking it. It's easier to pick up kills early game >> more farming >> more kills. I've been pooping all over bots with this item build.
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 22:19:43
isnt that how all ashes build but with Zerk greaves instead of swift boots?
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 05:56:17
item builds should always be game specific
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 07:41:43
How's gameplay with rammus? Never tried him when he was free and he looks pretty cool. Is he worth buying?
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 11:51:52
I play Rammus from time to time, he's alright. I kinda juggle Rammus, Shen and Amumu for the tanks I play. Jungle with Rammurs and Amumu, Lane with Shen.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 12:11:54
Rammus is an okay champ.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 12:46:37
so i turned on Grasshyren's autoplay playlist at about 2:30 am and i just finished at 6:45. sleep is for people who dont want to watch other people play league.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 19:37:27
How bout tryndamere and Jax? Never tried them either
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 19:39:25
Kastup wrote: How bout tryndamere and Jax? Never tried them either
they are hax. if you arent fed with them, you suck. -
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 20:18:14
Kastup wrote: How bout tryndamere and Jax? Never tried them either
Tryn sucks, Jax is OP. -
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 20:20:48
Jax OP. The longer the game goes, the more of a 1v5 rape machine he becomes.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 20:23:19
jax is true terror according to Dyrus
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 03:45:43
Took me a while, but I caught up to you Awon (page38)! :'D
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 07:14:57
Pandamonium wrote: Took me a while, but I caught up to you Awon (page38)! :'D
Haha Grats :] Still trying to find the right champ >.< Is ezreal any good ? -
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 11:49:37
@katsup Not for new players. Ezreal relies on skill shots more, and is harder to use. I made the mistake of buying him too early>.
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 18:54:40
anyone else excited for dominion?
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 23:47:13
[video=youtube;KPD-XJqjDds][/video] its about time
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 00:38:03
meh, dominion looks fun and all but im kinda disappointed that there's nothing on magma chamber. I just want to know if they trashed idea or it's still in development
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 01:14:30
Tetsip wrote: they are hax. if you arent fed with them, you suck.
Very true :] i just went 34/1/9 with jax :D -
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 00:35:42
How do you get the buffs without neutral minions?
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 10:58:18
If you kill someone who has the buffs. Doesn't count for Baron Nashor's buff though. Only Red and Blue.
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 11:57:44
What are your opinions on the Kayle rework? Personally I think she got more potential. Malady and Black Cleaver really synergize with her new passive. (Sorry if I'm kind of outdated on these patches. PH server is far behind >.<)
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 21:15:12
I'm so mad, there's so many Ezreals running around now. I hope the popularity dies down so I can be special again. >_> On another note, Lee Sin is mad OP atm.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 01:21:17
I am saving up to buy brand, is he really worth it?
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 04:38:27
At lower skill level, it doesn't really matter as much what champion you play because no one plays optimally anyway. People consider Twitch one of the worst champions and he can still destroy whole teams on his own on lower ELO if he plays well. You should just try and find champions you feel comfortable with and try to play well with them. :) Only when you get really good you should worry about what champions are actually truly viable and stuff.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 15:56:02
Erirornal Kraione wrote: At lower skill level, it doesn't really matter as much what champion you play because no one plays optimally anyway. People consider Twitch one of the worst champions and he can still destroy whole teams on his own on lower ELO if he plays well. You should just try and find champions you feel comfortable with and try to play well with them. :) Only when you get really good you should worry about what champions are actually truly viable and stuff.
uhh champs are long-term investments, get stuff that will be good in the future, not now buy newer champs cuz old champs have price drop in IP for RP, wait for 50% sale -
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 15:58:38
I've only played around 500 games by now and I nearly have half of the champions already, and almost everyone and all the runes I want uptil now, so I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 20:20:43
Erirornal Kraione wrote: If you kill someone who has the buffs. Doesn't count for Baron Nashor's buff though. Only Red and Blue.
I was actually referring to the video where he said that there would be no concept of jungling in Dominion. New trailer looks cool: [video=youtube;USuukCxPpMA][/video] Also does anyone kinda hear the iconic Battlefield riff at around 0:30 and on? -
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 16:29:04
Yay, Ezreal being viable makes my day :D (First game I get called OP EZREAL)
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 09:03:13
You sound like Ezreal JUST BECAME viable recently. >_> He's the same as he's always been, just now he has an even more spam-happy ult.
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 11:00:40
Sorry storm, didn't mean it like that, for me he has become a viable choice for mid, I finally see...
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 13:40:50
Not everyone is as pro and knowledgable as you, Storm. :)
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 12:48:15
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Not everyone is as pro and knowledgable as you, Storm. :)
I didn't mean to sound like a knowitall. :( Sorry~ -
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 17:27:40
Oh my I am late, twitch+eve getting rework Why am I mirror laning so many ez nao :( they don't build ANY runes, at least I have some, q takes 1/4hp, eye. Stupid people think they can fb me and run outta tower range, exhaust+ignite+q=dead
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 20:54:28
Yo! we should have like a upsb day :grouphug: upsb team games?
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 21:47:07
^ i like this idea i dont like this emote :grouphug:
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 03:25:57
holy shit my farm and this game lasted forever
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 05:23:52
team day? :O hmmm
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:40:26
I'm up! Anyone have a good cho'gath guide? I can't find one that suits me :/
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 22:53:18
Oh, sounds good actually.
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 02:54:11
ah so fun
so what date/time guys? :huh:
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 07:06:18
I started to play Lee Sin again and this is the most fun I've had in awhile. Imo lane lee sin is much better than jungle lee because I can't jungle for shit even using some random 2k elo guide. Anyways, this is more fun than using that rape train Jax anyday but it seems Lee sin is bit squishy at times.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 11:08:04
yaeeeyy : ) ezzreealll learning in progress >_<
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 11:12:57
awonw and i already fsu ranked ezreal is always viable, just hard af
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 04:59:37 I wrote an Ezreal guide. Dunno if you guys can read it without logging in.
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 16:35:00
Storm wrote: I wrote an Ezreal guide. Dunno if you guys can read it without logging in.
Yeah we can read it no problem. You might wanna add how to use his ult though, some ways on how to use is 1. Spam ult to clear minion waves and damage enemy midder(me :p) 2. Using ult to snipe down low hp champs( a 150 hp Caitlyn ) Nice guide, expected from pro Ezreal player :D -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 18:37:47
Storm wrote: I wrote an Ezreal guide. Dunno if you guys can read it without logging in.
add it to -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 18:54:54
I like Teemo he's fast and has offensive and defensice skills
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 22:01:24
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 22:55:32
hey guys what's the live stream thing for the pre season :? I don't understand it.....and what's with the gold counting ...
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 03:56:31
I get lots of assists, but low kills. Should I practice last-hitting champs?
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 04:56:27
If you're an AP/AD Carry and you farm really well, you will automatically start getting a lot of kills. So indirectly, yes.
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 05:14:58
Date: Tue, Aug 23 2011 13:12:18
TheAafg wrote: hey guys what's the live stream thing for the pre season :? I don't understand it.....and what's with the gold counting ...
It's spectator mode. They're testing it at the tourneys and getting it ready to main release. Also omg Talon. -
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 11:47:55
Ehh just got talon today, Really fun champ to use(burst burst burst) :) failing at ez miserably now, got a lucky quad as him though.
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 17:57:57
Bought Talon, played with my brother as Alistar, raping shit left and right. First blood almost immediately.
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 20:02:03
Talon so fun
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 21:37:25
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 22:44:49
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 07:41:39
YUS, finally broke the 1300 elo hell wall for 3v3. 1400 even xD
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 20:16:40
Guys, for Master Yi, yommu's ghostblade or nashor's tooth? :huh:
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 07:28:37
TheAafg wrote: Guys, for Master Yi, yommu's ghostblade or nashor's tooth? :huh:
HYBRID.HYBRID IS THE POINT HERE. But seriously go ap in early game, ad late game. Yommu is overkill for yi IMO. Eh tooth would be okay I guess. -
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 08:34:59
Guys, after playing Talon since release, all I can say is he is indeed, OP noob stomper public match raping machine. Trinity force+Q=truck rape. Him in a solo lane absolutely rapes casters with his silence. I would say he is the new katarina but he's not that bad of a pick. In team fights, he rapes any squishy.
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 05:17:08
my friend is all mad at me because i dropped his ELO by like 200 in one game right before the end of season one lol
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 11:08:38
browndog12 wrote: my friend is all mad at me because i dropped his ELO by like 200 in one game right before the end of season one lol
I would also be mad, lol 30,30, when will you come D: -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 06:29:45
jungle fid so fun but i still prefer to jungle lee sin :x EDIT: Frost Fire Annie, most game breaking skin ever
Date: Tue, Sep 6 2011 04:17:39
Worst game I've ever played:
Guess who got stuck laning with MF/myles24?
Date: Tue, Sep 6 2011 04:31:59
So are any of you Gold status?
Date: Tue, Sep 6 2011 19:58:17
Awonw is :x
Date: Tue, Sep 6 2011 20:56:27
gold status being 1022? yes.
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 09:36:15
I was 40 away and then I got trolled x6 combo. Dropped all the way to 1360. Brought it back up to ~1440 but still...
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 06:43:46
why does no one play talon in ranked games? He is simple incredible.
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 09:39:51
i was gold for a long time until i got bored of kassadin
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 19:34:36
I have a friend who's at like 1550 right now... I could have been with him, except this game sucks.
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 06:27:55
hella pro with lux i have a total of 2 wins on my current match history window lololololol
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 08:50:31
heh, 350 armor and 230 mr on Garen and no one bothered to get a last whisper or void staff
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 12:00:12
Shaco:Hey let's ignore the tank and kill carries. Malphite:But he's doing the most damage!
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 23:04:33
Is urgot good and worth buying? I currently play olaf ezreal and twitch
Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 03:24:29
Bought Riven and my first impression is she's very fun. Her AD scaling is absolutely ridiculous and her simple rqqqew combo just absolutely rapes any squishy. What I found is she's kited easily. Rushing trinity force is a bad choice as well. Well time to find more builds.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 03:47:43
Brrr long game :/
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 11:02:19
Bought Cass today because I lack AP carry in my repertoire. [video=youtube;FQphkQBYNBs][/video] This is pretty good.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 13:58:52
neXus wrote: Bought Cass today because I lack AP carry in my repertoire. [video=youtube;FQphkQBYNBs][/video] This is pretty good.
Ahh, Cassiopeia. Great early game champ, but awful in late game. Whenever I play against one, they always seem to get fed early game -.- Like a kill within 5 minutes literally. But then when the 30-40 minute mark comes around, she's pretty bad because everyone focuses her, and since she is so easy to kill when faced head on, it's game over. Anyway, ignoring the poll up there, my favourite champ is Akali. I actually just finished a game right now. Ended 11/5/3... Got a penta kill lol. Lost the game though, since my team thought we couldn't win, and the surrender vote was 4-1 (Me being the 1 :() Let me just say... Riven should not jungle -.- No ganks whatsoever. Here's a pic of my match history... Not good at all :( Almost all of them I was playing decent -.- Reason why I need to stop playing solo queue. Anwyay, my name's Firdelore on the EU West server, so if you happen to be on there, hit me up and we'll play some games ^^ -
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 18:21:22
cass is a really strong champ if played right, her ult is absolutely clutch and game breaking if it's used correctly.
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 15:02:57
She basically wins every single lane imaginable, probably even against a Brand or Cait assuming they're all of similar skill level. I wish they would allow another AP carry jungle other than fiddle.
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 23:43:47
Tkal wrote: I wish they would allow another AP carry jungle other than fiddle.
Karthus? And who's "they"? -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 16:26:08
RIOT. And I barely play any Cassiopeia's at all; only once in awhile if she's on champion rotation that week or on sale.
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 19:05:40
Ed wrote: RIOT. And I barely play any Cassiopeia's at all; only once in awhile if she's on champion rotation that week or on sale.
That's not true, RIOT never said ap carries can't jungle. You can certainly ap carry shaco jungle. There's always jungle paths for any type of champs. -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 22:12:53
Ohayo wrote: That's not true, RIOT never said ap carries can't jungle. You can certainly ap carry shaco jungle. There's always jungle paths for any type of champs.
Lol, I never said that AP champions could not jungle. All I said was answer who he meant by "they" for the person asking and that I barely see Cassiopeia. Hate Shaco's though, I always seem to get the people that just don't know how to play him -_- -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 23:54:28
Ed wrote: Lol, I never said that AP champions could not jungle. All I said was answer who he meant by "they" for the person asking and that I barely see Cassiopeia. Hate Shaco's though, I always seem to get the people that just don't know how to play him -_-
Most people aren't aware of how strong Cassiopeia is in lane right now so you don't see her much in lower level/rated games. With the most recent Orianna range nerfs she's probably the dominant mid-laner. -
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 21:38:24
omg dominion :woop: Edit: jk i can't play it
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 22:37:14
Played Dominion today, was pretty fun. :)
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 15:22:28
Dominion is completely retarded with randoms. I have never raged so hard before. Actually I have but it came close. It's absolutely no fun with dumb people that don't understand how to play this correctly.
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 19:26:13
Anyone with high mobility is golden in dominion lol
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 02:57:43
AwonW wrote: Karthus? And who's "they"?
Jungle Karthus is more of a very niche build. When was the last time you saw a jungle Karth in competitive or high level play? He has to build pretty strangely for the first few levels to do it at all, extremely vulnerable to jungle invasions, incredibly reliant on blue, and his ganks are subpar. There are merits to the build, but in general you wouldn't pick Karthus over Fiddle as an AP jungler. When I say they, I mean Riot in terms of kits and numbers on champs. I remember reading a post from Guinsoo that they were thinking of making the jungle easier to let more champs do it, but I'm skeptical that we'll see that any time soon. I also wouldn't call AP Shaco an AP carry. I generally call someone an AP carry who can provide very high amounts of AP damage for somewhat sustained periods of time. Shaco in general is more of an AP assassin. In regards to Dominion, I think most people also agree that high mobility is king, but I played a game as Lee Sin and never upgraded my level 1 boots and still carried my team to victory. It doesn't matter how fast you move if you can just kill all the shit around you. -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:19:32
Tkal wrote: Jungle Karthus is more of a very niche build. When was the last time you saw a jungle Karth in competitive or high level play? He has to build pretty strangely for the first few levels to do it at all, extremely vulnerable to jungle invasions, incredibly reliant on blue, and his ganks are subpar. There are merits to the build, but in general you wouldn't pick Karthus over Fiddle as an AP jungler. When I say they, I mean Riot in terms of kits and numbers on champs. I remember reading a post from Guinsoo that they were thinking of making the jungle easier to let more champs do it, but I'm skeptical that we'll see that any time soon. I also wouldn't call AP Shaco an AP carry. I generally call someone an AP carry who can provide very high amounts of AP damage for somewhat sustained periods of time. Shaco in general is more of an AP assassin. In regards to Dominion, I think most people also agree that high mobility is king, but I played a game as Lee Sin and never upgraded my level 1 boots and still carried my team to victory. It doesn't matter how fast you move if you can just kill all the shit around you.
AP champs in general just have kits that are not suited for jungling. I don't really see this changing. It's pretty hard to make a champ with the qualities of an AP and the sustainability to jungle. You'd just wind up making another fiddle. -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:23:38
AwonW wrote: AP champs in general just have kits that are not suited for jungling. I don't really see this changing. It's pretty hard to make a champ with the qualities of an AP and the sustainability to jungle. You'd just wind up making another fiddle.
what about yi? he can jungle pretty well , not sure if he is an AP champion though :? -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:26:40
TheAafg wrote: what about yi? he can jungle pretty well , not sure if he is an AP champion though :?
Yi can be played as an AP champ but I think most people who jungle him go AD. -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 03:41:30
DDDDOOOOOOOOMMMMIIIIIIIINNNNNIIIIIIOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN lol im so bad at it so far :P i just queue with friends and let them do the capping while i run around being Poppy.
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 13:45:31
AwonW wrote: AP champs in general just have kits that are not suited for jungling. I don't really see this changing. It's pretty hard to make a champ with the qualities of an AP and the sustainability to jungle. You'd just wind up making another fiddle.
This is probably true. However, I'd be happy with a tanky caster like Rumble being able to jungle moderately well. Right now he can barely do it (with ok clear times as well), but just doesn't quite do it well enough to be considered good. I know one could argue that if they made the jungle easy enough for unconventional chars to clear and gank well, then existing top tier junglers would be insane, but one has to realize that a lot of those junglers have great potential in lane (See: WW, Udyr, Lee Sin, Noct), meaning we could have a lot more variability in team comps and set ups. Also I'm starting to feel like MS is a teensy weensy bit overrated in Dominion. It's definitely great to have and high mobility champs like Rammus and even Janna have an edge, but I feel like poke heavy champs like Kog, Cait, or Ez could counter these pretty well since all they have to do is damage them. If you build tanky DPS, you kill everything anyway; they can't cap/defend points if they're dead. -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 20:09:36
Tkal wrote: She basically wins every single lane imaginable, probably even against a Brand or Cait assuming they're all of similar skill level. I wish they would allow another AP carry jungle other than fiddle.
lol kass > cass -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 20:32:25
Yeah but Kass is basically banned almost every ranked game.
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 20:39:58
wtf? i've NEVER seen him banned LOL i see amumu, gangplank, singed, idk alistar i guess
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 22:10:29
dominion is very crazy :P every game seems to be a nailbiter
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 23:54:29
Maybe on EU servers cuz their metas are crazy and different from NA.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 00:05:10
@Tkal play with me? :(
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 01:07:34
Dominion is pretty fun, and if you get the hang of it, a great IP farming tool. I've been playing Akali in Dominion and she just wrecks everyone; it's ridiculous lol. What I know so far is champions that can move quickly around the map and has great bursting damage will do great. Oh and let me just say this; Heimerdinger is stupidly strong on Dominion... Just place turrets where the building is and go elsewhere... And if they get attacked, just use your ultimate to put them back to full hp :S Gives you enough time to get back or possibly kill someone without even being there lol.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 11:08:26
Yeah, Heimer is really good on Dominion as a defensive person, it's crazy. I've been having a lot of success with Vayne on EU, especially with the new items, like the Lightbringer. Crazy. :D
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 12:55:04
Singed Rammus Heimer on Defense Lee Sin Akali Roaming get fucked
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 14:20:36
TheAafg wrote: @Tkal play with me? :(
Sure. Add one of Muxk, Auchinleck, or Eternal Syzygy (30, 23ish, 15ish) -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:50:02
I would fuck Tristana so gently hard.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 05:37:17
Support-carry Shaco/Gangplank too good
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 19:44:42
I wish there were cooler Amumu skins.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 19:28:36
Cool how? The knight one is alright.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 20:15:26
I don't like knights. I have the prom one but meh. Emumu is shit and Pharaoh is ugly.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 22:00:40
The gift one is pretty lulzy. I hate Rumble with a passion. To play as, play with, and play against. Whenever I play with one, all they do is push down the lane, making themselves vulnerable to a gank. When I play as Rumble, I can never seem to get his skill rotations off correctly to not overheat when I don't want to and I hate his kit overall. Yet when I play against Rumble, he goes into super AP tanky beast mode and kills everything. The only thing I enjoyed about playing Rumble was his ult >.>
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 22:04:40
The best about Rumble is obviously his death animation.
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 05:56:49
Ive been interested in LoL for awhile. Too bad i dont have a PC to play on :(
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 12:04:44
Are you posting on this forum via smartphone?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 13:50:15
Me? No...?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 13:59:10
HOLY SHIT MY FRIEND JUST GOT 10000RP FOR FREE -..- he put in a 25$ card, then after one game, he had 13500 @@
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 16:25:10
Why do people add you after a game? All these people keep adding me as friends after games but they never talk to me or invite me to games.
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 22:35:25
I want a native american themed champion/skin. Unfortunately Olaf comes to mind with his axe toss which could be a tomahawk throw and I don't like Olaf so nvm actually.
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 13:04:48
Maokai has a totem pole skin
King wrote: Ive been interested in LoL for awhile. Too bad i dont have a PC to play on :(
Then I can't see what you're posting on these forums from that also wouldn't be able to play LoL. I have friends who play on their netbooks (LoL has a netbook mode) and still enjoy it. It's awful looking and all the textures look like crap, but it still runs it reasonably well. -
Date: Sat, Oct 1 2011 05:01:20
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 17:59:34
Lol, speaking of Dominion, I had a game that lasted 4 minutes >.> It was 4v5, but still... To lose so quickly even at 4v5 xD We took all the buildings and afterwards, just camped outside their base so they couldn't get out :P Oh and if you always want to win normal games, pick up Rumble. He's too strong for his own good D:
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 22:09:16
The button was up yesterday. We had a 4v4, but everyone was lagging so badly and having dropped connections at one point it was a 1v1: Irelia vs. Ryze. 1v1's are the dumbest thing ever in Dominion.
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 01:33:47
Tkal wrote: Maokai has a totem pole skin Then I can't see what you're posting on these forums from that also wouldn't be able to play LoL. I have friends who play on their netbooks (LoL has a netbook mode) and still enjoy it. It's awful looking and all the textures look like crap, but it still runs it reasonably well.
mac user -
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 01:47:35
I recall there was a free app my friend used to help develop for mac to help with compatibility with Windows only software. Sorta like Cygwin/Wine, but I'm not sure if it exists anymore/ever got released.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 14:40:36
There is a mac LoL client, google son.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 15:24:41
neXus wrote: There is a mac LoL client, google son.
Beta stopped. -
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 19:29:52
Omg Xerath so fun. And lol at that joke
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 21:13:49
Xerath is so strong, but I feel he doesn't scale that well in to late game.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 21:52:51
@Tkal you might be talking about Bootcamp, it actually creates a partition in your hard drive, so you install windows on one part and keep Mac OS on the other and you can switch between them.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 21:59:07
Xerath looks SO BROKEN, just in concept, I don't see how they could possibly make him balanced.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 22:16:01
I've been playing Irelia a lot recently with a variation on Chaox's build: Doran's shield > Philosopher's stone > phage > merc treads > trinity force > hextech gunblade > Guardian Angel > armor (MR or armor, depending) (I am varying my builds by game, but this is usually how it goes). I do ok early game, then I boss mid-game with hella kills... but then I die off in late game. Does anyone have any advice?
Date: Thu, Oct 6 2011 03:46:24
you have no hp
Date: Thu, Oct 6 2011 18:55:55
Get a HoG too Turning it into Randuins mixed with HP from trinity should be sufficient. Also @browndog12 I'm not talking about bootcamp. I'm aware of means to dual-boot into different OSs, but when I'm talking about is basically emulating the Windows environment while in Mac OS. See Wine and Cygwin
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 16:25:12
Jungling so frustrating with randoms ... Y U NO GANK MY LANE U THE REASON WE LOSE It's not my job to babysit your lane. Don't overextend and win your fucking lane. Y U ONLY LEVEL 5, U SO LOW LEVEL WE LOSE Well, you're bad at this game and you don't understand how you should play so you keep dieing in your lane and I have to come and help you which distracts me from my actual job, securing our jungle, buffs and dragon.
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 20:41:43
My burps sound like Kassadin teleporting.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 18:42:38
what is everyone's elo?
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 22:24:20
My friend was spamming the hell out of my chat while I was playing. I don't like Hextech anymore, going more tanky.
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 04:36:39
I like atmas. It's good after about 1200 base HP and the extra crit works with the crit you get from trinity. Also omg Graves. Shotgun. Imma shoot people in the face.
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 13:46:13
Map Awareness.
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 19:58:19
fuck you guys , play with me D: TheAafg :(
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 21:51:30
Is TheAafg your summoner name? I would also say that throwing out expletives for us would make us be less inclined to play with you.
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 22:15:19
@TheAafg dude we dont play enough D: need to get on that
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 06:50:04
1200's is quite a bummer, can't really carry myself out. But playing champs like Akali and Lee Sin just destroys. As for 3's, it's very hard to rely on team mates when they ban my champs when I say not to :/. Anyone up for a 3v3s team?
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 10:25:03
^ Been carrying tons of games with Irelia in the 1200s. There's just those unavoidable 4v5s so I'm stuck at 1244 T.T.
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 10:49:11
ALLMOOSSSTT 30 :3 Tanky Dps Ez OP.
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 15:51:12
Lee Sin :(
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 21:14:37
Kayle main.
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 09:17:56
Fuck. Dorm Wifi SUCKS. Dc"d for the 3rd time
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 09:31:39
Yeah, you did. I wasn't too happy about it.
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 09:50:45
Storm wrote: Yeah, you did. I wasn't too happy about it.
Sorry :( Will make it up to you later :facepalm: -
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 11:34:09
Vayne still so OP, even after all those nerfs. :P
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 13:15:31
Vaynes not really OP IMO, anyone is op with farm ;) Vayne still falls hard to a cc team.
Date: Mon, Oct 17 2011 14:59:12
She snowballs harder than any other ranged carry though, because of Q scaling and her other crazy steroids. Her late game single target damage output is probably second only to Kog'maw. Also omfg can't wait for Graves.
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 01:29:05
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay shaco buffs =D but the Fun blade nerf burns my eyes
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 10:38:21
The only character hit by that nerf is Jax outside of Dominion. Akali only needs the revolver. Same with Katarina. Btw, League goes down at 1 AM PST. Comes back at 2:10 AM PST. Riot rocks. Another note: I've been an admin for EpikGamer for a while now, if you guys watch Dyrus, Salce, Dan Dinh, Westrice, Nhat Nyugen, or CuRtoKy visit our QuakeNet IRC at #EpikGamer. There are smaller IRCs like #Dyrus, #Westrice, and #Salce but they all look at the main IRC just as often. Final note: Graves is mediocre in damage. However, his smokescreen is REALLY, REALLY strong with utility. Your vision is only slightly larger than Nocturne (by a small small amount) and you're slowed and the AoE is pretty large. Jungle fights are hell when Graves is on the other team. He won't be too much beyond that due to his lack of damage though.
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 10:13:28
30's :)
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 13:18:47
Storm;143981]The only character hit by that nerf is Jax outside of Dominion. Akali only needs the revolver. Same with Katarina. [/QUOTE] That's not entirely true. Akali lost 9% spellvamp and Kat lost over 100 dmg per target on her ultimate. Both are significant and noticeable. However, I will admit this nerf hits Jax the hardest since he made the most out of the AD. [QUOTE=Storm wrote: Final note: Graves is mediocre in damage. However, his smokescreen is REALLY, REALLY strong with utility. Your vision is only slightly larger than Nocturne (by a small small amount) and you're slowed and the AoE is pretty large. Jungle fights are hell when Graves is on the other team. He won't be too much beyond that due to his lack of damage though.
His dmg is pretty high imo. Buckshot does a fair amount of dmg with the ability to hit the same target with more than 1 pellet. Also his quickdraw is an 80% AS steroid with near 100% uptime if constantly autoattacking non-turrets. His ult is also pretty long range. I've managed to catch people really far away just with secondary effect since it goes so far and does so much damage. He's also just tankier than just about every other ranged carry. With his passive, he basically gets a free chain and (almost)neg cloak. Also how big of a troll is Dyrus actually in irc? -
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 19:55:56
@Ohayo I see u asking questions on OddOne's stream ;D
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 23:25:45
neXus wrote: @Ohayo I see u asking questions on OddOne's stream ;D
lolwat -
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 00:42:28
what happened to HoN?
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 00:55:59
exclusive wrote: what happened to HoN?
i played two games of HoN and deleted it cause its way too complex and i hate complexity in all forms -
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 08:56:43
Need to change name to Jazz cause they freeing up the inactive names :p RP -.-
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 10:21:28
Ohayo wrote: lolwat
You are PineappleX3 right? Someone named PineappleX3 asked TheOddOne on IRC a question I believe about jungling Shaco and he answered on stream. -
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 16:45:42
neXus wrote: You are PineappleX3 right? Someone named PineappleX3 asked TheOddOne on IRC a question I believe about jungling Shaco and he answered on stream.
ssssh -
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 22:49:24
dude i am so good at this
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 23:41:13
hahaha -.- right after that game, i remember why i hate non-draft mode so much
graves carried their entire friggen team.
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 05:14:27
dat ashe also 3 clarities
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 07:11:59
Tkal wrote: Also how big of a troll is Dyrus actually in irc?
Dyrus is actually a really chill guy, totally lovable. He doesn't troll the viewers very much, he keeps thanking us for our support, etc. Such a soft-hearted guy. Hard to approach since there's this chick that's always where he is... calling him her boyfriend and such. He doesn't seem to mind but it pisses me off. >_> Also, I take back what I said about Grave's damage being mediocre. His buckshot does as much as Ezreal's Q THROUGH minions AND in three different directions. I'm expecting nerfs. Also, for some reason Ezreal feels extremely weak lately... like, normally my spells will be nuking the opponents but now it seems to barely even scratch them no matter how fed I am. Did they stealth nerf him or something? =w=;; Regardless, Taric + Graves lane is pretty retarded. Armor buffs are OP as all hell, can't hurt them. -
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 00:24:22
Mystic Shot +longer range +lower CD +lowers CDs +checks bushes better +applies on-hit So still a reasonable spell when compared to buckshot Also Taric is just generally a good bot lane support and works well with just about any ranged carry.
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 03:05:50
Just played my first game as Janna. It's hard being a support because every time you save somebody's ass with a knockup or a shield, they dive right back in and get killed. -.- I'm having trouble with mana. Should I be getting more mana regen items, or should I be conserving my spells more wisely?
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 10:57:56
What. I can't play Ez anymore :(
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 21:12:44
hoiboy wrote: Just played my first game as Janna. It's hard being a support because every time you save somebody's ass with a knockup or a shield, they dive right back in and get killed. -.- I'm having trouble with mana. Should I be getting more mana regen items, or should I be conserving my spells more wisely?
Just conserve. Once you get philo you should be able to spam a tiny bit more. Mana regen yellows/blues might also help. -
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 21:34:13
I'm starting to play jungle way more often now; being in a lane is incredibly boring, just last hitting and farming just isn't fun anymore.
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 04:33:37
who do you jungle?
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 21:51:27
I mostly moved to the jungle too. Prepare to get shit for not ganking every lane every 2 minutes. WHY ARE YOU IN THE JUNGLE GANK ME LANE OMG OUR JUNGLE SO USELESS GG I AFK I jungle Amumu, Nocturne, GP and I think I'll get into Skarner soon, maybe make good use of that 6300 IP I spent while he's OP. /edit: Sick of seeing Graves already.
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 15:09:37
Tkal wrote: who do you jungle?
I jungle mostly with shaco. Other jungles are lee sin, twitch, nocturne, and udyr -
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:27:11
Supports 2gud: currently 1434 and climbing up
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 05:48:29
i am currently 1553
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 10:41:40
Awesome. Consecutive 13 losses -.-
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 10:52:04
1393 with 4 wins and 0 losses. >.>
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 09:35:39
too much forum qq lately on Shaco being "op" anyways, I started live streaming for fun :x
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 10:38:42
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 16:22:10
Shaco is not OP, he's just a dick to deal with. That's how I've always viewed him, even before jitb fixes. I typically play junglers, which inevitably turns into solo top since most junglers do well top as well. Lee Sin is prolly my most played champ for anything. Graves is definitely too strong. I called it on release and even high elo people are saying it. Passive is nuts. Hopefully nerfs bring him into line, but he'll always be strong since he has so much of all the other ranged carries. Also Dignitas and WCG can go to hell.
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 19:57:10
Indecisive about purchases. I kinda want LeBlanc. But do I use 975 RP on a 3150 IP? I also want AD quints for Lee, that'd be another 3k IP. Also I only have 1.3k IP right now so either way some farming needs to be done.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 00:04:55
Scumbag Jatt
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 00:53:21
Everyone on US too good for me, no one wants to play. :(
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 13:04:59
AD quints are good for ranged carries too, so I would get those. Your call on Leblanc.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 18:42:14
Well there's no news yet on LB's remake so I would rather get the AD quints instead. The problem with LB is, her kit is really strong early-mid game but she falls really bad late game once everyone has bought resistances. AD quints are good on any AD carries and some solo champs like Riven or Talon. Also Ironscale Shyvana is hot
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 19:40:53
Talon is getting nerfed and according to Chaox it's pretty bad so not sure if that is an argument :\ I don't play much more AD champs besides Talon and well the junglers all benefit from AD except mumu but I have either MS or ArP on those.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 20:50:13
So I just tried jungle Shyvana and it's actually pretty fast. Clear time getting both blue and red is around 3:40, and her ganks are pretty solid. Things I found pretty devastating was in team fights I would die too quickly but being able to put out enough damage for team mates to kill.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 02:48:25
Is she a level 6 ganker? Because I would think her ganking potential before that would be that of WW. She offers maybe a little more damage and a more reliable speed buff, but overall she suffers the same problem: no CC outside of red buff. Also her ult transformation animation is fucking awesome. And if you don't play AD champs other than Talon, just go with LeBlanc. Honestly, she can still 1-combo people from full late game. You just need to find the squishiest targets and hope they don't have a banshee.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 23:06:02
Her ganking is okay and heavily relies mostly on your teammate to provide cc, other than that, her ult doesn't really do any damage.
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 12:26:49
Well her ult is a knockback which could be useful if you had positioning. She feels like another WW with faster clear times and lower sustain.
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 19:04:33
I'm gonna start to actively practice my CS. Every time I'm forced into a carry role because Jungle/Support is picked I do horrible. I got ~60 in 10 minutes in a game vs a single nasus bot. So even with no harass it's pretty horrible. I want to get to 80-85 by the 10 minute mark. That allows me to miss around 20.
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 20:28:25
meh, I haven't AD carry in a while so my last hitting is really bad
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 23:06:46
Last hitting is really an art on itself, lol. I usually have around 75-80 on mid/top after 10 minutes and 120-140 after 16 minutes, with certain extremes of way higher if it really goes well. I find it a lot harder with AD-carries because of the amount of harass and ganks that go around bot, and I apparently can't handle that as well. But yeah, it's really useful to practise it. :)
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 01:02:17
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Last hitting is really an art on itself, lol. I usually have around 75-80 on mid/top after 10 minutes and 120-140 after 16 minutes, with certain extremes of way higher if it really goes well. I find it a lot harder with AD-carries because of the amount of harass and ganks that go around bot, and I apparently can't handle that as well. But yeah, it's really useful to practise it. :)
holy crap, i must really suck at last hitting ._. -
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 01:11:15
How to last hit: look minion health and look at your attack damage or spell attack minion once theyre lower than your amount of damage Try and memorize the health bar and how low it takes to last hit Armor pen affects minions too Other things you want to learn about last hitting is get use to your aa animation. How to last hit at tower Melee minions require 2 tower hits for 1 auto attack to kill them Caster minions require 1 autoattack, 1 turret attack, then 1 auto attack to kill them
Date: Fri, Nov 4 2011 03:27:31
There are even more intricacies. You sometimes also have to time your attacks earlier if the minion you're attacking is also being piled by a lot of other minions. AD runes + Dblade + 3 AD from masteries makes last hitting a lot easier though.
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 17:44:05
I know how to last hit, I'm just not very good at it because I don't like playing carry roles. But I do have a proposal: Nocturne should be called Nigturne. He is black. (Self explanatory) He strikes fear in white people. (Many white people are afraid of black people) He can jump great distances. (Black people are often very athletic, see NFL/NBA black:white ratio) He can run faster than white people if he's on his Kool-Aid trail. (Black people love Kool-Aid, that's not even a stereotype, it's science and see athletic explanation above) He has a KKK-skin. HE FUCKING YELLS DARKNESS. NIGTURNE ES #1 HUEHUEHUE In other news put me in the jungle and we'll win:
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 22:41:32
reached 1602 elo~
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 15:09:02
Makes me feel better about playing so bad :)
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 15:24:32
Akali so fun :>
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 20:05:53
wtf new masteries how i jungle now
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 22:16:12
Tkal wrote: wtf new masteries how i jungle now
They said they're increasing xp from jungle creeps to make up for the xp move. Other than that, double penetration for hybrid champs sounds funny -
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 22:26:20
how about that double penetration on akali I feel like offensive tree is really lacklustre for junglers now as defensive offers just so much now and utility has always been good. I could also be completely wrong so I dunno
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 01:49:05
Riot hatin" on junglers. Maybe they want to totally remove it from game :3 EDIT:Had a look at masteries, the graphics look a bit different from the old ones. TBH I liked the old graphics, but apart from that new Summoner Spells look awesome, masteries seem balanced, hyped for S2.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 05:13:31
I've been trying to practice my arrows with Ashe... however, playing on bot games is sort of pointless because they finish in less than 20 minutes. I also don't want to practice on real games in case I get flamed/reported like crazy. Any suggestions?
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 05:29:22
low elo is too funny 5v5 arrange
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 07:50:46
Ohayo wrote: low elo is too funny 5v5 arrange
Obviously troll noct! -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 01:13:44
hoiboy wrote: I've been trying to practice my arrows with Ashe... however, playing on bot games is sort of pointless because they finish in less than 20 minutes. I also don't want to practice on real games in case I get flamed/reported like crazy. Any suggestions?
There's nothing you can really do except play real games. If you want to continue practicing against bots, you could try a custom map and just load up bots on each team. Those bots are significantly stupider and cheat less so games will theoretically go longer. However, you will ultimately have to play against real players to get better at hitting those arrows since bots don't use flash, they don't use weird jukes, and they don't act like real players. Also atmas is too versatile and maybe even a little too strong in my opinion. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:34:53
I hate Shaco. Even on my team. This plant-50-boxes shit isn't fun.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:43:51
those are bad shacos and bad players who fall for them. sivir absolutely counters ap shacos. and for ur situtation hoiboy, go ahead and play normal games. they are normal and not rank. they aren't meant to be super serious so just try builds there. if they flame you just say im trying something new on a normal game this isnt rank and then ignore them.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:59:03
New masteries guys, what do you think and will it shift builds in completely new direction?
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 14:31:21
It gives a lot more variety now. A lot of offensive casters can now go 21/0/9. They'll have more killing power, but they'll lose a little bit of XP and the biggest thing is the 15% from presence of the master on summoners. It'll be interesting how that plays out. The defensive tree is now crazy for junglers. Juggernaut is just freaking amazing for a lot of bruisers (lol Irelia) Utility is still really good though. I think the biggest thing will be the +40 gold. I haven't really looked into it, but it should offer a lot of new starting item combos (idle in base for a couple seconds could let you start with boots+5 in top lane O_O) I think Riot did good on their claim that all of your mastery points now feel meaningful whereas before you had a lot of things you just threw in to fill in slots. Game has definitely take a huge shift with these changes.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 19:59:23
So anyone found out decent jungle masteries?
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 21:11:42
Probably depends on the jungler, but as of now I use two pages, one defensive and one offense/utility. I use 9/21/0 for tanky junglers like rammus or mummy. I also play fiddle with 18/0/12 grabbing spellvamp and extended buff duration in utility.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 22:31:24
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 04:37:15
26/4 works well on Lee Sin.
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 10:16:45
Sofun. New masteries awesome. Fun for junglers as juggernaut looks OP. besides of that, I've been playing more support :p Janna shields/Sona heal/Taric stun. Funny thing, 10-20 diss support as I play on my smurf. I heal them for 400 they still rage :?
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 21:28:26
can anyone tell me wtf happened to Master Yi? did he get nerfed? I can't seem to be able to play him, at all. It has become very hard to control him. I was playing fine with him like 2-3 weeks ago but now it just isn't working. I am enraged and saddened by this.
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 23:52:24
They actually buffed Yi recently lol.
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 01:23:21
Did anyone watch the MLG Providence stream? That last match between TSM and Epik... O.o
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 05:56:00
MLG Prov was amazing for TSM, TOTAL FAN BOY. Anyways, my friend got very far for sc2 :]
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 12:25:46
Premade 5s Teams are out. I'm assuming someone here will create a UPSB team.
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 19:14:49
OddOne Maokai es #1
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 02:58:34
tiamat tuesday for my 1000th win, oh yeah
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 04:08:10
Sivir buff + jungle changes
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 09:53:37
I can't play any other AD carry besides EZ... why can't i play vayne D:
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 18:59:05
It's a fucking armoured bear. Also wtf how do i jungle now
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 20:01:24
Champs that can clear camps fast are good this patch, Skarner, Shyvana, etc.
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 15:31:55
I still think Shyvana is a weak jungler. What does she bring that Udyr, Skarner, and Skarner doesn't already bring?
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 16:03:21
A dragon. :)
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 18:24:52
Lee Sin's kick is basically a dragon.
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 19:31:30
You did not list him there, so hah! ;)
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 20:27:54
Tkal wrote: I still think Shyvana is a weak jungler. What does she bring that Udyr, Skarner, and Skarner doesn't already bring?
The Lobster so nice you name him twice. Junglers that clear camps quick are beast, her lack of CC is her weakness, you basically have to play Smite Exhaust to be any help to your lanes. -
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 23:54:22
You basically have to build your team around her a bit, make sure every lane has some form of CC to keep her near the enemy so she can dish out the heavy damage. She's harder to get something out of it, but I think the potential is really good. But I haven't been playing that much, so what do I know. :ssst:
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 17:53:15
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 19:10:16
Derp, I meant Lee Sin instead of Skarner, but I've been seeing so many dominant Skarners since patch that it's basically all I can think about. Udyr and Skarner are probably the two best overall junglers right now since they have crazy AoE and their ganks were always pretty strong. Noct is pretty high up there too. WW just keeps getting worse and worse by comparison.
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 01:08:38
What you want to happen:
What usually happens:
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 01:26:16
Is there supposed to be an image under "what you want to happen" or is the joke that you don't want to spend time with your GF which means there's nothing between you two?
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 21:50:26
Figured out what works for carrying my brother out of ELO hell after dropping ~100 ELO testing what works best.
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 23:01:30
Tkal wrote: Is there supposed to be an image under "what you want to happen" or is the joke that you don't want to spend time with your GF which means there's nothing between you two?
The edited image under it what REALLY happens. neXus carries np. Awonw's inspiring Lux made me buy her -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 20:09:21 My Ezreal guide reached 11111 views. Made a wish.
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 15:08:38
Pandamonium wrote: neXus carries np.
Actually ...I quit. This game is done for me, I can not play anymore. I by no means play perfect and I make my fair share of mistakes and I'm probably responsible for 1 or 2 of those losses, like that 0-4-3 Kennen, but I generally tend to play decent enough to not be the burden of the team and having retards in my team that make plays that make absolutely no fucking sense if you think about them for a second is too stressful for me. It's the kind of rage where you don't yell, you don't flame your team mates, you don't punch the wall to your left, you just do nothing. I give up.
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 20:51:16
You should make a smurf account with friends and then do gimmick builds like AP carry Soraka mid. It's great fun and relieves stress because you don't care what happens since you just played AP carry Soraka mid and most likely zoned out the enemy AP.
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 05:41:24
Pfft, people getting mad at losing "due to terrible teammates" is such a joke excuse in hindsight. I've moved on from LoL to DotA 2 and I gotta say it's 10x more teammate dependent, haha. 1 teammate fails, they're USELESS the rest of the game. Now suck it up, neXus, and play some more ranked games.
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 06:44:30
To be honest, it can be a legit excuse for getting frustrated. I remember being asked to queue up with some IRL friends who were a lot newer to the game and them making a lot of bad mistakes (clarity ghost on kassadin and starting with meki was probably the biggest offender) and despite them listening to some of the things I said, they were still just not as good as players I've been used to playing with. It's simply how you manage these bad players and your feelings towards them that defines you as a player.
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 16:40:50
I am playing again because I can't quit unless I have a new game to play and I'm not complaining about team mates, I have this thing where I hate when I can't control things. I can't control the game enough to ensure a win. It's not that my team mates are bad, it's that I can't do anything about it. Example:
I'm playing like a beast, winning my lane, pushing the shit out of it constantly so I can gank my other lanes and I do and I get a fucking double and later a triple kill bot. But what does it matter? I can not mop up the massive pile of shit that my team has shat all over the floor. This is what pisses me off.
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 17:03:04
In other related news, I'm lucky 7-0 in ranked so far.
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 20:38:19
WOOHOO SR WINTER and Sona is free :D it would all be good, except finals are this week. Edit: ahhhh Summoner's Rift on Winter really messes with my eyes. Frostfire Annie gets an auto invisibility cloak. Sona is pretty fun. I had so much fun just running around and using my Q and E that I forgot to lay wards down haha.
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 09:08:21
I went 9-0 Season 1 and it wasn't until 9-6 that I got another win. Hopefully your good fortune will carry you far!
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 12:45:29
Hopefully my teammates will carry me far! ;) Well, I've only really had 1 game where I actually got carried and had a bad start, but I've been doing okay for the rest. I don't think 1500 ELO is above my league yet, so hopefully I can get myself to 1600. I'd be pretty happy then. I actually also only play ranked when I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'll stick to normal. Might not be as fair as it should be, but I really don't feel like messing up now. :D Starting to notice a lot more mistakes in my play nowadays though... Might be a good sign, but I'm afraid improvements will come ever so slowly.
Date: Thu, Dec 15 2011 03:04:09
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 00:48:28
My first game against people in LoL, I've been playing a few bot games to practice laning before though. One of our guys left like 10 min in SO, HOW'D I DO? :D
I'm Vesque, btw
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 00:54:44
Just started. Playing at 5 FPS is hard ._.
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 01:53:29
Loanshark wrote: My first game against people in LoL, I've been playing a few bot games to practice laning before though. One of our guys left like 10 min in SO, HOW'D I DO? :D I'm Vesque, btw
Eh, below average really -
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 21:42:03
Sometimes Tribunal is really entertaining. Kill3r0nci0 [All] [00:22:06]: HAHAHAHA RUN CHICKENS RUN Kill3r0nci0 [All] [00:22:33]: oioooh 2vs1 and you are proud sure
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 21:45:11
neXus wrote: Sometimes Tribunal is really entertaining. Kill3r0nci0 [All] [00:22:06]: HAHAHAHA RUN CHICKENS RUN Kill3r0nci0 [All] [00:22:33]: oioooh 2vs1 and you are proud sure
This is why I can't wait to hit 30. -
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 22:38:41
It's really more of a chore than anything but meh I'm bored gimme dem IPs
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 19:28:22
omfg Shen buffs inc. Finally going to play him again. I miss him so.
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 22:10:52
Same feelings bro
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 05:40:00
I stole a Baron and escaped alive. Then we aced them and came back to win after having them push up all the way to hour inhibs. We went something ridiculous like 17-1 after we got Baron.
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 22:36:49
Ugh. Runes so expensive.
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 19:58:52
Not sure what else to buy in terms of runes. I've been thinking of some armour reds and mana regen seals though. Got just about every other useful rune set.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 00:11:07
How do you play Amumu? Usually, I Q in to a fight, use my ult and E, and try to escape alive (my W is on the entire time). Is that it? 'tis the sad existence of a tank.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 00:24:04
That's usually how you do it.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 15:10:56
Don't forget to autoattack carries being focused by your AP since your passive is actually pretty strong. However, don't give up good positioning for it. Also when ganking as Amumu, be careful when you use your stun. If you miss it or if the enemy uses flash/etc, your gank will not get the kill. Early game ganks where you delay bandage toss until after flash are really powerful.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 15:55:58
Getting someone to burn flash is a very successful gank. The goal of a gank is not always to get a kill it is to bring an advantage to your team mate.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 18:30:37
lulz amumu, such a s slow jungler you can counter jungle and make him under lvl like crazy.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 22:37:51
[video=youtube;wvPSc_rUqEU][/video] :vbored: This was from a game where my friend Ephoxgg and I carried our team 4v5 to a win. Xin left after going 0-2 bot and Vayne got up to 0-9 before she got her first kill. Best game I had in a while.
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 04:58:13
VendettaBF wrote: lulz amumu, such a s slow jungler you can counter jungle and make him under lvl like crazy.
Wtf are you talking about. Sure he's vulnerable at blue, but he is by no means slow with his two AoEs and wall jumping. New jungle made him super strong. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 07:12:31
dude he's hella slow. you need to get on my lvl
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 13:55:02
I think you should get out of coop v ai and starting jaungling.
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 22:37:53
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 22:46:25
I'm thinking of downloading this game because quite a few of my friends play it, but i'm don't know what it is about. Can someone explain to me what i do in the game? And please, no immature answers.
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 23:36:12
your team and the opposing them try to push your lanes and try to break the enemy's nexus. while that is the main objective, there are other objectives that you can fight for to get the advantage.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 02:50:57
I got a $25 RP card from a Secret Santa thing, plus the 300 point bonus for RP purchasing, and the 450 for nice summoners. I bought the 7 rune pages pack and the festive Maokai, and still have 1080 RP left over. Life is good. :D
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 03:04:17
Rune pages were one of the best investings I ever made in this game.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 13:53:18
I'm thinking about buying another 7 pages. 9 is just not enough :3
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 19:07:55
On another note, I didn't know this existed:
I didn't know I had 3 leaves. *sigh* I could get banned real fast.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 19:30:36
70% win rate? :D
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 21:15:03
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 22:04:04
It's not really up to date for the EU. I have like twice the games played by now.
1 ranked loss/win from 5x5 premade. EDIT: KDR in Normals 3.6. Sick.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 22:20:05
losing in rank~
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 22:45:33
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 00:37:38
5.21 KDR in normals, not sure if that's accurate.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 01:46:01
All my friends make fun of me for using this build, but I've been winning most of my games with it so far. Maybe its good for low summoner level battles?
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 02:02:33
XYZaki wrote: All my friends make fun of me for using this build, but I've been winning most of my games with it so far. Maybe its good for low summoner level battles?
Cho doesn't really need all that HP. He gets it from his ult, you'd be better off stacking mr and armor. I prefer maxing his silence since his q is a skill shot, doesn't always hit. -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 03:16:59
Jazz wrote: Cho doesn't really need all that HP. He gets it from his ult, you'd be better off stacking mr and armor. I prefer maxing his silence since his q is a skill shot, doesn't always hit.
What should masteries should I invest in? I'm level 10 so I only have like 9 points. -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 04:15:04
XYZaki wrote: What should masteries should I invest in? I'm level 10 so I only have like 9 points.
Defensive trees if you're planning to play Cho. Resistance at level 3 Hardiness at level 3 Vigor at level 3 Just improvise and take what you want after that.(Of course taking points in summoner spells you use -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 05:12:32
Jazz wrote: Cho doesn't really need all that HP. He gets it from his ult, you'd be better off stacking mr and armor. I prefer maxing his silence since his q is a skill shot, doesn't always hit.
Also increases the CC duration, which is pretty nice and significant As for a good cho build, just try to fit in FoN, Catalyst (and either RoA or Banshee depending on how you're doing/enemy comp), and Frozen heart and you're pretty much good to go. -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 09:40:37
Looool. 20 minute game.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 11:07:19
Why do you build health on cho'gath?
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 14:18:47
Tkal wrote: Why do you build health on cho'gath?
I'm really really tired of seeing all these cho's RUSHING WARMOG OMFG SO OP FIRST ITEM RUBY CRYSTAL -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 18:10:52
Tkal;162479]Why do you build health on cho'gath?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Jazz wrote: I'm really really tired of seeing all these cho's RUSHING WARMOG OMFG SO OP FIRST ITEM RUBY CRYSTAL
I'll try a real build when we stop winning :D -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 18:40:27
to be honest the only health you only need catalyst for hp and then a mix of resistances to be very effective with cho. Also boots of swiftness sucks. Stick with Mercs.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 20:29:36
I hate Cho. Fucking fat ass blocking my shurikens.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 20:40:05
I hate Veigar. Fucking puny bitch avoiding my arrows.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 23:03:04
Being Maokai can be so much fun. Lead enemy team on a chase while my team takes Baron. It's also annoying having someone who reports your for ganking their lane.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 01:52:55
Pretty decent but I dare you to beat my kogmaw stats:
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 02:01:48
Oh yeah what's a carry tank?
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 03:35:25
Do you mean tanky DPS? Also at least in that one game, that fiddle won you the game, not your health build on cho :p
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 05:06:36
Tkal wrote: Do you mean tanky DPS? Also at least in that one game, that fiddle won you the game, not your health build on cho :p
HEY I HAD 11 ASSISTS. And yeah, I really did not understand how he was that good... -
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 05:07:12
Tanky DPS: dish out lots of damage to force others to focus you (rather than your carries). build some tanky items to survive better.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 19:05:27
Prime examples are Irelia, Wukong, Lanewick/Udyr, Lee Sin, certain Gangplank builds, Nasus, and Renekton. In addition to what hoi said, you'll notice that these champs have a lot of free stats, natural tankiness through either base stats or some sort of ability/passive, and sometimes a good initiation.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 22:12:08
Who would have thought a simple practice bot game would be so god fucking damn annoying.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 23:53:52
LOL I wasn't aware you could mess up Kat so badly. Or even Rammus. I'm also surprised no one ragequit.
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 02:05:26
How did Teemo do so well? Was it his build or skill..?
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 02:13:40
it was your bad team. he barely has any cs
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 03:29:22
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 03:45:54
creep score, the teemo's creep score was very low
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 14:29:43
I don't know why people jungle WW anymore. Also do you know what a unique passive is? Judging by your double leviathan I don't think you do.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 05:45:24
I need more mastery pages, sell those instead of rune pages, they're just stored locally, can't be that hard.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 05:50:49
He killed 53 are you saying he spent more time ganking people or what?
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 05:51:54
Tkal wrote: I don't know why people jungle WW anymore. Also do you know what a unique passive is? Judging by your double leviathan I don't think you do.
I honestly don't recall voluntarily buying it twice...slip of the mouse I'm guessing. -
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 07:04:21
XYZaki wrote: How did Teemo do so well? Was it his build or skill..?
Fuck. You kept on stepping on those mushrooms eh? OUCH 1000~ gone -
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 07:15:00
How did Wukong rape so well? We surrendered because of this nig.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 07:28:14
Anyone can rape with some feed. Looking at his build I'd say it's the only reason he killed anything.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 07:28:29
That Wukong build, ahahah.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 07:48:01
It's not like we tried to feed him, he just whipped it out and put it in our sphincter.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 09:55:09
nvm what i said, judging from everyone's CS, the whole game was filled with sub par players
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 20:20:28
A frozen heart would have worked wonders that game.
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 04:30:55
I wish jungle kennen would work. Would have some amazing ganks but camps too stronk.
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 07:54:25
[video=youtube;I3MilPn7SR4][/video] watch this in 1080 :3
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 21:21:03
That's why I ban that shit Also I want to play Kennen. Are you sure jungle Kennen doesn't work, even with cloth+5?
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 23:26:09
haha, got a "WTF Maokai won't die!" Also
Oh, and Ahri is fun.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 01:29:52
I started Cloth+5 but simply did not do enough damage fast enough. Maybe with AD runes or something but it did not work for me. Saintvicious could probably do it though.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:05:54
Maybe AS runes for W passive? Saint also jungles veigar so I wouldn't be surprised. I believe Stonewall008 had a video on Kennen in old jungle too.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:46:54
73-27 game. These guys just wouldn't give up.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 04:34:11
After playing Ranked 5s I really don't want to go back to solo queue.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 15:48:16
I am baffled as to how you're still able to get away with pure HP Cho early game. Then again judging by the enemy team's build choices, maybe not.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 19:22:27
Tkal wrote: I am baffled as to how you're still able to get away with pure HP Cho early game. Then again judging by the enemy team's build choices, maybe not.
The good ol' days of the pre-12 metagame. and dat Irelia. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 21:06:41
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 21:45:27
Tkal wrote: I am baffled as to how you're still able to get away with pure HP Cho early game. Then again judging by the enemy team's build choices, maybe not.
Me neither. But whenever there's a Teemo in my lane I usually switch. Though the Teemo in that game sucked anyways. Whatevs, I'm 100 IP away from buying Kat. -
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 07:07:34
So, @shoeman6 and I decided to do a bit of trolling...
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 14:25:56
hoiboy wrote: So, @shoeman6 and I decided to do a bit of trolling...
Trolling? Hardly. -
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 16:09:58
*cough* Smite smite smite. :trollface:
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 04:19:51
actually, if whole team has smite plus one shaco, they might get early baron/dragon.
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 04:26:11
Jazz wrote: actually, if whole team has smite plus one shaco, they might get early baron/dragon.
And shitty summoners for the rest of the game. -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 04:39:41
neXus wrote: And shitty summoners for the rest of the game.
Whatever, its low level players. In low ELO people bring out Xin, Trynd, Yi and still dominate. -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 04:40:44
I'm on a ridiculous winning streak this winter break. 3 losses and like 20 wins.
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 05:13:29
After I bought Kat I played a game and totally sucked with her...I guess it's because I've been playing with Cho for the last 8 games. I went like 1k 8d. wat do
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 06:02:31
XYZaki wrote: After I bought Kat I played a game and totally sucked with her...I guess it's because I've been playing with Cho for the last 8 games. I went like 1k 8d. wat do
keep playing her. i'm sure youll get it after like 3 games or so. -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 07:38:13
Jazz wrote: Trynd and still dominate.
You do realize Tryn is retardedly strong in any ELO, right? -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 07:56:45
neXus wrote: You do realize Tryn is retardedly strong in any ELO, right?
He can be countered with ignite, reduced healing, thornmail etc. Just talking about low leveled play where no one builds anything to counter them :) -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 16:57:24
Ignite doesn't prevent him from still having a minimum of 5 seconds of critting your team. If he's not the initiator then he has a good chance of whomping through all five. Sure you can say CC him, but what happens when he brings cleanse and/or builds QSS? Also I don't believe that thornmail is a very good counter to ADs in general. Randuins and Frozen heart are a lot better in my opinion. There are things that "counter" certain champs, builds, or comps, but the degree of effectiveness of the counter varies.
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 17:43:44
If you play against a Tryn: [video=youtube;ozd88fiNAV4][/video]
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 04:45:57
Ugh, had the most frustrating game where we were winning and the enemy team tried to take Baron. Kog'Maw stole Baron, but our entire team flashed in and the enemy Shyvana got a quadra. I was the only one that got out of there. The enemy team proceeded to push all the way down mid and win. Edit: Just had another game of chase the fed Singed.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 04:32:36
I don't even know where to start with this match. I think our Yi was a third party bot because he wouldnt respond to us and could not stay in his fucking lane. Nocturne was ridiculous, essentially, if he saw you, you were dead. He ran past all the turrets somehow (not sure if that's an ability of his), and proceeded to kill everyone. Ashe was quite frustrating also. The uncanniness presented by trying to fight them almost makes me think they're hackers.
How do I play Nocturne like that..?
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 04:39:56
Lol, zaki, are you trolling? Anyways, is rammus OP or is it just me? 2 games now rammus basically led our team to ownage with his taunt. And they were pretty shitty players.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 05:00:57
shoeman6 wrote: Lol, zaki, are you trolling? Anyways, is rammus OP or is it just me? 2 games now rammus basically led our team to ownage with his taunt. And they were pretty shitty players.
shut him down early -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 05:03:14
Rammus. Ok. But seriously, he's considered one of the best tanks out there because of his thornmail+w gets him easily double kills if you focus him in fights. Don't get in his R, QSS out of taunts, focus carries.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 06:55:26
shoeman6 wrote: Lol, zaki, are you trolling?
I'm serious .___. Being in the league is tough shit nigga. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 09:02:39
Thornmail is a shitty item. Don't build it.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 22:12:37
I like to play Lux because I can just go mid, make them tower dive and snare them, get the kill, rinse and repeat. Then once i have enough AP and CDR i just land my Q snare, throw an E bomb, ult, and finish them by blowing up the bomb. With 40% CDR late game i can do this all at max 24 seconds apart from eachother.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 23:02:12
MightAsWellGG wrote: I like to play Lux because I can just go mid, make them tower dive and snare them, get the kill, rinse and repeat. Then once i have enough AP and CDR i just land my Q snare, throw an E bomb, ult, and finish them by blowing up the bomb. With 40% CDR late game i can do this all at max 24 seconds apart from eachother.
1v1 vs. @AwonW now! -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 23:33:13
Souper intense game. We were losing from the start and then Teemo and Olaf left and we were like well fuc. And then Olaf reconnected and we somehow put it in their nexus. Kat vs Brand = no good Graves vs Brand = lolgj Also Yi was absurd. I dont know wtf he did, but he solo'd 3 of us at full hp. He was in fighting us in front of our nexus with our turrets attacking him and still managed 2 kills and was able to escape.
Also, I've never seen an Anivia that didn't suck.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 23:39:24
Anivia is pretty team dependent with her wall and AoE slow. I've never played Katarina... but she seems really underpowered. Don't know why she's that popular of a pick.
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 02:30:47
Anivia is also basically useless without blue. Yi is a hyper carry that got fed and reached lategame. It also turns out that your team only had 1 hard CC (and only 1 exhaust) and your Teemo blind was DC'd. And the reason people play Kat is because of breasts + midriff.
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 04:16:04
Sadly, my friend has taken over my account. BUT ON THE GOOD SIDE
FUCK YEAH. Only time I'll actually be on will be some weekdays and sunday :L . Friend has the rest
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 08:55:06
hoiboy;166272] I've never played Katarina... but she seems really underpowered. Don't know why she's that popular of a pick.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tkal wrote: And the reason people play Kat is because of breasts + midriff.
When Kat was new everyone said she was OP. And back when I won 1/15 games I happened to play and actually get kills with her when she was free, so I bought her when I had enough IP. Kat is fun, I just need to adapt. -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 19:48:39
XYZaki wrote: When Kat was new everyone said she was OP. And back when I won 1/15 games I happened to play and actually get kills with her when she was free, so I bought her when I had enough IP. Kat is fun, I just need to adapt.
Kat is only useful to pubstomp noobs en the nuts in the nuts and that's about it. Noobs don't know what CC or focus is. [video=youtube;PgXTNBLaVtQ][/video] -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 22:48:43
Why'd I waste my ayeeeee peeee :( Who should I buy next? Graves looks pretty fun.
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 23:26:48
XYZaki wrote: When Kat was new everyone said she was OP
So you mean when the beta was first released back in Sept 09? The problem is that CC takes a royal dump on her and the majority of her damage requires her to be in melee range. -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 23:36:09
Tkal wrote: So you mean when the beta was first released back in Sept 09? The problem is that CC takes a royal dump on her and the majority of her damage requires her to be in melee range.
Oooooh. Didn't know she was there since the beginning. And there's Cleanse and Shunpo for a reason isn't there..? -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 23:41:34
XYZaki wrote: Oooooh. Didn't know she was there since the beginning. And there's Cleanse and Shunpo for a reason isn't there..?
The problem is cc interrupts her ultimate, so even if you cleanse it, it won't do much for you. Also, I dont think Kat sucks at all. Picking her last can be absolutely devestating if they enemy has a low cc team. -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 07:16:12
Still laughing my ass off... 4 junglers :lol: :lol: :lol: soooo funny, could hardly play because I was laughing the whole game.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 19:58:07
>go to 711 and see RP cards Nah I don't need RP >Go home and check league of legends and see new skins FUCK
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 20:09:04
wtf ur lvl 30 now??? u got like 10 levels in 2 weeks
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 22:31:35
Rammus so OP in dominion
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 22:31:38
shoeman6;166607] Still laughing my ass off... 4 junglers :lol: :lol: :lol: soooo funny, could hardly play because I was laughing the whole game.[/QUOTE] Wait, I only see 3 junglers. [QUOTE=Zombo wrote: wtf ur lvl 30 now??? u got like 10 levels in 2 weeks
He did like 6 levels in one week. Somebody plays too much... -
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 00:59:35
Anybody want to start a UPSB LoL team for fun? :) @hoiboy urgot was jungling as well, we kept pushing the lanes hard in between crossing jungles so we lost 0 turrets looool.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 18:29:18
TIME FOR NA SMURF pixelcannibal edit: holy shit 200 ms is not fun
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:00:52
Why is Tryndamere such an unreasonable champ?
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:14:08
neXus wrote: TIME FOR NA SMURF pixelcannibal edit: holy shit 200 ms is not fun
Holy shit everygame 300~ for me is GOOOOODD -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:16:33
lol, try playing with 4000ms latency.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 19:27:29
right now akali is too overpowered, she can just dive in a teamfight, shroud, kill the carry, support, etc and come out fine whenever i play lux and it looks like that we will lose, we for some reason win and i grab the ace before the nexus dies, lol
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 20:09:10
Akali is reasonably balanced. She was before nerfs, but people just fed her and let her snowball which led to a lot of QQ. Also Lee Sin counters her shroud pretty well.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 20:36:41
well yeah, i guess i shouldve payed a bit more attention to what i was saying, cuz any champ can get OP if fed early. Like just now i went a game of 13/1/3 with lux in mid vs a bad kassadin, cuz he fed me 4 times in early game.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 23:15:40
Ugh, I've been stuck on a losing streak. Take my last match as an example - 0/4/1 as Irelia. I was blamed for feeding, even though I didn't die until after Tryndamere had 12 kills in 15 minutes. I hope I get partnered with good teammates soon.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 23:30:00
@hoiboy I almost never try to play solo queue. I try to get someone else to play with who is on par or better than me, so I learn from the matches I play, and have a lower chance of losing. I don't play 3v3's almost ever anymore cuz its just ganking on steroids. My LoL username is MightAsWellGG so add me and maybe we can play. :D
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 00:18:19
3v5 @MightAsWellGG we still won the game that you left lolol
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 05:57:19
W/L ratio has gone down from 1.19 to 1.03 now :/
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 06:10:48
fukyouhavenolife add me to troll
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 16:32:21
For the first 2 months of playing this game, I always had spikes that went from 100 to 16000+ ping. Most of the time I would have 10000 ms. But it's k, new network cards fixes everthing. EDIT: [video=youtube;8fy10HYWYCA][/video] FEELS GOOD MANG
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 02:58:22
Got fed early game as Kat, was able to 1v1 anybody I wanted. I actually got some 1v3s and scored ma first ayce.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 05:28:38
Someone add me I need better people than solo queue gives me to play with haha J0nnnn (with a zero) I do mostly AP carry mid
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 05:40:07
Darkeh wrote: Someone add me I need better people than solo queue gives me to play with haha J0nnnn (with a zero) I do mostly AP carry mid
Are you still buff Darkeh? -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 05:56:36
Am I buff as in strong? haha I didnt know I ever was And can someone try to find me on lolstatistics? I cant find myself haha (J0nnnn)
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 07:47:58
Well iono, you seemed to "forget" that you had a shirt on when you posted in headshotz.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 20:55:14
I dun want to play TF anymore
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 21:42:57
Darkeh wrote: Am I buff as in strong? haha I didnt know I ever was And can someone try to find me on lolstatistics? I cant find myself haha (J0nnnn)
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 02:14:17
Thanks, I found it
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 02:15:09
You mean I forgot I didnt have a shirt on? hahaha Yeah but I definitely wasnt buff lol
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 04:33:40
This was a thoroughly sad game.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 23:11:09
I'm currently watching the IEM Kiev streams... SK vs. TSM was pretty good. I'm rooting for TSM!
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 03:03:11
i got some nice moves
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 05:24:14 I think the is too far apart... in the actual shirt, they're touching. Gee, I really need to get back to homework.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 10:44:27
god do I hate saintvicious
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 07:43:27
Finally... This took way too long >.> 1800 is next I guess :3
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 09:26:10
How could we possibly lose with a 16-0 Kat? Well we did, because we had this faggot Gang who begged for mid and then lets the lane die.
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 11:39:55
Jazz;169422]god do I hate saintvicious[/QUOTE] Why? I love swagvicious! [QUOTE=hoiboy wrote: I think the is too far apart... in the actual shirt, they're touching. Gee, I really need to get back to homework.
It's not the right font. You need the font GothamBlack. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 13:11:04
saint really is pretty ignorant imo, watched some of his streams, raging non-stop the games i watch heh
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 22:48:23
Dat yi build.
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 00:08:05
Soraka + Sivir is possibly the most annoying bot lane ever.
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 04:41:51
K so guys I was watching this champion spotlight and the person said activate yommu's ghostblade, I was like wtf? I didn't know you had to active all the things that you buy .....o.O I thought only consumables needed activation, but do all items need activation? for example if I buy phantom dancer, do I have to activate it during mid-fight or something?
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 04:45:53
TheAafg wrote: K so guys I was watching this champion spotlight and the person said activate yommu's ghostblade, I was like wtf? I didn't know you had to active all the things that you buy .....o.O I thought only consumables needed activation, but do all items need activation? for example if I buy phantom dancer, do I have to activate it during mid-fight or something?
Only items with active abilities need to be activated. For example, Youmuu's has an active ability that gives movement and attack speed for a short time. Hextech gunblade also has an ability that deals damage and slows a single target. -
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 05:18:10
TheAafg wrote: K so guys I was watching this champion spotlight and the person said activate yommu's ghostblade, I was like wtf? I didn't know you had to active all the things that you buy .....o.O I thought only consumables needed activation, but do all items need activation? for example if I buy phantom dancer, do I have to activate it during mid-fight or something?
Activate buttons correspond to the slots your items are in. 123 456 iirc those are the activate buttons. So if you have gunblade in slot 4, press 4 to activate the active. They're very important - if you forget to activate it, you could screw over your team. ex. If you use Maokai's W, make sure you pop your Shurelia's so that your team can actually do something to the poor kid you just stunned for 2 seconds. If you forget to use Randuin's active right when you jump in to the middle of the enemy team, their AD carry can do a lot of damage with the extra 35 percent AS he/she didn't lose. Oh, and Zhonya's Hourglass - use it when Nunu or Karthus ults (among other uses). -
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 06:10:04
AwonW wrote: Hextech gunblade also has an ability that deals damage and slows a single target.
IS YOU SERIOUS. This explains so much. -
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 06:33:13
XYZaki wrote: IS YOU SERIOUS. This explains so much.
Not sure if srs... -
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 15:44:29
Tkal wrote: Soraka + Sivir is possibly the most annoying bot lane ever.
Pwned a soraka sivir with alli vayne -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 02:43:08
I raise your Vayne Ali with a Taric Cait. Unfortunately, it seems like that combo loses to Sivir Soraka.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 03:48:35
I'm pretty sure Blitz + any AD counters Soraka, Vayne seems best though. Sona Vayne also works too, but not as well as Blitz.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 04:07:53
Loanshark wrote: I'm pretty sure Blitz + any AD counters Soraka, Vayne seems best though. Sona Vayne also works too, but not as well as Blitz.
Blitz with any AD is totally iffy because it's completely dependent on player skill and outplaying your opponent. You can't always expect to land grabs, so matchups can go either way easily. -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 04:39:30
Dunno, I like playing Janna Vayne. CC + pure damage, or AD steroid + pure damage, works either way. Actually, I like Janna a lot because she can go CC or pure damage - synergizes with a lot of ad carries.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 05:50:42
AwonW wrote: Not sure if srs...
I've been buying that item without even knowing about this active ability crap. -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 06:00:46
XYZaki wrote: I've been buying that item without even knowing about this active ability crap.
Oh haha, well, the more you know. -
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 20:36:12
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 23:00:31
Don't start dragon without smite, ima fuck yo shit up.
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 02:56:34
rofl what a good dragon steal
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 22:32:05
Hardest game I've ever played. I carried our team from 2/10 at 6 minutes to win. (The two kills were me stunning Cho and GP under the tower while they attempted to dive our jungling-without-smite Fiddle).
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 00:06:10
I started playing the game recently, so when you quene games does it make matches with opponents by level, wins, or personal skill levels? Because i've been playing alot of bot games to get the hang of it and get IP, is that bad?
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 01:43:15
If you start to play against people at say level 20, you will play against people around level 20 but that doesn't really say anything. Level is not that important, there are a lot of level 30s that are just unimaginably bad at the game. What makes you play against tougher opponents is winning a lot, even though it is hidden you have a ELO (matchmaking-rating) for normal games. When you win you gain ELO-points, your rating goes up, if you lose, some points get taken. You play against people of similar level and ELO but you don't need to worry about this, bot games do not give ELO.
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 01:45:02
Anyone who wants to play with a pro ap player, add Riince I can also do ranged ad carry, but i dont prefer it,
neXus wrote: If you start to play against people at say level 20, you will play against people around level 20 but that doesn't really say anything. Level is not that important, there are a lot of level 30s that are just unimaginably bad at the game. What makes you play against tougher opponents is winning a lot, even though it is hidden you have a ELO (matchmaking-rating) for normal games. When you win you gain ELO-points, your rating goes up, if you lose, some points get taken. You play against people of similar level and ELO but you don't need to worry about this, bot games do not give ELO.
Funny, since level 1 i've played with my level 30 friends, because they were there i was fighting pro level 30's since the very beginning.. made me the player i am today hah. i've only done about 50 ranked matches though. Also, i guess cool cats post stats so.. here's my ranked stats on Swain aloneGood, no?I think my highest kills were either something like 39/17 on kat or 32/12 on GP
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 02:56:06
[/IMG] GP is too OP :D
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 16:00:44
My support Sona is pretty good IMO. Wins with a Ashe vs Soraka Graves. Hmm. My CV hitting 70-90%. Spots ganks and stuff. Really gotta try to climb the ladders and not troll jungle Singed in ranked anymore.
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 01:30:14
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 02:17:06
Loanshark wrote: LOL HOW DID WE WIN?
4v5 is easy, try 3v5 -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 20:27:56
Even when she's free no one plays Sejuani on EU. I have literally not seen her once in a game. It's never been like this after a new champion is released.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 23:48:45
neXus wrote: Even when she's free no one plays Sejuani on EU. I have literally not seen her once in a game. It's never been like this after a new champion is released.
same on NA I'm trying my very very best to not rage. I had a game where we lost a level one teamfight at our blue, then Kass has a bad game. He calls the other Kennen noob, but OP, and then proceeds to call me (jungle Maokai) bad for not ganking his lane enough. After that, he goes off the edge and starts ridiculing others for using "ur", and etc. The sad thing was, we were actually doing ok. We were ahead in CS and gold, and the moment Kass starts calling others noob, the team falls apart. -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 09:37:00
I'm finally starting ranked again after being demoralized by a 0-3 start on Season 2. 2 minutes in, Galio d/cs. Whole team giving up, I was Sona. I convinced them to keep trying and even though Galio was useless after he reconnected 10 minutes ago, we won because Kennen and I would dunk face in fights and Cait actually listened to me when I told her to go splitpush, retreat, etc. We probably shouldn't have though... Cait started with Meki and just built two bloodthirsters. Riven was underfarmed after dying to Cho'Gath up top. Galio, useless. If Kennen wasn't a decent player, would've lost for sure.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 19:17:39
Storm wrote: I'm finally starting ranked again after being demoralized by a 0-3 start on Season 2. 2 minutes in, Galio d/cs. Whole team giving up, I was Sona. I convinced them to keep trying and even though Galio was useless after he reconnected 10 minutes ago, we won because Kennen and I would dunk face in fights and Cait actually listened to me when I told her to go splitpush, retreat, etc. We probably shouldn't have though... Cait started with Meki and just built two bloodthirsters. Riven was underfarmed after dying to Cho'Gath up top. Galio, useless. If Kennen wasn't a decent player, would've lost for sure.
what i bolded sounds like ELO hell in a nutshell. Want to queue up together? I too am making the trek out. the key is to carry the fails on your team, oh and also luck of the draw. -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 00:06:04
Yup, that's ELO hell for ya. The 0-3 start were due to 2 d/c's and one game where the enemy mid got so fed he'd just roam. And I'll pass on your offer, thanks though.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 00:17:48
Storm wrote: Yup, that's ELO hell for ya. The 0-3 start were due to 2 d/c's and one game where the enemy mid got so fed he'd just roam. And I'll pass on your offer, thanks though.
hehe ur loss -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 01:32:37
Already beat Awonw to the punch, but haven't played after a while :(
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 01:54:37
Pandamonium wrote: Already beat Awonw to the punch, but haven't played after a while :(
WHERE U BEEN? D: I passed that btw :3 -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 15:18:31
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 16:27:06
Online gaming too op for our college- Because our internet has been slow throughout campus lately, all UDP connections have been disabled. MEANING I can log in to my online games, but it won't let me join any games while I'm on the campus' internet. Same thing goes for all the people who torrents here (they can grab the files they want to download but it won't download). No amount of oranges will make this k.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 00:31:28
Pandamonium wrote: Online gaming too op for our college- Because our internet has been slow throughout campus lately, all UDP connections have been disabled. MEANING I can log in to my online games, but it won't let me join any games while I'm on the campus' internet. Same thing goes for all the people who torrents here (they can grab the files they want to download but it won't download). No amount of oranges will make this k.
Is the a permanent thing? D: -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:04:28
so there's something i'd like you guys to figure out. i was doing a normal match a few months ago and it was a bunch of people on the other team with mostly numbers for names.. mainly in the level 1-5 range with one level 30 who had a normal name. They all 5 hugged the jungle the entire game moving in and out of lanes to gank repeatedly and had us pushed to our nexus within 20 minutes with no real or consistant laning from any of them. their team coordination was unbelievably perfect, everything was down to a T. they tower dived at level 2 and double killed us with no deaths, moving out of range of the tower at just the right time to make it attack someone else while killing us. there would literally be 3-4 minute intervals where every enemy champion would not even appear on our maps, and we were too terrified to check the jungle because the last few times we even tried to ward we got killed. my score in normals is normally around 20/1 by the end of a match but i held the entirety of our teams 2 kills with a score of 2/5... And just as they about destroyed our nexus, they surrendered and we got the victory. what the fuck? no really, what in the flying fuck was it? this isnt made up and im curious if anyone else has had this strange thing happen. their team was morde, sion, jungle twitch, and 2 others i can't remember
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:06:41
Stare wrote: so there's something i'd like you guys to figure out. i was doing a normal match a few months ago and it was a bunch of people on the other team with mostly numbers for names.. mainly in the level 1-5 range with one level 30 who had a normal name. They all 5 hugged the jungle the entire game moving in and out of lanes to gank repeatedly and had us pushed to our nexus within 20 minutes with no real or consistant laning from any of them. their team coordination was unbelievably perfect, everything was down to a T. they tower dived at level 2 and double killed us with no deaths, moving out of range of the tower at just the right time to make it attack someone else while killing us. there would literally be 3-4 minute intervals where every enemy champion would not even appear on our maps, and we were too terrified to check the jungle because the last few times we even tried to ward we got killed. my score in normals is normally around 20/1 by the end of a match but i held the entirety of our teams 2 kills with a score of 2/5... And just as they about destroyed our nexus, they surrendered and we got the victory. what the fuck? no really, what in the flying fuck was it? this isnt made up and im curious if anyone else has had this strange thing happen.
trolls, obviously -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 16:06:20
anyone who hasn't seen this is missing out.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 19:07:27
Stare wrote: anyone who hasn't seen this is missing out.
dunkey videos shouldn't be watched by anyone. -
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:17:02
neXus wrote: dunkey videos shouldn't be watched by anyone.
He's so funny though ._. -
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 16:11:53
Amumu Q is my skillshot #1. Not sure why but I straight up don't miss, it's the only spell like that.
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 17:34:18
A Taiwanese man died after playing a LoL marathon:
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 19:58:53
I just finished this game with trynd 0/0/7 lolol Ashe refused to go mid so I , trynd had to go mid against Annie. Annie went 9/6/3 but wasn't able to kill me. Trynd still too OP.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 05:32:45
Trynd actually can do reasonably mid against a lot of casters because he has sustain and most casters don't. Also lots of AP mids get scared when Trynd spins in and crits 3 times in a row. Then again, most lanes would be afraid of that.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 06:08:24
why do pub match making suck so much?! beginning of game, teemo leaves n never came back. annie doesn't know the meaning of "take mid, or help top". it was basically me taking mid with amumu, and cat going bot with soraka...i was 5/3/2 before my teammates finally decided to forfeit. Everyone was doing so bad on my team! The other teams jungle shaco was raping everyone...*rage*. The random match-making is BS >.<
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 22:04:57
Noodles wrote: why do pub match making suck so much?! beginning of game, teemo leaves n never came back. annie doesn't know the meaning of "take mid, or help top". it was basically me taking mid with amumu, and cat going bot with soraka...i was 5/3/2 before my teammates finally decided to forfeit. Everyone was doing so bad on my team! The other teams jungle shaco was raping everyone...*rage*. The random match-making is BS >.<
I actually use those games as an opportunity to practice laning against a fed opponent. -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:49:03
hoiboy wrote: I actually use those games as an opportunity to practice laning against a fed opponent.
well, i couldnt really lane against it to practice because by that time they were already swarming us in a group...while my team mates just went off n did w/e =[ -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:58:37
you guys have any suggestion for easy to learn AP and jungle champs?
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 20:39:28
Noodles wrote: you guys have any suggestion for easy to learn AP and jungle champs?
There are a lot of easy junglers. Nocturne, Rammus, and Udyr are two of the more easy to learn jungles. Cho'Gath and Lee Sin are also very powerful but require a little skill to pull off. As for AP carries, Morgana, Swain, and Gragas are pretty forgiving carries considering their tankiness/sustain. The better AP champs are harder to play, typically speaking, but the three I suggested are still very good. -
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 03:29:37
Some stuff from when UPSB was down:
I managed to play Master Yi moments before he was disabled.
At the start of the game - Fiddle: Hurry guys. We can beat them to the bushes. Jungle Fiddle with no smite (they stole dragon from us). Fiddle didn't take blue (bought hella mana pots) and didn't leash it for Kass, so I had to leash it for Kassadin (who promptly died and gave it to Ashe). I was in a 1v2 lane and the only one who managed not to feed during laning phase. Their Kennen managed to score first blood double kill under our tower in a 1v3. I HATE SOLO QUEUE.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 20:03:00
Idk jungling but my favorite AP champion is Lux. She has a long range in her spells: Snare, CC bomb, shield and powerful laser. Her passive deals extra damage when you attack someone after they got hit by a spell.
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 05:11:03
Ryze is stupidly good as well and doesn't take too much skill either. also omfg yes shen buffs finally *wipes tear from eye*
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 15:50:01 Prettt-tty, pretty, pretty good!
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 19:22:07
Noodles wrote: you guys have any suggestion for easy to learn AP and jungle champs?
TF es #1 although I finally lost my tenth game as tf :[ 30 and 10 right now. -
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 19:37:57
TF so squishy but if you know ward baiting es stronk
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 21:26:15
Ohayo wrote: TF es #1 although I finally lost my tenth game as tf :[ 30 and 10 right now.
what does es mean? -
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 21:29:13
"is" in spanish it's what the brazilians say when they play on the NA servers.
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 11:11:53
Clearly Ohayo is a Brazillian :trollface: Also, Yi jungle, really?
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 13:15:18
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 19:43:23
Why is everyone making me play AD carry, I'm not a good AD carry :(
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 22:00:24
I can play AD carry, AP carry, or support but im not so good at any of them
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 23:10:32
Been playing Ashe a lot recently... Game 1. We lose. I go 3/2/1, despite being in a 2v1 lane. Soraka/Ryze Bot fed, and then Ez mid fed intentionally. Game 2. We win. I go 17/3/11 after trading 1 for 1 during the laning phase with TF. Game 3. We win. Started out 3/0/0, then went 3/3/0, before our Kennen went pro mode. Garen left, but we won the 4v5. Ez fed Vayne early game, so he jungled the rest of the time. Need to work on CS - only about 100 in twenty minutes for Ashe, while I'm up to 150 in about 20 minutes for Irelia in a solo lane. I've been overthinking the easy shots and missing them, but I've been hitting the 3.5 second stun ones pretty consistently :).
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 22:34:25
when i listen to music Too bad I couldn't recall to finish with madred's, but the enemy xin zhao wouldve allowed the 500 hp nexus to live
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 05:45:18
427 XP? -.- if only I got that every game. It takes forever to get to 30.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 20:29:01
i bought 2 10 win exp and ip buffs cuz i didnt wanna wait for level 30 either but its so long to get there regardless.
Another good lux game
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 03:41:18
Anchor guy is such a beast.
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 04:51:31
He seems really really OP.
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 11:40:31
hoiboy wrote: He seems really really OP.
As with all the newer champs? -
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 12:53:44
new shen pretty fun
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 22:31:50
Loanshark wrote: As with all the newer champs?
Ahri felt really UP upon release, and Viktor was just crap. -
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 22:46:16
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 23:03:27
hoiboy wrote: Ahri felt really UP upon release, and Viktor was just crap.
Viktor. Crap. What? -
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 02:24:02
Yes. Takes too much perfection just to have the same effectiveness as other casters. Also his item is just awful. Also new Shen is beast mode.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 05:05:36
Okay, Lee Sin free week. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with him. All I know is Q > R > Q, and Q > Q > W. Any other good combos with him? There was this one cool moment when I saved two teammates from ignite with two consecutive W's, then saved a third with R, and the last with E.
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 01:00:44
first time sivir in a game with all 30s :D
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 06:32:18
Finally got together a couple wins - I'm over 1 again, and I'm finally level 25.
Ugh, getting to 30 takes forever.
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 15:55:43
I kinda want to get my RP and IP to 0 just for funsies but I'm too lazy to do the math what buys I need to do to get to 0 RP and it'll probably take years to get to a straight IP amount. Also I have no 450s so I'd have to buy 1350s and I have only 13 tries before it's 3150s.
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 16:00:26
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 18:53:40
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 19:48:58
How do you guys find out your wins/lost/leaves?
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 19:56:35
took me like 20 years of scrolling to find my fav ap carry to play + fav skin. ..Wow, i'm a piece of shit. 16 leaves. It's just my feeling of not being obligated to play with garbage pieces of shit that causes me to leave so often when 3/5 of my team is feeding. "HURRR swain y u no 2v5 then with me?" "HURRR swain im shen and im jungling u cant have blue buff at 25 mins in!" "HURRR irelia im the tank stop initiating when you guys are getting tower dived and im chilling at red buff." my favorite is when people get pissed when people get ganked before i can call mia on tf/kass/twitch/anyonewithteleport when i mid against them. or even better when people expect mia's on junglers. it's called wards. @Storm that's a pro signature, just needs moar ranked... im stuck in elo hell
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 21:07:26
Stare wrote: took me like 20 years of scrolling to find my fav ap carry to play + fav skin. ..Wow, i'm a piece of shit. 16 leaves. It's just my feeling of not being obligated to play with garbage pieces of shit that causes me to leave so often when 3/5 of my team is feeding. "HURRR swain y u no 2v5 then with me?" "HURRR swain im shen and im jungling u cant have blue buff at 25 mins in!" "HURRR irelia im the tank stop initiating when you guys are getting tower dived and im chilling at red buff." my favorite is when people get pissed when people get ganked before i can call mia on tf/kass/twitch/anyonewithteleport when i mid against them. or even better when people expect mia's on junglers. it's called wards. @Storm that's a pro signature, just needs moar ranked... im stuck in elo hell
Maybe you're stuck in Elo hell because you give up too easily? -
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 04:01:56
hoiboy wrote: Okay, Lee Sin free week. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with him. All I know is Q > R > Q, and Q > Q > W. Any other good combos with him? There was this one cool moment when I saved two teammates from ignite with two consecutive W's, then saved a third with R, and the last with E.
Those are the main combos, but there are plenty others to discover an experiment with. If you're also in melee range, used Q, and can stick to the target well (frozen mallet, red, affected by E), then don't be afraid to land up to 3 AAs before you use the second Q. Timing abilities and maximizing passive is very important, even when out of the jungle. -
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 21:31:33
AwonW wrote: Maybe you're stuck in Elo hell because you give up too easily?
i never give up in ranked just normals -
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 04:45:38
I just had the most amazing game. me and my friends doing a 5man premade we went into a game against another premade and we countered their 3man mid push at the beginning [i was on fiddle] by putting 1 in each side lane in to gank mid and warding each creek. the wards gave away every gank early on until they wised up on their positioning and put us in the lead 11-3 early. they came back 15-23 mid-game because their ults were so perfectly in line to partially ace us several times and fed ww was dead set on shutting me down. we eventually won a teamfight at baron by nocturne ulting so that ww couldnt stop me from ulting, jarvan locking 3 people in his ult, and scored a partial ace and pushed for the win at 51 minutes. and 1 moment where i escape ww with 7 (yes 7) hp because shen who had just rez'd ults me and randuin omens him down to a crawl so i could escape. salute. so many epic moments. too many to list. why cant all games be as good as that one?
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 03:25:03
irelia op? better buff ezreal.
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 03:35:02
I think I found my new champ.
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 04:36:34
More Lux buffs next patch :D If she gets buffed into viability eventually I'll be so happy.
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 05:18:55
Stare wrote: irelia op? better buff ezreal.
Dunno, Irelia seems really hard to counter, because if she gets a bad matchup in lane - Cloth + 5 pots usually saves you. -
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 10:48:14
:3 won my first game as a jungler today. gooooooo rammus!
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 14:47:41
Ricercar wrote: I think I found my new champ.
>"I think I found my new champ." >Level 14 >ಠ_ಠ Have fun facerolling for 10 more levels. You'll miss it. -
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 17:25:02
LOL SMITE MORGANA Edit: @AwonW: where are the next set of patch notes?
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 20:15:03
@hoiboy it's not official.. But they are "tweaking" lux's spells in PBE.
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 05:11:34
That was pretty hard. I guess you could say we won by luck, because I accidentally stole Baron with a sapling (I didn't know they were doing Baron, I thought it was just a facecheck.) Before that, our team was getting facerolled, but then we managed to get a couple good teamfights in. Camped the Ahri/Morg lane all throughout the laning phase because our Ahri was getting mauled. When Maokai is tanky, he is pretty scary at initiating. They don't even need to be out of position: just toss in a sapling, use W to snare someone, lay down your ult, and pop your Shurelya.
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 19:30:49
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 20:45:43
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 04:14:58
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 05:47:06
every ranked game i've ever been in ever -
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 10:10:15
I played like 6 games today. Only won 2 cuz some ppl in solo quene sucks so much!
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 17:07:23
This is for you that blames your team because of your Defeat. "The problem of the world nowadays is that smart people are full of doubts, and dumb people are full of right!" The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average<---THIS. If you are in 1000 elo, you deserve to be there!
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 18:28:30
Epic Holiday wrote: This is for you that blames your team because of your Defeat. "The problem of the world nowadays is that smart people are full of doubts, and dumb people are full of right!" The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average<---THIS. If you are in 1000 elo, you deserve to be there!
so by what Freudian effect am i projecting onto my team that causes them to afk/feed every other game? -
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 23:03:33
I can understand Elo hell in the sense that you lose a lot of your first ranked games and it takes you a while to climb back out, but I don't see how you just can't leave. If you've played like 50+ games and you're not on the way out of the 1200s, you're probably not that far off from where you're meant to be. If you're really better than the average player at your Elo there's no way that you're not going to climb rating eventually.
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 16:12:18
AFKers may be uncarriable, but just remember that the enemy team also has a chance to have them. The perception of Elo hell is largely skewed by confirmation bias.
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 23:15:27
That Poppy seriously thought that those stones stacked....
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 23:50:49
seems to work out for her i play so much lately not sure why
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 01:08:22
Tkal wrote: AFKers may be uncarriable, but just remember that the enemy team also has a chance to have them. The perception of Elo hell is largely skewed by confirmation bias.
well every win so far is because they've had an afker/troll and every loss so far is because likewise. i just want a good 5v5 match. -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 02:16:22
Epic Holiday wrote: This is for you that blames your team because of your Defeat. "The problem of the world nowadays is that smart people are full of doubts, and dumb people are full of right!" The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average<---THIS. If you are in 1000 elo, you deserve to be there!
You really seem to be naive to the fact that people, for example me, often play 4v5 games, something where skill has absolutely nothing to do with your disadvantage at all. There's no reason not to blame shitty teammates for the fact you lost if you've been playing the whole game while one guy joined 20 minutes in. -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 03:46:05
Loanshark wrote: You really seem to be naive to the fact that people, for example me, often play 4v5 games, something where skill has absolutely nothing to do with your disadvantage at all. There's no reason not to blame shitty teammates for the fact you lost if you've been playing the whole game while one guy joined 20 minutes in.
good games @Loanshark -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 23:49:59
Will you look at that...
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 17:39:56
^streak of losses incoming.
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 01:47:45
Loanshark wrote: You really seem to be naive to the fact that people, for example me, often play 4v5 games, something where skill has absolutely nothing to do with your disadvantage at all. There's no reason not to blame shitty teammates for the fact you lost if you've been playing the whole game while one guy joined 20 minutes in.
Like said, the enemy team also has a chance to have AFKs. You probably distinctly remember only the games you lost because of AFKers on your team because they invoked stronger emotions than when you won games against an enemy team with an AFKer. -
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 05:28:44
@Loanshark You just said "shitty teamate".... Stop being so mean and rude... play your game and try to collaborate even when your team are fingerless people! And BTw, Philo stone used to stack in winter/2011. :)
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:17:44
First time ever I let it grow into 5-digits. Only 120876(+upcoming stuff) IP left until I own every champion.
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:59:57
Tkal;179342]Like said, the enemy team also has a chance to have AFKs. You probably distinctly remember only the games you lost because of AFKers on your team because they invoked stronger emotions than when you won games against an enemy team with an AFKer.[/QUOTE] Actually, you're wrong, but it's cute that you're trying to formulate psychology in your responses. I get angry at any afkers regardless of the team. I'd rather lose a good, evenly matched 5v5 than steamroll a team with a 5v4. There's no fun in that, and no sense of accomplishment for winning. Nice try, though. [QUOTE=Epic Holiday wrote: @Loanshark You just said "shitty teamate".... Stop being so mean and rude... play your game and try to collaborate even when your team are fingerless people! And BTw, Philo stone used to stack in winter/2011. :)
You must be really naive, aren't you? But thanks for the tip on the Philosopher's Stone though, it's not like I already knew that, but I'm sure it'll be a useful tip for me when I'm playing future games even though it's completely obsolete. -
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 02:00:16
Add me guiz!
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 02:08:16
Irelia price reductions - I recommend you get her. Great for pubstomping in solo queue, and hard to push out of lane, even with a bad lane matchup.
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 02:09:55
@Loanshark No... You just seem to be that guy that end the game and says that your team sucks etc... being that very annoying guy that I report every game. How many times you got banned? I just enjoy the game, If I get mad, Will it make the afk guy come back? Actually, if you shit talk, he will probably be afk because of your bad manner,
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 02:54:25
Loanshark wrote: You must be really naive, aren't you? But thanks for the tip on the Philosopher's Stone though, it's not like I already knew that, but I'm sure it'll be a useful tip for me when I'm playing future games even though it's completely obsolete.
He was just trying to inform you of something, that he may have thought you didn't already know. Whether or not you knew it, you don't have to be an asshole when someone is just trying to help you understand something. I didn't know that about the philo stone. We don't all have time enough to stay so knowledgeable about video games. -
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 03:21:16
This is how some people (here) see LoL.
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 03:27:17
LoL is not hardcore.
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 19:25:24
I don't get it. :facepalm:
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 21:00:42
Epic Holiday wrote: I don't get it. :facepalm:
hardcore gamers want to have to try very hard to have fun, ninja gaiden etc. casual gamers just want to play for fun, blind pick/bot games etc. LoL can get pretty damn hardcore if you're playing at high level ELO though -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 02:34:01
Hannover in 1 week... I'm going to be watching some streams. Too bad it's all in a funky time zone though... Also - I wish was going to be there too.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 10:29:07
Hey finally, it's in a normal time zone. ;)
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 12:25:01
What do you do when your Ezreal is a troll who runs into towers and enemies to feed because he doesn't like Olaf in Toplane? YOU MAN THE FUCK UP AND CARRY THAT SHIT
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 17:23:10
Ops, I mean "You*"
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 19:38:32
Sword bitch
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 03:02:54
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 13:15:52
Looks more like a Galio page to me.
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 23:54:54
Gee, Irelia really is a pain to lane against. It's hard to push her out of lane, and even then, she can always go and buy lots of health pots. You also can't dive her under tower because she stuns you. I just went 7/1/0 in a 2v1 lane.
Date: Wed, Mar 7 2012 03:16:04
hoiboy wrote: Gee, Irelia really is a pain to lane against. It's hard to push her out of lane, and even then, she can always go and buy lots of health pots. You also can't dive her under tower because she stuns you. I just went 7/1/0 in a 2v1 lane.
Were you that terribad katarina I just played against? -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 02:04:45
NoRice4U wrote: Were you that terribad katarina I just played against?
I've never played Katarina in my life. -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 04:22:35
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 06:33:15
Loanshark wrote: ._____________________________.
vouch, was there. i brought him out to help even out the team of low levels we were teaching, and he ended up leaving even me in the dust... ..i chalk it up to luck -.- -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 06:41:23
The average cs in that game is pretty funny.
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 18:24:27
wukong irelia yorick supposed to be on sale tomorrow
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 19:04:51
i made an ap mid guide.. lots of my friends need this rofl
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 03:54:54
Stare wrote: i made an ap mid guide.. lots of my friends need this rofl
Just some thoughts/criticism or whatever: Plays against Ahri -> picks up sapphire crystal ._. Sees counter jungled blue buff -> doesn't clear small lizards >.> Almost all junglers shouldn't have priority on blue buff over an AP past the 2nd blue, especially when you're Swain o.o Placing a ward in the side bushes in mid isn't really the best place. The best places are on the ramp leading up to red and in the L-shaped bush leading to blue. Good point about hugging the side with the ward though. You don't really harass with your auto attack enough :\ The times you landed your E you could have easily followed it up with an auto attack which would have made your harass a lot more effective. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 10:16:04
First game as Irelia :) Runes, runes runes. So expensive.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 17:07:28
AwonW wrote: Just some thoughts/criticism or whatever: Plays against Ahri -> picks up sapphire crystal ._. Sees counter jungled blue buff -> doesn't clear small lizards >.> Almost all junglers shouldn't have priority on blue buff over an AP past the 2nd blue, especially when you're Swain o.o Placing a ward in the side bushes in mid isn't really the best place. The best places are on the ramp leading up to red and in the L-shaped bush leading to blue. Good point about hugging the side with the ward though. You don't really harass with your auto attack enough :\ The times you landed your E you could have easily followed it up with an auto attack which would have made your harass a lot more effective.
stopping to auto attack someone like ahri is a good way to get hit with a big blue nut in the face -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 22:14:38
Friends making me play AP carry permanently now... What champs should I learn :s Also lux too strong
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:01:53
Stare wrote: stopping to auto attack someone like ahri is a good way to get hit with a big blue nut in the face
You're already taking that risk when you walk up to E her like you did. The risk is barely, if any higher if you also auto attack. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:06:36
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:16:36
WIN, but I must warn you, the leveling will a lot of time lol. After you hit 30, it'll take forever to get runes and rune pages. take advantage of champ sales :o -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:24:27
Ohayo wrote: Friends making me play AP carry permanently now... What champs should I learn :s Also lux too strong
Morgana, Kassadin, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Xerath. Pick your poison. :) Also, I would like to make a few gameplay videos for receiving critisism. What is a good recording program? -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:26:05
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Morgana, Kassadin, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Xerath. Pick your poison. :) Also, I would like to make a few gameplay videos for receiving critisism. What is a good recording program?
I do like cass and ahri :o also fraps. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:26:57
i have no idea what lvling and runes and crap are....i have no idea how to play. i was an epic dota player but i haz no clues
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:36:22
PenwisH wrote: i have no idea what lvling and runes and crap are....i have no idea how to play. i was an epic dota player but i haz no clues
there's a lot to play so I suggest reading approved generic guides on as well sort the guides on solomid by popularity -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:54:02
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Also, I would like to make a few gameplay videos for receiving critisism. What is a good recording program?
For actual video recording Fraps or you can get LOLReplay to make replays. I recommend LOLReplay either way because Fraps is very taxing on FPS if you record while playing. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 23:55:19
@PenwisH You're going to be frustrated going from DotA to LoL, I think the most frustrating thing is the fact that every hero can have every option. Also runes are a pain in the ass.
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 02:10:17
@sangara =( learning curve seems higher =( maybe i'm just dumber
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 02:57:40
You've just forgotten what it's like to learn a billion heroes. :P There's also the fact that they're completely different games.
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 13:49:14
IEM Hanover Finals are starting in a few minutes ! Cheering for Dignitas !
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 14:24:27
Holy shit Zoda is still alive.
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 17:28:24
I just had a 11/1/0 game with LeBlanc, but I surrendered. Why? 2 AFK's and retarded carry and support. The Kog'Maw missed every ult and fed the enemy Nidalee and Vayne. I don't blame him b/c the Kayle took all of his creep. :facepalm:
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 19:22:13
Lux mid lane is gayer than the rainbow lasers she shoots.
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 02:05:39
HOLYYYYYY SHITTTT so, for the first 20 minutes of the game, we were doing really terrible. by the 20 minute mark, the score was around 0-23. however, the other team was absolutely terrible at acting as a whole team. they lost every teammfight, lost all their baron attempts and never got dragon. by the 40 minute mark, every single one of our turrets, including the nexus turrets, were down, and they had around 4 turrets left. So we just stayed in base for the rest of the game and aced them every time they tried to kill the nexus.
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 02:18:02
lol everybody playing leblanc cuz of free week
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 02:28:20
lol of course. her lane harass is so damn hard to beat.
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 03:10:34
nobody like her enough to buy tho
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 04:05:46
Zombo wrote: nobody like her enough to buy tho
LeBlanc is all about shutting down AP carries during the laning phase. She falls off really really hard late game. Edit: Ugh holy crap I just got caught in a snowball and went 1/12. -
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 16:38:42
Release LB.
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 19:37:40
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 01:58:10
Actually.. Taric is the one that impressed me with that Semi-troll build.
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 02:11:25
I love building Zeals on Taric if the game is a stomp and just chasing people down.
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 00:13:29
Dyrus (EG) changes clan with TheRainMan (TSM). Not it's "TSM Dyrus" and "EG TheRainMan"
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 05:52:52
Not sure if I agree. I'm not particularly a fan of TRM but I don't think he's TSMs problem, it's Regi making bad plays and calls. I'm much more sad for Nhat Nguyen from EG because his team is getting torn apart. TRM only wants to be a stand-in for IPL as far as I can tell. edit: wait what's the official reason for trm leaving, dyrus said trm resigned.
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 20:03:48
Regi is such a scumbag... If you watch one recent video from Xpecial playing Janna.. You can listen in the background regi swearing at TRM and TheOddOne. He's playing like a retard and acting like a kid. TheRainMan doesn't want to be blamed for everything. And EG is a good clan, he knew that Dyrus would accept it at the time. So he just swaped position with Dyrus... And The Rain Man won't Sub for EG at IPL.
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 03:53:35
Epic Holiday wrote: Regi is such a scumbag... If you watch one recent video from Xpecial playing Janna.. You can listen in the background regi swearing at TRM and TheOddOne. He's playing like a retard and acting like a kid. TheRainMan doesn't want to be blamed for everything. And EG is a good clan, he knew that Dyrus would accept it at the time. So he just swaped position with Dyrus... And The Rain Man won't Sub for EG at IPL.
I'm pretty sure TRM and Regi have a good relationship outside of LoL... otherwise, the team would've broken down by now. Dyrus is here, so instead of raging at the past, let's support him :). Plus, I'm pretty sure Dyrus got sick of his team always dc'ing. Anyways, here's another example of bad teamwork: -
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 05:16:55
Epic Holiday wrote: Regi is such a scumbag... If you watch one recent video from Xpecial playing Janna.. You can listen in the background regi swearing at TRM and TheOddOne. He's playing like a retard and acting like a kid. TheRainMan doesn't want to be blamed for everything. And EG is a good clan, he knew that Dyrus would accept it at the time. So he just swaped position with Dyrus... And The Rain Man won't Sub for EG at IPL.
Regi does have attitude problems (favorite quote from an argument with Xpecial "Don't insult me you retard.") but those fights are all temporary, the guys actually like each other and that's not the reason why TRM left. I've watched all the video blogs that came out and the situation is much more peaceful that I had first imagined, TRM simply stepped down because they had a different training mentality and he didn't want to do the new proposed team training plan but instead play more soloqueue. Also TRM never actually swapped with Dyrus, he just offered himself to EG as a sub because IPL is pretty soon. Also he's still a sub for TSM. -
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 05:34:15
i don't play almost at all but fiona or whatever chick that is the fencer kicks fking easy to use. kinda op but i'm playing against noobs.
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 15:27:24
AHAHAHAHAHAH FIONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BWUAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!! You mean Fiora? Meh... she isn't op.. I could OWN her with SOLO TOP KARMA! Yep.. Karma, denying all her cs shielding the minion... sustains op. :P
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 15:55:09
lol yeah like i said i don't play much . i guess it's all abou tmatchups. meh give me dota
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 15:55:33
who is easiest OP hero ?
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 16:05:29
PenwisH wrote: who is easiest OP hero ?
I don't think there are many ops right now. Shen is pretty op and easy though. -
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 16:58:58
PenwisH wrote: who is easiest OP hero ?
Report Penwish, double post. :P You can try those "Recommended".. like Ashe, Ryze etc. There is no "OP" exacly, if you think certain champ(hero) is op, or he/she is OP indeed or you THINK that he/she is OP. SO probably, in the first case, the champion will get a nerf because it's OP. They are trying to balance the game. But some champions are easier to Master than others. So you can be a beast with hmmm... Ashe and think she is OP, or you can suck with corki and think he sucks. :P The problem is that some champions are UP. :( edit________ Dan dinh steped down EG. Westrice said that he is a bad jungler and AD carry. Lapaka, DontMashMe, Kenikth on their aim. -
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 07:03:07
An hour and 15 minutes in game and my team lost, I am fucking pissed. From this game I realized that there comes a point in the game where everyone is levelled but what matters is which champion is stronger or has a better build. (strategy also plays an extremely major part here) I would say, in this game we had around 10 team fights, we won the ones at the starting (we were over-leveled) but as the game progressed, the teams became equal. What pissed me off is as you can see, Vayne does not really have a lot of health but she absolutely smashed our team near the end. I have never felt so useless in a game ever. I want to ask all the high level elo players, at this point in game, wtf are you supposed to do? -_______-' we did baron around 8 times but they would still destroy our whole team. Wat do.
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 21:44:51
Tell Maokai to get his Shurelya's. He snares Vayne with his W, pops his Shurelya's, and the rest of your team melts her.
Date: Sun, Mar 18 2012 11:20:31
Oh my. Dan Dinh got benched out of his own created team, EG. o_O Lose streak just when I was going to break even.
Date: Sun, Mar 18 2012 13:11:54
oh, this is now looking, good idea
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 02:51:06
*I actually hate playing Yi.
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 04:50:08
TSM won Fatal1ty cup. 5k USD on their pockets :D
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 05:43:04
Not sure of Phreak seriously plays Lulu as a jungler, or he just says he does for trololols.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 17:18:04
Uploaded with
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 17:18:48
loan is right. yi is pretty op if they let you farm. haste and surge are epic for him
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 17:27:54
Not viable in ranked though. Too easy to shut down.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 17:30:22
first week pub stomp is acceptable. who is considered non shutdownable? every hero has a counter
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 18:51:48
you can still easily pubstomp with yi even at level 30
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 18:54:42
i am not sure if the items i got work for yi but dunno what's better =(
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:06:38
I need to learn a top lane champion. I get to play it so little and when I have to I only really know GP from jungling but I lose top lane hard.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 22:33:46
if you pick yi in a ranked game, your team-mates will either flame you like fuck or just plain outright leave the game -.-'
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 23:36:51
Blue buff nerf, wtf. This is a pretty big hit to mana hungry aps like Anivia, Swain, and maybe Zilean. These champs aren't even OP, I don't really get this nerf >.>
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:37:02
is yi no good? i dunno i play just random games now and it's full of noobs. i play with people like loan and i'm the noob-_-
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:49:16
thats because your level is so low compared to mine lol. we played against people whose skill level is close to mine rather than to yours in that game
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:51:03
god darn it. i feel better playing aginas tpeople my level. were those guys even good?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:57:33
PenwisH wrote: is yi no good? i dunno i play just random games now and it's full of noobs. i play with people like loan and i'm the noob-_-
He's not bad, he's just really easy to shut down in lane and with CCs. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 01:04:38
cc? who is recommended?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 01:18:34
PenwisH wrote: cc? who is recommended?
Crowd Control, like stuns, slows, knockups, and whatnot. This is a little outdated, but it's a pretty accurate list by champion viability. There aren't really bad champions, just some can be played effectively in more situations than others. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 04:11:25
AwonW wrote: Blue buff nerf, wtf.
I read this as buff buff nerf nerf. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 04:15:04
@PenwisH Try Ryze at mid.. Build MANA items , NOT AP! He is free now also. I will add :)
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 04:26:42
ap master Stare is gonna give a quick beginners guide to using Ryze. Not so much playing, just building. Playing is as easy as slamming your dick on the QWERDF keys start off with a mana cryst. + hp pot and rush your tear. farm the tear as fast as possible, spam your Q at minions if you have to [auto smartcast helps with this] afterwards either build glacial shroud or banshees first depending on the enemy team comp. [I.E AP/CC heavy team, banshees. Heavy AD team Glacial]. Though I tend to get banshees first either way unless their jungler is a vicious ad and camping your ass. i like to grab teleport and flash. for masteries i do 21/0/9. Many recommend 9/0/21 but this is just what works for me. If you somehow find yourself with blue, ROLL YOUR FACE ON THE KEYBOARD UNTIL IT GOES AWAY! Your tear of goddess will thank you. Aim for about 400-500+ bonus tear mana by the 20 min mark on it. If you can do even better you're golden, that's just my average. if you're under 300 you're doing it rong, or you got your tear very late. Basically this is what you want in the end Sorcerers shoes Archangel staff [dont bother until 3-4k mana] banshees veil frozen heart rod of ages rabadons deathcap [Or another AA.] Optional: replace RoA or Rabadons/second AA with a void staff if they're seriously packing MR. standard build for me. With this you aren't that squishy but still nuke harder than anyone excluding Veigar. but you are far more fluid, consistent, and durable, packing about 80 MR+spellshield and 180-200ish armor, and a few hundred shy of 3k hp [with my runes], you can take a few hits before hitting the floor. Max W, then Q, then E. P.S in extreme cases (i.e 4-5 ad/ap teams courtesy of blind pick) i have made my sixth item a thornmail/FoN. The missed offensive power is more than made up by your ability to stay in longer and pop nukes off. Q, W, Q, E, Q, R, Q, W, Q, E... (thats the endless cycle nuke rotation, works great if you have CDR, but is a bit slow if ya dont)
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 05:00:29
Stare wrote: ap master Stare
Obviously, you've never tried DPS Ryze. You don't need to wait for your spells to come off cooldowns, just spam your autoattacks. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 05:03:13
Don't get a deathcap on ryze, it's not worth the money. If anything, you'll want a void staff or a WOTA. The skill order most people, including myself, use is R->Q-> W-> E
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 02:46:17
Yeah definitely get Q over W. Since all of his skills have static cooldowns, you end up spamming your Qs the most and since it does the best single target with each rank, it leads to the best DPS. It's also worth nothing that pure spamming of skills on CD won't necessarily max tear faster. You will end up casting spells during the time when you can't get more charges on tear. Only pull off the combos to hit the enemy.
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 02:50:20
Tkal wrote: Yeah definitely get Q over W. Since all of his skills have static cooldowns, you end up spamming your Qs the most and since it does the best single target with each rank, it leads to the best DPS. It's also worth nothing that pure spamming of skills on CD won't necessarily max tear faster. You will end up casting spells during the time when you can't get more charges on tear. Only pull off the combos to hit the enemy.
It procs twice every few seconds, not once [the text has been bugged for awhile] so hitting 2 skills at once every few seconds will actually yield best results -
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 22:13:39
Two skills yes. Rotating as fast as possible, not necessarily no.
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 22:16:22
Tkal wrote: Two skills yes. Rotating as fast as possible, not necessarily no.
my philosophy when playing with a tear is get it up as fast as possible. you'll hit that much harder than team phase comes along to rip you out of lane. The only downside i could think of would be pushing your lane too hard early and making yourself vulnerable to a gank. Ryze has a nasty tendency to fall off a bit late game so if you can max the tear to 1000 before that happens you can help secure your place. and when i say fall off i dont mean as bad as like ahri or garen, just you can go from singlehandedly carrying a game midgame to not carrying it when lategame rolls along, even if you're 20-5. this is the main reason i prefer people like swain, who can dominate consistently and scale well through all game phases save level 1-3 -
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 23:53:35
Sc00t wrote: Ryze has a nasty tendency to fall off a bit late game so if you can max the tear to 1000 before that happens you can help secure your place. and when i say fall off i dont mean as bad as like ahri or garen, just you can go from singlehandedly carrying a game midgame to not carrying it when lategame rolls along, even if you're 20-5. this is the main reason i prefer people like swain, who can dominate consistently and scale well through all game phases save level 1-3
Lol, are you kidding? Ryze is a monster late game. It's why he actually gets banned in competitive play pretty often. I'd say Swain falls off harder than both Ryze and Ahri. -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 00:13:18
I have never raged so hard at this game before. Vayne said he was going to brb for a minute, and my team decided to engage without her. We died 4-3 and everyone decided to /surrender since we got aced, and the enemy took out our first tower. Why the fuck.
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:47:07
Loanshark wrote: I have never raged so hard at this game before.]
Next hsgg right here. Edit: Just smurfed a level 1 game. HOLY CRAP PEOPLE ARE SO BAD. -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 00:04:37
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 00:06:12
AwonW wrote: Lol, are you kidding? Ryze is a monster late game. It's why he actually gets banned in competitive play pretty often. I'd say Swain falls off harder than both Ryze and Ahri.
never seen ryze banned, even when i was doing duo with Zamphira. -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 00:54:03
woah, nocturne is so fun
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 01:19:09
@Loanshark Hsgg = HotshotGG league of legends professional player.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 04:04:01
oh, what does it mean when hoiboy said i'm the next hsgg? O.o i'm terrible at this game lol
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 04:04:59
hotshotgg edit: nvrm epic already answered. He's famous for raging and being a poor sport.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 05:02:39 HotshotGG and his most famous rage
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 05:07:30
Sc00t wrote: never seen ryze banned, even when i was doing duo with Zamphira.
By "competitive", I meant like tournament play, not solo queue. -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 05:17:22
Epic Holiday wrote: HotshotGG and his most famous rage
lol thats his most famous rage? thats nothing -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 05:53:43
Shyvana is so fun... Tanked the most damage, did the most damage.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 10:43:22
LOOL RYZE FALLING OFF LATE GAME. Real big play Stare. Falling into this rotation of playing every boring champion, sigh. Playing LoL without IRL friends is boring.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 13:43:49
I hadn't played since Lulu patch until now. Did they change something about the camera when you roam it by clicking on the minimap? It looks and feels really weird, it is definitely different from what I'm used to.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 16:22:37
@Loanshark He is streaming right now He's in Korea playing on Korean Server with his clan in the same house. :)
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 16:25:06
neXus wrote: I hadn't played since Lulu patch until now. Did they change something about the camera when you roam it by clicking on the minimap? It looks and feels really weird, it is definitely different from what I'm used to.
It was fixed on the NA servers in a mini-patch. -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 16:29:19
Jazz wrote: LOOL RYZE FALLING OFF LATE GAME. Real big play Stare. Falling into this rotation of playing every boring champion, sigh. Playing LoL without IRL friends is boring.
ive only ever seen ryze carry a game late game once.. because i was like 35-0.. ryze is most powerful mid-game ive got like a thousand games at this point so that must show somethin -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 19:23:19
Sc00t wrote: ive only ever seen ryze carry a game late game once.. because i was like 35-0.. ryze is most powerful mid-game ive got like a thousand games at this point so that must show somethin
Aren't you also stuck below 1250 Elo? Maybe if you're talking super late game when everyone on the map has a full build, Ryze falls off a bit. -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 19:47:53
AwonW wrote: Aren't you also stuck below 1250 Elo? Maybe if you're talking super late game when everyone on the map has a full build, Ryze falls off a bit.
i had a higher elo than that but a streak of faggots made my elo drop to like 1k. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 00:08:11
HotshotGG you say? [video=youtube;7rjjkrh348w][/video] I started playing Viktor and god damn his ult is so strong, so god damn retarded. Also, I changed my name to SkumbagCthulhu if anyone was wondering who the hell it was.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 00:28:40
lol almost everything he says comes from that 1 game he played as swain makes me doubt that he actually rages frequently, and that people just over exaggerate based on that 1 game
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 00:48:26
He used to rage a lot just not a lot of it is recorded or funny enough to be worth a video. OddOne rage is much more entertaining.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:00:02
Almost lost this game because of retarded teammates T_T
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:16:29
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 16:11:29
won about 12/16 games i played with him this weekend :D noct is so fun and easy to play, i wonder why people don't play him more. i almost never see a noct outside of free week
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 20:20:39
probably the dumbest ez game ever
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 20:44:32
Loanshark wrote: won about 12/16 games i played with him this weekend :D noct is so fun and easy to play, i wonder why people don't play him more. i almost never see a noct outside of free week
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 01:33:18
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 04:31:20
best lol player
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 23:40:25
I'm partial to CholeraNinja [video=youtube;ON-6vYobie4][/video]
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 02:51:48
After to talking to a few plat players, executioners calling is so good top lane now. Cheap and effective and has a great dot+healing reduction. Probably the best thing now to replace wriggles :x
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 22:08:49
Still situational imo. The wriggles nerf was honestly not that significant and while executioner's caller might be used more often, it's probably not going to be any more effective that it was before.
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 02:26:35
i decided to upload some fullgame dominion footage.. not as funny as dunkey but im aspiring :D quite a few great moments for such a short game, considering it ate about 15 gigs to record i think it was worth it
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 03:30:15
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 03:55:40
sounds bought right -
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 04:54:55
Okay, here's a quick look at my match history:
The game highlighted in red is the only game that i threw. I didn't know how to solo top and ended up feeding a Blitz/Lulu lane. The 7/14/18 game was like an hour and a half long. All the other games weren't because of me (directly). I consistently do well in the laning phase (counterjungling, ganking), but some lane always ends up feeding. I always sit at the front of the team fight, but my team always fails to clean up (or they run the moment someone dies). *sigh* maybe I should stop playing. Edit: I don't want to come off as elitist - I think I need to improve my teamfight skills with Shyvana.
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 04:59:57
Fuck you too. -.- -
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 05:17:29
Epic Holiday wrote: Fuck you too. -.-
at least you speak in english -
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 16:15:54
Search--beliEVE OR AFK REAL MAN USE EVE 1600~ ELO. Sigh. Really should stop derping around in games AND TRY. Can do MUCH MORE WHEN FOCUSED.
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 18:05:59
Dyrus' is my Friend HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE!
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 17:20:27
Epic Holiday wrote: Dyrus' is my Friend HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE!
Good troll. IIRC, Aeon Angel knows a lot of the TSM dudes. -
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 18:39:46
@Jazz you don't believe me? Look at the BG and banner. You can find Epic Holiday in both of them. I won a contest = 20 dolalrs + Dyrus Friend
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 05:11:25
@MightAsWellGG throws games so hard by leaving the game when he ragequits. He's also really bad.
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 05:31:19
Tetsip wrote: @MightAsWellGG throws games so hard by leaving the game when he ragequits. He's also really bad.
one bad game doesn't mean he's bad. ragequitting though is a tsk tsk thing usually, if you accept blame in chat, people don't report you. -
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 10:56:06
I lol at people who rage at others who have bad games. Oh no, he has a bad game, he must be a horrible player and must be flamed at!
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 14:59:35
@MightAsWellGG Don't play with this guy. A few months ago I thought it'd be fun to play a game with him, but he left the game as soon as he went 0-3 with Lux. So, I forgave him and we played a game with a full party of 5. Goes 0-5 as Cassiopeia and leaves the game again 10 minutes in.
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 03:11:05
dignitas's match vs www lulu top ap blitz mid leona and ad brand bot wat. i don't understand can someone explain to me how this is viable?
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 04:12:52
I'm still slightly confused as to what happened:
We were owning (took control of their jungle, solid ganks) except for some Brazilian Ezreal who went AFK in lane for about four minutes, then Garen left at 18 minutes and they got four kills + 2 towers. Then they surrendered... April Fools? Edit: 99 wins!
Loanshark wrote: dignitas's match vs www lulu top ap blitz mid leona and ad brand bot wat. i don't understand can someone explain to me how this is viable?
@AwonW: Go! -
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 04:34:45
Loanshark wrote: dignitas's match vs www lulu top ap blitz mid leona and ad brand bot wat. i don't understand can someone explain to me how this is viable?
They are Dignitas and Who the hell is WWW? Ap blitz was buffed... lulu with Teemo top build works. Ad brand hurts with his passive and utility. -
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 08:20:35
So we all thought alistar was going bot... duo top with maokai = complete carnage After top went down at 10 min, 4 man ganks all over the place haha Doubled their score basically :D
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 20:01:32
@Epic Holiday dunno who WWW is, but this is the video on another note FREE KARTHUS WEEK LOL time for soraka support all week
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 20:52:29
Loanshark wrote: @Epic Holiday dunno who WWW is, but this is the video on another note FREE KARTHUS WEEK LOL time for soraka support all week
Date: Tue, Apr 3 2012 03:49:25
ponies like myself are really good at league!
Date: Tue, Apr 3 2012 20:19:14
Tetsip wrote: @MightAsWellGG throws games so hard by leaving the game when he ragequits. He's also really bad.
oh yeah i had to sleep cuz i had a college visit the next day did i mention i got banned too? -
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 03:50:15
24/9 and still lost seriously how hard do you have to carry to just win..
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 03:59:41
Sc00t wrote: 24/9 and still lost seriously how hard do you have to carry to just win..
No mpen? -
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 04:33:15
hoiboy wrote: No mpen?
they had no mr, only mundo was stacking mr the other 4 had literally none. -
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 18:01:54
BTW WWW=World Wide Wipers
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 18:12:20
that is the 2nd palce on IEM São Paulo. I am Brazilian and must confess that the only decent clan that we have is paIN with 2k+ elo players.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 03:29:27
So, 100 wins...
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 05:55:44
hoiboy wrote: So, 100 wins...
not even 30 still pleb status420 wins smoke weed evrrry day
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 19:42:10
On a positive note, AD Blitzcrank OP
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 01:45:29
Zhonyas on rammus. Well that's just...ok.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 02:16:40
That farm LOL
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 02:24:36
@Epic Holiday i would go to the minions that pushed the lanes and use my ult for free farm lol
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 02:28:57
You Would but you didn't do it. -.-
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 02:40:29
Epic Holiday wrote: You Would but you didn't do it. -.-
wait, what? -
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 03:07:27
AD Blitzcrank OP? Seriously? -____-
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 03:17:26
Jazz wrote: AD Blitzcrank OP? Seriously? -____-
140/175 -
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 03:25:43
Dignitas' AP Soraka, AP Lulu, Kog, Janna comp is so ridiculous.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 11:47:38
trolling :D but srsly, AP Lulu is okay. KARTHUS JUNGLE-NEW FOTM META
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 21:13:02
AwonW wrote: Dignitas' AP Soraka, AP Lulu, Kog, Janna comp is so ridiculous. -
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 22:12:20
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 22:38:18
Loanshark wrote: Atmas and dorans nerf FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
where? -
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 01:42:23
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 12:31:34
clit cloak stronk
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 21:52:00
One of the most fun games I've had in a long time. Started with our bot and jungle feeding their ass off. The enemy had us back to the nexus 1/6th health, no mid towers with an ace, ahri and nocturne respawn just in time. Ahri disconnected, I raged; amazing game. :)
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:53:08
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 11:05:56
Just bought Pantheon on my smurf, hadn't the time to try him out. He seems fun as a solo mid/top pick. I NEED IP. WHERE ARE YU
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 18:24:56
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 02:00:12
I changed my name to PuddinGG, if anyone wondered who that guy was. YAYFREERP :D
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 04:44:19
My lane partner sucked at last hitting (0 CS in the first four waves), so I started taking his CS. Does anyone know how to build AP carry Janna?
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 04:57:27
hoiboy wrote: My lane partner sucked at last hitting (0 CS in the first four waves), so I started taking his CS. Does anyone know how to build AP carry Janna?
Oh yeah, AP Janna's my shit. I usually go RoA -> Deathcap and then maybe a Lich Bane or a Void Staff depending on the other team, etc. You can also go Doran's straight into Deathcap. I know chu8 likes to build Doran's into DFG for more burst, but I prefer to have more ap for my team. -
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 05:05:03
Don't build Rylay's like you were about to do. :) Morello's or DFG is good because of CD reduction. :) Zhonyas late game if you are getting own3d even with ult :X
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 05:11:01
I don't think I've ever built Morello's in my life. Blue buff with blue elixir gives you all the CDR you should need. I also get Lucidity boots instead of Sorcs on AP Janna, since your main goal shouldn't be to be the main damage dealer in a fight.
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 16:37:26
Prefer Merc Treads then. You never know when your jungle will give you the buff.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 21:25:17
anyone wanna join a LoL/SC2 team?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 22:03:32
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 22:08:54
I can do LoL maybe. ^^
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:12:30
One of us should make a group so it wont be as messy as just one thread
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 01:37:14
Most fun support. Ever.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 01:59:42
Sc00t wrote: anyone wanna join a LoL/SC2 team?
Sure but I'm pretty positive that people are gonna hate on me for previous shit lol -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 02:11:47
Add me to the team, lets play some time, or get a schedule going :3
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 15:33:31
On a semi offtopic note,
If you have a facebook account, you can view the photo album here
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 15:42:44
so since im banned for 2 weeks ive been playing my friends account. its amazing how easy low elo level 30 normals are
..and still i had to fucking DRAG my team to victory, until they all started profiting off stealing my kills.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 20:16:23
5 games later
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 20:18:06
Why hide your name if you're only going to do it in one place?
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 20:23:35
AwonW wrote: Why hide your name if you're only going to do it in one place?
because why not? -
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 23:01:43
Okay, I just played a game with MightAsWellGG (Ezreal), where I went 0/5/5 in 20 minutes. Two randoms dc'ed and the jungler blamed me for the loss. I get that I did badly, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't my fault that we lost.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 23:49:40
i like it when your 0/8 nocturne starts raging that its the jungler's fault that he died 5 times in lane
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 23:59:53
browndog12 wrote: i like it when your 0/8 nocturne starts raging that its the jungler's fault that he died 5 times in lane
wait... why isn't nocturne jungling. or is that the joke. -
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 00:27:26
thats part of the joke becuase why is nocturne in lane
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 05:19:00
dat Xin carry...
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 13:18:41
Hold alt and then push print screen, it will take a print screen only of the window this way. :D I'm da baws on the print.
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 13:22:19
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 13:26:35
Message me if you guys want to join the UPSB Ranked Team. My name is PuddinGG. We've currently got -Me -Awonw -Shoeman6 -Epic Holiday -TheAafg We need to get a time for playing together, guys :) (btwsorryfordoublepost)
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 14:11:16
I played a couple games as Ziggs on my brothers account. LoL is fun.
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 21:19:25
i made a swain guide a few days ago and people are loving it.. already moved to #4 on the list and a few more good votes will pump me up to #3 over a guide that was there way longer with 700k views
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 22:16:03
Jazz wrote: Message me if you guys want to join the UPSB Ranked Team. My name is PuddinGG. We've currently got -Me -Awonw -Shoeman6 -Epic Holiday -TheAafg We need to get a time for playing together, guys :) (btwsorryfordoublepost)
Yup, what times work for you guys? We can start practicing soon. :3 -
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 22:24:26
Jazz wrote: Message me if you guys want to join the UPSB Ranked Team. My name is PuddinGG. We've currently got -Me -Awonw -Shoeman6 -Epic Holiday -TheAafg We need to get a time for playing together, guys :) (btwsorryfordoublepost)
I have no problem with playing with you guys but Awon? he is the best player we have and his skills are far superior to ours, not sure if he'll be okay with playing with us. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:40:41
TheAafg wrote: I have no problem with playing with you guys but Awon? he is the best player we have and his skills are far superior to ours, not sure if he'll be okay with playing with us.
@AwonW 1v1 mid -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:18:05
That's a bit arrogant of you
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:18:33
dat support swag.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:21:56
Sc00t wrote: @AwonW 1v1 mid
Lol, sure thing. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:23:20
LOL MOBAFIRE!! Maybe we should try to play with amnwowow and he tell us what he thinks.. I'm trying to be as good as I can.. But I can't play ranked with girls / job.. I don;t have time to play frequently.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:25:10
Sc00t;192742]@AwonW 1v1 mid[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=AwonW wrote: Lol, sure thing.
I want to spectate this. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:31:58
AwonW wrote: Lol, sure thing.
game? -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:32:51
Sc00t wrote: game?
Not today, I'm pretty busy. How about tomorrow? -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:34:06
Loanshark wrote: I want to spectate this.
same -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:35:08
AwonW wrote: Not today, I'm pretty busy. How about tomorrow?
Sure thing. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:38:43
Sc00t wrote: Sure thing.
Add me on LoL, my username's AwonW. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:40:40
AwonW wrote: Add me on LoL, my username's AwonW.
well... -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:41:59
lol. scumbag
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:42:22
Tetsip wrote: lol. scumbag
im not sly -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 02:15:06
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 02:30:08
Username:Cubesnail ,add up!
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 02:45:41
YOu ahe lots of leaves.. And you seen to be a little but mad about the game when you start losing. YOu probably deserved it.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 03:47:00
Epic Holiday wrote: YOu ahe lots of leaves.. And you seen to be a little but mad about the game when you start losing. YOu probably deserved it.
You seem to type too fast to communicate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:15:06
hmm... But I'm not banned at all. :D Can you understand that?
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:24:29
Epic Holiday wrote: hmm... But I'm not banned at all. :D Can you understand that?
i leave when my team isnt worth carrying. not like i can go into a game without having to go legendary and beyond just to make sure we don't fucking lose.. and even then we start losing and im like w/e you guys are on your own.. carry yourselves before you expect me to solo queue is hell -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:20:36
D: I was hoping AwonW could help teach us his ways and we could be dah best team everrr... but really if we practice together we can all improve :3.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:27:32
Shoeman.. Watch streamers.. It REALLY HELPS!
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:58:10
shoeman6 wrote: D: I was hoping AwonW could help teach us his ways and we could be dah best team everrr... but really if we practice together we can all improve :3.
I don't mind playing with you guys as long as you actually set up times to play. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 06:18:31
I am actually so fucking done playing ranked Solo Queue, every game its either a person trying out new champ, feeding like hell, or disconnecting. Every. Fucking. Game. Ranked Solo Queue is all about luck, especially at low elo. How lucky you are to get paired up with good players or how unlucky you are to get paired up with bad teammates.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 06:23:54
@afg, actually I've gotten to the point where if I solo top I can pretty much carry my low elo games, simply because I out skill the opponent, I only lose matches where i don't solo top and we have a bad solo, or two really bad players are duo'ing and the opp. has a pair of better duos who can communicate better. I'll give you an example, we had a noob banning who didn't ban shaco or shen, ofc the enemy took both. I was vs shaco solo top and easily took out turret + got mid at least 3 kills early game. Even when sion fed shaco 8 kills mid game I had already pushed top past inhib. Ofc it's not only top that can win, it's pretty easy to outlane the opponent too, I won bot lane with graves at 25 min even with mid and top losing their lanes, simply because we just kept pushing, we hit nexus and made up gold for the deaths with cs from pushing and taking out all bot towers. Sometimes you just get bad teams, but i'm slowly working my way back out of elo hell, gl afg ^^
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 16:01:56
Galio is free this week, gotta put an Alex Ich.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 16:12:08
37 minutes, 466 cs, what the hell
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 16:56:55
@Jazz, what days work for you? Let's get some kind of schedule going. :)
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 19:15:14
Hm... At nite 11pm-2am EST is good. :D
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 20:07:42
Loanshark wrote: 37 minutes, 466 cs, what the hell
I've seen Zamphira [good friend of mine] pull over 200 cs at the 14:35 minute mark absolutely amazing. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 20:38:40
Sc00t wrote: I've seen Zamphira [good friend of mine] pull over 200 cs at the 14:35 minute mark absolutely amazing.
well, thats not possible without taking jungle creeps or other peoples' farm ._. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 20:44:02
Loanshark wrote: well, thats not possible without taking jungle creeps or other peoples' farm ._.
Not really, he was just Mordekaiser. He took an s/s of just having boots and an amp tome i believe, rocking 201 cs and about 4k gold. it's like people just base when they see zamph because they dont want to get crushed and he just freefarms. -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 21:14:31
What about 300 cs in 24:21min?
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 21:40:31
Sc00t wrote: Not really, he was just Mordekaiser. He took an s/s of just having boots and an amp tome i believe, rocking 201 cs and about 4k gold. it's like people just base when they see zamph because they dont want to get crushed and he just freefarms.
from time game starts to 14:35 there are 27 creep waves, one every 30 sec 14 of those waves are 6 minions, 13 waves have 7 minions thats only 175 cs lol -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 22:47:45
Sc00t wrote: Not really, he was just Mordekaiser. He took an s/s of just having boots and an amp tome i believe, rocking 201 cs and about 4k gold. it's like people just base when they see zamph because they dont want to get crushed and he just freefarms.
It's really not that hard with a champ like Morde. I've done the same thing with Karthus. It's more about the matchup and jungle pressure than skill. Just clear waves and wraith camps, no big deal. @Sc00t Accept my friend request! -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 07:22:24 And people with CS over that do take their own and enemy wraiths and occasionally their own wolves.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:34:01
First game today...can we play together sometimes guys?
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:35:38
no, you are on French. AHHAHa :( yeserday I tried to PLay with AmonW, TheAafg and shoeman... but they didn't want.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:40:24
haha, i'm on NA servers, not EU
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:46:32
Sorry, let's play tonight,will let me get used to some of the patch gameplay updates anyways.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 17:20:06
2nd game of the day
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 17:29:28
CDR boots Mundo wat
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 19:40:55
Twas a good day to play Leona
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 02:58:42
@Sc00t Are you going to play me or not? :\
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 03:17:50
@Jazz is dead
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 07:48:25
NO IM NOT DEAD WOW. Don't check this often. Should really GIVE ME A MESSAGE ON SKYPE.(upsb.jazz) Hmm. A time to play? I think I need sundays or saturdays. SERIOUSLY GUYS IF YOU WANNA JOIN MY TEAM MESSAGE ME.
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 21:21:20
Lol @Jazz . We want you to join us, Because you are not online!
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 11:25:50
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 18:50:42
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 02:22:55
Sigh. Gave the admin powers to AwonW. Find him if you want to join the team z.
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 13:21:53
Usually I don't really like boasting but good god I wish I still had lolreplay installed for that last game, the shit I pull off on Janna is insane
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 01:57:28
so i bought kennen and decided to record
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:07:53
You're like, really good at pressing R.
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 15:39:54
neXus wrote: You're like, really good at pressing R.
i learned from the best get on my level -
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 01:31:06
Niggas add me: Kiiiiiiiiing (9 i's) Ive played a total of 3 games. And i am terrible. Just saying.
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 05:26:49
I totally didn't realize that I made this thread SUCH A LONG TIME AGO! Damn 121 pages...popular <3
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 04:11:15
Fucking 5 game win streak with Karthus, so happy :D not to mention without runes. I realized that even if you can't win your lane as long as you don't die, you can still get kills by using your ulti. I need to master last hitting minions, need a rune page for Karthus and then I am off to play ranked mid. Looks like I can get out of elo hell afterall.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 03:16:05
Hecarim feels ridiculously broken. Remember how OP Graves was on release? Yeah, even more so.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 03:20:40
nah man, lulu so broken
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 03:52:29
lux video, all from the same game the yi got a quadra kill on us right before it cut at the end there.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 03:59:24
I played a game with 4 man preamde on my team.. they all 4 Dc at 20. I call surrender.. "surrender" accepted by 1 player, rejected by 0. Trolled :(
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 06:02:39
AS THE NEW LEADER. I WANT @Jazz @amonw to tell me what are your rules. And when you can play. PST time would be good. :) Thank you.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 08:10:45
How is Epic the new leader? IMO in terms of captain I think AwonW would've been a better choice. Meh.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 08:22:42
Jazz wrote: How is Epic the new leader? IMO in terms of captain I think AwonW would've been a better choice. Meh.
I made him team leader. I don't want to have to manage stuff. -
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 20:26:40
i can play usually 5-10 pst besides mondays, fridays and weekends. i'm pretty busy the next 2 weeks though
Date: Thu, Apr 26 2012 01:32:50
I just realized that I didn't have enough MR. This game just dragged on forever because either Ashe/Trynd were always out of position, or they ran away the moment a teamfight started. We also lost a teamfight at our blue when it first spawned. Edit: wow our Olaf sold his boots. Edit 2: I dealt more magic damage than anyone else... interesting.
Date: Thu, Apr 26 2012 01:55:39
3 pd is faster than any boots.
Date: Thu, Apr 26 2012 23:08:18
fuck the 50/150 + w/l ratio elo bracket.. srsly kids how did u even get more wins than losses with feeding like that
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 23:59:24
@Epic Holiday Can I join the team?
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 00:09:07
Yes, Why not?! Let me add you.
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 13:48:02
Usually on weekdays I can play from 3-5 pm EST, besides Wednesdays and Thursdays, which are like 5:30-7 pm, and Fridays, which just depend on what I plan on doing after school. Saturdays are variable as well, and Sundays are any time from 1-9 pm, generally.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 03:25:35
If someone played 6 729 since the beginning. How many games did this person play a day? edit: calculated here.. And this guy here plays about 6 days a day since the first day. And yet, not a pro. AHHAHA
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:25:38
Do you guys take flash on Lux? Loan says not to, because if you need to flash out, you're out of position. Just learn how to position. I like taking flash, because it helps me make plays (as well as escape sticky situations). For example, I ganked bot last game and I ended up doing a 1v1 vs. Teemo. I flashed into the bush to break his line of vision (prevent the blind), then snared him and killed him. Also, I like to flash over the wall BEHIND their team to snare their carries and combo the entire team, then let the rest of my team clean up. I think that the Flash is better than CV/Clarity/Teleport, etc.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:29:13
hoiboy wrote: Do you guys take flash on Lux? Loan says not to, because if you need to flash out, you're out of position. Just learn how to position. I like taking flash, because it helps me make plays (as well as escape sticky situations). For example, I ganked bot last game and I ended up doing a 1v1 vs. Teemo. I flashed into the bush to break his line of vision (prevent the blind), then snared him and killed him. Also, I like to flash over the wall BEHIND their team to snare their carries and combo the entire team, then let the rest of my team clean up. I think that the Flash is better than CV/Clarity/Teleport, etc.
unfortunately, with the prevelance of map awareness and people like nocturne and stealthies/assassins, positioning on lux can only be so perfect. Flash is a great safety net. Get it. I'm not the -best- lux but i can tell you that no matter how perfect you place yourself, anything can happen. Defensive items are a poor solution, so flash is your last line of defense after your snare. Flash is the best spell in the game atm, only replaced by ghost for solo top or smite for junglers p.s how do you build lux? i get rabadons/morellos/voidstaff/abyssal/hourglass. i see a lot of people grab lichbane but frankly i just never use it on lux -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 07:10:14
Opinions on Ziggs? I played as him a long time ago before i really knew how to play. Ive been playing a toooon as morgana and i think im getting a lot better :D
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:05:21
King wrote: Opinions on Ziggs? I played as him a long time ago before i really knew how to play.
I can only quote/paraphrase because I don't play AP Mid but scarra says everything Ziggs does an AP Kog can do better. No team that plays AP Kog plays Ziggs. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:18:31
hoiboy wrote: Do you guys take flash on Lux? Loan says not to, because if you need to flash out, you're out of position. Just learn how to position. I like taking flash, because it helps me make plays (as well as escape sticky situations). For example, I ganked bot last game and I ended up doing a 1v1 vs. Teemo. I flashed into the bush to break his line of vision (prevent the blind), then snared him and killed him. Also, I like to flash over the wall BEHIND their team to snare their carries and combo the entire team, then let the rest of my team clean up. I think that the Flash is better than CV/Clarity/Teleport, etc.
lol remember though, I'm not good at this game at all haha, it's just what i think. if you think flash helps you more, then by all means, take it. personally, i just don't find it useful since i almost never gank lanes, and i make sure that i'm superrrr far away from teamfights. it seems like flash would be better for you since you play more aggressively, flashing in to snare carries. i play lux more defensively/passively, and i just poke, never intending to kill unless i can guarantee a kill -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:25:34
Sc00t wrote: unfortunately, with the prevelance of map awareness and people like nocturne and stealthies/assassins, positioning on lux can only be so perfect. Flash is a great safety net. Get it. I'm not the -best- lux but i can tell you that no matter how perfect you place yourself, anything can happen. Defensive items are a poor solution, so flash is your last line of defense after your snare. Flash is the best spell in the game atm, only replaced by ghost for solo top or smite for junglers p.s how do you build lux? i get rabadons/morellos/voidstaff/abyssal/hourglass. i see a lot of people grab lichbane but frankly i just never use it on lux
Building both Abyssal and Void Staff doesn't help you, since the MR reduction applies first and then the Percentage penetration. I think a good replacement would be Archangel's for Abyssal, since you don't want to get close [unless you have a Lich Bane]. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 18:55:36
hoiboy wrote: Do you guys take flash on Lux? Loan says not to, because if you need to flash out, you're out of position. Just learn how to position. I like taking flash, because it helps me make plays (as well as escape sticky situations). For example, I ganked bot last game and I ended up doing a 1v1 vs. Teemo. I flashed into the bush to break his line of vision (prevent the blind), then snared him and killed him. Also, I like to flash over the wall BEHIND their team to snare their carries and combo the entire team, then let the rest of my team clean up. I think that the Flash is better than CV/Clarity/Teleport, etc.
I personally don't take flash on Lux, just because I can figure out where everyone is on the map, most of the time. I usually have wards in my lane if I'm doing bad or moderately. If I'm doing well, it just means the enemy doesn't know how to play lol. So, I don't take flash because I'm rarely out of position. If you like to have flash, because over the wall escapes are fun, then do it. I like lane dominance and teamfight CC and damage, rather than roaming around who knows where when playing Lux. I take clarity all the time cuz if you want lane dominance, you need to harass. To harass, you should be casting spells and landing them all or most of the time. I use my E to hit the back row of ranged creeps, while hitting the enemy mid so I can farm and harass at the same time. My core build consists of Boots, (Mercury, Lucidity or Sorcerers) Lich Bane (Stacks with Lux's passive), and Deathcap. The last 3 items could be Rylai's for HP and slow, Morellos for extra cooldown, Voidstaff if you don't do enough damage, Abyssal sceptar if you take too much damage, Deathfire Grasp if you like all in nuking/anti AP carry, Banshees veil if they have a Karthus/need more HP and mana and magic resist, Zhonya's hourglass if you get targeted by burst champs, Quicksilver sash if you can't dodge snares, or even any other item that you like, depending on the game you are in. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 22:09:47
Really great game, I don't mind losing games like at all. One regret I have though is that I didnt get mejais -__-
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 22:39:11
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Building both Abyssal and Void Staff doesn't help you, since the MR reduction applies first and then the Percentage penetration. I think a good replacement would be Archangel's for Abyssal, since you don't want to get close [unless you have a Lich Bane].
i use it for the MR and ap, i cant thikn of anything better for that slot. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 22:43:30
At that point, you don't really need a lot more AP, and if you want MR go for Banshee's.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 22:51:42
the only thing i dont like is how ill get randomly kicked and when i came bak i has lvl 1 warning for leaving a game...
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 23:14:11
Erirornal Kraione wrote: At that point, you don't really need a lot more AP, and if you want MR go for Banshee's.
its never enough ap what would you build instead? other than lichbane -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 23:23:22
Either Archangel's or Rod of Ages, but I really prefer the Archangel's. If you can stay at such a distance anyway, you won't need the MR, right?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 23:39:24
I like building CDR Boots + Double Dorans (or triple) + Rod of Ages first. That way I can spam a lot E constantly teamfights first break out. Then Rabadons, Void Staff (if need be), and Lich Bane. I've never gotten past there... but I'd imagine getting Zhonya's or something and then selling my RoA for an Archangel's.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 23:50:12
Ehh, personally, I don't really like building survivability on Lux at all (RoA, Rylais, or Banshees Veil). I feel like the money I spend on the catalyst and giants belt is not worth it at all, and can be spent for more AP. Lux by nature is a very squishy champion, so if you get jumped on in a fight, I doubt you're going to survive, even with the hp. That's why I always always always make sure I'm as far away from the teamfight as possible, and I just poke from the sides. Then again, I don't even play ranked, what do I know?
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 00:04:19
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Either Archangel's or Rod of Ages, but I really prefer the Archangel's. If you can stay at such a distance anyway, you won't need the MR, right?
AA takes a very long time to max out on lux, and RoA is worthless. i might try for early tear build but really i just try to avoid things like rod also as for not needing the MR, it's a comforting thing to have in the late game regardless -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 00:05:35
Anything is better than Abyssal.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 00:23:41
ehh, AA is like a superrr late game item for me, if you have tons of money laying around and dont know what to spend it on. don't really even need to max it out, its base mana and ap bonuses are great without any charges on it
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 03:13:27
Goddamn, im proud of this game. my team went 2/10, 1/8, 0/9, and like 4/4 respectively, we were down by 35 kills and 2 inhibs. basically i was trying to carry it, and i got my void staff and immediately a fight broke out top. I ran over and scored a quadra kill (incidentally shutting down riven and sion) and took the advantage to grab baron. I went B and got a lichbane and red/blue pot and saw even though the enemy team was fairly positive (like 11/7, 10/5, etc) their builds were only about 4/6-5/6 the way done where as i had every item + pots. I knew what had to be done while they weren't done building, i told everyone: were all gathering mid and pushing for the win while we have baron. this is it. either we win or we lose. let's not make this an hour of our lives wasted.and then i hit my E on a massive minion wave and 1 shot them all for dramatic effect, and then we [ok, well, me] fucking STEAMROLLED their entire team, ashe being the only survivor, and won. I turned the game around in 5 minutes. Mordekaiser is so gloriously overpowered late game. jesus christ. so pumped right now i could twist a baby head off And don't ask what happened in that swain game. You don't even want to KNOW how bad my team was.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 14:29:42
Still clawing my way out of elo hell ^^.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 18:08:47
10 and 0 in ranked, after a lot of weeks of inactiveness I dropped like 125 points, and I didn't really care at that point. Just played 2 games and won both of them. Not bad. :P At 1540 now, which isn't that impressive, but oh well. Carrying games is pretty fun.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 18:25:14
hey guys i been playing this game for a while now and i just found this thread lol... my name is oak t bushwack , on lol so if you want to play let me know :D thanks
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 02:07:55
damn topwick is fun
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 02:28:57
when they run
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 10:40:52
I enjoy this new surge of galio players due to the legendary skin. Makes playing Janna a lot more fun. On both sides. Either interrupt his ult or ult them out of our galio's ult.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 18:36:16
Now I can watch dyrus playing in SUPER HD quality. Because he is ma friend :D
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 04:06:55
First time Udyr. Did a great job shutting Amumu down in the jungle. Took our blue, stole his big wraith, then stole his red before killing him for first blood in the jungle. Ganks were really ehhh, and I nearly threw the game mid-game.
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 19:05:08
hoiboy wrote: First time Udyr. Did a great job shutting Amumu down in the jungle. Took our blue, stole his big wraith, then stole his red before killing him for first blood in the jungle. Ganks were really ehhh, and I nearly threw the game mid-game.
amumu kat was a recipe for disaster if they timed their ults right. good thing their kat was shit. she should have picked kennen or something if she wanted to pull off the aoe wombo combo against a team like yours. its a gimmick my aspiring LoL team uses a lot. we can be down by 15 kills and 2 towers and they would have just finished getting baaron amumu ults kennen ults ace -
Date: Thu, May 3 2012 02:58:23
full yordle team. bot got raped so hard hecarim rage quit near the end
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 04:20:18
That was in February.
This is now (7/9 won on match history). I've pretty much been on a winning streak since February. I'm scared for my losing streak D: W/L is currently at 1.2.
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 16:13:20
:') im finally out of elo hell
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 14:14:57
I will take the advice of Epic Holiday on playing more normal games than I have lost Edit: my next game today:
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 14:45:56
Elo hell is horrible, yesterday I lost ~ 70 elo, from afker's in decent games, still clawing my way out though. :)
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 17:59:23
wow. looking back on these old posts(10-40~) gives me shudders. reminds me of how much i was a fucking ignorant annoying bastard then. baylife. im still the same person. what.
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 17:45:10
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 23:11:47
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 03:38:45
what the FUCK does it take to win at this game?
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 03:40:44
Buying rammus has told me one thing so far: I suck at jungling.
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 03:58:15
Sc00t wrote: what the FUCK does it take to win at this game?
Don't AP carries fall off late game? I just realized that as an AD carry in a teamfight, it's a waste of time to wait to autoattack the squishies. Now I shoot the nearest person over and over again until someone squishier walks into range. -
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 10:43:02
Sc00t wrote: what the FUCK does it take to win at this game?
Aren't you playing with 3 team mates? -
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 20:01:43
neXus wrote: Aren't you playing with 3 team mates?
full premade actually, but yeah -
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 02:21:28
@King i think you are supposed to use a potion as soon as you start to lose health, i tried it that way and i survived blue golem lolol
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 03:31:48
I just dont have the runes/masteries i think. Or i just cant get a team that knows what a leash is...
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 03:52:57
King wrote: Buying rammus has told me one thing so far: I suck at jungling.
you are lvlv 10, barely has runes and masteries.. that's why your jungle sucks :x -
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 04:07:50
Here's one for all time. I had a lag spike (500+ ping), King had a faulty mouse, and Shoeman's computer stopped working (all in one game). Cho'Gath, a Brazilian, started raging at me all game for having crappy ping (as if I could do anything about it), and then started cursing out Americans.
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 04:48:26
hoiboy wrote: Here's one for all time. I had a lag spike (500+ ping), King had a faulty mouse, and Shoeman's computer stopped working (all in one game). Cho'Gath, a Brazilian, started raging at me all game for having crappy ping (as if I could do anything about it), and then started cursing out Americans.
What is the problem with being Brazilian? -.- -
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 05:57:31
It's not a Mordekaiser though. Amazing.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 03:59:08
Erirornal Kraione wrote: It's not a Mordekaiser though. Amazing.
HEHEHEH you are so funny HEHEHEHE! -.- I just don't tell you to f because you are mod -.- But that joke is not funny when you are Brazilian. -.- -
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 12:40:13
You need to chill man, it's a joke. hoiboy didn't even say anything bad about Brazilians, he just said "A Brazilian started raging", he didn't say all Brazilians rage or that Brazilians are raging retards. I don't get pissed because someone mentions Germans or even calls Germans Nazis. Maybe go to a doctor and have yourself checked for toxoplasma gondii.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:28:07 @MightAsWellGG Anyone okay on that day? I can sign up/okay on that day.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:37:04
Im in. Epic holiday, and awonw are usually on when i am, same with @Loanshark, if he wants to participate. If you were ever on Jazz that'd be a full team >.>.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:47:33
Btw space is running out quick
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 20:48:28
@Jazz count me in.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 20:58:40
need 2 more
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 22:37:17
awonw is in!
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 22:44:13
Kk, so we have Jazz, Theaafg, Awonw, Ricercar, and me. Um, Jazz you're PuddinGG right?anyways I added you all to a new UPSB team, and @TheAafg, you guys need to get on LoL I'm worried that you guys wont practice / play with us because you're never on :\
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 22:52:28
@Jazz if you want to register for us?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 23:46:07
[video=youtube;AnNYe6vYocI][/video] start at 1:60, just watch a minute or two, its absolutely hilarious.
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 00:57:17
What day is the torunament matches? and WHEN exactly? BEcause I work in a very irregular schedule.
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:33:43
neXus wrote: You need to chill man, it's a joke. hoiboy didn't even say anything bad about Brazilians, he just said "A Brazilian started raging", he didn't say all Brazilians rage or that Brazilians are raging retards. I don't get pissed because someone mentions Germans or even calls Germans Nazis. Maybe go to a doctor and have yourself checked for toxoplasma gondii.
hoiboy doesn't know a word in the Language spoken in Brazil to know if the guy is Brazilian or not. I mean, I think he doesn't know what language do we speak there. It is just like being Bullied man. ALL THE TIME. I'm not saying that you are nazi at all. -
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:54:17
@shoeman6 Shoebro, sign up for me. Im too lazy :p
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 03:00:20
Epic Holiday wrote: hoiboy doesn't know a word in the Language spoken in Brazil to know if the guy is Brazilian or not. I mean, I think he doesn't know what language do we speak there. It is just like being Bullied man. ALL THE TIME. I'm not saying that you are nazi at all.
Okay, I don't know why you have to blow up every time someone uses the word "Brazilian". I don't rage when people in the shoutbox call me asian. Why should you? The guy was from Brazil. I've met Brazilians who are nice and try to talk in english and carry the game. I've also met Brazilians who are complete dickheads and either rage in Portuguese or with broken english in /all chat. This guy just happened to do the latter. And I'm from Macau. I understand basic Portuguese. -
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 03:07:19
Well I was 33/32 so we'll see if you can participate...
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 16:48:09
I, for some reason, got no notification from the mention, but I would like to be in.
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:33:40
We should probably decide which roles we're all going to play.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 03:43:13
dibs on jungler :P
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 15:42:30
I can do w/e, shoeman6 knows :)
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 03:03:00
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 20:38:47
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 04:37:02
Okay, I've been playing like crap lately. btw, how is Nautilus jungle?
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 05:42:50
hoiboy wrote: Okay, I've been playing like crap lately. btw, how is Nautilus jungle?
Really good ganks, but sooooo... slooooow.... -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 04:23:44
Sivir is really strong during the laning phase. I went 2v1 in my second game and destroyed their turret before they got mine :P. I feel she sorta falls off during the teamfight phase though because of her really short range.
too much IP, too lazy to spend Edit: don't mind the leave, I lagged out.
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 05:23:49
I have 12k ip. and what? @shoeman6 buy more wards please,
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 18:49:50
Epic Holiday wrote: @shoeman6 buy more wards please,
I watched your hour-long game yesterday. Both teams had oracles, BUT NO ONE FREAKING WARDED. People were getting caught out of position all over the map. -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 04:04:23
It had to be done. [video=youtube;8Sr3jaXrqGA][/video]
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 03:46:54
^ +1
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 04:11:09
So that's who you are @Goldstars I had a feeling you were Korean as well
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 16:18:46
Just had a baller vayne game. Snowballed like fuck. 13 minute BT, I like it.
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 03:18:36
Me and GoldStars played a couple of double jungle blitz ali and turned out amazing. it was hot
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 04:49:54
Gotta sleep.
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 20:17:20
I am back. Sorry for the bad cait game (I think I sucked pretty hard) and the bad corki game (you could have ganked more bot since graves was their highest elo.) And I recommend, @Jazz, to buy a new keyboard with keys that works! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :D
Date: Tue, May 22 2012 01:47:49
@shoeman6 You are purposely not adding me to the team aren't you.
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 23:14:11
I can accept the ult but nerf the fucking bleed holy fucking shit.
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 10:36:35
MightAsWellGG wrote: @shoeman6 You are purposely not adding me to the team aren't you.
In their defence, it was a fail mid and bot ad carry. The AD carry wasn't doing so great and she didn't stack doran's. oh and malz mid rofl -
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 09:22:32
So, I played against Reginald today.
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 09:36:43
I just got back into LoL, playing "seriously" =p Time to reach Level 30 first.
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 18:07:26
AwonW wrote: So, I played against Reginald today.
Poor Teemo. -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 00:39:46
Shaco's job in normal blind pick? Bully the other jungler, take every single buff, and ward all of his jungle.
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 03:16:35
darius sounds like such a stupid champion design, he basically either rapes the whole team, or is absolutely worthless his ult pretty much encourages multiple kill stealing in a team fight. even if he builts tankier than most bruisers, his damage output is ridiculously high. his passive, slow, and pull makes him strong against most top laners if you do manage to shut down darius with cc, he won't really be useful in a team fight. he won't be as farmed/fed, so he cant rush into the fight or else he'll die instantly since he has no escape. so, he'll just be sitting on the edges of a team fight just waiting to use his ult and die before using it
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 03:23:31
Loanshark wrote: darius sounds like such a stupid champion design, he basically either rapes the whole team, or is absolutely worthless his ult pretty much encourages multiple kill stealing in a team fight. even if he builts tankier than most bruisers, his damage output is ridiculously high. his passive, slow, and pull makes him strong against most top laners if you do manage to shut down darius with cc, he won't really be useful in a team fight. he won't be as farmed/fed, so he cant rush into the fight or else he'll die instantly since he has no escape. so, he'll just be sitting on the edges of a team fight just waiting to use his ult and die before using it
darius doesnt do shit in any of my games -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 03:30:29
Tetsip wrote: darius doesnt do shit in any of my games
>>refer to 2nd point -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 04:11:38
Loanshark wrote: >>refer to 2nd point
he dun do shit -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 04:15:00
dat darius (also, don't comment on my items. thornmail was lol)
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 05:00:43
Almost level 30 (200 exp to go)! I hate Darius, what Loanshark said was pretty correct. He either rapes or feeds. Edit: I just burned 13k on runes.
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 05:19:15
idk, but does anyone else think darius is a lot like tryndamere? stupidly strong, "op", and really difficult to play against, but if you see a darius pick in draft, he's pretty much going to be worthless i'm not saying he's overpowered since you can easily shut him down (like trynd), but the champ in general is just too bad. if he cant carry and ks 10/2/0, he's worthless
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 05:35:04
Looks like I won't be playing LoL for a very long time. I get 20 fps at best with the graphics update. As soon as there's some combat I'm at 12 fps.
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 22:53:04
@TheAafg Please confirm, Tourney is THIS saturday at 7PM Central Time, We should meet up an hour before hand, here are the details.
CHAMPION BANS: In-Game bans only. RULES: Team captains will cointoss before the game at The team that wins the cointoss will decide which side of the map they want. Blue side gets first pick and first ban. If there is a disconnect within the first 5 minutes of the game, the game will be rehosted with the same picks. This does not apply if there is a kill before 5 minutes. Up to one (1) sub may be used, if the sub has been declared before the tournament. If a team cannot field 5 members, they may play with fewer if the opposing captain agrees. Teams must check into the "Severity Gaming" RaidCall group before each match, if you do not, you can and will be subject to a disqualification. VICTORY/DEFEAT: Normal victory/defeat conditions. REPORTING: The team captain should send a message to SG tn5421, stating that his team won and providing a screenshot of the after-game scoreboard as proof (Required for semifinals/finals if you want your prizes). TIMEFRAME: June 2nd, 7PM Central Daylight Time. There is a limit of 64 teams to enter. No more than 64 teams will be accepted. This will be a 2 day event due to the # of signups. Half of the rounds will be played saturday night and the rest will be played sunday night. ADDITIONAL RULES: Follow the Summoners' Code. If a team fails to logon and contact their opponent within ten minutes of the scheduled match time they will forfeit. If you want to stream your games please message [email][email protected][/email] with your stream URL and you will be added to the stream list.
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 03:10:31
Against three smurfs (The guys with 'Testicle' in the name). And with two smurfs (Panth and Lux) and won (sun). They thought i was a smurf, too :D
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 03:32:28
>.> dat new champ, darius' brother, draven. anyone else have a feeling he will be OP as well? ( This source has not been checked, and has been showed to me by a friend. )
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 06:04:42
Noble wrote: >.> dat new champ, darius' brother, draven. anyone else have a feeling he will be OP as well? ( This source has not been checked, and has been showed to me by a friend. )
He is ugly -
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 19:06:20
@TheAafg Confirmations?... This saturday at 7pm Central
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 20:58:10
ye sounds goooood
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 23:38:07
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 03:52:46
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 04:38:13
Prizing details @AwonW 1st place: $100USD from RaidCall* to the winning team + 2 Cases of RedBull** + $15 RP + Triumphant Ryze + Champion Skin Bundle (whatever the next release will be) per player 2nd place: $15 RP + 1 Case of RedBull** per player 3rd place: $10 RP + 1 4Pack of RedBull** per player 4th place: $5 RP per player Random Giveaway: ~$10USD to a random person in the Severity Gaming RaidCall group during or after the tournament.* *RaidCall Prizing: RaidCall prizing will be distributed approximately 3 - 5 business days after the completion of the tournament. This includes the $100 1st place prize as well as the random giveaway. To be eligible for this prizing YOUR TEAM MUST CHECK IN on RaidCall. **RedBull Prizes will be shipped from RedBull to each member. Upon the conclusion of the tournament, each player on the top 3 teams will need to send their full address to either TN5421 or Mikezilla so that they can forward them on to RedBullUSA for prize distribution. Additionally, if team member address' of the top 3 teams aren't sent to either TN or Mikezilla within a week following the tournament, those members will give up all rights to their respective RedBull prize.
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 04:48:30
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 14:06:47
gotya, my time, sunday 8am.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 01:37:52
yo guys, I won't be able to make it. I just had an emergency in the family and will be leaving for the states early morning tomorrow. I know this sucks a lot, and its my fault but I really can't do anything. I am really sorry guys.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 04:46:14
Alright I subbed you out for Bonzeye44, a friend of mine so team is shoeman6 awonw Jazz bonzeye44 Ricercar
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 04:58:40
I can also play :P First ranked game ever:
I was so nervous I forgot to take smite on Shyvana... and I died to double golems, but I solidly outjungled their Nocturne.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 05:21:15
Are all ranked games that... tense? 13 to 6 seems a very low for what im used to ._.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 06:38:41
SWAIN BUFFS. First pick Swain :D
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 06:39:57
@Goldstars play?
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 07:35:24
@shoeman6 You'll have to find a replacement for me, since something came up, and I can't play at that time anymore.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 14:19:33
... well that disqualifies us.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:32:12
@Jazz, get on anyways Im talking to the manager. trying to work something out
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:48:53
@Jazz kk we have a full team.
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 22:01:36
I just got trolled in a ranked game so hard. Ashe went 4/18, Ezreal went 1/12.
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 11:52:34
Sigh the "UPSB" team wasn't even UPSB members. Only shoeman6 played in there
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:02:01
What kind of asshole plays Shaco in non-draft normals.
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 01:56:26 @shoeman6 ON TOP 5 FLOPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 02:08:22 playing with my friend that doesn't know how to play yet
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 03:07:47
lol shoeman
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 09:42:50
haha nice shoeman
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 00:54:07
dem jukes ;)
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 20:05:00
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 04:23:28
I just played Irelia for the first time after her nerf - I'm so rusty -.- . I've been feeding in all my games as her... :/ I don't think the nerfs hit her as hard (since I played her passively before anyways), but I'm probably in no position to judge right now.
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 07:10:20
hoiboy wrote: I just played Irelia for the first time after her nerf - I'm so rusty -.- . I've been feeding in all my games as her... :/ I don't think the nerfs hit her as hard (since I played her passively before anyways), but I'm probably in no position to judge right now.
The games in MLG would like to disagree -
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 22:18:23
Nautilus is so fun, but im too low level to jungle with him :(
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 04:12:29
I AM DONE WITH RANKED GAMES. Xin Zhao didn't know how to farm/was afk/fed, so I just started taking his farm. Shyvana and Anivia were always off farming during a teamfight. I swear, I had 5+ wards on our side of the map at all times... and they kept on walking into the enemy team waiting in a warded bush. Elo hell is not full of trolls... it's full of dumbasses.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 04:59:25
Someone's mad. just keep at it, a friend of mine just got out of elo hell after ~900 games, gives me hope :). She's almost at 1400 now, but yeah it's like flipping a coin.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 05:30:12
If you deserve to be higher, you'll climb out eventually.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 05:58:09
AwonW wrote: If you deserve to be higher, you'll climb out eventually.
And thtat'why I play with my bad friends. Because they will stay on Low and I 'll climb it back sooner or later. -
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 19:44:36
[video=youtube;7ebQTanjbys][/video] Holy fucking shit how sick is that. Taking skins to a new level.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 21:10:52
@neXus If you buy him, you get a Summoner Avatar AND profile with Pulsefire ezreal on it.
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 00:49:10
AwonW wrote: If you deserve to be higher, you'll climb out eventually.
ehh my mechanics suck, so I'll probably be in elo hell for a while -
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 08:43:17
Epic Holiday wrote: @neXus If you buy him, you get a Summoner Avatar AND profile with Pulsefire ezreal on it.
Unfortunately I don't play EZ, not sure if I even have him. -
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 17:51:59
14k ip to go and ill have both rune pages filled good thing i got til 30 to do it... .... and get champs again .... and elo sigh
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:14:47
smurf or banned
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:20:07
neXus wrote: smurf or banned
other account got banned with over a thousand games like 50 or so champs and countless runes kind of depressing but we move on -
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:26:18
i know that feel, lost WoW account once because of botting
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:42:53
neXus wrote: i know that feel, lost WoW account once because of botting
i talk shit. a lot of it. caught up with me at like the ninth ban or so -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 20:06:35
I am so damn close to being permabanned on MightAsWellGG but I'm always on that edge. I thought I was out of the punishment zone but I ragequit from 3 games and got another week ban lolol so I might get permanently banned if I'm reported :\
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 20:10:17
MightAsWellGG wrote: I am so damn close to being permabanned on MightAsWellGG but I'm always on that edge. I thought I was out of the punishment zone but I ragequit from 3 games and got another week ban lolol so I might get permanently banned if I'm reported :\
why the fuck do you ragequit so much -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 20:18:18
Now that I have a little bit of common sense in this game everyone else that I play with makes the most stupidest decisions 5v1? OH YEAH HEIMERDINGER SHOULD RUN IN AND HELP
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 02:01:25
LoL.. Never been banned or received any tribunal notification.
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 05:11:25
UGH THIS ELO HELL/LOSING STREAK THING SUCKS. Here's an example: I'm jungling Amumu. They invade my blue buff at level 1 - Morgana tries to be a hero. She gives up first blood. I ping to fall back, figuring that I with Amumu's recent buffs, I can jungle without blue (albeit very slowly). Shen and Warwick run back in and also die. Top lane GP is now 2/0, Nocturne is 1/0. I wish I played more carries. :(
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 06:33:36
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 16:41:56
hoiboy wrote: UGH THIS ELO HELL/LOSING STREAK THING SUCKS. Here's an example: I'm jungling Amumu. They invade my blue buff at level 1 - Morgana tries to be a hero. She gives up first blood. I ping to fall back, figuring that I with Amumu's recent buffs, I can jungle without blue (albeit very slowly). Shen and Warwick run back in and also die. Top lane GP is now 2/0, Nocturne is 1/0. I wish I played more carries. :(
Here's a thing. Don't play ranked. Or if you do, find a good duo partner. -
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 16:44:32
The new feature is nice, but im not going to play ranked for a while, it really is a frustrating experience.
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 19:46:45
I've been looking over some tribunal cases. Sub 800 Elo seems so scary.
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 23:49:16
Lanewick isn't too bad, excuse the left game.
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 04:54:01
more IP than minion kills get on this level
Lettuce wrote: Lanewick isn't too bad, excuse the left game.
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 06:00:18
I consider what I did as a pretty new player and as Warwick NOT jungling to be decent, nice games you have going on though.
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 17:19:58
@Lettuce It's because he is playing on his 15th account.
Date: Wed, Jun 20 2012 00:37:21
That's 15 losses in a row, not including the bot games. I HATE SOLO QUEUE.
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:06:25
Guess im not playing tonight...
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:06:39
While everyone's complaining about the down servers, I'm trolling on PBE with AP Ashe and ARAM. :D
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:12:10
King wrote: Guess im not playing tonight...
I am IN ! -
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:12:41
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 07:15:39
Epic Holiday wrote:
Can't you just open up the launcher to check if it's up? I feel like that would be a lot easier.. -
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 15:29:16
But I can see the queue etc. Imagine if you type it wrong. 2 hours queue.. incorrect pass.
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 18:52:38
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 19:17:59
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 23:29:30
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 21:45:45
Now they have a graph showing the queue!
Date: Sun, Jun 24 2012 12:48:30
Am I the only one who has trouble clicking my target when the enemy team starts stacking up? T_T Or is there some kind of targeting system besides that.
Date: Sun, Jun 24 2012 17:35:09
I'm rich, motherfucker. Only 89050 more until I can buy every champion I don't own. Also started playing ranked again because I like Draft better and all this fear of losing ELO is pretty much bullshit, if it happens it happens and low ELO ranked is not much worse than the normals I usually play.
Date: Sun, Jun 24 2012 21:48:57
19 game losing streak now (ignore the game with Awon). This is ridiculous.
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 01:22:50
;_; Login queue is making me sad Bugs on so many champions Baron is now a raid boss
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 02:56:17
Fucking Queueuehuehuehuehue been matched with retarded teammates lately.. I swear, every time i play against a Teemo he wrecks shit, but when i play with a teemo he gets his shit wrecked. :(
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 05:49:35
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 22:49:09
racist -
Date: Tue, Jun 26 2012 00:12:46
. -
Date: Tue, Jun 26 2012 09:02:24
ap tf so far so g00d h4h4
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 05:52:12
I have received Panda's (Introversity, aHarmlesscup) farewell to the gaming world. So sad to hear him say good bye for a while. All he left was words of wisdom, life is your bitch.
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 06:41:17
someone explain to me what are you exactly supposed to do in situations like these.. inb4 surrender
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 14:52:49
Play a different game. Honestly, if you can't deal with having bad teammates, I just advise people to stop playing it, or just play with people you know, because otherwise you won't be playing it for fun anymore.
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 16:32:49
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Play a different game. Honestly, if you can't deal with having bad teammates, I just advise people to stop playing it, or just play with people you know, because otherwise you won't be playing it for fun anymore.
This. Or get banned for rage. @TheAafg you can do wathever you want. Just don't build 2 rabadon's or 2 zhonyas for the love of God! Archangel staff would be more worth it. -
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 23:26:30
AP Kog'Maw is absolutely disgusting. We had no vision around Baron, but they couldn't do it as long as I was standing far away raining ults on them. I didn't die for the entire last half of the game. Picked up a triple kill just randomly ulting their base.
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 08:54:41
PFE PFE PFE PFE PFE PF-MOTHERFUCKING-E And I don't even play Ezreal but if I ever decide to I'm gonna want the skin and I'm not gonna want to spend 20 bucks.
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 03:25:14
Riven is so much fun to play with. got better with Nautilus in the jungle, but im to low a level to get blue by myself at lvl 1 so when i dont get a leash i end up going wolves > wraiths > dg > gank? Which is terrible because i have to get my hook at lvl 2 instead of my E
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 18:43:21
Never played ARAM before today. Pretty fun on the new map except I get shit for champs.
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 21:36:33
Time to start a new account and only buy champions that are good at ARAM.
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 23:32:05
FUUUUUUUUUUU- LOST IN THE SEMI FINALS OF THE AMATEUR TOURNAMENT.... oh well so close, at least i got 10 dollars of rp
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 03:27:32
Ohayo wrote: FUUUUUUUUUUU- LOST IN THE SEMI FINALS OF THE AMATEUR TOURNAMENT.... oh well so close, at least i got 10 dollars of rp
Congratulations sir! -
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 04:43:10
King wrote: Riven is so much fun to play with. got better with Nautilus in the jungle, but im to low a level to get blue by myself at lvl 1 so when i dont get a leash i end up going wolves > wraiths > dg > gank? Which is terrible because i have to get my hook at lvl 2 instead of my E
just say at the beginning of the game "leash or no ganks" then someone will help you -
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 04:51:06
But i dont wanna sound like a butthole :\ oh well. haha
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 13:06:38
So phrase it nicer, "I need a leash, otherwise I will fall behind and can't gank as effectively for you"
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 15:23:41
King wrote: But i dont wanna sound like a butthole :\ oh well. haha
Seriously King. Don't listen to those guys. They deserve their shit elos because of their shit gameplays! Don't be a douche like them. Be better. Just ask for a Leash. You are low level, no one knows what leash is, teach them! -
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 19:54:48
[video=youtube;i3MbOFqOphA][/video] Comedic editing genius.
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 21:53:31
I love jungle maokai, it's so fast to jungle. Though, I don't have my runes to one-shot the wraiths at level 1.
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 05:01:06
I bought some RP, also bought a Warwick skin. Didn't subtract from my current RP, thank you Riot for the free skin. EDIT: Never mind, turns out it was just lagging :c
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 05:17:06
Epic Holiday wrote: Seriously King. Don't listen to those guys. They deserve their shit elos because of their shit gameplays! Don't be a douche like them. Be better. Just ask for a Leash. You are low level, no one knows what leash is, teach them!
I don't think you recognize sarcasm. -
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 05:17:09
I need to buy a wireless internet adapter so I can play without d/cing every 5 to 10 minutes
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 11:36:24
runepages so freaking expensive. I could really use them but I don't want to spend another 15 bucks for only 7 of them.
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 13:54:54
fucking rumble man, so strong. gonna get nerfed in next few patches ._.
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 21:01:50
If Nunu's ult gets canceled... does it still do damage?
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 21:59:59
no not if he is moved during charge up but if he died it does do dmg
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 21:46:38
So Vayne's 'E' would therefore cancel it?
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 23:53:36
Argh our Morg and Ashe started lagging out mid-game. We went from like 30-15 to 39-35 because of that. Then the other team started talking trash (especially Jax), which was really annoying.
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 00:48:30
thoughts on Zyra? i might make her my main champ, idk yet.
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 15:36:04
DJSpin wrote: thoughts on Zyra? i might make her my main champ, idk yet.
Seems like a better Heimerdinger -
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 21:03:42
Havent played in foreverrr :(
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 22:49:07
COME BACK Purchased this at Micro Center today and I am satisfied with my speeds compared to wired.
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 00:11:25
Looks like it was due to Skarner leaving....
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 00:18:45
Actually he was just slow and bad at jungling, he ganked the map like twice and only useful with his ult (not really, flash) So he was just underleveled because he didn't know when to stop jungling and start to participate in teamfights
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 04:19:00
I'm pretty sure I'm not even in a losing streak anymore, just really bad at this game now. I'm down to the level where "wards suck".
Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 04:20:23
To pro for you.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 00:31:17
This game was hard as balls.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 00:58:44
I just watched TPA get stomped by mTw.NA, and now everyone on the stream is talking crap about TPA. "Taiwan is a part of China made in China lol" "go back to China and eat your Kimchi" "I'm reporting all the chinese" And all the chinese people on chat are trying their best not to trash english speakers. I have lost respect for the NA LoL community.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 01:17:46
Herra troll game. Ryze and Vlad sold all their items and bought wards and then warded the entire map.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 01:21:13
hoiboy wrote: I'm pretty sure I'm not even in a losing streak anymore, just really bad at this game now. I'm down to the level where "wards suck".
I'm at the level where I beat teams who are using their wards, with a team who isn't using wards besides me -
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 01:24:54
I'm at the level where I know when wards are necessary, and that there are other factors to winning and losing a game other than simply warding.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 02:36:14
And @shoeman6 says I suck, feeds Kayle 1 minute in with Graves trying to invade blue... I 1 shot Sivir for ~2k dmg before game ended though lol
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 02:41:46
As I was telling him, they had no hard cc to stop his ult, so he was racking up kills pretty easily. Graves got himself killed poking blue because he was bad, his performance in lane was no different. Afg went afk and kog, who was not in our lane got fed to hell. I don't think you suck, but many games I've played with you you've rage quit if you're negative kdr, which ruins it for the rest of us.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 03:07:48
i just won a match 40/0/6. lol to bad i forgot to take a screenshot T.T
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 03:32:03
shoeman6 wrote: As I was telling him, they had no hard cc to stop his ult, so he was racking up kills pretty easily. Graves got himself killed poking blue because he was bad, his performance in lane was no different. Afg went afk and kog, who was not in our lane got fed to hell. I don't think you suck, but many games I've played with you you've rage quit if you're negative kdr, which ruins it for the rest of us.
I didn't even get many kills with my ult... Just 1 vs Sivir I used to raqequit because my parents pestered me with little chores (Usually setting me back) and ultimately kicked me off the game against my choice -
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 04:18:33
fuck wards l0l
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 15:27:03 GG 1250 ELO STOMPED
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 12:06:42
666 normal wins 1337 ELO Looks like I'll only play customs from now on gg
Date: Thu, Jul 19 2012 02:27:20
neXus wrote: 666 normal wins 1337 ELO Looks like I'll only play customs from now on gg
Doesn't your elo drop when you don't playPeople just ran into my ult :\
Date: Thu, Jul 19 2012 03:35:29
MightAsWellGG wrote: Doesn't your elo drop when you don't play People just ran into my ult :\
It does. But the cap is 1400 elo. So if you are lower than this it won't drop. -
Date: Thu, Jul 19 2012 09:15:50
Yeah, that's why my ELO dropped from like 1750 to 1400 something by now, lol.
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 03:39:30
For your hapiness. Brazil League of Legends just got in Closed Beta.
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 08:39:10
I'd just like to go into Brazilian server and play Morde and hue all day. :banghead:
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 22:36:06
Jazz wrote: I'd just like to go into Brazilian server and play Morde and hue all day. :banghead:
My friend uses his nickname as onlyMorde. He is winning all the games. -
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 01:36:12
Ahaha. Btw, how much does pulsefire Ezreal cost in the NA/EU servers? It cost 1000+ RP here in the SEA servers. Our normal skins are 190RP except for the legendary ones like Firefighter Tris which cost 355RP. Just wanna compare xD
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 02:00:09
Getting better with Lee Sin...
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 02:30:29
Haxsaw wrote: Ahaha. Btw, how much does pulsefire Ezreal cost in the NA/EU servers? It cost 1000+ RP here in the SEA servers. Our normal skins are 190RP except for the legendary ones like Firefighter Tris which cost 355RP. Just wanna compare xD
I think the same price as a Legendary skin. 1820. -
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 02:56:11
Ah okay. Here It cost waaaaaaay more than a legendary skin. It gives a special profile banner and summoner icon too.
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 05:46:06
Pulse fire costs 3250, if I do recall.
Date: Fri, Jul 27 2012 03:57:45
Lettuce wrote: Pulse fire costs 3250, if I do recall.
lol wtf. :x -
Date: Fri, Jul 27 2012 09:59:41
PFE is a theme, not just a skin. It used to cost 1625 for the first week after that the price went up to 3250.
Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 01:41:25
Yeah. gives a whole lot of other stuff too. (Like the profile banner, summoner icon, changing model, custom killing blow effects)
Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 06:47:09
Had to carry HARD.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 00:03:38
Some people just dont understand that more assists = more likely to win :\
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 04:07:00
Wtf, people still play this game? Haven't played Malphite for 2 months and he's now a flavour of the month- bullshit.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 05:37:49
I heard Diana's a pretty strong jungler.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 08:53:27
Wow Pand... WTF..... holy shit
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 22:54:14
Gragas ftw!!!!!!
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 17:47:51
Battlecast Cho 'Gath is 40 more IP than other legendary skins, but on the featured item category it says it's 1820 Wut.
Date: Sun, Aug 5 2012 17:44:08
Azubu Blaze vs. is something I have to see. And TPA vs. M5.
Date: Tue, Aug 7 2012 05:03:31
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 09:45:58
Hotshot is a very very nice guy.
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 04:40:49
It's been a while since I've done this well in a game. I actually took E first to see how it would turn out, and I managed to draw first blood against Riven at Level 2. Then we traded kills when I was ganked. Olaf derped quite a bit and never gave Ryze blue buff (and manage to feed on a couple ganks). One thing I could've done better: bought more wards. I had an oracles, but we were heavily outwarded by the other team.
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 03:30:06
First ranked win in a long long time. [B]Some of the stuff that I did well:[/B]
- [*]I took Q and W first for Warwick's lvl 2 gank, which kept Kayle in place long enough for first blood.
[*]I flashed into Caitlyn's ult to save a Tristana, twice.
[*]I used my ult well. Two times, I managed to stop Amumu and Kennen from stacking AoE ults on our team.
- [*]I walked out of Caitlyn's ult (at full health) and Warwick died as a result.
[*]Sometimes I accidentally shielded myself instead of Tristana.
[*]I suck at positioning.I was caught in the laning phase two or three times, and once when we tried to invade blue.
[*]Didn't look at the minimap enough. Warwick would come in for a gank and I wouldn't even know he was there.
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 15:08:53
hoiboy, because i feel bored today, ill just say a few things. - dont buy thornmail. just dont. its overall a bad item. maybe except when 4ads team and theres a trynd/yi. -comgrats on your ranked game win, but that janna build not too good. you should probs build more according to enemy team+ look at own jungler/mid lane item builds. for example, lee sin getting aegis? get frozen heart. and if double ap on own team MAYBE get a WotA. and wards. lots of them. at least get 3 when you b. if you're rolling in gold get oracles, clear lane wards, and dont die cause if you die 400g lost. -aura items. get them. sorry for rambling or anything, just felt like criticising someone lol
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 00:57:02
I liked my score, but we lost D: Any pointers? I main AP Tristana btw, cos her burst is just epic.
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 05:51:42
Stopped playing and played only Firts wins with bots. Went back. last 8 games,6 defeats. LOL
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 07:14:12
Practice bro xD . I see fiddle in your sig? You jungle?
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 01:31:40
Haxsaw wrote: I liked my score, but we lost D: Any pointers? I main AP Tristana btw, cos her burst is just epic.
AP Tristana seems like a big waste of her ridiculous range and AS steroid. -
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 04:23:10
I've been playing Blitzcrank a lot recently... he makes me feel like I have more control over the laning phase than a more passive support like Janna or Soraka. And his pull is amazing. [B]Some of the stuff that I did well:[/B]
[*]I managed not to feed.
[*]I bought a bunch of wards to start out and we managed to avoid feeding Shaco, which is a big problem in low Elo.
[*]I tried itemizing more specifically (the Zeke's Herald). Probably a bad choice, but I didn't know what else to get.
[*]I didn't know what to buy.
[*]I ks'ed a lot. Unfortunately.
[*]I have to work on helping the AD carry last hit at tower.
[*]I missed a lot of pulls early game. I need to get better at being patient with my pulls. Sometimes, I pull without thinking of the consequences. For example, in another game, I pulled Katarina into our low-health team and we got penta'd.
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 19:21:09
hoiboy wrote: I've been playing Blitzcrank a lot recently... he makes me feel like I have more control over the laning phase than a more passive support like Janna or Soraka. And his pull is amazing. [B]Some of the stuff that I did well:[/B]
lol sure. blitz is an agressive support which means he does way more things but at the cost of sustain. you can try leona when shes free, shes agressive support too. lets say blitz usually better with early game op ad carrys IE ezreal/graves. you better not pair blitz with weak early game power ad carrys. there are exceptions, for example hyper carry vayne which requires jungler to camp lane blitz pull cc from jungler =easy kill if you are good at grabs. blitz build is fun. like seriously fun. low elo= blitz doest have to go full utility support. so he can do ap/ad support and carry with it. ap i would say boots 1ward1pot->philo->ToG if you're running low on mana->sheen->aegis->lich bane->archangels. usually dong get full inventory, get wards+oracles. actually pulling kat is pretty good. your e disupts her ult and silence also disrupts it too. btw you dont need to help ad carry last hit at tower lol. (side note shaco fed not scary late game sad thing is.) good luck.-
[*]I managed not to feed.
[*]I bought a bunch of wards to start out and we managed to avoid feeding Shaco, which is a big problem in low Elo.
[*]I tried itemizing more specifically (the Zeke's Herald). Probably a bad choice, but I didn't know what else to get.
[*]I didn't know what to buy.
[*]I ks'ed a lot. Unfortunately.
[*]I have to work on helping the AD carry last hit at tower.
[*]I missed a lot of pulls early game. I need to get better at being patient with my pulls. Sometimes, I pull without thinking of the consequences. For example, in another game, I pulled Katarina into our low-health team and we got penta'd.
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 23:45:27
hoiboy wrote: AP Tristana seems like a big waste of her ridiculous range and AS steroid.
Yeah but I fail at AD lol, I feed alot xD and AP Shaco's boxes do craploads of damage early to mid game. -
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 14:20:24
I want to get this account to the point where I can do ranked games as Nunu
Date: Sat, Aug 25 2012 10:17:01
Just got Darius, first day playing him.
btw Ribohahgay = Biji
Date: Sat, Aug 25 2012 16:57:33
LOL looks cool...
Date: Sun, Aug 26 2012 03:27:35
Darius preeeeeettyyyy good
Date: Sun, Aug 26 2012 03:43:50
Jungle Maokai will always be my favorite.
Date: Sun, Aug 26 2012 20:37:46
Bought Jax, hes fun :D
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 07:39:49
iColor wrote: Jungle Maokai will always be my favorite.
@iColor do you have Double XP or is it Double XP weekend or smth? 3/8/19 and you get 300+ XP I get 24/10/X And its only 100 Something O: -
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 09:13:38
Haxsaw wrote: @iColor do you have Double XP or is it Double XP weekend or smth? 3/8/19 and you get 300+ XP I get 24/10/X And its only 100 Something O:
oh, I bought double XP for this account. =p -
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 14:49:06
started going ADR, pretty fun stuff. mostly ez/ashe since i like to challenge myself with getting perfect positioning. any tips on farming? i see people with around 180+ cs at like 20 minutes... how the fuck do you do that
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 16:51:41
getting 15 AD from runes make last hitting a lot easier. Also knowing when to back is also important such as if you push to their tower, the minion wave will push in your favor and you deny xp. if you just stay in lane the whole time it should be easy to get that farm lol
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 17:00:18
im bad at lol and i should feel bad
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 19:02:14
Oh, and I've been playing AD Sona as a semi-carry/support. Her passive with Sheen/Trinity is pretty devastating.
Date: Tue, Aug 28 2012 13:45:12
Beginning to love Ez
Date: Tue, Aug 28 2012 19:30:43
iColor wrote: Oh, and I've been playing AD Sona as a semi-carry/support. Her passive with Sheen/Trinity is pretty devastating.
Problem is, she falls off mid-late game. -
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 03:22:48
2k elo.
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 03:47:02
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 05:04:41
I've been trying to play Xz, no idea what to buy so I got mostly the Rec. Items. ended up with a 12/4/x score .__.
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 13:24:24
how much is pulsefire ez for you guys? us south east asia peeps have a different client from you guys so i wouldn't know ._.
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 13:59:45
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 02:35:06
some1 at pax this time and can get me some skins :3 afaik you can use the codes on EUW and NA
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 05:33:50
@Vstrike And if someone is giving you a code. CAn anyone give me a code so I can see IF IT WORKS on BR? thx.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 06:36:07
I'm learning Zilean, even after people say he's bad after nerfs.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:27:24
@neXus how much is that in like... usd? it's 900 RP for us here, which converts to 900 PHP, which is more or less 21 usd edit: what the fuck 41k ip
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 16:53:33
20€ buys you 3612 RP and apparently you'd have to buy 5000RP for 35$ in the US or buy 20$ and 5$ worth of IP to get 3450 RP. And I don't like playing a lot of different champions, I rather get good at a few champions so once I found what those champions were and I had the runes I needed I stopped buying things so that's how the IP accumulated.
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 01:57:34
Was downtown when PAX was going on.
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 20:05:13
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 00:24:26
100 RP is RM7 which is about 2.24 USD. Legendary skins are 355 RP which is like a little over 5 usd lol. I guess Im not comparing apple for apple lol. Btw, how do I get superb villain veigar? o.o
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 22:32:06
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 22:40:48
fucking local servers full of retards. why can't filipinos understand that there are actually people who grew up speaking english in the fucking country akali is fun
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 10:16:52
cause he sucks dick in teamfights. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 02:15:23
Fucking shit I HATE people who dont understand the meta. Dont you guys think people at level 22 should know that a team of 5 APRs would suck?
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 03:18:38
King wrote: Fucking shit I HATE people who dont understand the meta. Dont you guys think people at level 22 should know that a team of 5 APRs would suck?
SOme people are slow leaner man. DEAL WITH IT. When yo uget to lvlv 30 you will get on your right normal elo eventually. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 03:25:55
Well theyve had to have played >100 games by 22 and should understand good team comps...
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 03:31:33
lvl 22 ppl are only a bit better than lvl 12 ppl
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 06:10:32
Got ma season 2 playoffs/finals tickets
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 18:36:03
King wrote: Fucking shit I HATE people who dont understand the meta. Dont you guys think people at level 22 should know that a team of 5 APRs would suck?
welcome to level 30 -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 18:44:54
guys gimme a fiora build that doesn't use bt like somewhat offtank-ish
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 18:54:41
Chobi wrote: guys gimme a fiora build that doesn't use bt like somewhat offtank-ish
tiamat tiamat tiamat tiamat tiamat merc treds -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 19:02:56
Chobi wrote: guys gimme a fiora build that doesn't use bt like somewhat offtank-ish
why not build BT? it's probably one of the best items on her (the life steal applies to her ultimate). It allows her to stay in fights. She's not a very solid top laner but she is a strong mid laner against APs with no escapes. She can easily get FB at level 2 with just q, w, and ignite. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 03:45:05
Chobi wrote: guys gimme a fiora build that doesn't use bt like somewhat offtank-ish
Maw of Mortaiamaiamusy. Ie instead and Wriggles maybe ? -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 06:33:24
Ohayo wrote: why not build BT? it's probably one of the best items on her (the life steal applies to her ultimate). It allows her to stay in fights. She's not a very solid top laner but she is a strong mid laner against APs with no escapes. She can easily get FB at level 2 with just q, w, and ignite.
i find racking up cs just to power it really tedious -__- -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 07:52:47
Chobi wrote: i find racking up cs just to power it really tedious -__-
Well no shit, but it pays off. I don't know why you wouldn't build BT on Fiora. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 08:45:04
Well fuck don't play fiora then
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 09:32:57
Rec me some hybrid teemo items? First game I ever played with Him just now, dont think I did too bad
Uploaded with
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 14:30:10
Ap fucking teemo too stronk
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 19:21:40
You can get trinity force over BT if you want
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 19:58:40
MightAsWellGG wrote: You can get trinity force over BT if you want
Dunno, his CDs are way too high for his abilities to proc anything except for phage, and then he already has a Frozen Mallet. @Haxsaw: IE > Madreds because they're not that tanky... shredding health is for tanks. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 20:15:22
Oh I wasn't thinking lawl Wait does Teemo's poison proc Spell Vamp?
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 20:41:56
Very little, but yes.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 01:55:55
Alright, so the tone of this thread has definitely taken a pretty unfortunate turn. We got some calls for some face-punching and some faux medication claims and a bunch of 'man-up' OP nonsense going on... just silliness abounds. I guess I'll take a stab at addressing the "Man Up" stuff, because I hear a number of people saying that sentiment, even though it can vary on how colorfully they articulate it: First off, when you are playing a game and you have a less skilled player on your team, Men do not whine and rage at the person they are playing with. Little emo brats that can't control their emotions do that. When you are losing your lane at top or mid, Men do not blame it on their jungler. Men recognize that they are effectively playing a 2v1. They are confronting the person in their lane while constantly expecting a gank at anytime. Any ganks from their jungler are a bonus. An unexpected windfall. Little emo brats that can't control their emotions are the ones that rage at their jungler for not ganking their lane. When you are at bottom lane and are lucky enough to have a support who offers to forgo farming at all so that you can farm as much as possible, Men do not rage at their support for being fragile throughout the game. They recognize that their support started with sub-optimal escape items while you most likely went boots. That while you were buying 'fun' items that up your damage or survivability, they were trying to save up enough to buy wards or an oracle while not having any farm- just to help their team survive. It's little emo brats that can't control their emotions that whine and rage about not having enough wards- when they've been farming non-stop and have access to the same wards as their under-farmed teammate. I agree with you that there is a very real problem in our game with people not being able to "Man Up". But the problem is not with the OP. He handled his frustrations- he didn't lash out like a little boy and start a flame war about the trolls in the game or whine about how useless this community is- he endured his frustration over multiple games, processed it, and then articulated it. Like a man. If you were playing a game of 5-on-5 basketball at a park near your house- you wouldn't rage at your teammate for missing a shot. You recognize that both of you make mistakes and that it's a part of the game. You might even encourage them because you've all been there. Men recognize that the skill level on their team might vary. They recognize that in some games, they're just going to be better than their teammates, and that's when they do whatever it takes to win. Men take on a leadership role and offer supportive advice. They buy wards even when they're an AD carry- simply because it needs to be done. They understand that in order to win, you have to encourage your teammates instead of berating them. That's what 'men' do. Don't ever whine and rage like an obnoxious little kid and then assume the subject of your anonymous, cowardly 'cyber bullying' is not a 'man' because he takes offense.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 06:05:08
May explain
Double post D: my bad.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 10:15:12
guys suggest me an AP mid to use? i personally LOVE Ahri and Akali, though Akali's getting somewhat boring for some reason :< tried out Morgana, not my type. i love her ult though, but that's it :/ and Karthus feels too trippy ._.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 15:13:25
Try out Cassiopeia or Kog'Maw. :)
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2012 18:52:29
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Very little, but yes.
Really? I'm pretty Teemo's E doesn't proc Spell Vamp since it's an on-hit thing. -
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 01:23:52
New account on NA: RedChopsticks. Add me!
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 02:13:38
Kat and Akali forever <3
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 06:09:26
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Try out Cassiopeia or Kog'Maw. :)
Eh I feel like AP Kog is really bad now due to Riot nerfing him to hell. -
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 06:10:49
I didn't even know he got nerfed recently and still went 10+/0/7 in 3 straight games. >.> [EDIT] Okay, so he got nerfed a bit in June/July, but I don't think it's that bad, haha.
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 06:18:00
I have an 11 game losing streak (Not including bot games). When i do good, my team does terrible. When I do bad, I get a team that cant carry :(
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 11:13:07
King wrote: I have an 11 game losing streak (Not including bot games). When i do good, my team does terrible. When I do bad, I get a team that cant carry :(
excuses -
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 18:07:12
I played this for about hour and this is awesome game! Really liked it. :3
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 19:53:32
the new mf and morg splash art is so UGLY
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 23:46:51
King wrote: I have an 11 game losing streak (Not including bot games). When i do good, my team does terrible. When I do bad, I get a team that cant carry :(
I had a massive losing streak. Like 2 wins and 30 losses. It's super frustrating. However, you also contributed to your team failing. Maybe you didn't gank when you were up in your lane, etc. btw, I think the Lux art was the worst. -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2012 00:53:21
Ohayo wrote: the new mf and morg splash art is so UGLY
YOURE UGLY. anyways, play katarina for mid. its op. or rumble. -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2012 16:53:42
Fuck. Must get gold rating. Want Janna skin. Day 1: 26 ELO drop. Fuck. First time I played bad, second went 6-1-5 on Nocturne when team collapsed due to bad laning by every single lane. watreyagonnado.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 05:13:23
neXus wrote: Fuck. Must get gold rating. Want Janna skin. Day 1: 26 ELO drop. Fuck. First time I played bad, second went 6-1-5 on Nocturne when team collapsed due to bad laning by every single lane. watreyagonnado.
day 1: Got 50+ elo. Yes, keeping my 100% win ratio with soraka. 6 games 6 wins. My first ad was good thou. The second one died twice by noob-plays when I pinged and told him to not go seconds after. But's ok. We got this. GG -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 05:23:22
Win 2 get 15 ELO! Lose one drop 20. Fuck you ELO god.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 20:56:27
Goldstars wrote: YOURE UGLY. anyways, play katarina for mid. its op. or rumble.
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2012 06:22:55
ap tristana is fun as hell, shit dies so fast they don't even know what's up
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2012 11:06:44
Must stop experimenting and stick to forest.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 07:12:01
Ohayo wrote: is this real? EDIT: KATARINA GUIDE PLOX
Skills: Max Q then W then E, *Max W first against easy lanes. Items: revolver, sorc boots, deathcap or abyssal ( situational ) playstyle: LIKE A FUCKING BOSS. -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 09:13:04
Establish lead by helping every single lane, being part of every kill up to 15 minutes. Fucking desssstroy enemy team. +6. ELO WAT R U DOIN ELO STAHP
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 12:21:39
buccaneer or guerilla tristana?
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 12:35:10
I main AP tristana chobi and yes, her burst is a beast :D Ive got bucaneer and its pretty slick
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 13:04:29
Haxsaw wrote: I main AP tristana chobi and yes, her burst is a beast :D Ive got bucaneer and its pretty slick
alright thanks buddy :D ap tris is literally the most fun i've had on any champ lol -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 16:44:15
i got within 2 elo of gold... then lost 2 against the same fucking person in mid.. the guy is ridiculously good.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 19:53:48
i think you just suck
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2012 23:51:01
I never knew DFG was so powerful. I forget to use it a lot in teamfights, and then today I checked the item and apparently it was chunking for like 50% of their health. O.o
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 00:10:08
a team with 5 DFGs = GG
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 04:37:21
Goldstars wrote: Skills: Max Q then W then E, *Max W first against easy lanes. Items: revolver, sorc boots, deathcap or abyssal ( situational ) playstyle: LIKE A FUCKING BOSS.
IS THIS MAN ENOUGH? [video=youtube;CYUicWrntDw][/video] -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 07:15:18
oh my god syndra plays like a fucking boss once you get used to her "difficult" playstyle
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 06:34:05
Xin so fun.
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 03:25:19
I should be able to hit platinum before the season ends, these borders/etc. better be worth it
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 03:53:52
I'm aiming for Silver 1300s. Time to do ranked back-to-back.
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 04:34:45
ehhh I'm playing too much ARAM so I found out the hard way that in ARAM, AP Amumu needs to get a Zhonya's first. Edit: also, I joined Deman's game of ARAM... and everyone there was like 1800+ rating and I was a kid with 156 normal wins. He didn't kick me, but I sorta felt guilty, so I left of my own accord. now i wish i played.
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 04:59:02
I get 2 elo away from gold.. lose twice.. too scared to queue now bcuz bugsplats and loldrop hack wat do.. 1498 so close yet so far
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 20:18:00
update: LOL i went into this game intending to force a dodge.. too stubborn to dodge and noone else did
well, gold now, so whatever.
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2012 05:41:39
Here's a fun ARAM. I landed 3 straight Q+E's at the beginning of the game and it snowballed pretty hard from there. MF actually DC'ed for a while, so we were fighting a 4v5 for about 3/4 of the game. I ended up going tank because no one else in our team was. There was this period of time at the end of the game where Zyra and I pulled off an epic 2v5 standoff. They tried to engage, and everyone was focusing her, so I went in and got a 5 man stun off with my ult, and then she picked up a quadra kill (I stole the last kill).
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2012 15:53:53
hoiboy wrote: Here's a fun ARAM. I landed 3 straight Q+E's at the beginning of the game and it snowballed pretty hard from there. MF actually DC'ed for a while, so we were fighting a 4v5 for about 3/4 of the game. I ended up going tank because no one else in our team was. There was this period of time at the end of the game where Zyra and I pulled off an epic 2v5 standoff. They tried to engage, and everyone was focusing her, so I went in and got a 5 man stun off with my ult, and then she picked up a quadra kill (I stole the last kill).
Dat swains build... -
Date: Sun, Sep 23 2012 06:07:45
i don't understand how to play zyra effectively -__- just can't find my rhythm with her
Date: Sun, Sep 23 2012 16:51:12
[video=youtube;ln1E6t58H7w][/video] gotta have balls
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2012 13:16:30
25/5/7 Syndra during inhouse today weeeeee i love this chick
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 14:35:19
backstory: called solo mid RIGHT away during pick, fucking syndra too stubborn and raged, hence the loss/her stats got my first penta since i started playing a few months ago. glad i got it with my favourite champ. got a quad kill a few minutes after that. a loss is still a loss though
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 03:45:22
Since I've started playing ADC role..
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 09:07:38
iColor wrote: Since I've started playing ADC role..
Wise choice. So few people actually learn and become good at it but it's so important. I hate supporting shitty ADCs. -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 05:47:42
what is that icoloR?
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 06:35:56
It's I just bought one month just to try it out. :p Seems pretty cool.
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 02:30:28
I am rooting for Azubu Frost, not because they are Korean, but Well, yeah. Now they are 3-0, I predict its gonna be Azubu Frost vs. Naijin Sword
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 15:13:16
iColor wrote: It's I just bought one month just to try it out. :p Seems pretty cool.
What does it do that and don't do? -
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 17:14:07
MightAsWellGG wrote: I am rooting for Azubu Frost, not because they are Korean, but Well, yeah. Now they are 3-0, I predict its gonna be Azubu Frost vs. Naijin Sword
Korea vs Korea? That would be cool. Najin all the way! Where'd you see the results/brackets/stream? Can't find any anywhere. Only thing I know are the groups, and that's it -
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 22:47:24
I totally called TPA.
Date: Fri, Oct 5 2012 22:59:36
Add me IGN: Crumpocalypse
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2012 01:22:54
To watch the streams right now, you can go here: If you scroll down below the stream, you will see a bracket and the actual teams and their players. To watch games that already happened, just wait for like League of Legends on YouTube to post recordings of the streams, but some other people will probably record and upload games as well in the future. Since Naijin Sword got their asses handed to them, it could be either m5 or TPA to go to the finals, but I am pretty confident that Azubu Frost is going to be in the finals. If they don't then I'm going to cry myself to sleep
Date: Sun, Oct 7 2012 03:02:30
Well, I've played support Sion in 5 games so far, and won bot lane in all of those games. He's very similar as Taric, except he's more risky as he doesn't have a heal. His shield is amazing for soaking up damage in leona lanes, and he can actually do lots of damage with his E active. He doesn't really need to rely on items for damage. I've built him similar to other support tanks, like Leona, and they've worked great so far. Another champion that I've been playing a lot is support Lee Sin. But it was a lot more of a situational pick. I love his utility kit. He's a highly mobile support that can get enemy champs off the AD carry. Early game, his Q hurts a lot. His built-in exhaust is amazing. His shield is pretty small, so I don't really rely on it too much. I just use the shield on low hp minions to deny enemy cs early game. He tends to not do as much damage mid-to-late game because of low gold, but his exhaust or kick can make huge plays for your team.
Date: Sun, Oct 7 2012 04:05:27
Since iColor mentioned Taric, imma get this out of the way: Taric is the best mofaking support in this game srs, for me at least. You got an enemy chasing you? stun. Low health? heal. Need to save comrade? heal or stun. Buy pots and you can hold a lane for a hell of a long period of time time. If Taric existed in real life, I would take him out to totally non-homo-erotic-and-totally-manly dinner.
Date: Sun, Oct 7 2012 21:57:22
So far, I believe I suck at the game.... This thread has a lot of posts. ign: MysticOblivion
Date: Sun, Oct 7 2012 22:25:59
Why can't there just be one big League server so we could all play with each other
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 01:58:52
Because Brazillians.
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 03:37:14
Tryndamere is why we cant have nice things
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 03:41:49
5 wins (dunno why elobuff recognized some games as "tank" role)
nerf support sion
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 03:50:52
iColor wrote: Well, I've played support Sion in 5 games so far, and won bot lane in all of those games. He's very similar as Taric, except he's more risky as he doesn't have a heal. His shield is amazing for soaking up damage in leona lanes, and he can actually do lots of damage with his E active. He doesn't really need to rely on items for damage. I've built him similar to other support tanks, like Leona, and they've worked great so far. Another champion that I've been playing a lot is support Lee Sin. But it was a lot more of a situational pick. I love his utility kit. He's a highly mobile support that can get enemy champs off the AD carry. Early game, his Q hurts a lot. His built-in exhaust is amazing. His shield is pretty small, so I don't really rely on it too much. I just use the shield on low hp minions to deny enemy cs early game. He tends to not do as much damage mid-to-late game because of low gold, but his exhaust or kick can make huge plays for your team.
just play AP sion mid lol, he used to be one of the most annoying roamers ever. Sadly, he can easily be shut down in team fights if his shield gets raped. -
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 21:48:37
TheAafg wrote: Since iColor mentioned Taric, imma get this out of the way: Taric is the best mofaking support in this game srs, for me at least. You got an enemy chasing you? stun. Low health? heal. Need to save comrade? heal or stun. Buy pots and you can hold a lane for a hell of a long period of time time. If Taric existed in real life, I would take him out to totally non-homo-erotic-and-totally-manly dinner.
Taric is one of the most useless supports lategame. -
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 01:24:17
Almost 30 :D
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 23:35:46
hoiboy wrote: Taric is one of the most useless supports lategame.
you clearly haven't played with taric last game. Taric, especially last game is extremely crucial. Stunning a carry for 3 seconds can completely determine the outcome of a game. do u even mlg? -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 03:05:26
TheAafg wrote: you clearly haven't played with taric last game. Taric, especially last game is extremely crucial. Stunning a carry for 3 seconds can completely determine the outcome of a game. do u even mlg?
You pick taric to win the lane, he falls off late game -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:00:01
55 exp away :(
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:39:19
hoiboy wrote: Taric is one of the most useless supports lategame.
That is truly, truly, truly outrageous. He's no alistar in terms of peeling late game but I think the E R W combo stays relevant when peeling assassins off your carry. -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 04:39:54
Ohayo wrote: just play AP sion mid lol, he used to be one of the most annoying roamers ever. Sadly, he can easily be shut down in team fights if his shield gets raped.
too scary laning against other mid champs. :c -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 06:11:55
:( And down into elo hell I go :(
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 10:51:50
WE won vs CLG.. hmm not what i expected
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 21:13:38
Chobi wrote: WE won vs CLG.. hmm not what i expected
WE vs. They haven't played yet... -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 21:48:56
hoiboy wrote: WE vs. They haven't played yet...
Really? That's not what I was told o_o no wonder there are no replays -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 22:38:13
I thought they were playing tomorrow? EDIT: they just played today.
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 07:47:09
King wrote: :( And down into elo hell I go :(
I dont know why you decide to go ranked right when you hit 30. -
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 11:12:50 I'm so good at this game.
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 14:07:47
xSpin wrote: I dont know why you decide to go ranked right when you hit 30.
I was just so excited :( -
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 15:35:13
@Kingu, wai you no wait for me to help you in elo terms :(
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 17:37:16
King wrote: I was just so excited :(
ranked isn't even exciting lol. -
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 17:42:36
ranked = frustrating not exciting.
Date: Fri, Oct 12 2012 18:07:07
There's nothing wrong with hitting ranked right after hitting 30 given you have at least 2-3 champions for each role and a decent set of runes.
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 18:03:26
neXus wrote: There's nothing wrong with hitting ranked right after hitting 30 given you have at least 2-3 champions for each role and a decent set of runes.
yeah, but looking at his match history, it wasn't really gonna work for him -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 19:12:26
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 06:04:41
HOLY CRAP TPA IMO Frost threw the game by not banning Orianna.
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 15:37:18
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 20:39:19
Fucking hate when I have a support who feeds first blood then I can't do anything for the rest of the game
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 21:31:50
1600 elo baby <- avatar related
next season::: platinum p.s add me: Bérry Pünch if u wanna play
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 21:40:43
Wow grats TPA.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 20:55:57
I actually did decent this game I fed Leblanc 3 kills early, so I decided to go safe by out farming her and taking wraiths on both sides and other camps and minions from other lanes to get fed, ended up just being CC while my team instaraped everyone after my ult. Was good game for me
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 21:55:51
Is there an official release date for s3?
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2012 07:27:55
I think the honor system is one of the best things to ever happen to the game. I love ELO Hell now. Very few ragers and whatnot. Here's a game from today:
We started the game off good - Kog'Maw was getting fed like crazy. Then it started going downhill when Master Yi got a quadra kill with four refreshes on his Q and Sivir started splitpushing (taking an inhib). Eventually, we got some good teamfights down and 2 barons and we won. Some personal notes for me:
[*]I sucked with map awareness. I actually initiated a 4v5 without realizing that our Kennen was not there... and we got screwed.
[*]I also need to get better at picking fights. I caught Yi and Pantheon at my red and decided it would be a good idea to 2v1 them while I waited for Kennen and Renekton to show up.
[*]Peeling. I'm not sure this was as big of an issue here. I want to say that it was Kog'Maw's fault for having poor positioning and putting himself in harm's way a lot, but I guess I had a big part in him dying a lot too.
[*]I think I did a good job zoning Sivir. Kennen got an AoE stun off with his ult. I saw Sivir making her way to the teamfight on the other side of the wall, so I flashed and ulted her, then when she tried to flash back over the wall, I stunned her with a Bandage Toss. By the time she got back to the fight, it was pretty much over.
[*]I forgot to use item actives a lot. I could've turned a couple teamfights around with the active from Shurelya's or Randuins, but I didn't. Also, maybe I should've gotten Rylai's instead of an Abyssal Scepter.
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2012 07:55:24
I.... I... I won a ranked game with Teemo... :(
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2012 13:45:52
When you are at 833 Elo everyone is either br or spam the word fucking nigger fuck cunt
Date: Mon, Oct 22 2012 05:28:26
This is actually where I've been for almost a year. LOL. Absent from UPSB, daily League. Anybody go to the Grand Finals at USC? I was there :) Free Riot Graves and Riven Skins bby. wooooo
Date: Mon, Oct 22 2012 06:44:09
Might make a pure lee sin acc. So fun.
Date: Mon, Oct 22 2012 19:08:22
I have a pure nunu account, add PureNunu
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 10:28:48
3 mid promote tele too op literally went 1-19-3 early game since fizz jump pretty imba after rabadons and rylais, i started stacking on tons of kills gg we win even with the tons of mr they have
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 14:45:02
How'd GP10 Ashe work out? @Loanshark
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 16:01:21
i havent tried it yet because i dont have gp quints/seals @neXus
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 17:18:22
In a custom where I was free to last hit it took me roughly 10:30 to get 4 GP10 with standard masteries, GP10 yellow+quint maxing E. After that it took roughly 2 minutes to get the money for a BF sword but last hitting gets harder and you're squishy as fuck. I don't see it working in a real game, you get zoned or or killed because you can't trade and if they let you cs perfectly well then AD heimer works against those players.
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2012 23:55:23
What's ELO Hell?
If you're good enough you can carry yourself out of it
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 14:17:12
playing support in ranked is better than arguing for mid
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 01:18:25
I just fill in any role, since I can do anything. (Thanks $100 in RP!)
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 03:47:56
Whend you get $100 In RP?
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 23:34:13
Fuck yes, one of my mains is free this week. 4k more ip until i can buy Lee Sin on my smurf
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 06:40:40
I picked Irelia up again. She's awesome for pubstomping, not so great for carrying yourself.
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 08:54:15
NoRice4U wrote: What's ELO Hell?
ELO hell is another word for skill cap, you can't carry yourself out of it, you can improve yourself out of it. -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 05:05:36
I have no idea how to carry games. Jarvan and I pooped all over mid and top and jungle, and then Vayne got fed and no one could stop her.
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 08:36:04
hoiboy wrote: I GIVE UP. I have no idea how to carry games.
Solution: play a carry. -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 21:26:48
sigh not sure why I buit athene's. Had 196 cs at 30 minute mark but then completely let go. asdf how 2 carry halp pls.
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 22:41:11
Wow, Lol thread, ohohoho... someone here plays on
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 23:26:17
TheAafg wrote: sigh not sure why I buit athene's. Had 196 cs at 30 minute mark but then completely let go. asdf how 2 carry halp pls.
son void staff -
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 05:45:15
Loanshark wrote: son void staff
. -
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 05:45:31
can jungle nunu carry I don't seem to be able to get enough money by late game is that where I buy 2 gp5's
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 07:24:17
Jungle nunu carry? Maybe if he has a couple rabadons.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 07:50:43
Jungle Nunu carries by being unkillable and just harassing every lane to death.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 15:17:33
I became killable that one game because the enemy team I guess was like "HIT ANYTHING IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT OF YOU" and I tried to initiate most of the time Maybe I should put some gp5's in my build, shurelya's and a dfg won't hurt, maybe that randiuns omen if the enemy hurts
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 20:16:44
MightAsWellGG wrote: the enemy team I guess was like "HIT ANYTHING IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT OF YOU"
That's how it's supposed to be done. Most people don't even know this which is why a lot of people get yelled at, especially AD carries. You kill the front line to get to the enemy carry. As a bruiser you can do either, you can protect your carry by keeping enemy bruisers of him or you can go after their carries. Whoever protects their carries the best will win fights. So if there's a fight and a Nunu is running at you, you tell that Nunu to take it in the face. -
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 20:19:14
Well I didn't have enough resists and hp so they all killed me in a couple seconds
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 22:08:40
Well then you're definitely building him wrong.
Date: Tue, Nov 6 2012 07:18:30
10pm 1788, 1AM 1850. Not a single dropped game before the patch/elo reset.
Date: Tue, Nov 6 2012 17:37:19
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Well then you're definitely building him wrong.
Was trying to go for more AP than resists cuz my team couldn't do shet either lolol -
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 02:49:12
Pandamonium wrote: 10pm 1788, 1AM 1850. Not a single dropped game before the patch/elo reset.
Omg lol u suk. [SIZE="1"]Jk teach me :([/SIZE] -
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 06:40:38
Bahahaha, people are clueless when I go on-hit twitch top. So far 7 wins, 0 losses. He's good in match-ups similar to teemo, and also really fun to play. Twitch is definitely one of my favorite ADCs too.
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 06:32:50
Ahhh yuss. Good to finally play Lee Sin again :D
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 18:15:22
yes, bragging about your awesome lee sin against bots
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 22:47:23
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 03:08:03
Loanshark wrote: yes, bragging about your awesome lee sin against bots
Rofl, i cant play normals because my internet at my dads house is terrible. 75 kbps down, so i dont want to make my team lose because of it. It was just good to finally play him again. -
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 22:35:43
AP Teemo is so much fun. They couldn't walk down mid lane without dying to shrooms.
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 07:09:31
Fuck Teemo.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 03:11:14
19/1/13 Late game Malphite/Alistar dream team. Also, AD Malzahar.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 15:56:25
Date: Tue, Nov 13 2012 05:27:10
Wtf no one plays xerath
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2012 01:15:55
Just started playing, add me if you know who I am :3? I suck. Help me learn and get betterz? Name's "JC32"
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 02:09:32
Lulu is so fun. The only problem is that she requires so much micromanagement (compared to other champions). It's so hard trying to position Pix correctly and hit the Q. Also, it's hard trying to keep track of what I should cast where.
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 02:39:15
JC wrote: Just started playing, add me if you know who I am :3? I suck. Help me learn and get betterz? Name's "JC32"
We can play together this weekend :3 -
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 23:44:52
King wrote: Jungle nunu carry? Maybe if he has a couple rabadons.
ap nunu is kind of trash -
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 04:55:49
Ap nunu lives in a landfill, silly.
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 18:12:22
The new jungle Q.Q I think it's actually more efficient to go Blue > wolves > wraiths > golems > Red now. Wolves and wraiths take freaking forever without that second level.
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 20:38:28
First S3 game, kinda excited to how the rest will affect me
Second S3 game, I hope I can fill my profile with a win streak
Third S3 game, got carried, but still won Time to take a break
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 04:22:25
Should I bother buying runes? I'm still level 17 and I mainly play Graves. Until I get bored of him at least. EDIT: I noticed whenever my friends would look at my items , they'd be like "Why would you buy ______ item for ______ champion?" or if I told them how Yi got fed or something they'd be like "You should have bought a ________." Do you guys actually memorize what each item does? How do you know what item to use in what situation? I literally print out the build sheet from Mobafire and follow it exactly.
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 04:50:03
XYZaki wrote: Should I bother buying runes? I'm still level 17 and I mainly play Graves. Until I get bored of him at least. EDIT: I noticed whenever my friends would look at my items , they'd be like "Why would you buy ______ item for ______ champion?" or if I told them how Yi got fed or something they'd be like "You should have bought a ________." Do you guys actually memorize what each item does? How do you know what item to use in what situation? I literally print out the build sheet from Mobafire and follow it exactly.
Tier 1 runes are worth it, and so are tier 3 but not tier 2. And honestly just play the game, do what it takes for you to be comfortable with playing and by level 30 you will know the simple stuff. -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 08:59:17
XYZaki wrote: Should I bother buying runes? I'm still level 17 and I mainly play Graves. Until I get bored of him at least. EDIT: I noticed whenever my friends would look at my items , they'd be like "Why would you buy ______ item for ______ champion?" or if I told them how Yi got fed or something they'd be like "You should have bought a ________." Do you guys actually memorize what each item does? How do you know what item to use in what situation? I literally print out the build sheet from Mobafire and follow it exactly.
runes are not that important until like level 22 atleast. Graves is an ad carry, so you should be building ad carry items. Yeah you memorize the items, its not that hard. try out different builds and figure out what works best for you. an ad carry build should be something like : bloodthirster, the attack speed boots (silver boots with fire kinda thing under them), infinity edge, phantom dancer, black cleaver (?) you shouldn't really be building a lot of mr, health or armour as an adc. use -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 13:40:52
XYZaki wrote: Should I bother buying runes? I'm still level 17 and I mainly play Graves. Until I get bored of him at least. EDIT: I noticed whenever my friends would look at my items , they'd be like "Why would you buy ______ item for ______ champion?" or if I told them how Yi got fed or something they'd be like "You should have bought a ________." Do you guys actually memorize what each item does? How do you know what item to use in what situation? I literally print out the build sheet from Mobafire and follow it exactly.
Also, in certain situations you may want to get certain items based on your opponents damage output, like get Quicksilver sash or Banshee's Veil if the enemy has a bunch of spellcasters and a lot of CC, but you don't want these kinds of items til late game as an ad carry, because you shouldn't build tanky if your role is to dish out as much damage as possible Like if the enemies that are harmful to you have more than 100 armor, get last whisper, otherwise get black cleaver -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 23:33:00
maokai so fun
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 04:16:55
just bought morde today, and went 1v2 top i can now see why he is es numero uno
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 09:38:56
The important thing to remember: you do no damage if you're dead. If you're dying too fast because of CC, then put off everything you're building and get that QSS. Or get better at positioning.
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 09:07:59
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 14:09:52
S3 olaf will be best jungler
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 15:23:08
heyo i just started play lol recently. can anyone recommend me a champion that isnt so hard to use... i have been using urgot but i suck at it (i dunno how to use its ultimate well) so yea...
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 20:37:25
knightling29 wrote: heyo i just started play lol recently. can anyone recommend me a champion that isnt so hard to use... i have been using urgot but i suck at it (i dunno how to use its ultimate well) so yea...
annie or kat -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 05:24:23
knightling29 wrote: heyo i just started play lol recently. can anyone recommend me a champion that isnt so hard to use... i have been using urgot but i suck at it (i dunno how to use its ultimate well) so yea...
Kayle, Ryze, Garen, and Annie are all cheap, easy to use, and effective. -
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2012 04:48:29
Found XYZaki in a random normal queue game on my smurf, what are the odds
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2012 07:53:41
AwonW wrote: Kayle, Ryze, Garen, and Annie are all cheap, easy to use, and effective.
AwonW :O -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 07:22:45
Practicing katarina jungle. She clears so much faster in S3 PBE compared to S2, and she can actually build useful AP items instead of forced to buy cloth + 5 in S2. Highly mobile jungler. Needs a team comp to be viable but is a mid-late game beast if you get there. AD Reds, AD Quints, armor yellows, mr blues. WQEWQR. She's subpar compared to other junglers, but she's really fun and snowballs from successful ganks.
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2012 13:24:59
My favourite character in lol is Master Yi
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 01:06:44
iColor wrote: Practicing katarina jungle. She clears so much faster in S3 PBE compared to S2, and she can actually build useful AP items instead of forced to buy cloth + 5 in S2. Highly mobile jungler. Needs a team comp to be viable but is a mid-late game beast if you get there. AD Reds, AD Quints, armor yellows, mr blues. WQEWQR. She's subpar compared to other junglers, but she's really fun and snowballs from successful ganks.
WQWE max W > max q > max e helps you clear faster no? theres not really any point taking taking E at level 3 since you won't clear the jungle til level 4 and your W will just help you clear faster -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 02:16:51
Loanshark wrote: WQWE max W > max q > max e helps you clear faster no? theres not really any point taking taking E at level 3 since you won't clear the jungle til level 4 and your W will just help you clear faster
The damage reduction from your E is a lot better than taking your Q lvl 2 in the Season 3 changes, so I usually get QEW. I put points into W or E depending on the situation, whether I'm ganking a lot or clearing. Max W > Max E > Max Q in general. You can gank early once you hit level 3, but you want to rush for Spirit of the Spectral Wraith and you'll be able to stay in the jungle forever. Kinda a waste because of the mana regen stat but it's faster to get than gunblade from S2. You'll want a slow item afterwards, so I usually get Twin Shadows. katarina is a stupid jungler, do not try at home -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 05:12:02
iColor wrote: The damage reduction from your E is a lot better than taking your Q lvl 2 in the Season 3 changes
do u even 0/30/0 -
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 18:10:18
playing nasus before hitting level 30 on my smurf: worst idea ever "omg nasus wtf stop stealing farm"
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 18:12:40
I run 10/10/10 masteries. And build straight attk speed. New meta op.
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 08:24:54
so i was playing ranked today, the game disconnects mid-game for some reason even though my internet was working fine. This happened four times and three out of those times I was clearly winning the game. I closed the client, started it back up no match history or an option to re-join the game. I check my profile after a while, 4 loses somehow. What the fuck man.
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 17:54:16
shoeman6 wrote: I run 10/10/10 masteries. And build straight attk speed. New meta op.
master yi -
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 02:50:35
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 07:45:18
Amen My average cleaver use was 2.8 a game. -
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 16:29:51
Weeeeeew Draven is so fun lol. A break from Vayne then back to Vayne time. THROW ME AXES. MORE AXES.
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 17:00:18
Talon still OP.
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2012 21:41:01
@AwonW ? Is that you? nice ELO
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 00:24:06
How the hell do LOL expect new players to pick up the game when more than half the champions are so goddamn weak against the opponents. I get absolutely wrecked by the opposing team, they have unlocked champions that kills me in 3 seconds.
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 00:24:53
new players are expected to vs bots
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 01:12:54
Play bots until you get a sense of the game, then auto lock your fave champ. Its the only way.
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 01:19:31
Supergirl wrote: How the hell do LOL expect new players to pick up the game when more than half the champions are so goddamn weak against the opponents. I get absolutely wrecked by the opposing team, they have unlocked champions that kills me in 3 seconds.
Wat. None of the champions are inherently "better" than others, otherwise the game would be flat-out broken. Every champion has their strengths and weaknesses, and learning them is part of the game. -
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 02:58:56
i miss supporting @Loanshark
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 03:55:42
Probably, AmonW is like 1700-1800 elo.
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 06:53:26
How can I suck so hard as Olaf, but still manage to assist my team to victory?
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2012 23:58:12
Epic Holiday wrote: Probably, AmonW is like 1700-1800 elo.
Damn, and I thought my 1600 was good -
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 00:57:02
[QUOTE=Tetsip;239312]i miss supporting @Tetsip
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 03:40:56
idk what any of the new champs do -
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 14:29:52
Tetsip wrote: idk what any of the new champs do
dw bb we'll get tru dis 2gether <3 -
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 20:38:54
I don't like the new patch ! I haven't played in 6 months !!!
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 21:35:49
@AwonW sucks.
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2012 21:43:12
Master Yi is awesome, beast champion. I'm level 5 now, what other champions should I buy?
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 17:22:22
two down, 3 more to go.
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 20:13:41
Nice shop, scrub
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 20:34:28
Is the new champion Vi worth getting?
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2012 00:41:09
King wrote: Nice shop, scrub
Not shops, he did go 0-3-0 in the Xpecial game though, get your shit together @Goldstars. Good luck catching up to Chaox. Smurfs don't count. Just tested, you have Homeguard after TPing from fountain. Smite+TP Rammus inc? -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2012 03:34:57
Im kidding. Shens ult with homeguard is more better, you dont sacrifice flash for anything.
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2012 03:40:43
Psh Heal Ignite like man.
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2012 04:08:27
neXus wrote: Not shops, he did go 0-3-0 in the Xpecial game though, get your shit together @Goldstars. Good luck catching up to Chaox. Smurfs don't count. Just tested, you have Homeguard after TPing from fountain. Smite+TP Rammus inc?
oh, i went 0-3 cause clakeyde's connection was bad so we gave up. The picture was the first queue then someone dodged and i got him again. LOL -
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 03:34:24
Morde sucks
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 04:03:18
^ Obviously I carried him.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 04:19:38
nid? np.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 05:08:19
yoooo im TheJetPS in league, add me. Also, how do you guys build teemo?
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 05:08:51
PM me your user so ik who you are lol
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 06:09:18
Teemo, the most badass yordle ever: Teemo is a beast, carrying everyone to elo heaven. I have over 500 ranked wins with him, so I'm familar with what he can / and cannot do. Most people would tell you to build him AP, but no, that's an outdated way to build him. Also, never build AD, unless you want to die in one hit. THE SECRET ITEMS: At start, I usually go boots 3 pots. Teemo is so op, he can go in any lane. (Jungler? No sweat.) Boots still gives you good MS, and combined with Teemo, you're ungankable. For boots, I get mobility boots. 500 ms np. You want to get tanky, since you're a squishy one. Build towards a Randuins Omen, and then get Warmogs. Mid to late game, you want to pick up a guardian's angel. HOW TO PLAY: Since you're Teemo, your job is to soak up damage or sneak up to the ad carry. Blind shot the adc, and laugh. The adc does no more damage, while your team rushes in and destroys the adc. For this reason, you want to max Q first, and then W for movement speed. Max R last, because it's useless after the first rank.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 18:41:25
iColor wrote: Teemo, the most badass yordle ever: Teemo is a beast, carrying everyone to elo heaven. I have over 500 ranked wins with him, so I'm familar with what he can / and cannot do. Most people would tell you to build him AP, but no, that's an outdated way to build him. Also, never build AD, unless you want to die in one hit. THE SECRET ITEMS: At start, I usually go boots 3 pots. Teemo is so op, he can go in any lane. (Jungler? No sweat.) Boots still gives you good MS, and combined with Teemo, you're ungankable. For boots, I get mobility boots. 500 ms np. You want to get tanky, since you're a squishy one. Build towards a Randuins Omen, and then get Warmogs. Mid to late game, you want to pick up a guardian's angel. HOW TO PLAY: Since you're Teemo, your job is to soak up damage or sneak up to the ad carry. Blind shot the adc, and laugh. The adc does no more damage, while your team rushes in and destroys the adc. For this reason, you want to max Q first, and then W for movement speed. Max R last, because it's useless after the first rank.
I usually go warmogs straight into thornmail... -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 19:34:28
Or for Teemo, you can build AP and be the most annoying champ in the game.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:30:19
xSpin wrote: Or for Teemo, you can build AP and be the most annoying champ in the game.
WHYYYYYY. Of course I break my win streak because of a teemo. -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:43:59
I like building a couple thornmails first, then I stack flat resists, usually the game ends before then.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 21:50:49
add me Worst Swain Ever for spinnermades 8)
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 22:12:52
Have you ever seen more obvious win trading in your life? God damn pathetic. i guess spectating games all the time has its upside.. ill be damned if i let a deserving team lose a spot in the qualifiers because of this... especially cause my friends team might be the one that does
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 00:41:20
I don't understand how but I get absolutely wrecked so early in the game. I would literally get owned in like 2 hits. I don't understand. I'm still a new player, so please offer me some tips.
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 01:39:59
^ play play and play, see gameplays on yt(ocelote, etc), guides(mobafire, etc) for champs, but u wont learn how to play only with tips, play and u will get better
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 02:33:41
Do what any noob should do, copy the pros.
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 04:23:25
Add me guys :D Noobangle
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 06:39:29
Supergirl wrote: I don't understand how but I get absolutely wrecked so early in the game. I would literally get owned in like 2 hits. I don't understand. I'm still a new player, so please offer me some tips.
Try to concentrate on farming more, only fight them if they fight back first. -
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 08:11:25
King wrote: Do what any noob should do, copy the pros.
this -
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 11:19:36
I renamed to XxYoloxSwagxX420 and got my 1600 elo back today i'm both proud and ashamed
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 15:09:36
Goldstars;240838]Try to concentrate on farming more, only fight them if they fight back first.[/QUOTE] What is farming? [QUOTE=xoxe wrote: ^ play play and play, see gameplays on yt(ocelote, etc), guides(mobafire, etc) for champs, but u wont learn how to play only with tips, play and u will get better
Thanks, I'll be sure to check them out. -
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 19:53:05
Supergirl wrote: What is farming?
Farming is last hitting the minions, getting the gold reward for the minions -
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 22:06:52
Ya know, maybe i should learn rumble.
Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 22:13:52
King wrote: Ya know, maybe i should learn rumble.
i didnt like him, his ult is a pain in the ass with smartcast... and hes not the Free ELO champ he was in late s2 with the broken flamethrower that just won every single lane no matter what still good i guess tho -
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 06:17:00
bruisers everywhere leona j4 bot is back bros
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 06:37:19
How do I counteract mages on Katarina early game? I've been trying to learn her with bot games and basically I start with Boots/3 health pots but I always seem to be paired up with a Ryze or Veigar mid so they pretty much melt my health away easily. I can't farm very well because of this >< Also they have that stun and snare. Maybe it's just because I'm used to ranged champions? I play a lot of Teemo and I played a lot of Ashe before that.
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 07:39:37
Nachoaddict wrote: How do I counteract mages on Katarina early game? I've been trying to learn her with bot games and basically I start with Boots/3 health pots but I always seem to be paired up with a Ryze or Veigar mid so they pretty much melt my health away easily. I can't farm very well because of this >< Also they have that stun and snare. Maybe it's just because I'm used to ranged champions? I play a lot of Teemo and I played a lot of Ashe before that.
not sure if srs...what level are you? got any runes? kat should be easily able to melt champions like ryze. Kat's knife skill bounces so use that to harass the enemy champ plus once you have the shunpo it should be extremely easy to completely go in and melt half the enemy champ's health. -
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 15:46:21
No runes because I'm only level 13. Seems like every time I try to harass I end up getting half of my own health taken out T_T
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 16:50:03
Nachoaddict wrote: No runes because I'm only level 13. Seems like every time I try to harass I end up getting half of my own health taken out T_T
Just don't attack them, retreat to your turret. -
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 19:10:30
Nachoaddict wrote: How do I counteract mages on Katarina early game? I've been trying to learn her with bot games and basically I start with Boots/3 health pots but I always seem to be paired up with a Ryze or Veigar mid so they pretty much melt my health away easily. I can't farm very well because of this >< Also they have that stun and snare. Maybe it's just because I'm used to ranged champions? I play a lot of Teemo and I played a lot of Ashe before that.
[video=youtube;qgcGBG8K2cA][/video] You would not believe how much watching this video helped me play katarina Some things I got from the video: -If you are manaless, farm with your abilities. No harm done. BUT keep your shunpo off cd to escape if needed -CC is your enemy when playing Katarina -Carry wards to shunpo to them to escape, but that might be a little harder for you to do without too much game experience but practice makes perfect! -Smartcasting, when you press the hotkey(s) to smartcast, your ability is cast with your mouse cursor as the selected target Ex. Smartcasting Katarina's Bouncing Blades by pressing Shift+Q (or your smartcast key) with your mouse hovered over a minion or champion will immediately throw the dagger to the targeted minion or champion -
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 20:56:16
Learn how to last hit first, before learning anything else otherwise everything above is useless^
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 21:11:12
fuck this s3 patch, tanky junglers' clear times got slower and got harder then again more offensive junglers somewhat benefit from this but thta's just not my thing
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 01:42:57
Nachoaddict wrote: No runes because I'm only level 13. Seems like every time I try to harass I end up getting half of my own health taken out T_T
bots play really weird. insanely aggressive, careless, and seemingly without any real intelligence, artificial or otherwise. i did a bot game for literally the first time with a low level friend of mine [im gold] and i almost got first blooded in mid, but managed to just snowball 20 kills off once i hit level 3... mid is meant to be aggressive, but a certain degree of mutual respect is basically required for one person not to just feed the other one. bots don't know the consequences. dont do bot games to learn, its nothing like the actual game. also bots dont use runes so you can't apply what you do in bot games to real games at all. in real games you look at enemies MR/Armor/AP at the beginning to decide the best way to exchange do real games and practice controlled aggression, get the feel for how much harass you can dish out while a) mantaining dominant cs [at least 120 by 15 is standard, at this point you just roam] b) not getting out-traded c) not overextending time your harass with their last hitting, you see one of your minions low? enemy mid going in for it? thats when you harass. when theyre low enough, and they make that one fatal step too far into the lane for a cs/trade/etc you go in and destroy them. beware though, most of the time if theyre going into the lane again with low hp it's a bait. remember that minions are a huge factor in trading, they switch when you attack the enemy champion, its especially problematic on melee champs like kat. it's easier to trade melee at top where you can just reset minion aggro with a step into the bush. another mid tip: controlled pushing. you dont want the minions on their turret, or your turret, when he auto attacks a minion, you auto attack a minion, this keeps the wave in the center. only push when you plan to roam, and only let the wave push if you suspect their jungler or you simply can't mantain lane presence against your opponent [exceptions are vs things that dont farm on the turret efficiently, like ryze/swain/other low wave clear mids, just push these guys early to set them behind] also everyone add me on league XxYOLOxSWAGxX420 [yes the name is ironic] -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 04:25:30
For Katarina, you don't HAVE to harass, just farm early game to get to level 6.
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 16:31:19
What are the best tanky champions and the best item builds for it?
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 14:36:56
lmfao why do i always get troll plat elo smurfs on my team when i do ranked solo Q? my bot lane was streaming their ap carry lux/hard carry cait shenanigans. oh well,. i really cant complain. i didnt feel like i deserved to win that game. at one point i went in to save darius who died to ahri and i got bush juked and outplayed by ahri and she lived with 19 hp and a double kill. so sad
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 20:23:03
Stupid JC.
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 22:01:38
ahaha actually played lol earlier tonight 4 games with wukong, malph and 2 x heimerdinger edit: playing on EUNE!
Date: Mon, Jan 7 2013 04:09:22
f that.
Date: Mon, Jan 7 2013 16:48:19
Goldstars wrote: f that.
envy -
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2013 22:14:52
First ranked quadra kill, it was with katarina Told our tanky ass garen "dude just go in you won't die or anything, im kat lol" so he did killed everyone and had so little hp left, just spaming qwerqwer but then karthus Q killed me as I almost got penta q_q 11/5/10 isn't too bad especially since I always lose my ranked games unless I play mid
Date: Wed, Jan 9 2013 10:18:21
MightAsWellGG wrote: First ranked quadra kill, it was with katarina Told our tanky ass garen "dude just go in you won't die or anything, im kat lol" so he did killed everyone and had so little hp left, just spaming qwerqwer but then karthus Q killed me as I almost got penta q_q 11/5/10 isn't too bad especially since I always lose my ranked games unless I play mid
My first ranked quadra was a long time ago, i think it was at about 1400ish elo... i was ahri, i roamed botom, and killed their mid, jungle, support, AND adc... 5 seconds later, our graves d/c'd, and never came -
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 23:15:25
^lol im 1k elo, but I can defeat some kids I know who are 1.3k elo
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 01:47:35
what is wrong with olaf i play a terrible olaf
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 04:30:39
iColor wrote: what is wrong with olaf i play a terrible olaf
Is your jungle playstyle a balls-deep, gank heavy one with a lot of early game pressure? if it is, that's just because that particular playstyle happens to be very effective in solo queue -
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 07:09:11
lolol wu carry hard as fk never played him first game ranked
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2013 21:29:33
Sc00t wrote: Is your jungle playstyle a balls-deep, gank heavy one with a lot of early game pressure? if it is, that's just because that particular playstyle happens to be very effective in solo queue
I think whenever I play as a jungler, I end up calling all of the plays and we have better teamwork though, olaf is pretty forgiving when you mess up -
Date: Mon, Jan 14 2013 16:25:48
iColor wrote: I think whenever I play as a jungler, I end up calling all of the plays and we have better teamwork though, olaf is pretty forgiving when you mess up
making plays is a key factor. this is why hotshotgg couldnt break 1800 in solo queue jungling because he basically just babysits lanes and acts as a second support but saintvicious is 2.3k+ because he farms the jungle gets big and makes the calls -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2013 04:57:58
What are your guy's IGNs starting to play again
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2013 05:06:16
NoRice4U wrote: What are your guy's IGNs starting to play again
XYZaki add meh -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2013 09:59:10
3v5 Still carried lololol
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2013 18:05:42
They had 2 smites? o_O
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 07:26:47
Nachoaddict wrote: They had 2 smites? o_O
Trollers, trollers everywhere -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 18:43:57
NoRice4U wrote: What are your guy's IGNs starting to play again
MightAsWellGG -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 19:49:13
givemercy dont play much level 18 XD
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 07:05:29
So I've been playing Lulu support in normals a bit... playing support Aphromoo style is so much fun. If you get in there level 1 and scare them off, laning becomes easy-peesy. I really need to work on microing (?) during teamfights though. I end up just putting my cursor in the middle and hitting all the buttons.
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 04:45:34
hoiboy wrote: So I've been playing Lulu support in normals a bit... playing support Aphromoo style is so much fun. If you get in there level 1 and scare them off, laning becomes easy-peesy. I really need to work on microing (?) during teamfights though. I end up just putting my cursor in the middle and hitting all the buttons.
Make sure to aim your Q properly lol. you dont want it doing nothing to tanks. And Ulti in the middle of a teamfight (?) -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 07:59:30
bOOm 1700
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 09:55:12
nvm i think i may have just become the highest elo player on upsb [name change op]
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2013 04:52:43
AP Trynd Mid buff, aw yeah. Try it. Morello's, CD Boots, Lich Bane, Phantom Dancer, Rabadon's. Post-6? Survive all AP burst with ult, clear lane and provide awesome tower dive ganks for team, easy escape, nice spin dmg burst, consistent dmg with PD. Laugh the whole time in lane because you can spam heals all day. (lol)
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 03:30:52
What divisions did you guys get placed in?
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 03:30:55
im in the same division as @AwonW <3
NoRice4U wrote: What divisions did you guys get placed in?
see pic lol -
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 04:02:40
Damn I got placed in Gold II but I've only played placement matches so far
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 22:59:21
Well I'm doing really badly. Storytime: I just did really badly in a placement match. I went 1/10/2 as a support, and my mid was raging at everyone for dragging his elo down. He asked the other team to report me for being unskilled. Anyways, the other team proceeded to report him instead, and I ended up with +3 honor. Anyways, I really shouldn't play ranked. I'm play way too casually now to be any good, and it's really unfair to people. :(
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 03:12:39
TF makes solo queue too easy. edit: 10 solo queue win streak
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 22:36:50
Diamond Club.
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 22:39:01
Why so pro goldstars
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 20:52:52
cho da best
Date: Wed, Feb 13 2013 20:27:23
my swain will be feared throughout the lands. as i approach my goal, people in diamond will talk in hushed whispers of my conquests
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 01:03:58
Diamond club awaits you. -
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 01:07:22
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 23:49:14
Now I fucked up.
maybe scarra will use the pencil and lube instead
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2013 16:40:06
ya you most definitely should have me support and not adc
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2013 16:49:39
Sc00t wrote: Now I fucked up. maybe scarra will use the pencil and lube instead
Are you like buddies with high elo LOL -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2013 21:31:55
Jazz wrote: Are you like buddies with high elo LOL
yes thats like 50% of my frends list im almost diamond myself tho so im getting there -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2013 23:50:35
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2013 22:57:34
Who are some of the top tier tanks and adc champs?
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2013 22:38:22
Supergirl wrote: Who are some of the top tier tanks and adc champs?
top : jayce, garen,olaf, malphite, shen (if you know how to play him), j4, kayle adc : pretty much every adc except ashe. Ashe is pretty weak imo compared to other adc's. -
Date: Fri, Mar 1 2013 04:15:46
nerf me
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 05:25:41
Supergirl wrote: Who are some of the top tier adc champs?
Vayne because she can kite and has % true damage Kog because he has the long range Ez because he has the escape Stuff like Varus, Draven, Ashe are all shit, low range/no escape/no steroid, get shit on by bruisers who are smart enough to buy Randuins which is a guaranteed slow on attack speed and movement speed. -
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 17:32:38
Snipe Success.
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 19:32:11
Goldstars wrote: Snipe Success.
salce is so cute man his stream suck tho -
Date: Sun, Mar 3 2013 22:54:36
Taric is one hell of a beast tank. So fun to play with, got 25 assist with him, and 15 assist on a game where the opponent surrendered.
Date: Wed, Mar 6 2013 04:04:29
Diana es #1
Date: Wed, Mar 13 2013 23:53:16
ey a snipe at umashi too! gj gold
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 12:38:34
I've been building crit chance on Tryndamere, Fiora and Draven and I have to say, it's absolutely amazing. They can do about 800-1000 damage late game with almost every hit. So I'm just wondering whether crit chance is good for every really strong ADCs such as Darius, Xin Zhao etc?
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 14:52:20
good at a certain point but it shouldn't be priority
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 23:33:50
Yeah I find crit chance really good. But the champion becomes really squishy late game. When focused on, you're dead in a few seconds, but you could probably pick up a kill or two.
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 00:38:23
What's better Armor Pen marks or Attack Dmg marks?
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 18:04:32
That depends on the champion.
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 21:48:01
Can someone explain to me how the xp and IP system work please?
How comes I earned more IP with my Tristana game than my Fiora game? When clearly my Fiora game is much better, with more assist and kills. Is it to do with the type of champ you have and whether it correlates positively with kills and assists? For example, if I played a support character, I would get more IP if I gotten 2 kills 20 assists in a game, than 20 kills and 2 assists in another?
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 22:26:26
Well the Tristana game was the first win of the day. For your first win of the day you get double the base IP you would get for the win (there's a breakdown of it at the end of every game). The factor that is mostly determining the IP and XP you get for your win is the time the game went on.
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 23:43:13
neXus wrote: Well the Tristana game was the first win of the day. For your first win of the day you get double the base IP you would get for the win (there's a breakdown of it at the end of every game). The factor that is mostly determining the IP and XP you get for your win is the time the game went on.
Doesn't the first win of the day give you 150 IP bonus and not double the base IP? And that Tristana game wasn't my first win of the day. -
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 07:33:53
Supergirl wrote: Doesn't the first win of the day give you 150 IP bonus and not double the base IP? And that Tristana game wasn't my first win of the day.
lol are you sure? cause i don't think it's possible getting that much ip for a game without having ip boosts. -
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 08:12:30
Now I be confused
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 12:14:28
Has to have either been a first win of the day or an active boost. Sometimes riot gives them out after server troubles, how are the games before the trist game maybe you just didn't notice it. There's a formula for IP. I wrote it down from memory but it looked like wonky data so I'm not gonna post then. There's a cap on IP you can get per game and it's below 200 so your game has to have been either a first win of the day or boosted.
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 13:30:48
I've been playing Rengar a lot lately, due to watching lots of Best Rengar NA. I've been surprised how much burst he brings with a double Q. Also, E snare/slow hurts a ton. I'm still learning how to abuse his bush leaping mechanic. I've gotten a couple first bloods at lvl 1 trades because nobody realizes how much damage he can do.
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 15:25:48
Lvl 1 trades especially in top lane are pretty retarded most games I play it's not even a trade it's a gamble on first blood.
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 18:46:17
neXus wrote: Has to have either been a first win of the day or an active boost. Sometimes riot gives them out after server troubles, how are the games before the trist game maybe you just didn't notice it. There's a formula for IP. I wrote it down from memory but it looked like wonky data so I'm not gonna post then. There's a cap on IP you can get per game and it's below 200 so your game has to have been either a first win of the day or boosted.
wait, i remember the other day playing, and i got my first win then i checked my profile and it said i had another first win up again, so i played and i got bonus ip. not sure if bug or.... -
Date: Fri, Mar 29 2013 10:10:41
hi guys does anybody use the mac client? it lags shitass but i got a feeling its my comp thats the prob
Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 02:11:37
Katarina Quadrakill :D
Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 18:24:02
Anyone played Zac yet?
Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 22:06:59
Supergirl wrote: Anyone played Zac yet?
annoying. -
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 22:28:47
Lux is hard to play =/
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 14:29:12
[wyoutube]EHiYeUBDHQ4[/wyoutube] Lee Sin outplays pickng up the triplekill
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 22:33:30
AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: [wyoutube]EHiYeUBDHQ4[/wyoutube] Lee Sin outplays pickng up the triplekill
Hey you're back ! -
Date: Fri, Apr 12 2013 03:34:39
Hey guyss. Some of you might know I play on the SEA (Garena) servers but since I moved to Australia the connections gotten horrible. Downloading the NA client now and yeaah. Back to level 1 for me.
Date: Fri, Apr 12 2013 06:01:06
Oh well, I can't vote but I would say other.
Date: Sat, Apr 13 2013 23:59:48
So I'm lv 30 and I've never tried dominion. Can someone explain to me how to play it?
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 01:24:10
Supergirl wrote: So I'm lv 30 and I've never tried dominion. Can someone explain to me how to play it?
there's 5 checkpoints, the objective is to capture as many as possible. You can re-capture enemy checkpoints. The health of your nexus decreases/stays the same depending on how many checkpoints your team has currently captured. So, if your team has been behind on the # of checkpoints , you are gonna lose the game. -
Date: Mon, Apr 15 2013 02:19:12
Dang duo queue with jayce top and fizz mid is too good
Date: Sun, Apr 21 2013 06:25:27
MY THREAD! I started this YEARS ago!
Date: Sun, Apr 21 2013 13:33:18
I wouldn't be proud about that.
Date: Sun, Apr 21 2013 20:56:12
Bought Jayce today, most fun champion I've ever played.
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 00:50:11
How do I get level 2 kills with Riven? I end up losing the engage or backing off and not killing them until post-level 6.
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 11:23:45
Why do you think you have to kill at 2?
Not sure which one of the numbers is correct but yay me I'm a huge nerd.
Date: Sat, Apr 27 2013 10:44:42
MightAsWellGG wrote: How do I get level 2 kills with Riven? I end up losing the engage or backing off and not killing them until post-level 6.
@MightAsWellGG Harass with Q at level 1, push your lane a bit. Hit level 2 before he does, all in him when he's still level 1 with stun, flash and ignite. The important thing is you have to gauge your damage. Are you physically possible capable of doing enough damage to kill him at level 2? A lot of times you have to wait til level 3, or even 6. Once you hit 6, you have a major damage boost. If you can't burst the guy down when you're 6, you sure as hell won't be able to do it later on. The moment you hit level 6 should be the easiest time for you to kill your laning opponent. If you decide to kill him level 2, you really need to go in with everything you have. That's why I find it best to start elixir 6 or elixir 4 ward. It sets you up best for that early dominance. If you lost your level 2 engage, then you probably fought when you were both level 2, or you missed a skill>auto>skill>auto combo. The point of a level 2 kill is you basically have to kill him when you're level 2, but he's still level 1. If he's already level 2, depending on the matchup, you won't really be able to kill him. With an elixir start, popping your elixir the moment you hit 2 will boost your damage up by a lot, helping you secure the kill. Counting cooldowns is also reaaaallyyy important. Don't engage a Garen until after he uses Q to hit a minion, or don't engage a Renekton until you successfully baited his Q. This may sound really simple and obvious at first, but a lot of people forget to do this. Not only should you count ability cooldowns, but taking advantage when the guy last hits is important too. For example Teemo. Teemo is a bitch to lane against. You get zoned by his Q all day, denying you farm and exp. Level 2-3 kill is a risky way to get an advantage. When you decide to all-in on Teemo for the early kill, your timing is crucial. The moment Teemo walks a bit forward to last hit, is when you should dash to him to try to get the kill. That way, you take him by surprise, and he won't have an autoattack immediately ready to shoot at you. Another big point is how you combo. Often, BAD Riven players like to E-W to their target, and QQQ after them to chase and do damage. If you're somewhat OKAY with Riven, and know how her passive works, you'll probably do the same thing, except autoattack between skills for the extra damage. However, GOOD Riven players will take advantage of her last Q, which has a knockback. Most of the time, instead of E-Wing into your target, saving your stun for later can be really worth it to set up the knockback. Here's the scenario. You and the other guy are both level 3, and you plan to all-in the guy with your combo. It usually happens like this, as it's what most people(at least, decent people) do. Keep in mind, this scenario is assuming you're coming at him directly head-on, and your E will put him in range of your W E > W > auto > Q > auto > Q > auto > Q OR E > auto > W > auto > Q > Q > auto > Q Why the missing autos? Well, usually if you do this, the guy is running from you, and you're chasing right? When you do EW, it's very difficult to set yourself up in a position where you can consistently auto attack between spells while keeping up with him. A lot of times, you fall out of range. A slightly better way of going after someone would be this E > Q > W > auto > Q > auto > Q > auto > auto Now, why does this combo allow you to get more autos than the previous ones? Well, when you EQ instead of EW at the beginning, you're setting yourself to be IN FRONT of your opponent, rather than behind him since the first Q will get you in front of the guy. After your Q, you W to stun him and get your first auto in. You Q again to regain that position in front of him and auto again. The last Q is the most important, as it is often very overlooked on when playing Riven. Since you will be in front of the guy the whole time, your last Q will knock him back away from the direction he's running in, allowing you to push him further back a bit. This will let you get in 2 autos for free, as 1 auto will be from when he walks behind you>to you, and the other auto will be when he runs past you, and you get your last attack in before he gets out of range. Getting that 1 extra auto in before he leaves range is critical, especially in level 3 fights. Keep in mind that matchups are also important. There are some matchups where it's nearly impossible to get an early kill, like shen or irelia. There are also some champs you can face where its possible to get a kill, but pretty difficult unless you make smart decisions. Some of these are garen, teemo, jax or malphite -Garen, you need to get E level 1, not Q. Shielding his silence is crucial if you want to win early game. Whenever he Qs you at level 1, you shield it and get a free auto attack in. You slowly whittle down his health that way. Killing Garen at level 2 is near impossible, as you need your full kit to kill him. You shield his silence, and once he starts to spin, you only need to Q once to get away. Once he stops spinning you use your other Q to get back in range of him, W, and then use your last Q to knock him back towards your tower. Other things to keep in mind when playing vs garen is to keep his passive down as much as possible. As harass, Q to get close to him, W > auto > E away is very effective.* -Teemo, another lane where you can't really do anything until level 3. You need to get E level 1 to shield his blind. In this matchup it is absolutely essential you have control of the bush. If you can't control the bush, there is no way of winning. Here you basically hide in bush, only to come out to last hit and harass. As harass, you can Q from to bush towards him, stun, get 1 or 2 autos in, and E away back into the bush, effectively shielding his reactionary-blind. Once you hit 6, activate your ult in bush and go all in on him, you should be able to get the kill -Jax, with jax, you need to know that jax will almost always be stronger than you in a straight up fight. Getting an early kill against jax requires you to be able to dodge his stuns, harass him down to half health, and go all in once you hit 6. As soon as jax prepares to stun you, dash out of it immediately, and harass with Q right after. If you continuously do this, he will eventually run out of mana, giving you the easy kill when you have ult. -Malphite, this is a pretty difficult matchup, but you kinda need to be patient, just like the jax matchup. I don't think its possible to kill malphite level 2, seeing how he has his massive slow. In order to deal with him, take your shield first. It's important that you shield away every time he uses his Q. Eventually, he will run out of mana to the point where you can kill him without fear. However, because of his inherent tankiness, you wont be able to burst him from full health. During laning you need to be constantly harassing, walking up to him, stunning and running away, in order to keep his passive down and slowly eat his health away. Once you hit 6, he should be an easy kill. wow, didnt realize i wrote so much, I can give you more tips on other matchups, but didnt really feel like writing every champ out, just the hard ones. if you want more advice you can just ask me. Source: literally played nothing but Riven for the last 2 months. also, pentakill -
Date: Mon, Apr 29 2013 02:50:39
People tell me that Riven is played as an initiator/tank, while other people tell me she is an assassin. How should I play Riven? I think she should be built as an assassin, or an offtank bruiser because you can utilize her abilities if you build more AD, rather than just HP and Armor @Loanshark
Date: Mon, Apr 29 2013 04:22:45
That would depend on your build, play style and both teams comps.
Date: Mon, Apr 29 2013 12:01:05 Lee OP?
Date: Wed, May 1 2013 15:21:38
MightAsWellGG wrote: People tell me that Riven is played as an initiator/tank, while other people tell me she is an assassin. How should I play Riven? I think she should be built as an assassin, or an offtank bruiser because you can utilize her abilities if you build more AD, rather than just HP and Armor @Loanshark
Her conventional build is that of a bruiser/offtank. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 07:40:26
MightAsWellGG;257522]People tell me that Riven is played as an initiator/tank, while other people tell me she is an assassin. How should I play Riven? I think she should be built as an assassin, or an offtank bruiser because you can utilize her abilities if you build more AD, rather than just HP and Armor @MightAsWellGG fuck everyone that tells you to build her like a tank. tanky riven ONLY works if you're a premade 5, and your team specifically planned every champion, and exactly how everyone will play 2 dorans > brutalizer > black cleaver (optional) > BT > LW > GA > maw > warmogs (situational) hydra is generally a bad buy. if you have team comps that have good combo-ers like diana, orianna, or malphite, hydra might seem be a good choice since your autoattack between your Qs do aoe damage and everyone is stacked together, HOWEVER if their team is easy enough for you to burst down, QQQ will do more aoe damage per second than Q-aa-Q-aa-Q-aa if you buy hydra. in the time you take to autoattack, Qing again will do more damage to everyone. fuck everyone that tells you to build any items other than those items get cleaver if you havent been farming/killing well for mid game boost of damage get warmogs only if you cannot survive teamfights, possibly earlier if you're doing poorly. boots are up to you, i go cdr most of the time, and i dont buy level 1 boots until i have 2 full items, usually BC/BT or BT/LW [QUOTE=Supergirl wrote: Her conventional build is that of a bruiser/offtank.
nope -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 07:50:49
Anybody watched Best Riven NA tournament? Qtpie shittin on people. [video=youtube;-ZLGUq3z4s0][/video] [video=youtube;oZedZ-sAjcc][/video]
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 09:47:13
wish i could be in that tourney X_X
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 12:17:27
So I just started ranking, but need to play my first 10 provisional matches to be placed into a league. I've got 5 wins and 1 loss so far, how many wins do I need to be placed in silver (any division)? Edit: Nevermind, won 7 out of 10 of my provisional matches and got placed into Silver IV.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 01:59:05
won a 4v5 aram, most stressful thing ever. kayle left at around 20 min
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 03:05:45
imaqtpie is just too stronk
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 13:40:43
wallpaper i made :3
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 13:57:25
Loanshark wrote: wallpaper i made :3
Make a Lee one :D -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 15:58:23
Voracity wrote: Make a Lee one :D
here make your own -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 22:15:25
Got penta with Jayce in rank today :D
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 22:46:54
shyvana jungle op camp top win game
Date: Wed, May 8 2013 02:40:33
I was playing Cho'Gath jungle, and our mid Annie overextending and died to Malzahar while I was ganking top. Apparently that was my fault for not being at 2 places at once. And apparently according to her, 1 death is considered feeding. Why do I get stuck with people like this? X_x
Date: Wed, May 8 2013 04:22:57
MightAsWellGG wrote: shyvana jungle op camp top win game
okay so here's what you do you pink ward top and camp the shit out of their top and you say in game "sorry your top is feeding so badly" -
Date: Wed, May 8 2013 05:13:25
Ive been playing this game for 3 years know (very inconsitently) and i resently hit level 30 with silver V. Add me my IGN is "givemercy" (NA) The reason ive played so incosistently is because first off i didnt really like the game but my close friends did, but now ive really gotten to liking it I play mid, a decent support, and jungle.
Date: Sat, May 11 2013 21:02:37
I don't think they were that bad, but... This shouldn't happen in ARAMs.
Date: Sun, May 12 2013 12:54:18
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I don't think they were that bad, but... This shouldn't happen in ARAMs.
Happens quite a lot. My score wasn't as impressive but I was Hecarim with only a sheen and going ham with a score of 8/0/12, and one of my friends played as Singed in ARAM and didn't get a death as well (not in the same game). -
Date: Sun, May 12 2013 22:18:12
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I don't think they were that bad, but... This shouldn't happen in ARAMs.
lux, nidalee, jayce, urgot, tf aram dream team -
Date: Thu, May 16 2013 02:40:33
Loanshark wrote: lux, nidalee, jayce, urgot, tf aram dream team
Poke for days -
Date: Thu, May 16 2013 18:35:04
Met Chaox in HK, got everything signed, he pen spins. Best Wednesday of my life.
Date: Thu, May 16 2013 20:17:22
Date: Thu, May 16 2013 20:32:18
My wallet for one, got a card signed as well as a poster. I don't want to upload the photos we took, but basically if you look at his Facebook page you'll find one.
Date: Fri, May 17 2013 21:17:33
Loanshark wrote: lux, nidalee, jayce, urgot, tf aram dream team
I actually got that once. We finished the game in seven minutes. On a side note: Cho'Gath is the biggest cockblocker alive. -
Date: Mon, May 20 2013 20:39:20
Do 1350 RP skins ever go on sale?
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 04:47:46
finally made it 2 da best division doe.
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 16:46:06
let me play on your account pls i want to bronze 5
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 18:47:14
Ugh... ranked is such a hassle. I hate Bronze III. On a side note: I've been playing tons of Ezreal (Blue build) - I've gotten so many cool picks off, but I can't straight up 1v1 anyone.
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 20:58:38
hoiboy wrote: I've gotten so many cool picks off, but I can't straight up 1v1 anyone.
Not with that attitude you can't. -
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 21:00:21
Blue Ezreal is designed so you can 1v1 anyone lol. The CDR you get, along with Frozen Fist lets you kite people indefinitely.
Date: Tue, May 28 2013 04:36:55
Date: Wed, May 29 2013 06:10:20
Havent played in three months FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK that
Date: Sat, Jun 1 2013 00:19:46
what do I do if I play ranked and my ADC cannot farm, my top lane cannot stop feeding and my jungler cannot gank properly?
Date: Sat, Jun 1 2013 00:43:12
Does anyone actually get into the lore of the game? Or is it just me..
Date: Sat, Jun 1 2013 00:44:39
MightAsWellGG wrote: what do I do if I play ranked and my ADC cannot farm, my top lane cannot stop feeding and my jungler cannot gank properly?
Surrender. EDIT: FUCK. my posts somehow didnt combine like they were supposed to. Delete one please. Sorry mods. -
Date: Sat, Jun 1 2013 02:03:28
MightAsWellGG wrote: what do I do if I play ranked and my ADC cannot farm, my top lane cannot stop feeding and my jungler cannot gank properly?
You need to roam and make plays. The worst thing that you could possibly do is sit in your lane and just farm, since having only one lane winning can only go so far. Push up your lane and try to make plays that will result in taking objectives for your team. -
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 00:51:18
I decided to get out of bronze by playing ap mid with an adc duo combo but damn anivia op
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 09:05:24
MightAsWellGG wrote: what do I do if I play ranked and my ADC cannot farm, my top lane cannot stop feeding and my jungler cannot gank properly?
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 20:32:05
Can I get some tips on playing melee adcs please? Like tryndamere,zed and talon. When a fight initiates I would jump in, but I die almost instantly.
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 10:39:34
How you manage to die almost instantly as tryndamere surprises me
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 11:23:20
Loanshark wrote: How you manage to die almost instantly as tryndamere surprises me
ult on wrong timing lol. i see many tryndameres in solo queue think they'll wait until 100 hp, but get bursted hard and dies. on another note proxy singed op -
Date: Mon, Jun 17 2013 19:25:29
This guy :O But I don't understand how he has one loss in his promotion series but that loss is not in his match history?
Date: Mon, Jun 17 2013 21:47:11
^proof that supports can carry fuck you if you think that just because you're support, you can't carry your team also, you dont see the loss in match history because he dodged while in champ select. dodges count as losses while in series
Date: Thu, Jun 20 2013 22:27:00
Do you guys think that it's fine to have two runic bulwarks? Is there anything really bad with it? I know that the unique aura doesn't stack, but runic bulwark as an item in itself is pretty good. Or do you think that it's better to just go with other tanky items?
Date: Sat, Jun 22 2013 02:42:24
Supergirl wrote: Do you guys think that it's fine to have two runic bulwarks? Is there anything really bad with it? I know that the unique aura doesn't stack, but runic bulwark as an item in itself is pretty good. Or do you think that it's better to just go with other tanky items?
FYI to anyone that doesn't know, runic bulwark stacks on the people who have it. If jungler and support gets it, they both have double the stack back to the question, bulwark is a pretty good item in and of itself, but if your team is deciding to get 2, then you'd be better off spending that money on another item to help the team out, like locket. unless you're playing aram, then feel free to stack that shit up -
Date: Tue, Jun 25 2013 12:50:08
Hello everyone :) I'm kinda new to LoL and the problem I often face is that I'm unsure of when to engage/initiate/disengage from fights. For example when I'm at full health and another guy's at full health as well I don't know whether I can win if I were to try and engage... Any tips?
Date: Tue, Jun 25 2013 14:04:37
[QUOTE='[TGN];263018']Hello everyone :) I'm kinda new to LoL and the problem I often face is that I'm unsure of when to engage/initiate/disengage from fights. For example when I'm at full health and another guy's at full health as well I don't know whether I can win if I were to try and engage... Any tips?[/QUOTE] This is going to be a very general guideline, if you think you're already competent at the game and can outplay people, ignore this. This is for newer people. ============================================ Check his level, his money, and his items. If he's two or more levels above you, don't fight him. The stats you gain from leveling up is worth around 500-600 gold if you were to buy those same stats. You better be at least a whole BF Sword ahead if you want to kill a guy that has more levels on you. If he has more farm/kills than you, don't fight him. Remember though, 1 kill is roughly 15ish minions worth of gold. If he has a kill, but you have over 30 CS ahead of him, you have more money than him. If his items are better than yours, don't fight him. Always judge to see who would have the advantage. If its 1v1 for the AD carries, Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer will generally beat Blade of the Ruined King and Statikk Shiv. HOWEVER, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO LEARN YOUR CHAMPION AND LEARN YOUR ENEMIES I have been in countless situations where I'm behind on gold AND behind on levels early, but still manage to kill my opponent and win my lane, simply because I knew my champion better than my opponent knew his champion. Knowledge is much more important than levels/gold/items. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will tell you how to fight and when are good/bad times to fight. Example: I'm playing Riven top vs Teemo. Most people would agree that Teemo beats Riven due to his long range poke, blind, and kiting potential. I'm behind on farm throughout the whole early game, but I do my best not to fall behind in levels. I keep control of the top brush as much as I can and scare Teemo away whenever he tries to last hit. Once I hit 6, I go all-out on him: ult, flash, ignite, and everything. I do this because I know I have a massive steroid at level 6, and a huge nuke, and I can easily burst him down. I get the kill and snowball from there.
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 00:25:10
Loanshark wrote: This is going to be a very general guideline, if you think you're already competent at the game and can outplay people, ignore this. This is for newer people.
But not all champions are equal aren't they? So perhaps a champion who has a slight advantage in level, gold and items would still lose to another champion. And also, I'm unsure of what to do in teamfights. -
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 00:56:53
[QUOTE='[TGN];263066']But not all champions are equal aren't they? So perhaps a champion who has a slight advantage in level, gold and items would still lose to another champion. And also, I'm unsure of what to do in teamfights.[/QUOTE] In teamfights you would generally want to focus on the enemy's ADC, then their APC.
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 01:28:52
[QUOTE='[TGN];263066']But not all champions are equal aren't they? So perhaps a champion who has a slight advantage in level, gold and items would still lose to another champion. And also, I'm unsure of what to do in teamfights.[/QUOTE] Yes, that is true, not all champions are equal. That is why I heavily stressed on learning your champion and learning your opponents' champions. The knowledge is more important than gold or levels. Regarding what you do during teamfights, it always depends on what you are playing. If you are ADC, you should try to stay far back from the enemy team and just focus on killing the closest person to you. You SHOULD NOT dive after the enemy's carries if it means putting yourself at risk. If a tank/bruiser is charging at you, either kite backwards and focus him down, or kite to the side and focus on hitting other people if you don't think that the tank has enough damage to kill you. Don't listen to the people that say "don't focus the tank." As an ADC, your job is to put as much damage as possible on the enemy team, even if it's on the tank. If you are a tank/bruiser, you should try to CC the enemy team's carries down, or peel for your ADC. If you are playing someone like Maokai, you jump on anyone that tries to get on your team's ADC and keep your carry alive as long as possible. If you're someone like Malphite, you should try to engage on your opponent's carries so your team cam follow up and shut them down.
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:00:56
Getting more comfortable with Blitzcrank. Any tips on how to play him better?
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:50:11
Land your Qs
Date: Sat, Jun 29 2013 11:39:58
Switched to smart cast, things starting to look a little better. ^^
Date: Wed, Jul 3 2013 12:04:01
guise im in South Korea right now and I have the freedom to play League pretty much whenever I want to as long as my family doesn't have plans for the day my cousin let me borrow his account (Silver 5, over 300 wins) and it has pretty much all the champions I don't own / have not bothered to try out I have absolutely no idea what anything means in the client or what these people are typing in the chat, except that ㅁㄷ is slang for mid, ㅌ is slang for top and ㅈㄱ is slang for jungle (joking, I'm slightly fluent in Korean) funny thing is that people let me go mid if I type that I'm doublelift LOL (isn't he the CLG's ADC anyways) my cousin is telling me that ryze top is popular meta here, and I've seen it plenty on the Korean LCS that streams on TV here most of the time that I play theres either a troller who decides to go mid after I call it or my team overall feeds I can play NA server but ping is 150+ and besides, my ping on KR servers is >20 because the internet here is fabulous :) Zed, Khazix, and Jarvan IV are fun champs to play. I played J4 mid and it just pierces so much armour that basic attacks from a non-AD champion would do tons of damage to the same target homg I wish I didn't refund Riven for Fizz :\ but Fizz is still fun ok also apparently ap hecarim is a thing
Date: Wed, Jul 3 2013 13:44:59
dude that internet is shit brah lolol get on my level but uh on a serious note, where do you live in the states? because your ping on the NA servers really doesn't have to do with your internet service, it has to do with your location. Riot's NA server is in california so everyone on the east coast will have higher ping than west coast, since it takes the signal a longer time to travel across the whole country, and that's something internet service has no control over. ~100-200 ping is normal for me since I live in Connecticut. Although apparently, Riot's northern latin america server is near florida, and I've tested it. Got around ~60 ping. You can always try converting to the mexican side.
Date: Wed, Jul 3 2013 16:02:42
My ping is fine from the Midwest, that being said I get decent ping on most servers. Oh and side note, everyone struggling with ranked it really is just a crap shoot, im carrying games easily up gold on my smurf and I don't even have any runes. Meanwhile my main is literally stuck with multiple leavers every other game. So don't get caught up with your rank, it doesn't really mean much unless you're bronze or a contender.
Date: Thu, Jul 4 2013 05:44:28
Loanshark wrote: dude that internet is shit brah lolol get on my level but uh on a serious note, where do you live in the states? because your ping on the NA servers really doesn't have to do with your internet service, it has to do with your location. Riot's NA server is in california so everyone on the east coast will have higher ping than west coast, since it takes the signal a longer time to travel across the whole country, and that's something internet service has no control over. ~100-200 ping is normal for me since I live in Connecticut. Although apparently, Riot's northern latin america server is near florida, and I've tested it. Got around ~60 ping. You can always try converting to the mexican side.
compared to 7 mbps down and 1 mbps up this internet is fabulous I live in Murrland and my ping is never above 100 unless someone else is download stuff I don't wanna transfer to beaner server lel maybe i'll make an account for that server to try it out -
Date: Thu, Jul 4 2013 06:28:01
MightAsWellGG wrote: funny thing is that people let me go mid if I type that I'm doublelift LOL (isn't he the CLG's ADC anyways)
The funny thing is that you're in Korea and you're spending all your time playing League of Legends. -
Date: Thu, Jul 4 2013 13:23:33
XYZaki wrote: The funny thing is that you're in Korea and you're spending all your time playing League of Legends.
The funny thing is I haven't played more than 10 games total for the whole 20 days I've been here I helped on my grandparents farm for the first 3 days, then I went touring around for about a week, and shopping for total half a week. I also went to the Carribean Bay water park and got in this slide that drops you almost vertically 30 feet via a trapdoor I play league in the morning because that's morning for my east coast friends. I've been waking up at 6 am because I end up sleeping before midnight so if I wanted to play even more league I actually have enough time too. I've been occupied with Minecraft, 소녀시대 and rooting my Galaxy S3 so I mean I guess -
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 01:29:48
XYZaki wrote: The funny thing is that you're in Korea and you're spending all your time playing League of Legends.
Sorry not everyone has the same interests as you -
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 02:25:36
What the
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 18:58:13
Loanshark wrote: What the
cus y not -
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 19:26:24
Loanshark wrote: What the
cuz quick draw -
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 19:38:12
Loanshark wrote: What the
looking again y ur questioning the graves when they have ad ori LOL -
Date: Fri, Jul 5 2013 19:46:53
xSpin wrote: looking again y ur questioning the graves when they have ad ori LOL
dat ori passive LOL -
Date: Sat, Jul 6 2013 12:58:19
but AD ori is gud ya? For Korean servers to check the match history and statistics of a player they use, similar to The account I was using (my cousin's) is here Although he's in silver I'm better than him lol. I was doing a 1v2 on Howling Abyss against my cousin and my brother and I was able to outplay each of them several times killing them both, but they ended up pushing my nexus due to having more manpower than me :( Note: PC방's (lit. PC room) are filled with people smoking and shit, but the rates can be pretty damn cheap (~$1 USD for 3 hours) and you get all champions unlocked with 20% IP boost per game^^ I couldn't play for 3 hours in them because that shit smells
Date: Sat, Jul 6 2013 21:52:45
I'm guessing that game was ARAM and they wanted to balance they're AD to AP ratio. Orianna was the best choice for being AD.
Date: Sun, Jul 7 2013 00:52:57
Breaking the meta
Date: Sun, Jul 7 2013 09:55:53
there's not really a set meta in the game, just people following what pro's do l0l
Date: Tue, Jul 9 2013 22:14:54
Spirit Guard Udyr coming out tonight :D Anyone else picking him up?
Date: Wed, Jul 10 2013 14:19:54
11 losses in a row.
Date: Wed, Jul 10 2013 16:05:09
[QUOTE='[TGN];264441']11 losses in a row.[/QUOTE] baddies gonna bad
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 01:09:03
Any in-depth tips for 3v3?
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 04:52:24
3v3 pick singed. srsly bruisers meta+kassadin, just build tanky ad/ap and you seige turrets way early, keep pressure and i dont think baron is that important in 3v3 cause either u snowball to victory or u lose like shit
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 16:33:27
wat, people play 3v3 ?
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 22:20:50
I enjoy bruisers in-game, so I naturally started playing 3v3 more often.
Date: Fri, Jul 12 2013 23:10:44
fucking client sucks dick this patch
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 07:01:19
3v3 is actually pretty fun
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 08:39:02
Ohayo wrote: fucking client sucks dick this patch
Yep lol -
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 10:07:31
Which is better mid/top? Leesin or Zed?
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 14:52:43
Voracity wrote: Which is better mid/top? Leesin or Zed?
whichever one you're better at im srs -
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 23:03:24
So, how about that AP Lucian guys?
Date: Tue, Jul 16 2013 06:37:16
KEBjrLFBzwWa0rgdyeXt Free CLG poster code ($7.50). You still have to pay $5 for shipping.
Date: Wed, Jul 17 2013 04:19:18
who is Best Yoona SNSD?
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2013 06:15:20
think it's aafg, not sure tho
Date: Tue, Jul 30 2013 18:52:21
Thread is slowly dieing. On a side note, I can't get out of Silver V. ;( [video=youtube;Gj1GEioRHMY][/video]
Date: Thu, Aug 29 2013 19:29:34
The mandatory password reset has ruined me.
Date: Thu, Aug 29 2013 21:07:41
Still stuck in Silver V. When I win I gain 12lp, when I lose i lose 21 lp.
Date: Mon, Sep 2 2013 20:01:45
anyone trying to get season 3 rewards?
Date: Mon, Sep 2 2013 21:11:33
Me. Halp me pls. I gain 30lp and lose like 10-15 lp @Goldstars
Date: Sun, Sep 22 2013 10:20:38
MightAsWellGG wrote: Me. Halp me pls. I gain 30lp and lose like 10-15 lp @Goldstars
You need help? Gaining 30lp from one win is extremely high. -
Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 11:38:10
Finished provisional games at 4W/6L Bronze I Played awhile Demoted to Bronze II Got to 100 LP Promotional series Lose 2 Back to Bronze II. Halp
Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 14:23:21
[QUOTE='[TGN];269784']Finished provisional games at 4W/6L Bronze I Played awhile Demoted to Bronze II Got to 100 LP Promotional series Lose 2 Back to Bronze II. Halp[/QUOTE] Carry your games by playing adc or assassins. Or play a jungler with high mobility and camp a lane who can snowball the most, eg Zed mid. Though, there are a lot of different ways to play in the jungle, such as counter jungling weak junglers. Capitalize early advantages to snowball the game. Learn to close out games by taking objectives. Play to improve, not to win. Don't rage.
Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 00:09:22
Supergirl wrote: Carry your games by playing adc or assassins. Or play a jungler with high mobility and camp a lane who can snowball the most, eg Zed mid. Though, there are a lot of different ways to play in the jungle, such as counter jungling weak junglers. Capitalize early advantages to snowball the game. Learn to close out games by taking objectives. Play to improve, not to win. Don't rage.
I have been playing support almost all games since other team mates always take the other roles first. Once in a while I get to jungle and usually win though. -
Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 00:20:18
[QUOTE='[TGN];269817']I have been playing support almost all games since other team mates always take the other roles first. Once in a while I get to jungle and usually win though.[/QUOTE] Support is an important role in the game. However, I feel as though there is only so much you can do as a support, that you can't really carry games. Unless you can make plays all game long, a good champion for doing so would be Thresh.
Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 01:11:31
Supergirl wrote: Support is an important role in the game. However, I feel as though there is only so much you can do as a support, that you can't really carry games. Unless you can make plays all game long, a good champion for doing so would be Thresh.
Yeah sometimes I get an amazing ADC which makes me really happy, but usually otherwise it's someone who doesn't know when to back or go all in which is really frustrating. On a side note, does anyone play on Garena (South-East Asia) server? -
Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 02:18:40
The only reason why I want to raise my rating right now is to get the victorious skins, but later in the year I would be interested in solo/duo queuing
Date: Sun, Sep 29 2013 09:38:51
Managed to hit 100 LP but failed promotional once again. Really close game, but I didn't feel as disappointed as before. I realised if I actually take the games lightly and play for fun, I make better decisions and plays.
Date: Mon, Sep 30 2013 21:57:33
[QUOTE='[TGN];269920']Managed to hit 100 LP but failed promotional once again. Really close game, but I didn't feel as disappointed as before. I realised if I actually take the games lightly and play for fun, I make better decisions and plays.[/QUOTE] Indeed, if you rage every game you're just going to go on tilt and go into loss streaks.
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 00:29:33
I don't fucking understand how Jungle Shen is viable in pub games. He clears like a fucking snail high on weed, and his ganking is shit. Yet he's heavily picked or banned, and when picked, almost never played solo top. Jesus, even JungKayle is more viable. That said, I fucking love Vi.
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 11:49:37
Managed to hit Bronze 1 and had a 5-win streak, just lost a game because mid decided to go AP Shen and support had the greatest idea of using Mao Kai.
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 13:04:13
I heard this game is good but i think this game isnt global i dont know if this is true but if it have a global version and a good game review i gotta try this
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 15:36:03
We have our own server for the Philippines
Date: Wed, Oct 2 2013 22:28:15
Just started this week. I like it!~
Date: Fri, Oct 4 2013 11:29:19
Reached 100 LP for Bronze 1. BO5 series coming up!
Date: Fri, Oct 4 2013 14:17:24
[QUOTE='[TGN];269825']Yeah sometimes I get an amazing ADC which makes me really happy, but usually otherwise it's someone who doesn't know when to back or go all in which is really frustrating. On a side note, does anyone play on Garena (South-East Asia) server?[/QUOTE] I do :) Add me my in-game name is Ballisticforce
Date: Fri, Oct 4 2013 21:44:57
I finally hit level 21...pfffffft...
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 07:08:50
[QUOTE='[TGN];270300']Reached 100 LP for Bronze 1. BO5 series coming up![/QUOTE] Been on 2 wins in my BO5 for Bronze 1 for a week now, just can't find the motivation to get that last one. :P
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 08:28:44
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Been on 2 wins in my BO5 for Bronze 1 for a week now, just can't find the motivation to get that last one. :P
How do you reach B1!? I have been trying over and over again but can't get out of B3... -
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 09:30:39
Voracity wrote: How do you reach B1!? I have been trying over and over again but can't get out of B3...
Once I reach Silver I would gladly duoQ with you xD -
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 13:21:05
Good luck!
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 14:50:50
Well well well
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 17:04:24
Started this game for just 2 weeks..awesome thou.. btw guys is Riven nice? Riven or Ezreal? I need to choose either one
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 18:29:59
Voracity wrote: How do you reach B1!? I have been trying over and over again but can't get out of B3...
By dropping from Silver 2 by not playing for half a year. >_>; -
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 20:33:16
Can't manage to hit plat.. most of my friends play plat 3-1, I'm stuck at gold 1 sads Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
Date: Sat, Oct 5 2013 23:53:32
ItsNick wrote: Started this game for just 2 weeks..awesome thou.. btw guys is Riven nice? Riven or Ezreal? I need to choose either one
They're both good. If you want an adc go for Ezreal, if you want a top laner go for Riven. -
Date: Sun, Oct 6 2013 13:40:16
faker pls
Date: Tue, Oct 8 2013 06:39:27
M5 was robbed. I wish Eve had better skins, all her current skins are shit Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
Date: Tue, Oct 8 2013 12:15:41
entertdr on garena SEA, add me ;D
Date: Tue, Oct 8 2013 13:39:22
I await more Trinity Force nerfs...
Date: Fri, Oct 11 2013 11:52:31
bought Riven, now im facing a problem, its the OP Jax..i cant even touch him..any ideas? and Twisted Fate, should i go for AP or AD?
Date: Fri, Oct 11 2013 16:19:26
ItsNick wrote: bought Riven, now im facing a problem, its the OP Jax..i cant even touch him..any ideas? and Twisted Fate, should i go for AP or AD?
If you're talking about playing Riven vs Jax, then play aggressive early. When you first go into lane, try and get lv 2 before him, taking q and w, and proceed to harass Jax. Or if you're feeling brave, take q at lv 1 and engage at lv 1. Also, as Riven you can counter Jax's stun by using your w when Jax is using his e, or you can knock him up. -
Date: Fri, Oct 11 2013 17:18:47
ItsNick wrote: bought Riven, now im facing a problem, its the OP Jax..i cant even touch him..any ideas? and Twisted Fate, should i go for AP or AD?
please refer to my (barely) comprehensive guide on riven -
Date: Fri, Oct 11 2013 23:53:23
Date: Sat, Oct 12 2013 00:25:40
ItsNick wrote: and Twisted Fate, should i go for AP or AD?
Usually AP mid. Come to think of it, he has a pretty high AD ratio... -
Date: Sat, Oct 12 2013 00:34:48
Bought Jax...ult bothers me. I dunno when to use. Wait for team fights...or turret dives...or for yolo dives?
Date: Sat, Oct 12 2013 16:40:29
Darealone wrote: Bought Jax...ult bothers me. I dunno when to use. Wait for team fights...or turret dives...or for yolo dives?
Use it whenever you fight, or when you tank towers. -
Date: Wed, Oct 16 2013 20:12:09
4v5s are so much fun if you're with good players.
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 03:45:21
Rengar never dies. I plan on playing rengar-only ranked on this account, lol.
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 11:09:26
#humblebrag Honestly, one of my shortest games ever.
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 20:42:50
woop hello sembreak! time for road to gold! pushhhhhhhhh
Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 14:17:47
bought jinx on the release date for SEA dont really know how to build..i once saw a jinx in PVP that can kill a 5kHP Jarvan IV within 3seconds..but its hard to kill for me any pros can tell builds for ADC Jinx, Caitlyn and Ezreal that can solo bot for beginner or Mid for pvp? any help will be appreciated xD
Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 17:05:35
ItsNick wrote: bought jinx on the release date for SEA dont really know how to build..i once saw a jinx in PVP that can kill a 5kHP Jarvan IV within 3seconds..but its hard to kill for me any pros can tell builds for ADC Jinx, Caitlyn and Ezreal that can solo bot for beginner or Mid for pvp? any help will be appreciated xD
For Jinx, refer to this video [video=youtube;vZaqHi8N7yc][/video] For all ADCs your builds are all pretty similar with the exception of Ezreal, Corki and possibly others. -
Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 22:34:42
u guise remember that bronze v pic? on road to LCS.
Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 22:44:40
Holy shit that's a lot of games.
Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 00:01:03
Forever stuck.
Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 00:25:53
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Holy shit that's a lot of games.
shared account with 3 other friends lolol barely even play myself now. logged in and saw that I was silver now ggwp -
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 14:46:36
Saving up for Zac or Jayce. Dunno which one. I play a lot of Shen though...
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 18:55:36
Darealone wrote: Saving up for Zac or Jayce. Dunno which one. I play a lot of Shen though...
Both are great, Zac is a great jungler with fast clear times and strong ganks. Jayce has good poke, but has been nerfed, still viable. I would go for Zac if you are looking for a jungler/tank, or Jayce if you're looking for a top/mid laner. -
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 20:27:31
Silver 3 promos now, only matched up against Golds/Plats. Durrrrr.
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 22:10:00
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Silver 3 promos now, only matched up against Golds/Plats. Durrrrr.
That's good, it means you have high mmr and you might skip divisions when you win your promos. -
Date: Sat, Oct 26 2013 07:49:39
Supergirl wrote: That's good, it means you have high mmr and you might skip divisions when you win your promos.
Yeah already easily skipped from 5 to 3, so I'll expect the same from 3-1. -
Date: Sat, Oct 26 2013 19:41:52
6/0/6 game as Udyr. Yeah... I still don't get the whole diamond thingy system.
Date: Sat, Oct 26 2013 20:18:08
AP off-tank Pheonix Udyr top, start with dorans ring + 2 pots. It's hilariously good.
Date: Sat, Oct 26 2013 22:25:09
iColor wrote: AP off-tank Pheonix Udyr top, start with dorans ring + 2 pots. It's hilariously good.
You should try Udyr with triforce and muramana. -
Date: Sat, Oct 26 2013 22:59:16
Yep, skipped Silver 2.
Date: Sun, Oct 27 2013 03:52:06
I flippin love glad I bought him.
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 05:22:56
so.... I placed in Bronze 1, and went up and down between B1 and B2 for a while. Then I dropped LIKE A STONE to B5. And i just got back into Bronze 4. :( I SUCK
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 11:08:54
Ah i bought Jax and it became my main..but i cant carry top in AI and need a support or tanker to play with I need some solutions...maybe idk how to play but when i met master yi, darius, draven, and Jinx, i cant handle and which lane is best for GangPlank? Jungler or top?
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 15:22:26
ItsNick wrote: Ah i bought Jax and it became my main..but i cant carry top in AI and need a support or tanker to play with I need some solutions...maybe idk how to play but when i met master yi, darius, draven, and Jinx, i cant handle and which lane is best for GangPlank? Jungler or top?
In my opinion, Gangplank is more viable as a top laner. Since his ganks and clear times are pretty weak. -
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 15:28:02
ItsNick wrote: Ah i bought Jax and it became my main..but i cant carry top in AI and need a support or tanker to play with I need some solutions...maybe idk how to play but when i met master yi, darius, draven, and Jinx, i cant handle and which lane is best for GangPlank? Jungler or top?
Uh...How do you build Jax? Cuz he kinda scales well into becoming tanky. Those match-ups...I dunno. And Gangplank...I think he's more mid than those two...but I think he can top...I think. -
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 16:57:44
Either Trinify Force or Blade of the Ruined King into the other into tanky items. Gangplank is definitely a top-laner if anything
Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 20:38:49
GP used to be an okay pick for jungle during S2, he also used to be a counter to a lot of popular mid laners. Nowadays he's played top more often than not, but is outclassed by many other bruisers.
Date: Tue, Oct 29 2013 02:13:24
I want a Zac...O_O.
Date: Tue, Oct 29 2013 21:31:16
Darealone wrote: I want a Zac...O_O.
One of my favourite junglers. -
Date: Thu, Oct 31 2013 17:57:35
Darealone wrote: Uh...How do you build Jax? Cuz he kinda scales well into becoming tanky. Those match-ups...I dunno. And Gangplank...I think he's more mid than those two...but I think he can top...I think.
well sorry for late reply.. my old build was Trinity Force>Hextech Gunblade>Botrk>Randuin's Omen>Bloodthirster>Statikk Shiv Now its Situational Boots>Trinity Force>botrk>Last Whisper>Bloodthirster>Randuin's Omen/Guardian Angel(situational) any helping is appreciated.. -
Date: Thu, Oct 31 2013 22:24:13
the new heimerdinger is really a lil op now but i hope that he dont get nerved
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 00:27:33
Worth the read
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 01:25:25
Does anyone want to trade mystery gifts with me?
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 01:55:44
ItsNick wrote: well sorry for late reply.. my old build was Trinity Force>Hextech Gunblade>Botrk>Randuin's Omen>Bloodthirster>Statikk Shiv Now its Situational Boots>Trinity Force>botrk>Last Whisper>Bloodthirster>Randuin's Omen/Guardian Angel(situational) any helping is appreciated..
That works. Usually if I have a tough lane then I go for BOTRK first so I can have some sustain. Usually after Trinity Force and BOTRK I go for tank items...but that's just me. Someone wanna gift me a Zac so that they can get the new summoner icon? ;) -
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 10:17:55
And gold. Silver 1 series was kind of tense, but can still hold up against mid-plats. Thinking of trying to push through to platinum, but that might not be realistic in 10 days.
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 17:34:17
Erirornal Kraione wrote: And gold. Silver 1 series was kind of tense, but can still hold up against mid-plats. Thinking of trying to push through to platinum, but that might not be realistic in 10 days.
If you play at least 5 games a day, and win the majority of them, I think you stand a good chance in getting Plat. Since you'll probably skip divisions. -
Date: Mon, Nov 4 2013 00:54:08
Gold III now, totally feels like it's doable.
Date: Mon, Nov 4 2013 16:44:01
I just realized my friend plays league too...and he is in Diamond 1. He is in the same league as Regi...
Date: Sat, Nov 9 2013 01:35:36
Silver II now from bronze I after a week.. road to gold Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Date: Sun, Nov 10 2013 23:00:02
Lee Sin is so fun...
Date: Tue, Nov 12 2013 02:20:56
Heimerdonger is pretty strong in TT. Got Gold in Ranked 3s in 8 hours.
Date: Tue, Nov 12 2013 02:34:31
played placement got in to silver I
Date: Wed, Nov 13 2013 02:44:36
iColor wrote: Heimerdonger is pretty strong in TT. Got Gold in Ranked 3s in 8 hours.
Clearly...OP. JK...but really...he is a lot stronger...from what I see. -
Date: Sun, Nov 17 2013 10:50:15
sigh im late but nonetheless !!!!!!
Date: Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:14:13
@Jazz Omg such pro. What happened to your ign?
Date: Mon, Nov 25 2013 16:06:58
Who thinks relic sheild needs a nerf? Double relic sheild bot is so strong.
Date: Mon, Nov 25 2013 16:21:57
Whirlpool wrote: Who thinks relic sheild needs a nerf? Double relic sheild bot is so strong.
It is being nerfed. -
Date: Mon, Nov 25 2013 17:52:52
Supergirl wrote: It is being nerfed.
Really? Good. I want to be able to jungle again. I thought I wasted 3150 IP on Shaco. -
Date: Mon, Nov 25 2013 19:28:22
Spending IP on Shaco is a waste either way.
Date: Tue, Nov 26 2013 03:54:12
neXus wrote: Spending IP on Shaco is a waste either way.
I knew someone was gonna say that... -
Date: Wed, Nov 27 2013 12:29:24
zed is just so much fun especially against clueless mid laners who wander too close when i'm lvl 6. I usually end laning phase around 4/0/0, then proceed to end game with 6/7/2
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 04:51:21
Yi is amazing with critical items!! i got my record of 38/5/12 with him in pvp btw, im confusing with the ranking system. I am now Bronze 2 and I have no idea how to raise my rank, and whats ELO? Will stop playing ranked game drop my rank?
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 06:09:28
ItsNick wrote: Yi is amazing with critical items!! i got my record of 38/5/12 with him in pvp btw, im confusing with the ranking system. I am now Bronze 2 and I have no idea how to raise my rank, and whats ELO? Will stop playing ranked game drop my rank?
Elo is your rating. When you win/lose ranked, you gain/lose LP. When you reach 100 LP, your next 3 games will be a best of 3 which decides whether you promote or not (in your case you would promote to Bronze 1). When you reach Bronze 1 your promotion will be a best of 5 and you will go to Silver 5. If you drop below 0 LP you will drop divisions (Bronze 2 > Bronze 3). -
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 14:48:45
Yi is Teemo's brother. Everyone hates him...
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 15:09:57
ItsNick wrote: Yi is amazing with critical items!! i got my record of 38/5/12 with him in pvp btw, im confusing with the ranking system. I am now Bronze 2 and I have no idea how to raise my rank, and whats ELO? Will stop playing ranked game drop my rank?
If you don't play rank for more than 30 days (could be 28 days not sure) your LP starts to decay week by week until you play a rank game again, so you will drop divisions and tiers. -
Date: Sun, Dec 8 2013 18:41:33
I decided to go back to Ranked as i scare if my score decay over sometimes. I have a few questions about Jungling, 1) Can i use Yi / Cho Gath / Darius / Fiora/ Kha Zix in jungling? 2) Should i Smitless Blue>Red>Gank bot? 3) Do i need the red trinket (the ward that see invisible stuffs) for jungling? 4) Random trolling stuff: Teemo Jungling? o.o And for some normal questions.. 1) Jax with botrk>Trinity, Yay or Nay 2) Who counters Teemo? Any answer is appreciated, Im a noob in LoL so teach me more if it's possible c:
Date: Sun, Dec 8 2013 19:26:29
You can smite and smite will be up again at the next buff.
Date: Sun, Dec 8 2013 22:48:43
ItsNick wrote: I decided to go back to Ranked as i scare if my score decay over sometimes. I have a few questions about Jungling, 1) Can i use Yi / Cho Gath / Darius / Fiora/ Kha Zix in jungling? 2) Should i Smitless Blue>Red>Gank bot? 3) Do i need the red trinket (the ward that see invisible stuffs) for jungling? 4) Random trolling stuff: Teemo Jungling? o.o And for some normal questions.. 1) Jax with botrk>Trinity, Yay or Nay 2) Who counters Teemo? Any answer is appreciated, Im a noob in LoL so teach me more if it's possible c:
They are viable junglers, but Darius, Fiora and Khazix aren't that great in the jungle imo. When you start blue smite it, then either do wolves or wraiths and then do your red (smite should be up by now for you to smite red), this ensures that you get lv3 when you finish your red so when you gank you have that extra skill. Red trinket is useful for junglers when you want to have baron or dragon control. It is also useful for ganks, if you know where the enemy warded you can use your red trinket where the enemy warded and it will disable the ward for 4 seconds, this means denying enemy vision from that ward and so you can proceed to gank. However, if you decide to destroy the ward, they will gain vision of you. Botrk and Tri force are core items on jax so yay. However, if you fall behind in the early game, I would only pick up botrk and then go tank. Counters for Teemo -
Date: Tue, Dec 10 2013 15:10:39
ItsNick wrote: 2) Who counters Teemo?
No one does... -
Date: Wed, Dec 11 2013 15:29:29
Darealone wrote: No one does...
^THIS Lol btw i bought Headmistress Fiora skin as it were in sale but i dunno use Fiora. Much OP, Such waste, Wow -
Date: Wed, Dec 11 2013 22:57:45
And Mundo is back with the 0/30/0 masteries tree. All dat regen...
Date: Wed, Dec 11 2013 23:43:17
If you smite right when the buff spawns at 1:55. Your smite will be back before you kill the next buff without stoping to do a small camp.
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 02:28:20
Went 6/0/1 with Mundo. They tried to tower dive me twice. DOUBLE KILL both times.
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 18:16:53
ItsNick wrote: I decided to go back to Ranked as i scare if my score decay over sometimes. I have a few questions about Jungling, 1) Can i use Yi / Cho Gath / Darius / Fiora/ Kha Zix in jungling? 2) Should i Smitless Blue>Red>Gank bot? 3) Do i need the red trinket (the ward that see invisible stuffs) for jungling? 4) Random trolling stuff: Teemo Jungling? o.o And for some normal questions.. 1) Jax with botrk>Trinity, Yay or Nay 2) Who counters Teemo? Any answer is appreciated, Im a noob in LoL so teach me more if it's possible c:
I main jungle on Gold II (road to plat huhu sohard sosad) 1. Yes, but Fiora/Yi are terrible lane gankers due to lack of early game damage (imo) and cc. Darius is ok, but his clear speed is too slow for my tastes 2. Only smiteless blue if you're going to steal the enemy red. Or if your teammates are dicks/too nice to leave. Otherwise, smite when you can. 3. Depends on your jungling style. Any will do imo, but the warding one is the best yo 4. uh honestly i can see this happening but for the purpose of an answer, no 1. I only get one or the other, too much gold used, Jax needs to be a bit tanky 2. A lot of champs really, but it really depends on his lane -
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 20:49:39
I duo'ed with a low Diamond friend of mine a few times and I've seen a few High Plats/Low Diamonds go jungle Teemo. Clear speed is alright and ganks are not that bad too, with the 1 sec blind and stuff. Post 6 and mid-late game Teemo can catch up as if he was played mid/top because of the new passive on the Spirit Items. Only works if your mid is hybrid or AD because then your main damage dealers are all AP. Negatron Cloak, Boom. You're Useless.
Date: Mon, Dec 16 2013 20:05:00
Got Rumble and Yorick...loooooooooooove em...
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 01:16:38
I started playing this a couple weeks ago and love it!! I have been playing Annie every single game and have been getting decent with her (I have been going positive or even almost every game) however it's hard for me to decide on a new champ. I tried Kat but don't really like her.. Any advice for who I should get next?
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 01:50:50
catfish wrote: I started playing this a couple weeks ago and love it!! I have been playing Annie every single game and have been getting decent with her (I have been going positive or even almost every game) however it's hard for me to decide on a new champ. I tried Kat but don't really like her.. Any advice for who I should get next?
You can try Veigar he's pretty easy to use. Just search up guides on Google, or just ask here! I'm sure people will help you :) -
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 02:25:17
Voracity wrote: You can try Veigar he's pretty easy to use. Just search up guides on Google, or just ask here! I'm sure people will help you :)
Yeah I was looking at Veigar too!! Alright I think I'll try him, thanks bro!! :) -
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 09:55:56
catfish wrote: I started playing this a couple weeks ago and love it!! I have been playing Annie every single game and have been getting decent with her (I have been going positive or even almost every game) however it's hard for me to decide on a new champ. I tried Kat but don't really like her.. Any advice for who I should get next?
Master Yi and Garen are pretty easy champs to play. If you want to learn the support role, Taric is fabulously easy, some might even say it's outrageously easy. -
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 10:40:56
Played on phantomlord's stream while in placement matches with a friend, haha. Was hilariously fun, I was the blitzcrank.
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 12:02:34
what should i do in a teamfight as a carry (ad/ap) if the enemy dives for me?
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 12:05:21
Supergirl wrote: Master Yi and Garen are pretty easy champs to play. If you want to learn the support role, Taric is fabulously easy, some might even say it's outrageously easy.
Haha I'm never buying Garen.. He takes no skill to play and never dies -
Date: Sat, Dec 28 2013 22:49:17
[QUOTE='[TGN];274517']what should i do in a teamfight as a carry (ad/ap) if the enemy dives for me?[/QUOTE] If you're getting dove then run or try to turn the tables on them as best you can. If they dive you and you can't run then focus on trying to kill the enemy champion that is tanking the turret shots. Try to at least secure one kill. Most likely if you're AD though then the best thing to do is RUN.
Date: Sat, Dec 28 2013 23:14:25
[QUOTE='[TGN];274517']what should i do in a teamfight as a carry (ad/ap) if the enemy dives for me?[/QUOTE] KITE KITE! As a Adc life and if you have someone like j4 or vi that can stick to you like glue. Tell your support to peel and he is doing only a little then the him 100% peel after the engage of its a Leona or something. Apc try to reposition and get out of their grasp. Most AP has some sort of CC so you can self peel but try to get good position. To get out of the diving scenario CC and run unless it's a shit dive. To avoid getting dived or jumped on. It is a lot on postion before that dive or fight starts. Rengar(one of my favorite champs right now) when played right can 100-0 the Adc. So tell your team to pink around the bushes or ward the sides so you can see him coming or see him ulti. To get out of the Rengar assassin ADC problem when is for your team to crowd around you. THE worst thing to do is split up from the ADC. Tell your team when Rengar ulti get close together now if your vs an AOE heavy team or something don't group but back up and be together but not like a bubble. That is what I see that can prevent Rengar 1 shoting the Adc.
Date: Thu, Jan 2 2014 11:42:26
Thanks a lot! Also as an ADC after I take town the bot turret and other lanes are pushed up, what should I do? I can't really farm safely or pick people off.
Date: Thu, Jan 2 2014 12:17:44
[QUOTE='[TGN];274920']Thanks a lot! Also as an ADC after I take town the bot turret and other lanes are pushed up, what should I do? I can't really farm safely or pick people off.[/QUOTE] Get your support to ward up and stick with you. Respond to pings and get objectives such as dragons and turrets.
Date: Thu, Jan 2 2014 13:36:38
[QUOTE='[TGN];274920']Thanks a lot! Also as an ADC after I take town the bot turret and other lanes are pushed up, what should I do? I can't really farm safely or pick people off.[/QUOTE] push out and rotate mid to get mid tower and dragon
Date: Thu, Jan 2 2014 19:46:15
[QUOTE='[TGN];274920']Thanks a lot! Also as an ADC after I take town the bot turret and other lanes are pushed up, what should I do? I can't really farm safely or pick people off.[/QUOTE] Feed.
Date: Thu, Jan 2 2014 23:07:35
[QUOTE='[TGN];274920']Thanks a lot! Also as an ADC after I take town the bot turret and other lanes are pushed up, what should I do? I can't really farm safely or pick people off.[/QUOTE] Look at dragon. Depends on how far they are pushed (the other lanes). You can do different things, you can do dragon. Also if the mid T1 tower is dead you can go with your support and ward their red and areas to bot lane. Well sometimes if you get good wards you can still push bot lane, but with safety of course. If you see the whole map or the mid MIA then BACK UP! What is topically in my elo (silver 2) you can still get away with getting a tower but don't be dumb with I have this tower I'll never leave because what will happen is the enemy team will roam bot and kill you and if you are in the lead you can throw. If mid is not pushed then roam mid with sup and help mid and get that mid tower. When this is down you have some power in their jung(red side) so you can ward in the key points. Warth bush (I think you know what I'm talking about the one next to the wraith) and maybe the red bush. This gives you vision where a jung can be and when a red buff spawns. Now if you are behind and you got the tower wait for the lane to push then farm it but look for picks and objectives main. Gl Hf on the rift
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 06:23:24
we should arrange a penspinner 5v5 someday
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 08:02:48
An enemy has been slain
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 14:08:09
Kemu wrote: we should arrange a penspinner 5v5 someday
This. UPSB League of Legends Tournament. Someone please. -
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 16:31:34
We need to find out who is Which region because I don't think we are all on NA or another region.
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 18:25:12
Whirlpool wrote: We need to find out who is Which region because I don't think we are all on NA or another region.
That's true. I'm on euw. -
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 18:59:37
I am NA. We need...a poll or something... EDIT: Best Top Laner NA. (Nah...not really) EDIT EDIT: Anyone here have a Mobafire account?
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 20:14:00
Im in Garena SG/MY server. I dont know why but each time i trying to open NA launcher it crashes. I wanted to join NA :c
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 23:18:10
Try opening it as administrator. @ItsNick
Date: Fri, Jan 3 2014 23:49:03
Im playing on the SEA server and it lags pretty damn hard when I play on the NA server. Like constant 290+ ping :(
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 00:06:54
I'm down. I'm on EUW though. I have a lvl 10 or so account on NA that I could theoretically play on with no runes.
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 01:28:09
I would join too ahaha. I'm on Garena SG server.
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 01:37:34
we should somehow organize this into a collab too. everyone play spin2win champs!!
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 02:43:05
There are a few champions with spin moves but the only with a real penspinning like motion is Jax. If only he had a real mod.
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 03:53:48
Lets make a list for this. Make it like this: Garena SG server: (IGN) (IGN) (IGN North America: (IGN (IGN) (IGN EUW: (IGN) (IGN) (IGN) This would be great to know each other in the game. Im _Dev_ManGoNicK from Garena SG/MY EDIT: Update it frequently
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 04:22:40 Everybody that has this link can view and edit this so pls don't be a dick and delete people or everything for that matter, feel free to add your server if you are from BR, TR, LAN, LAS or RU but I don't think we have any players from those regions.
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 09:35:14
No big deal, but...I MADE this thread.
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 10:03:04
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 10:10:11
CaptainGolfBall wrote: No big deal, but...I MADE this thread.
Ok can. -
Date: Sat, Jan 4 2014 16:06:05
Im scared of playing ranked D: EDIT: Gratz u created this thread. EDIT EDIT: @Lettuce it still doesnt works :c EDIT EDIT EDIT: IT WORKED!!!!
Date: Sun, Jan 5 2014 03:19:28
So...we gonna actually start something or...? Anyone wanna make a ranked team with me? Or something like that?
Date: Sun, Jan 5 2014 13:37:25
Darealone wrote: So...we gonna actually start something or...? Anyone wanna make a ranked team with me? Or something like that?
We're going to need at least 10 people in one server to have an actual 5v5 game, unless you wouldn't mind 3v3 twisted treeline. The only server that seems possible for this atm is NA. Unless people from other servers can join NA. -
Date: Sun, Jan 5 2014 16:41:02
Well the level barrier is an issue. No masteries, runes or flash is harsh.
Date: Mon, Jan 6 2014 08:16:15
We could play on pbe
Date: Mon, Jan 6 2014 08:33:27
NA is better i guess. Im downloading it. EDIT: and timezones are problems too.. EDIT EDIT: Make a restriction of level to join the game (to get summoner spells), and NO runes or masteries
Date: Mon, Jan 6 2014 17:44:38
neXus wrote: Everybody that has this link can view and edit this so pls don't be a dick and delete people or everything for that matter, feel free to add your server if you are from BR, TR, LAN, LAS or RU but I don't think we have any players from those regions.
Put this on the first post just in case anyone needs to find it quickly. -
Date: Mon, Jan 6 2014 21:05:58
neXus wrote: Everybody that has this link can view and edit this so pls don't be a dick and delete people or everything for that matter, feel free to add your server if you are from BR, TR, LAN, LAS or RU but I don't think we have any players from those regions.
I'm LAS -
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 05:02:27
So I looked up all the NA peeps on LoLKing...seems everyone is level 30. And...there are 13 of Other regions...PBE?
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 05:18:21
Darealone wrote: So I looked up all the NA peeps on LoLKing...seems everyone is level 30. And...there are 13 of Other regions...PBE?
GAH!!!! WHY??? (throws irritated bronzeIV glare) -
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 06:04:50
alright i got a lv5 account on na. dat ping tho
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 06:22:53
entertdr wrote: alright i got a lv5 account on na. dat ping tho
Etdr your ping how much? -
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 06:25:26
created a new account, dat ping is NA Pings up to 700 EDIT: whoa Beginner AI our team just get 10v23..dem feeders in ai...
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 10:18:26
Voracity wrote: Etdr your ping how much?
~200 -
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 21:30:48
entertdr wrote: ~200
How do you even play. -
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 00:09:13
Hi :D add me. I don't play on weekdays and play a couple games on the weekends. i main mid and top in ranked but sometimes i just like filling for the heck of it. NA server ClarisKway I play for fun and stopped ranking once I reached gold. i don't believe in elohell and carried my way from bronze @_@ but of course carried as in got carried. cough. most of my I's aren't capitalized wow
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 12:56:33
Voracity wrote: How do you even play.
ai till level 5 so is k WE HAVE BEEN PAMPERED BY GOOD PING -
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 23:22:32
First game with Shyvana...0/ game with Shyvana 6/0. Much difference. Many feed. Such wow.
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 23:30:06
Darealone wrote: First game with Shyvana...0/ game with Shyvana 6/0. Much difference. Many feed. Such wow.
Well you're not going to be getting the same KDA each game now are you -
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 11:11:41
I was playing pvp with katarina and met gragas. That gragas just keep diving turret and making other lanes saying me feed (yea im feeding)..any tips for kata vs gragas? My ulti did nothing to him..
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 12:06:26
Gragas is an absolute beast right now. I mean not as much as irelia though XD. Yea, but he need a nerf not that much though but he is tanky with hella damage. Of course, you can shut him down but he can farm very easily with q and if he has blue buff or chalice which can be used to spam q's. Even, w can get mana that helps with the spam. Also an amazing baron/dragon stealer.
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 14:03:23
I play Gragas quite a bit and I must say he's pretty damn beast now. With double dorans and chalice his barrels come out so often and they hit like a truck. Once you get your core items your ult in team fights when it hits 3-5 people truly makes a huge impact. I once deleted Vayne with my ulti + Q.
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 17:18:52
Apparently Kat sucks in the laning phase. Come team fights...she wrecks. I played with a 0/3 Kat. Mid-game after a couple team fights. 6/3.
Date: Fri, Jan 10 2014 18:35:36
If she doesn't get resets can be very bad in the fights but when you do get resets it's carnage.
Date: Sat, Jan 11 2014 19:46:31
I go into a soloq game (ranked) and decide to adc (silver 2 and playing trist). We invade and take red then jax ganks for some reason and bring lucian to 100 hp, he recalls. Then (my team)garen gives fb to (enemy team)Rene. Bot lane continues with I have farm and lvl adv. Annie(sup) and me continue to harass lucian so he recalls again. I farm we get 2 kills then me and annie at low hp. Kha(enemy jung) comes bot and kills us both ( I kited got him to 100 hp but He killed me first). Then We shut down lucian bad (I'm lvl 9 when he was 5) He becomes very toxic. So at this point we are winning bot but top is pushed to 2nd teir and we start to lose. Annie was so underlvled( idk why) and she walked into rene and died. So we are defending 2nd tier tower(mid) from enemies. Garen wasn't really with us in fights. Kha jumps on me (had no sustain at that point or armor) he kills me, gets reset, kills annie then jumps away. They push to mid inhib and get it. At these point we are really down, but instead of flaming and yelling, we say to each other we can do this. Some guy started surrender vote, we all said no. Ok so let take a moment to see what is happening, We are down an inhib and I die to easily to kha and annie runs into rene and dies instantly. So we start talking about it and we fix it I get sustain and annie is more careful. At this point they want to get more inhibs, so instead of pushing the wave, rene tanks bot inhib tower. As my team sees this, We start the fight. I hammer rene with the crits to stop the team from having the tank tanking tower, He runs back to (their sup) karma. My whole team sees this that they have split up as a team. Kha, lucian and kennen still focus tower when rene runs. I see this and gragas we kill kha, kha could have killed us but he dies so does kennen and lucian with no fighting back (they get the bot inhib tower but, was it worth?). So in an attempt to live rene and karma book it out of our base but with a nice talisman from annie, jax can kill rene ( who was low). Then, we chase down karma and ACE them. We see this and go for baron. We get it, I have 4k gold and buy a GA and QSS then get dragon. So they threw, but instead of talking about it, they yell and flame. So we group and push mid, kha jumps on me, team is quick and see this as a big problem(if I died it would be harder to destory towers) we stop hitting the tower, gragas ultis him off me and we kill him. So in attempt to get back in, rene goes to get out mid inhib (it respawns). They split, they have no tank and no assassin. Garen sees this and goes and stops rene(If we failed we could still have the inhib(ours)). We push, then kennen tries to kill me and I live and get the kill. So then we got the mid inhib and we can win. Lucain who wasn't good, gets killed and we push to win. ( It was alot more intense then I type it). When game ends, they yell at each other and flame. So the point of the story is, in any game you play flaming gets you no where. The best thing to do is raising moral and never give up. If they had worked together, they could have won. League is a team game.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 00:56:32
Can anyone give tips on how to position as adc in teamfights? I'm a bronze 5 scrub so I do not know how to.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 01:09:17
Whirlpool...TL;DR. Voracity. Stay behind your tanks and deal damage at a distance. Try not to get caught by assassins or bruisers. Do your best to live as long as possible. a PBE account. So...yeah. IGN: Darealone EDIT: Is it hard to get on PBE?
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 02:37:53
Stay back. If you get jumped on kite and if they have CC that can lock you down, like a leona utli or some sort of CC that can end you use flash to get out of it. So ok, before the fight starts you want to be behind your tanks and not in the front. It is important that you live the first seconds of the fights, then that is when the adc can go ham. Don't get cocky, but fight and get kills. As adc you are the late game you come in as A LOT OF DAMAGE and next season if you rush promo like I did in season 3 when I was bad don't do it this time but if you can do it GO FOR IT but that is my suggestion, it's annoying spending time getting out of bronze. GL HF if you have questions post and tell me. I don't think it's too hard to get a PBE account, you just ask riot and they look at your account I think.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 04:38:25
PBE...holy cow. It's literally a shopping spree.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 04:49:46
[video=youtube;96EfaUFIskY][/video] Lee Sin + Alistar + Gragas can take you for quite a ride.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 05:11:45
I once using jax jump into enemy hp fountain, killed their adc and went out safely lol Edit:Should i get a pulsefire ezreal?
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 14:48:42
ItsNick wrote: I once using jax jump into enemy hp fountain, killed their adc and went out safely lol Edit:Should i get a pulsefire ezreal?
If you like the skin and Ezreal then sure, why not. [QUOTE='[TGN];275421'][video=youtube;96EfaUFIskY][/video] Lee Sin + Alistar + Gragas can take you for quite a ride.[/QUOTE] Pin ball ding ding ding -
Date: Mon, Jan 13 2014 17:47:00
I feel a slow rise of Leblanc players coming. She will be the FoTM soon. (Hipster me says I played her before they did)
Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 17:22:12
how about that anivia buff though
Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 20:09:40
I think it makes her more viable but I don't think the player base will be like "HOLY SHIT, The anviva buff is SO OP" she may get played more but not too much. What I'm worried about is the riven nerf, it was overboard no need to bring the q to 10 and she is nerf late game also but I guess it's needed she was very strong. (I'm top laner that loves to play riven :( ). I think the shyvana nerf was ok but not to muxh she is still viable.
Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 01:16:48
Them 0/30/0 Mundo's tho. Sah annoying mate. They're literally unkillable early with 700 hp lvl 2 or something.
Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 05:08:09
Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 12:45:49
YESH TPA SKINS ON SALE FOR GARENA SG SERVER <3 Shen and Ezreal!!!! damn i tried out LeBlanc and I find out she really sucks at late game.. EDIT:
:D I just buy this 2 and heres a secret thing to tell Garena SG users, you can now borrow GS form garena, and you need to pay within one week or you got banned until you pay. no interest
Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 16:00:01
how about that xerath rework though
Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 18:49:48
Diamond I to Silver I after placement matches LOL (not me)
Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 03:57:27
Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 04:30:34
ItsNick wrote: damn i tried out LeBlanc and I find out she really sucks at late game..
That is why you murder early game and rush a surrender at 20. Heh...heh... -
Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 05:43:01
Darealone wrote: That is why you murder early game and rush a surrender at 20. Heh...heh...
Well i can burst adc and apc in the late game, i get the kda of 7/7/6, bot lane never called ms i keep got ganked by bot lane and jgler -
Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 11:23:57
Leona's a pretty damn broken support now. @AdiblueseaQQQ can probably confirm.
Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 08:57:28
Yea me and [TGN] Vayne Leona bot lane [wyoutube]s8E6LNwHBXc[/wyoutube] If on comuter increase to 720p
Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 12:57:24
Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 18:48:19
Guys, if you are free, go ahead youtube and search LaLaLaDemacia, although they speak in chinese but they has english subtitles, the story is funny.. find the uploader called DuoWanLoL
Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 22:42:22
Date: Tue, Jan 21 2014 02:06:32
[QUOTE='[TGN];275718']Leona's a pretty damn broken support now.[/QUOTE] Can I get an amen somebody! SOMEONE GIMMIE AN AMEN!
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 17:44:41
I'm having a lot of success with Leona right now. Currently have 10 wins and 2 losses with her.
Date: Fri, Jan 24 2014 22:47:42
I can't wait till team builder comes out. Tried it on PBE...awesome. Queue takes a while but worth it since you get what you want. No stupid "TOP TOP TOP" or "pick order noob".
Date: Fri, Jan 24 2014 23:51:34
Currently 3 W 2 L in placement...
Date: Sat, Jan 25 2014 01:52:50
Darealone wrote: I can't wait till team builder comes out. Tried it on PBE...awesome. Queue takes a while but worth it since you get what you want. No stupid "TOP TOP TOP" or "pick order noob".
I wonder how it will work for rank tho. -
Date: Sat, Jan 25 2014 03:46:13
Supergirl wrote: I wonder how it will work for rank tho.
iirc this option is only available for blind pick. EDIT: 6W 4L placements - Bronze 1 -
Date: Sun, Jan 26 2014 21:53:28
1/7/30 as Leona. Clearly OP...
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 00:00:39
[QUOTE='[TGN];276085']iirc this option is only available for blind pick. EDIT: 6W 4L placements - Bronze 1[/QUOTE] Same, but got silver 5, what was your previous league?
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 00:09:15
Sekai wrote: Same, but got silver 5, what was your previous league?
Well, I have lost 7 ranked games already. Bronze 5 here I come :) -
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 00:53:44
WOW just played Khazix in solo queue. Was my first time playing him in ranked and I got a penta :P
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 00:59:00
7 w 3 l Gold 4
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 20:42:49
5-5 Silver II
Date: Wed, Jan 29 2014 02:03:27
I laned against a poppy...I was so scared. I got demolished...and then carried by the rest of my team.
Date: Wed, Jan 29 2014 19:41:46
I always scared playing midlane until i use yasuo and play mid...the windwall is op as fk Leave a comment whose your main at each role! (random game) Top: Yasuo/Jax JG: Jax/KhaZix Mid: Yasuo Bot ADC: Ezreal/Miss Fortune Bot SP: Morgana Leave yours!
Date: Thu, Jan 30 2014 02:09:00
Sekai wrote: Same, but got silver 5, what was your previous league?
Silver 5 -
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 00:18:51
Won promos into Silver I, but still sitting at 0 points after a 5 loss streak. Yeah, if I lose anymore I'm going to get demoted.
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 11:19:42
jesus christ tank gragas is a beast. not only does the W make you even tankier, in the first team fight most people will not realise you are a tank and start focusing you. by the time they realise it it's too late xD
Date: Sat, Feb 1 2014 05:17:27
ItsNick wrote: Leave a comment whose your main at each role! (random game)
Top: Shen/Rumble/Jayce/Anyone who is strong in the meta Jungle: Udyr/Anyone who is strong in the meta Mid: Leblanc and Leblanc ADC: Tristana Support: Sona/Leona -
Date: Sat, Feb 1 2014 12:48:35
damn son, 2nd time i lose my s2-s1 promo
Date: Sun, Feb 2 2014 04:13:11
Season 3- Bronze I Preseason-Silver II Season 4 Placement- Bronze I 5W 5L
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 06:14:17 Lee game full + commentary :D
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 20:01:08
Voracity wrote: Lee game full + commentary :D
I hear dat A PINK...nooice. Try using E if you're close enough when ganking that way the slow helps to land Q. -
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 20:47:13
wondering when should i use W for Ezreal lol. theyre mana consuming...
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 21:01:12
You can use it in many ways, such as pushing a tower with an ally. You can buff there Attack Speed and your's(passive). You can use it for poke(goes through minions and can hit enemy) or more damage when fighting.
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 00:25:06
Darealone wrote: I hear dat A PINK...nooice. Try using E if you're close enough when ganking that way the slow helps to land Q.
I.suk at lee xD -
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 06:22:49
Voracity wrote: I.suk at lee xD
I do too. I have managed to get the insec combo off a couple times. I fed though... -
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 08:24:43
smartcast 2 and W, put ward on 2, insec becomes pretty easy
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 10:04:31
[QUOTE='[TGN];276707']smartcast 2 and W, put ward on 2, insec becomes pretty easy[/QUOTE] There are such things as macros :D
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:11:20
I would never rely on a macro to do something so simple.
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 11:32:29
Voracity wrote: There are such things as macros :D
i don't like relying on macros cos if i ever have to play on another computer i would rather learn the hard way xD -
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 12:58:18
neXus wrote: I would never rely on a macro to do something so simple.
Wow. -
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 14:22:58
que? I love playing support. I hate playing without an adc that I can talk to and coordinate. I hate duoing because of the way it influences matchmaking. The struggle is real.
Date: Sat, Feb 8 2014 23:51:52
neXus wrote: que? I love playing support. I hate playing without an adc that I can talk to and coordinate. I hate duoing because of the way it influences matchmaking. The struggle is real.
1. Pick leona 2. Ping the enemy adc at lvl 3 3. Go in -
Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 01:07:05
Leona isn't fun though.
Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 01:11:42
[QUOTE='[TGN];276725']1. Pick leona 2. Ping the enemy adc at lvl 3 3. Go in[/QUOTE] 1. Pick Leona 2. Push with ADC to get lv2 first. 3. Engage with e and q. FTFY
Date: Mon, Feb 10 2014 20:40:05
Xerath rework is so trololol. After testing it out on is officially troll worthy.
Date: Tue, Feb 11 2014 19:01:14
Darealone wrote: Xerath rework is so trololol. After testing it out on is officially troll worthy.
New animations are sick. -
Date: Tue, Feb 11 2014 22:57:11
Supergirl wrote: New animations are sick.
Eh...they're aite IMO. I liked the old ones. His ult is the best though...kinda like a skill shot requiem...kinda. -
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 23:30:07
Vel'Koz...gonna be broken. I can feel it...
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 02:44:39
My summoner name is Hataraku if anyone of you want to face me or battle with me in da ring :D Velkoz isn't broken silly :P There's a reason they call him Armageddon. (Played him on PBE)
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 10:58:42
xerath new ult just looks like me trying to get the last piss out
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 20:12:42
Rudra wrote: Velkoz isn't broken silly :P There's a reason they call him Armageddon. (Played him on PBE)
Have you seen his wave clear and full combo? Iz so stewpid... -
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 00:47:54
Darealone wrote: Have you seen his wave clear and full combo? Iz so stewpid...
Well yea... I played him on the PBE. I farm with my ult :D -
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 16:42:01
Rudra wrote: Well yea... I played him on the PBE. I farm with my ult :D
Point made... -
Date: Sat, Feb 22 2014 13:02:22
bronze 1 mechanics @AdiblueseaQQQ [video=youtube;lfgnuOQMcmA][/video]
Date: Sat, Feb 22 2014 19:06:02
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 03:07:30
[QUOTE='[TGN];277451']bronze 1 mechanics @AdiblueseaQQQ [video=youtube;lfgnuOQMcmA][/video][/QUOTE] U good no have my vayne mechanixx but dat lee tho
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 12:32:02
round 2 [video=youtube;X0M7R1UpI14][/video]
Date: Thu, Feb 27 2014 20:40:54
hello everyone. I started streaming recently and if any of you are interested in watching I would appreciate it. Thanks
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2014 18:57:48
velcro is fucking terrible
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2014 19:27:54
We'll see how he turns out. As for his're about right.
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2014 23:10:48
I don't think we'll see him in professional competition that much. No escape but so bursty.
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 10:08:50
it's hard to hit his spells, so slow which in turn make it easy to not get hit when playing against him
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 11:18:58
Ryze is the best
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2014 14:16:49
penta stolen when i got quadra, twice.. im so done ;_;
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 01:37:53
ShadowParadox wrote: Ryze is the best
You know that's right. It's just...his stupid range nerfs. BUFF THE SNARE A LITTLE PLEASE!! WE NEED IT! -
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 02:23:20
I'm Challenger in server Vietnam - Season 4 :) G+ : ae.ca0hanh2 LoL : Created By Shin
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 02:55:41
Darealone wrote: You know that's right. It's just...his stupid range nerfs. BUFF THE SNARE A LITTLE PLEASE!! WE NEED IT!
Ryze can be insanely stupid. Scepter and rod o' ages and archangels. Sooo tanky and bursty. -
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 18:15:44
Rudra wrote: Ryze can be insanely stupid. Scepter and rod o' ages and archangels. Sooo tanky and bursty.
Exactly. Huehue. I liked him top lane. He could bully a lot of top laners. -
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2014 15:42:53
hows velkoz? i dont know should i get him or not..the skin is so awesome
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2014 00:39:52
ItsNick wrote: hows velkoz? i dont know should i get him or not..the skin is so awesome
Skin is meh IMO. I don't really think he's worth it. I don't like him...but that's me. (I'm the guy who likes to play top lane that may be why) -
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2014 01:36:30
So what happened to the UPSB tournament? There's 13 players on NA, you guys could play a 5v5.
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2014 05:45:30
Supergirl wrote: So what happened to the UPSB tournament? There's 13 players on NA, you guys could play a 5v5.
Good question. Shall we roll...? -
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 06:24:06
I can join in NA too, I don't mind playing with 150 ping o_o
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 11:06:53
I wasted my pocket money on VelKoz..
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 12:12:35
I can play with NA too. Maybe we can do a 1v1 tournament or something?
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 19:31:05
ItsNick;278125]I wasted my pocket money on VelKoz..[/QUOTE] Yeah he sucks. [QUOTE=Noblesse wrote: I can play with NA too. Maybe we can do a 1v1 tournament or something?
1v1? Naaaaaah... -
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 19:58:03
ItsNick wrote: I wasted my pocket money on VelKoz..
Why didn't you just buy him with IP? -
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2014 09:40:38
Supergirl wrote: Why didn't you just buy him with IP?
Because i love the skin alot and they come in bundles.. Lots cheaper but then i regretted it. -
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2014 04:55:05
ItsNick wrote: Because i love the skin alot and they come in bundles.. Lots cheaper but then i regretted it.
Yeah. Cuz he sucks. -
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2014 05:13:02
Riot is nerfing Lee Sin. Gonna check it out on PBE first. Still...he didn't even such a HARSH nerf.
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2014 06:08:17
Darealone wrote: Riot is nerfing Lee Sin. Gonna check it out on PBE first. Still...he didn't even such a HARSH nerf.
Might be an elaborate April's Fool joke. After all Lee Sin's first champion spotlight was a joke. -
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2014 20:24:29
[QUOTE='[TGN];278228']Might be an elaborate April's Fool joke. After all Lee Sin's first champion spotlight was a joke.[/QUOTE] I'd prefer Urf or something...
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2014 20:41:01
Darealone wrote: Riot is nerfing Lee Sin. Gonna check it out on PBE first. Still...he didn't even such a HARSH nerf.
Can you summarize some of the changes? I checked out the riot post in the forum but it was just a wall of text so I wasn't bothered reading it. ----------------------------------------------- Meanwhile here's some humor [video=youtube;oqFeYyc_ULI][/video] -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2014 16:02:29
Supergirl wrote: Can you summarize some of the changes? I checked out the riot post in the forum but it was just a wall of text so I wasn't bothered reading it.
Basically shifting his early game damage and putting it in a grave.^^Fed 1/4 early game against a 2v1. Late game came and I came out with this score.
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2014 17:03:46
You could say I love team builder.
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2014 20:38:37
@neXus Thought you would enjoy this. Edit: what the fuck is wrong with my mention? And seems like the video bbcode didn't work. Edit: heres another vid you might enjoy neXus
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 00:08:56
So wait...are we gonna play together some time oooooooooooooorrrr...?
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 00:11:46
Darealone wrote: So wait...are we gonna play together some time oooooooooooooorrrr...?
Stop asking and actually organize one. Make a post, mention everyone from NA in your post so they get notified, choose a time and date. And then negotiate from there on. -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 01:06:20
Alrighty here it is! Sign up! I'll try to organize a time for us to play when a lot of people sign up. [spoiler=Long Link][/spoiler] EDIT: Since it's an open edit...don't do anything dumb please. EDIT EDIT:'s only for NA also.
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 03:52:40
Rivington casting himself is fucking insane. I literally can't comprehend how to talk that much and that smooth when playing the game. The person I have the most synergy with, the one I feel most comfortable playing bot with, we would benefit from this communication so much but I can't talk when I focus on fighting.
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 21:39:53
This guy's rank record, oh my lord.
Date: Sat, Mar 15 2014 13:48:47
Supergirl wrote: This guy's rank record, oh my lord.
The throws are VERY real. -
Date: Sat, Mar 15 2014 14:35:47
Darealone wrote: The throws are VERY real.
Probably a diamond smurf trolling bronze. -
Date: Sat, Mar 15 2014 18:27:56
Dodge promos to stay in Bronze V, feed with garen and nunu to drop MMR, rek with trynd. Boring.
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 20:18:44
Sign up please! (NA Only sorry) Right Here.
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 21:54:44
I'm good, I swear! (Ignore the random bot game)
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 22:54:22
Darealone wrote: Sign up please! (NA Only sorry) Right Here.
You should really mention all the people that's on NA, you can find out who is on the NA server on the first post. -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 00:03:16
Supergirl wrote: @neXus Thought you would enjoy this. Edit: what the fuck is wrong with my mention? And seems like the video bbcode didn't work. Edit: heres another vid you might enjoy neXus
o.O Maybe learning to shoutcast is the way to success? You pay attention to details and you aren't tunneled vision so you can make better decisions. -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 03:07:19
Rudra wrote: I'm good, I swear! (Ignore the random bot game)
How I usually build support Annie is to rush sight stone and Talisman and then straight into Sorcerers with a distortion enchantment. It's magical. After that I build straight magic pen. Late game you can literally one shot any squishy and Tibbers hurts. Work on Flash into Tibbers as well as Flash>Q and Flash>W. Annie is really strong in low ELOs right now as not a lot of people play her/know how to counter her/have reactions in low ELOs. -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 03:36:57
Darealone wrote: How I usually build support Annie is to rush sight stone and Talisman and then straight into Sorcerers with a distortion enchantment. It's magical. After that I build straight magic pen. Late game you can literally one shot any squishy and Tibbers hurts. Work on Flash into Tibbers as well as Flash>Q and Flash>W. Annie is really strong in low ELOs right now as not a lot of people play her/know how to counter her/have reactions in low ELOs.
My slots aren't in the build order. I start with spellthief but usually dorans shield. First back I aim for sightstone and regular boots. I then go for talisman and sorcerer boots. After that it depends on what I need. Went 6/5/14 as Panda Annie a few hours ago. It's the skin. Skins get wins guys. -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 23:42:43
Rudra wrote: My slots aren't in the build order. I start with spellthief but usually dorans shield. First back I aim for sightstone and regular boots. I then go for talisman and sorcerer boots. After that it depends on what I need. Went 6/5/14 as Panda Annie a few hours ago. It's the skin. Skins get wins guys.
I still feel like Spellthief sucks. Talisman is just way stronger than all the other support items in the end. Dorans Shield start is okay now. I don't really start it since it's rather risky in Solo Q. Skin is basically an automatic win. Unless the other team has more skins than you. -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 23:47:00
Darealone wrote: I still feel like Spellthief sucks. Talisman is just way stronger than all the other support items in the end. Dorans Shield start is okay now. I don't really start it since it's rather risky in Solo Q. Skin is basically an automatic win. Unless the other team has more skins than you.
Talisman has better active, speltheif has better gold generation. -
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2014 00:45:17
My support Annie has gone undefeated since last week. I feel LCS worthy. Even OGN worthy.
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2014 01:59:59
I never use relic shield anymore. It would be good on thresh and leona but I just don't like the item. Zyra excels with spellthief, but every support will end up with a talisman asap. Sightstone and talisman are the most essential to supports. The skin battles are real.
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2014 02:10:36
omfg onli nub hir dese ppl onli b feedn liek nub lel. also deres no elohell or sheit i just rly am bttr thn all my teem. also orelia op pls nerf
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2014 03:10:57
It took me too long to understand what you said...
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 06:06:06
Please don't make me pick a champion for you and then tell me you have 3 champions, none of which I play, to chose from.
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2014 21:12:23
ADC...starts with boots...rushes a phantom dancer. WHY! WHY!!! YOU HAVE NO COMBATS STATS YOU NEWB n00b NOOB!!
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2014 21:26:30
Darealone wrote: ADC...starts with boots...rushes a phantom dancer. WHY! WHY!!! YOU HAVE NO COMBATS STATS YOU NEWB n00b NOOB!!
[B]Maybe[/B] viable for Vayne. But generally that is a bad start. -
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2014 23:32:57
Supergirl wrote: [B]Maybe[/B] viable for Vayne. But generally that is a bad start.
"If I can kite perfectly they won't even hit me" -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2014 03:23:59
It was a Twitch. -.- His reason was "I am too slow. I need to move fast." WHAT. WAT. WOT.
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2014 02:46:41
Ryze vs Poppy. Best laning phase ever.
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2014 05:05:09
5-5 get a Bronze IV =_=
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2014 17:44:08
Donger top op
Date: Tue, Apr 1 2014 23:56:27
URF mode. best thing ever.
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2014 04:17:13
I don't think I have had so much fun playing League. Even better than one for all.
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2014 22:34:19
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 18:51:31
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2014 12:52:52
In promos for gold, 2 wins and 2 losses at the moment :S
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 01:07:46
Who did you guys vote for to go to All Stars? I did Bjerson, Meteos, and Balls. I also voted for Aphromoo.
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 12:55:07
Could only vote for EU so I didn't bother. I mainly watch NA.
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 16:08:45
fix EUW and nerf Irelia.
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2014 02:04:38
Nerfs list. 1. Jinx Passive Q. Stacks fall to zero if no longer attacking. 2. Look at 1 3. Look at 1 4. Look at 3 ... 54345. Nerf Irelia 54346. Donger's turrets. 0MG.
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2014 10:29:20
What would Heimerdinger do if he was in a lane?
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2014 14:31:37
New manly champ, most likely a support.
Trailer: [video=youtube;5dvYxkyQFZU][/video] Poro too kawaii~
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2014 11:23:40
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2014 01:40:44
URF is on PBE. Heh...
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2014 01:46:43
Darealone wrote: URF is on PBE. Heh...
wut -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2014 23:10:07
Supergirl wrote: wut
Nevermind. Iz gone now. Gonna try Braum out soon...we'll see how it goes. -
Date: Fri, Apr 25 2014 14:44:31
is Braum released in PBE? or when is it
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2014 20:04:42
ItsNick wrote: is Braum released in PBE? or when is it
Yeah. He's on PBE. I'm not sure what to think. I mean...he is kinda annoying...but I don't feel he is OP. His only initiation is R. Seems like you play passive with him until 6. Yeah...there is his passive and it can do work but I mean it's based off autos and such. I saw somewhere that Lucian is good with him (I'm guessing it's because his passive can proc Bruam's passive). -
Date: Fri, May 2 2014 21:24:15
Date: Sat, May 3 2014 10:42:07
Supergirl wrote:
THIS MADE MY DAY LOL Btw, when is Braum release date for NA? -
Date: Sat, May 3 2014 13:12:40
ItsNick wrote: THIS MADE MY DAY LOL Btw, when is Braum release date for NA?
It's not announced yet. My guess is 2 days after the next patch. Since that's how it usually goes. As a support main I can't wait. -
Date: Sat, May 3 2014 23:52:31
So many roster changes and switches...SUMMER SPLIT IS GONNA BE INSANE!!
Date: Mon, May 5 2014 01:16:09
r.i.p tsm
Date: Mon, May 5 2014 08:26:31
Lettuce wrote: r.i.p tsm
Amazing is good :/ -
Date: Tue, May 6 2014 14:04:18
How to play against Brand, Fizz and Lissandra as Zed?
Date: Tue, May 6 2014 14:29:55
ItsNick wrote: How to play against Brand, Fizz and Lissandra as Zed?
Are you practising Zed because you bought the Skt T1 skin? -
Date: Tue, May 6 2014 15:25:21
Ryze spam wqe
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 07:10:54
Supergirl wrote: Are you practising Zed because you bought the Skt T1 skin?
Nope, i started to main him since last month..and my server haven't sell the SKT T1 skins. Im still learning all the skills with zed tho -
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 10:18:55
No more Xpecial on TSM :( I hope curse does good this split..
Date: Fri, May 9 2014 13:10:15
Okay.. my Zed went rusty for no reason.. I just watched TPA vs SKT T1 All-Star and wow, TPA early game is cool @@
Date: Fri, May 9 2014 16:54:01
Did anyone elese see the stickman clip on the All stars?
Date: Fri, May 9 2014 17:44:41
Xzeria wrote: Did anyone elese see the stickman clip on the All stars?
Yes. There are three others as well which were shown in previous tournaments. It was kinda awesome at first to see it (the first one I saw, not the one just shown at today's all stars) because I was really into stick figure fighting animations. Hyun, the animator of the stick figure spotlight, was one of my favourite animators for stick figure fighting animations. So it was really cool to his his animations in a league tournament. -
Date: Sat, May 10 2014 15:13:35
[SIZE="6"][FONT="Arial Black"] FAKER SEN"PIE" [/FONT][/SIZE]
Date: Sat, May 10 2014 21:38:26
ShadowParadox wrote: Ryze spam wqe
Date: Sat, May 10 2014 22:11:12
Where's my Braum ;(
Date: Mon, May 12 2014 16:27:29
Read an article about One for All : Mirror mode, which everyone in the game shares the same champion @@ it is currently on PBE..there is a function where you can use 150RP to get 1-time skin and ip boost for your teammate..(SOURCE: ) btw, have you guys ever tried Udyr jungle? how many stacks of Feral Flare you guys can get in 20 minutes?
Date: Mon, May 12 2014 21:38:44
ItsNick wrote: Read an article about One for All : Mirror mode, which everyone in the game shares the same champion @@ it is currently on PBE..there is a function where you can use 150RP to get 1-time skin and ip boost for your teammate..(SOURCE: ) btw, have you guys ever tried Udyr jungle? how many stacks of Feral Flare you guys can get in 20 minutes?
I deleted my PBE client. :( Feral Flare isn't worth it anymore. But I haven't tried. I still play tank-dyr. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2014 17:04:27
This game just isn't as fun as it used to be.
Date: Wed, May 21 2014 07:59:00
To anyone who is new to this thread, Post your UPSB and IGN here. Don't being a dickhead and ruin this document..
Date: Wed, May 21 2014 08:15:17
Date: Sun, May 25 2014 20:37:19
Finally hit Challenger :)
Date: Sun, May 25 2014 21:38:26
Goldstars wrote: Finally hit Challenger :)
Holy shit nice one. -
Date: Tue, May 27 2014 18:26:51
Goldstars wrote: Finally hit Challenger :)
So...when are you gonna be in the LCS? -
Date: Wed, May 28 2014 10:40:26
Goldstars wrote: Finally hit Challenger :)
Koreans lol. jk. Nice one xD How does ELO thing works btw? Is ELO in ARAM and Normal Games different? -
Date: Wed, May 28 2014 13:06:25
ItsNick wrote: Koreans lol. jk. Nice one xD How does ELO thing works btw? Is ELO in ARAM and Normal Games different?
I believe Elo is for ranked games while mmr (match making rate) is for normals. Not sure about ARAM though. -
Date: Wed, May 28 2014 13:11:19
Double posting is bad for your health, oops
Date: Thu, May 29 2014 09:04:40
Voracity wrote: I believe Elo is for ranked games while mmr (match making rate) is for normals. Not sure about ARAM though.
My ELO dropped to 9xx after i get B4, I not sure how much ELO i had when unranked. Will the rank drop your ELO? Seriously the Ranked system needs an improvement. Last season i did a 3-7 and got B2. Now, I get 5-5 (carried 3 games) and get B4.. EDIT: #2lazy4ranked/#2noob4ranked -
Date: Thu, May 29 2014 09:41:33
ItsNick wrote: My ELO dropped to 9xx after i get B4, I not sure how much ELO i had when unranked. Will the rank drop your ELO? Seriously the Ranked system needs an improvement. Last season i did a 3-7 and got B2. Now, I get 5-5 (carried 3 games) and get B4.. EDIT: #2lazy4ranked/#2noob4ranked
Yeah losing rank drops your elo. -
Date: Thu, May 29 2014 10:48:27
won 10 ranked games in a row. proceeds to lose the next 7. #fnatic
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 00:40:05
I feel you, duoq with me ????
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 19:41:45
Any dominion players here?
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 22:27:54
Dominion got kinda boring after a week..
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 16:32:55
Supergirl wrote: Any dominion players here?
I like Dominion but I really don't know much about the meta. I just play it for fun every now and then as a break from SR and HA -
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 16:34:12
Nachoaddict wrote: I like Dominion but I really don't know much about the meta. I just play it for fun every now and then as a break from SR and HA
There's no meta, you play anything. -
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 17:06:10
Supergirl wrote: There's no meta, you play anything.
There actually is a meta lol when you get into hardcore dominion strategy, albeit the community behind is a lot smaller than that which plays only SR. -
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 18:01:04
Nachoaddict wrote: There actually is a meta lol when you get into hardcore dominion strategy, albeit the community behind is a lot smaller than that which plays only SR.
What is the said meta? -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2014 05:54:15
Supergirl wrote: What is the said meta?
I have no idea lol I only play Dom for the funsies but if you search for it you will find it. The closest I've come to learning the meta is looking at a tier list for champs. -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2014 06:57:39
Bronze 2 > Bronze 3 > Bronze 2 > Bronze 1 > Bronze 2 and I just failed my promos to Bronze 1. lcs material kappa
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2014 10:12:39
Nachoaddict wrote: I have no idea lol I only play Dom for the funsies but if you search for it you will find it. The closest I've come to learning the meta is looking at a tier list for champs.
Yeah I've seen tier list for champs for dominion. -
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2014 02:24:32
Darealone wrote: So...when are you gonna be in the LCS?
Never. too hard. -
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2014 18:51:11
Ho Lee Shyt, Supawit actually plays league.. I wonder if he is as pro as his ps skill
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2014 19:55:12
[video=youtube;_e_N4WpqH5o][/video] okay
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2014 23:19:33
just finished my promos yesterday and got placed straight into silver 2 x)
Date: Fri, Jun 6 2014 03:48:27
Supergirl wrote: [video=youtube;_e_N4WpqH5o][/video] okay
Looks. So. Good. (ohai DOTA 2) -
Date: Mon, Jun 9 2014 02:14:10
Darealone wrote: Looks. So. Good. (ohai DOTA 2)
Thought this too but then again I don't play Dota. Glad Riot's making SR look better. Only thing I didn't really like was the minions which look a little more cartoony than before ;_; -
Date: Mon, Jun 9 2014 13:46:14
Hey guys ! What do you think about that ?
Date: Mon, Jun 9 2014 15:23:03
Eshor wrote: Hey guys ! What do you think about that ?
Someone posted this at post #2268 lol...btw RIP FPS -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 22:39:32
ItsNick wrote: Someone posted this at post #2268 lol...btw RIP FPS
I posted it. And Riot said that the new summoners rift will run better than the current one. So people playing on potatoes don't need to worry. -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 03:52:58
[video=youtube;FMRiEomMixM][/video] don't bm.
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 06:06:09
iColor wrote: [video=youtube;FMRiEomMixM][/video] don't bm.
Didn't know you were a Sone before browsing through your channel O.O -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 23:06:41
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2014 14:41:48
Bought Spirit Guard Udyr @_@ Im pretty impressed for the effects, and the bitch-slaps udyr is op, but I'm not really sure how can I do dragons at 6 like Trick2G do ._.
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2014 20:09:44
hory sheet
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2014 05:20:29
ItsNick wrote: Bought Spirit Guard Udyr @_@ Im pretty impressed for the effects, and the bitch-slaps udyr is op, but I'm not really sure how can I do dragons at 6 like Trick2G do ._.
Don't...don't try to be Trick. Just don't. Hate it when people try to replicate things he does and ends up farming forever. Even saw a dude do the spirit stone with madreds once. Worst. Jungler. Ever. -
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2014 06:01:54 <<<
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2014 11:24:43
Holy shiet, the new nid rework seems even more op than the current one. x.x (Maybe not better in extreme lategame). Edit* Vayne will maybe allso be op due to the changes(buffs) on attackspeed.
Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 16:32:20
AD Nidalee. Here I come.
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 14:33:03
New Summoner's Rift update hits PBE, anyone with a PBE account try it out and give us an overview lol
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 18:06:07
ItsNick wrote: New Summoner's Rift update hits PBE, anyone with a PBE account try it out and give us an overview lol
Well...I deleted my client. Dang it. -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 18:10:58
Darealone wrote: Well...I deleted my client. Dang it.
wut but vi? -
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 10:56:42 Ez game I had loooong ago
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 22:53:51
[video=youtube;c0TMeEdutXE][/video] only a matter of time for the penta.
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 22:54:21
im bored of this game now
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 23:01:23
Supergirl wrote: im bored of this game now
Try dota. Every hero is broken so everything is balanced. -
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 23:03:07
ChainBreak wrote: Try dota. Every hero is broken so everything is balanced.
too me so long to learn LoL to a good level of understanding of the game i dont think i can invest time into another moba game like that -
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 23:08:02
Dota isn't hard to understand if you have a brain. I learned the basic stuff just by watching commentated pro games and games in player perspective of pro gamers. If you pay attention to one thing at a time and concentrate on learning the basics (which most dont) you can learn the game in less than 3 months. I will also recommend doing the tutorial of the game all the way through while also watching the mant tutorials on youtube. What I also felt was helpful was DotaCinema's "Fails of the week" it's fun to watch and one of the guys commentating gives a lot of pointers for new players for what to avoid when playing.
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2014 00:09:22
i've played dota 2 before im not willing to invest that much time into another moba
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 01:20:24 you NA or EU? Or other?
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 20:45:20
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2014 22:41:07
I personally liked the old top lane meta instead of this one. AP tops...eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2014 03:36:10
Onwards towards Diamond!
Date: Sun, Jul 13 2014 03:36:56
I'm finally out of Bronze.
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2014 05:51:47
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 02:15:24
Jungle timers? Yay or nay? I say nay.
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2014 13:15:06
Darealone wrote: Jungle timers? Yay or nay? I say nay.
I'll take it as a nay, this will make the game too way easy for new junglers. Well at least now I can estimate the time and steal their buff. -
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2014 04:53:36
Is doom bots out now? Anyone playing? Edit: I'm missing doom bots :(
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2014 07:19:23
Heres some update:
PBE Update: [B]Heres a new champion: Gnar, The Missing Link. So cute with the skin on :3 Arcade Miss Fortune, Riot Kayle and some update![/B]
Patch 4.13 notes
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 00:10:29
Times like these are when I wish I didn't delete my PBE client...
Date: Tue, Aug 12 2014 00:20:12
Dat Sugar Rush sale doe...I'm am gonna go broke.
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2014 12:03:41 4.14 Patch Note Gnar Release Kassadin Nerf Rengar Nerf (again) Zed change (quite a buff for me) PBE will be release New yasuo skin (Mecha yasuo?)
Date: Thu, Aug 14 2014 20:33:29
Gnar is too haaaaaaaaaaaaard.
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 13:52:27
Hey guys ! There's a lot of players on UPSB, so I was thinking about a ranked team UPSB, or maybe a few teams (bronze team, silver team, gold, plat....) It would be nice to play together :) we could organise matches against others boards..;etc What do you think about that ?
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 13:54:38
Hey guys ! There's a lot of players on UPSB, so I was thinking about a ranked team UPSB, or maybe a few teams (bronze team, silver team, gold, plat....) It would be nice to play together :) we could organise matches against others boards..;etc What do you think about that ?
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 14:27:57
I think you should tell us your region.
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 14:42:34
Soren wrote: I think you should tell us your region.
France....EU maybe? -
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 07:05:08
If you are in euw, I am down for a ranked team. However the team must be dedicated and we must play at least a few times a week. But I can't start until mid September as I am still on vacation. I call support role.
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 11:31:40
/in for garena team
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 16:23:41
I can mid for EUW team.
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 16:39:01
You're cheating on us??? :O
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 20:14:44 ^^The list...that no one signed up for. Even though I friended a lot of people already...
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 16:52:28
SR update soon. Pretty stoked!
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 16:07:03
Anyone who can recommend a youtube or smth where I can learn LoL? Most of what I want to know is general hero relations (who counters who), the basic mechanics and standart situations for ganks etc. Else I have nothing to play when dota servers are down.
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 16:18:20
ChainBreak wrote: Anyone who can recommend a youtube or smth where I can learn LoL? Most of what I want to know is general hero relations (who counters who), the basic mechanics and standart situations for ganks etc. Else I have nothing to play when dota servers are down.
+1 except i domt know anything...except that ryze is the best -
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 17:05:13
ShadowParadox wrote: +1 except i domt know anything...except that ryze is the best
Play LoL with me and I'll teach you as we play. We can skype. We can get Xzeria too. -
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 17:14:52
Soren wrote: Play LoL with me and I'll teach you as we play. We can skype. We can get Xzeria too.
U have skype? -
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 17:28:50
ShadowParadox wrote: U have skype?
Yes. -
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 22:17:02
Any way to customize shortcuts, minimap location and the likes? options I find are sort of... limited.
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 22:55:59
ChainBreak wrote: Any way to customize shortcuts, minimap location and the likes? options I find are sort of... limited.
Uh...shortcuts are doable through the options in game. Minimap can be switched to the left and that's it I believe. -
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2014 23:45:34
I just started playing a week ago. scared of pvp 2spooky
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2014 09:52:05
Monk wrote: I just started playing a week ago. scared of pvp 2spooky
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2014 11:49:22
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2014 13:34:06
Monk wrote: im doing pvp
a moment of silence for another fallen man -
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2014 17:02:30
Hows Kalista? Anyone tried her out? In PBE P/S: I'm glad that this thread is revived
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2014 16:52:13
Darealone wrote: Uh...shortcuts are doable through the options in game. Minimap can be switched to the left and that's it I believe.
Hmm yeah I found the stuff. Kinda weird though you have to be in an actual match to change the settings. I think it would be better if they just put it somewhere so you can change it without having to be in an actual match so you can take your time to adjust shortcuts and stuff. -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 17:45:12
ItsNick wrote: Hows Kalista? Anyone tried her out? In PBE P/S: I'm glad that this thread is revived
Haven't tried her. But she's gonna get nerfs on that stacking thing. -
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 03:00:45
I never knew that there was a LoL thread on here. I fell in love. <3
Date: Fri, Nov 21 2014 02:50:49
Hey if anyone wants coaching in league hmu. ign: GoldStars i charge.