General Discussion / Paid Pen Spinning Opportunity for US pen spinners
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 01:26:18 Someone sent me that link, but I'm too young and unqualified. I thought this might be of interest to other pen spinners. I don't know anything else about it.
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 04:50:02
apart from the fact that the phrase "pen twirling" annoys the feck out of me, pen spinning has gotten a lot more popular in commercials nice way to get it into the mainstream (go socal spinners)
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 09:41:26
Hey guys, I got emailed about this via pentrix and superhandz. If you are eligible and are interested in this opportunity, please read below. ---------------------------------- It's a paid TV commercial- it's for VW and will shoot in Los Angeles 1 or 2 days the week of the 27th of Sept. Very soon! [B]men 17-50yrs old - all ethnicities. Ability to spin with both hands a plus[/B] If they are not located in LA, we will provide air fare and accommodations as well as a fee. (must be located in the US) Contact Leight or Pamela via email [email][/email] Pamela's website is and we can also be reached at 310-458-1100 ext 111 for more information. ------------------------------
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 21:59:11
DAMNIT! not 17 yet. Not that I'm any good anyway so whatever. Sounds interesting.
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 22:31:02
Not free that day and not old enough *sigh*
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 22:44:24
only 13... wow thats sucks...
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 22:46:41
just called them so i might be able to
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 00:33:49
Atsume wrote: just called them so i might be able to
Are you an "expert" o.O? Not trying to be rude or anything. -
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 01:59:40
Matt Bonder was accepted for this. "This will shoot in Los Angeles- 2 days next week - the week of the 27th. It will pay $492 per day and we'd take care of flight and hotel." He's flying next week.
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:01:11
not in US :( and don't have passport :(
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:04:02
I passed the opportunity because I thought school would be much more important. (And it is.) But dang, $1,000. That's a lot of money. D:
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:11:18
Not to mention you're not 17... Unique opp though. =] congrat to matt
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:15:00
Who is Matt Bonder? I am disappoint :[
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:19:14
@AwonW matt bonder is matt. the only confusing part is that hes 15...
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:38:22
Yeah, they still wanted him even though he didn't qualify for age. :[
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 02:56:04
They just responded to my email saying that they'd like to submit me as one of the 5 people to possibly be chosen, so maybe the decision isn't final yet? Also, is anyone familiar with the group that's doing this? I'm haven't really looked into it, so I dunno if it's legit.
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 03:01:27
honestly, im not surprised, nor do i have any doubts for this commercial. there's tons of commercials shot in the downtown area. and FUCK, PAID COMMERCIAL? FDSKLFAJSDGFSD:AFd
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 03:06:30
Colin wrote: honestly, im not surprised, nor do i have any doubts for this commercial. there's tons of commercials shot in the downtown area. and FUCK, PAID COMMERCIAL? FDSKLFAJSDGFSD:AFd
Ok, is this sarcasm or not? -_- -
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 03:33:30
Seems legit to me... dk if it'd ever air. more info would be nice ofc
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 03:41:51
The director is gonna call my mom tomorrow o_O
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 03:46:06
im 15...and i can spin pencils...not lead sticks..somewhat ambedexterous.. dang..maybe i can ask them
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 04:09:44
Pretty interesting. I wished they could have gave us more information though. It's kinda of weird for me how soon and illegitimate it seems. They don't even spell out the full VW (Volkswagen?) I don't think we need to be an expert. I'm sure they cant tell who's one or not.
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 06:04:57
yes, VW is Volkswagen...they initially wanted someone between 20-50 years old, but I told them they would get more candidates if they lowered the age requirement. So, I guess if you're younger, but your hands look like an adult's hand, you might have a shot (assuming you're also a good spinner)
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 14:15:11
How many will they take?
Date: Wed, Sep 22 2010 04:51:59
yea..i emailed them and they called back im still talking with my parents about it...and im only 15 XDD if it all works out, see ya at the shoot tek+kam also..i think its just pencil spinning im not sure if they are asking for just pencils or if they will allow ppl to use a buster/kt
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 19:45:28
Whoever the other 2 people going to the interview 2morrow at the studio are.... ill see ya there. ;)
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 20:19:57
Vic wrote: Whoever the other 2 people going to the interview 2morrow at the studio are.... ill see ya there. ;)
well now that you've said that... I think they won't show up anymore :) -
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 23:02:59
lawl they would be no better person than vic for the role.
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 23:26:01
poisoned wrote: lawl they would be no better person than vic for the role.
I disagree, kinda. I mean, it's obvious that Vic is the best pen spinner in the US (possibly in the world lol) but this isn't a pen spinning competition. First of all, vic spins a ridiculously long mod, something he probably won't be able to do during the shoot and although we've seen him do power tricks with a bic and such I'm unconvinced that he's the best unmodded pen spinner. Also, because his hands are so big the pen that the give him, presumably a small one for his hands, will just look awkward on cam. Secondly, and I'm not sure if this is true, Vic isn't much of an ambidextrous spinner, which is something that's a plus to them. -
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 23:32:22
as long as the spinner is competent i don't think they care how good they are, non penspinners really can't evaluate how good a combo is once it reaches a certain level of skill, and I am assuming the target audience is non penspinners. I am pretty sure anyone whos been spinning for a couple of years would be good enough
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 00:49:38
k they basically just denied me saying that it comes down to location :( good luck guys
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 00:53:32
Frip wrote: k they basically just denied me saying that it comes down to location :( good luck guys
Same T^T -
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 01:15:47
AwonW wrote: Same T^T
you're in cali though :| owell :D -
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 01:21:26
AwonW wrote: I disagree, kinda. I mean, it's obvious that Vic is the best pen spinner in the US (possibly in the world lol) but this isn't a pen spinning competition. First of all, vic spins a ridiculously long mod, something he probably won't be able to do during the shoot and although we've seen him do power tricks with a bic and such I'm unconvinced that he's the best unmodded pen spinner. Also, because his hands are so big the pen that the give him, presumably a small one for his hands, will just look awkward on cam. Secondly, and I'm not sure if this is true, Vic isn't much of an ambidextrous spinner, which is something that's a plus to them.
He might not be the best unmodded spinner, but he is certanley good. Also, the original ad said they wanted someone 20+ so I'm assuming they want someone who has a larger hand. -
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 02:46:07
poisoned wrote: He might not be the best unmodded spinner, but he is certanley good. Also, the original ad said they wanted someone 20+ so I'm assuming they want someone who has a larger hand.
Well, i don't think awonw said he's not good, just simply saying vic has a bit of a disadvantage cause he doesn't do much 2p2h. And as for the 20+... I think it's more cause people want a more professional looking person and hiring someone who's 15 isn't very professional sometimes..and they may be iffy about giving so much money to a 15yr old. (might be doubtful of a younger person's skill, but that's cause they dunno the PS world) -
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 06:36:52
good luck vic!
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 17:20:10
I was also denied because of location >.> so who got it for sure????
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 17:47:52
interesting...they want people from the US, yet they're denying people that are closest to them as in Norcal and Oregon? ._.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 19:44:09
I went yesterday to the interview. It was me and escorpio that were the only penspinners there. It was good to meet up with him again. Everyone was very nice. All the actors there were fun to talk to. And i thought i did a good job with what they were wanting as in how penspinning would work into the commercial. :) Now to just wait and see if i get a call back...
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 20:02:18
They said I was too young :( I'm 14 but I'm 5' 11' - 6'. I guess if its only the hand it doesn't matter though. I didn't stand a chance against vic anyway lol.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 23:02:37
Bah, I need to check UPSB more often. Is it too late to sign up?
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 23:11:58
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 23:27:59
Mage In Black wrote: Bah, I need to check UPSB more often. Is it too late to sign up?
Yep. They wouldn't pick you anyway because of location >.< -
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 00:25:12
Ahh, oh well. Why'd someone dislike my post? ._. Haters.
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 00:44:02
paying people to do what they normally do lolol curious to see who'll make it, can't wait for the commercial =]
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 17:31:52
I went there to audition on Sunday. I wanted to go on Friday, but was too busy with work. I guess we won't know who's got the part until tomorrow. Would be nice if they hired all of us, but I think the chances of that happening are very slim. Good luck Vic and Escorpio :)
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 21:45:35
goddamnit -_-
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 07:51:49
I just came back to San Diego. I was chosen for the part and went up to LA for two days to shoot. The shoot was pretty good...they didn't request specific tricks/combos, as long as they looked impressive and didn't go out of frame. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do my best under the conditions I was given (which always seem to be the case in TV commercials), so don't expect anything amazing. I had my hands pretty restricted in awkward positions since they are replacing someone else's hand. While the tricks weren't hard and don't represent the current level of PS, they play a big role in the commercials, so this should bring a good amount of attention to PS.
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 20:31:16
i wonder when the commercial will air
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 22:11:43
Any idea when this airs Kam?
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 22:14:55
Its already airing. Good job Kam. :)
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 22:16:38
Video? ^_^ I heard it aired a couple days ago heheh.
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 03:13:50
[video=youtube;Sy-f5Riolp4][/video] Who ended up spinning?... Is the hand cgi'd on or who is the man? :] Anyways... wooo! ^^ Funny /effective commercial btw :p
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 03:17:19
hmm.. now that i looked at it closer, i can see where the hand was edited into the scene..
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 03:27:29
Hahah, yeah, after watching it a few times I could tell it was Kam's hand >.<
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 03:56:30
I never knew Kam and Victor were discussing about this in UPSB :(. I never knew this thread existed till I saw it in the UPSB intro page. GJ Kam for the commercial, ur hands fit perfectly. It was good to meet up with you Vic too :), you were amazing doing those tricks and I looking was like "o.0 dang"
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 04:30:01
There are two different versions of the commercial. The two handed spinning one is the best. :lol: And yea it was great to meet and spin with you again Escorpio. :)
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 18:32:25
Thanks guys. I haven't seen it myself on TV yet because I don't really watch that much TV. I was initially afraid it wouldn't turn out good because I was very limited on the amount of tricks I could do holding my hands up by my face, but it ended up better than I imagined. btw, that was a MX^2 in the commercials. thanks to Tek for improving on the original MX ;)
Date: Sun, Nov 21 2010 23:24:27
I saw it on T.V. today! :D
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 22:55:54
Have any of you guys seen the VW commercials with the pen spinners in them? I personally like the commercials, they're funny and give pen spinning a bit more exposure. What are your thoughts on this?
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 23:23:14 Yep, we have. I think it's definitely good for getting psing exposure but the commercials themselves are of questionable effectiveness.
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 01:12:22
wow the editing looks so real, yet so fake >_<
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 03:04:10
I just saw the comercial heere in boston haha I was holy crap who's this old guy, and its funny that that's kam's hand haha, great job man
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 03:11:07
Wow @ kakashi So many people have mentioned this commercial to me haha. They always ask if I have seen the commercial and say I should have done it. And then when the commercial comes on the TV during thanksgiving even my grandparents are telling me to look. It's pretty funny, then I tell them it's edited and who the real person is :P
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 03:15:14
Here is the longer version haha I like it better, is there an extended version? Where is it
Date: Tue, Nov 30 2010 17:42:00
neix wrote: Here is the longer version haha I like it better, is there an extended version? Where is it
This is a fantastic ad!