Gatherings / Meetings / Summer SoCal Gathering 2010
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 04:56:08
Let's continue our conversation here now. [edit by kam] Official time and location: July 17th. 2010, 11am local time (PST) Brea Mall 1065 Brea Mall Brea, CA 92821 Note: it is possible we will head over to a park nearby (depending on weather and available space at the mall. Detail about the park are below Craig Regional Park 3300 State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92835 Tentative Attendee List (not 100% sure, but just to give an idea) Going: Kam (+2) Teotoko Archermitch ChauTran Tek iamk3an3 pholord tenku hahakumquat esp0624 Zkhan Vic, AoD Maybe: DavidGuy yo mama mintypaladin Mike, ThatGuy Colin
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 05:40:09
well kam's the only way im gonna be able to go so i guess i'm whenever, unless there's no room then i can't go D:
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 06:19:39
I believe [B]the last proposed date was July 31st[/B]. This works for me.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 06:20:45
Dates discussed: -July 14 -July 31 -Early August (Gets my vote) Confirmed/Possible/Maybe: Kam TEK ChauTran SJ Mike RH colin Archermitch spinford teotoko iamk34n3 pholord packspinner ev0z ryanashiro eric catch sketching yo mama Tenku069 Shonenbatman Akhan43110 wo_shi_ni soapytape esp0624 XYZaki Archermitch Shadowspermant davidguy
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 06:24:30
I agree with TEK here, August would best for me most likely.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 06:45:23
maybe vic and I will be able to make it.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 07:04:58
@ Tek - I'm on that list twice I'm fine with anything. I just need us to decide soon so that I can figure out my trip to SoCal.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 14:40:12
i say mid august....
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 15:10:44
early august sounds good to me. ill probably have to hitch a ride with kam though x.x my parents don't want to take me :/ but add me to that list tek :D
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 18:13:18
Early august sounds good that way I have no school and I can still enjoy fiestas later that month :D
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:04:49
So would August 7th or 8th be ok then?
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 19:49:44
Wouldn't be able to make the 7th, but the 8th is cool. But wasn't it brought up that kam couldn't come that week end? I'd rather do the 14th-15th weekend than the 7-8, but my votes on the 31.
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 20:02:37
i start school aug 23. so early august sounds good
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 23:32:26
I'll be in Oakland, CA the first week of August, so Aug 7 or 8 won't work for me. Any week before or after should be fine. Tek, how are your driving arrangements this year? If Vic, AoD, Mike, and you all come, I won't be able to fit you guys in my car. I only have room for two people now. So it's either you and another person from SB/SLO, or Teo and Davidguy... :/ Unless I rent a limo...but that's a bit out of my xD
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 00:15:06
Archermitch;479]@ Tek - I'm on that list twice I'm fine with anything. I just need us to decide soon so that I can figure out my trip to SoCal.[/QUOTE] Twice is better than once :D [QUOTE=kam wrote: I'll be in Oakland, CA the first week of August, so Aug 7 or 8 won't work for me. Any week before or after should be fine. Tek, how are your driving arrangements this year? If Vic, AoD, Mike, and you all come, I won't be able to fit you guys in my car. I only have room for two people now. So it's either you and another person from SB/SLO, or Teo and Davidguy... :/ Unless I rent a limo...but that's a bit out of my xD
Yeah, i think i might drive this time. If i do, i can take mike. I could take Aod and Vic too if they can get a ride to SB. You guys can stay at my place too. -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 00:20:05
TEK wrote: Twice is better than once :D Yeah, i think i might drive this time. If i do, i can take mike. I could take Aod and Vic too if they can get a ride to SB. You guys can stay at my place too.
Jimmy could you take me too D: :( -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 00:29:03
TEK wrote: Twice is better than once :D Yeah, i think i might drive this time. If i do, i can take mike. I could take Aod and Vic too if they can get a ride to SB. You guys can stay at my place too.
I could drive down there with AoD and just leave my car at your place TEK, if thats ok. July 31st or early August weekend are the best times for us. -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 02:06:40
I gotta move to Saint Louis on 19th July :(
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 02:59:30
Early august works best. It would be easier for PillarsOfValhalla and myself, that way he wont be working and I won't be on a trip. Our school starts on August 9th tho so I don't know if the 8th would work for me. But don't change it on my part, its fine if I miss this gathering.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:09:02
That Guy wrote: Jimmy could you take me too D: :(
Yeah Jimmy, don't forget Elden ha ha -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 03:36:38
Any day except on Saturdays from 4-6 is good for me. I can get to Almost everywhere the gathering is decided upon to be. And I might bring 1 other person to the gathering.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 05:24:52
So then July 31st sounds like the preferred date. Who is good with that date? I am.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 06:32:05
July 31st is fine with me.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 07:27:34
fine with me
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 11:33:49
AoD1 wrote: fine with me
aod at a socal gathering? LOL -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 11:35:43
SJ wrote: aod at a socal gathering? LOL
You never know, he's probably a chill guy :dunno: -
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 13:06:33
i agree with early august probably not on a sunday tho my parents mite be kinda busy
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 16:58:54
is mid July ok ? :(
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 17:56:40
In an attempt to accomodate Chautran. How does July 17th or 18th work for everyone?
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 23:12:02
My sister might take me but we need a set date first, she thinks its shady for me to go with a 30 y/o who i have never met before xD
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 23:36:55
@elden oh i didn't see you post at all so i didn't know you were going. haven't talked to you in a while, i thought you were away for college already :P
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 23:57:48
yeah jimmy im going to college at CC for two years so ill be here :P
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 01:07:15
[SIZE="5"]July 17th, Brea Mall[/SIZE] Any conflicts?
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 03:35:54
well i don't think my parents will let me go with Kam so hopefully my sister will take me, but even then, she doesn't exactly approve me going lol
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 05:15:20
July 17th is good for me.
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 03:23:00
the july dates are fine for me..august isnt availible
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 03:49:26
Good for all three options, assuming early August isn't on a Tuesday, Friday or Saturday lol
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 03:58:49
It sounds like everyone wants July 17th or July 31st. I vote July 17th so we can let Chau Tran come. C: Can we make July 17th official?
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 17:17:05
the more ppl the merrier? july 17 is good with me and brea mall is a good place to have it
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 19:14:26
i cant come on the 17th tho...i can make it on the 31st
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 01:23:41
I hate to say it, but there's no way we can accommodate everyone's schedules. :/
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 06:40:47
I think I can the 17. lol, but yeah.
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 16:03:34
iamk34n3 wrote: I hate to say it, but there's no way we can accommodate everyone's schedules. :/
actually..i just might be availible on the 17th, but im not sure yet.. is it possible to put me on a "maybe" list? -
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 20:19:58
So is July 17th official now? :O
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 20:23:38
Still waiting for responses from a majority of the people coming, but unless a lot of people can't make it on the 17th it should be official.
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 20:50:18
ugh if I go the 17 that means I can't procrastinate in school cause i got papers to do =\ thats my last weekend :(
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 21:09:17
for me, i'll have to wait as we get closer to the date to see if i can go =/
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 22:46:08
Whenever is fine for me. Personally I would prefer august, because that is when i have to fun back and forth from my place to Fullerton College (Kind of near Brea Mall) to take care of my classes and for my Fall semester, but if it happens at another time I can probably make also.
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 23:01:14
I would prefer it in August as well, but we're trying to accommodate for chautran, so thats why it is in July.
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 23:09:36
tenku069 wrote: Whenever is fine for me.
;) -
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 04:34:57
I believe the 17th works for me.
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 04:53:26
I was actually going for sometime in August......
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 05:22:36
the 17th is so in the middle of everything. people are gonna be gone for many parts of july probably, but im fine with it lol
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 02:05:03
I'm pretty sure I can make it on the 17th. Not entirely sure tho
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 06:30:44
17 is good
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 13:16:04
so is the 17 gonna b official?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:46:19
17 works for me as well. Let's make it official? Also...the last list I checked had over 20 people coming/maybe coming. Might be a bit hard to save that many seats in the food court. If the weather is nice, are you guys down to go to the park next to Brea Mall? It's called Craig Regional Park in case you need to check with parents or what not. If you are coming, please post it here and state if you're cool with the park.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 17:38:04
outdoor meeting places are prone to weather issues, only do that if you're 100% certain it will be a nice day
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 17:39:06
strat1227 wrote: outdoor meeting places are prone to weather issues, only do that if you're 100% certain it will be a nice day
Then again strat. you're talking about california. there's always nice weather unlike florida with flash rains <_< -
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:50:50
The fuck? Why are you guys here? :ninja: No I joke I joke. Yea, Im down for the 17th
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:53:01
I'm down for the 17th and the Park. Its gonna be hot though ><
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 19:34:22
The weather can't be that bad. At one of the NorCal gatherings it would be raining, then hot and sunny, and then raining again all day long. We didn't really mind. As long as there is some sort of covering to sit under, we should be ok. Chances are, it's going to be hot as hell since it's SoCal. Also, be very clear on where to meet if it's at the park. I'm in for the 17th. I'm down for the park.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 20:53:51
kam wrote: It's called Craig Regional Park in case you need to check with parents or what not. If you are coming, please post it here and state if you're cool with the park.
Is that the park where i fell asleep? and john and shadow were doing the tag well shadow was spitting game but anyways am i thinking of the right place? -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 00:09:57
That Guy wrote: Is that the park where i fell asleep? and john and shadow were doing the tag well shadow was spitting game but anyways am i thinking of the right place?
Yes, that is the park he's talking about, I'm sure. As for the 17th, I guess I'm ok to go for that date. I won't give a for sure answer until later though because, I don't know what can happen between now and then. -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 03:43:21
im good with the 17th dont know about vic though
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 00:37:31
im good with the 17th its gonna b hot but its socal so we cant rly argue with that so im ok with the park
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:37:46
Yo if it's at the park, I still want to have that BBQ ha ha
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 04:32:16
So just to be clear, July 17th is official, right? I need to start planning my trip up there. :o
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 05:02:16
Yeah its official, and its gonna be mostly indoors until later cause its too hot in the afternoon in socal :/
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 05:57:07
it does get hot over there. I remember we went to go get a blender or something across the street and We were roasting =\
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 07:06:52
That Guy wrote: it does get hot over there. I remember we went to go get a blender or something across the street and We were roasting =\
And we finished ours in ten minutes, then pho still had his two hours later? And he was barely halfway ha ha ha -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 00:34:47
ok, so we're metting at the food court around...11am? and then we'll move to the park after lunch if weather allows
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 01:22:57
Mike wrote: And we finished ours in ten minutes, then pho still had his two hours later? And he was barely halfway ha ha ha
hey i took the time to enjoy it looks like 17th is a go -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 20:28:03
PHO :O :D its been forever HI :D
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 23:28:44
kam wrote: ok, so we're metting at the food court around...11am? and then we'll move to the park after lunch if weather allows
Kam i really hope you have my impact MX!!!!!!!!!! -
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 00:53:24
And someone tell tek if he has lightshow gloves (like I heard) to take them cuz I haven't practiced with gloves in a while :D
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 01:31:37
esp0624 wrote: And someone tell tek if he has lightshow gloves (like I heard) to take them cuz I haven't practiced with gloves in a while :D
Haha I'm going with him :D and no he will not take them :P -
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 14:05:20
Dang :(
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 14:13:04
so to get it straight... Brea Mall-Food Court 7/17/10 11:00 ?
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 16:39:31
mintypaladin wrote: so to get it straight... Brea Mall-Food Court 7/17/10 11:00 ?
Yeah, it's official. -
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 17:50:42
So yeah it's official and I guess I'm going lol Still not too sure
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 03:11:41
Where is this going to be?
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 03:40:16
When exactly is going to be? Officially though? and where?
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 05:01:19
Brea Mall, July 17th. We meet in the food court at around 11? (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 18:46:19
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 00:51:06
sadly im not going to the summer socal gathering.( i kno your happy colin). -sigh- take me off the list TEK
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 02:39:27
im not so sure imma go to the gathering anymore some family buisness came up so i mite need a ride sry woshini and colin i mite not be able to give u guys rides
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 07:34:51
I updated the first post with official details. The list of attendees is not that important, but just to have a general idea of how many of us are going. I wish I could offer a ride to anyone that needs, but this year my car is already packed. If you live close to the mall (within 10~15min driving), pm me and I might be able to pick you up after dropping people at the mall. Just post your zip code here if you need a ride so people might offer you a ride. @AoD: oh yeah...I still have to finish those Impact MXs xD Haven't made one in a long time :P
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 15:30:28
please add this gathering to the gathering calendar.
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 17:42:53
hoiboy wrote: ********* I ARRIVE IN SOCAL ON THE 19TH T.T
:O You're kidding me? Why couldn't you come just a day or two earlier? Are any other NorCal people coming? -
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 02:21:23
FYI, Escorpio 123 (he has a reply above) is also going to the gathering
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 02:29:07 link to get a reminder for this gathering.
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:13:06
i might go
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 04:50:45
Damn, this is so soon ha ha I didn't even realize. I guess we're just going to chill and eventually head over to the park, no? Sounds good :D That park is a good place to take a nap :)
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 05:18:31
esp0624 wrote: And someone tell tek if he has lightshow gloves (like I heard) to take them cuz I haven't practiced with gloves in a while :D
What makes you think you can just use someone else's stuff? And I don't know how you plan on practicing in the park at midday in July. If you're gonna do it without lights you don't need someone else's gloves. -
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 04:21:13
You can add Me and AoD to the going list now. :)
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 06:19:19
XYZaki wrote: What makes you think you can just use someone else's stuff? And I don't know how you plan on practicing in the park at midday in July. If you're gonna do it without lights you don't need someone else's gloves.
Yeah, but I would ask haha, plus using gloves is different than just practicing without them, the gloves/lights add a little weight and friction between your fingers, where without them there isn't. My friend who also gloves dislikes using gloves for those reasons too. So go figure..... :/ -
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 07:06:55
Dilemma. That's the day of my mom's birthday.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 23:28:28
Ah... I have a presentation to give in Phoenix July 18th. I won't be able to make the gathering. :(
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 23:01:11
I might go
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 06:05:24
sketching wrote: Ah... I have a presentation to give in Phoenix July 18th. I won't be able to make the gathering. :(
Booo. Come by for only an hour maybe? -
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 12:57:21
yeee i can for sure :D
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 13:59:41
unfortunatly, unless something [B][COLOR="red"]HUGE[/COLOR][/B] comes up, i wont be able to go :(
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 18:17:22
maybe going
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 21:33:52
Ok, I am going to go.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 22:35:19
i will goo
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 02:23:30
5.5 hours drive directly to meet-up, 2 hours of meet-up, 5.5 hours drive directly back home... >_<
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 04:10:37
Are we going to make a video? ;) lol I ma bring my camera just in case somebody forgets it. How long is the meeting?
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 05:07:26
Escorpio123 wrote: Are we going to make a video? ;) lol I ma bring my camera just in case somebody forgets it. How long is the meeting?
Usually everyone brings their cameras, I thought. I think it's 11 am to 5 pm. :) -
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 05:20:58
Whhaatttt????? I can only stay till around 3 D:
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 05:41:39
These things are usually pretty casual. People can come in and out as they please. Maybe this one will be more rigid, though, I don't know...
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 07:06:51
Archermitch wrote: Usually everyone brings their cameras, I thought. I think it's 11 am to 5 pm. :)
lol It's pretty much from 11 until you have to go. -
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 17:33:42
The gathering is going to be pretty informal. You don't need to be in the attendee list in order to come. That's just to give us an idea of how many people are showing up. Show up whenever you like, leave whenever you like. Although, if you're planning on showing up very late or only for the last part of the gathering, it would be wise to get someone's number as we might head to the park. I'm pretty busy lately...not sure if I'll have time to make and print inserts for this gathering.
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 18:04:59
kam wrote: I'm pretty busy lately...not sure if I'll have time to make and print inserts for this gathering.
Do i still get that pink insert you told me you would give me? =]? -
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 22:58:43
Ryamashiro and I are going.
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 06:03:10
NO INSERTS?! :[ well im going
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 06:09:16
Colin wrote: NO INSERTS?! :[ well im going
you better be going. -
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 06:34:31
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 06:49:20
Lol Im lost, Idk what are inserts. IM READY FOR TOMORROW, LETS DO IT. wow
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 07:07:07
That Guy wrote: you better be going.
Nigga, we don't even know if we're going. -
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 07:23:37
WAT? T____________T
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 08:06:13
yeah lol
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 09:08:08
you guys better tape the gathering D: i wanna see what I'm missing out on :(
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 09:22:04
davidguy wrote: you guys better tape the gathering D: i wanna see what I'm missing out on :(
Don't worry, someone always does. -
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 15:44:04
Im going right now
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 16:55:29
ill probably leave in hour
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 17:23:20
im going to leave in 7 minutes. food court right?
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 19:19:09
RH wrote: im going to leave in 7 minutes. food court right?
Yes, the food court. Y'all have some fun now :) -
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 19:58:31
sorry i cant go today, things came up, some dates i set were moved without my knowing, so i cant make it up there today =[ next time lol.
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 22:28:47
haha im like the first person back from the socal gathering...
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 00:09:41
Back haha, I just opened one of my cases to find that somebody dropped a black mx into it. I will post pictures of it soon, If its yours just shoot me a pm and I'll try to get it mailed back to you.
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 04:22:59
The gathering was awesome, everyone was so nice today, Finally got 2 mods Kt, Buster. I ma start spinning now with mods lol. :)
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 04:56:38
gathering vids plox D:
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 05:18:07
davidguy wrote: gathering vids plox D:
Ok, tomorrow afternoon I ma edit it. I have some pictures too, which I might include on the video or just post them here. I dont think nobody else was recording lol, I was the only one going crazy around, hehe. -
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 23:17:37
Heres is the picture of the mx if its yours send me a pm Heres the video I have of the gathering, nobody was doing much filming :/ , but I hope you have better video than this escorpio. [video=youtube;B1xkn4xoR1M][/video]
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 01:31:37
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 04:17:14
Poisoneddd thats my mx ><
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 06:08:08
Goldstars wrote: TEK, I LOVE YOUR SHIRT XDD
thank you :) It was great. I had a real good time. Thank you Kam for the gathering inserts like always! -
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 04:43:05
Ok, I will make the video tomorrow, and hopefully finish it. Here are some pictures.
For some reason, some pictures are failing, so here it is the folder, tomorrow, I am going to upload more.
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:04:14
>.< i can't see those EDIT: oh wait i see them now >.>
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:14:32
I cant see shit every picture says enter the correct code I can only see one :(
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 05:16:35
try refreshing the page, i think that helps =/
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 06:07:18
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 21:55:00
Here is Escorpio's gathering footage [video=youtube;809WYAOK9Rs][/video] part 2 coming