Fundamental Tricks / Fingerpass Reverse

  1. JC
    Date: Tue, Jun 8 2010 09:19:32

    [B]Fingerpass Reverse[/B] This is also a combo like Fingerpass Normal. It starts between the index and middle finger like Fingerpass Normal, but the side of the pen that is facing the outside of the hand tips downwards first time time. It is comprised of 4 pass reverses, the 3rd of which is also the most difficult. Also similar to Fingerpass Normal, each Pass Reverse is easy on its own, but it is difficult to do all the passes smoothly within this combo; perfecting the fingerpass reverse will take some time. Video Tutorial by Pari UPSB Wiki entry

  2. ghost-driver
    Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 16:06:41

    Thanks for amazing videos. Now instead to preparing to college admissions essays I wanna try it.

  3. Soren
    Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 18:51:55

    i find this trick harder to get smoothly than the fingerpass normal, in fact i'm learning how to get this trick smoothly even now, and i've known this trick since i've started pen spinning (but havent practiced it until now)

  4. daniel0731ex
    Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 23:01:59

    Help, What am I doing wrong here? [video=youtube;9LSnQCCwQZw][/video]

  5. Hippo2626
    Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 00:00:41

    @daniel0731ex You're doing it right. Doing it smoothly is hard to get but it'll come eventually. Keep practicing and it'll look good. The key thing that you need to know now is that you can do the individual pass rev.s well and perhaps work on doing Pass Rev. 12-23-34 and 34-23-12 smoothly. The link from 23-12-23 and 23-34-23 can wait. Good job!

  6. BboyEnGee
    Date: Sun, May 22 2011 10:09:08

    my problem is similar as daniel0731ex's when the pen gets down to the ring and pinky finger, theres kind of a small jump, any suggestions on what i should do >:?

  7. Explosion101
    Date: Sun, May 22 2011 10:47:12

    BboyEnGee wrote: my problem is similar as daniel0731ex's when the pen gets down to the ring and pinky finger, theres kind of a small jump, any suggestions on what i should do >:?
    It takes a long time to make a Fingerpass smooth. Practicing is the most you can do right now.

  8. Krypton
    Date: Sun, May 22 2011 12:52:40

    Try getting smoothness over speed at this point. Eliminate all pauses, and speed will come. Good luck!

  9. Van
    Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 23:53:26

    Okay; seriously, I need help with this... I can't smoothen this trick at all... My finger pass normal looks like a different trick... I tend to cock my hand to palm down when doing 34-23 to get my middle finger to get the pen... I needz help

  10. HobbyLogics
    Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 00:27:38

    How fast and smooth exactly do you need the fingerpass to be to be able to do hybrids and linkages easier with fingerpass? Like what level of speed do you need to get it to that is most important?

  11. Kari
    Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 04:53:53

    HobbyLogics wrote: How fast and smooth exactly do you need the fingerpass to be to be able to do hybrids and linkages easier with fingerpass? Like what level of speed do you need to get it to that is most important?
    I would say if you can get it smooth enough to to 60-70 fingerpasses in one minute you are good. Or in this case fingerpass reverse since this is the reverse thread and not the normal fingerpass thread. :p Oh and you should read the rules. It's bad to revive threads that haven't been used for a month or more. Just so you know for next time. ^_^

  12. Asian
    Date: Fri, May 4 2012 19:54:16

    Why this call finger pass reverse? The pen rotate the same direction as a thumb around normal do.

  13. Fuse
    Date: Fri, May 4 2012 20:15:45

    That's just how it goes, Asian. It doesn't depend on clockwise or counter clock wise motion.

  14. Alex
    Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 01:40:25

    I dont think this trick is hard to learn I think fingerpass/rev is the easiest fundie.

  15. Arythya
    Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 13:28:23

    It's not hard, but it takes longer than other tricks and you won't need the whole Fingerpass/rev. in a Combo.

  16. agillitrhiz
    Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 13:16:06

    i cant get 34 back to 23.are dere some practices i can do?

  17. ChainBreak
    Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 13:42:38

    I had difficulties learning that 34-23 part. I solved my problem by doing 1/2 fingerpass rev 34-12 > 1/2 fingerpass rev 12-34 continuously. Like that the turning point becomes 12, not 34 which made it easier for me to do. Then after some practice I started doing the fingerpass rev from 12 and it worked nice and smooth. :D Hope I could help a bit.

  18. Giotto
    Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 13:50:56

    you could try practise just 34 to 23 and then 23 to 34 over and over again or use your other hand to help your finger remember the motion.

  19. agillitrhiz
    Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 09:01:28

    @ChainBreak so its the motion?nt the strength u exert 4om ur pinky?

  20. Giotto
    Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 13:32:43

    @agillitrhiz sorry man,it's not much about motion but it's more about strength that you exert like you've my opinion,i think motion might help make it smoother.

  21. ChainBreak
    Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 15:10:58

    The problem I had was at the turning-point. When you go from 23 to 34 you probably have all finger streched out then you have to quickly curl your fingers inwards again when you go from 34 to 23. If you practice starting from a position where your finger are already curled it's easier to do, because the curled position is your basic posture. So for me it was more a problem of finger-control then of finger strength, because I just use the momentum of the pen so I don't need a lot of strength. @agillitrhiz

  22. Zephyr
    Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 06:27:44

    did not mean to post -Zephyr

  23. DioBrando
    Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 07:57:12

    its ok we all have the duck sumtime

  24. casual
    Date: Wed, Oct 23 2013 08:41:26


  25. ShadowParadox
    Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 19:14:01

    Help? When I do the fingerpass rev the transition from 34 to 23 is hard cause when I try to put my middle finger forward the pen pops out of my 34 position

  26. Whirlpool
    Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 20:08:57

    DarkNRGMustRule wrote: Help? When I do the fingerpass rev the transition from 34 to 23 is hard cause when I try to put my middle finger forward the pen pops out of my 34 position
    I don't really understand it. My suggestion is to increase the strentgh/grip in your 34 finger slots. Try to do charge in 34. Hoped this helped. Good luck! :)

  27. Giotto
    Date: Sat, Dec 14 2013 07:26:49

    DarkNRGMustRule wrote: Help? When I do the fingerpass rev the transition from 34 to 23 is hard cause when I try to put my middle finger forward the pen pops out of my 34 position
    Can you film it?

  28. ShadowParadox
    Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 12:47:31

    Giotto wrote: Can you film it? Thanks

  29. Giotto
    Date: Mon, Dec 16 2013 14:53:25

    @DarkNRGMustRule i think you almost got it just need a lil bit more of practice. you could try folding your fingers together cause when your middle ought to catch it, your finger just go to far that you can't catch it fluently. also try to curl your fingers more, don't stretch it out too much. and do it at your fingertips for fluency. i try filming it but don't know if it gonna help:/ if it's not helping or you need more detail or more help, just message me k? i'll film it again.

  30. AnAsianBrony
    Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 22:50:45

    That Fingerpass Reverse was crazy fast at the end. >.> Ugh, that 34-23 pass is getting me as well, lol. I'll try to keep my hand more curled... Just curious though, will practicing this help my Twisted Sonic 34-23 as well? The same pass is giving me trouble with both of the tricks.