Trading / Buying / Trading/selling pens of all shapes and sizes (:o)
Date: Wed, Sep 22 2010 21:46:54
[FONT="Lucida Console"]ChiefSnake Trade Thread![/FONT] [color="red"]Minimum order of 10 dollars, please. If under 10 dollars, you pay shipping. [/color] [COLOR="lime"][B]Have:[/B][/COLOR]
from left to right: 1) 5$ Stek Body mod 2) 5$ Dr. ST with signos instead of dr. grip tips 3) 5$ Moonz mod 4) 3$ Dr. Pencil (lulz) 5) 7$ Black emboss 6) 7$ Dragonfly mod SOLD 7) 6$ Guitrum custom mod (all black) SOLD 8) 7$ Guitrum custom mod (blue/pink/grey) 9) 4$ Subbed longer body signo tipped AC capped thing 10) 3$ Emboss body with weird caps and american dr. grips&tips 11) 5$ cubix MX (subbed grip with profile) SOLD 12) 8$ Guitrum custom mod (black/white) 13) 9$ Black/white RSVP ST (With guitrum's own custom insert, signed by him) 14) 5$ Black/red RSVP ST
15) .50$ White RSVP
16) 4$ All yellow light mod (slightly heavier then ballsign)
17) .25$ eachG2s
18) .25$ each RSVPs
19) Emboss stuff 2$ for black bodies+caps .50$ ea. for small caps, 1$ each for grey bodied
20) RESERVED FOR NACHO 5$ Cubix pack 21) 1$ ea. blue cubix 22) 1$ ea. green cubix
Sold 23) 5$ Grips seen is grips you get
24) .25$ ea. RSVP caps
SOLD 25) tips 2$ for the lot
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 03:21:20
26) metal bits $2 for the lot
28) $8 writing marvy mod WANT: Money (Cash through mail only) Domos (Vinyl dark horse brand preferred over plush ones) Dunnys Munnys Cubes: F2, AV, pink/green/orange/blue guhong, lingyun, dayan 4x4, blue maru 4x4, sq1, QJ skewb, a 3x3x4 kthxbai everything marked down 50% need this stuff gone.
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 11:29:25
well, i can assure you that some dc moving company will be enough for such sharing don't you think so?
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:23:01
can you reserve me the 8$ Guitrum custom mod (black/white) for about 2 weeks please? i live in michigan and ill pay for shipping
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 20:47:31
At above: Someone sent me a pm for request before you posted. Sorry. However, afore mentioned person lives in the phillipines and if he isn't willing to pay shipping, then I will send it to you. Added 10 dollar limit for purchasing.
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 03:34:22
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 01:24:22
Date: Sun, Oct 24 2010 00:49:50
Date: Sun, Oct 24 2010 05:45:43
how much is shipping to california? i see a couple things i like
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 13:27:02
These were really nice information given by you, I hope that many people do like all these information about different shape and size of pens, nowadays many people like to have different shape and size of pen, I think that they really like all these information, and do appreciate your post.